Sanctuary Covenant Church, Minneapolis, MN

Sanctuary 5 Series | Grow; Ephesians 4:7-16

Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

[MUSIC] >> Spirit of the living God. [MUSIC] >> Fall fresh on us. [MUSIC] >> Spirit of the living God. [MUSIC] >> Fall fresh on us. [MUSIC] >> God, we invite you into this place. [MUSIC] >> God, we invite you into our hearts. [MUSIC] >> God, we invite you into our circumstances. [MUSIC] >> God, we invite you into our relationships. [MUSIC] >> God, we invite you into the dark areas of our heart. [MUSIC] >> Lord, we give you free reign to rule over every aspect. [MUSIC] >> Please, Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on us. [MUSIC] >> God, we know you're already in this place. [MUSIC] >> So our prayer is for you to make us more aware. [MUSIC] >> God, make us aware that you're with us on the job. [MUSIC] >> Make us aware that you're with us in the hurt. [MUSIC] >> Make us aware that you're with us in our tiredness. [MUSIC] >> Lord, help us to know that you are with us in every situation. [MUSIC] >> God, thank you that we get to get together and experience your presence together. [MUSIC] >> God, I pray that the sweet Spirit that is in this room [MUSIC] might move in ways we can't even imagine. [MUSIC] >> I pray that Father, we would walk out of here free. [MUSIC] I pray that we would walk out of here delivered today. [MUSIC] I pray that we would walk out of here knowing that everything is going to be all right. [MUSIC] Because God, you promised, you said that your Spirit would be with us. [MUSIC] God, you said you would never leave us nor forsake us. [MUSIC] You said, lo, you are with us everywhere as we go. [MUSIC] God, you said we could count on you. [MUSIC] So God, I pray that we will leave here trusting in what you said. [MUSIC] And knowing that you are not a man who can lie. [MUSIC] Now God, as we turn our attention toward the Holy Scripture. [MUSIC] God, my prayer is simple. Speak, Lord, for your servants are indeed listening. [MUSIC] God, we came in here because we needed a word from you. [MUSIC] And thank you, Father, that any time we open your word, you will speak. [MUSIC] God, I pray for myself. [MUSIC] Hide me behind the Calvaries cross. [MUSIC] Lord, let the blood that covers me also strengthen me. [MUSIC] God, I pray your rebuke against any inclination to be impressive. [MUSIC] Instead, help me to be helpful. [MUSIC] Lord, I pray that you would bring strength to my body. You know the state in which I stand, so Father, you know that today I need you more than ever. [MUSIC] Please gather the scattered fragments of my strength and breathe on them. [MUSIC] Come and preach with clarity and with conviction and only to your glory. [MUSIC] So that you and you alone may be exalted. We ask these things and Lord, we say that if we've asked for too little, do more than we ever expected. [MUSIC] In the holy and righteous name of Jesus, we do pray. And all of us together said amen. Amen. [MUSIC] One more time. Can we give God praise for our dynamic worship team today? [MUSIC] Amen. [MUSIC] Amen. [MUSIC] Amen. Amen. [MUSIC] Well listen, say to our family, it's good to see you all this afternoon. How are you? Y'all doing all right? [MUSIC] Amen. Amen. Well listen, do me the kindness if you can, get your Bible in your hand and let's turn it together to the book of Ephesians, Ephesians chapter 4, verse 7 is what I want to call your attention to. Ephesians chapter 4, verse 7. It's good to see all of you all. If you are a first time visitor or maybe it's your first time in a couple of weeks, we're so excited to have you back. We're glad that the Lord ordered just steps here and today we're actually continuing in a series that we started last week, Pastor Jan, she kicked us off in our series on what we call the sanctuary 5, PE mentioned it earlier, series that is centered around the core convictions and the activities we believe we are all called to engage in as a community of believers together. Amen. The sanctuary file that's connecting, growing, serving, giving and inviting. And today I get the joy of getting the lean into this second value, this second conviction that we just simply say is about growing. If you could, turn with me to the book of Ephesians chapter 4, verse 7, if you have it, if you were, if you were able, stand with me for the reading of the word. Now, 11 o'clock service, I'm going to just go ahead and get y'all the skinny on what's going on with me today. I don't know what's going on, but my back has been trying to bother me the last week or two. And I'm not old. You know what I'm saying? Well, Emma, you know what, now I think about it, I'm not old, but I ain't as young as I used to be, and it's funny because me and my friends were sitting around talking about that how we're not the youngest guys anymore. So my back has been trying to bother me. That being said, if you pray, I'll preach. So if y'all pray, I believe the Holy Ghost will give me power to preach, amen? So y'all push me today, don't make me work too hard. Ephesians chapter 4, verse 7, if you got to say, man, if you don't say, hold on. I'm reading from the Christian Standard Bible, this is how it reads in my Bible, it says in Ephesians chapter 4, verse 7, it says, "Now grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift." For it says, "When He ascended on high, He took the captives captive, and He gave gifts to people." But what does He ascended mean, except that He also descended to the lower parts of the earth? The one who descended is also the one who has ascended far above all the heavens to feel all things. Verse 11 says, "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. Watch this to equip the saints for the work of ministry. To build up the body of Christ until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God's Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ's fullness. Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching on Instagram, TikTok, and social media." Sorry that ain't my bad. We were no longer be blown around by every wind of teaching by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. But rather speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head Christ. From Him the whole body fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament promotes the growth of the body from building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part. Amen. I want to preach today with the Lord's help in your prayers from this simple thought, church growth. Do me a favor and look at somebody and say, "Neighbor, our church needs to grow." Amen, you may be seated even in the Prince of the Lord. I want to talk about church growth. Anything that is not growing is dying, which is why a dying world needs a growing church. When a black woman named Sonja Massey is murdered by the same police officers who are hired to protect her and her community, it's a reminder that a dying world needs a growing church. When politicians steal, pull maneuvers to suppress people's votes, it's a reminder that we're living in a dying world that's in need of a growing church. Even one million young people walk away from the church every year. It's a reminder that a dying world needs a growing church. I'm enamored and fascinated by growing churches. I study them, I go and shadow them when I get time. I love and I'm enamored by growing churches, but can I make a confession to y'all? After 15 years of preaching, 10 years of pastoral ministry, I've discovered, you know what I've got to admit, I can't make the church grow. I can tell a church or lead a church with the principles that growing churches have, but what I've discovered is I can't make a church grow because growing a church is God's business. That's why Paul is even going to say later on in one of his letters that one person plants in another person waters, but it's God and only God who can give increase. Growing a church is God's business. We can have a dynamic kids ministry and we do. Josie is killing it. We can have wonderful worship and we do. Shout out to Leneil. We can have phenomenal hospitality and Pastor Jen is doing her thing in that area. But only God can grow his church. I'm enamored by growing churches. I love to study them. I love to see the principles that they have, but I've discovered I can't grow a church because growing a church is God's business. It leads me to learn how does God grow his churches? Though I know it's beyond my ability, it's still something I love to study and I want to know, how do you do it, how do you grow your churches? I believe brothers and sisters, the good news is that here in Ephesians chapter 4 we actually see how God grows his churches. In fact, Ephesians, many scholars argue over what is the singular purpose and intent of the book. Some say it's about the power of God and his working. Others point to it being about the love of God that is supposed to show up through his people, but all of the scholars agree that the primary audience and one of the most central things of the book of Ephesians is it's about the church. So we get to learn in how God grows his church, but before I answer the question and wrestle with the tension of God, how do you grow your church? We got to do something first. We got to define what is church and what do we mean by grow? I don't know if you know this, but words matter, they mean something and that's important because in our day we're always constantly pushing to redefine words or to understand what others mean by the words they say. And brothers and sisters, I want to push us and say that that's not just true about the words we say or the words we hear spoken, but there are no words that are more misinterpreted and misunderstood than the words of Jesus. And one of Jesus' most misunderstood and misinterpreted words that he uses is the word church. Church has become, that word has been, it's gotten redefined throughout the centuries. For some people, church is primarily or only a place. I'm going to church. For other people, church is an institution with systems. I don't like what the church did or how the church works. For other people, church has been defined as experience. We sure did have church. But none of these words or descriptions articulate what Jesus meant. In Matthew chapter 16 when he said, "Upon this rock, I will build my church." What Jesus meant when he said the word church, it's the word in the original language, ecclesia, which means the called out gathering. Here he is, church then was never primarily meant to be placed. Church was never primarily meant to be experienced, but church was primarily meant to be people. Let me push this further. Not just any people, but called out people. And that's important for you and I, because it means that