WudUpDoe Podcast

Episode 376: Tyler, The Movie Man


Topics include:

  • Biden is out. Can Kamala do it?
  • Another police murder. Her name is Sonya Massey.
  • Tyler Perry be catching it. Is it just? and more..

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

You're ready Yeah, you're ready for some live shit Welcome Welcome to the deep baby It's all live down here What you see is all real Oh what up though, what up though Welcome back episode 376 So the what up though podcast Yes sir Man I just thought well I thought about it last week But man we're like 24 episodes away from 400 fucking episodes So I got an idea that reminds me I have an idea and it's not necessarily for a 400 episode But I want to do one of them things where and I know you've seen the videos where they'd be doing like dad jokes and shit but you gotta try not to laugh I want to do it I want to do something like that I want to get like I want to be like five people together right and everybody drinking everybody smoking maybe we playing cars I don't care whatever right record on video and we do something like that like I don't know what doesn't necessarily have to be dad jokes but something where you gotta try not to laugh but that's just seem like so much fun to me dog I want to do something like that I don't know how we get integrated into the podcast but or if it'll just have to be video because video is the like the audio can exist but I mean without the video I mean yeah it's like every scene I forget it's like a dad joke thing but the guys they take they basically got two mics facing each other and they sit down they start doing the jokes and if one person you know they get points if they make the other person laugh and then after a while then people jump off to be to people jump back on they ever seen those probably but I'm not sure I've seen a lot of that I've never seen it on tiktok before tiktok was just a full of fucking people selling shorts and random shit dog man well I get into the rant about just social media but yeah I get into that one because I want to I want to kill the vibe early but yeah yeah anyway so I was like before we started I was saying how like so I've been in my gig since February the learning curve has been crazy because I started I had to learn a whole new software and like a week time and then it seemed like the whole time I've been there has been you know just learning shit you know what I'm saying and so I had some ups and downs I had I thought I could get fired because it's fucking engineered to kind of threw in the bus think I talked about that before but I've been good since then oh I didn't mention it too so I told you and I think I told the podcast about the engineer to try to get me fired and so everything worked out I got moved to another project and so but I just have this I'm still pissed about the shit not pissed but it is it's in the back of my head every time I see this motherfucker he always speaking to me like he didn't throw me under the bus like it's fucking amazing how he just he think you don't mention he got it on because I got took off the program okay it wasn't like I just you know I'm saying it he has to know like one you raise a great question doesn't you know I don't I don't know if he knows that I he doesn't know I'm upset about it yes I am yeah but he should assume that if he knows that you know that he did something yeah he think that there's a possibility to know it was him no he he has to know it's me like he requested me not be on it or someone else to be on it to speed the process up because I wasn't going at a speed or I was you know making mistakes and stuff like that okay and so it to appease the customer which he is the customer or the company they move me off to some other other somebody else and so so yeah he's up and you know he it was weird and I talked about it before like long story short we had like it was like a Thursday everything was going good you know I was communicating with him I didn't hear from Friday so I sometimes they have Fridays off so I didn't hear from Friday and I had some other stuff I had to do and so Monday come and I get an email from my lead saying you didn't take an offer that project and I went over to her like what the fuck and she you know telling me he you know he was basically bitching about you know the progress and how slow things going all this shit so took me off I'm like fuck I'm still in the morning days I'm fucked but shit worked out I've been knocking shit out the park so a couple of days ago my lead she had just got back from lunch and the engineer was like two rows behind me with his other designer who's doing work for him and she came up to him and she I wonder if she had like a liquid lunch or something because she was louder than she normally would be and up and she was like well she I guess he request no I'm sorry he apparently was upset that they added this additional designer to help with his program and this is the same nigga that wanted you off the project yeah okay so same dude wanted me off the project we call them Sam Sam wanted me off the project so Sam has these other designers working for him and I guess they added this other guy and apparently Sam was upset that because he didn't ask for this and he wanted to be I'm assuming he wanted to be the choose who it was or whatever the fuck so she stay complaining all right yeah Sam is a big star so she goes on to him out here and she's like why I heard you was upset about you know ask about the decisions you made and then he just he fucking like backed into a wall basically like theoretically or figuratively I should say like no I didn't say anything like that and you know and she like he like well who told you that she's like well maybe you should be a little more quieter when you make these complaints and shit and I'm sitting there just smiling I'm like this it's all this motherfuckers fault it's not me it's this thing of being a bitch you know it's been that shit made my fucking day dog cuz I'm just I was and I looked over at one of my co-workers and I like nodded back and he was listening he smiled he started shaking his head and we just like cuz I'm telling him I've been telling him like dog it ain't me you know I'm saying it's just motherfucker being a dickhead about shit so I never I don't think I've used the phrase warm my heart much but it