Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 20: Shit Luck: Ep. 21: "Rites and Wrongs"

Broadcast on:
10 Jan 2011
Audio Format:

Safehouse two leaves a bit to be desired. Ok, it's a dump. But its a major improvement over the smoking pile of rubble they just left behind. The Task Force start planning their next move and are interuppted by a mysterious phone call. Listen in as the hunters become the hunted...

[Intro Music] Hello and welcome to Night to the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness storyline, shit luck, was written and run by our storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy chapter eight, scene two, titled, "Rights and Wrongs." Alright, before we get started, I went to the game with some of the feedback we got from iTunes. We've got two different new reviews. The first one is four stars from Scott from Atlanta. Not me, by the way. No, because you're not from Atlanta. Right. Well, crafted, Scott from Atlanta as the title, and he continues, "K.O.T. animoids all the pitfalls and hamper in my enjoyment of actual play RPG podcasts." It is well edited with pauses in the speech removed. It is provided an easy-to-digest episodical format, and there is a refreshing lack of table talk and joking around, and the story is engaging and suspenseful. It's given me a chance to test drive hunter, and the storyteller has given me a lot of good tips and has reminded me of the core rules. It's hard to sometimes determine who is talking, but that's a very small flippable. It's hard for us to lose talking. True. And that's always actually been a concern of mine, isn't it? And there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. Because someone else-- Well, through the race, Greg can say, "Greg talking," but that would be the most ridiculous-- An annoying. Yeah. 30 minutes of podcasts. But I think most of our voices are, in some ways, distinct. Perhaps distinct. Distinct. Distinct. Distinct. I want to be-- Distinct. Distinct. Right. Distinct. Distinctive. Except maybe Scott and I, who are, you know, brothers that we might be familiar, but we're not. I don't think. I think it takes a couple to get used to. Okay. That's the one guy's voice. And he plays this character. Yeah, that's a good point. It's an association. The more you listen, yeah, the more you might be able to differentiate the voices. And yeah, I think over time, and I'm going to add at the beginning of every show, we say this is-- Right. --on stage. And hopefully it'll-- It'll-- It'll stick eventually, hopefully. But thanks very much for the positive feedback in the rating and iTunes. We appreciate it. The other one was from the Radu, which I believe we also got some feedback from him from White Wolf. And he also sent in an email to our feedback at Big fan. Is the first one to use that one. Thank you. Radu's was like a radio play, it's five stars, and on iTunes. And he says, I love this podcast, it is not your garden variety actual play. Thanks to editing and sound effects, it's more like a radio play. Plus, the current particular story is based in Hunter the Visual, which is my favorite world of darkness game. What more can I answer for you? Did you say that we don't edit, that we actually have no pauses? There is no pauses. We are that intelligent and, yes, focused, that we never, ever edit. But thank you. Yeah, the review there, Varadu. We certainly appreciate that. I think it's actually Varadu. Varadu? It's... Oh, is there a phonetic... Oh, there is. A phonetic pronunciation. Oh, there it is. Varadu. Varadu. Varadu. Varadu. Yeah, because it is, the accent is in the middle syllable. Varadu. And there's an audio file of the positive theory. Yes. But in any case, thanks very much for the positive feedback and for the compliments on the podcast. We certainly appreciate it. We got some feedback from the feedback at KOTN e-mail on anybody who knows. Alright. So this is Matt, who is the same individual as Varadu. And it says, "I came across your podcast very recently by reading a post on the White Wolf forums on the week of Christmas. So far I've listened to the first five episodes and I've really enjoyed them so far. I like the heavy emphasis placed on investigation and thinking rather than shooting the bad guys. At the end of episode five, you asked about the length. I believe 30 minutes or so keeps it dynamic but I would be okay with longer episodes in case longer scenes need to be played out. Thanks for making the podcast and I wish you a happy new year." I think we tend to go now with close to 45 minutes. Right. And we try to keep it focused on a scene but sometimes if the scene is 3 hours long, we're not going to release it. Right. We're not that good where we could just end the scene and transition the next one clean length. Right. We're going to enjoy anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. I mean we've got comments on both sides. It's a good drive, work-to-home work if I like the long drive. Right. Some of those to do. Right. Absolutely. And there was some feedback on the White Wolf forums. I thought it was a very good piece of feedback from one of our