just because I come to church doesn't mean I am the church. But in order to be part of the gathering, you've got to be one who has answered to the calling out. I'm saying you can come to sanctuary sit here, but if you never say yes to Jesus and are a part of the calling out, you are not yet a part of church. I'm saying you can check a box and say, "I go to sanctuary," but that doesn't make you part of the church. Jesus makes you no more a part of the church than standing in a garage makes you a car. What Jesus meant when he said church was the called out gathering of believers. What does Paul mean, though, when he says grow? Because many times we relegate growing to numerical growth. When we talk about church growth, can I make a confession to y'all that sometimes when pastors and leaders and people get around one another and they're talking about their churches and they ask, "How is it growing?" What they are asking is, how many people do you have? We relegate growth to numbers, and you do this in your own life in many ways, too. When you talk about your own growth, it's in proportion to material things. What can I suggest to you that Paul here in this text in God and eternity doesn't define growth by size, but what Paul is saying here in this text and what God speaks to in eternity when he measures growth, growth is not about size, it's about maturity. We define growth by size, but God defines it by stability and maturity. This is why Paul is going to push into this thing, he's going to say, "Then we will be mature and you won't be swayed by every doctrine." Because you would have matured, you would have known the scripture, and therefore when somebody says something that doesn't line up with what God is saying, you would have grown enough to say that on mass. Hear me, growth is not size, growth is maturity. Hear me, mass isn't maturity. Size isn't stability. Zoe and I, we went to the zoo some years ago, and we came up on an exhibit and Zoe said, "Daddy, what's that?" I said, "Baby, that's an ostrich." She shrugged the soul and she said, "What is an ostrich?" I said, "Well, it's a bird." She said, "Oh, what does it fly?" I got to be honest with Beth, I said, "I don't know if it flies or not." So I didn't think so, but I ran over to the panel and I read and I found out, no, that the ostrich doesn't fly, but you know what else I found out? It was the largest bird, and I thought to myself how ironic that the largest bird doesn't do what a bird is designed to do. And what it taught me though was that a church can be big, but what does it matter if it can't do what it's designed to do. Size isn't maturity. And so what God means and what this text means when it talks about a church growing, church growth, hear me, brothers and sisters, is about a community becoming mature. Such growth is when God matures His community. With that definition of mine, I'm still left to wonder, "God, how do you grow your church?" I'm enamored. Like, "God, how do you do this? Can I wrestle through Ephesians chapter 4 with you all to figure out how God grows His church?" First of all, we see it in the text that God grows His church when believers understand that we have all been given a unique gift as an extension of God's grace. See it here in the text in verse 7, it says, "Now grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift." For it says, "When He ascended on high, He took the captives captive, He gave gifts to people." But what does He ascended mean except that He also descended to the lower parts of the earth, the one who descended is also the one who has ascended far above all the heavens to feel all things. Note it, verse 7, "Now grace was given to each one of us," according to the measure of Christ's gift. I like that word, "grace there," that He uses. It's actually the same word that He's going to use later on when He says, "gift." And He says, "grace there," He's not talking about the saving grace that we have all received. I don't know if you know this or not, but maybe this is your first time in church, maybe this is your first time really engaging in the gospel. We have all received grace that you and I are violators of God's holy standard. But God so loved us that He made a way for us to be back in right relationship with Him though we violated His holy standard. He so loved us that He sent His Son to die for you and I and our sins so that we might be reconciled back to Him. And all you must do, all you must accept brothers and sisters is the grace of God to be made right with Him. But that's not the grace Paul's talk about here. He's saying not only have we received grace that saves us, but we've also been given a grace you've been gifted. And He uses that same word, "grace," for the word "gift," reminding us that every gift we have is an extension of God's grace. I need to pull it back because I think somebody here you probably don't even know or maybe nobody's ever even told you that you're gifted, that God has put something inside of you, but God has given you a unique ability, a unique way of doing things, brothers and sisters, you are gifted and your gifts are not because you're so smart or because you're lucky or because you went to the right schools or because you worked so hard, it's because God had grace on your life. In fact, the Bible says that He has given this grace and it's connected to what He did on