warned my heart that know that everybody a lot of other people know that he's a dickhead including my lead you know because man that shit was some hoe shit dog like man I could have got fucking fired off this shit dog so that shit made my day but today you know workers work people should request and shit you just you know whatever so today I get I get the first email I get a day as an engineer and saying hey thanks for the work you did it was great by blah blah I'm like bet that's cool so getting my groove doing work out so I do work for like three different engineers and shit I got another email from another engineer cuz I emailed him this yesterday on my progress he didn't reply because I guess he was out of office you know everyday like hey man things look awesome let's meet later to talk about it so I was like bet okay okay you know shit's going good so then fuck you Sam right you can eat a dick nigga all right and so then later on that morning I get a message from my my lead and she's like when the last time you worked on this project this certain project and I'm like yesterday and I'm like actually I've been working on it lately for the past like week or so I'm like is it a problem and also I didn't say it's a problem like I've been working on it for the last week but you got a problem or so right and so she's like well we're taking this program from you and give it to someone else and I'm like and I just froze cuz I'm like oh man this shit happening again and I'm like I'm like I'm like is there an issue with this because we've been in constant contact and he's been you know happy with everything that I've been doing he actually sent me an email this morning about it and she's like oh no we're just doing some rearranging everything's good and I'm like oh okay just making sure and then she put LOL I'm sorry I didn't mean the starter you but all as well I promise and I'm just like fuck cuz I'm not my heart dropped not my thoughts and I and after that first incident happened a lot of the stuff a lot of the instructions he was giving me was through Skype and a lot of those messages disappear so basically there's no CYA and that shit you know I'm saying I can't cover my ass so with this one I've been emailing I've been tracking all this shit so I'm just like yo I got fucking receipts if this shit you know like how the fuck you gonna be telling me everything's good and then you go to my leading state take off so but it was all good so I you know I talked to tomorrow tomorrow more about it with my office but man I'm just like fuck dude I just like man I've been doing fucking great and then this motherfucker fuck shit up and sex bullshit but now is this the thing that you got taken off of that's not a problem that you got props on from the like is that person now gonna be disappointed like yo why you take him off of that shit I was just like and that's the thing too I think it's she saying it's gonna happen I don't think it's gonna happen because I got a lot I'm doing a lot of stuff for this person and the person they're giving it to has way more shit going on so I don't think it's actually gonna happen but you know but yeah so I was just like I'm gonna talk tomorrow like I don't I didn't want it it wasn't my call to say if it should go to other person now but I was just thinking like that's not gonna work I'm like I'm you know I got shit to do from that I didn't finish today I gotta finish tomorrow but yeah so I mean I want to bore people with my work shit but yeah it was just it was a day of cool shit man and I hadn't had one of those days of just like multiple things happening that was like good because these fucking days of trying to work 10, 12 hours man working six, seven days this shit's been like tired and it's fucked up and like the bit of work all these hours and motherfuckers still ain't happy like come on man what the fuck right so yeah man so other I say out of the state it's been a good day for work so I was I was pretty pretty pretty happy about that shit I think Sam probably somewhere sick no I think over here get complimented right right oh yeah anyway yeah so today was biting gave his wine I'm not running speech which was all of maybe 10 minutes for the record for the record both of y'all who were listening I didn't see it so and and I was like cool man I you know I had a set my tablet outside I grab me a cigar I think it's gonna be like an hour but I thought maybe a good half an hour maybe 10 fucking minutes I mean he was essentially basically talking about the good things he's done he like I guess you know the whole thing was supposed to be the reason he's backing out and he said something to the just of it was for the greater good of of of fellow Americans or some shit essentially I'm not if you read between the lines it's kind of like I don't he I don't think he felt he was capable of doing it and so he would rather you know back out and have someone else that was better at it you know continue to do it and that's kind of accounting what he led to so it was essentially I did good shit I want somebody else better to do it and don't vote for Trump God bless me either say Trump's name but that was essentially what I felt what it was man like the thing about what he's done as president like that hasn't mattered in so long like it hasn't been about whether or not he can do the job for a very long time like so like arguments about like hearing people may arguments about what he's done and how how he can despite his age he can still do the job and even myself I'm like you know I expect somebody like him to just put the right people around himself like I'm pretty sure I've said that on the podcast before but like like that hasn't mattered in forever like it's only been about it like as of the I don't know maybe like ever since that debate performance it's been about whether or not he can win the election it hasn't been about whether or not he could be president so like at the end of the day when he get up there you said he says something to the effect of like you know like I'm a step aside so somebody else could do it like it like what it really is is like I know I can't win so in order to give us the best chance of beating Trump I'm gonna let somebody else you know do it you said you know to the interest of saving democracy aka not letting Trump win since I know that since it's since