Knights of the Night

KOTN Actual Play Podcast 09: Shit Luck: Ep. 10: "Is that Your Phone or Mine?"

Broadcast on:
24 Oct 2010
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Task Force S.I.R.E.N.'s discussion of what they learned after their bizarre encounter with Benjamin the Beekeeper is interrupted by two unexpected phone calls...

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness story line shed luck, was created, and run by our storyteller Scott. This episode covers chapter 5, scene 1, and begins with a bit of feedback. If you wish to leave us feedback, you'll leave it at iTunes as a review, or contact us at And now, please enjoy chapter 5, scene 1, titled, "Is That Your Phone Or Mine?" [Music] We got some feedback from different sources, iTunes, the webpage, and even a Twitter, and we'll start with iTunes. A tweet in the tweet, right? Okay, this is a iTunes review, 5 stars, thank you very much, from the Quinn. Really enjoyed the character background in podcast number 1. It really helped set the stage. I also like the government agency investigation angle, and a likely team assembling to solve a mystery. I'm hoping to see some of their individual background skills start to shine and come to the forefront in actual play. I imagine that these characters are reluctant everyday heroes, kind of like we all secretly wish we could be. I'm hooked. Keep the podcast coming. That's from the Quinn. Thank you, Quinn, for the 5 stars and the review. We like the Quinn. The mighty Quinn has spoken, and we will definitely give him some airtime here. So yes, we do appreciate that. We enjoy the mystery as well, and we're hoping that our listeners are enjoying the mystery. And it will continue to evolve, and hopefully continue to carry along an interesting storyline for everyone listening. In addition to that, we had some feedback on our podcast webpage, where listeners can leave a comment. I believe this comment was under episode 8. Okay, and this comment comes to us from Neverwinter27. I'm a new listener, and I have some questions for you guys. Where do you guys have these sessions at? Sometimes I hear elevator-like noises in the background. Also, can you increase the sound quality from these MP3 formats? I'm not very familiar with World of Darkness, and would like to know which books you're using for this play. Well, even though the main book World of Darkness... We're using the World of Darkness, yeah, let's go on to the last few questions first. First of all, I can't believe he actually figured out that we play an elevator. That's a good reasoning there. Well, what's really precious are all the looks we get from the people as we sit there in front of the elevator. Do you have to ask them to be quiet in between floors and whatnot? No, Neverwinter, that is actually one of the many ambient sound effects that our storyteller Scott has found and likes to put into play. As you listen to all of our different podcasts, usually there's a neat background or sound effect or ambient music that really sets the stage for whatever we're playing, and I think Scott's used it to a pretty nice effect. I know a couple times I've had unexpected and kind of surprising reactions when I hear a sound effect that suddenly either stops or starts. So, the elevator, if I recall correctly, was actually... In a hospital, we were in the hospital. We were in a hospital, and we were near an elevator. That's what I'm assuming is referring to either that or your furnace or air conditioner because we are playing in a basement. Yes, the actual place we play is in a home. It's in a basement, and unfortunately the area that we have is very close to a heating and cooling system which will sometimes interfere with the ambient noises we try to create for the atmosphere. But it has the size that we need to accommodate the entire group comfortably. As for the sound quality, unfortunately it is what it's going to be for the near future. We have looked into other ways of raising it with better microphones, et cetera. But as of now, in the foreseeable future, it'll probably... Actually, it may improve a little bit because I've learned some editing tricks along the way when I'm editing the file that should hopefully make the quality improve. Like, maybe editing out somebody showing a popcorn or right in front of the microphone. Harmful corn. Harmful corn. Let's just return to the question. The last part of the question was... What books are we using? What book are we using? Well, we're using Hunter the Vigil. Yes, the Vigil, not the Virgil, and that's a whole different book. We're using the standard World of Darkness source book, and we're using Requiem. We're using the supplementals for Hunter, meaning which finders. Which finder here? We also have light stalkers and spirit slayers. The general three main. The general gist of the campaign is along the line of... Hunter, the Vigil. The Hunter, the Vigil. The idea that... Well, I know he mentioned that first, but the general gist and the focus of the campaign is Hunter the Vigil. So it includes World of Darkness, Hunter, and all of the offshoots that are related to Hunter. Well, yeah. I look at the original World of Darkness book as... You're basically prey, and can you escape from whatever evil is trying to kill you? Yeah. Whereas Hunter the Vigil says, "Well, you're still being hunted, and you're still facing powerful forces, but..." At least you know about them somewhat