
Friends S4E12 "The One with the Embryos" (1998) - Chandler Spoilers! #509

Josh, Brett and Pappy only have a 25% chance of getting this podcast right.

It's more FRIENDS & "Kathy Chronicles" from your boys!


Phoebe undergoes an embryo implant procedure to become a surrogate mother for her brother (Giovanni Ribisi) and his wife (Debra Jo Rupp); Monica and Rachel wager their apartment in a trivia game against Chandler and Joey.

Show: Friends

Director: Kevin S. Bright

Air date: January 15, 1998

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(audience laughs) ♪ Are you in there, little fetus ♪ ♪ In nine months, will you come greet us ♪ (audience laughs) ♪ I will buy you some Adidas ♪ (audience laughs) - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. - Hi, Phoebe. We were just at the drug store, so we got you a little present. It's a lollipop and a home pregnancy test. (audience laughs) - Hey, don't mix those up. You could really ruin that lollipop. (audience laughs) - So, you feel like taking a test? There's only one question. (laughs) (upbeat music) - We were just at the drug store, and we got you a present. It's a lollipop and another friends episode of "Spoilers." ♪ This spoiler ♪ - This is "Chinandler," bong tribute spoilers. (laughs) Hey, guys. - Again. - Hey, Brett, hey, Pappy. - Hello. - We're gonna try to not make this two meta, but we gotta get something out of the way. We, this is our second time recording this episode, and it's my fault. - I'm like 99% sure. We've only done this one other time in 500 episodes of "Spoilers," going back to the well. - I remember it, too. It was like, no country for old men, wasn't it? - Yeah, it was very early, and it was-- - Very, very fractured sounding. Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. - And we said we would never do it again, but for "Chinandler" bong, Brett, we got to. - Yeah, just-- My Adobe Audition, I think I had something plugged in weird, but there's just like, my audio is just unusable, and it was unusable in the Skype. I asked these guys, hey, this is such a classic episode of "Friends." It's season four, episode 12 of "Friends." The title of the episode is "The One with the Embryos." And I think it's just such a good episode, and it's really towards the end of our Kathy Chronicles. We couldn't just skip it and go on to the next one. So I'm kind of glad we're here. I picked up a couple new things, watching it again. My notes are like extra bolstered. I was kind of dreading this earlier today, boys, but I love this episode so much. I'm back in the game. How are you doing? - I'm glad we're running it back. I was telling someone, I'd rather put out a good sounding episode at this point than put out a shitty Skype recording one. So I think it's worth it, and not to spoil our reviews, but we like this episode a lot. So let's watch it again. - We do. Hopefully we can kind of drop this whole shtick of us having recorded this and-- - I cannot promise that. I will bring that up many times. - Last time we talked about, have you ever made a dumb bet? And I think that we'll revisit this question at some point in spoilers with maybe a different group of guys. So I changed the opening question this time around with the embryos. I want to ask you guys, have you ever made up a game? - Hmm. - I didn't give you guys much time to prepare. I'll go first. I of course based this question off of Ross basically inventing a game to decide this bet in this episode. And so yeah, I feel like my childhood, and even a little further than that, was chocked full of making games. And most famously, I'll take a lot of credit, but not all the credit, Brett. We made this game called "Spoilers." We made this game-- - Spoilers. - Penalty. - We made this game called "Penalties in College." And I didn't make up all of it, but I did make up every single penalty. There was a different physical penalty you had to pay for every card in the deck. So whoever has lost this convoluted card game had to draw one of the cards at the end of this like 20 minute game. And it'd be like Ace of Spades. And Ace of Spades, we'd all look to see what it corresponded to and then be like, one slap. - Free. - One slap in the face. - No. - Ace of Spades, Ace of Spades was no penalty. That's the best card you could get. - Brett, I damn well know what it was, but I'm trying to set, like, do an actual good example. What are some of the other penalties you remember? There was one that was like hardwood hoops in the serious hurt, where everyone got to throw a basketball at your back. - I always tell people, they were all pretty harmless, but there was one in my opinion, it was legit dangerous. And we probably shouldn't have done it. And that was Berlin body bag. (laughing) - What the hell? - It, I mean, like, I had done to me. I had a panic attack. It's brutal, especially when they, like, sit on your head. They put you under a bunch of blankets and everyone sits on you for a minute. - We played this game hundreds of times to the point where there's 52 penalties. I've seen Berlin body bag done, like, six times. We would just play this game over and over. If anyone wants to play a game called penalties, where you play a friendly card game and then brutalize one of your friends, hit me up. I'll send you the rules. Josh from Goshen. - Let me piggyback on that because I always felt uncomfortable by how much credit you took for the game. - I wouldn't buy them, man. - Because I incorporated Blitz, which I think is like a really important thing. - You did? - You did come up with the penalties. - You did? - Yes, nice. - That's my family game. - It is a really important part of the game. And I like Blitz a lot. We played that first, like, before penalties, you know? - Yeah, I think there's only one penalty that I, like, never got and I refused. Like, I would have probably quit the game. And it was, was it Josh mystery drink? - Secret formula. - Secret formula. - Yep, nope. Everybody up to three ingredients, everyone in the, who got to pick a different ingredient, edible ingredient, to put in a shot glass. And you had to take a shot. I mean, we're talking like mayonnaise, just-- - Pickle juice, that's old. - Nasty, nasty crap. - Moke. - Yeah. - Do you like this patty? - So yeah, we have-- - Is this good content? - Do you want to know any more penalties? - It's great, can't they? - Hey, your calf whips his brutal flair, woo chops. I mean-- - Flair woo chops. - Who drops an egg or whatever? I mean, it's classic. - I don't know if Tim McGraw listens to the episodes of "Spoilers Still" are a good buddy. Not the famous Tim McGraw singer, but he got one is like Gatorade Glum. And you get to throw a Gatorade bottle at them from the second floor. And this thing just cracked him right in the skull with like the hard, like-- - You got to have a little bit of liquid in it, like maybe an ounce or two. So it wasn't just empty. It was a-- - But right, I mean-- - I mean, there's a lid. - This spread. - It's supposed to hit you kind of like, you know, in the soft plastic-y side. But whoever threw it just hit him bullseye with the hard lid top cracked the skull. Terrible. - Yeah. - First of all, Josh, like, you did like for the cards, but don't forget, the game started with a nasty, we took a Jack's Pizza cardboard circle, we cut a hole in it, and we would draw like, you know, like a spinner. And that's how we decided the penalties at first, and we decided that wasn't very good. - It was like a pen held on by like a straw and we'd just spin the pen to a point. - By the way, just to give Looney Tunes some credit, this all came about because we watched an episode called Early to Bette. It's a classic. - It's a Looney Tune. - You gotta watch it, it's really funny. - Yeah, the game was like, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - This game spread to like a younger generation too, I know Jordan and Shafer played this at Purdue. - Yeah, he bought Purdue, they played it like crazy. We'd send him the rules and everything, and yeah, it's brutal, but I'm way too old to play that. Now I would just be like, nope, not doing that. So. - Pappy, if you didn't do the penalty, you were never allowed to play penalties again. That was always kind of the motivation to keep going. - Yep. - CJ was banned for life, and my late great friend, Tim Dawson was banned for life because he wouldn't do Berlin body back 'cause he had a bad back, so. - All right, Pappy, we took a lot of airtime with penalties, what you