“With All Disrespect”

"Growth & Development"

"The two fundamental principles of evolution are mutation and natural selection." And of this episode we will look at the evolution in the music entertainment and more. USA Basketball winning gold, Drake Latto, Benny logic and Larry June drop project, celebrity and drugs are like peanut butter and jelly and more rebrand

1h 22m
Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

[MUSIC] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Stay humble. >> [MUSIC] >> I'm feeling this one right here. >> [MUSIC] >> Straight to the top. >> [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> I ain't never been so down in my life. Questions to win. The next way, a look go straight. My hazy from these thoughts I keep having at night. Wondering if the ones I love don't start treating me right. But this pain I keep bottled up inside I can't hide it. Tears running down my face from these battles I'm fighting. But I'm so stuck on your eyes and you so stuck in your lies. When I look in your eyes I felt your pain and I'm trying to make it all better. So the stormy weather, we can storm it together and no question I'm better. See we bunk on the level and we destined for greatness. Once we cancel the statements, we gon' conquer the haters. Gotta push just to make it. All these wheels till we break 'em. All your pain let me take it. Give your love a embrace it. As we laying here naked I swear I heard of her saying I gave you love and don't you dare take this shit and start playing. 'Cause you'll need somebody who will stand by you, stand by you. You'll look good times and bad times and we'll remake you. Remange your actions, make reactions that you might not like. So stay humble, so stay humble, so stay humble. 'Cause you'll need somebody who will stand by you, stand by you. You'll look good times and bad times, they will remake you. All your actions, make reactions that you might not like. So stay humble, so stay humble, so stay humble. And we are back, welcome back to with all this respect. The only thing that's here in the work we cook up is doing drugs right inside Denny's. Or whatever your local establishment is. Just don't do drugs out in public. At least try to keep that. At least have some type of shame. God damn. But anywho, this is your boy Pimp. And back here with me again is your favorite of mine. The man, the myth, the legend, the million dollar dream. You know today's gonna be all right, 'cause it's your boy Mike. All right, buddy, today is our, today's gonna be our Olympic episode right here. We're going for the gold. Ah, man. Listen, hey, I was watching. I was watching that team USA gold medal game last night. And man, I felt inspired. I felt inspired. You felt inspired. Yeah, it was a great, you know, it was a fantastic game. A close game at one point against France. And, you know, I mean, Steph Curry, man. Steph Curry, those last couple of minutes of the game, he just took over. And like he couldn't miss. He could not miss from the three point arc. I mean, the thing about Steph, though, is like we can't sleep on Steph, especially in a, in a do. I mean, it's unfortunate that he got hurt during the season playoffs. I forget which one it was. But listen, Steph is still Steph Curry. Yeah, I don't think anyone ever question that it's just, and it's more of the team that's around him than it is him, really. That's the best of the best shit. Well, you had, I mean, Clay is no longer on the team. Draymond is washed. I mean, every other game he's getting ejected and he's doing some foolery, you know, so really. And the Chris Paul, the Chris Paul experiment failed that crash. That crashed and burned and they got him out of there. So this coming season, it's really just going to be him having to carry this team on his shoulders. And I don't know. I don't think he's going to do it. I think the West, the Western Conference is way, way stronger than it was a few years ago. So the Warriors are at a huge disadvantage there. But to get back to the Olympics in that game, he just had, I mean, he had his, that was his signature moment. Like, that was his moment right there. He really, like he, the last three he made, he had to shoot that from the moon over Victor Wembley, who is like seven, you know, seven, two, seven, three with wingspan, like, not like his arms are like nine inches long. And he had to, he had to shoot that shit to the, to the, to the top of the, of the arena damn near and he made it. It was the crazy, it's, it's one of his, it had to be like one of the craziest step curry threes I've ever seen. I mean, again, we're talking about the best three points, one of the great, one arguably one of the greatest three point shooters. Well, I don't think it's an argument. I mean, yeah, I mean, I mean, if there is an argument, this, I mean what he did yesterday, that, that, that killed all that killed any argument whatsoever. You know, in my opinion, in my opinion, but yeah, team USA, they did it. Okay, he had a pretty good game LeBron had a pretty good game. You know, throughout, you know, throughout this entire Olympic run. You know, all the news coverage has been about Steve Kerr, and you know, his beef with Jason Tatum like all why isn't he getting minutes. You know, why isn't he playing? I mean, he didn't play against Serbia in the, in the, in the semi final game. And in this game, I mean, he did play 11 minutes, but nine of those minutes were in like the first half the second half. We hardly saw him. So. It's, it's crazy how Jason Tatum who him himself is like a top five, six player in the league. He doesn't get any burn whatsoever throughout these Olympics, and I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know in a world where, you know, Devin Booker would ever get more minutes on the floor in the Olympics than Jason Tatum. It's just no, it's just no way, no how, like. I mean, it has to be something underlined. I mean, because you're not just gotta be, it's gotta be because. Like we thought that first game they played when he didn't play at all was just a one off, but it kind of just kept happening. It happened like to, you know, like a company, you know, two other times from my understanding. I mean, it is a thing like, I hate to play devil's advocate, but I'm going to say it was something that Tatum might have done. Because, I mean, look at, I mean, look at the person, the people that Steve Kerr had to deal with. I mean, well, Christ's sakes, you had green on your roster. Kicking people in the nuts, choking people out. Yeah, but Tatum is not green. Tatum is not problematic like green is. He's not a dirty player like dream on this. So, yeah, yeah, you're absolutely the closest thing, the closest thing to criticism you get. I mean, I've seen some, some post online from NBA Twitter talking about how Tatum's game is boring. Like, who gives a fuck if his game is boring. He's on the floor with with Duran and Duran and LeBron and Curry. I don't think it's that because if we want to talk about boring games, one of the greatest people to ever pick up a basketball was born and that's Tim Duncan, like Tim Duncan was not flashy. Oh, yeah, he was he was Mr fundamental. Yeah, that was his nickname. Like, yeah, it's just, yeah. Yeah, but at the same time you can call him boring because he wasn't like he wasn't his AI. He wasn't Kobe. He wasn't flashy. He was not flashy. Yeah, he never really. He would never really take over games like those other guys you just named. So. Yeah, but anyway, I'm shot off the team USA. They're fifth. Yeah, this is their fifth straight gold medal dating back to 2008 LeBron's third and probably final gold medal. He'll get because obviously he's getting up there in age. He had a very good, he had a very good performance, especially in the in the Serbia game last round where he had its triple double. You know, and he was also named the MVP of the entire men's Olympic tournament. So, yeah, shout out to shout out to the goat. And congrats to everyone else that that won as well. So, no thanks to Steve Kirk, because that guy, I swear like his lineup, like how he would sub people in and out so fast so quickly it's like what the hell are you doing. Like, you know, when when when coach K was coaching team USA for all those years, you never had the no one ever had an issue with his substitutions. But, you know, this, I don't know, Steve Kirk I lucky I guess, 2028 is going to look a lot different though I'll tell you what because LeBron's not going to be on that team. Steph's not going to be on that team Durant's probably not going to be on that team. They're all going to be probably retired in four years anyway. So, I mean, that, that USA team is going to look at hell of a lot different in four years. Next Olympic round. Oh, I mean, again, I have no doubts on that. I mean, because a lot of the guys are like you said are up there. Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's crazy how, and you have to appreciate greatness while you can, you know, so like seeing LeBron and Duran and Curry on the floor together. You know, making plays, you know, dabbing each other up and celebrating together like you're not going to see that ever again. You're never going to see that again. So, hey, just just appreciate it while you can. You know, I know Curry fans love to be for LeBron fans LeBron fans don't really pay Curry any mind. You know, whatsoever. And everyone and every other fan base seems to hate Durant. So it's just, just, just put your, put your bias to the side for certain players and just appreciate greatness because you're never going to see the talent of a step Curry. Oh, yeah, definitely. And I think we could have, we could have had the same argument back when, you know, what a lot of players that came and went over here for sure. Sure. I mean, we came up on the Jason kid. Grant Hill. Pity Hardaway. I mean, some of them. Tracy McGrady. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of, yeah, a lot of, a lot of really good point guards and guards back then definitely could have made an argument for a lot of those guys. You know, shit, Chris Weber, I just had to throw that one out there. Like, yeah, it was, it's like looking back at it, seeing them play. You like them, but then like you look, then when the new crop of Tyler comes in. And like you said, like the newer guys, they're, they're going to get their moment to, you know, like I'm watching, like I'm watching this game or I'm watching a few games over these Olympics that they were in. And Anthony Edwards, man. Anthony Edwards. He's going to be a, he's going to be, he's going to be pining for the best player in the NBA within the next couple of years. That kid is, that kid is really good. No, I'm sorry. He's really great. Like I, he just, I mean, if you didn't see it with the Timberwolves playoff run, you had to have seen it here. I mean, that this kid is going to take over the league very soon. Right. Where do you want to, so, so a one former, one former basketball player had had a little bit too much fun in these Olympics. You know, he wasn't, he wasn't a player, he wasn't, you know, he didn't even have a, you know, an event to go to, but you know, he was just enjoying a little time. And enjoying a little too much of the nose candy. And that would be Michael Jordan's kid Marcus. Saw a video of him the other day, like just snorting, you know, snorting a spoonful of cocaine. And in the, in broad daylight. Having breakfast in front of, in front of his peoples. Just so shamelessly like he didn't care. So, my thing is, my thing is this, the first thing I, first thing I said to myself, huh, like father like son. Yeah, that's what I said to myself like father like son. Well, my thing is this though, like, and I heard this, I don't know this from experience, but I heard like once you, when you are snorting talk, you don't even have an appetite. And that's why a lot of people like joke around and say, Oh, coke is the ultimate weight loss. Supplement because because people do lose a lot of weight when they on the sugar burger and. I mean, we have seen a lot of people you lose weight, but one of the concept perceptions is that once you're on coke, you know, you don't have an appetite so for the fact. So why me was the coke part of his breakfast or was it the whole breakfast? Or did he really? I don't know. I don't want any eggs. No, thank you. I got, I got my, I got my breakfast right here in my pocket. Right. Right. Just right here, right here in this capsule right here that I keep it in. You know, could you just imagine like you're eating waffles and sausage and bacon and then you look over to the guy across from you or next to you and he's just got to play full of coke. I mean, shit, I would have lost my appetite and not for the same reason that he, you know, guy doing coke has no appetite. I'd be like, dude, you're doing cocaine next to my eggs and bacon. Oh, yeah, I'll be a whole lot of that. What, what, what, what, what if like a couple of that sprinkled onto there. I'm not eating this now. I'm not trying to get, I'm not trying to get second hand stone. Second, second hand stone is crazy. I mean, if you got to get second hand stone, you might as well sit next to the person smoking gas in the restaurant because because then you'll have more of an appetite. You might order off. Oh, Tonya was there too. Damn. Tonya was there too with Marcus getting high different like differently. That's crazy. They both part of that Chicago native so. Oh, yeah, there's the connection right there too. Damn. What's up in Chicago. Yeah, what's in the war? No, what's going on with. Like crazy, crazy. Oh, man. All right. So yeah, shout out to Marcus, man. Have fun. Fuck it. You know, you're, you're, you're out there. I don't know what they're, I don't know what the, what Francis, I don't know what they think of cocaine. I mean, I mean, obviously not much. I mean, listen, you, no matter what celebrities, because we had this, because we had what's his face, Nelly get arrested for having XC, why the fuck are you riding around with XC. I don't know, but you know, you never seen a clip. He was just in a casino, wanted to have a good time. I know people are trying to shame him like, Oh, you're 50 years old. You shouldn't be doing this. It's like, I just hate, I just hate ages. I hate ages. Don't bring my, don't bring my agent to this. Like, first of all, drugs affect anyone in any age. Like, it just doesn't, I mean, if he does have a, if he does have a problem with pills, he shouldn't seek help. I would urge him to seek help. But if he was just, if it was just like a one off, hey, I'm out here in a casino, having a good time. And of course, you know, people turn to drugs to have a good time, the party drugs, you know I'm saying like XC is a party drug. So if you wanted to do like, if you wanted to do like a little bit of XC, let him fuck it. Fuck it. You know, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna shame him because of how old he is. Like, that's just, that's just dumb. That's just dumb. I will, I will give a little bit of shame, though, to Travis Scott, though. Travis, you got to chill out, bro. You got to chill out. I had sent you this the other day of Travis getting arrested for public intoxication. Also resisting arrest. Man TMZ caught that in 4K like the whole, you know, like three of them, three of them officers had to take him to the car and put him in there like it was crazy. Yeah, I see that. Yeah, but, but it what's even crazier was that right after this, another video surfaced of Travis getting arrested in Miami like days prior. Obviously for different reasons. This one was for trespassing. He was trying to, he was trying to sneak on to someone's yacht. I don't know something. I don't know. That's what I read. That's what I read. I mean, that does, that sounds freaky in itself because it's Travis fucking sky. Why the fuck is he got a sneak on anywhere. Right. It's like exactly. I mean, I don't know how true, I mean, I'm just going by what the headline said, you