and can prepare for it, and try to fight back. You have some powers. You have some way to fight back. Right. And what I was saying too is there are other books. I mean, obviously there's books that focus on vampires and mages and different ones. That if you were using that as the central focus of your campaign, it would be a totally different character set. Sure. We are everyday humans with a slight power bump, and that's the focus of the show. And there are World of Darkness books, the base system books, like Reliquary, Book of Spirits. So there are some basic World of Darkness books that we're using in conjunction with the Hunter books. But overall, it's a Hunter campaign, a low-powered Hunter campaign at this point, as they're just beginning investigators. And again, thanks for the question. Hopefully we gave enough information to give you all the answers to the questions that you had. Keep listening, Neverwinter. Yes, we appreciate it. We'll try to improve them. Yes, the sound quality. And lastly, we had a response via Twitter to me personally, since I'm the editor. We've got this response from Sarah in England. Yeah, kind of a big anglophile. I love the English almost as much as I love elves. You got a Franco file? No. He would strike me as more of a Franco file. They're more elvish than Englanders are. Yeah, but there's a history. They were empire. They were... I thought you were going to insult the French here. Well, I don't know enough about the French to... Okay, I'm sorry. I just thought you were a Franco file more than you were at Anglophile. Rule Britannia. All right. And you're going to bear enough. You go. And a comment from Sarah was that she enjoyed the podcast very much. Excellent sound quality. Oh. Very professionally done and a great story too. So thank you very much, Sarah. Wow. With the comments. She refutes Neverwinter. She does. And she's honored to ask him. And that was part of the thing I was joking with Jim just earlier is that the sound quality is in question. She was asking what we used to record it. Basically, it's an iPhone that we're using to record our shows. And she was surprised at how good the sound quality was based on the fact that it is a phone thrown in the middle of the table. Actually, so am I. Well, we don't actually throw it in the middle of the table. I will toss it out. It does get thrown. I'm always surprised at how much it does pick up. I mean, I know you are filtering and I know you are. Yeah, I mean, this table's big. It's a size of a foot table. I mean, it's big. So, and people are sitting on all corners of the table and it manages to pick up reasonably well the sound of what's going on. Even the crunching of caramel corn, even the crunching of the corn, or Greg playing with the spice. We can make fun of him. Don't, he's not here tonight. You're making me edit. I was demonstrated. Since we brought up Sarah from England, we'll bring up the other thing that Mike wanted to. Well, I just, I appreciate everyone who is taking the time to download the podcast or really appreciate it. I am also very surprised and happy to see that we have people from all over. We've got Germany. We've got Norway. We've got Australia, Israel. You know, the UK, of course. New Zealand. New Zealand. All these different places. Canada. Don't forget our nearest neighbor. Sorry, we do have Canada. And, and since I'm half Norwegian, I appreciate anyone from Norway or everyone from Norway that are taking the time to download. I really appreciate it. All one of them. You could edit that out. That was only one person. But my grandmother was Norwegian, used to call me Lars and she'd make Luda Fisk and it was a whole thing. So, I'm a big fan of Lhasa. So, there you go. So, Lhasa is the airline. Lhasa is a kind of like a pastry. Oh, it's a Norwegian. That's not even a pastry. Well, yes it is. It's hard to explain. It's like a fried dough that you put butter and sugar and you need to give it some. That sounds good. It is good. How that was the airline? No. What? Could be. That's the airline. Is that German? I think that's German. Yeah. It's a whole different thing. We won't go there. The countries you mentioned, our number one listener is obviously the United States. We're ourselves based in the United States and most of our listeners come from that area. Followed behind by the United Kingdom. Go Sarah. Spread the word Sarah. Germany. Norway, Jamaica, Canada, Australia, Virgin Isles, British. Vietnam is really a New Zealand. Vietnam. Vietnam. That's a new one. Excellent. So, those are the countries I listen to us and I won't go through the list of the states. There are a lot of them all over the United States. But I wanted to thank all of our listeners. Excellent. And now, let's get on to the normal episode. This is the World of Darkness, Chapter 5 in the Story Shit Luck. I'm Tom. I play Jonathan Alton, and I play a soldier. So, left the army and now trying to start an investigation company and raise some money. So, he's in this for the money. But, now he's got a bunch of friends that are watching out for him. I'm Jim and I am playing Tony Bonadillo. He's a war vet from Afghanistan who is hanging out with the Sharon conspiracy, putting down in pieces parts for his... Chironic. Chironic. Chironic. He wants us to see. You were a medic, right? Yeah, he was a medic. Mostly, he was a demolitions guy, but he also has some medical training. And lets to blow things up