Come Follow Me Kids

“Plant This Word in Your Hearts” Alma 32–35

Alma and Amulek teach the Zoramites that are cast out. Faith is like a seed.“Plant This Word in Your Hearts” Alma 32–35. Some audio used in this episode was taken from the friend magazine. Come follow me for kids is a podcast where we play games and learn about scriptures. This week we are learning: I can worship God in prayer, anytime and anywhere.

Alma and Amulek’s counsel about worship and prayer was meant to correct specific misunderstandings the Zoramites had. The Lord can teach me as I choose to be humble.

Alma and Amulek had success teaching the Zoramites who were humble. We will learn what it means to be humble. grows as I nourish it.

Seeds, trees, and fruit are familiar objects that can help children understand abstract principles like faith and testimony. Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hi friends, welcome to "Come Follow Me Kids." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hi guys, this week in the scriptures, Alma teaches that when you listen to the word of God, it's planted in your heart and your testimony will grow. Just like a seed grows into a tree. - Since we are learning about trees growing this week, we wanted to play a Guess the Forest game. - So many great stories take place in and among trees in forests and woods. We're going to play some sound clips that take place in some woods. Can you guys guess which forest story you're listening to? - If you need to rewind or listen to the clips again, you totally can. - Ready? Which forest are you listening to? - It's so dark and scary in here. I want to go home. - Don't worry Gretel, when the moon comes up, we can just follow the bread crumb trail. - I should have told you I was fired, I admit it, that I didn't want you to worry. - You don't want me to worry! And now we're running for our lives through so-- - Don't go! - You keep trying to pick a fight, but I'm still just happy you're alive. - Copy that, dipper, mo-g upper strap, left flank, set up for a drop. - I see you, I got it. (dramatic music) ♪ Just my new love ♪ ♪ Your true love ♪ ♪ King ♪ (whistling) ♪ The Lord is good to me ♪ ♪ And so I thank the Lord ♪ ♪ For giving me the things I need ♪ ♪ The sun and rain and an apple sea ♪ ♪ Yes he's been good to me ♪ (whistling) - Once inside the murky glenic abouts anxiety increased to an hundred fold. For now, the forest seemed to close him behind him. Every small detail of Brahms' awful story, you turned it to haunt his recollection. (dramatic music) (screaming) (dramatic music) (screaming) - Yeah, what is that thing? - It's a snipe. - There's no such thing as a snipe. - But you said snipe? (screaming) - Whoa! (laughing) - Come on, get out of here, come on. - All right, Forky, you have to understand how lucky you are right now. You're Bonnie's toy. You are going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life. - This is where we cut our racing team in the woods. By the way, no lights, instinct only. (screaming) (dramatic music) (screaming) - His name is Marches. Lives in the rainforest district. Only he can tell you more. - Mr. Marches, Judy Hobbs, BPD. We just wanna know what happened to Emmett Otterton. - And I am rescuing you from this beast. - Hey, that's my princess. Go find your own. - Helping the little lady alone. - Are you my time, gentlemen? We'll stay away from her. Or I'll stop a mattress with you. - The tree is talking to me. - Then you should talk back. - Don't be frightened, young man. My bark is worse than my bite. - Come on, get up, come on, get up. - Get up, get up, get up. - Try again. (playful music) - What was that? (screaming) - Samantha. - Hi, in the woods anywhere. Never come back, I'll go, go, go, go, go, go. (birds chirping) - Oh, I'm pregnant. (birds chirping) - Well, he's tall and handsome and so romantic. (birds chirping) - Where are you going? - Promise or no promise. I can't stay here another minute. - Oh, no, wait, please, please, wait. (screaming) (playful music) - If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared. - Scared, Potter. - Did you hear that? (whistling) - Baba doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. (whistling) - Hey! - Whoa! - Oh! - Did you chop down the street? (whistling) - What are you doing? - Carving your name. See, C-R-Y-S? - No, no, you mustn't do that. - Here, can't you feel its pain? - You need to be more careful, young lady. - Sorry, I should've known better. - Mother said straight ahead not to delay or be misled. - I should've painted her advice, but he seemed so nice. - As a dangerous path, I bounce, but I bounce it alone, because the hunter would need the hero pooper, and I'm the only one. - So, what do trees have to do with the scriptures this week? - Well, remember last week we learned about the Zoramites who built a tower called the Ramiumtum? They all said the same repetitive prayer over and over again. Let's listen to the rest of their story now. - A group of Nephite people called the Zoramites were not keeping God's commandments. This made the prophet Alma sad. He knew the best way to help them was to teach them the word of God. He went with Amulek and others to teach them. - Let's go. - The Zoramites knew about God, but had changed his teachings. They worshiped idols. They thought they were better than other people. They were also mean