know. But yeah, Travis, you got to chill out, bro. To arrest within like, I don't know, let's say a week from each other, you got in two different parts of the world. You got to chill out. You got to, you got to chill out, relax, you know. Again, just just giving fair warning, you know. Because I am a fan. I am a fan of his. So I don't like, I don't like, I don't like how he got arrested. I mean, both times he resisted arrest. So hey, Travis, if you don't want to get in that situation for a third time. It's best to stay home. It's best to stay low key, not be out and about. I mean, but isn't really, I mean, I think it's harder for celebrities to do that. And if you don't mind. The reason why I say that is because I feel like once you get into like a certain lifestyle, whether it's alcohol, whether it's drugs, it's like, you got two big, big differences. Like, you know, like the old saying, you've never seen a functional crackhead. But that's because most people, normal people, like you and I who unfortunately get addicted to drugs, they still have to get up and, you know, go to work. They have to maintain. Yeah, they got to make appearances. Yeah, they got to be in that line line. I get it. Yeah. And then, well, well, more tools than that with celebrities. Like, let's say you're, you are a Travis Scott, you drop a album. It does well. You got tours. You got this, that the third. But you don't have to clock in. That means you don't have to consistently be anywhere. Like, you have celebrities cancel shows all the time. You have celebrities cancel appearances all the time like, yeah, I don't want to do it. Am I saying is drug related? Absolutely not. I don't know what's going on in a life. But what I'm saying is, it's easier to be an addict when you're a celebrity. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. That's true. Because you just live, you know, it's just that lifestyle sometimes, you know, and we've seen over the years. Unfortunately, we've lost entertainers, artists. Athletes, you know, two drugs. Yeah, it's it's definitely that it's definitely that lifestyle they live. Also too, in both videos, Travis is by himself. I don't know where his peoples are. His entourage are. But they got to do a better job of protecting him and making sure he doesn't like while out like that because he has a history of doing that. Remember, there's there was a couple of incidents from back in the day of him like punching people. Yeah, like a like a DJ, a random, I think a random fan at one time like he needs to, he needs to really slow the fuck down. He really needs to slow down. He's gonna need to, he's getting too wild boy. He's a wild boy. Yeah. Well, I know I'm back peeling in here, but we're gonna move forward with the topics. I was writing the description for this episode of the podcast. And if you ever notice, we don't give a shit about anything outside of men's basketball. I mean, sure, track and field is like a second runner up, but I just think it's funny because even when I was like, like the team, like the TV will be on at work, and then I'll have the Olympics and they'll have something like a synchronize diamond. And it's just like, man, this shit looks boring and shit. And then they made an Olympics for like the yesterday I saw that there's break dancing. There's a break, there's a break dancing competition in the Olympics. I'm like, what the fuck is this? They doing it for those that they're doing it for a little saint. No, but seriously, I was blown away like me and my wife, you know, where, you know, I've been watching the Olympics a lot. These last couple of weeks, you know, track and field. Yes, swimming. You know, a few of those things. And again, like break dancing, I would have never guessed it. Break dancing was one. Another one was artistic swimming, which is like dancing in the water kind of, but like in sequence with. It's weird. It's weird that they made a sport out of pretty much everything. Like there's like well over like there's got to be like 200 events that they do. And that's another thing. Like if you go to see the Olympics, like let's say you spend all the money to go see the Olympics in whatever country is right. So my question is like, do you get like all day passes where you can see all the events or is like certain events only going on certain days. Yeah, how do you, yeah, how do you in terms of time management. How do you do that? You know, is everything. I mean, everything can't be within walking distance. Like there's got to be like, you know, miles away from one event to another. I don't know. It's definitely a legit question. It's like if I wanted to. Okay, if I wanted to go check out a swimming event and then later on go check out a track and field event. I know they're not on the same day most of the time, but it's like, how do I go about, I don't know, you have to plan ahead, I guess. Which I don't like to do. I never like to plan ahead. Oh, okay. See, and that's why me, you, this is my me, you are like brothers, because if I'm at the Olympics, I'm just going to get up and like to see what's popping like I wake up. Yeah, I wake up. I'm definitely the type to like wake up and be like, yeah, you don't feel like seeing today. I want to see this just because just because of the mood on men, you know, like not all the time. Like not all the time is not about seeing like the best athletes. So like, yeah, I would probably want to go see LeBron in a, in a team USA game, you know, or I want to go see some own biles do some backflips or, you know. Or should Carrie Richardson just running around the track, I would, you know, but how to, but, but what if those, but what are those things were happening at the same time, or maybe just minutes apart from each other, then I'm screwed. It's like, damn, which one do I pick, you know, I mean, me personally, I would definitely check out the man's basketball, then I'll pass the balls one basketball is number one, because that's just what like I've grown, I grew up on it. So, you know. Yeah. New music, new music, a lot of the lot. I was actually surprised about how much new music came out. And none of it was big Sean, big Sean, I come to find out maybe a day before new music Friday that he had pushed back his album. Well, and that's weird too, because like he just did a skit what I don't know if you've seen him Jordan. The guy that does recipes on Instagram. No, I know he did. I know he did the Charlemagne sit down. I didn't really keep that, but no, so he's been on, he's been on a promo run is what you're saying like he's just been like just just just showing his face and promoting the album. Yeah, I mean, you know, that's nothing new, you know, I mean, I feel like this album is anticipated just for the weight alone. And now since he's actually consecutively dropping new music, I mean, it was the one that he did, I need to know the name of that song, the one he did about his son, but like he's dropping concessions. Oh, yeah, I didn't like that one. I wasn't a fan of that one. You can keep the you could keep the dad reps. I'm good. I'm good. I mean, it probably hit definitely once you have a kid, but I mean, to each his own is one of those things. No, no, yeah. But where to start, we got to start before Friday. On on Tuesday, Drake, Drake on a on his burner Instagram account. Dropped 100 gigabytes of like stuff of like content of like behind the siege footage of like old concerts. Old studio sessions recording music. There was a file of like a second airplane that he he's looking to buy some crazy shit like a lot of files to sit through. But more importantly, he dropped three songs. Yeah, he dropped three songs. And boy, let me tell you, they are fire. Like my favorite of the three. It's got to be that that that that blue green red song. That song is a that song is a vibe. It's a Bob. And, you know, I don't doubt it in the slightest. I listen to it too, by the way, like it was a good lesson. Um, I mean, I just, his my ultimate thing is like, I feel like by doing this, like it