and sneak into places. Alright. Next. I'm Mike, and I'm playing Michael Clay, part of the Aegis Kaidoru. And I am an academic/adventurer who is fascinated in the study and research of artifacts. Didn't need that. That's what you're going to do. This is Bob playing a special agency park with the FBI rescue unit who is a crime scene investigator here on his first assignment to assist these people, much to his chagrin. You're an elected hero. It's not really a co-opted side of government, right? You were pretty co-opted. I mean, basically your unit volunteered your services entirely much. Right. So you are... I mean, it wasn't like you volunteered for this group. Right. You're a supervisor of volunteer. I don't really know my ally either in terms of what we're doing here, but... Here, nonetheless. Alright. And where we walked it off last week... We weren't investigating this. What'd you do? Not serial killings. He's a serial killer/slasher type of investigator. Well, how do we know that we've got 12 dead people somewhere missing? It could be. Sure. Hard not. So, as we walked it last week, or the last time we played, you were wicking your wounds a bit, and walking away from Benjamin's Victorian mansion in Ohio City. Only one of us got wounded was the community guy over there. Well, Mike did get wounded. Chew got a little bit of a migraine as well from the whole maze experience. So you work your way back to the vehicle, your vehicle is actually their part on the street, and that's when chews phone rings. Does a number show up? Yes, it's a number for vitamin B. What phone thing? Okay, I answered it. Alright. You hear hello? May I speak to Sam, please? Yes, this is Sam. I sound like I'm in a hurry. Okay. And why can't I find a picture? It's a female voice. She looks like this picture. And she... Oh, you imagine? She would look like a picture if I actually have her picture here. Is she the beautiful female on a phone ever? Sounds very sexy. Very sexy. She sounds quite attractive, and she says, I heard you might be interested in some of our products. Is there some place would you like to meet? Would you like to discuss some products further? Yes, I would very much like to meet with a sales person from your company. I am online with someone else right now. Would I be able to call you back, possibly later? Sure, did your phone pick up my number? Yeah, it sure did. Can I reach you back at this number? You most certainly can. I look forward to the call. Alright, great. And what was your name? She tells you her name is Tammy Son. That's what it was. Tammy Son? Yeah. Is she going to be the one meeting? Alright, good. She is the sales rep. She is one of the sales reps for vitamin B. And she would be happy to meet with you. She heard that things were in a rush and you were going to be out of town soon. So she is going to clear some time this afternoon in her schedule and just give her a call back at your leisure. Great. I will certainly do that. Thank you. Well, okay, so doing one stuff, this interview with this person, when we don't have access to Dr. Lucius or... Because I can doctor schedule his business today, and I think we can lay her until he's available. I think he's got the best shot of identifying a problem with her. I don't. Well, I mean, I've got other elixirs that can tell body heat, their infrared, and very perceptive. But I don't know that either one of these is going to do the job, but he can do just by using their own. Well, you've already said that you're pretty busy with sitting on the other phone, so it's a simple matter. It happens in business all the time where... It's delayed for a day or whatever. You know, look, he also told her he was going to be in town today, the secretary. Oh, pleasant change. Maybe we turn this into some type of opportunity to go to a convention, and you want to make sure you have the vitamin B stock on hand. That's in. So your plan is... Why do you mean it's so important? Because you're a well-earned dealer, right? Well, that's... your facade here that you're trying to... Right. Well, sort of, I was going to help with Dr. Lucius. He was going to kind of be the sponsor of the... No, it's still working. ...of the company I was putting together. Exactly. Independent infrastructure if you don't have vitamins. But it still works to your advantage, and maybe we do a quick computer search to see what type of local events or national events might be happening, but just kind of things you can kind of piggyback kind of that. In case they try to backtrack like why we're delaying a day. I don't think they have a problem with that. Right. All right, so you make your way back to the cars. I think in general salespeople are so happy to get a sales file that they're not going to question anything. So what's the plan with that? I mean, we can set up an interview with this person. I might be able to get some information on her just by her... So I think our thoughts are doing your thoughts. Right. I'm looking at the ugly animals on the side of it. Fair. I'm not sure really what I'd look for. It's just ritual. Because you didn't notice that Henry was anybody unusual. There's something about a ritual I was never able to figure out. Right. Same thing comes up for her that's only, I can say, is that there's some ritual involved. But if our thought process is that he was infested by bees for months, you didn't even pick up the fact that he wasn't a real human. Right. So