MotorMouth Radio

Random misfire, ultrasonic gun cleaning & a 1969 Road Runner acceleration problem

Chris shares his victorious repair of a random engine misfire on the families Mazda CX-9.  Ray dives right into his recent experiments with the ultrasonic cleaner to de-carbon some of his guns as well as its use in carburetor rebuilding work. Various tricks and tips are shared for using this type of cleaning method. A caller complains about a Caddy power trunk  release that won't activate, and Ray talks about a 1969 Road Runner that breaks up on acceleration that he's going to look at this coming week... check our social media feed to see the pictures! On Instagram: @real_motormouthradio 
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Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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This Sunday! Every Sunday! Side-by-side at the microphone from the green light to the speed trap, Chris Witzer and Ray Carino calls him as they seize him and you better believe him. Here! Relevant news by us opinions and outright boastfuls, regarding every aspect of automotive culture, gasps, mechanical trickery never before revealed over FCC-regulated airwaves. Thrills re-explosive tension as Chris and Ray cuss each other down the track and barrel roll across the finish line, laughing at certain disaster as they shake hands for the devil! All that much more, this Sunday at High Noon on the Motormouth Radio Hour, call in and speak live with the wizards of speed and live feed, Chris Witzer and Ray Carino bring the whole family, kids under 12, get in free. Every Sunday at noon on WHPC, take the Long Island Expressway to the metal parkway and look for the sign saying "No parking on the expressway and no express service on the parkway. Go ride on Highway 24 to Garden City, $2 all day parking includes pit pass! Monday! 93K HJ, cool day! Oh yeah, the clock! Oil high! Good girl! Mmm! Little girl in the high school sweater! Yeah! Gee, what I like to know you man! Do you know what's better? Do you wear a sweater? Do you have a letter? Do you eat feta? I've been wetter! Ah, you are a bad wetter! Well, then you've turned and tuned in successfully to Motormouth Radio, Long Island's only automotive talk show with your hosts, Ray Guarito and Chris Witzer here to throw the automotive bull around a little bit. And this island, we are just an icy, cool glass of rusted automotive content for you on this lovely summer Sunday afternoon. That's the way I'm looking at it. Yes, very true. And we are all actually vetted by the SPCA, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Audiences. They've given us their seal approval and I still feel it. Man, it hurts. Yeah, right in the kidneys. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so listen, I want to say something right off the bat. First of all, it's a call in show. So you can call in at 516-572-7440. Imagine that. Check us on social media, Motormouth Radio on Facebook and Real Undiscore, Motormouth Radio on Instagram, Real Undiscore, Motormouth Radio on YouTube, Motormouth Video on YouTube. And that's what I want to say. Yeah, I'm writing this down. Big shout out to our friend Keith down in Florida. Oh. Keith comes in on the Thursday night show quite often and he said, hey, Ray, you know, he likes, they leave a comment. He says, you know, just let you know. I've been list, I started now listening to your show through YouTube. And he can't get his ears to stop bleeding. Well, that's a whole other story. Yeah, I mean, he's got other, you know, other issues with the stuff he works on. But he says, you know, the reason is I could listen to the streaming services or whatever. He says, but I want to give you the credit on YouTube, you know, of the watch credit, the watch time. Plus. And he'll make a little comment, like last week, he just said, hey, great information about gas tanks. You know, to do. Right. So, so what does he do? He turns the show on and walks away. He, you know, I know people who are helping their friends out that have channels and they put it on auto play. A guy might have 50, 60 videos. They put it on auto play as they watch it. They go to sleep and they let it go through the night. They let it go all day just so that that credit now they get the credit, the watch time. That's cool. We're in no way is near needing that right now because we're a little subterranean. But, but every little bit helps. And Keith understands the metrics because he's got a channel and, you know, be like Keith. If you put it on, you want to listen to it through there. You don't have to watch. You could listen. And, you know, and then certainly, you know, throw up a like if you like what you see or not a like, but then tell us what you don't like, you know, drop a comment. We'll reply. Believe it. Believe it or not. Yes. So thank you, Keith, from whenever you hear this will reply with either either a thumb or another finger. We've been known. No, we don't know. We don't do that. No, we don't do any of that, but the reason we want to a few times, yes, we have to keep it professional right here. Yeah. You're at this buying abstaining program where we have disclaimers abound the views and opinions of voter matter radio and not necessarily the views and opinions of WHPC and other stations. No, they don't understand us here. They really don't know and it shows. Yeah. Well, we try. People don't talk to you in the hallways, do they? Well, you know, on a Sunday, yeah, I got Kim. I got Rob and, you know, it's a it's a veritable, like, you know, class reunion. But otherwise. By the way, that was a very good imitation Kim did of Rob on the prior show. I know that was good, right? I was I was chuckling. I thought that that was and so if you're watching this on on YouTube, you're missed out. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Kim will have to do it on her show and then you listen to that. So what's up? I heard there was some automotive rumblings coming out of the nutmeg state. I heard that there was some oh, yeah, some noise coming out of a certain garage. Let me tell you there's some back padding and some butt slapping and we've we've made a successful repair on the Mazda CX nine. Oh, okay. Good. Good. Yes. With a with one little speed bump with one little caveat. Yeah. We need a new engine made a successful repair. Now, this this time I was steadfast. I was going to change because I had a miss and I didn't have a code. I was going for the fuel injectors and with 103,000 miles on it. It's possible. Now the injector that was giving me trouble was I was it was probably the second one because I actually did get a code, but I think I tripped it myself. I was getting a 302 code. And I think I messed up a little bit and but it popped up twice. Right. So, so I'm like, okay, I can't get the screwdriver in there to do my fuel injector check. Like you have that sophisticated piece of equipment. I had to check for fuel injection performance. I