Calvary's mountain because the writer Paul is going to quote a psalm of David when it says that He took the captives captive and He gave to the people grace. Can I tell you why God has given you grace and how God is in a unique position to give you the grace, brothers and sisters? It's because in the ancient days, in the days of David, the one who conquered a people or a civilization, they had the right as the conquerors to dispense gifts to the people. And this text reminds us that Jesus is our great conqueror, that He has conquered sin, death, hell and the grave. And because He has conquered, He has the power to dispense gifts to the people. And so He's given you a unique gift. And how God grows His church is when you use your unique gift that God has given to you. It matters to God and it matters to His church. You have been given a gift and God's called you to use it when you don't use it, something is missing in His church. And if you don't use it, we're not growing toward maturity. Watch this. His name is Sir Michael. He's a conductor of an orchestra. And Sir Michael Costa, this celebrated conductor, he was one day holding rehearsal with his orchestra. And as the orchestra is playing out, JT, all of a sudden one of the members of the orchestra stops playing. His instrument was the piccolo. He stopped playing his instrument because he took a step back and thought to himself, surely amongst this great orchestra, nobody's missing my plan. The song continues for a little while, only for Sir Michael Costa to eventually stop everybody and shout out, "Where is my piccolo?" And in that moment, that piccolo player realized that though he thought his contribution was not significant, that the conductor noticed when it was missing. Can I talk to you piccolo player? And tell you that you've been given a unique gift? And when you're not playing the conductor of the orchestra of heaven notices and says, "Where is my piccolo?" We've all been given unique gifts that God is calling us to use. That's how God grows the church. Not only that, God also grows his church, watch this, by giving the gift of spiritual leaders to help develop your gift. See it here in the text, I'm not making it up, verse 11. It says, "And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ until we all reach God's unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God's son and growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ's fullness." Paul says that God has not only given you a unique gift, he's given the unique gift of spiritual leaders to his church. Paul's going to listen to me, he says the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, pastors and teachers. He's talking apostles, when he's talking about it, he's talking about the big A apostles so to speak, those who originally had seen the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ to help establish the church. When he says prophets, he's not just talking about people who are foretelling me and they see what's coming, but he's also talking about people who are foretelling, people who have a prophetic anointing on their life to speak truth to power and to systems and to people. When he says the evangelists, he's talking about those who have the unique grace on their lives to share the gospel around the world in different ways and venues and spaces. And then he says to the pastors and teachers, those are the people who have shepherding hearts and teaching gifts. That's Pastor E and myself and Pastor Jen and Pastor Rose, people who are shepherds and teachers in that way. He says, "I've given these gifts to the church." Why? Watch this to equip the saints for the work of ministry. I'm about to mess up some of y'all's ecclesiology. You like pastor, what's ecclesiology? Ecclesiology is your understanding of who the church is and what the church is supposed to be. It's your theology of the church. And I'm about to mess up some of y'all's ecclesiology because some of y'all grew up thinking it's the pastor's job to do ministry. And that ain't what that text is. It says God gave these gifts to equip the saints to do the work of ministry. That my job into go and do certain ministries, my job is to help equip you. Pastor E's job is to help equip you to know that you've got to give and to shape that gift and to form that gift so that you can go out and do the work that God is calling you to do. Watch this, it's a reminder, hear me brothers and sisters, that while there is no job beneath pastors and leaders, some jobs end the best use of them. Let me say it like this. You've got to be careful of any leader who thinks a job is beneath them. Watch out for any leaders who think there's a job that's beneath them. P.E. ain't above carrying chairs out of the sanctuary. But it ain't the best use of them. We're not above helping cars park where they need to go. And we've all done it. But it ain't the best use of us. And the Bible reminds us that God gives the church, the community, spiritual leaders, and their responsibility is to push you in your gifts. And I want to push those brothers and sisters because this is a reminder that stage gifts aren't the most significant, that just because we're on a stage doesn't mean that's the most important or significant gift in the community. I can preach all day long, it's what I love to do, it's how God wired me. I've done it for 15 years and I thank