The caffeinatedhebrew’s Podcast

The Passage of time, and time of passage

Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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you know it's a it's a nice quiet sunday afternoon a nice quiet summer day and what better way to spend a nice quiet summer day with some a with some words of wisdom from our our leaders and hopefully this inspires you uh... to really you know look deep within yourself and uh... you know consider considered taking a listen to some of the most wave and gracious wisdom let's see uh... let's play a clip of uh... comala here is identifying with uh... jen Z voter base okay what else do we know about this population eighteen three twenty four they are stupid that is why we put them in dormitories what else do we know about this population eighteen three twenty four there's stupid okay are uh... eighteen to twenty four-year-old stupid if you're in that age range do you identify as stupid does that does that offend you mean if i was eighteen to twenty four that would offend me but uh... you know i'm not so uh... okay now let's hear from uh... uh... vice president candidate tim waltz if you're having a tough day if you're having a tough day tim waltz has uh... some has a suggestion for you let's take a listen to tim waltz i'm having a tough day or i'm out on about my i'm my five of my run and i'm feeling kind of down in the world's pressing on me i think illhan omar's a congresswoman and it just brightens you up so thank you what that's all my life here that i think about that at the time while i am in okay so this is uh... this is an interpretation of illhan omar speaking so she's saying while i am in congress no one will take simalia c i don't i am what i can come back and come back i get out of the the united states will not back others to rob us and i think i'm going to have a bad i'm having a tough day or i'm out on about my i'm my five does tim waltz really run five miles of day there's no way i don't even run five miles a day all i get okay that makes sense because he's disease of that i think he runs five miles a day i don't believe that let's take another listen uh... let's see here what does uh... okay so if you're curious what com was planned to fix inflation let's take a listen else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation thank you well let's start with this prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more than gas costs and we have to understand what that means that's about the cost of living that's about having to stress and stretch limited resources that's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic but is on a daily level something that is a heavy weight to carry so it is something that we take very seriously very serious and we know from the history of this issue in the united states that when you see these prices go up it has a direct impact on the quality for all people in our country at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought else okay so i don't know what that was what would be your plan to fix inflation now i'm not an economist obviously i'm not an economist but my plan to fix inflation uh... would be and i don't know if this i don't even know if this would be a plan to fix inflation but i would probably stop sending billions of dollars uh... overseas to different countries uh... that would be something that i could think of and i would probably and this is probably this is why i will never run for any offices when this i'm stupid okay this is my dumb this is my dummy plan to lower inflation this is i i know nothing about finances i know nothing about okay my my my first thought to lower inflation would be to stop sending endless amounts of billions of dollars to other countries i would stop getting involved in regime change wars i would lower i mean i'd get rid of the gas tax at the pump i mean i know it sounds that's probably sound stupid right away but there's no tax on food so why should there be attacks on gas i mean who decides what okay and i think the third thing i would do would be to stop printing money now somebody listening to this is probably be like my god this guy is a fucking idiot but that's you know that's uh... that would be my plan let's uh... let's go back to kamala because i don't she probably knows uh... how to speak better and uh... she's probably a better order than i am so let's take a listen sorry my my voice is turning into dr fauci here we are with the science i said to the congressmen i didn't know he could preach like that the girl i'm out here in the streets and let me tell us as they say they not like us well i see people that's a fire can i get a witness so what we're going to cook today okay is an indian recipe yes because yes you are yes yes so we're both indian yes but actually we're both self yes yes yes indian uh... i am kind of a hair my pronouns are she and her and the woman i can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been you know what can be unburdened by what has been what can be unburdened by what has been who this is a reveal i've never been as that i did talking i said to the congressmen i didn't know it that laugh that laugh has just got to be i mean i i can listen i don't think dug in cumulus still sleeping the same bed but come on man oh we have to stay woke like everybody needs to be woke and you can talk about if you're the wokest or woker but just a more woke than less woke oh we have