got for us. - I do just wanna say, so before Josh and Brett were two of my best friends, I vaguely knew of them through Jordan. And one of my first impressions were, you guys were just sadistic fucks 'cause he told me about the game penalty. - Josh, I mean, Josh deserves most of credit because let's be honest, he's a lot more diabolical than us, so it makes sense. - Listener, trust me, I'm just as shocked to hear the details of this game as you are, but I swear to the nice guys. (laughing) - Really awesome. - I'm bored, man, never split, I mean. - Hang your calf whips. - But there's so many activities to choose from besides torturing each other when you're bored. (laughing) - Well, we didn't have, you guys went to college like six years after us. We had better technology. - We had Xboxes, yeah, it's true. I got nothing as good as penalties. We put like around the world game, Josh, in your backyard with your brother, where you would score points for each basket you made, but then you could shoot an 100-point shot off the diving board or from beyond the fence, it was like 20, that was pretty fun. Put a game where we tried to flick a bottle cap around all of Concord High School, so for those of you who don't know, you can take a Gatorade cap, and between your thumb and middle finger flick it, and with some power, you can actually really flick it probably at least 20, 30 yards, and so we would try and-- - Is this kind of like a disc golf throw sort of thing? Like flick, like it flings out and glides, so I'm trying. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. And then it was like, but it was exactly like golf in that we were trying to get around the school in as few flicks as possible, and he had to flick it and catch it. So it was like two parts of the game, we were catching it with both hands. I don't remember what our score was, but I don't know. Like I said, write a passage, just making up stupid games when you're a kid with a ball or something. To this day, I still throw a ball, like a bouncy ball around my house, and I can only walk while the ball is in the air, right? So I have to like hit it off different walls and like make my way around the house, so. You know, I like the thing, I have like creative positive games, Josh, not taking pleasure and seeing my best friends get literally tortured. - Oh, it was positive. - Josh, I forgot. - Dude, we had a penalty where you slapped somebody, by the way, in penalties. And I actually had that video, Josh getting slapped, so. - The funniest slap was Drew Cried after getting slapped once, best friend Drew. But anyway, we gotta get onto this friend's episode, guys, okay. - Ah, God, we have so many good penalty stories. We'll have to do an episode. (upbeat music) - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. All right, the cold open of this episode of Friends really does a good job of setting into motion all the events that'll take place, including why there's even a bet in the first place. Papi, do you wanna take us into the episode proper? - Yeah, so we have our pre-credits scene. There's a rooster calling in the middle of the night and Jennifer Aniston and Monica are screaming, what the hell was that? And of course, it's the boys across the hallway, which sets up everything for kind of their antagonistic relationship in this episode and the stakes that we're gonna do later. Yeah, the boys are, yeah, the boys are sweet. I like this version of our boy, Chandler Bong, with his head hair sticking straight up. That's what it looks like in the morning when I wake up actually. - What do you got to add here, Brett? 'Cause I know we all like this episode a lot and I think it starts off pretty strong, right? There's some good jokes here right up to that. - Yeah, don't forget about the fifth star of this open scene, I guess fifth and sixth, Rachel's nips. They are, they are, they're throughout the episode. - We did not mention that last time. - I know, I can't believe they were, they were doing some pretty heavy lifting during this episode. - They didn't have to do any lifting, this episode's so good, that's the thing. - That's true, they're just a bonus. They're just a bonus. - Boy, you are really not a morning person. - He's back off! (audience laughing) (screaming) - What is that noise? - You! - So there's just animosity here because obviously the boys have these loud animals and the girls like to sleep and don't want to hear these foreign animals. After the opening credits song, it pretty much just starts right back in this plot line. It's kind of the next morning, no one's gotten that much sleep. Phoebe is explaining to the boys that like, you shouldn't have animals like that in an apartment, which is like-- - Yeah, it's a really good point. (laughing) - But that's not really the point of this act one and like what we're setting up here in the episode. How big are Phoebe's uterus or walls, Pap? - Oh, they're thick. They're nice and thick, don't you worry. Thick enough. It's, there's two different plots, right? There's the really exciting one and then the Phoebe one. The Phoebe one's got a lot of heart to it. I'll say that. - Art, soul. And yeah, she's off to go to the doctor to get implanted. - This starts a little like mini arc in this episode where Chandler's being pervy towards the girls. Seems to be something that crops up every once in a while for his character in general, but he says he wants to like check Phoebe's uterus wall and he wants to check, he wants to check Monica's underwear. Like-- - I could check that for you. - What if Phoebe says yes, like go ahead and do that. Like where does the episode go from there? - Yeah, dude, do it. - Yeah. - Let's call him out. - I don't know, Jobe's used to see more of the pervy one, Chandler's extra horn. Do you think when they do it for Chandler, Pappy said something a couple of episodes ago that kind of stuck with me. When they do this with Chandler specifically, it feels like they're, it's the not gays thing. Like remember, he's straight. He likes women's underwear. 'Cause it's not that funny. - Just try to be a good friend, Josh. - He's just kind of a horny dude, yeah. (laughing) - And like the-- - Probably reading too much into it. - The dynamic of the friends is they're just friends. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I thought I could make a joke. Like on that level with you guys, you know? I don't know. It's like, it shows a very close sign of affection to say something like that. - I agree. - Well, all this underpants talk gets the gang realizing that they wanna know who knows who better. The boys are the girls. - Good luck. - Good luck. And I'm still right. - So not true. - What? - She's mad because I know today's her laundry day and that means she's wearing her old lady underpants. (laughing) - I can check that for you. (laughing) - I just can't believe that you think that you and Chandler know me and Rachel better than we know you. - Well, we do. You can only eat tic-tacs and even numbers. - Yeah, what's that about? (laughing) - And you, Ross, I believe if you check Rachel's bag, you will find a half-eaten box of cookies in there. (laughing) - You're good. (laughing) - We get our first major Ross action here, Brett, right? Because he is going to be the rulemeister. Do you wanna tell the little origin story a little bit about how Ross knabs this role? - Oh, yeah, so first they do a little competition and the boys win and then they want real questions. So they're like, Ross will do it. And he's like, "Oh, it's not like I have a job or a son." I'm like, "Oh, well, last TV." He goes, "No, I wanna play." And then as you mentioned in podcasts that wasn't, like Ross knows these people really well, or else he wouldn't be able to do, he wouldn't be able to be the maestro of this game. So, and he just takes a couple hours and gets all these questions. And it's really, really well done, really professional-looking and-- - It's a great vibe with all the cardboard cutout stuff. And the colors. - It's really nice. - What? Talk a little bit more though about Ross's central role. Last time we recorded this, you said some really cool stuff about kind of like why he knows the most about everyone and why that makes sense. I thought that was really good. - Oh, yeah. Yeah, so other than being, I would say the obvious, smartest one, he-- (laughing) - Sometimes. - Yeah, I spent like more, much educated, like probably the highest IQ. - No sleep on Joey. - Sure. - No, Joey's a