really shows how unbothered he is. Oh, yeah. I mean, and, you know what, and it kind of pisses people off that he had he seems very unbothered by, you know, the beef, the aftermath of it. I don't know. Did some people, did people really think Drake was going to like kind of like disappear and not show his face and not do anything for a little bit, which it's crazy in itself. It's like, no, like I'm still him. You know, and I'm going to show you by dropping these records and they're fire. I mean, it's just nothing. He's got a rap track with 21 Savage and young thug. You know, and I think that's a play too. I think that's a play too, because if if we remember. Drake literally, I mean, not Drake, but Kendrick Lamar and his line, they got like us, he says when he was saying that he was a colonizer saying that he has to run to land it. So, yeah, he likes to run into Atlanta, which by the way, Kendrick, you run to Atlanta too. Right, but you got some, you got songs with Atlanta artists too, like it ain't like you worked. But that's that's a whole different. That's a whole different topic. Yeah, we're still brewing that one episode. So that we're going to have to do that one episode, like maybe next week, maybe. But yeah, no, like, literally, like, whatever, whatever you were saying about him, he keeps doing it. I mean, besides the besides besides the stupid as Pito stuff. I mean, that was obviously cap. But like, yeah, oh, you go, you run to Atlanta. Guess what? I'm still going to Atlanta. I'm still going to work with 21 Savage. It's still free young thug. It seems like only that he's got a song with law, though. She's from Atlanta too. And he don't give, he don't give a fuck like what like. Bro, I'm a billionaire. Like, I got, I got hundreds of millions of dollars. Why the fuck would I be bothered? Right, like, and some people say, like, Oh, well, if Jake. Kendrick really wanted his success. He just didn't want to take the same route. Oh, please shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Like, all these K, all these K bot fans. And yes, I'm calling you a K bot fans. Like, you guys have been wrong about Kendrick this whole, like you swear he's like this diabolical rapper. He did nothing diabolical during this beef. What so ever. Nothing diabolical. Matter of fact, his entire career. Nothing diabolical about him. The quote unquote boogie man of hip. Like, get the fuck out of here. The boogie man of hip hop. The fuck out of here. You can't, you can't, you cannot be the boogie man of hip hop and then go in, go in text big Sean apologizing for starting problems with them. You can't do that. You can't do that. You can't be the boogie man. Go and apologize to another rapper for a misunderstanding. Can't do it. I mean, basically, that's what we'll do. You'll never find it. You'll never find an apology message, a Drake sent to somebody to a rapper. You'll never find that. That don't exist. Listen, okay. Apologizing, apologizing for bitches. Go ask, go ask Jake Cole. And at the end of the day, when it comes to that whole scenario, like, yes, he got one of the biggest songs out, but this isn't like, I mean, it's going to be a piece of hip hop history, if you will, because it did pass hit a month. But let's call it spay to spay. Kendrick still technically has, or is at the age where he still has some gas in the tank. And I just don't think like he's going to capitalize on this in no way, shape or form. Like, this was the one time he wants to go and perform that record. He already did it. He did it as though pop out. He's never going to perform that record again. He's never going to perform that record. I mean, hell, even his pop out has songs that was like a decade old, more than a decade old, more than that. How do you have a pop out? How do you have a pop out and not perform a single song from your last album? Oh, it was more for his last album was therapeutic. I don't give me that shit. Oh my god, therapeutic. You got to listen to the album backwards. You got to listen to the album. All this, all this, all this bail, all this bail that people shoot for him. Like, why him him? Five foot six. It's like, I have to still work with a lot of k-dots, old stuff. Like, I mean, old, old stuff. Right. Like, you know, and I've never been like, Oh, I never really truly, you know what? I feel like my distaste with Kendrick at this point doesn't come from him himself. No, we got to save. We got to save him. We're living too much. We're still in too much. The Drake songs are fire. I'm looking forward to, you know, I know he announced him and party next door dropping an album in the fall. Can't wait for that. At the end of the day, I'm a fan of music. I don't care about none of these shenanigans and none of these petty antics that all these rappers do to try to get, you know, to try to get trending. Drake is still known for the music. He'll drop something. People stop what they're doing and give the list that hell, even their haters, even his haters, have the time to go and stop and comment. You know, on new Drake music. So, yeah, so there's that the songs are on the songs are on all streaming platforms. Lotto. Speaking of Lotto, she had a she's had a hell of a weekend. Not only was she, you know, she had a she got a song with Drake, but she dropped her album. Sugar honey iced tea and I know you didn't listen to it. I implore you to listen to it. It is very, very good. A lot of Bob's she's wrapping. There's a couple of ice spice shots in there. Oh yeah, I see an ice spice shots. Okay, and for anybody that's thinking like, Oh, I just don't like Lotto. No, you got to understand why later on in this episode why I didn't get a chance to listen to I wanted to listen to me. Well, you got to, you got to give it a listen. I'm not going to spoil much. I'm just going to say yeah, it's, it's a really good album. It's a really good album. Production, very strong. It's just the fun album and it's by far. Yes, like it's by far because I have people on Twitter asking, Oh, is this the best female rap album with? Yes, by by a hundred miles. It's the best. It's better than it's better than Meg's album, better than way better than I spice album that don't better than Glorilla's album. Like she really, she really like put her foot into this album. I mean, just the intro alone, the intro alone. She's, she's, she's talking. She's doing a lot of talking on this album. So when you get a chance, bro, give this a listen. It's already projected to outsell. I spice his album. You know, well, I'm not surprised because again, we talked about this last episode like Lotto has the potential to have like, you know, hit records like she has a potential that she just makes better. She's just a better rapper like she has a lot to say and how she says it in the most interesting way. The beats are better. She's got better features. I mean, all her features killed. Coco Jones, Ancho, young nudie. Meg is on there. She does her thing. Yeah. Yeah. Again, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but give it a listen. You'll, you'll thank me later. Oh, no worries. I mean, that's all my to do was before, before we get into, well, you also said you listen to logic's new project. Oh, even though I was, yeah, I was bored. That's understandable. You know what I was, you know, that's unacceptable. No, you know, I wasn't bored. You know what, you know, it's funny with with my, my take on logic. I've listened to logic. Dating back to like 2013 when he was dropping all those young Sinatra mixed tapes and he was fire was fire back then. You know, and then his first album, first debut album, really good sec second album was was good as well. Everything after that though, about off a cliff right off a cliff, you know, like he could still he's technically that he could rap. And he could wrap his ass off, but it's like there's no substance behind his raps. So he's just, again, just rapping about the same stuff he's always wrapped about about his, you know, his, his, you know, his fucking guy like his name. You