listeners, Miss Terry or Mystery. Miss. Excuse me, Miss Terry. And Mystery. Right. It's all fun. Oh. She'll have to like send one of these phonetic things in like Viradu did so we can know exactly how to pronounce the 8. So this is a response to, I believe this was episode 18. Mystery says, "Oh my." This is, by the way, Jim the episode with Tony, his attempt to deter his moment. His glorious moment. So Miss, Miss, Mystery has listened to that and she says, "Oh my," exclamation point. What an episode. I can't believe that he didn't. Not at single. And you a storyteller. And then Jay. And the doc. And all this happened to one of my favorite characters too. And in parentheses, trying hard not to spoil anything. Oh my. Great storytelling. Merry Christmas to everyone here on the forums and to the KOTN crew too. So Mystery, we're so happy that you enjoyed that episode. It was one of the more, actually at this point I'm not sure we have to worry about spoilers simply because anybody who's listening to this would most likely have listened to. The first. 18 or so. Right. One of the, the long and short of it is thanks so much for the feedback. We're glad that you really seemed to enjoy that one. We really enjoyed playing it. It was. Yeah. We sure did. Yeah. Pretty much everybody with Jim. Everybody with Jim enjoyed playing with it. Yeah, it was amazing. And like you said, the docs, you know, critical success and it was just amazing. That was just an amazing episode. A critical failure followed by a critical success. Yes. And I don't know. And I don't know. But. Yeah. And we at the KOTN crew would like to wish everyone a happy new year. If you're listening to this, it's probably sometime in early January. So. Of 2011 or later. So hopefully you all have a successful, healthy and happy 2011. Okay. So that takes us to chapter eight in the world of darkness story, shit luck. Tom, I'm playing a character of Jay, kind of the leader of the group. I'm Jim. I'm playing sister, Katie O'Connor now. She's good at fixing cars and raising dogs and being a nun. And her pitbullia. I'm Greg. I play Dr. Lucius Miles. He's good at being a doctor. I'm Mike. I play Michael Clay. My name is Bob. I play a special agent to park investigator with the FBI. All right. And the house is dusty and it looks like a really fair and safe house. Not nearly as cool and nice as the condo. Where's the wireless? No wireless right now. Right now. A minute. Exactly. There's a great people. We're sitting in the house. And there's a lot. Name is Leah. She's on her command. Tell her, you know, stop. You see how many people in this place says you got a spell for this? Yeah. I thought you were supposed to clean this up. What's the dog's name? I'm sorry. Clean this up. Yeah. Be a more direct. I'm playing nice, nice dog. Nice dog. Yeah. All right. So you're in the safe house. I guess based on my previous investigations, first thing I have a lead. The last times we played, you seem to indicate that there could be some spirit component. Like you think it might be something on the other side of the veil that's inhabiting these individuals. I mean, you know it's bees, but you think that the deeper energy might be of a spiritual nature. It's just what you mentioned. Plus you remember one of my flaws is that I'm a beacon for spiritual energy. Yes. I have a call. Whoa. What? Oh, you don't know that? No one knows that. But me. Oh, sorry. What? So worried about your troll doll. And it's you that's enough flares to the call. Wow. It's safe. I don't know how to make it safe house safe. Give me a bullet. You know, pretty much in that the guys that got spit bees out of the mouth were alive and not dead like this other guy you'd found or they're out of our hands. Yeah. They're at the hospital. They're at the hospital. I'm sure they got something interesting. Safe ones. Well, based on the rich one, I think that there's certainly either the calling of spirits or witchcraft or what are the words that didn't come up with ritual. There's a number of potions and whatnot I can do. You're pretty limited because I'm just starting out. But one of them is to identify a source of magic where a mage or a person in power gets their power and what their power is. I try to use it against Benjamin to fail. And it involves sticking a needle in my eye and that's something I'm looking forward to do. What? Well, but I will if we think we need to identify the source of magic to protect ourselves and we have to identify what source we're trying to protect it against. Is it the bee corporation and who runs it, then we've got to get her in sight where the assuming it's her being the CEO. What I want to do during my appointment with this person from the bee corporation is to contain them and somehow force the bees out of them so we have the bees and then maybe you can do something, some research, I don't know how your potion works or whatever. Actually, I was assuming that I'm going to make the potions while you're gone because it takes time to do that. Does it? Well, we can keep the bees in captivity or who knows how long honestly. In order to help Sister Kate out, perhaps you should