to stay are you woke come on it what what is this go woke go broke uh... what's this person say she's not fit to run this country come on she's not popular let's see what she says about uh... at ladies and gentleman and everyone else that is called by dynamics that is called by the namix and we are very proud of by the namix at ladies and gentlemen and everyone else are you proud of by the namix man i wonder if that's her uh... like signature thing just to laugh the way i don't know well okay let's listen let's turn to uh... Nancy Pelosi okay let's see what Nancy has to say about by the namix such a consequential president of the United States a Mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States you're kidding right and Mount Rushmore Lincoln and Joe Biden but you got Teddy Roosevelt up there and he's wonderful I don't say take him down but you can add by such a consequential president is she drunk i mean who in their right mind would consider Joe Biden a president that should be on now rush you know what fuck it fuck it let's put mount let's put Joe Biden on Mount Rushmore i'm for it man let's do it let's put Joe Biden on Mount Rushmore are you are you for that i am i i a hundred percent think that Joe Biden is is a Mount Rushmore president i mean he is a rock okay let's uh... because i mean listen to him this is this is Mount Rushmore it's a bad episode no any case in any serious condition I was exhausted i didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing it's a bad episode no any case in any serious condition now the the caption of this is when you only last ten seconds with the wifey i was exhausted i didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing it's a bad episode it was a bad episode it was a bad episode okay let's uh... what are the voters uh... what are the voters i have to say last video that i went close shopping for my children and a lot of people are shocked to hear that i have children considering i soon my parents for having me without my permission but i just want to make a couple of things clear here so my parents that i sued they contributed to you know conceiving me and my mother that raised me she gave birth to me and that's why i sued them because i did not consent to being here like i was unaware that i was gonna have to grow up and get a job uh... to support myself and i did i i just didn't consent to that they didn't try to contact me in any way before i was born to see if i actually wanted to be here and that's why i sued them now it's different like i know i said it's like unethical to have children before but it's different when you adopt because it's not my fault that they're here i'm just trying to be a good person and like help them out you know so yeah if you are pregnant right now you need to go you need a higher psychic medium and ask your child if they actually want to be here but keep in mind if they don't you need to terminate otherwise they will sue you because i'm making that my life mission to teach children to sue their parents so they don't have to work last video that i went close shopping for my children do you need consent do you need consent to be born uh... someone says she's got to be trolling she's known for this that i mean look i don't know if this is a real thought but i'm sure some people think that i mean dot and certainly could become the first uh... indian senator in u_s_ history which would be quite accomplishment nakwad and u_a_ black and certainly could be i don't know what to say about that jeece uh... let's see here what's this kind of uh... almost voters uh... what do they think like to feel comfortable my skin so i just wear whatever i want and especially during big events i'd like to just dress how i feel and so like to feel comfortable my skin so i just so he's wearing a muzzle on his mouth with the leather strap to his face close to equity which is everyone should end up in the same place and if you then understand not everybody started out in the same place you understand some people need more so we all end up in the same place okay some of us end up in the same place some of us don't end up in the same place some of us some of us just need to help okay let's listen to another uh... let's listen to uh... some daily with wisdom more with them and uh... talking about the significance of the passage of time right the significance of the passage of time so when you think about it there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires what we need to do to create these jobs and there is such great significance to the passage of time what we think about a day and uh... talking about the significance of the past the significance of the passage of time so the significance of the passage of time this podcast this show this little clip you've been listening hopefully for sixteen minutes so i must end the passage of time and i must thank you for listening in to the caffeinated Hebrew podcast the passage of time has allowed you the listener to spend your time passing it time that time that is made of minutes listening to this podcast you know i mean it's not really a podcast it's really a show thank you so much for listening today and i hope that you've learned something about yourself i hope i hope that you've learned that uh... you exist the realm of your consent hey folks thanks for uh... thanks for tuning in i love you have a good Sunday uh... 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