Spirit Talk with Szil & Jay

Fun with Jay and Pat

Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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I'm Jay and this is Spirit Talk, so has today offer took today off. I should say, well, I'm here with my best friend and brother and he came up for it. That's right Jay. This is Pat. What's up, Jay people? So, prepare yourself. This is probably going to be a very explicit show. So, fuck. No. Put your seatbelt on and hold on. Pat, I meant it's kind of crazy. I had a brother, half brother, I should say that was 16 years older than I was and I always wanted a half brother. Wow. So, this is great. So, I always wanted an older brother and when you put things out there, I feel like a lot of things to talk about is like manifestation and how things come into play or into your life when thinking about it a lot and I've only wanted an older brother and here Pat came into my life where I've come from a very rough kind of childhood and chaotic and stuff and still have to this day. Still have very much trust issues and especially with males and it's very unique and ironic and it's a great story how Pat and I came about and I had already started this job. We both... It's only great for him. We had a great for me. I'm sorry. So, two years into the job I think I was there and Pat came in and I personally have problems with electronics and things of that nature. Me and electronics do not get along. I don't know. I get irritated with them very easily, very quickly and very frustrated with them. So, I tend to find people who have that talent and let them deal with that. So, but anyway, so Pat came into my life and he came up to me with... He had issues with his tablet that we did. No, things were perfect. There's never a problem with those tablets. I still don't understand how you broke 11 of them. They dropped, they fall, they, you know. So, yeah. So, it was great and then also I think it was a few weeks. It blossomed into what we have today, which is a beautiful friendship. So, I always wanted a big brother too, you know, when I was growing up. But it was very ironic how him and I met. And it was like two weeks prior before him and I actually talking that I think I believe I read for your niece. Asshole to track Jay. Say your niece? No. Me and you, two assholes. They attract. Okay. Your niece that I read for. Oh. Anyway, and that came about how, you know, small world and how... How you knew my niece that I read for. Yeah, yeah. And it was funny how I, you know... Well, you grew up in Scotia. I went to Scotia for a little bit. Very, well, I went, you know, elementary, kindergarten, all that. 9th grade. Scotia, small town. Everybody knows everybody. Yeah, I hate to cut down them trees. Mohawk, I have there. All the big trees are used to be up. Oh, yeah, along the side. Yeah, they cut them all down. So, when you want to talk about, let me get my rock. Oh, yeah. So, so one of the expos that I was a part of, Pat came in and there was a stand that was selling stones and crystals and Pat bought a beautiful malachite there. And, yeah, it's beautiful. It's powerful too. I can feel it when I pick it up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, I said, I want a big giant one. I can just lay on. You know, get to forget that reel. It'll probably levitate me. Very powerful healing stone. Yeah, that's a good thing. Got that at Jay's, uh, did the expo down there in Saratoga, right? Yes, Saratoga. Yeah. So, that's where I live about pretty close to that. So, I went down to seeing Jay and spent the day with him. He was doing his book signing. I tell you what, that was kind of like a mystical, magical day. You know, just having some of the confirmation and some of the people that came up. I saw, I saw the conversations you had there. People were very, blessed is the right word, but they were blessed to hear what you said because they agreed with it and felt it and had had a happen to them. And, and, yeah. Well, just, just, just them being magnetic, my, or, uh, Jay's had a couple beers, everybody. Yeah, no. Um, but when they, when they just are attracted to me, they came up to me and they were telling me, they were getting it. Like a magnet? It was, I was very blessed. They have a magnet. You know what I mean? It's like, to me, it didn't mean anything else. Those, those things meant a lot to me and, and those conversations. And I very much appreciate that. Well, I'm sure they had things to say that were important and made you think, right? You know, so Pat has also witnessed me, uh, when we did the gallery there in Rotterdam. Um, and that was my first experience going into a trance. Um, I started reading for somebody, came up on stage and I was very nervous and panicky and all of a sudden I just, I don't think he knew who he was. No, it was, it was weird because I, I felt like I had a hard time catching you. It was almost like somebody was speaking for you. Yeah, speaking through you like they had like control of you. And that's something that I've been trying to ask for and, and manifest. I don't want to have that. Geez, no, thank you. You know, people talking through me, man. I don't read books. But one of the things that attracted me was the book called Nothing So Strange and it talks about Arthur Ford, who was, oh yeah, that's your guy. Yes. Arthur Ford was a well known trance medium who broke Houdini's code and who was possessed by a man named Fletcher. It's a great book. I suggest reading it. If you're into that kind of thing, I'm all about learning that kind of thing. No reading written a kick. Okay. Yeah. I do not read folks, but that is a great, great book. You can read it to me sometimes. Yeah. Well, yeah, we'll have like a poet's corner type thing. But only you can read me books and I'll listen