Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 14: Shit Luck: Ep. 15: "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"

Broadcast on:
29 Nov 2010
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We pick up from last episode's cliffhanger the moment after one of our own catches a handful of bullets the hard way. Exhausted, wounded, poisoned, and outgunned, can Task Force: S.I.R.E.N. get out of this ambush? The answer has dire consequences that will change the team forever. Listen in and learn why...

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play podcast. This world of darkness story line shit-locked was written and run by our storyteller Scott. [Music] And now, please enjoy chapter six, scene three, let the bodies hit the floor. [Music] Before we get started with the role of playing tonight, we've got a few pieces of feedback. All right, to do an area where you can get feedback as to email on the actual podcast site and on the new blog site, which is our mission where you can read the forums or the podcast, or you can also see other characters, NPCs and files. Yeah, we should probably make that announcement, that there is a lot of photographs, JPGs, pictures up of the characters, and NPCs, and other such things. So, we have four comments or questions this week. The first one is from the blog site, and it's from someone. Our name, Alan Grish has just said that he was thankful for the information being posted and is eager to have more information and to go ahead and declassify, declassify, declassify. Since I didn't have the information available, I thought it'd be cute to say that it was currently classified and still in the secret archives in Winston Tate had to release the information. So, I won't get to that as fast as we can. The bit of feedback we got was from the episode area, in fact episode 13, in which it comes from Voodoo Dolly. Nice to meet you. Yes, Voodoo Dolly. Voodoo Dolly says, "Hey guys, I can't believe how absolutely addicted I am to your podcast." The story and the interaction are top-notch, and I have to say, you have sparked my flames of starting a new chronicle. To tell you the truth, I never really was into the idea of hunters' hunted game until I heard yours, and now the idea has captured my imagination. Two side notes. I understand, as a storyteller, how chaotic keeping an orderly table can be in an action sequence, and that no one should have to memorize the whole book, though it almost sounds as if Scott has. [laughter] That is the power of editing, Voodoo Dolly. Yes, and he continues. But when the door was being shot at, an attack roll was made, but seeing how the door wasn't trying to dodge at all, with the roll on page 168 under killing blow fall into play. No, using an unmoving door at point blank range would have been hard to explain, and adding the characters, dexterity plus firearms plus equipment bonus, the door's durability might have been enough to shoot the blocking mechanism out of the door in a very cinematic way. And then again, I'm still pretty rusty, and there may be a reason why this wasn't used. Okay, there's another note, but go ahead. Okay, we'll start with that one. Voodoo Dolly, the reason that I had the rule made that took place was because both the player character at the time, I thought it was Jay Alton, he was suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. And I thought, hey, I'm just walking with a start, having poison in his eyes and his lungs, and then trying to hit an exact mechanism that he needed to hit. I just made the determination that that was a little bit tougher than something that was just sitting there willing to be shot. If it was a normal, normal circumstances, I would have probably gone with your ruling. But otherwise, I just felt it was more accurate display that would be difficult to get that shot off in that type of situation. And that's what I was going for there, although I don't think you're wrong, going anywhere that your group wants to play. This group tends to like a little more realism, so try to inflict a little bit more realism on them, which is sometimes painful. So that's why I went with that, but otherwise, yeah, we kind of went the other way, and just said he shot a lot off. It could have been very cinematic. In that particular instance, I chose to go with the more difficult shot because of the poison. And go ahead, Tom. Second note is actually a guess. My guess is that Ben, the V-man, is a changeling? How much practical experience do I get, again, from Voodoo Dolly? Well, I guess we don't know. As far as we don't know, the gym is probably not going to tell you. Yeah, as a storyteller, if the storyteller is probably not going to tell you. Yeah, as a storyteller, I can't quite tell you. And if I gave you practical experience, that would give away the answer. But definitely Benjamin is a mystery wrapped in an V-man. Smother than a bacon, yes. Smother than a bacon. Yeah, it's very difficult to figure out who Benjamin is at this point. And changeling is really a very good guess. A strong guess, and as good guess as anyone else has put forth yet. He's one of the last of the Miravigians. Or that, as possible, I just want to think he's a mage. Was there anything from the form? Really? I mean, the form was just some chatter back and forth between myself and mystery, where she was angry with us in a fun way, I think. With ending podcast 13 on a cliffhanger, as