to people who did not have money. - He's poor, he can't be our friend. - Some Zoramites were sad. They were not allowed in the churches because they did not have nice clothes. - I'm sad. - They wanted to worship God, but did not know how if they could not go in the churches. They asked Alma what they should do. Alma taught them that God hears their prayers no matter where they are. - It's true. - Alma said God wanted people to have faith. He compared God's teachings to a seed. If people would plant God's teachings in their hearts, that seed would grow and they would know that the teachings of God are true. He said they only need to have a desire to believe, to begin to exercise their faith. - Just try. - Amulek then taught the people about God's plan for his children. He told them that through Jesus, they could all be forgiven of their sins. He also taught them to pray to God and said that God would help and protect them. - He protected us. - Many of the Zoramites who were poor believed what Alma and Amulek taught. But the leaders of the Zoramites were angry. They forced all the believers out of the city. - Let's get out of our town. - The believers went to live with the anti-Nephi Lehi's. The anti-Nephi Lehi's ministered to them or served them by giving them food, clothes and land. - You can stay with us. Welcome. - So, Alma was comparing our testimonies growing inside of us to trees growing. - Exactly. - When we pray or read the scriptures, the Holy Ghost gives us good feelings inside to help us know what is true. A testimony grows little by little, just like a plant grows with water and sunshine. A testimony grows as you follow Jesus and love others. When you share your testimony with others, your testimony can grow stronger too. - What are some ways we can build our testimonies? - Let's play a game to find out. Just like Jesus Christ wants our testimonies to grow, Satan wants to cut them down. We're gonna share some ways we can grow our testimonies. We want you to listen for Paul Bunyan's Axe, chopping down trees. ♪ When my double blade acts ♪ ♪ In my humble boots I go ♪ ♪ Where the timbers fall ♪ ♪ When there's work to be done ♪ ♪ Don't mess around ♪ ♪ You'll sing right up for Paul ♪ ♪ Hey Paul ♪ ♪ I'm coming boys ♪ ♪ Oh Bunyan ♪ ♪ Oh Bunyan ♪ - How often can you hear him? Keep count and compare your answer to your families when we are done. (gentle music) - If you want to strengthen your testimony, good news. You are already on your way. Alma taught that having a desire to believe is the first step. So, good job. Now, here are five ways you can keep building your testimony. One, pray and ask questions. Joseph Smith prayed to Heavenly Father about many questions, Nephi did too. And they both gained powerful testimonies because of it. Prayerfully asking questions can help your testimony grow. Two, live it. Jesus Christ said that when we choose to do Heavenly Father's will, we will know of the doctrine. That means if we live the gospel, we will know it is true. Three, listen to the Holy Ghost. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings you have as you read the scriptures, sing primary songs and listen in church. Those are messages from Heavenly Father to you. Sent through the Holy Ghost. Four, share what you believe. We gain our strength in a testimony by bearing it said President Dalini jokes. When you say what you believe is true, the Holy Ghost will testify to you. And five, remember, you could keep a notebook or record yourself talking about spiritual experiences you have had. Coming back to these memories of when you felt the Holy Ghost will help strengthen your testimony. - Okay guys, let's play pretend. Pretend I'm reaching through the device you're listening to right now and I'm handing you a seed. In your other hand, I want you to pretend you're holding a rock. Can you plant the seed in the rock? - No, it's too hard. - Now pretend I'm handing you a big handful of dirt. - Can you plant your seed now? - Yeah, the seed represents the word of God and the stone represents a hard, prideful heart. The soft soil represents a humble heart. Just like the seed can grow in the soft dirt, if we have a humble heart, the Lord can teach us. - The rock is hard. It doesn't make room for anything new. Alma says we have to give place for the word of God in our hearts. - There are many who do say if thou will show unto us a sign from heaven, then we shall believe. - Now I ask, is this faith? - Amen. Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things. Therefore, if you have faith, ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. Now, God imparted his word by angels unto men. They, not only men, but women also. Now this is not all. Little children do have words given unto them many times which confound the wise and alert. Now, as I said concerning faith, that it was not a perfect knowledge, even so it is with my words. You cannot know of their surety at first unto perfection. Any more than faith is a perfect knowledge. (gentle music) If you will experiment upon my words and exercise a particle of faith, yay, even if you can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you until you can't give place for a portion of my words. - That's why these Zoramites were receptive to the words of Alma. They were humble. What does it mean to be humble? It means to be meek and