discuss briefly what you're facing. You've used various abilities to narrow down what it is that you're facing. Well, and I don't think we've had a conversation on that topic in a while and it might first of all help Katie protect your safe house, but it also might help get you guys refocused on what exactly you're facing since it's been a little bit of a break. Two things. We've got two players in the game so we would have to discuss both of them as far as we know there could be more than you had in the bee corporation. Right. But is there anything beneficial that the doctor can do too much so there while we sit here and discuss this? Not unless I'm in a laboratory setting. Okay. Never mind. But if I was, if we were to take a quick trip over, instead of sitting, taking two days for that to heal, it would take five hours. It would take one sip of my super duper handy potion to cure myself. So that's... There you go. I guess I'm going to count on that. Just take a while to create that portion of the portion. Well the first person is Benjamin and he has certainly evidenced powers of nature. Powers of nature and magic, Chew and I have experienced where we crossed the veil or what I presume was a veil into like a fairy world, the maze at Benjamin's house. Remember, we lost all contact, it's like we were in a pocket, I think we were somewhere else. We weren't on the ground. Our technology went dead. You know, the landscape had changed significantly and there was all sorts of other physical phenomena that just didn't match up to his backyard. And this idol that I have is a, you know, from that place. So maybe having Sister Katie take a look at the idol to maybe get a wavelength of energy down. Oh, geez. Chew did give a wavelength on that. Okay. He had the dog, Chew had a reading on it and he psychometry, right? Yeah, he did his psychometry on it and it was. But that's assuming that Benjamin is going to go and attack us, which I don't think is the case. I mean, it could happen. I could be completely wrong. Well, that's what we're talking about. We have anything to add to the players here. But I don't know how many protections she can she's capable of doing, but Benjamin should not be the first entity that we should be worried about. I mean, if we're going to have a priority of things we need to be protected against, it's going to be the vitamin B corporation. That isn't a number one. Yeah. That's a very, no true fact, but it is a good example. We showed up at his house and he could have killed us all pretty much. From what he's capable of. Yeah. He wasn't. And he didn't do that. He wasn't overly aggressive. He is. He leave his house, which we are. Right. And he's sort of right. That's not to me. He's a good guy. I'm like he did to Ethan. Yeah. That is our assumption that he's the one who screwed up Ethan. But I'm not sure how many things you can protect us from at once. But did he screw up Ethan before after vitamin B corporation would have been? Well, he screwed up Ethan's almost an advantage in using him as a tool to take out fiction as well as 500 Jacobs. The vitamin B. Yeah. Back. You know, it makes me wonder if we're kind of in the middle of a fight between two heavy weights and we're good description, is our virtue faith? Yes, it is. My virtue is faith and my vice president pride, then I get to add a dice. See? What are you? They're still discussing what the creature they think they're facing. Well, here's the thing. Who's facing your god? Nope. As far as you have faith in. I kind of have a higher form. I guess. I guess. I'm not sure. She's doing a benediction. A benediction. I'm grabbing your wound. I'm just going to put my hands on you and pray for a little bit. No, you don't hear about me, you know, praying and for his injuries to heal. All right, well, why are you doing that? There's also another thing that's very common and, you know, we've heard ritual come up a couple of times. So whatever magic is being used is some kind of ritual magic. I'm not that into the occult as in classification. I am a little bit academically. Yes. That's what I was wondering is if you can narrow that down somehow. Well, I guess, based on the shoes and sights and psychometry and four lethals. And my thing. I do. Man. Man. I have three. The idol has been... It's not like something you would say to her. Man. Yeah. So how I get that from Jay. Henry Jacobs was involved in a rich one. Oh, yeah. And some other B stuff had signs of ritual, the idol was involved in a ritual. So the way this magic is being used seems to be ritual, which could be good for us, which means that we don't walk into somebody who can just throw a spell directly at us and maybe they require time and preparation to get ready to do something about whatever they're doing. One. Valley. And special powers. And each of you has used those special powers with the exception, I believe, of Mike, to try and ascertain what the nature is of what you're facing. The group has enlightened me with some special powers and I use those powers to take a look at Henry Jacobs, but it really, in the end, it doesn't attribute anything more than we already