her quote unquote favorite character, she's going to have to wait to see if he survives. When we released chapter 14, which could have been an indication that it was actually Jay that was her favorite character, but she's been holding out on us, not telling us. So that's the... You forgot the line about... Yeah. So, I'm going to go ahead. No, it's fine. Okay. I don't remember the line. It wasn't really the favorite character that she wouldn't reveal. So, that's it for the function answer session for this week. Thank everyone for visiting the forums, for visiting the blogs, and for giving us feedback on the podcast. Now, we're going to go back and we'll start the regular podcast session. My name is Bob. I play 2R. I am Jay. I am Jim. I play Tony Arneud. I'm Tom, and I think that you're Jay. You are leaning out the window and going in air. You feel something in your shoulder and you take one lethal damage from that little bit that you're hanging out of the window, and you hear some more shots being fired. And you take three more lethal after that, as these bolts just worm down on the window, and you know instinctively they're coming from over to the side. If you take some nasty shots and stagger back from the window, and we go to you, as a matter of fact. Yeah, I inform them on the phone that they're staying in the alley. There's someone out in the street who picked a shot. And I head back towards my room as fast as I can move. You double move and hold your breath for three seconds. Right. Tony. I'm not like in hearing shots coming from around the corner where I'm not. What's going on there? It's all over here. That's the ideal. You can see all that concealed. Both of them are concealed. They both bent down behind trash to fire directly into your friend. Yeah, well I'm Tom, Rad. Dude, don't you have dynamite? I know I have dynamite. I don't want to blow up. John. I have to stay in the building now. The building can blow up. I'm shooting five times. Who are you shooting at? I'm shooting at the... I don't know. You see blogs for this guy's neck, really super wounded. He's barely hanging on, it seems. Yeah. And another one here who looks like he's in relatively good shape and just really peppered your friend again. I want to take the one out from the song. I'm assuming you're checking defense. Because you're a distance, you can not get deep, right? I took my use two legs for concealment. That's because you were hanging about half out of the window, I thought. You know, just sucking an air. Okay. So I think we subtract two legs. And as a matter of fact, when I said I rolled four hits on that last hit, I realized I should only have three legs. Three hits, two on the second hit. Because of the fact that I just moved one tie that was inappropriately rolled. Okay. You can only risk once? All risk once, but can spend willpower every turn. And to the guy out. Really wounded. Yeah. Right. So that adds three more. All the nine again quality. Instead of just 10 again, you can hold them again. You can have a nine again quality where you'll be rolling nine, 10, 10. Let's try that. I don't think anybody's ever done that. No. No. You'll be the first. So you'll knock your dice without any minuses. Right. Minuses. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Get all your dice. You want to make sure. Three, six, eight, nine. Yes. Minus two, put your injury. Right. Minus one because it's dark. Right. Minus one because he has concealment. Nine again. Go. Um, that's eight, 10, nine. It's a success. Right. I got four successes. Right. Four successes? Yes. Four successes? He falls backwards with a gasp. And your back does lethal threat. Yeah. Um, one is head, he's the concrete and he falls back. His mouth opens and bees come streaming out of his mouth. And they seem to be heading off to the west. He just hits the ground, blows splatters and bees come buzzing out of his mouth. They're not going to be agitated like, but they're not moving to attack. You know, looking to exceedingly escape. Chew. Do I make it to the balcony? Yep. Okay. Do I see that guy there? Yep. You have to kind of, you know, get out there pretty good. In the open, put your shotgun right down on the, uh, on the railing. And sure enough, he's, he's hiding behind some trash aiming a gun right at your front. All right. What's the distance? Less than 20. More than 15? Shotguns, 20, 40. Now send us. Oh, never mind. Is that feeder yards? That is a good question. That is a good question. It's a good question. It's a good question. It's a good question. I wish it was so simple. The whole thing that really bothered me about the system is sometimes they talk in yards and sometimes they talk in feet and they don't stay in the system throughout the rulebook. It makes it a little bit more difficult to figure it out. In yards? Yep. Yikes. You're in short range. You're, you're kind of out about, that's how far, how many yards you are away from him. Well, I'm also up. Yeah, you are. And we'll add one or two for that, but you're two, four, six, eight away. Okay. Seven yards with the mathematics of it, it definitely is less than fifth. I'm in short range. Yes. I will try to have a laser aim on it. It is made plus one inch short range. Excellent. Add up your dice. And let me know when you're ready. Okay. Okay. To track anything for your injuries. One, right? Yes. Okay. So track one for your... Darkness? Darkness. To track one for his