know, I'm going to say it by racialness. And oh, black people say I can't say the N word and guess what I'm still going to say it. What are you going to do? Like, it's like, all right, dude, you know, I'm going to save yourself a lesson if you had any interest. I kind of tapped out halfway through the album. It's like 20 songs. This is an album you definitely don't have to listen to. So it's something that shouldn't be a hit or miss more or less. No, you're going to hate it. You're going to hate it. You're going to hate it. And a lot of people are going to hate it. You know, it's just like logic is for logic is for the how can I, how can I describe this. If you want, if you're a new fan of hip hop, like you just got into the genre. Logic is like your like beginner's guide, you know, saying like, like beginner, like rapping for dummy's kind of thing like he's that kind of rapper. It's like, oh, how to rap for dummies. And you could, and you could just see logic on the cover of that. And he's like the poster boy for that, you know. So, yeah. I mean, no surprises there. Like, there's literally like zero surprises with that. Take, I mean, because to me at the end of the day, it's just, it's like, you really just have to be into it. No, it's just like, you know, he's just kind of like he like a few songs. He tries to sound arrogant. Like, hey, y'all are just hating on me because I'm rich and successful. How about you guys go do something with your lives? It's like, dude, no, like that's not why we don't like you. We don't like you because you are just how you conduct yourself, you know, like it's like people are pissed off by how you conduct yourself. I don't know if you remember when he did a, he did the sit down interview with his pops. Right. And how he was talking down onto his dad got a lot of people pissed off like you shouldn't be talking to your dad like that like yeah, your dad was a drug head and he kind of abandoned you as a kid. But like, you shouldn't be publicly humiliating him like this in front of, you know, for the public to see, and it rubbed people the wrong way at the time. So, yeah. I don't know. It's, it's just a, like logic logic is like, logic doesn't like shamelessly doesn't hide the fact that he is a, like he's a fan first of hip hop. He's like, it's like, you know, he'll tell you in a few songs. Hey, I've got a song with Eminem. I got a song. Okay, dude. So what? So what you feel like you're, you can pump your chest because you got an M feature. No, like, why didn't you get that Wayne feature? Why didn't you get that? That Jake, why didn't you get that Kendrick feature that Drake feature, because they know you're fucking like, it's not even corny. I don't know. It's, it's nothing, nothing's wrong with being corny, but like, I guess you're like the kind of corny that rubs people the wrong way. If that makes sense. Yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely like I can definitely see, I mean, because this is a different type of coin is like, okay, like you got Will Smith corny where it's like, okay, he's corny, but you know, you know, he's corny, but there's cool. There's cool points about him too. You know, right logic. There's nothing cool about logic. There's nothing cool about him. He is just corny to the core. I mean, even how we interact with like his friends and his, you know, his wife and son. By the way, his son is just as white as him and he even said to hey, my son could say the N word like he's so obsessed with this N word stuff. And he's just as and him and his son are just as white as me. He's just so obsessed with this race stuff. It's like, dude, you're the only we're not talking about you are bringing it up. Like that's like an insecurity that he still has not tackled. I mean, if he's, if he's been talking to a therapist, his therapist is failing him. He needs to go get another one. You know, like, that's like, that's like his inner demon like hey, I look white, but I have a black father, but nobody would know that if you know if they didn't know me. So, I just think nobody will really, I mean, I think at this day and age, depending on what's the contents context behind it. I don't think a lot of people even cares that you're biracial like, like in the grand scheme of things like nobody cares. If you have a head, then you would just enjoy the music. And, well, I guess, well, I guess you're a true hip hop head you would not be listening to logic. Like I said, if you were just getting into hip hop, like, like give me a beginner's guide to hip hop logic would be the first rapper that you'd be introduced to it'd be logic, geezy, you know, like the white rappers. Yeah, like, especially if you're like in the suburbs, like if you're like not from the street culture or the urban culture. If you stay in a white picket fence neighborhood gated community like yeah that's your goal tools right there that you gradually go up to the M&Ms and then from every names you might fall into some D12 you might even fall into some 50 cents. Yeah, I mean, it's just, it's like he's like the rap savior for nerds. I mean, he's a nerd. So he could attract. Yeah, he attracts like nerdy fans. So any who moving on. I didn't think I'd spend that much time speaking on him. Polo G polo G also dropped an album. On first listen through it's it's all right. I'm I was never the biggest polo G fan, but that intro, that beat is hard. I got to listen to that man. God's God's favorite track the intro. Listen to that track that beat is insane. It just sucks that it doesn't get crazier after that in terms like like production wise, for me, for me. So I mean I'm pretty sure like so you so would it be safe to say that polo G fans will be pretty. I mean, look, if you were a fan, I mean, you would like this if you were a polo G fan. I'm not the biggest polo G fan. I'm not saying that he's terrible or he sucks. I mean, he's, he's, you know, he's, you know, I could hear some some skill in there, but it's like, I don't know, it's just. I mean, the album's called hood poet. So a lot of the things that he's rapping about it, you know, during, you know, his upbringing in in Chicago, in the gang and everything like that it's like, I can't, you know, I can't really, really vibe to that. You know, I don't have a personal connection with that. So, you know. But moving on, let's get, let's get to my top two, this is the, the albums why I, I wouldn't say necessarily skipped over a lot of but the albums that I've been vibing with Larry Jew, if y'all been listening to this podcast. Y'all know how, how I feel about that bad numbers, he dropped, he dropped. Oh, man. And you know it was funny to the last, I think one of his last projects you wasn't feeling. I think it was the, it was the alchemist. No, I thought it was a card on one. I think that was, did that come out after the alchemist? Oh, that, yeah. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, I wasn't feeling, and to be honest, too, I wasn't really feeling the alchemist when either not because of the alchemist, but because of Larry June. And this has been my beef with Larry June. Larry June, to me, is boring. He's absolutely boring. His wraps are boring, like his flows, his delivery, it just sounds like he's half asleep. I mean, listen, hey. Like, I don't know, it's like he, and I know there could be people saying, oh, well, he's not the only one that's, yes, I know, Boldy James. He's another one, but Boldy James, unlike Larry June, has interesting lyricism. So he could get away with that. He could get away with it to an extent. Larry June, listen, I love the messaging that Larry sends all positivity. Hey, get, get, get your business game up and all that. You know, drink your orange juice, all that stuff, you know, get your, get your health in check, but organic. Yeah, like, it's just, he just puts me to sleep, man. I don't know. Like, if I was on a long drive, like if I was driving and you threw on that Larry June album, I would be, I would be like, trying to stay awake behind the wheel. You know, from his wrapping to even his production choices. Are you trying to put me to sleep? Like, what are you trying to do to me? Like, he's just too laid back. It's too laid back to the point where we want to go to sleep. I mean, listen, I fuck with Larry June Harry, because he talks that talk. I know you do. And I'm not saying he's trash, but like he's just not my rap. He's just not my type of rapper. Like, and even his lyrics, he's just saying the most basic lyrics. It's nothing really anything crazy he's rapping about. What about this project? I fell asleep. Dude, no, he had no features. Like, it would have been way more interesting if he had features. I'm like, all right, he has this person. He had no features on this whole album. That man doesn't need features. He is the feature. I mean, even the production was lazy. I think there was like one. I think there was one Harry fraud beat on that entire album. The other ones. I had no idea who, you know, listen, I may be way big street. Like, I'm riding down the street, like just cruising. Like, listen, this is certified Cruz music. This is that six, seven, no, this is, this is certified snooze music. Nah, see, like, nah, listen, y'all listen to me. Okay. This new Larry Jew is hidden. Okay. Like, I mean, you got to, you got to forgive Mike here because, you know, he's a little bit brain damage from listening to that logic album. So his, you don't do that. Don't do that. Hey, listen, Larry, Larry June and logic. Larry June and logic song with, with go crazy. Negative. Logic like with his, like, Larry's just too, like he's just too. Like, Larry, wake up, dude. Like, is Larry June capable of putting out a banger? Be honest with you. Yeah. Like having, like, having energy in his voice. No, he's not. I mean, I mean, but he's not that type of guy. He's the smooth, laid back pimp. He's a play. He's a man. Oh, come on. Everyone, every, every rapper has at least one banger in their catalog. Like that one banger where they sound energized. Larry does not. Larry does not. And going back to that and going back to that alchemist album he did last year or a year and a half ago, alchemist, I can't believe you wasted all those good beats on Larry June. Oh, we're not going to do that. Larry, you could have given those beats to any other rapper you've worked with in the past, whether it be Baldi James, rock, Marciano, Conway, Benny, like you could have given those beats to any other, any other underground rapper. But you had to give it to, to this guy, Jesus Christ. And again, he doesn't suck. He could rap, but it's just like he just sounds, he just sounds very uninterested in making music and making a song. No, man, we will not. I will. I cannot believe this. Where have it Larry juice slander on this episode. It's like it. And again, going back to that alchemist album he was the least interesting part of that album. And it's his album. Like he was getting out wrapped by all the features on that album, whether it be big Sean or who else was on that motherfucker. Everyone was out rap, Baldi James, everyone was out wrapping him. Because Larry Larry just wraps very basic. Just wraps very basic. Listen, you will not, you will not listen, I already was you already got me to admit that what J Cole did and I'm a huge J Cole fan to admit that what he did was a bitch made move okay, you will not sit here and try to convince me that Larry June is born. Okay. Mr. Numbers. No, no, this will not happen. I want to see these numbers. What are these numbers? I don't be seeing him on the charts. What numbers he be talking about. I know he's got money. He's not he's not broke. But what numbers he be talking about. I want to see the numbers. Pull up his spot. Matter of fact, you know what, pull up his spotify number. I want to see some. Yep, you have Spotify up. Oh, always. I got the iPad up. I got the Mac. All right. I want to look up his Spotify numbers because they're the only numbers that we can really see that's visible to the public. Let's see. Okay. Okay, what numbers do you want to look at? I mean monthly listener or even the new album. Give me the numbers of the new album. Okay, monthly listeners. He has 2 million, which is fairly decent decent. Yeah. Again, he's been out for, he's been out for some years. He's put out a note. He's put down a lot of projects that I know. It's not like I'm not familiar with his, you know, with his with his stuff. I just never really connected on a whole lot of it. Because again, just his, it just his. Just how he wraps like he just sounds asleep. Oh, yeah, that's good. Oh, thank you for reminding me there's a couple more songs I have to put on the like on my Spotify. Okay, so looking at the numbers. His least listen song. What has 48,000 streams. This is all the album. Okay, what has the most. His most listen to his import couches. Oh, that's, I love that track. It has two, it has 2 million. I mean, I mean, look, I. Like you said numbers. Yeah, he is numbers be number. It's not bad. It's not bad. I, I'm just not one of those 2 million, you know, I'm just not. Well, 2 million listens is not really 2 million people, but, you know. I mean, if we go to the album is on the album is project. Like his least I would listen to a beats only album of that album without without Larry June vocals. Well, unfortunately, not a lot of people agree because his least stream song with Jay Worthy is almost up to 2 million. That's another guy. You try to push Jay worthy on me. He's another one. I wouldn't say I try to push him on you. Jay Worthy, he's cool. Like I folks would have liked, but I wouldn't put it like if a James worthy was to drop and it was like more artists that caught my attention. Yeah, if it was like this week, then there would be a high probability that James working would have been last on my list. Listen, dude, I, it's not like I tried. I put on Larry June in the car, driving. I couldn't do it. I was very just nodding in and out. I definitely can't listen to Larry Jim the gym. How am I supposed to get hyped off the Larry June album? I can't. Larry June is not Jim music. Is that drink your organic smoothies? No, it's a, you know, sit down, smoke a blunt kind of music. I get it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and his most listened to 90 89 earthquake, 11 million. Oh, I'm sorry. Because that beat is fire. Oh, no, no, I take that back. It's actually more with him in Big Sean as 13 million. So, oh yeah, because I mean, obviously Big Sean has that crossover audience. What about breakfast in Monaco? That's another crazy beat. Breakfast in Monaco. Was it on this one? I think it was on the other one. I think it was on one. There's no song with Monaco in it. No, no, no, you, you wanted something like, no, I think it was on nice shift. The one with. Yeah. All right. I don't know. I don't know. It's just not connecting. I've tried. Listen, man. I've been biting my tongue about. I know your infactuation with Larry, but I. I've tried, man. I tried. No, no, I'm confused because I don't even see breakfast in my own, either one of those projects. And I know what song you're talking about because I just listened to it recently. I literally just listened to that track like recently. But I'm confused like where the fuck is this. Where the fuck was this thing at? Like, where is it at? Oh, it's on the spaceships on the blade album. Oh, yeah, that came out like two years ago. Yeah. Oh, that's three mil. Okay. Okay. But, oh, Benny dropped two. The butcher, the butcher came pause. But he dropped a lot nice little 10 minute track. It's, it's all right. It's solid. Yeah, like, I expect something like, I expect a more bigger budget album to be coming out. Maybe in the fall or maybe early next year. Yeah, because I mean, he just, he just dropped his last project not too long. Everybody can't go. Yeah, that came out in February. No, January came out of January. Yeah, so I mean, Benny's working. So we can't even. He's working. He's working. And then there's a couple of songs here that I will. I will add