had a long screwdriver. Yeah. Is I would take the long screwdriver and I put it up to the injector as the car was running and put the handle to my ear and you'd listen to the pulse that the injector would create as it was operating. And I told you there was one time where I heard click, click, click, click, which was a good injector and then I heard a book book book book, which was on this on the Explorer was a bad injector. Well, I couldn't do that because I had the plenum in the way. So I just went. That's it. I'm just going in, taking everything out and that's what I did it. Or instead of post fuel injectors, or instead of order to set a motor craft coils. And I was going to use my, my longer plug. I told you I had a problem with, I had a problem with plug sub problem with, sounding like fog on like one. I had a problem with the plug length. Correct. Yes. Give me grief. Go and get a set of then so plugs, right? Though I did. I went and got a set of smaller sized then so plugs, just a side story. I go over to the Napa, one Napa by me and I walk in and I explain what's going on plugs too tall, motor craft oil, which is a stock oil for this car, it's not going incorrectly. It's sitting up a little high and the guy literally, after I gave him my tail of whoa, the guy was like, "I can't help you, I could sell you these auto light plugs." And I'm like, "No, I got those, I don't want to put those back in my car, I'm not really a fan." So throw everything back together, I go back to another Napa store on the other side of town. And those guys were younger guys and more willing to help. And one individual, a young guy said, "I will cross reference these." That's what I come up with and I was like, "Dude, you're awesome." And he came up with a set of Denzos and I went, "All right, I'll swing those." So I threw them in the car with the coils, they fit well, then I did the fuel injectors. The fuel injectors were a little bit tricky because once I got the injectors and the fuel rail off the top of the motor, I noticed that the smaller ring was still in the manifold, the smaller donuts were still in the manifold. And they were coated with a layer of dirt, it was almost like sand. Those are the ones that really stick because they've had all the heat on them. Yeah, so I'm thinking, how do I remove these donuts without getting the particles in the chamber itself? So I just squirted a little bit of oil, that was it, just a drizzle of oil and I made almost like a paste out of it from what I could see. And then I was able to pop the o-ring out and I used a tool that I never in a million years thought I was ever going to use. My dad, when he was working for the phone company, had these thick rods that had like a small clip on the end, they must have been used for pushing wires in or something on mainframes years and years ago. But the thing that I was doing with it, if you flip it around, the handle of it was dipped in like a thick plastic. And I used that because it had like an edge on the very tip of it, it had an edge that was perfect to spoon out that crud out of the manifold injector hole. Right. So I was able to clean all those out, get the rubbers out, clean all those orify out and install everything, everything went in beautifully. So the fuel injectors went all in and the coils, the plugs, plan went back on with new gaskets, hit the key, fired right up, beautiful, beautiful, nice, runs fine. Should have put a fuel filter on it while you're at it. Keep those new injectors clean. Wow, but it was funny to find a coating of wood around every injector hole. And I'm thinking to myself, did that crud actually like almost get in the way of the spray to distort the spray at all? It would now have to be down in on top of the valve, because the injector is like a plug and it shoots in. No, that's probably maybe some assembly grease or some assembly lube. But the last guy used to help get those o-rings to seat. I think the last guy was probably the factory, these things have not been tampered with, at least not since I think we got the car with like 40,000 miles on it. I was assuming that the fuel injector was not disturbed. So we'll call that it will all win. Yeah, so it worked out very well. I was very pleased. I got it all together. I also worked on the hottest day of the week, which was Monday, at least I think. And I know you'd probably be pleased with that, that I was in the garage. I had the car backed into the garage. And I come to realize when you have that big Mazda in a two car garage, along with the Chrysler, you can't open a drawer on the tool bench. I'm serious. I got you. I know. Both of the side view mirrors were tucked in on the Mazda. And I can't see as I'm backing up, and I have like snow blower, and I have a chair back there, and I have the creeper, and I'm almost hitting and flinging. So, go ahead and press into shelves. And of course, the rear view camera has the audio, so it's a beeping sound. And that is going completely nuts, because I got the Chrysler on one side, I got the shelves on the other, I got the snow blower behind me. So you just hear this steady beeping a beeping sound. How many pictures did you send me? What? Up to 20. What? Yeah, 20. So far. 20. Yeah. 20 pictures. What? It keeps going off. Yeah. You took 20 to 20 pictures. I sent you four. Three times. Four times. Let me find any pictures of my wife and kids. I'll let you know. Yeah. I was going to say, yeah, you know, I have a smaller garage, you know, I have a car in a half with a bench in it, so I have my car in there. But now what I do is I've been doing a lot of bench work, you know, sitting at my bench. But when I sit at the bench with a chair like this, right behind me is the fender of my car. So I make sure that I have a nice moving blanket draped over the fender. Oh, yes. I do go back. I would touch that. And so far, I've been so good. But yeah, I've been doing some garage work too. I was doing a lot of cleaning. I was doing gun cleaning as a matter of fact. Really? Yeah. We were listening to gun talk while you were doing gun. Hell, I wish I could. I wish I could get it in. No, actually, we went to a range this week and I have a friend. One of all good friends is going to be buying one of my pieces of hardware. Oh, good. And I tied it in with Evan Steger, who hasn't gone back to me from time to shine because this particular hunk of hardware is a nickel finish. And I had a feeling if I polished it with his chrome polish, it would really, so let me tell you something. If you totally disassembled it, cleaned it and hit it with that chrome polish like a mirror, I mean like show chrome. So unbelievable. So really? Yeah. Super nice. So yeah, but I've been doing all that in the garage and, you know, just because it gives you some solvents. Yeah, I did. I took another couple out and I said, you know what, I'm going to use my ultrasonic cleaner. So I switched over to the ultrasonic, so I realized with all the stupid little patches and