cover. That is your dice. Now, will you fire your shotgun? Yes. It does not have a automatic fire, correct? I don't think shotguns have automatic fire, if not mistaken. You need like a... Well, not a bit of something. Right. Go ahead. Shoot away. All right. I do have automatic shotguns, but that's... Yeah, I don't know what it is. They're great. I don't think... See? Oh, you got to love nine again on a shotgun. Who does nine again on a shotgun, huh? Nice. Come on, critical. Five. Please. Yeah. Hey. Wow. Except you. He... If it was humanly possible, which is not, he would be pulling backwards, but he crumples to the ground right there. Gun falling out of his hand. Same thing. He's... He falls backwards. His head hits the pavement. His mouth opens up and a swarm of bees comes flying out from the mouth. Hey, boss? You got your body. I was thinking it weren't in that alleyway where the bees were coming out. But if you're careful. We'll do it here. Aaron's at all. It's been like a couple of times. Right. It's been maybe five... I'm going to guess play five or six turns maybe, so you're talking fifteen, eighteen seconds. We haven't even been in a half minute yet. I don't think. All right. So you're... Not yet. In downtown Cleveland, it's going to be like 45. Yeah, exactly. They'll get you. So you now need to make your stamina roll to stay conscious. Well... Yeah, I mean, either way. It says if I take two or more lethal damage, I have to succeed in a result-plus exposure roll or go into a fly killing rage or a cowardly retreat. But... I would pass out at the end of that. Roll that throw around. Okay. Nothing. So you run away? So I run away. At which you're going to pass out. So I probably just run down the alley and pass out on that garbage bin or something. So John, yeah, runs down the alley, screaming. Tricks fall stumbles and falls unconscious at the end of the alleyway. Bye! I got you covered. I got these shots on. All right. Jay's turn. I'm running to my room. I'm going to get to my room and I'm going in. You're at the doorway to your room in a double room. Is there anything? What are you doing? Just running. Yeah. Oh, actually not. I'm breathing out. It's very quiet running. It's very quiet running. No, I'm not. Again, because you're streaming yourself, although it's not combat, I'm going to give you 30 seconds of... I'm going to hold you for half of these conditions because of your military training. And we're six seconds in. Go ahead. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, my stamina's three. That was 30 because I only had one stamina left because I was in combat for the first two. Fair enough. So I should have... And then you roll. Yes. Not dying. You get to roll by it. And let's lethal damage. Of all of toxins, are lethal? CO... The carbon monoxide. I'm holding your breath when you take damage from drowning or whatever. From that breathing, it's lethal damage. Oh, right. Well, I think you would inhale. Like you breathe, even though even though it's dangerous. Well, because it's only a passion damage for the water. Right. Well, you might. I might. And that might be... That would be useless. Tony, you're up. There it is. On the phone, as a clear man down. We're back in the apartment. We're back in the mid-bag. And I'm going to... I don't know how much time we have here before we go. But I'm going to be grabbing my mid-bag and then running back out to the alley now. Okay, what's the quickest way now to the alley? We're going out on the steps. We're going out on the edge of the fire escape. The steps take you to the front of the building. Okay. I know that. So you're going to go all the way around. I like all the way around. Or you can go down to the market street, you know, go through the burning window, go through the bar and go out the back. But it seems like the alleyway is the quickest way through the emergency fire escape. Shoot. That's what I'm going to be. I don't know how far I'm getting, but that's what I'm doing. You're only a man out there now? Yeah. I started making my way down the steps and trying to keep an eye on it. So you might double move down the steps and you go from the third level to the first level. So you're just one level above the ground floor. You can see him lying in the corner and bleeding in the dark alleyway. You probably don't see him bleeding, but you see his form crumpled there. There's probably some lights, you know, that are out here. So you see Jen down and you don't see any, you know, peering towards the front. You see two crumpled bodies lying there, but nothing else. I'm going to stay off on the balcony and kind of watch out and see if anyone's coming. Well, you're actually on the landing on the stairway. You're on the first floor landing. You're wearing that right. So you went from the balcony on the third floor. You did a double move down two levels and you're on the first floor landing. That's fine. Okay. That's great. And John, you are unconscious. Oh, that's a roll or anything. That's right. And it is now Jay's turn. So Jay, you open up your apartment door and you go inside and what? Yeah, I'm going to the closet getting out my sniper rifle and I'm going back to the window. Oh, that stairs window. Oh, there's one on this floor too. Oh, right. Yes. So that's fine. So, into your bedroom, grab your rifle and make it back out of your, just barely out of your bedroom with the rifle on hand. Nine seconds into your