to my playlist, but you know, it's, you know, nothing crazy. One thing I will say about Benny, and this is going to go into like our last topic of the day. Like, you can really hear the growth between like older, Benny songs to now. Because he has a lot of references to, he still has that drug talk. Well, you know what it reminds me of. It reminds me of a later career, Jay Z, how after the black album, he went from being the street dealer to being more of the businessman. Yeah. And you know, and depending on who you ask, like in terms of like a fan, they may or may not like that. It's like, I don't know, like underground hip hop fans are so fickle because they want, they want their favorite artists, their favorite underground artists rappers to get the recognition and, and, you know, all the praise from, you know, like, they want to be from mainstream media and all that stuff. But at the same time, oh, I don't want you to water down your, your wraps. You know, I want you to still be that gritty, you know, I want you with that crazy, you know, that drug talk that you were doing, that you were doing back, you know, seven years ago. And this is where, and this is why this whole episode, I wanted to dedicate this on growth and development because I sent you that clip. I forget who it was, was it Jay, it was one of the city girls JT or young Miami. One of the two, I got to go to my notes. I think it was young Miami. The whole census. Well, basically, it was something that was released some information to us. And no, by the way, I'm not going to talk about what's the face open up about her and Danny's relationship I got we got, we got. Fast and furious numbers when it comes to like how many episodes we talked about her dating and all that so sorry not sorry. But what that being said, her grievances was, I don't even know if you can call it grievances but her whole stick was the label doesn't want her to drop anymore new music because they don't know. They're not confident in her growth and development. Yeah, which, yeah, it was actually, it was your Miami. Yeah. And the thing is, and I was having so many conversations with people in the last couple of days, even before this came out. We talked about on the podcast like you have, as an artist, you have to change your sound. Eventually, and this is why I brought up Betty like a lot of, and we can't really go off it underground hip hop heads, because the, because for the reasons that you just said, they want they underground artists to sound the same throughout a 2010 year, 15 year 20 year career and the reality is, it's not going to happen. Listen, I'm not saying that these artists is don't live what they talk. But at some point, even on a street level of how the intricacies of the streets, you have to like get out of that lifestyle to get more out of life, you know, you can't be in a situation where you, you're a drug deal all your life like you, you cannot show me somebody is very few and far in between you can't show me a lot of drug dealers that's been dealing drugs as it was like 17, and they're like 30 40 years old, and have they are not currently in jail, or just completely fucked up like the one reason why I like the stuff, you know, snowfall, how frankly just basically became a drunk and a bum. That's actually a hard reality like you hate to see it because you get invested into that story. But the that's a, that's a true reality like sometimes what happens to you when you're in that sort of environment, you don't always end up dead you don't always end up going to jail. You're a bad place and you're just a bum. And you spend, and it's kind of one of those things where you spend a good chunk of your life doing this to where you don't know how to do anything else like you can eventually get a job and you can eventually live a normal life before people who have even hundreds of thousands of dollars on a daily basis you they don't they can't live the idea of somebody living check for check. It just baffles them, and it comes with the music too like that's why a lot of fans like this is why you still have die hard Jay Z fans this is why you still have die hard Gucci fans this is why you have die hard and die not as fast because as they got older, they music dead, and that when they use because wouldn't. Okay, let me start over as they got older they music got older because they fans got older. Yeah. So this is why you got a lot of microwave music out this is why a lot of people are they come and go like how many of these freshman classes that we've seen in the past five, six years, and like the majority of them just fade away. I mean, yeah, and it's, and it's quick to it's like, it's like a flash in the pan it's like oh you're on the freshman cover and then maybe six months go by you never hear from them again. Yeah, they're they're really here for a cup of coffee. Pretty much I mean I mean you're right about the fans getting old aspect and, to be honest, in this case with with the city girls is, and let's be honest young Miami. She never wanted to be an artist. She never wanted to put in the work as an artist. All she wanted to do was, you know, just get rich, and obviously she got rich by, you know, dating a billionaire. So that made her super you know that made her say hey well fuck this music shit I'm there I'm dating a billionaire, you know, I can get whatever I want, you know. Yeah, I mean it's what she deserves who the fuck is sitting around waiting on a Miami project, who cares, because I mean, I mean nobody cares because like you said well you just named all the copers right there. If you're uninterested in making music for real like you're not taking it seriously. And then I can make the I can make the case that she kind of stopped giving a shit, you know, right around the pandemic right around 2020. Didn't want to make music she didn't give a shit. And then you have those culprits you have a fact this now sees basically got or have one of the biggest bags at the time, you know, I mean, and then you get into the booth and it's just, I'm just going to say the same shit I said before, real copy and paste type of And plus now with with, you know you got like, you know the newer girls like the sexy reds the global as the ice spices, the lotos, like they're out, and they're at full force and they, and no one's checking for young Miami you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta have like a stranglehold on the on the social media side of things. She don't got that. She doesn't have that. So it's, and it's just, and you combine that with the copy and paste flow. It's like fans will lose. I mean all that and listen all that diddy stuff to that came out. It was over for you. Yeah, it didn't do you no favor so you have a lazy and you're not talking and you're not talking about it as well when it's been publicly known you got together is just, it just seems very. It just seems very sketchy, very sus, and it's you think people are going to take an interest in your music still no fuck that. You're out of your mind. You are out of your mind. I mean for JT I, it seems like she's still trying. I hope she could break breakthrough and, you know, all she needs is to have a song. All she needs is a song. That's it. She needs like that one banger that will get get people talking. So, I mean shit if she's still dating little who's deeper. I don't know why he just doesn't help her out with something. I mean you would be, but I would think right like damn like who's he heard he's one of the most, you know, one of the most streamed rappers of the last few years. He's got a number of hits so clearly he must have something for her if he gave that if he if he cared that much. Where do you want to go for me? Oh my god. We got to talk about Brittany Renner. Oh yeah I was just about to bring that up. The rebrand of Brittany rendered the attempted rebrand of Britain. It's, it's, it came out of nowhere really came out of the blue. You know, Brittany Renner. You know, she, you know, go around mate, you know, the