I know I can't win I'm gonna let somebody else have a chance and that's the that was the reality and that's been the reality ever since the debate performance like it was a thing where like we could all kind of be like man ain't looking good for biting or yeah Trump's on fire but when the debate thing happened it was ballgame at that point like so like ever since then the conversation has been about can he win and the answer has been no the assassination attempt was just I mean that was just the that was the exclamation point like so yeah he knows he can't win and if if Kamala does end up becoming president history is gonna look back really fondly on Joe Biden and I think that like it will in general anyway like he's got such a long storied career that you know he'll he'll get criticized just as any politician is or was and you know he's got things that he did that that are not going to be looked finally upon but by and large I think he will probably be looked at as a as a you know a good politician senator slash president vice and vice president but if he if Kamala ends up winning and we can look at it like for sure Trump was gonna win and that old as man like I don't think he did it you know happily but like he did eventually allow himself to be like I I'm if I stay in this race Trump is gonna win and that's gonna fuck our country and and then he's like all right I'm gonna do it I'm gonna step aside that's already gonna reflect well on him but if Kamala ends up winning then it is like confirmed like this thing is safe this is safe democracy step inside and it's like that's how he puts a stamp on his several decades long career like yeah history is gonna look back pretty finally on Joe Biden for this I think he wins if he's still gonna he's gonna come out of this situation looking looking good I think though if Trump wins I think I don't know if this happened or not you tell me I think you're far far my verse then and and probably answering this but I would wonder if Trump wins will Biden be criticized for potentially not dropping out sooner to get stinging behind someone else who was capable of winning yeah yeah definitely he will now is does that mean that he should not necessarily because I would say prior to the debate performance the question it was still it was still up in the air whether or not he could win so it's kind of like yeah if he had stepped aside earlier they they could have more it could have had more time to to you know build up some steam heading into the election although I still think they got a pretty decent amount of time but I mean at the end of the day dog like then again like if I don't think there was really a strong case strong enough of a case to be made prior to the debate that he should drop out it was just kind of like yeah it felt like he was probably not gonna win but that isn't like okay we got a let's have him drop out it wasn't until it became clear like he definitely not gonna win this was like all right well if you have that like most of the time you don't have that where you know you know for sure like this thing is not gonna win this election like that you don't really get that kind of assured is that often like you get that assuredness this far away from the election like I don't know man these are unprecedented times like it calls for unprecedented shit like this we don't have a we don't have a blueprint for it to do here like this hasn't happened before like there's presidents that haven't chose to run a second time but like having already secured the nomination and just waiting on the convention like and stepping down and and and and and not just that not only has that never happened before but if Trump had not been shot at it still might not have happened like the debate performance was when the conversation got like kind of like okay he's probably not gonna win we need to possibly look at having him having him step aside but it was the it was the assassination attempt that really did it like if they had happened he still might it still might not have happened like he still might be running so it's like it's a lot of shit a lot of unlikely fucking shit that happened around the same time to bring this bring us to where we are right now but yeah they know blueprint for this dog everybody flying by the c-day pants at this point just about to figure this shit out just see what happened like because because and and we could talk about this like there's still like it feels late in the game but it's really not like the democrats haven't had their convention yet the election is not until November it's only July there's a lot of time left if this thing again this is if and like if he ends up doing debates with her like I like I personally I still I still feel like she probably not gonna win but this nigga will get smoked on some debates with her dog yeah I was I was thinking the same thing like I don't think this is gonna get reversed here yeah he doesn't he doesn't have the intelligence to to to have a good debate she's gonna wash in the debate but the problem with with with Trent voters that they don't give a fuck about that yeah yeah and so you know I'm gonna take none of his voters now you're watching you're you're gonna take people who are potentially on the fence of potentially not really wanted hadn't been had not been wanted to vote for Biden and that were already on the left side and they were teetering you might you're probably she would potentially win those back but I just don't I mean you have you have to be insane to understand insanity and I just don't see the insanity of Trump voters just like oh my god you know what that makes sense especially from a fucking black woman I just don't see it you know I'm saying like is she's gonna rely on like you said pulling people who are undecided independence and shit like that who weren't comfortable voting for Biden and who were just like just not happy with that and then also and I think this is probably a much smaller group of people or there is definitely a much smaller group of people but people who are kind of like saw the futility in it at this point they're like Trump's gonna win why bother now those people are gonna be like well shit now now it's not a foregone conclusion so now those people might be like all right well I am gonna vote now but there were probably a lot of people who were just like