ghost. So, he's been in love with Rachel since she was in ninth grade, or he was in ninth grade, I wanted to. - Keeping tabs on her. - He dated her for a year. It's obviously Monica's a sister, and Chandler and him have been best friends and roommates in college. So, they know, I mean, he just knows them really well. And he obviously listens to them a lot. So, I had to throw that in there. It was, it killed last time. - Hell yeah. - But, so yeah, he just knows. I don't know, he either pays attention or maybe he uses stuff for dirt, I don't know. - I also think of the friends, characters, I'm curious on your guys' opinion. Sorry, not characters, maybe actors. David Schwimmer is probably the most viable game show host, right? Like, he's kind of got the right look for it. - Yeah. - Like, I really can't imagine like, anybody else hosting a game show. - Oh, well, I think he's-- - There, I have gotten Schwimmer fatigue in the past, but I think he's actually a legitimately good actor, but yeah, that said, I do think he could have in real life been a game show host. - Well, especially with his-- - Like after friends, and he used this as a platform. - Yeah, with his persona on friends, he seems like a smart guy on friends, so it would fit, he could be himself, but the general audiences think, oh, David Schwimmer is smart, 'cause he's-- - Do some of this goofy stuff, repeat stuff, and then echo voice, it's hilarious. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, Ross, how many items left in that bag? Five. - Okay, 10 bucks says that we can name every item in that bag. (audience laughs) - How many guesses do you get? - Six. - Challenge extended. - Deal. - Challenge accepted. (audience laughs) - All right, we'll start with apples. We'll be starting with apples. (audience laughs) Stop that now. - I will say you're right, but the big friends fans that are listening right now, they're gonna point to an episode later on down the road, which hopefully we get to, where Joey, he's trying out as a host of the game show called Bamboozled, and it's like just ridiculously funny, and he gets really, really good at it. So, again, I agree with you that Ross would be the best, but I'd be remiss if I didn't bring up Joey and Bamboozled the game show that he tries out for. - We'd also be remiss if we just breezed over that mini game they played just a second ago. I don't think any of those moments we can do that to, they're too special. They play a game called name every, I don't know what the name of the game is, but they have to name all five items in Rachel's shopping bag, and they only get six guesses. Pappy, is this insane or what? What are some of the items they're pulling out of their ass here? - Well, I was gonna say, could either of you do this for your wife, like the person you spend the most time with, like this is next level knowing someone. I mean, you got apples, you got tortilla chips, you got yogurt, you got diet sodies. They say scotch tape in a very interesting way. They emphasize the word scotch. - Scotch tape tape. - Yeah, but I mean, they seriously, could you guys do this for your spouse? I feel like there's no way 'cause it's nuts. - Oatmeal cream pies, chicken breast, I don't know, I got it. - I think the accuracy of getting all five with only one miss is what makes it so special, right? If I got 10 guesses to get five items for Tracer, I have a pretty good shot at it, don't you think? - Yeah, but you can. - Especially if you used all her scotch tape the night before making fun of faces. - Because you'd know that she'd be like freaked out and have to go replace that scotch tape right away. - Oh, I got it. - Scotch tape. (audience laughing) - How did you know she would buy scotch tape? - Well, we used up there's last night making scary faces. - Man! - All right, 10 bucks, fork it over, cough it up, pay the piper. Give me that. - Anyway, before we finish out the first act of this, which I'm glad we're only in the first act still because I love this episode. I wish it could last forever. I wish the spoilers episode on it could last forever, but keep moving, still an episode, still an act one here and Phoebe finds out, you guys, I don't know who wants to take this, but Phoebe finds out that not only is she getting multiple embryos implanted, but even so, there's like a crazy low chance that this will even work. - Okay, it'll take just a little while to prepare the embryos. - Umbrios, isn't more than one? - Five, actually. - Five? Okay, where am I giving birth in a hospital or a big box under the stairs? - Do five because that gives you a 25% chance that at least one will attach. - That's it, 25%. That means that it's like 75% chance of no baby at all. - Yeah, you know, I was thinking, what are the odds like if you stuff like 200 of them in there? - Yeah, it's a 25% chance that it'll take that, you know, one of the eggs will be fertilized and-- - So five percent chance each? Five embryos? Five percent? - Yes, yeah. - I don't know, does that math work? Is that right? - Yeah, I suppose, yeah. And then it costs $16,000, which is a really a lot of money where we live. It's still a good chunk of money in New York. So especially for a home act teacher and whatever Frank Jr. does. Probably something with magnets or something. I don't know, he's-- (laughing) - What? - I can see that. I also like-- - He says something about magnets. - I thought about this in between our watchings and just catching it on a second time. I like how they ground it in a hundred dollars 'cause a lot of money for the friends, right? To be betting. And then you hear like 15K. And you're like, "Holy shit." You know what I mean? I know it's like a little thing, but like 50 years from now, after we've had crazy inflation, you know? It kind of like, it establishes a scale, which I think maybe intentional, maybe not. But I really like that, Josh. - I like that too. And I think it also works to create like a division in the plot that they actually use as a joke device. That's actually what gets us into act too pappy because the friends are all kind of sitting around talking about how big of a life event this is for Phoebe. You know, it's using your comparison of money. It's roughly like 150 times as important as-- - Good math. - If you know your friends across the apartment as well, I don't know. But anyway, the friends are all sitting around thinking about Phoebe, pensively wondering how she's doing, talking about how what an important life event this is coming up for her and all of them. And then Ross announces that the test is ready. And they are-- - Oh, yes. - They're all relieved, I think, to kind of be exiting that serious conversation. - Guys, do you realize that any minute now, Phoebe could be pregnant? - I know. - I know, it's such a huge, life-altering thing. - I know. - The test is ready. - Let's go! (audience clapping) - Okay, each team will answer 10 questions. - And guys, we're just pumped to get into all the games, right? - Extremely elaborate setup for a guy who's got so many responsibilities, claims to have so many responsibilities. He's got a full Jeopardy board, color-coded categories, four different categories. Ross goes all out. - How long do you think this took 'em, Brett? They use editing, so we're not sure in TV language how much time's passed, but what would you guess? - Ah, man, no one-- - Ross, he has a flare for stuff like that. I don't know, maybe an hour and a half, maybe more, maybe three hours, that's a lot. - That's a lot of questions. - I feel like Ross could put his nose to the grindstone and knock something out like this in an hour and a half. I like that. - It's true. He probably had some stuff like waiting in the wings, so yeah, that's possible. - And I think we established-- - That's your question, never thought about that. - I think we established it earlier where Ross just knows all of these off the top of his dome, right? He doesn't have to ask them. Including like Rachel's actual favorite movie and the movie she claims to be her favorite movie, she doesn't even bro-tash, she's like, yeah. - Well, let's get into it, 'cause-- - It's a scene. - Oh, go ahead, Brett. - I was gonna say like, there's a scene later on where Ross recounts how many times him and Rachel have had sex, so he remembers a lot of things. - That's kind of psycho. - Yeah, but, and they make fun of him for it, so he gets his just desserts, so go ahead, Josh. - This whole act, too, is just made up of the game, and it's maybe the best