know. But then you get something unusual that you never see before and that would be helpful for identifying these people. Right. Pale. No color. It was cream and it was muted. Yes. Cream and muted. Basically, no emotion. It wasn't something that you had seen before. You had never seen it before and you've never seen it before. Okay. That's what happened. Yes. You did talk to Chiron people and they said, "I've never seen it before." Right? Yeah. That's what they said. They said they're going to look into it. Yeah. Never seen it before. Had you checked back with them? No. Well, I mean, no. The answer is no. But more to the point. What do we have here? We have Benjamin the Bigger dude coming in, talking to Ethan. Ethan goes and kill Henry. Again, we're assuming that he grabbed him and stung him because you remember the arms with the stung stings, things? Uh-huh. And then he started... Yeah, I remember them. And they were doing things that he normally wouldn't do. Right. And that was to try to kill Henry. So Henry works for the vitamin B company. So we know that Benjamin wants to destroy things that have to do with vitamin B. We also know that Henry was the one who contacted Benjamin, or did Benjamin contact Henry? He's the one who got the contract with Benjamin. You know, we'll have to go back in the tapes. Also, what he said was, "I made a sale." He didn't really say, "He called me. I called him." No, he didn't. But that was three months ago, and Henry was dead three months. Good point. I don't know what that means, but that's just weird timing. It seemed to be two different beef actions. When Lucius autopsied the body, I never said as storyteller, Lucius determines that this body has been dead three months. I never said that. He said that the body had been dead for quite some time, oh, like three months from one because you guys knew that, and you tried to draw a conclusion there. He said, "Yeah, it could have been three months, but it could have been longer, too." So there was some uncertainty, but lately, it's been creeping into conversation that he was dead exactly three months, and I just don't want any false conclusions. But I remember it was when you did the DNA thing that the doctor said. Yeah, he did. I said about how long, and I swear the answer was about three months. There was the DNA test with the other doctor, and I thought that's where that information came from. And I thought it wasn't roughly, I didn't think it was a 100 percent. I just didn't want it to become fact by being repeated. It's your meta game a bit, I think the fact that the Jan is pointing out that there's a lot of it to be three months, or that we don't want to assume that it was dead. Exactly. Exactly. Three months. Yes, and you can meta game slightly, but in the long and short of it is, he wasn't dead the exact amount of time that he had gone to see Benjamin. I ran the lives of false conclusions, which are my own fault, because I made the dates a little too close, and from a gaming standpoint, I don't want to trip you guys up on something as small as that. Did Meredith ever work for Benjamin? Does anybody know the answer to that? Who's the answer to that? Meredith is the President of vitamin B, who's family died in a car accident. Yeah, I do. Okay. But then we had some people discussing that Queen B killing us as family members. Yeah, that was my theory. Well, there was a theory that when I got junior Queen leads to starting one, I've occupied the same territory, and you're going to compete for the same resources, all of a sudden you're in competition with each other. But then that was us getting into B culture, and I wasn't sure how far deep that was. I'm turned a lot of different ways on Benjamin with my experiences with him, so he's a weird. I want him, for some reason, he's a solo hunter in his own right, for lack of a better word, and he's got powers, and he does this thing, and he doesn't like it terribly. Do we ever find out Benjamin's last name? Yes. Plantard. No, I think we made that assumption. That's an assumption. Because based on the crest. On the fence, there was a crest of plantard. Okay. But you don't necessarily have to have the last name to belong to a family, you know what I mean? And the only reason I want her is because drag was saying, "Did Meredith ever work for Benjamin?" And as far as work goes, I don't think Benjamin ever hired anybody for anything, so I was wondering if they're family-related, like he started training her as a princess sorcerer and she broke off. All right. You just want to think you meant anything? Yes. Right. But then I'm wondering what if they're family, what is her last name and Benjamin's real last name, and we don't know that. Yeah, but her backstory that we pieced together from the news reports and from all the information that Jade provided had an eerily similar sort of circumstances of woman who her family gets killed off from a car accident in an area that now she is the president of that became the future site of the bee. Right. I found the car accident happened there. The car accident happened at the former bike shop and that bike shop