I'm not even gonna bother at this point and that like she could be enough to get those people back to like all right well I guess I'll bother now but yeah I don't know I don't know if there was a number of like you know was counted of like black voter voter turnout for Obama was at 08 when he ran first time he ran but I would I would I would think that the black voter turnout turnout turned out excuse me I can't fucking speak the black voter turnout were probably mirror oh eight or or better this time around like I'm and I'm really curious like I've seen people posting about you know the whole like Greek community like or think she's like an AKA or something like that like I've been seeing a lot of posts about you know people pushing that you know Greeks are coming together and you know to vote like I don't I don't know how many Greeks are you know black Greeks are republicans or whatever but I think it's gonna be a it will probably mirror oh eight oh eight Obama numbers for the black vote if if when she runs I don't see no reason I don't see how she doesn't get denied at the it was a Democratic convention mm-hmm yeah I don't see and I don't think we talked about that oh maybe because we I think we were chatting and it was in a chat with Johnny because I didn't and I just assumed that she was to shoe in for it I didn't know I didn't realize they had to be a vote for that and then once I read the article at the Johnny had posted about it but after that man she was starting to get so many fucking like you know kind of like endorsement I'm sorry and doors I'm like I don't think they're gonna I mean they have to wait for it because it's just a procedure but shit she pretty much got it like and then we I think we had talked about or you you mention that uh or the Gavin Newsom would probably be a good candidate yeah but that's not looking well he already endorsed him will be a good I was saying Gavin Newsom will be a strong replacement for Biden like as a VP pick it's probably not happening oh no I was I would know I was saying you know him being a replacement to run instead of Biden versus Kamala but he endorsed Kamala yeah yeah they're all they're all getting behind her at this point so yes or it's a rat like they're all they're all behind her yeah and and I see they've been you know obviously talking about VP picks and I think the top two people I saw was Whitmer and then it's a so it's like I think he was he was an astronaut from Arizona one of the states I can't think of his name at the moment but uh I mean you know no uh no shade to to grits but I mean having a motherfucking astronaut like I think the people want that you know I don't and then I would I'd be curious how to uh a woman um president vice president uh running oh no I don't know how that would be I would be interested but we already know that women who are Republicans vote against they don't write anyway so they're bad shit crazy anyway so like I don't tell me I won't have an abortion I won't do it like I don't want to control my own body like they're some fucking I don't I don't understand why women or or Latinos vote for Donald Trump like I don't understand that like why how is there like Hispanics for Donald Trump like how is that a thing like this thing is they call them Mexican people criminals like he's there but but like he don't like we know he don't fuck with black people but but he don't get on TV and be like yeah black people like shit they always be right he be on TV like yo these Mexicans become across the border and they rob and rape everybody the same energy I that you know for that I have for black people like you know he constantly says color she's constantly don't give a fuck like he he says some of the craziest shit in regard to black folks and I just don't understand how black people could really really support Trump like I just don't understand it and I don't women and with women it's like okay well we already know he's he's essentially a rapist and then on top of that everybody that he like appoints to offices like judges and shit like that like all of this is seems to I mean it's it probably mostly revolves around him wanting people in place to where if he loses the election again he could have people in place who are gonna like do what he says but another byproduct of that is all these people is trying to get rid of abortions so like why are these with like I don't I don't understand how you can be trying to get rid of abortions and women are voting for you like I just don't like I feel like that yes sure there there are women who are how are religious and they believe you killing a baby sure yes there I'm sure there are some people who truly believe that and they're like because of that I can't you know I'm pro-life I'm rocking with the pro-life people I get it but I feel like there's way more women who just want to have the right to be able to do it even if they don't agree with it they still want to have the right to be able to do it and of course the women who are staunchly left and are you know very adamant about wanting to be able to do it like I feel like there's more there's so many women who fall into those into those categories that I don't understand how Republicans can be elected that like because it that just don't make sense to me well I mean it doesn't but I know like like the whole reason we talking about this is that they be voting against their self-interest because like well I might not be able to have a bush is no more but at least we get these niggas of these Mexicans out of here well that's the calculus right there like I can keep tax tax cuts I can keep keep living the life that I'm living we can get these Mexicans up out of here yeah I'm old enough I'll need to get the abortion away and that's in there you go yeah it's gonna be a interesting next five months or so my bad dude I'm watching this video this woman was sentenced to a year in jail and she tried to run out of court she got caught outside like what do you think was gonna happen anyway it's my bad I was a total distraction about a water fountain yeah well she made it outside but right outside the front door yeah she's making it outside the door yeah that's crazy yeah that's crazy man it was the majority rich and significant right that bitch for that bitch for a wee charge like I said I'm out bro yeah like where you think it was