teachable, knowing that we depend on God and wanting to do his will. Alma explained that faith is like a small seed. So just like a seed can be planted and grow into a large plant, if your humble, your faith can grow and become like a big tree full of fruit. - Did someone say fruit? Let's play a fruit game. Can you guess the fruit I'm thinking of? - I'm thinking of a fruit that you typically have on the 4th of July. It has black seeds in it and it looks like your mom swallowed one of these fruits when she's pregnant. I'm thinking of a watermelon. I'm thinking of a fruit that's round and grows on bushes. And it's what violet from Willy Wonka turned into. I'm thinking of a blueberry. I'm thinking of berries. I'm thinking of a berry, but it's not a blueberry. It's not a blackberry. It's not a round'sberry. This berry even has a girl named after it. Bling, shortcake. I'm thinking of a strawberry. I'm thinking of a fruit that's green with black seed. I'm thinking of a fruit that's green with black seed. That's also named after a small, flightless bird. I'm thinking of a kiwi. Last one. I'm thinking of a fruit that is the same color that it's named after. And nothing rhymes with its name. I'm thinking of an orange. Okay guys, what are some other things that grow? Listen to this quote and let's see if you can guess what I'm talking about. Faith is a gift from God, but you must nurture your faith to keep it strong. Faith is like the muscle of your arm. If you exercise it, it grows strong. If you put it in a sling and leave it there, it becomes weak. Muscles grow and our faith grows as we exercise it. Speaking of muscles, let's strengthen ours. How many pushups do you guys think you can do in one minute? Can you guys do pushups while you listen to Alma preach? See how many you can do during this quick one minute lesson. Alma taught the Zoramites about faith. He said those people who ask for a sign before they will believe do not have faith. Alma said faith is believing that something is true without actually seeing it. He explained that faith grows as a person wants to believe and listens to the word of God. The word is then planted in the person's heart and like a seed, it starts to grow. As a person learns more about the gospel, the seed sprouts and keeps growing. The person knows that the seed is good and his or her faith grows stronger. Alma said that just as a good seed produces good fruit, the word of God brings blessings to people who have faith. How many pushups did you do? Do you think if you practice doing pushups every day this week that you would be able to do more by the end of the week? For sure. What about your spiritual muscles? Do you think if you worked those out by praying and studying your scriptures every day that they would be stronger too? For sure. Let's get spiritually buff this week. Set a goal of one thing you want to do to get spiritually stronger when you complete it. Tell your parents and then say it's their turn to do pushups. - I can't take those pushups the way I used to. (gentle music) - Prideful Zoramites had kicked out the poorer people from their churches. The poor people asked Alma, we have no place to worship our God. What should we do? Alma could tell the people were humble and ready to learn the gospel. I'm gonna talk that faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things. If you have faith, you hope for things which are not seen, which are true. Alma taught that faith grows. You start with a desire to believe and then that little tiny faith can grow and grow until you have great faith. - A seed won't grow unless it is planted and cared for. This is just like faith. - We will not develop and grow our faith unless we nourish it, have patience and exercise it. If a seed or plant is not given water and sunlight, the plant will begin to wither and die. This can also happen to our faith. If we stop developing our faith, it will then get smaller and smaller. We pray because we have faith in Jesus Christ who saves us through his infinite and eternal sacrifice. Over time, with constant nourishment, the word of God takes root in our hearts until it becomes a tree springing up into everlasting life. - Well, hell. (gentle music) - I want to enjoy it. - Okay, sing this song. (humming) ♪ I love Jesus ♪ (gentle music) ♪ Alma 32, 21 ♪ ♪ And now as I said concerning faith ♪ ♪ Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things ♪ ♪ Therefore if ye have faith ♪ ♪ Ye hope for things ♪ ♪ Which are not seen ♪ ♪ Which are true ♪ (gentle music) ♪ And now as I said concerning faith ♪ ♪ Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things ♪ ♪ Therefore if ye have faith ♪ ♪ Ye hope for things ♪ ♪ Which are not seen ♪ ♪ Which are not seen ♪ ♪ Which are true ♪ ♪ Which are true ♪ - All right, that's all we have for this week, but before we go, we have some baptism shout outs. We have Gabe from St. George. We have Indy Marble from Brigham City. We have Azurian Lister in Enterprise. We have Peter Osler in Provo, and we have Ian Parker in Sandy. We are so proud of you guys for choosing to get baptized. - Yeah. (audience cheering) - That's what we have for this week. Make sure you set your spiritual goal, and don't forget parents that you have to do those push-up eventually. Thanks for listening, until next time. (upbeat music) - Stay in the apartment crowd. (laughing) - Bye bye.