act in all of friend's history. It's a middle act of the one with the embryos, so I actually wrote down, I'm gonna go through the list of questions that they actually show. The first category and the first two questions come from, fears and pet peeves. The guys are first asked, what's Monica's biggest pet peeve? And Joey knows it's animals dressed as humans. The gals get the second question, and it's what scares the pejisus out of Chandler? Do you know what that is, Brett? - Oh yeah, Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance. Also, something always, I don't know if it said Bug Me, but did he know that Joey doesn't know that? - There's a couple of those, where it seems like one of the partners knows, and one doesn't it, but-- - Irish jig guy? - I don't know if I know what this is. Like, I feel like I'm completely-- - Really, like a flatly? - With River Dance. I know what River Dance is. I don't know if I know what Lord of the Dance. - Okay, so that's good. Okay, so River Dance is a-- It's what you know, as Irish step dancing, a lot of the traditional, no arm movements, arms down by your side. It's-- - Don't fucking move those arms, Pat, don't even-- - And Michael Flatley, I don't know if he was the original lead, but he was the lead, got really famous off it, and he left and did his own show called The Lord of the Dance. - Wait, so Lord of the Dance is a spin-off of River Dance, essentially? (gentle music) - Basically, you're overthinking it, it's the same thing. - It's not, that's offensive, I'm just kidding. It is different, and he had a different style. He liked though, if you watch, he waves his arm around, which is kind of like a, you know, frowned upon, but-- - Dude, yeah. - Yeah, they don't want to feed his face. - He had one rule. Don't move your arms. - I'm watching it now. Michael Flatley's got a very specific stage presence, which I don't like besmirch Chandler for being scared of at all. It's a little freaky. - He's got-- - He's like, move as if independent from his body. - He had the record for a long time of like, most taps in a certain amount of time, but yeah, he's a special dude, he's like a concert flautist. He was like a Golden Gloves boxer, like yeah, he was just awesome dude. - Hmm. (gentle music) - The next category is, it's all relative. - It's all-- - And the guys get the third question here, and it's named that grandma of Ross and Monica's that's passed away. And I have this little note. It's actually from last week. I think it's on this answer, where when Joey actually says the answer, Alfea, you can like see Chandler like mouthing his line, which is kind of like a rare acting-- - You brought that up, I actually brought that up. I had never noticed that, I don't think. - Yeah, just a little weird, not a big deal. We get into literature, after that, and the gals get asked, the question that spawned many channandler bongs all over the US for many years to come, but it's this TV guide question. What's the name on the TV guide that Chandler and Joey get? - Guy, the joke that it's in the category of literature is so funny too, like literature. - Yeah, had you heard this pop culture reference before Pappy, Channandler bongers? That just me and Brett's age thing that we said, all the time. - Pat? The loose tap? - I think he's been having some headphone problems, but we said that all the time, right, Brett? - Oh yeah, they might even, yeah, they might even have been named certain things after that. Yeah. Not me, but. - Okay, so the episode takes a little sidetrack here and we're still in act two, but we have a little quick monologue with Phoebe talking to the embryos. - I knew that. Rachel, use your head. - Actually, it's Miss Channandler bongers. - Hello, teeny embryos. Oh, I'm Phoebe Buffet. Hi. I'm hoping to be your uterus for the next nine months. You should know that we're doing this for Frank and Alice. - Really quick, Brett, you like it? Anything good you wanna point out? She's just talking to the embryos and she tells them, next time you see me, I'll probably be screaming, but don't worry, I'll be fine or whatever, something like that. This is where we need Pat, because Pat loved the heart of Phoebe in this. - So, yeah, I, I don't know. Phoebe's got her own thing going on. Obviously one friend can't stand up to the other four in terms of plot, but I haven't think about this more and more and it's like, you know, we've talked about this before. Like, I think even now when people are like, oh, IVF or like having people, like surrogacy is kind of frowned upon somehow in some circles, like, I think it's cool. I don't know, there's a lot of heart and it's able to bring the friends back together. Like, I'm, I could not be more pro all of that stuff and it's pretty wild, you know? - Same, I am too, just not always pro Phoebe. - Right, yeah, but it makes it like, it gives it kind of like, I don't know, how many other shows show something like this, you know? I do like it. - Yeah, it's good for the episode. Again, I've just seen it a lot and she's not one of my favorite characters, so. - I think it's like maybe like just being older and knowing the reality of like fertility struggles that like a lot of my friends or people I know have gone with and like, it kind of hits different now, you know? - It's not as obscure and sciency. It's a lot more personal. - Yeah, there's a very silly stuff. It's working great, but then it's also got this heart of, like I said, as you get older, you're like, oh yeah, I can kind of relate to this or know people who have related to this. - We actually get to my least favorite part of the episode right now because they cut back to the lightning round, but they've skipped the majority of the main round. I think it's, they skipped like 12 or 15 questions here. It's devastating. - Yeah, it's not the lightning round, but yeah, they come back and you get one more question. My, what's Chandler's dad's all male, gay all male, burlesque, Vegas show? Sorry, you worked that down, go ahead. I was saying a lot better. - No, and it is. - Oh, you had written the questions, Dad. I didn't want to step on that. - I couldn't remember. - What's the answer? You already said the question. What's the name of Chandler's dad's Vegas show? - Viva Las Vegas, and we'll get to see that later on in the show. It's Chandler's dad is played by Kathleen Turner. - You're right. We're not quite to the lightning round here, but what we do see here right as we close out the second act, Brett, is just Monica and Chandler kind of ramping up the bets now that they know like it all comes down to this one lightning round. I think there's all showing major signs of like betting trauma or like addicted to gambling or something, especially Monica and Chandler. - Oh, yeah. And also, I don't think we mentioned it last time. There's always a funny question that I think, a funny line that I think some of us said, he's like, oh, I majored in lightning round. She's like, you want to bet? He goes, huh, I'm so confused as to what we've been doing so far. But it works on him anyway. He's still false for it. And he like makes the bet bigger and bigger. Pappy, have you ever fallen in this trap where you just keep doubling down on a bet or like falling in any bad habits in this way? Is that too personal of a question? - No, I've never had a problem with gambling. Like when I, like, I've a little story before, I'm not as into it now. But when I first started, it was like in website and you had like deposit it in Bitcoin. Like I was into it like before it was legal. I remember one time like staying up really late and betting on like Russians, women, volleyball. I'm like, eh, maybe this isn't for me after all. Like maybe I shouldn't be. - It makes everything, it makes everything better to watch that. - No, for sure. I'm not anti in any way, but. - Oh yeah, raises the stakes. - I do love that though, especially that it's like Monica and Chandler like really driving the other two into this. - They kind of have a similar personality. - A gambling book. - 100 bucks, 150 bucks, 300 bucks. Meanwhile, Joey and Rachel are honestly kind of like being like, hey, maybe we shouldn't. Like kind of tugging at their shirts. Like the bet's pretty big already, it's fine guys. But they. - But are you scared? - No. - I know everyone knows us, but just for the listener, I just gotta say it like straight out. They decide to change it from a monetary bet. And now it's gonna be, if the boys lose, they have to get