was, right? Am I saying that wrong, Scott? Yeah. You're kind of mixing it up a bit. The bike shop was 3200 Woodbine Avenue, which is now the headquarters. Right. So they basically, the bee corporation probably killed off the owners so that they could take that property from them. So we never did check out what's so important about that specific property. It's something I can do. We did have Jade looking into building plans and all that. You were going to do some research, too, right, on the planter's name, and maybe that's a model with the idol and stuff. Right. That's part of what's going to happen when I get to the library. So, you know, that's something that Michael's looking into. Maybe the property just had a certain colony of bees on it. Well, that's about to him. That's possible. Well, that's why they had the location, something about the location. I'm sorry, just to delve into the supernatural here for a second. For those of you here that really get into that, are there any creatures that kind of do this kind of thing, fly from one body to the next, take over humans and do that? Anybody? Yes. What are they? Demons. Demons. Demons. The demons? It's just a kid who knows how about it. There's a really popular demon-lord clone of beetles above, and it's all about flying insects. And making a coat roll? I don't know if they-- Do you know anything about that? Well, I miss it. I'm just basing it up for my guy, well. You can make coat rolls if you'd like. No mention of any location on the car trash, if the builder takes it to him. It said, "Oh, I have a city. That's about it." Yeah, I mean, that's not tied to this specific site. No. Okay. So, I think you were mixing. We did have a call into Jade asking her to research the address to see if there's anything specifically assaulted. That was pretty late last day afternoon, and she had not gotten back to you yet on it. Well, she was probably busy. Right. She worked well so hard. Well, I'm going to go to bed here. Yeah, you got an appointment or you got to get together with-- I could probably-- Yeah, that's what I'm talking to Lucius about, is getting a room at the hospital, maybe like a quarantine room, something that sealed off. Well, I have this appointment tomorrow with a salesperson from Vitamin B Corporation. Right. Aren't I going with you? Yeah. Yeah, I would like to have you there, you know, just to get in awe of our reading. And then what I kind of want to do is, I don't have the bees come out of her, I guess, somehow. I don't know how we're going to do that. Do you know any medications that might-- It's a person to you. It's a person to you. A roofie? I don't know, something that would make a-- seem like a body is dying or something like that. Maybe like a poison, but something that doesn't hurt. I don't know, maybe like some sort of a pheromone that the bees would want to become attracted to. Okay, but I don't know anything about that. Or you know, maybe those shock pads. You want me to bring a defibrillator? Sure. Into one of the research. It's in the hospital. I thought we're going to bite him in a bee. No, they don't do appointments there. So they're meaning us at the hospital? They're meaning us wherever he wants. I want to do it in a hospital room, like a quarantine room, so when the bees escape, they have nowhere to go, and we can capture them. Oh. That's what I wanted to do. Or is this some place that can contain, and I'll break up these bees, then we either do it at the hospital or we do it somewhere, be safe, and I can call him, but I'm like running to daddy every time he needs a help. Right. We're out here on the field. We got to make decisions. We got to make one. I wonder if you could drop a net on me. But are you okay with that? I'm on a bee person. Extracting the bees from this person, and it's going to yell me again, big shit. Yeah. Questioning the person after the bees are, she said she would agree to meet me pretty much anywhere. She's traveling salesman, and you're going to be my associate with this company. You're going to be like in the face of the company, endorsed by Dr. Lucius Miles. Yeah. Well, first of all, it's in a hospital. Maybe it's a big sale. And that's exactly, yeah, it's going to be, we're thinking about taking a new age. Right. We heard good things about vitamin B. They have good vitamins. We want to start a new health line on our product. I don't know. Is that possible? Is that the hospital, like some sort of a safe food? With some... You have a status of one, right? The hospital, I have a status of one, yes. Right. With some danger to your reputation and or position, you can do that. You know, you'd probably be requisitioning an operating room for a non-operating procedure. What about using some of our points we have stored off? Oh, we have a... Strike channel, can we get into the hospital with that? Keep discussing. Mike, I want to talk to you for a second, please. If I... Uh-oh. Let's say I wanted to ward you away from the house. I could ward you away from the house. Well, that would be very nice. I could ward you away from the house for a week. If I wanted to ward the whole people or just monsters in general, it's a day. And I have to willpower and spend a little part of the company to do it. So I mean, if I did it for a whole week, I'd be out of willpower. That's why I said that people was an individual bad guy you knew about, but we're not going to know. So we're probably going to have to just do a generic bad guy for a day. Hey, one day of peace? Yeah. Really, really nice. I'm going to say in which someone doesn't try to kill me, and it's... So, as you're seeing, they're talking and discussing what's happening and what's going on and how you're going to play out your day, two ear telephone rings, two, and if everyone can let two and I discuss this, that would be great. What time is it? It's probably about, at this point, 7.30 in the morning. 