the Q-tips and this and that, you know, you waste a lot of product in there for a long time. Your fingers are getting jammed up. You poke, like, you know, throw them in the ultrasonic press play and go do something else. I love that you talk about your shiny gun that way. Absolutely. It's nice. It's nice to see the smile on your face. You feel the accomplishment. Well, you know, it's all a matter of what makes somebody happy, so. But the ultrasonic is great for a lot of different things and this is one of them. Yeah. Anything that you need to remove and it's different cleaners. People don't know. There's a lot of different cleaners specifically made for specific jobs. Most people use pretty much everything like simple green and a mixture of water. You know, the, and simple beer in the bottle tells you how much to reduce it for different shores and that if it's stubborn, you could always go a little heavier on the simple green and the beautiful thing with that is it's biodegradable. You can just dump it out. What, um, I know you use it for carburetor parts as well. Carburetors. Yeah, do carburetors. Right. Yes. Absolutely. I have to, I have to grab mine off the shelf because I have an ultrasonic cleaner. Small one. Like a model size. I know. I know yours is probably a good size idea because I want to do four barrels and I have a small one too, but the drawback to the small one is, uh, they're not heated and the bigger ones are heated. I was just talking with, um, yeah, Mike Jr from the shop. He was thinking about buying one and the same company that I got mine from on Amazon. It's Chinese company. They're all over the place. They flooded the market and they make, you know, like a 10 or 20 liter size, which is about the size of small fish tank. I went with the 30 liter, which is not this big. It's big. So again, I want to do four bar carburetors and I wanted to have enough space, but I told them, you know, Mike, either a 10 or a 20 is more than enough. And they do come heated, you know, heats the solution, which helps cleaning, you know, it helps propagate the cleaning. So, and you can put your feet in it. I'm sure. I guess you could. Yeah. You could, you know, well, for jewelry. I mean, I just watched the guy who did, he did three tests on his ultrasonic. Feet around those toenails. Oh, hell yeah. He had a selection of rusty bolts and hardware that was in it in his collection. He had a gun that you want to use a handgun and he had his girlfriend's jewelry. So the tip I learned a couple of years ago that he learned too is, you know, the ultrasonic gets filled with water. Okay. So if you put your cleaner in the water and put your parts in there, if they're particularly dirty, now you're going to have dirty water. When you drain it, you have to clean out the ultrasonic, even though they're stainless steel, it's, it's ugly. It's very containment. So I had bought a bunch of different Tupperwares of different sizes, or you could use those strong Ziploc bags. So you put straight water in the ultrasonic and you put your parts in the bag or the Tupperware. And in that, you put the mixture of solvent and distilled water to cover the parts, put that in the ultrasonic in the straight water and it will, the waves will go through the secondary container. Really? And then you take the secondary container out, you dump that. And there's your dirty parts. You rinse them, do whatever you're going to do. And the water in the ultrasonic is still clean, unless, unless, unless like what's happened to me a few times where I had the heat too high and the Tupperware swelled and the top popped open and the stuff's built. Hey, it's, it's a learning experience, right? It's never good when the bag breaks. Never good. I really hadn't thought of it that way. But you're right. Yes. Oh, well, so anyway, yes, sorry, just hey, I'm your all night, try the feel. I know. Tupperware says it'd be good to get the weight. So I highly recommend an ultrasonic if you have space for it. I'll tell you one thing. I put mine out in the garage because they will drive a cat crazy, ultra sonic cats here. You know how cats, if it's anywhere near a cat and maybe even a dog because they hear them give me some great ideas now, the mind boggles. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah. They don't like it. They don't like it. Really? So yeah, I even had money in the basement and just coming up the stairs to the kitchen, the cat had heard it was like, I'm like, all right, I'll do in the garage. My cat doesn't like the blender when my wife makes smoothies. Oh, yeah. I know. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Well, you know, so if you want to make a smoothie or take it, get some playing tips, give us a call 516-572-7440 and we'll be happy to, uh, to help you out. Yes. And you can also text us if you feel the need. If you have nothing to do with your thumbs, you can text us two or three six seven zero four one two seven right here at, uh, motor mouth radio nutmeg. Right. Also for tools. Another thing, you know, guys tend to get a collection of tools that get kind of grimy, especially like sockets that they don't get clean. Put them in an ultrasonic cleaner with some, with some solution, man, they look brandy new. Wow. Yeah. Very good. But the only thing I will say is if you do do something like a pair of pliers or especially like, you know, gun stuff that has a lot of inside chambers, it will take all oil wax and, and slippery things out of it. So you will have to wear with it was oil before that you deep oil, you have to deep oil everything again because it cleans that deeply. So that's, that's the only thing I would, uh, the only kind of still I will throw out there. How do you deep oil? Would you just dip it right? Dip the parts right in a basin of oil? It depends what you do in some, some things need to be like, like, like a gun in, in what we're talking about it. Many manufacturers only recommend only oiling like three spots on top of each slide, one top on the barrel, a drop done. That's it. Don't oil the trigger. Don't oil anything else. Don't oil. Yeah. A lot of manufacturers like that. So because the other parts are already oiled internally, they're deeper oiled. So, you know, that, that's when they don't, that has to be re oiled, but also this phone button. Let's go back to the phones and the fun and say, hi, caller, you're on with the motor engine. Those pain in the button phone buttons. There we go. How's it going, Johnny? I thought you were good. Right. Hello, Chris. Hi, John. Having problems with your buttons again? I'm not mine. It sounds like Ray was having phone button problems. Oh, my God, Ray, I don't know if I told you this. I know your new ultrasonic scene, but great carburetor cleaner. Yeah. C foam or Berryman's is, I used to use, yeah, there's many out there, John. The problem is where you can find them. That's the thing. Where you can find them? Yeah. If you find a C foam by the gallon in advanced auto