rid of the duck and the. - Chick. - The chick. - Chick of a duck, yep. - And if the girls lose, they have to give up their much larger apartment and move across the hall into the boys' apartment. Whew, what a big bet. And you know, it's one thing to rescue your apartment and move into a smaller place. But it's another thing to like demand that you're like best friends, give away their pets. Like they're not offering any suggestions here. It's kind of dark, don't you guys think? - Yeah, especially since Rachel gets really dark here because she's like throwing the duck too. He goes, what does he ever do? She goes, he gets the other one all riled up. - Which that doesn't even make sense logically because if you got rid of the chick, you don't have a, you don't like the duck wouldn't be riling it up because it wouldn't be there. - With the chalk it up there, she's tired and cranky maybe, I guess, but yeah, it's a little sadistic. - Also, we got to point back to Phoebe's point that, you know, those animals aren't really suited for a New York apartment in general, but we love them. That's fine. - Like what do you think would have happened to the chicken and the duck? - They would have gotten eaten, right? There's no scenario where they're just released into the wild and they're allowed to live. And I get into a farm up state. - No, but Chandler does later on. You find out that he took them in to get them put asleep, I believe, because-- - What? - Joey makes a comment about how they are, this is later on down the line about they're at some farm and because he's kind of like the mind of a child. So he thinks that Chandler took them, I'm guessing they just died. And maybe I don't know. - I think he was gonna put him down. - Same house making me sad. - I don't know, I don't know if he put him down or not, but they get another chicken duck later, chick junior and duck junior. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - I think as we get into act three, the lightning round is so special. Let's just play the whole lightning round clip right here. (audience laughing) - Now, what was Monica's nickname when she was a field hockey goalie? - Big fat goalie. - Correct. Rachel claims this is her favorite movie. - Dangerous Liaisons. - Correct. Her actual favorite movie is-- - We can do Bernie's. - Correct. In what part of her body did Monica get a pencil stuck at age 14? - Who? - You know. (audience laughing) Her ear. Monica categorizes her towels. - How many categories are there? - Every day use. - Fancy. Guest. - Fancy guest. - Two seconds. - No, you're loving? - 11. Unbelievable. 11 is correct. - Yes! (audience laughing) - That's four for the guys. Ladies, you're up. - All right, come on. - Come on. - 30 seconds on the clock, five correct questions wins the game. The lightning round begins now. What is Joey's favorite food? - sandwiches. - Correct. - The Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast. - 14? - No, 19. - Thanks, man. (audience laughing) - Joey had an imaginary childhood friend. His name was-- - Maurice. - Correct. His profession was-- - Space cowboy. - Correct. (audience laughing) - What is Chandler Bing's job? (audience laughing) - Oh gosh. This has something to do with numbers. And processing. It carries a briefcase. - 10 seconds, you need this or you lose the game. - It's something to do with trans bonding. - Oh, oh, oh, he's a trans monster. (audience laughing) - That's not even a word. (audience laughing) - I can get this. I can get this. - Oh. (audience cheering) - The girls lose. They're devastated. The guys are dancing. They start to move in their foosball table like within 10 minutes. - It's so funny that no one knows what Chandler does. It's the best job ever. It's such a funny meme of the show. - Yeah, everyone knows he does statistical analysis and data reconfiguration. - Do you guys feel like you're relate to that or like no people that relate to that 'cause it's like-- - Actually, what's funny is best friend Drew and I have talked about our jobs before and he's literally said to me, "For I have absolutely no idea what you do." And I have absolutely no idea what he does. - I have no idea what Brett does at all. - Well, let's save it maybe for trivia. Let's not get too into what you guys do right now but moving on in the friends episode like beyond this contest which is awesome and it sucks that we're kind of moving beyond it but Phoebe is implanted now with these embryos. She's freaked out but she's not quite knocked up yet 'cause she takes a quick pregnancy test like right when she gets home and there's nothing. - Well, her body has always been faster than Western medicine. - I love that joke and I feel like that plays into her like talking to the embryos too. Like that's not a Western medicine thing. That's her own shit, right? - Yeah. - I mean, Loki, Phoebe's a probably a pretty great surrogate mom. Like if she can just lay up to Chandler Bong, like he knows she's eating organic and like gonna take care of those babies. Like she seems pretty healthy. - Ooh, she doesn't eat organic later on. We'll get to there. - What? - That's what the babies want, Pat. - There's kind of weirdly a lot of like plot packed into this third act but one big part of it is Jennifer Aniston's Rachel is just going off the rails. Like she's pissed about this bet, refusing to move out, throwing fits, laying on the ground. Like she's got quite the scene going on here. Yeah. - Yeah, she didn't want to do, she's like, well, it's not giving away my money. - Bet some peppers. - And then something spice it up. - Let's try to spice saying up, yeah, pepper, yeah. And then Monica agrees to it without talking to her but Monica does convince her later because of her steady hand that she's not nervous and she hasn't missed any questions. And this is where Rachel can be mad at herself. She believed her and actually okayed the bet. So with her being shady later, that's bull crap because she actually did make the bet. You made the bet, when you make the bet. - When she's getting all pissed, it leads to one of my favorite lines where Monica just straight up tells her, if it makes you feel any better, this is all your fault 'cause Rachel did miss the most questions, to be honest. - But isn't it so weird that Rachel's the one protesting 'cause it was Monica's apartment first, right? - I know that always bugs me in. Yeah, there's a couple lines like that during the show. Yeah, it's Monica's apartment. Her name's, well, I don't know if her name's in the lease but it's definitely her apartment. - No, put that box down. We are not going anywhere. (audience laughing) This is my apartment and I like it. This is a girl's apartment. That is a boy's apartment. It's dirty and it smells pretty, it's so pretty. - Happy friend, we're just friends doing episodes on friends. - That's true. - Take us home, tell us about Frank and Alice coming over and giving up some lollipops and everything. - Yeah, the episode definitely Cristian knows is you have the two plots coming together. That's probably, again, like why this works so well. It's a very contained story, two stories that come together but the friends conflict, Rachel's temper tantrum has escalated into like her like saying she's not gonna move out and being all pissed. And Giovanni, your BC and Kitty, were there all names, Frank and Alice in this show? - Frank and Alice, yeah. - Come over and they have a lollipop and a pregnancy test. Gotta make sure you pee on the right one. But Giovanni's, Ruby's sister's gonna have his baby. He's so excited. One of the best lines of the whole episode. And that's why I really liked this episode. And even like Phoebe's involvement is like, it's used to break the tension of the A story, right? Like it works out perfectly. Then they're all friends again. - Yeah, I'm kind of all my gotten. - I'm all my gotten. - I'm all my gotten. - From Giovanni with the stance and like the way he's shouting. I don't know. It's good stuff. - He's pretty dumb though. Like he's even dumber than stanza. - They're both Frank. Interesting. Interesting. - We'd still be living here if you hadn't gotten the question wrong. What was this stupid unfair question? - Don't blame the questions. - Would you all stop yelling in our apartment? You are ruining moving day for us. - Will you stop calling it your apartment? - And it is our apartment. - Oh my God. - Leave it there, leave it there. - Leave it there, leave it there. - Guys, you guys, you're gonna have a baby. They're gonna have a baby. (cheering) - My sister's gonna have my baby. (laughing) - I think I mentioned this previous when we talked about this before, boys, but the timing of when the friends are arguing and really starting to get like pissed off at each other and all that tension is broke by the news that the pregnancy's stuck. That really works. It's one of those like things where a TV show really shifts the gears of emotions and kind of plays with your heartstrings to good effect. It's really good stuff. - Yeah, and I mentioned this last time too. I think it become one of the, I wouldn't say iconic, but more well-known shots of friends is when they come in and they're like riding that big white grayhound and Chandler's got to eat in a sandwich and it's just... (laughing) It's classic, it's... - All the clip shows had that for sure. - Mm-hmm. - Yep. - And there's like implications to the future episodes here, right? Like, Phoebe's pregnant, the apartments of Switch, like, it's kind of like a, things got to change a little bit in the short term. Like, you couldn't just watch this in isolation, like as impact the other episodes, which I think is... - The chicks reaching adolescence. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - Everything's changed. - Everything's changed. - Yeah. (laughing) - Guys, I cannot wait until we get to trivia because last time when we recorded this episode, we did a chat GBT-based trivia. And boys, you did well, but guess what? - Yeah. - I rewrote this shit myself this time. It's personal, it's all relative. We'll get to that in just a little bit, but before that, we got a few things to knock out. There's a quick epilogue on the end of this episode where Monica and Rachel are sad, there's like a rat in a drawer, and then similarly to how Rachel screams, Joey screams, because he realizes how big his closet is now. Good for Joey. (laughing) - What, what, what, what is it? Did you see the size of the closet? (laughing) I can't believe we live here. (laughing) - We're out of the episode proper. It's a great freaking episode. Let's rate and give this thing a yes or no. - I have some final thoughts if you don't mind. - Yeah, please. - I do too. - Okay, so first of all, we didn't mention it last time. One of the rare episodes I believe where they are never, they're never in central perk. So one of my dad's favorite lines was when Frank Jr. earlier says, why don't you just get drunk and work for a lot of girls in my high school? That's a good one. I don't know if we said it, but like when Joey says Nana and the channel goes, she has a name. So stop that now, it was a classic. This was number 21 in TV guides, top 100 TV episodes. And it's something that always bothered me, especially as someone who's got a lot of idiosyncrasies. She eats her tic-tacs in even numbers. I just have a hard time believing that she would have an odd number of towels types, but I guess that's how it works, but usually you don't have multiple things all over like a spectrum, but hey, it's a small little thing. And that's all I got. And Quentin M, Pappy's coming for you. - Mm-hmm, don't forget it. My only final thought is that their face, when they flip the coin, is so funny. I don't know if we mentioned that either time, but like-- - Somebody call it next time, no. We never have not mentioned the coin. - Ross flips the coin. They're all just like looking at them with such expectation and they're always-- - I always look at Rachel. Her face is really funny, Rachel. - God, it's such a, it's a really good visual joke. (upbeat music) My one less note, if we're gonna do final thoughts, is there's this one little part where the guys had just done the lightning round and they're going to sit back on the couch and the girls are getting off the couch to go do the lightning round, so they kind of pass each other and they start doing that like thing where they hit their fists together, like the fuck you think. Rachel says, "Oh." When they stand up and they're kind of like face-to-face. Uh, it was just like a weird thing. I know she says, "Oop." I always thought that was a Midwestern thing, but Jennifer Anderson is like not anything close to Midwest girl and this show takes place in New York City. So I like, call me a little off guard, but I'd love to hear the "Oop, O-P-E." - Oop, Stephanie, yeah, that's a Midwestern thing, but is that what she used it in that context, Josh? - That's four for the guys. Ladies, you're up! - All right, come on! - All right, come on! - Oh. (audience laughs) - Oh. - Yeah, it's almost like, to me it seemed like almost like she stood up and was like so close to them physically. She was like, "Whoa, like just like so close." Which is why you would say it naturally. - Ooh, that's interesting. I said that probably a hundred times in my life. - Josh from Goshen here. - It's gonna get us into ratings and yes or no. Typically on spoilers, we just do a binary yes or no, but for friends, we're doing the special letter grade thing. So I'm going to give this episode an A plus. This is your first time listening to spoilers. I don't think I've given anything an A plus before. This movie, this episode just flies by in a flash. We watched it last week for a pod, potted on it, watched it again, potted on again. I've seen it like 25 times. It was still honestly just as fun potting on it tonight as it was a week ago when I messed up the audio. So it's still an A plus, just like it was then. One thing I said last week that I probably should have just, not included this week, but I'm gonna say it again. Rachel is just like, Jennifer Anderson is just like so attractive in this episode. She's just, I don't know, she's like at her peak. I love my wife more than her though, just so everyone knows. But it's an A plus yes from Josh from Goshen. Thank you guys for recording this for a second time with me, I appreciate it. Can't wait for trivia. (gentle piano music) - Yeah, I'll go again, the... (gentle piano music) I was worried about this re-recording this because I actually did not watch it again. And at the beginning, I was just kind of like in a mood and I was like, "Ah, this is not gonna work." But as soon as we started talking about it, it got me there and I thought it was gonna... I got into it and it was fun and funny. So yeah, I'm glad you redid it. Yeah, this is probably the best episode to have or at least right up there. The one I've seen the most, it's an A plus for me. It's about as good an episode as you can get. And yeah, so A plus and a hard yes for this episode. - If anybody is interested, I will try, I don't know if I still have the recording, but I'll try to put a little sample of what my audio sounded like on that first recording at the very... - I think you should still do... I think you should still make the episode and make it Patreon only. But at the end of this episode, I'll put a little sampler teaser of what the audio could have sounded like and then you'll all understand. But, Pappy, you ready for your rating? Can you do this? Oh yeah. Okay, real quick, what timestamp for you guys that through this recording? 15th, 12th. - And you want to get high, man. - This how they got wooden balls, man. - I got a joint here, man. Tame for the special case. - You're fine. - Yeah. - I'll match that up. There's no big deal. - Oh yeah, this is Pappy. Last time I gave this an A minus, I think, A. I'm writing that range. - A and then I gave you crap, yeah. - An A. I mean, I don't know. I don't give A pluses for anything, but... - No, I understand. - This is a hard A. Classic episode of TV. And even now, like re-watching it, like I said, I think I really do appreciate Phoebe's plot line with the fertility struggles and stepping up and doing that and the pressure that's put on her with like one of the goofiest, silliest, best, like comedic A plots of a sitcom I've ever seen. Like legendary NBC comedy stuff on this episode. I think it probably is the curse of mentioning Quentin Morton, though I tried not to do it on this episode. And I think we might have good audio, but we'll see. But Quentin, I'm coming for you, but hard yes. A solid A. - Oh boy. - So, half. And like for younger audiences, I don't know how young our audience is, but Josh, you remember this, around this time, I don't know if this ever been a bigger time block in at least the 90s than Thursday night. Do you remember Josh? - Seinfeld. - It was 8, 839 and 930. It was like all the best shows were there. Big monster shows. Yeah, it