holding breath, which shouldn't really be a problem. Back to you, Tony. Mm-hmm. You got your marking. You're running down the stairs. Right. You get down to the second level, the second floor, the second fire escape landing and it's the end of your double move. I say, can you carry him over there? You're getting back in the building. Right. Building. He says, up to you. Can you carry him? I'm not carrying him. Okay. That's his hand. Oh, boom. Down. Did I hear those gunshots over there at all? I have no reason to believe that you guys did not hear those gunshots. And no one said anything about him getting shot or... No. He didn't say anything? No. And no one else said anything. All right. Then I wouldn't say that because I... Well, I thought you said sniper's on this side. I said sniper in the front of the building standing out. Well, you did. But I didn't mention any about getting shot. Or that anyone was on that. And then I would say that. Right. Say, if you want to bring him back, I'll cover you. Because I don't think it's safe out there. All right. So you're staying on the first floor and looking at the alley with your... Yeah. What's on the other side of your alley? Is that closed off? It's just closed off. Okay. It's a dead end. Yeah. That's what I'm doing. I'm looking. All right. And then John bleeds a little bit more. And that leads us to... I'm back to the window. I throw it open. Oh. I'm over there by you. Right. So you need to get double move. You're right at the window. With your gun, look out your window on a double move. All right. So if I don't have time to open it, I scan the street and then step aside so that I'm not in the... Why not? Make a perception check minus one day's for darkness, one... Any brain injuries. You didn't give me time to say whether I was going to spend a long time on it. Oh, sorry. Good point. So, perception. Perception is five. And this is my life science. Okay. Minus one for darkness, minus fronting injury, which I don't believe you are currently in... Currently... Any... Not that hard. Well, yeah. And... Let's say... Minus one more. That's for losing that. You don't know. Okay. And that's success. Okay. So this thing. Across... This is 26th street. Mm-hmm. Across 26th street is... A parking lot. About up to halfway through your building. Maybe a little bit beyond that. Not quite to the alley though. Beyond the parking lot is another part of the campus of Great Lakes Brewing Company. It's where they have large beer vats. Like the really huge ones. And so it's a big warehouse structure. So what you see is across that parking lot where there's a few scattered cars and whatnot. You see a couple of forms at a distance like roaming zigzagging their way through that parking lot. And then beyond that, beyond the parking lot is a fence. And they're like climbing the fence and getting ready to move both the fence. So you'd see two forms disappearing into a distance. Okay. Okay. That takes us to... To... To who doesn't know this at this point? I'm gonna just keep looking down the alleyway. Okay. Still keeping guard. Oh, sorry. Actually, it wasn't she. It was Tony first, my dad. 'Cause you should be able to pass him then on the stairs. You'd double move from the second floor landing down to the ground floor. So you actually... Well, actually... Yeah, you probably might need help carrying them around. You might want to do some about the bug bodies in the street. I don't know if you need to keep them or whatever or hide them. Or I don't know what authorities are gonna be confused. All right. Well, but I heard Morgan shout out some more concern about everything. Okay. And I don't know what's out there. There's some of a sniper. I'm not going out there. So you're standing on the first floor landing and watching the front of the alleyway. You ran down two levels, passed him on your turn, and you are now on the alley level. And you see his crumple body. Maybe, what is that? Two, four, six, eight, ten, about 30 feet away. Right. I don't know if you had crewed him, but yes, that was. And still, believe it or anything, you're up. Oh, actually sloth. That's right. I don't know what he's standing for. I lift him. From the side, I lift the window, and then I look again really quick to see if I can spot anything other than those two running. Okay. Go ahead and make a perception check. Mm-hmm. When you have your dice, let me know. I'm gonna go with just a straight five this time. All right. Minus one for the darkness. You're saying you're not concerned about the other two? The two in the distance, you're looking more closely. I'm looking for any other movement. I mean, I see those two over there. Okay. Let's go ahead with Minus one diagonal. Okay. For the darkness. There's lights in the parking lot. I mean, it's a relatively, it's not wallet, but it's not pitch black. Yeah, I don't spot it at the end anyways. It's all fluid. So, I'm standing closely with the windows so I can get hopefully some good air. But I'm not. I don't want to stay as target. Do you have the window open? Right. Okay. And I, I report into them on the phone. Two guys from the front end on a run. It looks like they're gone. They're like down eight. Actually, the front of the bar is here. Both sides. East. Twenty. Well, what was it? This is north. The way that the fence is pointing. So, this is west. Yeah, this is west. Twenty-six. And they're on the parking lot. So, they're having. I