7.45. I would give the color ID. It's vitamin B. Come on. Let go of you up. Well, it's not good. Boy. Hello. Hi, I'm looking for Sam's sneeze, please. Oh, yes, this is? Hi, Sam. Hi. This is Tammy. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time. Well, I was discreet and wasn't. Oh, sorry. Good. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to disturb your sleep. Rough night? Yeah, someone. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I knew that you wanted to meet today. Was that correct? I'm trying to set my schedule for the day. I have to find... What is it? 7 in the morning? Yeah, it's early. 5. It's almost 8. Oh, okay. No, almost 8. I'm trying to set my schedule for the day and wanted to see... I have an opening at 8.30 this morning and wanted to see if you were available. 8.30. Probably going to be a bit too early for me, unfortunately, this morning. Do you have any appointments open later on this afternoon? Well, I'm sure I can find some time this afternoon. I can make some changes or juggle some things around. How's 2 o'clock in the afternoon? Is that late enough for you? 2 o'clock. Do you... Yeah, this should work just fine for me. How about we meet at the Market Avenue Wine Bar? The Market Avenue Wine Bar? Where is that? Market Avenue. Oh, it's over on Market Avenue by the Great Lakes Foreng Company. Do I get anything off of the way she's saying anything like she's trying to... Make an empathy plus which role please? Mess with me. That sounds like mess with you. What's plus empathy? I also have the specialty of the text lies. I don't know if that will kind of... And that quite... Okay. Three successes. You noticed the slight inflection, her tone is pretty flat in general. You don't see a lot of ups and downs but there was a slight inflection on Market Avenue Wine Bar. It was. When she said rough night, like, that's kind of an unusual thing to say, but you see it and I get anything from that which you said you had a rough night. Three successes. Yeah. Okay. Maybe a slight inflection as if she's just slightly keying on those words. Okay. Say, two o'clock. Have you ever been at the Market Avenue Wine Bar before? Not that I recall. Oh, what's a blast? Phew. Keep going. Keep going. Is it? Keep going. What have you been there? Oh, usually during the evenings, she's brought the fresh air compared to the regular wine bars and the air in it. That's what I say. Have you heard anything from Henry Jacobs at all? No. He's off cackling another mission right now. Oh. Did he have to fly out of town? No, he's still in town. Is he? Well, I'm sending him my regards and I don't feel bad at things that work out. Yeah. We all feel bad about what happened to Henry. What happened to him? I've been being busy and not being able to take your call. Okay. All right. Well, two o'clock, the wine bar sounds good. Let me talk to my colleague and I'll get back to you. All right. I look forward to hearing back from you. You can reach me at my cell phone here to the number and she gives you the number. Okay. Bye bye. I look forward to singing later, as do I. Yeah. I don't think this is happening. Shit. Hmm. Maybe the sound of my voice. Maybe somebody's running around with a little tiki toy and his trunk and the beep people home in it. Oh, it's just after him. Maybe it's my team. I shouldn't have answered this call in the same way. What should we mind if we play the whole conversation? That was pretty. I thought it was the whole conversation was anyone knows what we can do in the past two days. That's gonna be not the wine barter, it was a blast. It took about the fresh air. It took about the fresh air. It took about the fresh air too much. Everything that happened last night. Henry's off tackling another mission right now, so I have to take his business one right now. What are you all looking at me? Because you're the one running around with a little tiki doll. Well, it's not running on my shoulder listening to everything. I know. And besides, I got the tiki doll from Benjamin, not from Meredith. So, Chua, I'm not that calling out to get into her in the hospital apparently. No. Whoa. She made it obvious that she knows who I am and they're just reading too much into it. I have no idea how unless, you know, I did mention Henry and after the fact, you know me? What do you mean after the fact? Yeah. She had already made some... No, when