was Friends, Seinfeld. I think Frazier. - ER. - And then ER might have been after, for sure. Yeah, oh my God, I forgot about ER. And then like they were shows that kind of came in like mad about you, I think might have been in there. - And that's why I wanted to mention this. Like people sleep on how huge NBC Thursday night comedies have been in just like NBC comedy sitcoms in general, right? Like The Office, Seinfeld, Friends. - Parks and Rec, is that them? - Parks and Rec. - Yeah. Cheers, Fresh Prince. Like dude, they've had some like pretty legendary like sitcoms. - Isn't that weird? Just got a through line. They got a niche for that for some reason. I don't know. Well guys, I'm going to toss it to spoiler man, to just remind everyone how they can get a hold of us. And then we're gonna come back and we're gonna get. See it personal with Pappy and Brett on trivia. Huge stakes for this trivia too. So stick around, take it away, spoiler man. - If you'd like to request an episode, hear your name read by spoiler man, or even just help us make podcasts, please check us out on Be sure to check out Corey's podcast, Big Dumb Movie. Our email is Josh Hensley from The Roodabaga wrote our theme song. Please support this podcast by leaving us an iTunes review. - And we're back. ♪ Shenandoah, bong, spoilers ♪ We're getting into the trivia here guys. I am giddy about this trivia. Like I was just telling Pappy when you were taking a quick break there, Brett. Can you guys do some sort of, I'm gonna flip a coin here. And I want that to determine who goes first, okay? - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - Okay. So here he goes. - Somebody call it this time. - Pappy. - Dales. It was heads, it was a virtual Google coin flip. - It was heads. - I thought we were doing a bit, we're neither one of us would call it, but all right. - Yeah. Yeah, it would have been too lame. So anyway. - I'll go last. - You wanna go second? Okay. - Yeah. - So, good. This is all about who knows the other person better between good and Pappy. And if you're not happy with the outcome at the end of this, don't blame the questions. - Pappy. - Yeah. - The first round is it's all relative. For one point, name both Patreon members that are Brett relatives. - Brother Brian and Matthew Quinn. - That is correct. Pappy has one point. - Oh. - Brett. - Yeah. - It's all relative. - Pappy's mother is a Patreon member and was even once on the pod in one of our best episodes ever. She's affectionately known as... - Nurse Stacy. - Great. Well done. One to one after the first round. There's five more of these. How are you guys feeling so far? - Love it. - Like I'm about to be docked. (laughing) - Yeah, that's not, yeah. We're fine. Just don't do. - These are fine so far, okay. Everyone knows your mom. - I know. - She's on the pod. - We're starting very basic. We'll see where this goes. - Pappy, this is worth two points, but I need you to name three things. In my opinion, Brett has three favorite teams. So name has favorite MLB, NFL, and CFB teams. So that's major league baseball, NFL, national league football, and college football. Three teams here. - You know there's only one hard part of this question. Obviously, Brett loves the Florida State Seminoles and Green Bay Packers. - Okay. - Any listener of spoilers would know. (dramatic music) - Lo be anyone who wants to hear Brett on an episode if either of those teams play on the night we record, 'cause you're not gonna get her Brett. (laughing) - I had before, though. - Yeah, anyway, I do appreciate that. - Can you get the full two points and name the third one? - What would be your favorite baseball team? I guess I'll just go with the Chicago Cubs. - Brett? - Unfortunately, that is correct. - Woo hoo. - I would love it if you guys actually said if it was correct or not after the other person guesses. - I'm looking at a little Sammy Sosa Chinese nesting doll, Brett, I didn't know we had that in common. That's great. - Russian. - I used to boast that I used to either watch or listen to over a hundred Cubs games a year, but you get married and I gotta have my football. I don't wanna flood my wife with how crazy I am, so some things had to drop out. And I mean, I still follow him obviously, but I just don't get to watch him as much, so. - Josh, did you reach out to my sister and ask her questions? - No. What? He's just a Ross. - She asked me yesterday what my favorite sports team was. - No, I knew all those. - Oh, okay. Oh yeah, of course you did. - There's one question on this list that I did reach out for, but it wasn't to your sister and we'll get to there, we'll get to that when we get to it, but. - Okay. - Brett, you're down three to one, but it is your turn for a two-point question. And here it is. Pepe grew up in this Concord Eastside neighborhood on the southwest side of Elkhart, Indiana. - Oh no. - Jesus, dude. - You said Eastside? - Well, you don't live there anymore, Pepe. (laughing) - Oh man, that's... - You said Eastside Southwest? - It's a southwest side of Elkhart, Indiana, but it's Eastside District. - Oh man, that's actually no idea. Let's see how rich is pappy. - Mm. - Lower your expectations. - I'm going to, God, I'm gonna be wrong. I'm gonna decamp Boulevard. Decamp. That's not right. That's way harder than the one Pepe got for me. - I know what neighborhood you grew up in, for sure. - But I did not grow up in decamp. I grew up in Pinecrest. Pinecrest. - Pinecrest. - Oh man. - That's close. - I mean, I guess. - I'm liking this more than I even thought I would. How are you guys doing two out of six questions? (laughing) - Just me. Where did I... - Pappy, what neighborhood did I grow up in when I went to elementary school? - When I went to elementary school. Either way, bleep that out. My parents still live there. - It's fine. Pappy. - Yes. This one's simple. And for each word you get correctly, you will get one point. There's three words. - Good. - All right. - It's Brett's job title. What you got? - I hate this. - He's got no chance. - Quality. - Okay. - Assurance. - Okay. - Specialist. - Brett. - You got two thirds right now. - Go. - Go. (laughing) - I am a quality assurance manager. - Let's go. - Let's go. - You downgraded me a little bit there. - You got two that took you from three to five. - No, I'm proud of you. Look at you, manager. - It's five to one right now. Brett, I did recognize that up to this point, I thought your questions were a little harder. So you get the same question. Pappy's job title, but lucky for you, there's four words in it. So you could get four questions, or you could get four points and tie it up here. - I don't think so. - Do I have to actually guess it and order kinds of guess words? - I think you got four guesses of words you can do. - Okay, my first guess is data. - Okay. - I'll say analyst. - Okay. (upbeat music) - Whoa. - Sounds like you only got two. He's a data analyst, is that your theory? (laughing) - Computer? - Okay. - In. - I'm gonna hedge my bets to say analysis. - Pappy. - Did I get any right? Did he get one or two principle business relationship analysts? - I think you only got one. - I got two. - Just analyst. - I didn't say business. Oh, I meant to say business. - You didn't say business. It's fine. There's still more questions and the points are ramping up. (upbeat music) Question four, Pappy. This is you. - Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. Also my job title is podcaster. By the way, I mean, we make a full time living. Patreon. Go ahead. - Is it five to two, Josh? - It's five to two, but don't interrupt this joke. Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. It's a traumatic event round. (laughing) Jesus Christ. (laughing) - That's okay. - Pappy. - Yeah. - When just small naive children, brother Brian broke his arm and collarbone when he fell off a blank right in front of poor young Brett's eyes. I have no idea. But let's see. - And the rest of his family. - It's worth three points. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Fell out of or fell off of? What did you say? - He didn't, yeah. What did you say, Josh? - Fell off a blank right in front of poor young Brett's eyes. (upbeat music) - Fell off a jungle gym. - The correct answer is Brett. - And the pyramran pool water slide. - I would have accepted the water slide or a water slide ladder. - Yikes. - There wasn't a ladder. It was, he fell off the slide. - He fell off the-- - You were idiots. - Did he hit the cement? - Yes, he hit the cement. By the way, you're doing him a disservice, Josh. He broke his wrist, he broke two bones in his back and he broke two bones in his pelvis. - All right, sorry. - It was on July 4th, 1993. - On the 4th of July? - Yeah, we were the only people there and that us and the gangers for some reason. Yeah, we were idiots. We were, we used to us in the lifeguards, we used to climb up the slide, like walk up it and Brian was on the straightaway and Brooke was on the straightaway, my other sister. And she fell, she slid. And Brian, who is a very smart person, Brian, you're very smart, he did something very stupid. Instead of just sliding down, he tried to jump on the side and grab hold. And he just flipped off. And yeah, it's about 25 feet, he landed on cement. - Ooh. - It was rough day. I mean, I don't know, I'm okay talking about it now, but yeah, it was a rough day. - Well Brett, for three points. - Boop, boop, boop, boop. - And Pappy's traumatic event round. Are you ready for this one? - Ooh, yeah, I guess. - Okay. When Pappy was newly 19, his college roommate moved out, Pappy quote cried, knowing it would never be the same again. Name that roommate for three points. - Okay. 19, is that the age you first touched on? - You touched a female breast? - Brett, I almost put that question in for you, but I deleted it 'cause I think I know the answer, but. - Yeah, keep that to yourself. (laughing) And yeah, yeah, you actually don't know the answer. Okay, I'm going to say, brother Jordan. - Pappy. - Yeah, of course that's correct. How did you know all those details, Josh? - I'm Ross from Friends, man, I know things, okay? I lease. - I did cry, Jordan. - He's digging deep. He's going to have some super dark in question six, but I needed that. - The questions don't get darker, necessarily. They just get harder. - Don't blame the questions. - Although the last question that I'm looking for, I'm looking at it, it might be a little dark, but Pappy, it is tied up five to five. We got two questions left. We are now in the round of ancient history. - Okay, okay. - Brett initially attended IU. This is for four points. To pursue this respectable major. - He wanted to be a geno, journalism. (laughing) - He did, you are up to nine, great. - Man, unfortunately, I've said that to about everybody before, yeah. - Okay, no, I just remember the things you tell me 'cause I'm your good friend and I love you. - It's true, I appreciate that, I love you too. - Okay. - I wanted to be a geno. - I know. - Shouldn't you know me? - Couple questions left for that. Ancient, Pappy, ancient history. Pappy was officially asked to help get a feed of the Notre Dame football game at his cousin, Adam's wedding, nearly five years ago, that all three of us were in attendance at. Name the team and be played. - They were playing and they got destroyed by the Miami Hurricanes. (laughing) - Yeah, of course that's correct, we all remember it. - Good war. - More terrible night. Ter-- to turn over chain. - Pappy, you were so drunk. - Oh yeah. - That night? (laughing) Josh was very sick that night. - Dude, that was so terrible. I hated that night. - From drinking. - No, yeah, I'll just say this for the listener. I have no shame. For some reason I had one of those nights where I just had to poop every 10 minutes. Couldn't stop. It was so bad. I just wanted to hang out with people. - I thought they went up to him and I was like, I was like, Josh, the edit you did on the cabin in the wood episode was so good and you were like, dude, I appreciate the compliment. I was like, I can't even listen right now. I feel so terrible. - Yeah. (laughing) - It's having some lower bowel movements. But that's, see, see, Pappy, I'm willing to shed a little bit of my own history here. Like, yeah, yeah. We're all given-- - I'm tied up going in the question six. - It is, it's nine to nine. Okay. Pappy, ancient history. Is this the last question? Yes. - Again, another ancient history? - Yes, more ancient history. Okay. Josh from Goshen, me. Famously nailed a slice of pizza to Brett's wall, sophomore year of college at IU. - Oh gosh. - Name the topping in parentheses, S, on the slice and the establishment from which it came for five points. - Is it like a point each or is it all right? - No, you need to name the toppings and the establishment. (laughing) - No shot, no shot. Brother bears, extra cheese and sausage. - First of all, it's a mother bears. - Mother bears. - Ever guess extra cheese, like, that's just terrible. - I have no eyes. - Brett, what's the answer? - I, you have to tell you what that, I think it was pepperoni and it was pizza express. - 100%, 100%. - That's amazing. - That's why I almost said, I think you might be able to get this, but you thought, you gave me way too much credit. - Goddamn it. - Brett, to take it home. - Yeah. - All right. - I'm just gonna read my question verbatim and questions. - Brett, miss it for the lightning round. Play for the lightning round. - No, I gotta win it, I gotta win it here now. - Okay. - So he appears mostly white. - Papi actually has a significant amount of a digital American tribe blood flowing through his veins. - Oh. - What tribe is it? - Oh, damn. I have no idea. I'm in the end out long. Half Cherokee, half chopped tall. Man, I haven't watched the trip a while. I'm gonna say something that I have absolutely no idea. I'm gonna say Navajo. - Papi. Creek. It is. And I reached out to Stevie to figure that out. And Stevie, I think he wanted me to point out that they were actually one of the slave-owning tribes. - Yeah, I love it, I love it. (laughing) - Man, who's keeping score? - I love how he started that while he appears white. - Yeah. We get a lot of crap for not having, for all speed, six white guys. We got two half Hispanics. Whatever Papi is, and Cori is like-- - Japanese. - Order, line half Japanese. - Yes. - Yes, I miss white as they come. Josh and I have both got a lot of German and probably Irish in us. - You're proud Lord of the Dance Irish though. Very discreet. - I'm a very proud Irish. - Listen, listener, if you wanna lightning round, come listen to the next Friends episode that we do. But for now, I'm going to declare myself the winner. I had so much fun to get into it all fast. - It's as long as it doesn't get too nasty. We should do this all the time. - That was good. - That was really fun, boys. I really, thanks for being good sports and being able to laugh at yourselves. Not everyone can do that. Also, thank you for everyone listening. This is Friends Spoilers. We're gonna dip back into a couple movie episodes, but we'll definitely have some more episodes of Friends coming up in the feed soon. But that's all for tonight. That was... Spoilers. (light music) Spoiler Man here. - Special thank you to our patrons, Matt Troll. - You know, they want you so much. - Brother Brian. - And I promise that I'll keep you safe and warm until, you know, you're ready to have them take you home. - Nephew Quinn. - We'll take literature! - Name that grandmother. - Nurse Stacy. Nick. - Each team will answer 10 questions. The first team to answer the most questions wins. - The Wolf. - Oh, oh, oh! - Fourteen? - No 19, thanks Matt. (audience laughing) - The chick. - She's the maid. - Going through some change. - Gay-o. - What's the place to go boys? - P.K. - She can't guess what color my tonsils are. - Spencer. - I've not missed one question the whole game. I own this game. - Barky 420. - Her ear! - Swole. - You can't just ignore the bed. - Sebastian. - Sebastian. - The bed, the bed, the if you lose you lose the bed. - Dr. Varr. - I feel like I'm coming down with something. - Stone Cold Austin. - I beg the apartment. Best friend Drew. - I would never bet this apartment. It's too nice. (audience laughing) - All right, look, I hate this as much as you, but if it makes you feel any better. - Druid King. - This is all your fault. (audience laughing) - You just had the drugstore. - So we got your present. It's a lollipop and another friends episode of "Spoilers." This is to name Larry Bong. - Tribute. - Spoilers is a very special episode. - I'm gonna go pee over here, right? - Yeah. - Dude, sorry, this episode's so cursed. My headphones died, then audacity crashed. - I don't know why. - And it's our second time recording it. - Yeah. - My way forms are looking good this time. - I don't think, I don't think you missed anything 'cause I immediately went on mute and tried to figure it out. (upbeat music) - That was "Spoilers."