saw. I, I, I described to them. There's two guys on a run. Jump on a fence over that way. The parking lot. Right. By the warehouse. That guy. The front is clear. Okay. The front is clear. That's to get your up, Tony. I run to, uh, John. I think I was actually supposed to run for three rounds. You'd hit the wall longer for that. After it says, if you take two or more points of lethal damage, you must succeed. Which I failed at that. Yes. I went to a cowardly retreat and it says. Berserker rage, which I guess is different than the Berserker splice. All right. Less for it over rounds equal to my stamina rating. Ah. The rage itself. Yeah. So there's just the Berserker splice. And then there's the rage that I go into if I take too much. Right. So your stamina, that attack, that, that lethal attack, you did two of them. You could do that for three turns because your stamina's three. Yeah. And then I would pass out. But since I took this. You see, you did two turns. And then you took the damage and you ran for a turn and failed. You were out of it at that point. You were supposed to be able to run for three turns, you think? Well, yeah. I think the Berserker splice lasts for three. But if during that time, if I take this damage, then for three rounds, I either go into a rage or flee for three rounds. I got you. We'll say that you wouldn't run for three turns. You'd just go huddle on the back of the alleyway and hide and whimper. Okay. So your Berserker splice, you know, would have kept you running for three turns before you passed out. But your injuries themselves caused you to pass out that role. Okay. So you go down. And so it's the same thing, but not really. And then go ahead and you get to the body. I get to his body and I do a healing week thing. And I believe when we scull with this, the very first chapter, it was a minute per roll. So you may know this and see that he's stable. You may want to remove him from the battlefield. How long does I don't think I'm going to do him any more injury help? Right. He goes over your shoulder. Yeah. In my apartment. And so this turn, you get to him, you do a quick look. He's breathing. He's bleeding. But there's nothing. No vodels are hit. He's getting up on your shoulder. Yeah. And that's where that turn ends. Chew. Still burning. Yeah. I stay on the phone. So the police are going to be here saying no, no, no. How should we proceed? We've got to get one body in the freezer. The one that took maybe damage. At least in line of damage. From one of us in any strange way if there's any kind of weirdness that we can't explain. Well, they're decourses. If we can get both, that's fine. I forgot. What was that kind of? I don't have a huge freezer and kind of. Oh, there's... No, it's the future. First floor. Down floor and first floor. We've got to keep them. We've got keys to the bottom. Is that what we want to put them? Yeah, throw them. I want them out of sight. Throw them in the bottom. Let me know. That's us thinking. Throw them in the corner. Yeah. Well, somewhere where the police won't be looking. Yeah. Because that window shattered. They might be poking around. They're going to look on the shelf behind the cheese. I'm in a bad place. Your bed's kind of cozy. No. Your... Your car. Where are you? It smells of dead body. Dead body, I believe. Oh, the dead body. Okay. That's pretty much my turn. Walking on the phone for your turn, which takes us to you, who is unconscious. John Beemer is unconscious and takes us to Jay, who is at the window. Taking a gas and then getting back under cover and grabbing a gas and back under cover. Actually, I'm going to get another potion. This time, rubbing them in my eyes. Okay. Because I'm just full of it. Rough night. Yeah. Uh? Vicey? Vicey. Let's go to the bees. The maple rub. Vicey. Vicey. This leads me also to my perception. Okay. Another instance, I rub it in my eyes and then I take a look out there. I'm going to spot anything that is unusual. Okay. So. I will take that. And that. And I am going to spend a little while because I'm not missing. I'm not taking another shot. Okay. Okay. I'm not taking another shot. I'm not taking another shot. I'm not taking another shot. I'm not taking another shot. I'm not taking another shot. I'm not taking another shot. Okay. Naturally, not right. Through some supernatural manifestation. You catch one of the bodies that tumble just out of the alleyway. You're looking down at them from the, you know, 20 feet up and 20 feet away. There happens to be a street light right across the street from them. And you see that his body is not the cave. Not like the, not blood, Henry Jacobs was. Okay. And that is all you take in, in your, your look. All right. And you have a second or two. If you want to say anything and then move on to Tony. Um, if first of the time that I get up and start heading back to my apartment, I'm putting the rifle away and then getting down to the ground floor. Sure. So you get in your room, we'll say, and we'll go on to your apartment this time. Yeah. Go from there. Well, Tony gets to the steps. Uh, add double move because you've got 180 pounds of John Beamer on your shoulder. Um, so your double move is really your, your natural move because of the weight that you're under right now with the body. So you get to the steps on the ground floor. Oh, well, assist him. Okay. So you go down to the, the level and you basically carry him underneath the arms and