gonna go like we're you what you're gonna go home now like you ran out of court like whoa that's one shit it's coming out so find you right like eventually eventually you go get caught you go get more charges now you have more charges you you you you doing prior year and half now are you just fucked it up even more more charges ain't even got to work to prove bro that it's all on video like it did what I don't know that I don't know I don't know what it's called if you run court is it is it fleeing the looting judge is like I sent you guilty rest this bitch oh man anyways uh yeah so it'll be interesting five months man just just what all of the the the political ads and all the just you know it's it's it's gonna be crazy I can't wait like I like I see Steven and I don't know if this is a real tweet or not because I don't think Trump is saying anything about not wanting to debate Kamala but Stephen King I saw and there was a screenshot so admit it could have been fake I don't know some of the Stephen King he tweeted something about Trump not wanting saying he would not he would not debate Kamala Harris and can you just not debate I guess you have a choice but is it in your interest well it's it's very much so in his interest I must say here's the thing like that nigga don't like like whatever you supposed to do he don't he cannot do it and no one's gonna give him shit about it like I don't understand how this big is so untouchable dog like it's untouchable and lucky like I just I don't get it this big is evil and completely under fucking feed it but like yeah like yeah you supposed to do debates dog but like he will like I'm certain I'm certain he'd be like I ain't doing that and no one would like no no one's gonna do anything well could you imagine if Obama if you could imagine Obama if Obama decide he wouldn't go debate a motherfucker dog maybe calling him so many niggas dog man drag him up there in the news dog like you gonna get up here he be all kind of cool and all kind of crazy shit man but yeah so yeah it's it's probably it's not probably it isn't as best interest to not but man that's oh man it's this is gonna be a crazy round of of shit's going on the shenanigans are gonna be shenanigans boy yeah I really hope they do they do do some debates because that they will definitely be entertaining to watch that's for sure that's for damn sure she gonna eat that nigga up it was crazy is that it may not even make a difference no no it probably probably wouldn't but it would be really like she would have to win on a scare the skin of her fucking chin if she would somehow deploy this off and yeah the country will go fucking nuts um I mean they may even if she win the election this nigga is clearly gonna say that he did with that he got cheated so it's like I like that that's adds to the futility of it like how I said like is a lot of people who probably just like fuck it because like even if this nigga lose he's gonna say that he won and somebody cheated and now he's got a bunch of judges in place who are probably gonna do whatever the fuck he wants so I mean it's definitely not gonna be a walk in the park for uh Kamala if she was a win um because you know she's being president in the system that you know we have a judge a supreme court that is you know put together by you know I'm saying um him and all other things I mean but yeah it it it would be fucking it it would be interesting it's fucking interesting it's fuck if she used to somehow pull this out so we'll see and even if if he does if he wins and he says that he lost he I mean I mean if he loses and he says that he won and still people push back and they're like no like judges and and and other officials and state officials or whatever still don't do the stuff that he tries to bully them into doing just like the first time even if that's even if that happens his fucking supporters are still gonna rebel so it's like because they're not gonna they're gonna they're not gonna buy it like they're gonna believe that you got screwed whether you got screwed or not like she's half the win sizable like and it's gonna be a recount it's gonna be a recount it's gotta be it's gotta be it's gotta be a big win like it can't be it can't be close and it's probably gonna be close but it can't be close because if it's closed we're it's gonna be a shit show it's gonna be a complete fucking shit show in this country like man oh yeah speaking of shit shows in our country uh police officers are still killing us like a motherfucking dog so you wasn't aware I shared you about the story of uh Sonya Massey being uh killed shot in the fucking face the story is so fucked up because she called a police because I was suspected prouder outside of her home I don't understand at what point that she calls a police police comes in to talk to her and they start damn near interrogating her and I don't say they're interrogating but they asking her for her ID artist why the like the process of that shit is just bog with me like why the fuck are you asking her for her ID why does it fucking matter like our system is so fucked up like so she's going through her purse trying to get her her her fucking ID and all this shit I think he he said something about she was boiling some water she goes over to put the water move the water she got fucking uh what doesn't fucking mittens and shit to get the water off I don't know if these motherfuckers thought she even to throw a pot of water across the whole goddamn room and then it won't be just shoots on the fucking face and then there's another part that I don't know if he showed in that what I uh sent to you is oh it did it's he allegedly advised his partner not even give her medical aid are you gonna shoot this motherfucking the face and then not even say don't don't don't help her out but you just you just killed her and uh like that video so like just the fact that like from the very beginning of the video I was irritating because I'm like why is this nigga even in the house as making her get her ID like if I call the police because I'm I feel unsafe in this because it's somebody might be lurking outside why are you like you lucky I even let you in the house I didn't need to do that like so if if I let you in the house which I personally would not have done but if I let you in the house nigga we have an abnormal conversation I'm not bringing