one of the biggest thoughts on social media. Slept around with numerous rappers and athletes trapped PJ Washington into having a kid with her, and then leaving him for the for the child support money. Yeah, that was the most infamous one. Yeah. Now she is reformed or is trying to reform and she wants to become Muslim and she's giving up all of her body clothes like hey I'm throwing away all my phones and all my slutty outfits. Even though I have these brand deals that say I have to still be a slut and post all these thirst trap photos because you know bills got to be paid. So I don't know how that's going to happen. I mean, but here's the thing though I mean we just seen it all years ago with Ruby Rose right Ruby Rose was a Ruby Rose Ruby we see the well I remember she had tweeted something like oh I'm ready for Ramadan. And in the photo on her Twitter her profile photo is her like bent over like showing off her poom poom and somebody pointed out like you're bent over showing your poom poom talking about oh you're ready for Ramadan. And that prompted her to change her profile picture to like that like an orange thing or whatever. I mean, but see again this isn't a surprise like okay like you have women in the industry regardless of its musical sports who have to go through these rebrands and I mean I'm not saying it. Well why does she need a rebrand. Why does why can't she just understand her reputation has maybe scared off a lot of like really good men in the world. Because she's attracted all these like these crash outs and like these one night stands and you know. But it's like, so I guess I guess you could say she did to herself because of the lifestyle she tried to you know she she tried to perpetuate. Like, you got to find at least one good man that that would be able to you know treat you right and for you to accept you for you you know I'm saying. It's just I mean bring your runners still a good looking girl. And we're not and that's the thing like we're not saying like is it has nothing to do with the actual physical attraction level a lot of it just has to do with a public image. It's like okay. It's one thing like it is, it's even on a local level right like if you're a woman and you're known for getting around your local neighborhoods. It's going to be hard to find a decent man because you know you're just putting yourself out there you're doing all this. I guess you know what I guess maybe the baggage was just too much like a lot of baggage a lot of baggage. Again she wrote a whole book about the she wrote a whole book about the numerous men she slept with in the industry. Of course she had to go change names for you know for for you know she doesn't get sued and what not so she had to go and change you know get makeup names but like if you're writing the book about all the men you fuck then. There you go you go Trappa somebody who was like seven eight years younger than you went to having a baby with. I wouldn't trust you either. Like I would not trust you either so yeah like you did a lot of you did a lot of you know self inflicting damage to yourself. You know, but I mean you going this route. It's pissing off. I know it's definitely pissing off a lot of people especially in the Muslim community. Like I'm sure like I was reading through comments and boy where they were they were they killing her. They were killing her. I mean what are you surprised though. I mean people were saying oh stop disrespecting our religion. This isn't like a marketing strategy. This isn't a way to get you know to gain attention. Like being Muslim is a way of life and you know if you're serious about making a change then delete all because she still has all of her thirst traps like all of her like her for aspects, you know half naked photos all on her Instagram still up. Like if she was really trying to change really trying to change her image she would have wiped her entire Instagram clean clean. She would have you know she she would have gotten she would have gotten out of her fashion no but deal. Yeah, but no she can't because like she said she's got to pay bills and she's getting paid to be I wouldn't say a slut but she's being she's being paid to be a sexy Instagram influencer. So you can't do that with a hedgey bond, you can't do that. Right. So, yeah. So what you saying that it just feels like now it was more of a marketed publicity stunt more than any. But yeah but but to what though, what's the end game. Why though, you're Brittany render like you garner, I mean you get a you get a shit ton of likes on a photo all the time like at least like 180 to 100,000 likes. What do what do you do in this for. I mean I don't know. She didn't really like she didn't really explain as to why the sudden. Why the sudden shift. And why she wanted now to be a better person like I, you know, you could always be a better person you don't have to like change religions to be a better person you could just be a better person by treating people better. It's a little things, you know, but this move. I'm not feeling it. I'm not feeling it. I'm not Muslim and I and I think it's wrong. And I think it's wrong what she's doing. I mean but at the end of the day. I mean this is something that we see all the time. Yeah, I guess, you know, rappers have done it too in the past right. Like some, you know, some real street rappers, you know, they. All of a sudden they want to read the Quran and then. You know, yell out Allah and all this stuff just, you know, just to feel like they're, you know, they're making a real change in their lives, you know, by giving up the street culture, you know. I was always a fan. I was always against the caroling like if you're going to do so and just do it like the fact, my biggest thing is the fact that you have to go on social media, just to announce that you're making a change in your life is just is weird to me. Yeah, very weird. Very weird. But yeah, that's that's, hey, good luck on her journey. I'm looking at her journey. This is like, you think she'll be like right back in a month just being the old Brittany. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if that happens like I would not waste the energy to pretend I'm shocked. If that happens. Yeah, I don't know. I just, I just feel like she's just trying to. Maybe she is trying to find herself because she is getting up their age. I mean, I think she's like. Oh, all this change. Jesus Christ. She has to be in her 30s now. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's in her 30s at this point. Yeah, so I mean. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Hey, shout out to her. I hope the journey goes well. If it's actually legit, if it's actually like if she's trying to legit. Change her life and change her ways. I'm all for it. If this is like a some kind of sick, twisted troll, then. Yeah, you're, you're going to ride now. You're going to. Yeah, but again, like we wouldn't be surprised because how many people have done that before like I was cycling. I was just playing. Oh yeah, definitely, definitely for sure. For sure. Um, that's, that's it. That's all I got on my end. I think that's all we got period. Realistic. Yeah. But you know, thank you for tuning in on this week's episode. Like always, you can check us out on all on our social media platforms, mainly Twitter. Mike's music takes on Twitter. Real talk, 808 on Twitter. Have any ideas, suggestions, anything or if you just want to say what's up. More than welcome to Spotify listeners. There's always the open whiteboard for any suggestions there. And for the million dollar dream list. Oh, I almost forgot my own stick. Yeah. Is 10 cents for compassion, 10 cents for human decency and faucets act. You're slipping. I know you're falling off. Yeah. Yeah, that has attacked the pimp fall off. But no, in all seriousness, this is 10 cents for compassion, 10 cents for human decency. And faucets to act on it. That's the quarter of the day. And for the million dollar dream, this is your boy Pimp. And we are out. [BLANK_AUDIO]