parts, okay, okay, I haven't, I haven't looked. So I'd have to see. Yeah. I know, you know, 30 liters. Oh, my God, your, your, yeah, cleaner is way bigger than mine, but, you know, I do pretty much the same thing. I throw the C foam into Tupperware, plastic bag, whatever, and, you know, the Tupperware is actually nice because with the C foam, if you leave whatever container you put the C foam in for a while, most of the particulates settle out of it. Yes. I just siphoned off the top layer of it and put it back in the can. You know, they're very true. I do the same thing. Sometimes I'll pour it out through a coffee filter. The other thing I use is I've saved different sizes of glass jars that really had a good sealed top on them. And I used one yesterday for all small little parts through a minute because now you put, you put less fluid in there. You don't have to use as much fluid. And you can put, but like I said, yeah, you're doing small car, small engine stuff. I was doing, I was doing four ball carburetors. So you know, I needed the space. I really didn't want one that big, but I said, I got to fit the stuff in and I didn't want to do it in two cycles. I want to do it in one shot. Right. I'll probably buy a smaller one at some point, you know, just so I don't have to use the monster all the time. Yeah, I got you. I have the haubar freight one, which is heated and I've had it for, I don't know, four or five years. Yeah. So they work, you know, the bang for the buck is pretty good. And like I said, you do jewelry. You can do your jewelry. Your wife's shoe. It comes out phenomenal. Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Tool cleaning, like you said, it's sort of like having a chainsaw. Yeah. What can I cut next? Right. Clean. Damn it. Yeah. Whenever I take the chainsaw, I'll just trim that. Yeah. And the next thing you know, you got a yard full of waste. Yeah. I'm going over to the neighbors, Marge. I'll see you later. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Where do I stop? Right. Right. Well, I can buy any time on this end. If you're ever over the, you're the side of the sound with the chainsaw. Come on by. I'll tell you the truth. One of the guys I learned a lot of tips from, from ultrasonic was Steve Steve Smolinger repair YouTube channel. It's a loom. Yeah. It's a loom. Right. Right. He's a great guy. I don't know if it was him or somebody else that I watched. They did an interesting comparison, like what you were mentioning. You use a heavy duty Ziploc bag or a piece of Tupperware glass jaw. Yeah. And they actually did some type of comparison that they put each one in. And I don't know if you've seen it, but put a piece of aluminum foil in it and watch what it does to the aluminum foil. Oh, wow. No, I haven't seen that yet. Yeah. I'll see if I can find it. It was a while back that I watched it, but there is a difference depending on what vessel you put in the water as a container with the parts in it, and they pretty much did that as a test. Yeah. A piece of aluminum foil on Tupperware and it basically rid of it like Swiss cheese, you know, in the straight ultrasonic cleaner, and it, you know, it had varying degrees of, you know, holes in the aluminum, depending on the vessel container that it was in. I'll tell you this, I like the plastic bags. They transmit fast Tupperware probably slower, but glass, I found that glass jaws, it transfers really nice. And the glass must like amplify the signal, I think. So yeah, all good stuff. Yeah. You can just Google the stuff online and watch YouTube. There's plenty of videos and, you know, you can go out and play. Yeah. I'm working on vapor blasting now. Oh, nice. That looks like a cool, you know, yeah, me and my buddies went out for tacos a couple weeks ago. Yeah, we did some vapor blasting ourselves, but it was out in the parking lot. I'm sure you did. Yeah. It was different. Might not be what John's talking about. Not sure. I don't know. It all depends on the vapor. It's basically an air blast that converted to work with water, a waste, a solid waste pump. And it works very similar to, you know, media blasting, except it's less damaging to whatever you're blasting because of the water. And what are you blasting with it typically? I've seen people do, one guy does the motorcycle engine cases, I've seen them do carburetors. Okay. But, you know, again, your mileage may vary because depending on what you're doing, like control arm with bushings in it, make sure I healed up. The bushings is pretty good before I did any type of media or wet to keep the abrasive out of it because no matter how good you clean it, you're never going to get it all out. You can always knock them out and press them back in or put new ones in, bushings are typically pretty cheap. Yeah. Yeah. I got you. But, you know, the guy gave the typical YouTube disclaimer, yeah, you may want to do this, and I said, yeah, probably not the worst idea in the world. Right. Exactly. Exactly. And now, guys, enjoy the rest of your day, enjoying the show as always, and I'll talk to you next Sunday. All right, John, you got it. Thank you. Thanks, John. All right. Well, you know what? With that, we've driven ourselves right down to the bottom of the hour. So, why don't we take care of the loom? Right over the cellar. Yes, we did. Where did the road lose something? Let's, well, I'll tell you about the weather, boy, is it hot? And it's actually powered by dust bagels with locations in Garden City, Park, Freeport, Levittown, and now open on 7th Street in Garden City. Yeah. It was partly foggy in the morning, and now it's hot. It was 91 when I came in. God knows what it is now. It's going to be partly cloudy again tonight. I've been in the pool every night at like midnight. Really? Yeah, I've been doing the midnight pool dips because it was, yeah, I found that a chlorine bath is better than a shower sometimes, you know, it really dries the skin out. It feels bad. And, you know, you can see the moon and I saw some constellations as you float around. It's really kind of cool. It's quiet. Well, you're wearing a bathing suit while you're doing it. Yeah, it's for me to know, and you can find that, but I'm going to sneak it over my fence. You'll be met with a bead blast nozzle, maybe I was going to say a big chrome gun, my blasting gun. So, and also I have to tell you, Chris, that WHPC app has your future dinner plans all set. Oh, tell me why, Ray. I'll tell you why because you just got it downloaded unlike the 32 pictures I have so far. What? 32. Yeah. 32. How do you get this thing to stop? That's what I'd like to know. I said four. It's like when you talk, it's like stop, stop, no, you don't, you don't, you know, I don't know. Well, if you download the free WHPC app and click the win stuff button to enter, you'll enter to win $50 in gift cards to Uncle Bacala's Italian seafood and more in Garden City Park. I've been there many times. That's one of our go-to restaurants. Okay. It is phenomenal. So