and comment. So yeah. So we're good for the books. So, oh, you want to talk about trucking? You want to talk about fucking trucking? Trucking was good back in the day. When I first started, it was good. Yeah. They had trucks. You actually had to drive shift gears. And multiple gears. Multiple 18 speeds. Split shifters. Jake brake going. Oh, yeah. Shifting while the Jake brake. That's the song of my people. The Jake brake. That's the song of my people. Not anymore. All this electronic things that they think they're helping you with the automatic braking and lane departure. Freaking sensors too. Oh, it's bullshit. Yeah. Cameras all over, which is good in case you get in it. As long as you didn't do something wrong, right? That's good for an accident. Like that that time I had the wrong way driver on 287 in Jersey there. And it didn't even the guy he he was coming at me and I got couldn't tell what Laney was going to be in. I just and I said, should I stop? And I'm like, well, even though we're moving targets harder to hit than a stationary object. So I just kept going. But he went right by me and going the wrong way and the other lane. And you think to see nothing happened, no safety shit happened, nothing popped off. It was like, well, it was great back in the day because, you know, a lot of people respect the trucks. It was nice travel. It was easy going and you were able to stop and help and throw it in the parking lot and stuff like that. Sorry. That's the way it is. They're they're they're they're. Nobody cares anymore. They're just no, you know, no cool. No pride. No respect. Respect. That's just God. It's not fun anymore. But yeah, I mean, yeah, we both have a lot of stories of both been doing that for a very long time. And yeah, we love it. Well, it's one of those things that's one once it's in your blood, that's a, you know, sucks now. You know, you get tired of it and try to get away from it and somehow it just drags and sucks your back end. It's just, you know, well, the schedule sucks. Can you help? But I feel like the importance of being respected as even as a truck driver, people don't seem to understand the hours and need the long haul that we do. And if it wasn't for trucks, America would probably stop. Oh, yeah. And, you know, people don't care. They don't give a shit. And see, I always know, I always give somebody a break. You know what I mean? All the limits, even I'll even let cars in when the construction zone comes up and everybody runs up on it. You know what? It ain't no sense in getting a hostel about it. It ain't gonna make anything better. But it's hard sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. These people with the high beams on, I just want to take a hammer and smash your lights off. They're killing me. They're killing my eyes. Are the ones that get in front of you and they slam on their brakes on brake shots? They fly by you in their exits right there. And so they cut in front of you. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. To make the exit. Couldn't wait. That took you. Wait two seconds, people. It's not that big a thing. Wait two seconds. And then the thing is too, like, we're big vehicle. We can't feel behind us if we tap something, hit something, something runs into us. We cannot feel that at all. Unless it's a good hit, you don't feel much. So we have some blind spots, you know, and people don't take that into consideration. That's how I got into that action. That lady was sitting in it right in my blind spot. I should have been able to see her. I don't know why I couldn't see her. I just couldn't see her headlights or anything. And I moved over on her, but I moved over real slow. And my lug nuts on the front wheel, the tractor trailer, you know, they stick out a little bit. Caught her rim. Well, I started to break her rim. But I caught it quick enough and I moved back over. But that's the only thing that was done was that when I used to deliver for for Papa John, but it was close. If I had just yanked it over, that would have been a, that would have been an accident, man. I would have forced her right into the, right off the road. I got charged for, for petty shit too. Like there used to be people parked alongside of the, the one way or the in and out. And we had to make a wide turn on the end. Well, apparently the ICC bumper on the back of the trailer caught alongside of the end car and put a scratch all the way down. I had to. I was going to hit a tree and that's the way we had to get around and jump a curb, you know, and they don't, they don't take some of these parking lots. Don't take consideration of trucks. They don't care. And, and, I don't care about you. I know, I know, replaceable. Yeah, you know, and when it starts not being fun anymore, it's, it's, it's time to get out. You know, that's how I look at it. You know, you got to do what's, yeah, it's tough because they pay, you know, you're paying me good. Yeah. I mean, you're paying me damn best money I ever made in my life. Yeah. There's that. I'm almost done. I'll be a couple years probably, or maybe, you know, my situation there, maybe sooner with my eye to get fixed. Yeah, I'm, I'm ready to do something else, for sure. It's getting harder and harder, especially with all the DOTs and everything else going on. That's it. And the weather, except off. The weather's really a lot of, a lot of roads washed out and floods. Yeah, that's, that's one thing with me, especially, you know, when I had my accident there, when four months after I had my license, I, I take driving very seriously. And if I start feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, that's when it's time to get off the road or. Just send it, Jay. Just send it. That's a saying. I got something for you. So, that plays a little guitar. And, and when