I originally called her, I said I've been in contact with Henry and maybe with the way that they communicated through the sound of my voice, they were able to determine what I was. So, yeah, I explained to everyone what took place during the conversation. Well, maybe the people were all just connected and they saw everything that Henry saw. Like a hive minder. Like a hive minder. Well, yes. But when we were under attack in the alleyway, they communicated to each other in a verbal fashion rather than a telepathic type of way. I was so freaked out and he was just so unful. Somebody did something to him. Either Tony or Chad. Tony. Tony. Tony did one of them to make it run away and the other one stopped him. Wow. Was it verbal or did he? He placed the hand on his shoulder and spoke to him. Well, Stephen Lee broke. Yeah, it was like his voice was awful a little bit. Okay. And it broke whatever he was under at the time. He turned around and started fighting him again. And then John Beamer ran up and sliced him. So, okay. Now I think it's... You didn't even miss that by the way, so you might want to just fill him in. What did I just... I got a phone call from Tammy Sulling at the Vitamin B Corporation and, you know, sir, off she said, you know, do you have a rough night or whatever? Did you have rough nights? I'm sleeping. If you recovered, why don't you, you know, step on down. It's, you know, it's just any wondering that you... She said, "Would you like to meet at the market at the new wine bar?" And he said, "No, do you have been there before?" And she said, "Yeah, it's a blast." It's a nice breath of fresh air there. In the end. She said, "Is the breath of fresh air compared to the other wine bars in the name of the book?" But the good news is, we have appointment at two o'clock. I'll be there. Yeah. You know it's a trap, right? Uh-huh. Your phone rings, Doctor, with your spouse. Oh. Don't answer it. Hello? Uh, Doctor? Yeah. Um, I was told to give you a call if, uh, Ethan, um, if your patient, Ethan Frost comes out of his, his coma? Yeah. He is now out of his coma, sir. Okay. I'll be there. Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't sorry. But that doesn't mean he's dead. (laughter) So, I don't understand how she, um, knew that it was me. Yeah, that sounds good. Well, although I did mention Henry Jacob's first time I called. Listen, Ethan's up and around. I'm going to head over to the hospital. I'm not going to meet the crazy B lady at two o'clock. Why not? (laughter) Mike, you had something you wanted to say? Yeah, Chu is asking my ability to use my investigation and computer skills. (laughter) The way I happen to be using psychiatry records. He includes the Psychic Afterp Institute. Right. He wants to know if he has the phone number for Sammy Song. If I can get a residence or address just by doing my computer thing with the number. Okay. She gave a cell phone number. And technically speaking, cell phone numbers, companies are not able to give that information out in a lot of market to those numbers. Also law enforcement uses them to track the actual location. Yeah, I'm saying that it's not common usage. Then you get some software. I recovered the box. Who assumed that? Frankly. Sister Katie has the same phone that we do, etc. Actually, she doesn't, but Winston is over 91. That's her one. Yeah. You can also use Tony's. (laughter) If there is a spirit or entity inside that little Morty thing, that's when I told it's more up, it would have tried to push it out. Or if there was any bad guy in the area. When you did your ward, there was no reaction from anything. Any of your potions, your knife, your special eye. If there's a bed in your spirit and something, it would try to push it out. Before I head over to talk to anything, just that crazy idea here. Why don't we just keep an eye in the place? Why don't we set up some surveillance around vitamin B and just keep an eye on it? Because we're obviously not getting in with this appointment. No, I do the appointment set up. I don't know what you're talking about. I thought you were an investigator. I am. That's one of those appointments. He interviews people. That's what he does. This isn't James Bond, man. This isn't where gold finger invites you to a nice lunch. You know that I know, that you know, that you're a British secret agent. I'm a really bad guy. Let's have a civilized talk and then let me laser your balls off later. It doesn't work that way. It's a public place. I don't think they would try. Oh, I think like a bar. Do I drive a car through the window? Yeah, I didn't give you that. That was not them. That was not them, but they're the one that blew up in the building. That was them. Under the cover of darkness. Yeah, up to two agencies. We know one guy sends a car through the window, and the other... The other cars up the city block. Yeah, to be fair, they didn't blow up the building first. They tried to gas you first. Obviously. And then either they were going to blow up the building, or when that didn't work, they decided to... They're going to gas this to kill us and then bury us in the building with the plan