I'm not taking out my ID to prove to a stranger that I'm that I'm the person I am in my own house nigga suck my dick nigga I'm not pulling out shit dog so like already that irritated me why is he telling her to turn off her pot her pot is on the stove bitch nigga you don't live here nigga if I want that shit to evaporate it to nothing this nigga I'm gonna do it dog like what the who the fuck do this white man think he is coming to somebody house making all these fucking demands and shit then all she did they have a joyful conversation cracking jokes and shit about the steam from the pot and then she says I'm like I rebuke you in Jesus name you know you better fucking not her I'll shoot you in a fucking like nigga what the fuck where did that energy come from like does he even like he probably don't even know what that shit mean like she said I rebuke you in a name of Jesus he probably thought that meant I don't know he probably thought that meant I'm gonna throw this pot water at you something like he whatever the whatever the fuck this nigga I mean I mean I think was like okay it's one thing to just be against any kind of religion but are you just are you fucking troubled by the fuck by this phrase or something like that whole thing through me I'm like why is he tripping about that like he got like he got like way angry when she said that shit yeah and I'm like like he got so angry that I fully believe he must not know what it means like is there's no way you could get that angry and somebody's saying that though like especially because y'all were joking around at the time so I'm like he must have thought like he I'm telling you dog this nigga gonna try it well I'm if when he gonna try I bet you his name he like y'all don't rebuke me he's about that I know it a bit cuz though like why you get that angry then lastly he's like drop the fucking pot drop the fucking pot like drop the fucking pot it's a pot nigga why why why does she have to drop the pot what does she go like like they were like sound ridiculous they were 20 feet away do you think she's gonna throw the pot and hit you from that fucking far and it's also the more thing about a market angry because it's so fucking ridiculous and she and now it's a person life gone because of that shit man I hope they kill that nigga and then we invent the technology to bring dead niggas back to life and then we do it with him and kill him again fuck that nigga times a million dog like man I wish the worst on this nigga man like fragile whole niggas like that need to stop being police and when they do ho s shit like that they did examples need to be made out of them that's what these that happened not just like a slap on a wrist not all he lost his job all he he got he had to take an unpaid leave no nigga these niggas need to get buried under the fucking jail nigga he has no justification for what he did at all nothing he can't lie and say I felt threatened he can't lie and say I thought she had a weapon he nothing it was just casual conversation he turned up out of nowhere and he shot a woman holding a pie bro that nigga needs to be like man I death this nigga death him dog it's a verb now death this nigga man like I don't want him around no more I don't want people like that out here dot and another thing to add to the courageous of this and I saw a tweet and I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna this is exactly true because I think I read another article about this so the cop to kill her had multiple DUIs admin and had been released from several other than the police departments because he was so unqualified and unstable so this motherfuckers been doing fuck shit for years and then fire and then been picked up again and fire again like I see keep a job see and this is why when we had the whole people talking about the fund the police dumb motherfuckers started meant just like in the police and it's like no let's divert funds that we are clearly wasted on whole ass niggas like him and the people who he works for that know that he's a problem and continue to keep him in the streets why are we giving pieces of shit like that money divert that money to places where it can be used for people in these situations and that like so then we don't have somebody getting killed for holding a fucking pot because some I don't know whoever the fuck's decision it was to put some unstable racist cunt into the onto the streets over and over and over again despite having proof that he don't belong there like why do we get why are we giving these niggas money they clearly don't know how to fucking use it so like see man trying to try to all to begin turn up still this ain't ten years ago what up though podcast but ten year most crazy pressure up the kind of year ago we were talking about the same shit right the same shit like I think I don't know what I don't know which deaths happened it's been so fucking many many but over the course of the last ten years we've been doing this we've covered so many fucking police unjustified shootings and that's a wildly specific thing to say that we've covered a lot of white on black police shootings from and I hate I can't think it because it's been so fucking many but I think it was in South Carolina the the black dude that was running away from the cops and he shot him I remember him yeah yeah yeah I can't believe it if somebody said his name I would be like that was the guy yeah what we're talking about but like it's been so fucking many you know I'm saying I mean dude from Eric Garner being choked out to Philando Castile being shot in this car I'm not laughing at that I'm just laughing so many fucking situation like that was so stupid because at the time you know you had you know the the NRA was so pro not they were they are so you know was it what's the first member second member told a gun second amendment second and none of these motherfuckers rallied around a black man who was killed and had his own fucking weapon never went for it and got killed by a shaky ass cop and shit like our systems are so fucked up like I get why people move out of the country like I totally fucking get it like like there's a lot of freedoms in in in the US and you could do a lot of shit but you get killed by the cops in any fucking time and all that's just done it's a day two man like the whole argument of like if you don't like it