good luck from the voice of Nassau Community College and the free WHPC app. Download that and maybe you get to win some, you know, you can report back to us how you like Uncle Bacala. Kevin, we converted Kevin and his wife to the fans and we typically go as a for some. So, so cool. Very cool. Do we have an honor or a dishonor group of the hour for this, this July day? Actually, we do. We also have a text from our own favorite and probably the longest running listener of this program, Joe, the undertaker, but we will get to that on the other side of the break because he's got an issue that he texted us. But anyway, the motormouth radio honor group of the hour this week. If you've ever found a tool where you least expect it, here you go, talk about sonic ultrasonic cleaner. It's involved here. Have you ever driven along and spotted a screwdriver just sitting in the middle of the road? Have you actually missed your life dodging traffic to go get it? Just to add to your 20,000 other mangled screwdrivers, have you ever pulled a pair of needle-nose pliers out of the sidewall of your tire? Have you ever been in a salvage yard where a variety of sockets were scattered next to a partially disassembled vehicle? So, if part of your tool collection was acquired by picking it up, wiping off the dirt and chucking it in the ultrasonic cleaner before you chuck it in the toolbox, then you are part of the motormouth radio honor group of the hour this week. And no, we do not confer during the week to discuss the honor group. It just falls into place this week. I think we all have picked up tools on the street, and they become the ones that like you throw in the car, or those are like your A/B/C tools, maybe a top line, unless you find something that was really new that a guy dropped, then it's like, "Ooh, I found a nice little nugget here." Alright, so with that, we will take our break, we'll take care of our little business, we'll be back with more motormouth radio in just a few minutes on 90.3 WHPC, listen to this. [Music] [Music] Whoa! [Laughs] These guys are the kings of rock. There is none higher. [Laughs] That's cool. [Laughs] This show on 90.3 WHPC is brought to you by CarStar Celebrity Chase Collision, with two locations in Liberty and Oceanside, who remind you that New York State Law says you always have the right to choose which shop will fix your car. CarStar Celebrity Chase Collision offers a full range of services, 24-hour towing between Montaukerman Hatton, shuttle service, and it can help you with a rental car arrangement if needed. All repairs include the CarStar Lifetime nationwide warranty, ensuring that the experts at Celebrity Chase Collision are always on your side. More information is available at 516-593-0920 or online at You're listening to the motormouth. Well, I'm standing in my garage at my speedo. I bet motormouth radio is on right now. Are you guys on the air, or did I call too late? Motormouth! I'm doing great program. I've been looking for about 10 minutes now. You guys are boring me to tears. It's real fun listening to you guys on stinky WiFi. Appreciate y'all letting me on motormouth radio. Oh, I've been listening. Motormouth! You're bringing back really bad memories for me. You guys have your passion, and you're making a living out of it. But the way your show's going lately, anything goes, like a lot of people listen to you guys. Our train staff of two will help. The phones are on fire. Hey, Chris, hey, Ray. Hello. You guys sound different on Sunday than you do on Thursday. I'm enjoying the show today. Quite frankly, there are better things to do with your time. I like your style. I like that you give each other grief. That's good. I know those dozens of people out there who are tuned in today. Yeah, I want to know what is wrong with my car. I don't want to take over the whole radio program because then we'll shoot the ratings down. Motormouth! Me and Chris are going to be the future Ray and Chris. Appreciate all the good advice guys do a great job of it. You got to make up your mind. Do I follow the manual? We told you what to do. You still didn't want to do it. And the owner's manual tells you to put high testing. You don't want to do it. We say follow the owner's manual and then you get ticked off of us. What do you want me to do? I'm not getting ticked off. I just asked them. I am. I have a heart condition. This is not right. There are answers. Sometimes correct ones. We may have them. Motormouth Radio 90.3 at MWC. Motormouth! Hey you. Get over here. Every Sunday, 12 to 1, you are going to tune in to hear the motormouth, my friend's Ray Guarino, and Chris Switzer 90.3 FM WHPC. You might learn something. That's always good advice. Pack up the babies, grab your lady, get that heck out of dodge, man. It's time to go on to travel. Whatever travel and show you're on. Today you're on Motormouth Radio's travel and show. Give us a call 5165-727440 and we will talk to you about whatever, ALGIA or your car or motorcycle garden track. They're lawn and equipment, ceiling fan, ultrasonic cleaner. We kind of covered well. That's what you know. Do you want to get that or no? No, what do you got there? All right. Joe, the undertaker says that friend has a 90 caddy and the glove box trunk release won't work. He says everything else checks out. The consensus is, it's in the valet, but he can't find any info to take it off valet. Oh, it's in valet mode. We will visit that again after we say hi to this caller, and hi, call it on the motor house. I was, yeah. They said something that car engines going forward will no longer have dipstick, oil dipsticks, because they say that the new generations that don't bother to check the oil, so they're going to put an oil sensor in and do away with the dipstick. I will tell you, I don't want to burst your bubble or jump on you. Some cars already don't have dipsticks. Really? Yeah, you know what? I talked about that Porsche that I inspected last week. It was a 2009 Porsche Carrera, no oil dipstick. And I had asked, I saw a cap that had an oil icon on it. So I twisted the cap off and then there was like a ring that you could grab in this tube. I pulled it out and it was like a trough. And I couldn't get it to come all the way out. So I asked the owner, I said, is this the oil dipstick? He was not a car doesn't have an oil dipstick. I said, what is this? He was, that's that trough is so you could add oil when the car tells you to. He says, you don't, you don't check it and you don't check the transmission. I mean, Corvettes will like that back in the sea. Five or six range. You had you needed a scan tool to check the transmission fluid. So yeah, totally. My Dodge didn't have a dipstick. And I knew cars that were in like the early 2000s that didn't have GM cars. Well, actually, my FJ Cruiser is a 2008. That doesn't have a training dipstick either. I think the fact that it made news radio, AM radio in the morning, it must have been something that was, you know, new one upcoming. So I didn't know if you had covered that. All right, a little bit late to late to the party. That's okay. I think they finally, you know, it was it crept up on people and only people who work on cars would know about that. So these guys in the news booth, they don't know, you know, they just, it's just doing news. So yeah, when was you guys? That's what I call the excellent. Thank you for that. One more thing we lost in our cars was the dipstick. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. All right, I'm on my way to a baby christening. I was on my way there to get a call and then please get information that I didn't think you'd already know. All right, well, enjoy that christening and have a drink for us. You got it to stay cool and joining AC. Thanks. Thanks, Kev. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye bye. That was a good question. It was very pointy. That wasn't, you know, not everybody is never a dumb or stupid question, you know, especially on this show, you know, because there's a lot we don't know, but people, a lot of people don't know that that those, you know, there are not dipsticks for a while. Right. And yeah, you would totally expect the car to tell you when it needs oil. That makes it makes perfect, makes perfect sense. Although I think I told you when I rented that Malibu, the first thing I did was check the oil and pull the dipstick on it. And of course, the oil was like this little tiny drop, right, this little half a pinky finger of oil on the dipstick. I was like, that's not good. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no. But I'm thinking how much money is a company going to save by omitting that by taking that out of the engine? Well, what are they going to save? I don't know. It's sense on a dollar. Maybe, maybe more. I mean, you have the tube, you have the dipstick itself, which is calibrated to the engine. So there's a little bit of work done there. You know, the newer ones have a plastic end with an o-ring on it. So, you know, I don't know. I don't know how many cents that comes out to, but apparently it was enough that they said, cut it. Yeah, pricing it out. And that is something that I've realized in newer cars. You when you look at a brand new car, you can almost see where the cost cutting happens. Yeah. Like they only put one rock, one lock on the door. Or now that it's not even a key lock on the door, because you have the five so they don't even bother. And funny, yeah, I know, and funny thing, go back almost 100 years, that 27 real that I inspected only had a door lock on the passenger side, not the drive side had a button that went up and down. And I asked the Ray who was the president of my leg club, my way, I spoke with Gary and Lorraine. They said hi, Chris. They said hi, I took them yesterday. And he said, yeah, because back then you were supposed to get in and out of that car on the, you know, the street side of the curb side, not so they didn't put a lock in the driver's door. Yeah, they said, get in the other side and slide across. Wow. So what's everything? Sometimes everything old is new again, which, you know, for different reasons, of course, but right. Yeah, very true. But just getting back to Joe's issue, it's probably, I would think Joe is right. It's in valet mode, if it's not working, unless there's a fuse blown on the, in the circuit that would power the trunk from the glove box. Okay. So what is it working against? I was a little preoccupied at that time. What is it not working? He says that, says his friend has a 90s Cadillac. Okay. And the glove box trunk release will not work. Okay. He claims everything checks. Okay. We don't, we don't know that from here. But the consensus is that it's in valet boat. All right. Well, I'm assuming that you're going to have to dip into the computer there on his man. And this pro on his manual should tell you about say this, you know, I installed a trunk release on my Pontiac. So typically the way they're installed on all cars is battery voltage from the fuse box through fuse to that button. And then the wire goes back to the latch and where it grounds because you want to have power on if you don't have the key, like in my case, if you'll lock the key in the trunk. So I don't know, you know, Joe said he wouldn't do that, right? Some idiot at a car show, you never know, he's knuckleheads do the stupidest things. But now what, what you would do is you could, if you have access to the switch to the glove box, you could pull it out and check with a test light to see if you have your voltage on one side, then the other side, you have no voltage, put the test light on the other side, push the button, you shall voltage over there. Because now you made the connection with the, with the switch. And then if you go back to the end, you could also go to the fuse box, of course, and see if the fuse has power, if the fuse is blown, you know, that could happen. And then you go to the back, I would open the trunk with the key. And with the caddy in a factory wiring set up, it'll be maybe a little harder to get in, but you access to the connector, because they probably tuck it in. But you check that again with the test light, right, maybe the latch, maybe the solenoid is at fault, maybe the solenoid on the latch unit just isn't working, you know, or also you have a ground that you got to check, make sure that ground is good. And you know, it's a very simple circuit with only a few components. But fuse, switch, solenoid ground would be my, my top four. And of course it could be a bad wire, you know, pinch why much you have to look right, if you have 12 volts in the back, you know, the wire going there is good. So that sounds like a good place to start. I also have, I'm also having a similar situation with the police truck. Okay, but like I said, let me back in a second, it could be though, like Joe said, in valet mode, and then the way to decide that is, you know, the owner's manual should tell you, right, to get you into the computer to get you out of that, right, which is very well can be. I totally get that. But yeah, the truck has been nothing to give me problems. But I noticed something, when you sit in the back seat, you can't get the power window button and have the window operate. Okay, from the back. Now I'm thinking of course, right, it's a police truck. They don't want you to do that. Right. Right. So of course, I do some research on it. And there's a plug that is built into the harness where if you unplug it, you deactivate those windows. Got it. Now here's my question. This is something that I found incredibly interesting. I go and pull get access to where that plug is. And I see that it's plugged in. Okay. So those windows should be working. So I did exactly what you said. I checked it with a probe. I got power on both sides. I'm like, okay, the window should be working. Now mind you, you can work them from the driver's panel from the driver switches. Okay. This can't work them