I used to work overnight and stuff, I used to get a phone call late at night and, and it'd be packed calling me saying, Jay, I got something for you. So, I always encourage my buddy. I, you know, I, I love his playing his music. And here it is. I don't want to take up on Jay's time, but that's a little something for you, Jay. That's awesome buddy. I love it. That's one of my favorite tunes that he does play. He has come a very long way and I think he sounds great. I'll see you, Jay's people. Nice meeting you. It's great having you, Pat. I think we're gonna end this segment and I'll catch you next time. Round two. Here we go. Singing, ding, ding, ding. Come on, fucker. That was a great afternoon. That was awesome, buddy. Yes. My brother. All right. High five. Yeah. And you mentioned a couple drinks earlier and I'll tell you what, I, I do drink a couple times a year and it's phenomenal, you know, but I, and by the way, just so everybody's clear, Jay was not drinking beer this morning. That was me. But, you know, it's, it's, I, I do have my, my drinks and it's a couple years. And when I do, it's fun. It depends on the atmosphere though. And then you got to be with the right people. That's exactly it. Look at that fucking kitten. How fucking cute is that? Oh my fucking god. They're adorable. I want to scoop them right up, man. Jay's kittens everybody. They're fucking cute. But man, we got some stories, don't we? We do, brother. We got some mileage together. Yeah. Yes, we do. Jay, Jay, every, ever tell you guys about the time he had a car drive up under the back of his tractor trailer, you know, the trailer part. And it got stuck there. And so he's dragging a car through a construction zone and construction workers yelling at him. Hey, you got a car? Yeah. Yeah. And it was a bad accident, right Jay? Yeah. It was, it was a, it was a construction site. Everything was slowing right down like 40 miles an hour. You slowed down and she rammed it to you. It wasn't paying attention. Must have been on a cell phone or whatever. Yep. Had no clue. And it took to us to become fully stopped for somebody to yell out really loud. Car on fire. Car on fire. You know, if she was there. Yeah. And that's the problem with these trucks because yeah, you just don't feel anything back there. So that, I felt terrible for the woman, but at the same time, I'm like, you know, if you were paying attention. You had some bad deals, bro, Charlie. Yeah. You've had a couple bad deals. That's why I don't like being on the road anymore. It's just the way that people are today. I don't really mean you. Some fucking bad shit happened. Yeah. Yeah. That was a month. You know, being there, I'm parked on a very end parking spot at a pilot. And all of a sudden I'm walking up abruptly by my shit shaking. Everything's coming out of the cabinets. Everything's falling apart. What's going on? It's coming out of the cabinets. My wave's falling out. It was a mess. I'm like, what the fuck is going on? So I open up the curtain. My front end is missing. Yeah. And then a tanker is right in front of me. Oh, that's that one is Skoda act. Yeah. That is the worst truck stop in America. That thing is tight. It's tight. It's so tight. Yeah. It's so tight. Well, yeah, I had a lot of stuff going back there again. Thank God. Fucking God is terrible. Truck stops in general are fucking shit shows now. Because, you know, I don't know. They don't know what the fuck they're doing. I don't know. Yeah. A lot of people come out to the exit signs and go into the exit or the exit. It's just it's all backwards now. And it's just it's not fun. But here's a lot of stories. You know, and yeah, we got lots of stories. It's just talking on the CB radio back in the day. Some of the conversation took place. We're so professional. It reminded me of Smokey and Abandoned. Oh my God. Good old days. You know, that's how we're talking. With CB real CB talk. Yeah. You know, CB lingo. Yeah, we got a dragon wagon in the center lane with a with a mama bear, papa bear. Smokey bear in the middle. Yeah. It's mile number 91 over three. Backer down. Backer down. I missed them days, bro. I know it. I know it. Yeah. It's just a lot of stuff. Yeah. I mean, after a while, you just get tired of the ignorance and shit on the road and just it's tiring. You know, I don't get tired of even talking about it. I really know because it just pisses me off. Yeah, it's not the same anymore. I mean, I remember it was a point of time where I was on actually boost bar for the shit because I couldn't handle my, you know, I was getting tired with all the ignorance and stuff going on in the road. And I get to the point where I want to try people off the side of the road because they're acting ignorant and I try to give them previous signs and warnings to begin with. You know, they weren't paying attention, you know, and I'm thinking safety because people don't seem to understand a lot of them. When those tires blow or something like that, you could shatter windows. You can kill somebody. Trucks are dangerous. Hars, don't stay by them. Get by them. If you're going to pass one, pass it. Exactly. Don't pass it and take the exit. Okay, don't do that. But we work long hours and they're tiring. And yeah, so we just don't have time for the ignorance and stuff. But yeah, boost power and all that other fun stuff I was on because of road rage. Good stuff. But some of the stories, I mean, like, you've been a witness to a lot of stuff, you know, like stuff that wasn't my fault due to ignorance and people lacking common sense. It did this couple incidents at the truck stop at the loves or pilot, one of them shit show truck stabs. Yeah, guys parked in the fuel lane. He's not pulled up to the fuel pump. He's just like sitting there on his phone. Jay goes by him. And he's talking to me on the phone, right? I'm doing my own thing. And most of the hear horn beeping, bah, bah, bah, bah. The guy got pissed because Jay pulled in front of him. Well, you're not sitting there. You're not doing anything, man. He's on his cell phone and I'm going to that empty. I need to get some fuel. The guy was mad. He was mad blowing his heart. I'm running out of time. I got to get back to the show, you know, the the shots. Yeah, we got daycads. We don't have a sleeper, bro. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And they pushed you right to the very end. Oh, they did. That was the most stressful fucking trucking job I ever had with them. Yeah, yeah. Because they had the ELDs. Now back when I was pushed for time, we had paper logs. You could make that shit work. Right. Right. Yeah, yeah. The ELD. No. And then you have to sit there and wait. Remember, they did for them to come and get you. How many times did we run hours? Yeah. And this is guys when we're driving daycabs, we're home every single day. And once a week, we were allowed a 16 hour day. It's called a big day. And that's because we were home and, you know, we went somewhere. We left the same time from the same terminal every day. And we made it back. But so there was weeks where we pushed 16 hour days. And most of the time, every 12 to 14 hours easily every single day. My new job. I have never, I might have put in for my 16 hour day because I wasn't sure. But I didn't have to use it. Yeah, the whole time I was there. That's nice. That's a fucking logistics day. Remember how stressful that was, bro? I had a time and a problem with that. And you're waiting for the extension to come. And the clock is ticking. It's like, I got, I got three seconds on my clock. Please give me my fucking extension. The problem with that. Just so you get home. Just so you get fucking home. There's maybe one or two people in that whole company that actually driven big truck. Yeah. So they have no clue what it's like. They know what it's like behind a screen because the screen says so. Well, it's only, it's only an inch on the map, sir. You know, but you can do it. It's only, it's only an inch on the map. You have enough time to do that and get back. No, I'm sitting here telling you, I don't because I know the world is so stressful. That job was stressful. Yeah, it was, yeah. Yeah. So those places in New Jersey, they sent me, bro. My GPS hated Jersey. Jersey and the New York City did not like it for some reason. It's because Jersey like 95 and US one, the one, the beside 95. So when you're on either one of them, it just puts you in like the middle of them because they're so close together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just, just, just a story without love. That guy, I can't remember all what happened, what took place, but I was, we were going back at it, you know, talking back and forth. It was, it was comical because we were both flat. You were on the phone. I was on the phone. I was laughing at her. And we were guys, we were arguing whatever, saying, exchanging words all the way into the store. Yeah, taking bad. They're going to the bathroom together, coming out into our trucks, still talking all the way throughout the parking lot. It was ridiculous. And, and, and that's just the kind of a calm altercation. It was funny. But yeah, I'm not there to start problems or trouble. And I don't want to fight or anything. But I, I thought it was comical. And I just had enough of this bullshit. Yeah, the last fight. Oh, yeah. That was funny. That was, that was funny. Because we both laughed afterwards. It was funny for me too. I mean, some of the stuff that I just walk into, it's just like, wow, you know, but, well, yeah, I mean, overall, today was a great day. And I was, I was very blessed to get came off and see me. Got some New York and you know, yeah. And I'm fixing it. I'm fixing to kick, kick your ass in some box in here or something. The virtual reality thing? No, I can't actually kick your ass. I can only fight somebody else, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because, yeah, that's right. Because we don't have the other side goggles and stuff. Imagine that if we, if we actually had, we would get close to each other, actually we punch a people, punch in each other. Oh, we're knocking TVs or something. Yeah, yeah. Oh my god. You definitely, you definitely need supervision when that thing is. Oh, heck yeah, because there's some games on that thing. Well, the guy was telling me to come up. He's telling me to come up. I was, I was like, almost dumping the TV. I know. So, I was telling you to stop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that boxing was going to be fun. But just some of them were, I had to take a break and like stop because they made me sick to my stomach. It feels like you're actually walking on almost on edge. It was tripping me out and just looking down. Yeah. Look at that. They're just tense down there. There's tense with lights in them or something. I was like, what the fuck is that? Wow. You're just drawn by that light and all this is kind of like a meditation. Like, dude, this is nothing. Try something to settle this up like this. And you're like, do I like where I'm at? Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was pretty cool. It is the way you can look around. And it's not like you just got to look at the thing you're looking at. And you can look all around in your stuff. Yeah. All the way down and all the way down. Like you're, you're like, you're suspended in the air. Like, you're in somehow. Yeah, it's really cool. It is. I am. All right. I think that's going to conclude today's segment on Spirit Talk. See, Jay's people. And that concludes today's segment. I'm Spirit Talk. I'm Jay. And that was it.