underneath the legs. And since no one's kind of wook a lot of combat and say that you love you. No, I'm going to the back door in the kitchen to let that door open so they can come in. We're looking also, check out what, we're really introducing CO2 into this and make it stop. Thirdly is if I'm in the alleyway that one of the person to do is call as I'm heading towards the body. I'm calling the big boss and saying we got two B bodies here and I'll kind of gun fire. We were attacked. We have one man going on, et cetera. You get G8 on the phone. She sounds as if she was sleeping, of course. We got one man down and we got multiple injuries. We've got two, what we believe to be beat corpses. And we probably got the police on the way. I'm going to take, oh dear. That's her first response. Down. John. Oh. Is he all right? Is he going to be okay? We'll find out. Okay. We got our best man. We're ignoring these corpses. Our best man is... No, I have to talk to you. I'm not going to talk to you. That was fine. I'll just want to let you know nobody's taking care of you. Yeah. Okay. There is going to be... Oh yeah. Three successes on the ignoring the fact that bees are probably stirring around in the alleys as I'm going for these bodies. We're here. There's stairways that leave now. It goes down to basically the subbasement below the wine bar that has the plumbing. Yeah. Just the plumbing, the hot water tank. It has the furnaces. It's got the central air. If they're going to be entering in CO2 into our air stream, it's a magical conclusion to be the first place to investigate. But you've got a pair of double doors here which are probably the most likely to use. This one's a smaller one, one person door. And that's where you see glass on the ground shattered where it was hit. So you go up to these doors, you open them up. You too chew and Tony gets John's body back into Tony's apartment and onto a couch in the living room around the floor. Hopefully with the old window open, it's not as nasty in there anymore. There's still fumes coming out. There's still fumes coming out. The room is definitely... If you stay in maybe in the kitchen area at this point, it's inhabitable. Because of the breeze blowing in. But if you go any deeper to the home, you're definitely risking the situation. And your heat is still on. It's still blowing. No one's turned it off. So for a turn or two, you go up the stairs, you get them down into a comfortable position on the kitchen floor. Yeah. And that's where you're at right now. How do you turn it off the heat trying to maybe block the door with something? The door leading out of the kitchen. Oh, I see what you're saying. It's open. It's a real open floor plan. Kind of like upstairs where there's no door between the kitchen and the living room. It's all open. So unfortunately blocking that airflow is not going to help. I'd make sure all the windows are open in the apartment. All of them. Okay. See where we're on the apartment basically. We're back to do first date. Okay. That sounds like a good place. And so you are now letting out your light. Are these guys bleeding out? Are they dead? Are they like, you said they weren't shriveled but... No, they're not shriveled and they're not bleeding out. I mean, they look like they're unconscious. Like they're really damaged from the gun fires. But they're not dead. Not dead. What? Easy. Easy. What do you want to do? No, that's messed up. Important with the freezer. That's the cool thing to be. It's good of an idea when they're still alive. No, definitely not. Well, I think it's a great idea. They're breathing in everything refrigerator. Jade says, "Get him off the street." You called me and I'll hit Winston on the phone. Dialing him right now. Let's beat down my other phone. But they're not dead. But when we hit them, cloud of bees went up and they went down. Put them off the street. Still hit them off the street. They're both unconscious, right? I start moving one of them. I'm leaving a trail of blood as I'm dragging this guy into it. You know, he's bleeding. He's got gunshot wounds. If you're grabbing the guy that just has gunshot wounds, he's bleeding a lot less than the guy who was just absolutely lacerated by John's. Like four o'clock. So, you grab the first guy and you're going to get some blood on you. Yeah, there'll probably be some spots, but you can get him in without too much. I get him in the kitchen the second I'm in there and he's on the floor or whatever. I get huge garbage bags. I'm carrying the other guy with Jonathan. Well, with Jay, right? Jonathan, right? Okay, gotcha. So, he comes down knowing that he can't really help too much with tone in it. You just get a garbage bag underneath it so we're not leaving the trail of blood as we drag him into the place. Oh, that makes sense. Okay, so you put him on a garbage bag, two of you get him in and within four minutes of the first gunfire being shot, you have the area removed of bodies. Now, you've got some blood evidence. You've got some forensic, obviously some casings and some shotgun shells. I think Dr. Lucius obviously is the first thing. Right. I mean, after getting him on your phone, I'm on a hold for him. I'll try to help him. So, Jay, she's trying to help any way she can, which is probably actually more annoying, but she's trying the best. You know, bit it. Yeah, done that. Yeah. She told me to get him off the street so no, she kicked him