from the individual, individual switches on the back door. So of course, now I got the switches out and I'm probing those, which both have power to them. Got it. But the window doesn't work. So you're thinking, okay, there's a messed up lockout switch on the driver's door. So I go check that that's working, right? Because you get, find the wire that's associated with the lockout, going it with a probe. And of course, I'm hitting a button and the light is going on. Okay. So I'm like, where I'm having a hard time finding where they disconnected these windows from. But here's what I find interesting. If you go online, that's the only advice they will give you if you type in rear windows don't work on on police vehicle. They'll on a Ford police vehicle. They will only tell you about that plug. They will not tell you about it. Well, yeah, because they don't want you to take that information and know when you get locked up and throw in the car, you'll know how to circumvent the windows. I mean, what did the trying to think where was the Shelton police department? I'm trying to think who own this thing before I did. What did they possibly do to deactivate those windows? If I Brian is thinking along the lines that I am, I'm just waiting, I was waiting to get more information. And he was thinking that the ground is interrupted. So and you know, everybody checks power. People rarely check the ground. So you want to make sure that the ground circuit is in effect, you know, operational. Right. I'm trying very hard not to take these door panels off the back of our car. Well, it's always good to get a look, see at the motor to see if they did something at the motor. Right. But then again, the motor works because it works from the front doors. Well, that's but this is like a three way switch in your house. You have two travelers, a neutral in the ground, not just one, you know, not not one traveler neutral ground. So, you know, it is a little bit over complicated starts a three way switch, three way switch. So it's just trying to figure out, trying to get in the heads of a police department. What would you say equipment? You know, I know one of the guys here in Nassau who worked at that facility and Mike actually, Mario, Paranella worked there. One of the guys. Right. He was one of the guys that I knew. There was another guy I knew too, who did it, who worked there. And they did things their way. So I'm sure that guys and Suffolk didn't do it that way or maybe so, you know, so everybody had their own, you know, their own thing. But I'm just thinking it would be ridiculous to pull the panels off the rear doors. You're looking at, usually you could tell you're looking at a door panel. You could tell if someone tampered with it. Oh, yeah. You can see marks floating around crowbar marks. Yeah, crowbar. Yeah, because when I talking about a group of individuals that really care about authenticity and what would you say? Workmanship. I'm not saying they do bad jobs. I'm just saying they're going to slap the panel back on the car. I did know one of these guys who had it in his mind that he wanted to buy one of these vehicles when it came after its lifecycle. So that car got some extra special attention when it was worked on and came in. Okay. You know, and then he had the inside track. So he was able to make his move. So but the majority of them, I think, no, they treated like school buses. Right. Exactly. That's a great way of putting it. Yeah. They just treated them like like an or an ordinance vehicle. So when you kind of look for those clues, when you don't see them, you kind of say, all right, then they must have, they only they only worked on it like either the switch through the fuse panel, through the, the clip, but they didn't, I don't think they even bothered with that special clip that you're supposed to plot. And like Billy G said, he said, you know, a lot of these calls have been taken out of service for a civilian sale. They don't give a crap what's going on. They just, I mean, the one that I got that, that the RMP that I had years ago was like that. But you know, but I want to tell you about another car proof. Again, I got a call this morning called good friend Ray, the fixer. I'm going to go look at the 69 Roadrunner. It's a 383 four speed car, all original. And the owner is having trouble at some idols and drives around flawlessly until he hit a certain RPM. And then it breaks up. And they were thinking of common things that could cause that and nothing has worked out. He even had it went through a head issue, had another engine rebuilt, put that in. And I asked Ray, I said, what kind of ignition's in his car? I'm thinking of an ignition issue. And he said, no, I don't know. I said, well, I said, does have a balance resistor on the on the firewall and goes, yeah, I said, okay, it should only have a balance resistor hooked up if there's points in the car. Right. Because that knocks the voltage out like nine volts for cranking. I said, if there's any kind of an aftermarket system in there, I said back in the day, they used to use Mallory. Now, a lot of guys are using Pertronics. I said, that has to have a full system voltage sent to it. And that balance resistor is a no, no. I said, there's another thing. It could have a Pertronics or Mallory. They had a rev limiter set. And maybe the rev limiter was set just too low. And the guy's hitting the rev limiter. Well, I talked to the owner quickly today. He doesn't really know the, you know, the ABCs, but he knows the car does have a Mallory ignition in it. And I said, okay, so it's probably an older installation. And now it's suspect, even, you know, they go bad. They go bad too. So we're going to shoot over there. And my, what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull that connector off the, uh, the balance resistor and jump it. Now basically, you know, going around the balance. And then we're going to go for a ride. We're going to see if that thing will hit six or seven grand and sharp third and fourth gear. So, you know, I don't want to drive it because it's a 69 road road, three, three to fourth. So that just came up this, uh, this morning, in fact, as I was getting ready to, to do some show stuff that that call came in. So there's always stuff happening around here. There's always things. And a lot of times I'll leave the show, get a call from somebody and I'm like, Oh, wow, that's a great topic for the show. I got to remember this till next week now. So yeah, well, yeah, it's just, we're having the same problem with, uh, with my cousin's Corvette with the 427 that has the, the Holly Terminator sitting on top of the big block. And like we talked about off air, I can't find the sensors for this thing. It's, it, it, I think it has a repeated stalling issue. The only time it does not stall is when I'm near the car. Imagine that. And yeah, those were the four pictures that sent that came through 32 times. Right. I'm just shocked that they went through 32 