your power's not really kind of great for that. I mean, we all have our limitations. I must say he's a bad power. I'm just saying I think we wait until Dr. Lucius is here because his aura is going to tell us something more than your power could. And if you could recall, when he saw Henry Jacobs the very first night in the bar. Yes. In the wine bar. The aura that Dr. Lucius Miles detected was an aura he had never seen before. And he actually called it into HQ in Chicago, his handler or his contact with the Chiron group because he had never seen an aura of that shade before. So I think we wait for him. I mean, that seems the best of course to see it. You know, it's a wider spread thing with all their sales persons. How is Dr. Lucius' power triggered? Is this something you can do repeatedly or is there impossible? You know, I don't know. But in the Hunter of the Vigil book, which is probably right there, there is an endowment called with the eyes. So they're called, I don't want to say devil's eyes, but I don't think that's it. But it's in the endowment section, which I'm sure is, you know, well documented in that town. This is hilarious. This is not boring. So, the call is delayed. What was our next step? Michael, did you have something you wish to do? Well, I'm still recovering from my... You look like crap, right. So I'm still recovering from my encounter. This is an endowment. And after, you know, the ways of mages are subtle and deep. So part of me is, as much as I'm fascinated by this "V" figurine, I'm wondering if this is not some type of magical way of keeping tabs on us. Oh. You know, if I can imagine... Because I can see that object, I can kind of get a reading on it, get some information. Who's talking about it? And that might be helpful to examine it. Well, I guess I'm going to use my cold knowledge and relic experience to... I'm still kind of pretty shaken up because I... You know, on a moral level, I've kind of, you know, failed myself by giving in. So I'm kind of... Irish guilt or whatever. Or more so, or what do you want to call it. But at the same time, that, hey, this is the exact anything that leads to status and prestige among my people. So... You saw an opportunity and you capitalized on it. So, anyway, there's a lot of different factors here, and so I wouldn't mind spending some time looking at this. Chu says that he could maybe do a reading on it, which is fine, as long as it doesn't interfere with whatever resources he needs to gather for his meeting at the vitamin B. I think next... Tomorrow. Yeah. And then... That would be the best vitamin today. The next tomorrow? Well, whatever... Whenever Dr. Lucius is... Right. Really? Real time anyway. Well, he's just like a real doctor. They're taking forever to see you and get back to you. And then the results are always inconclusive. Sorry. I'm sorry. I don't... We don't know how often Dr. Lucius could do this, but I think he's got the best tool for analyzing to be a company. Right. Employee. Employee. He's in general. I mean, if we go up to the building, etc., again, he would be the person we would long with us. So I think both of those are off the table until we use schedule opens up. So, of the things we can do other than that, you mentioned some background researches and looking to... Oh, licenses and building permits and different things. They're basically doing the boring mundane investigative part of reviewing building plans. You know, they're building this new or they're expanding their facility. And there has already been some hints that the expansion... He just told our listeners that the thing we're going to do tonight is the boring mundane stuff. Yeah, I think so. Way to work up those ratings, guys. Go ahead, sorry. No, but I think we're not the jet playboy flashy, you know, hunters. No, you're not. You're a deep company. Yeah, I'm going to tell them to. Storyteller. Detective. Or whatever we're calling it today. All I know is that I don't got money, I don't got equipment, I got stung where I'd be, I got my ass kicked by an old man. And you want to go horse kicked. You want to go hide in the end? I feel like I'm a little vulnerable right now. Well, in the office for a little bit, it makes him claw. Well, that's research. So you take your artifact back to your lab and start. Well, I'm not giving it up. It's not you. But it's your artifact back to your lab. I like it. But, you know, I'm concerned that it's some type of technical parlance. It's a bug. 'Cause it's bees. It's our bug. I think it's part of the picture of insult. But when you give a cue as a gift. No, I don't think it has any happiness for me at all. But if it's, you know. Some people get T-shirts. Or you keep that in your pocket? Yeah. Well, look, it's a buzzer. Why aren't the maze made in that heat? It's kind of a product in the room. Hey, Vince. So there's... See, you were in the other world. Nobody fully knows what the maze is. What the mind created that it shall. This is the red pill? Oh, I manifested this. Sure. Myself. You're only green. I think it's kind of a... So I... I'm not taking notes. You could probably get like... I secretly desired a call. Got out of the... Three and four. Yeah. Now, whatever the case is... Let me be the first time. Let's do some investigation. That was out of the country. To the lab. To the lab. So... I don't know if you guys... I don't know if you guys... Can I hook this up or not? What? But as far as