away. Right. Very awful. Jay, thank you. I started cleaning up the blood that will, the leap. I didn't want to believe that someone took two bodies from the alley that we're leading up to. I'm bleeding pretty seriously. Yeah. I mean, you're talking about your own blood damage. Okay, so you're basically trying to, there's a spigot on the back of the wall that the vagrant sometimes used for water. So there's a spigot on the back alley that you can kind of fill up some buckets from the kitchen and just splash it against the alley and remove some of the blood evidence from what it's worth. Really? Can I use a hand cannon? And missed twice. This looks less damage than the street if you hit somebody. At this point, I love the clean blues. Go ahead and make your healing chuck. It's healing full dexterity. It's a very good intelligence, which I think I've got. It wasn't a specialty because it's higher. No, it's either/or depending on the situation. Oh. If it's dexterity, if it's on the fly, like now, in the field, it's intelligence if you're working at an operating table. Yeah, I don't do that. Right. And Lucius, obviously, like you said, you're trying to get somebody to get him on the phone while you're on a one-die leave. And you're basically, I guess, maybe chew. You give Lucius a call? Yeah. You know, wake him out of the salad sleeping. He's in Lakewood. So he's a ways away, but he'll be there as quick as you can. I don't want to die, but I would have been unconscious if not for the healing thing. Right. So we're valuable. Self. So real quick, you don't mind telling me to make your role to heal. Go ahead and do a minus because I'm hurting myself. Yes, you are. How do you get your bashing damage back? Just like this. Yeah, every 15 minutes you heal a bashing damage, you mustn't want to heal if you, in which case you'll hopefully... What can I do myself before? Yeah. I think that's the reason why I wouldn't want to do that. He's believing and he'll lose one extra to lethal each turn that you don't heal him. Okay. And here we go. Two successes. All right. And you heal one point per success? Is that correct? Or you just heal one point? I have. Read the healing skill in World of Darkness, Jim, real quick. You at least come back to consciousness, Jim, with your last bashing damage is now gone. Okay. Obviously, and he stops your bleeding as well. So, you're no longer bleeding. You do have... You just got cruised a couple times, didn't you? Yeah. I think so. There's like ones and twos. Right. So, let's assume you've got one bolt inside of you, but two are not. Okay. Killing successes is equal to the total overall health points lost by the patient. You don't even have points that you lose. Yes. Five lethal three bashing in the end. You only have to keep on getting up successes to equal how much damage it gets before he gets something back. Okay. Well, you'll do that, I mean, obviously, but one minute in, you've made your one roll. Read it up and get back to this one. You'll be conscious in a short period. I'm going to handcuff the... Russian vagrants. You have handcuffs? Okay. So, you handcuff them, and they are unconscious. What is it you and Michael using them up for me? It's probably my job, dude. It's not my lifestyle, it's my job. You do know this when you handcuff them and get them into the room that they're both still believing. Believing out? Possibly. Do they have any identification on them or anything that would stand out? Yeah. On your clothes you mentioned... I can't give you a six pack of that. Underneath some of the different old trench coats and some stuff from the Salvation Army, you know? They have on security uniforms. There's no name tags. There's no wallets. There's nothing. That's all they have. Well, actually, we might not need to handcuff with these people up because they probably eat actually people all again. You have to be loved like you described it, and they're no longer controlled, wouldn't we, my guess, but... I don't take any risks at this point. Let's try to kill us. And now you hear a siren in the background. After about ten or twelve minutes, you hear sirens and they seem to be... coming closer. And that's what we'll call it for tonight. Alright, good job, guys. Tony's just storyline, what is your limit tonight, about the story that you didn't know before. We're already looking for them, so they're coming after us now. Do you know who that might be? I'm pretty sure it's the bee company because they had some uniformed guys downstairs, and they would kind of go with the uniform guards that they had at the bee companies. Okay. Jake, the bee corporation is the one who came after us. Sorry, I really... Was the one who tried to say to us, and apparently this is their favorite way of killing people. Because this would tie back to them, and when they previously did to get the land that they wanted, they're not very inventive. I think the jig is up. A lot more than that, I felt like they did too. They could just recruit people. Second group surprise, and hurt them. Some type of line control of the... not dead people. We'd kill them when the bees pop out, and they're normal people, it seems like. Did you hear anything about the supernatural tonight that you had no idea about before? I mean, obviously, it was just one long combat scene, but... I don't know what that was when the one guy talked to the other guy. Was it the guy that was under his evil, I think, was