here go somewhere else with the with the idea being like oh there's places where they don't like there's places where you can't do this there's places where you can't do that well Mitch I ain't going to them places if I like you act like the only alternative to here is like the worst places like no like there are places that are better than here like like there are places where where the people who live there read and are smart who care about other people and like who don't do this kind of shit and who don't go crazy over having guns and all this kind of foolishness and countries that help help people instead of trying to keep them down like like that's not a threat like oh leave the country if you don't like it here bitch I'm playing too I hope to one day as a gold nigga like she's there's not a threat fuck yeah that's that this is why more like you think I want to be in this motherfucker oh man like niggas that man this cut man like I'm like again I'm not now I'm not even going to qualify that statement because saying that this country ain't all that is not trying to make it sound like you know like like I don't need to be reminded that they are worse countries like that's obvious to me no shit I know that there's worse countries I know that a lot of them are worse so like I don't even need to qualify that statement that's obvious that I know that they're worse countries but this one ain't the best one neither niggas so if I can upgrade that's what the fuck I'm gonna do then it's like who the fuck are you gonna tell me to go to another country you go to another country motherfucker ain't yours if you fucking go to say some shit like that and it always come from white people mm-hmm I ain't never heard a black person saying well you should leave to go to another country then and shit it could be but I heard it man these white folks man they got some nerve they got some nerve making it making a terrible country and then making a solid we ungrateful right there is your father's been so shitty nigga we should be thankful that you know we should just comply and and nigga we could plan we still get killed motherfucker shit like we should be happy because we not slaves no more like they all right yeah yes they like Bill Marby doing that shit all the time and he gets about fucking nerves the he act like like when people be complaining like they don't appreciate how things are better now like like nigga just because it's not as bad as it was doesn't make it good like why like you too smart to be making this stupid of an argument like like yes I'm grateful to not be a slave and shit like that and I'm grateful for to not have to be segregated from other places and sitting in the back of the bus and all that kind of shit yes that's all great I also would like to not be killed by the police for no fucking reason I also would like to be treated fairly at my job it's the same as the white people get treated like this all I would like to not get followed around stores and treated like a criminal like I also like those things Bill Mar and white people who act like because we not slaves no more we should be satisfied with this continuous shitty treatment like no it's still shitty in his bitch it's just shitty differently like fuck out of here dog my people saw a clip when they were talking this I forget what show it was yeah I was talking about how it's just it's it's it's a lot more black Republicans in the party or whatever and the other guy responding like just because it's you had a raise instead of potato salad don't mean oh yes I look good yeah I saw that yeah oh man I just knew you added all these fuck ass black folks that don't give a fuck about black folks don't mean shit better over there shit that just mean you got black folks is doing the same fuck shit as the white folks yeah man anyways that was just a nerve reckoning um kind of perry kind of perry is a person who exists yeah he's a person who exists I would assume uh I would say assume he's uh he's not a Republican he might be Republican he's an attack bracket of Republicans yeah you know that's that's kind of like the difference I think to between like Republicans and Democrats and I'm not even necessarily trying to throw shade I'm just calling it yeah but yeah but I'm saying like if I'm trying to throw shade I'm gonna own it so I'm but I'm not trying to throw shade right now but the difference I think really is like Republicans seem to vote in their own self interest like for the things that are like and when I say their own self interest I mean for them personally so they might be like I am in a tax bracket where I won't be uh I'll be tax list if I tax list if I vote for the Republican guy so I'm gonna vote for the Republican guy and all the people who might be damaged by other things that that same Republican guy also runs on they don't if that if those things don't affect them they they don't care they're like oh I'm gonna I'm gonna say about money on taxes and all those other things that this person is doing that are terribly racist and terrible to poor people that don't affect me so whatever I'm not I'm still voting for the guy who's gonna cut my taxes and Democrats are like the opposite of that like they vote for the person who's gonna do the most to help the most amount of people and at least and now I'm speaking to myself specifically I would rather pay more in taxes with the amount of money that I make even though I'm not in like I'm not somebody who's like I'm not wealthy like oh I just got money to throw away for tech but I'd rather I understand that I currently live like a privileged life right so like I'd rather be tax more if it will go to programs that will help people that aren't as fortunate as I am because like I grew up in Detroit but like I'm I could I made it out quote unquote there's a lot of people who are born in Detroit that aren't gonna make it out that's all they ever gonna see and they gonna end up in the streets they gonna end up doing whatever the fuck and I was just fortunate enough to have the just the the brains I guess to be able to just move through life well and I was and I was fortunate enough to have parents to help me with that I would rather be tax more to help them niggas who don't have the stuff that I was fortunate enough to have in Detroit like to help them niggas out and to make it so that they don't have