smoking bees goes... That's an idea to be able to, like, bring some smoke bombs. It was mentioned last week? And actually purchased some. And the local target... So we had to act... Couple of smoke bombs. Couple of smoke bombs. Not smoke bombs with bee bombs basically. And then we had to spray the... Since the smoke, uh... It kind of blocks the receptors that they use to... The caromones... The receptors that they use that cause... Show you an alarm and it makes them all want to... Eat honey. Because they think it might be because of fire. And they need the money. Yeah, back there. So they have to eat all the food they can and run. So they... It's an attack and they eat honey and it's a run. There's plenty of bee research there. It's very loose. That's your day, your cell phone, right? Jay, your... Oh, my phone. Right. Uh... It's Jay. Calling for me to give. Since she does want a day. I told you. You. Oh, the phone rings. Oh, yeah. It's probably wrong. It's called me. What? It's called you. Yeah. These are a picnic. Hey Jay, how are things going in the field? Uh... Okay. I'm confused as ever. That's not great to hear. Don't we're gathering information yet? If we had all the answers, we'd be done. That is true. Well, I have good news and I have bad news. What would you prefer to hear first? I'd say the bad news first. The bad news is I'm going to transfer you to Winston Tate after this phone call is over. Oh darn it. He's a little bit displeased right now, so just a little heads up. Uh... The good news is you had me look into some data for you. Can you guys get to somewhere where you can download and print out some PDFs? I don't have time to look back at the office or apartments. Right. Can you head back to the condos? Is that something you can do? I think there's something down here that you don't want to take a look at. Just about to do that anyway. Alright. Well... Go out all this well. Talk to you later. Bye, Jay. Happy and healthy. Could I transfer you over to Winston then? Oh, no, I hung up. Total. The phone rings again. Sure did, but I did hang up. Yeah, I found reading major chapter with the information. I still have no idea whether or not you can do that endlessly. Yo, boss. What's up? Well actually it's Jay. No, she transferred me. No, she was going to transfer me. You hung up on her, so she called you back and then you answered the phone. I thought we were done, Jay. Surely. That was not very nice. I haven't hung up on you before. That's right, the boss wanted the talk. Yeah, that's right. The boss wanted the talk. Well, good luck. Do you have any? The boss was. No, I was going to say did you have any ear plugs that you might want to insert before I transfer you over? Hold on one second, I'll transfer you. Let me get a holler. And she transfers. I'm turning the volume down. Yes. In the interim while you're waiting for the... He just looked mad. Right, if you recall from the original storyline though, he was quite gregarious for the large man that he was. He had a good sense of humor and seemed all in all to be... I don't know. He seemed like a good guy. It's not a very good font. No, it's not. It looks like Kato. Yeah, Kato. It's Winston Ting. It's not a good font for reading. It's a good font for... It's pretty good. Yeah. Conveying from the mood. Mr. Taster, how can I help? Jay, how's it going? How are things in the field? Um, progressing along fine, thank you. Alright, I got some disturbing news from Jay'd this morning when I walked into the office after her original conference call with you at the big... When you guys were at the big egg this morning. She told me that there was something about a body, a cadaver that you had stumbled upon or needed to hide. Mm-hmm. I get the idea. Jay just filled me in so you don't need to refresh me on why it happened. It's all very interesting and I'm right now scurrying my sources trying to get more information for you on what this could be. However, I need you to take control of your group. Jay, you're in charge there. What are you insinuating, Mr. T? I'm insinuating that you allowed one of your team members to drop a body off at a chyron warehouse. We now have lost all access to that body. We don't work for chyron. You work for siren. And Dr. Lucius Miles, who I'm sure was the impetus behind that drop off, does not work for chyron. He works for siren. We now have lost valuable information to what could only be described as a healthy competitor of what we're attempting to do here. I would appreciate in the future if the first call when there's a cadaver isn't a chyron but is to myself or Jay so we can help you out with the situation and find a safe house for you. But taking the chyron safe house was not a good idea and you need to rein in that doctor. That was not a good idea. We got a body that's off the public radar now. I understand that you wanted the body and that's fine. In the future we'll do that. But you hired us all for our individual talents and our abilities. Correct. That's what we were using now. Right. But I would have thought that perhaps in the conversation of taking it to a chyron warehouse, someone might have thought that chyron being in possession of that body as opposed to siren. Would be a major difficulty for us. It was the best place to take it. You're not on the phone call. It's not a conference call I assume at this point. No. It's one on one. Right. And actually he's a little west with both of