going to leave? Was going to leave, and the other guy wanted to talk to him, and his voice sounded buzzing like. It wasn't human, wasn't your language. It was something that he communicated the guy turned around and stood his ground for a bit longer. I don't know why they just wouldn't, like, walk into a room and shoot us. Why do they got to use carbon dioxide? Well, it almost worked. It really did. They wouldn't walk up. They wouldn't have been for the shattered glass. I don't think any of you would have woke up from that. What was from the shattered glass? I think that was a side street feeling. They think it was side street. Well, it seems like we had our location discovered somehow. I'm thinking maybe the vitamin B people. I've never discovered it, do you know? You weren't bleeding to death, or they discovered it. I don't know, we've been poking around a lot. You have. I just wanted to be out of me, inside as to how you thought it might happen. Well, the only person from vitamin B that knows this personally was, what's his name? Henry Jacobson, and all the bees escaped from him and went somewhere, and they probably told their other bee friends that what we were up to pretty much. Okay. They kind of put two and two together, and that's where they came after us. Okay, anything else with the storyline that you want to add? The interesting thing about this time with the bees is that the bodies are alive. They're not dead. In Henry's case, he was dead after the bees left his body, so that's something pretty interesting. Mm-hmm. Different, super neutral ability. You think they'd all just turn into corpses? Yeah. I don't know, maybe after a period of time, you do become a corpse, you know, as a bee, you start eating your body or whatever they do, making their nest day or whatever, you know. And the whole carbon monoxide thing, I don't understand why they're all going home about that. I guess it's a good way to make everyone think an accident happen, you know? If it wouldn't have been for the site shooting ability, we'd all be dead. Is that what we think it was running away? Well, we're assuming that that's who smashed the window and woke us up, because otherwise we can't work. At first, I thought site show Billie was responsible for it, but now, you know, after being attacked by the bee people, then, yeah, he might be, you know, trying to help us out. So, we need to find... Jon, you had said that what you learn new about supernatural night was that they had some buzzing communication. That was what you're going for, like, the language they had, wasn't human, and they were some other creature or something. What were you going for with that buzzing idea? I just wasn't sure if they were communicating, or one was in charge of the other. Yeah, maybe it's more like a hive. Like, not really people talking to each other, but groups of bees. Like, a hive mentality? Jay? I don't think there's anything telepathic about that communication, because he had to actually grab him and talk to him. And, like, you said, I think that was a really good guess that the bees had got away from Henry after he died, what, and reported back. That's really the only mistake we've made with the bee company. I don't know the secretary any issue on them, but we've used, you know, fake numbers and run them. They don't know who I am. There's no way to stop those bees from going anywhere, anyway. They want to take the fly off, they fly off. Well, I think they do have a lot of spray and bombs. But I think they do have to communicate? Yeah, I mean, you never really tried to keep the bees. I mean, not that you know them. I don't think the hive might have been, like, wrong. I don't think they instantly know what the others do. Bees communicate. Real bees communicate through dancing around, and thermal, and all that kind of stuff. So, they have to be close. And I found it was interesting that these guys, the bees abandoned, and yet they're still alive. Is it when the bees use, they use up the human's energy until they become a husk, and virtually, you know, our dead? Or can the enemy dead corpses, maybe he? Well, it would be interesting to find a whole condition that people are in, you know, once they become conscious, to do an examination. Is it at all like, how do we get here to take that? Sorry? I was kind of shocked that they, I hypnotized the guy, and the bee buzzed to the other one and stopped. The reaction to my hypnotism, I figured he would turn around and flood anyway, since he was programmed to beesaw, and be dead. So, you're saying every magic was stronger than your magic? Isn't the other magic was stronger than my magic, or... Well, it's possible that there were two different entities that you were dealing with. You tell the man to run, and the bees overroaded by telling the other bees to override it. It might be how Ethan might have been just overtaken by the bees. I still think that it was different, because we had the arms, and then we were sitting in the window, maybe the bees were lost. And when he crashed through and hit the window, or the back of the bar, he didn't expel bees or anything. Plus, it seemed that Ethan was going against Henry, so we had, you know, the two different entities. Or two different bee fashions. Mm-hmm. Powers of nature. All right. That's good. Thanks for listening to the Knights of the Night of Actual Play Podcast. 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