that did. Or knock us out and get our bodies infested. Us with the bees and send us back to sight. Wow, that's what I was looking to do. Well, obviously I'm not going to this interview, but... It would be interesting to know if she does show up. Because it would show the kind of balls these people have. And that's what I want to know. I want to do a stakeout on the wine bar and see if she does show up. Alright, so I'm going to see... The wine bar doesn't exist anymore. It's not even open. It's close to... She's talking about our wine bar, right? She was talking about your wine bar. Did that get blown up, too? Oh, yeah. That's right below you. That's right. I was thinking about... You were missing that part of the joke. Right. Well, you're right. It is a trap. Oh, there's other levels there. There's layers. I was thinking about the other place off the street. Right. That's the Great Lakes Brewing Company. Right, okay. That is not where she said. She was talking about the market avenue. The market avenue. Oh, gotcha. Oh, you kind of went right with it. We don't know what to load up. Oh, yeah. Well, I do have the cell phone number. She gave me, which is kind of curious. When you get to the hospital... You can ask those. Remember, I put each in a different room. Yes. You're going by yourself? Or would it be... I was going to go with them. Mr. Investigator would be a good idea to go with them. I'm with Chew. I'll go with Mike unless we have somewhere else we want to go. Mr. Clyde? Yes. Is there any reason I should or shouldn't go with you? No. In fact, it would probably be welcome. Although you do have a fear of bees and... I'll grab the bee idol. It ain't moving, right? No. All right. Take a look at a picture of a bee. I'm not right. Okay. But... If I do... You don't have a gun. Just keep buzzing. I do give you that cell phone number. Okay. Kate, you're going to stay at the home? Or if that takes too much time. Well, if I do... If I do give you that cell phone number, can you... Okay. Well, these two are going to the Clinton Public Library. No sleep for you guys, by the way. Two, ask the question. How do we get... Two hours? Yeah. Before you... Oh. Was it able to be and do like a rough thing on the line and do a little magic? Wait a minute. On the what, I'm sorry? On the phone number to find the answer. Oh. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. When is your appointment at the library? Ten o'clock. It's going to be three more hours sleep. Dude, it's like 8.15 right now. You might get an hour. You can sleep on the metro. Believe me, some of you need to shower. Yeah, I'll clean up too. Go ahead and make a hacking role, please. And you consider hacking to be computer and with intelligence plus computer. This is the first one you see if you can get yourself a Wi-Fi minus two dice because you're in a pretty barren area, a Wi-Fi wise of Ohio City. Go ahead. I can't get a signal. Can't get a signal. What? It's the same battery. Tethering, dude. Oh. I'll make sure that off. Tether to your iPhone. Oh yeah. No. Is it the Wi-Fi? Why do I just want to promote tethering? Maybe we can have that guy's phone. Yeah, just minus one this time. Wi-Fi hotspot thing that turns your phone in. It's a four-day subscription. No, it's time out. Even with modern current day iPhone, you can pay to tether it to a laptop so you can access internet. With our second-second generation. Yeah. The concern I think you're probably seeing from yourselves is that you don't -- you want to keep it on the down low as best you can. You don't want to put a bit beacon out there if you're here because you're trying to keep low profile. Okay. Yeah. That's fair. He's trying to do it but he's trying to do it cleverly. That's fine. I'm just trying to -- Yeah. I need that information because I'm not up on tethering. Dude, you're not here now. Two more mornings. Two ones. I'm tired. You can just be asleep. And you're a tweet. It's got a burn mark right here. It's nasty. Scott, I'm going to call that telephone number from a payphone and see what it's up. What? I'm calling that number from a payphone. What's up, payphone? Where are you finding one of these so-called payphones? Oh, dude. They still exist in Ohio City. Dude, are you going to go listen for now? Maybe in the base of the hospital. Maybe like in the emergency room area. No, I'm going to pay after it. After I've got my H-ray, I'm going to go and -- Those are going to believe for payphone. Well, when you get to the hospital, you can find a payphone down in the lobby. They do have them. I think they do with hospitals. Don't talk to me like, "Well, I love it." Can you pick me up a final record while you're there? Yeah. What do you guys get to the hospital? I'm going to produce your same shoe here real quick. Thanks for listening to Nights at the Night at Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly at, or contact us via Twitter or leave a message on Facebook. All music for this podcast was created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcasts or business, please visit and please join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [music]