God for the grace to do it in my life. But if you ask me to go back there and turn on this microphone, I have no idea how. If you ask me what is the best operational way to make sure that the cars flow in and flow out, I have no idea. I love kids, my kids, and I love your kids from a distance. But if you ask me to go up there and sit with them to help them or understand all the nuances of them, that's not my ministry. And so the text reminds us that God gives the gift of spiritual leaders, watch this, to help push you and your gifts because what you can do I could never do. And what God has wired me to do, he perhaps hasn't wired you to do. And so it's a reminder, brother, sister, how God grows his church is he gives the church's leaders to help you to walk in your calling. I know y'all ain't going to like that because it means some of y'all got something to do now. Can I tell you, that's why next time y'all CP on that camera, somebody ought to just step up there and bump them off, I know he big, but he'll be alright. Go for his leg, go for his leg. How does God grow his church? He grows his church by giving believers unique gifts. He grows his church by giving spiritual leaders to the community that help you to shape your gifts. But then let me get this last thing and then we'll go, God grows his church when we actually all use our gifts. I'm not making it up. Verse 13, "Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God, Son, growing into maturity with the stature measured by Christ's fullness, then we will no longer be little children tossed by the waves, blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness and the techniques of deceit." Hold on, can I, can I, thank you all for those. Before I go on to this lesson, let me push this real quick. I want to reiterate what he says maturity looks like. It's stability. It's understanding the gospel and the word so that when I get out of here in a world that's trying to tell me all kinds of crazy stuff, when I get out here in a world that's trying to tell me to not trust in the exclusivity of Jesus, or when I get out of here in a world that's trying to get me to believe it's okay to trust in these random other African spiritualities and not the Holy Spirit, or a world that tries to get me to believe that God's primary concern in the universe is my happiness and my wealth. Remember me, maturity looks like I've grown to the point where crazy doctrine doesn't move me anymore, and where I can call out demonic doctrine for what it is. He says I'm trying to grow y'all up that way and the way he does that is knowing you have gifts, giving spiritual leaders, but then also when you use the gifts. Because when you use the gifts, the church is stronger. I'm just skip to verse 16 from him, the whole body fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament promotes the growth of the body for building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part. The body only grows when each part is at work. You got to actually use the gifts God's giving you if our church is going to grow into maturity. Can I tell you, can I end this way or share this with y'all? I'm becoming, as I grow older, increasingly clear about my purpose, and I'm becoming increasingly unapologetic about not doing things that don't line with that. One of my favorite scriptures, Pastor Lowell, is in Acts chapter 7 when the deacons are named. There's an issue, there's a dispute in the early church that provisions aren't being given out in an equitable manner, and so they come to the apostles and they say y'all need to come fix this. And Peter says, should we give up ministry of the word and prayer to serve tables? Now, that sounds almost crazy because ain't you supposed to be servants all the time serving tables? But the apostles knew what their primary responsibility was to do. It was to pray and to study so that they could minister the word. Can I tell you, I'm becoming increasingly clear what my primary responsibility is. It's not all I can do, but it's the best thing I can do. I want to tell you, you can do a lot of things, but God has designed you to do one thing particularly. And when you do your job, and he does his job, and she does her job, and I do my job, the whole body grows up. Tell me, stop thinking because what you do isn't in the light that is not significant. Stop thinking you got to get to the light to do something significant in God's church. Whatever gift you have, use it because when you use it, the whole body grows up. Don't be a Christian that comes to church, gets fed, and then walks away and doesn't use the energy that the food gave you. Don't be a gluttonous Christian, one who just likes to come and get a soak up a bunch of biblical knowledge, and oh, I know this and I know that, but you never go out and do what God has called you to do. Don't be a malnourished Christian, one who comes and sits at the table. You come to church, you check it off your list, but you never really eat the food of the word. And so you leave here, malnourished as you can. We all have work to do, and this is how God grows his church. Let me pray for you. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for your word which is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. God, we thank you for the challenge of the Scripture. Thank you for the clarity that the Holy Spirit gives to us, Lord, in reminding us that we're gifted by your grace and that we're called to use those gifts, God, and reminding us that you've given us people, leaders around us, whose purpose is to help us to understand and shape our gifts and to walk in them, Lord. God, my prayer is you would grow sanctuary. Lord, grow us up, help us to be a mature church. And Father, help us to trust that as you grow us up, Lord, that you'll spread us out because God growing the church is your business and your business along. God, I pray for my friend, my brother, my sister, who today is the first time they felt a flicker in the fire of their gifts. I pray that today, Lord, would be the moment they stop downplaying their gift. They stop holding it back. They stop thinking it's insignificant. God, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would move their feet forward. God, I pray that you would help leaders, Father, to lose control sometimes. Help us to remember, God, that we can have growth or control, but we can't have both. So God, help us to trust and lead and let other people use their gifts in the way they've been called to. God, we needed this word. I needed this word and I thank you for it. Send the holy and righteous name of Jesus, we do pray and all of us together, say amen. Amen. Can we praise God for the word today? Amen. Amen. All right. Well, listen, if you don't mind, would you stand with me as I give you a couple of invitations, then I'll bless you and then we'll go. Amen. Amen. So good to see all your faces, Nathan, what's up, brother? Good to see you, my man. Good to see everybody. Good to see all of y'all's faces. Three invitations I want to give to you. First of all, maybe you've never said yes to Jesus. Let me say it a different way. Maybe right now, you don't know where you stand with God. Old passes, I grew up with, they would say right now, if you died, you don't know where you would go. Well, can I tell you, brother and sisters, that you can have an assurance right now that if you left this earth, you would be with the Lord. Right now, you can have an assurance about where you stand with God. That assurance comes through putting your trust and faith in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and what he has done for us on Calvary's mountain. Listen, you cannot be right with God in your own strength. You can't live life right in your own strength. You've tried. How's that going for you? We need somebody bigger than us, somebody stronger than us, somebody greater than us, and thank God he gave us his son. So if that's you today, you've never said yes to the Lord Jesus Christ. So you're like, I grew up kind of Christian, but I don't know this. I need something in my faith that's real. Hear me, brother and sisters, when services overcome down, our prayer team will be here. They'll love to just have a conversation with you to get you to your next step. You're like, I got questions. I got that. That's fine. Guess what? God ain't intimidated by your questions. You can ask them, and the Lord has a way of answering them through his word and through people. So I want to invite you, if that's you today, after service over, come down, have a conversation. They'll get you to your next step. Second thing is, maybe you don't have a church home, a place where you're going and growing. Some of y'all are like, sanctuary's my church, are we? We would love to know that. If we in a relationship, let me know. I can know how to move. Some of y'all have been coming. You've never made it official that you're part of our church community. We'll listen. We would love to get you to your next step so that we can know Pastor E will love to be your pastor. I would love to be your pastor, Pastor Jim, Pastor Rose. We would love to walk alongside you, amen, and help cultivate your gift. Third thing is, maybe just need prayer, maybe something in the sermon, pricks your heart, or maybe you just have a long week, and you're like, I need somebody to pray with me. I need some help. Our prayer team will love to do that, amen? Amen. I'm going to pray for us. I'll bless you. And if that's you, any of those people are you, please do me the kindness. Come down and meet what I want to prepare a team. Amen. Amen. We are blessed by the worship today by our experience today. Amen. All right. Let me pray for us. Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for what our eyes have seen, our ears have heard. God, I thank you that the Holy Spirit, even now, is moving on the hearts of people, Lord, that somebody, Lord, I believe today is going to come to faith in you. They're going to make that next step in their faith journey, Lord. God, I thank you, Lord, that even now I'm praying and believing that somebody perhaps will say I need a community to walk alongside me. God, I thank you that you stirred up the fire for all of us to use our gifts and to be clear about the ways that we're called to do so. So Lord, give us that boldness in the church and outside of the four walls of this building that we call sanctuary. So God, now unto you who is able to present us faultless before the presence of the Almighty God, to you who does so with exceeding and overwhelming joy, Lord, to you be glory, majesty, dominion and power now and forever. And all of us that agreed together said, "Hey, man, amen. God bless you. Love you guys. We'll see you all next week. [MUSIC]