them. We kind of know what the conversation is about. Right. You can hear my part. Yeah. So. Don't have us work for chyron. What about that? No. You worked for chyron. No. I think there's a little work for it. We're just subcontracted out. Not some contract is out. You were given to siren. Siren. Your job is to work. You are not understanding that. You're a brother of the phoenix but you're not with the brotherhood of the phoenix right now. You're with siren. This is your first obligation. You see, I'm not sure how many resources siren has because you sent us out in the field to do a job which you can't even tell us what the job is. We don't know what happened to the 12 people. You can't tell us if they were killed. If that is the job. If they murdered, the job is to find out what happened to these 12 people. So you're sending us in here blind and we're dealing with the situation as best as we can. We had a dead body. I understand. Didn't belong in the public eye. I understand that you think this was as quickly as we could. The best idea. I'm saying it wasn't the best idea. The best idea was to call the jader myself. The best idea was to get a mystical body full of bees off the street before we got arrested and thrown in jail. Now, if you want us every time we have to make a decision to call you off and say, "What should we do now, Mr. Tate, when you're how many miles away and what time of night was it?" We had to move the body, we had to get it off the street somewhere safe where we knew that the police and any other prying eyes didn't need to know would see it. So we took it where the doctor suggested. Now, should your, our group, Siren, have had it and could do, can we even do the research that they can do and give us the information? Do we even have the tools to do that? Are you finished? I think so. All right. Then, what I'm asking for here is that you think for a few seconds longer in contact your Siren representative before you contact your Chiron representative. It doesn't seem like the Chiron representative until after the body was off the street and then already the Chiron representative was employed. You didn't get the contact. I mean, it was there. From what I got out of it was you picked up the body. That wasn't a problem. You took it to one of their safe houses. That wasn't a problem. But an hour into it, you decided to leave the body at the safe house. All I'm asking is somewhere in an hour, someone could have picked up the phone and called your supervisor in Washington and said, "Would you like this body to investigate?" That's all I'm asking. I understood. And I understand your points. Things are tense in the field and it's dangerous. I get it. Your decision was the right one to get the body off the street. But an hour passed from the time you took the body off the street and the time you wrapped it in the warehouse in the salt mine over on Whiskey Island. So all I'm asking for in the future is not for a phone call with every single little problem you have, but when there's a major issue where we might be able to glean some real information, we can't now. We are in direct competition with the Chiron group and we will not be able to get anything, but what they want us to know at this point, which isn't going to be really valuable in our investigation. I'm not trying to address you. Dental are individual organizations and conspiracies that we work for are a tool that you can use and we're supposed to use them only for the body for the Chiron. Chiron? Correct. That is absolutely correct. They have given you to our cause. Wait, what? They have given you to our cause. You work for Siren first, for the Brotherhood of the Phoenix second, for Chiron second or for the Aceden ones, which is the Brotherhood of the Phoenix. That's your secondary title. Correct. So, you know, the idea is I just want you with big situations like bodies and should we kill someone and should, you know, we, I don't know, take this magical artifact and use it. You know, those might be some things that you want to bring to us and just say, is this a great idea? Only because this is your first assignment. I would imagine months and years from now, you'll be able to make that decision quite easily, but this is your first time in the field soldier, at least in this field. I'm going to call this guy up on a phone and saying, can I pull the trigger? Come and shoot me, can I pull the trigger? Understood, sir. Thank you. Thank you. That's all I wanted to bring across to you was that Siren first, your other allegiances second. That's what we expect, that's what you're being paid for, that's what you signed a contract for, and we are here for you. But we can't be here for you if you don't pick up the phone and call. So, well done so far, but we've lost a body, and that's huge. I just wanted that to be. Okay, so he gets off the phone with you after a nap, so he's practicing down. Thanks for listening to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Visit for more information on this and other adventures, where you will find character stats, photos, storytelling, props, and even a forum for comments and suggestions, or you could email us directly and add to All music for this podcast has been created and performed by Zen Audio Smith. If you'd like custom professional music created for your podcast or business, please visit That's all for now, join us next episode for more mystery and adventure. [Music]