times. Oh, it is a TPS. I see the TPS right there. Clear as day. Yeah, the TPS is that's the only thing we find. All right. Did you get a picture? As far as I think it's an eye-act issue with me, I don't control valve because the car dies and then you could start right back up again. So it's not you old per se. It's not, but it's definitely heat oriented because it happens when the car gets hot and gets really hot. Basically, not abnormally hot, not like it's boiling over, but on a warm day in the mid 80s, it seems to work. It seems to aggravate it more than a night in the 60s, 60 degree times. So, so we're still, we're still flummoxed over that trying to figure out what's going on there as far as that's concerned. But mostly it's identify where things are. And when we're talking about a slick and exotic corporation like Holly, which you know how much I love them. We don't know where anything is. This is not like I said, I have a couple of sites saved that I've used for technical support. And I'll see if I can get a diagram for you on that and see what we can find. It's got to be there. Obviously, there's a, you know, and then like I said, he could, he could set his own screen up with the sensors that he wants to see, you know, and you could put, if you just want to see, like, you know, TPS timing and the eye-act, you can do that. You just look at those things, you just want to see timing. Yeah, and this is what, this is what aggravates me personally, is that it's not stock. So you don't have a, you don't know who messed with this thing. We don't know, we don't have any reference. We don't have a shot manual that we can refer to. So, so it's, I kind of go, I get a little aggravated over that, because, and that's why I like my stuff stock, just keep it stock. But in this case, this is a nice setup if it works well. And that's what we're trying to do. Because I know you've had trouble with, with your Holley setup. But once you doped it all out, it's rock solid, right? Yeah, I had trouble in the beginning, which they said you will, you very well may have trouble. And it was with the eye-act, it was with getting that idle right. And there was some very specific eye-act adjustment procedures that you had to go through. And they said, you may have to go do this two, three, four times to get it right, to get it with a car likes it. And also, not only just that, driving the car helps it learn, and learn your driving style and collect data for the fuel curve. So, and mine did. I mean, in the beginning, yeah, I had like some backfiring, and I would stall, you know, and then the car would start right up again, I'll be like, okay, drive again, it would stall as I slowed down to a lighter stop sign. But like I said, that luckily worked its way out between my adjustments and the learning. And that's, that's a dumb thing now. But it was, like I said, when you look at the eye-act, you should, if you're seeing anything over six or seven, it should only be very briefly. You shouldn't be running around 10 or 12 or 14. That's too much, it's too much air. It's too much air. Oh, yeah. They tell you that in the paper, read that book, but you know, Pat has a manual that he sent me a picture of. And in there they kind of go sensor by sensor, read the eye-act section, you'll see. No, it's true, because I have always said that. I always like when there's references where it's like when you read a blood test, there are numbers that your results have to fall in good and bad. And that's what I'm always looking for, automotively, and especially in anything electronic, give me that, give me that parameter. Give me, okay, like you just said, if it's up 14, it's too high. If it's down around zero, it's too low. The range of, right. So if I see it at 26, I know, oh, holy smokes. Yeah. So sometimes you don't need the degree, you just need to know where your parameters ride and get everything to fit within those parameters. And that's, that's, that's good to know. That's why you should, we should listen to have more people listen to this show. I know, like Keith, well, like I said, I say it all the time, I'll say it again. Say it again, right? Guys don't read the manuals. They don't read it. Pat's got the manual. Hey, is he going to make me go off? He was like, like, who's your buddy there that maybe go off in that promo? What the hell was his name? Oh, buddy, Brian, I tell you what to do. You don't do it. And you come up and you complain again. Oh, boy, you're really young. Don't get mad. I'm like, no, I'm getting mad. You're not glad because I told you what to do. Read the freaking manual. That has got to be the best one, one line added for the promo is that it's got to be the best one as far as I'm concerned that 20 years we've been doing this. Well, I'll tell you that. Tell you this. It was certainly real. Certainly real. But right. Take, take the manual, put it in the bathroom. Well, I know Pat has it because he sent me a picture of it. So you should take it. And literally, it's easy to read. And you'll see what I mean. On the last page, they show you all the things not to do electrically. All the ways not to make a connection. They show you in color pictures. And guys do it all the time. Wrong. Not right. So if you're also manual has pictures like I talked about earlier of the component on a white background suspended in there. So yeah, component, you don't see where it's where it's located. You know, sometimes you want to see that so you can say, okay, I can identify it when I see it like in a parts manual. But it would be nice if there was a call out, you know, I don't remember seeing it in the manual. But like I said, I'll look and see on the sites that I use if I find something like that for you. Well, you know, it's got to be there. It's got an usually it's in the back on the base plate, because it's, you know, it's it's got to be manifold vacuum. And if you notice from the 32 pictures that I sent you, there's the you have the distributor. Of course, it's a Corvette exclusive. You have that distributor cover. Yeah, yeah. And it's it sits very close to the back of the of the turbinator. Right. So you really can't see behind air, fully. Right. You can kind of almost get your fingers in there. But yeah, after the car was running for a certain amount of time, it's a little hot. I want to take a look when it's cold, maybe unbolt the thing, take it off and get a real up close in person luck. That is true. That's that's if the owner allows. So we're going to do when he's not home. We're going to end up close in person. Look at the parking lot. What do we tell people when I go out there? Because Kim is coming into Thunder Road, best of Springsteen and her fans are not going to sit still for us being on all the time. Yeah. Don't follow us home. Where's something flimsy? You got it. All right. Chris, what's up? This is Ray Guarina, one of us radio out. We'll be back next week on 90.3 WHPC. See you. Thank you both for listening. See you, bye.