to you know be starving and you know they could get you know you know cheat you know cheese and eggs and all that you know the fundamentals for cheap or whatever for free where I'd rather help them that's how I look at it I want to I want to help the people who who don't have what who don't have the the gifts that I had or who don't have the upbringing that I had I want to help them people and I if I can I will do that at a detriment to myself because as long as I'm not hurting my own family in the process right right so like that to me is the difference so when you say like I already forgot what you said but um whatever the point was though that when these Republicans are voting like to me it looks like they to me it feels like they vote what's best for them personally and and to hell with whether or not that same person that they're voting for that will help them will harm exponentially more people like it's just like well but my check will be fat so I'm good right right and yeah and everybody looked like them as fucking suffering and shit but they don't give a fuck anyway so yeah I'm Terry yeah right yeah right because we said if he is a Republican yeah that's the point that I was trying to make is that like you said he was in the tax bracket for Republicans and that's why I said that's that's why I made that point because I'm like he's in the tax bracket for Republicans so chances are he's probably Republican because that's how they be thinking once you get that money they want to keep that money and as a I'm sorry to kind of get ahead of our get ahead of our story here but from my perspective as a nigga who exploits black people I don't have any problem believing that he also might be somebody who's like I don't care about voting for so-and-so shitty person if they're going to keep my keep my taxes in order so uh yeah Tyler Perry though Tyler Perry so uh so the tweet was and I just really we don't have to watch the video and post anything about that but Tyler Perry dismisses quote highbrow Negroes criticizing his films he said who are you to be able to say which black story is important get out of here with that bullshit I made the point earlier and I'm curious what your thoughts is the whole thing not on well not on what I'm going to say but just on that story is that Tyler Perry has been making movies for years he employs a lot of people he puts out a lot of stuff a lot of controversial stuff that I don't necessarily watch or whatever but what I always find interesting is that people thrash fucking criticize the hell out of Tyler Perry for the shit that he makes but they never almost ever that I see criticized any of the people that works for him any of the actress actresses any of the people that are employed all this shit but it's all on him and I always wonder like if he's so fucking bad why aren't the people that work from the same get the same energy because it never happens and I'm like is he doing something that bad it can't be that bad if he's employing all these people he he paid I forget the actress but she made the most money she's made in a fucking movie of working with him he's paying people there making shit and it may not be the shit you want but it's what's going on and it's not I don't I don't know I can't say that the things that he or make the the movies he he's making is detrimental to black folks but he's employing a lot of people it ain't fucking mystery shows and shit or maybe some of them call it that but it's always interested that the people never catch it but he always catches it for it for any of this shit he makes so I have thoughts on both your comment and on the story in general because like my thoughts on Tyler Perry have evolved over the years you know like I've I've said before I think on this podcast that I sometimes think about some of the stuff I said when I was younger especially within the context of how confident I was when I said it at the time and I'll look back and like man you was dumb you ain't no shit back then and it even makes me wonder right now like when I'm 60 am I gonna look back at 40 year old me like man 40 year old might get no shit neither with 40 year old Mike currently feels like he knows quite a bit but anyway um my thoughts on Tyler Perry have evolved over the over years like I do still feel like what he the the content that he makes is I don't know how harmful is too harsh I don't think it's harmful but I feel like I don't like how he depicts us put it that way and that's a fair assessment yeah but I also take into account that one and this is to your point these people who work for him and and I'm not gonna say these people who work I'm just gonna talk about the actors and actresses they work for him for a reason if they thought that what he was doing was harmful to black people I would imagine a lot of these people probably would not work for him if they thought what he was doing was harmful some of them would because he does have a lot of people who are like you probably need the job but he also often also cast big name actors and they don't have to do that and I feel like if he was really if they if they felt that he was harmful to our people and how he depicted our people they probably wouldn't work for him the reason them not getting criticized I think is unfair I think if you are going to criticize him you should also criticize the people who are acting in the movies so to that point that you may I think that those people should also be criticized if you are going to criticize side of a parry but here's my kind of like my conclusion at the end of the day he makes content that is desired by a great number of people there are people who want that and he delivers it the people who shit on him it ain't he's not making it for you so it's kind of like maybe just mind your own business and that's kind of how I feel right now you don't have to see that shit maybe I should mind my own business because yes it's not yes I don't think it depicts us in the best way and I don't like that I don't like us being depicted in that way but at the end of the day it's not like he's doing this against everyone's will there are actors who are willing to work in it he's giving people jobs he's making a lot of money for for these people and paying them well and he's making movies for people who want to see these movies and they're happy to get them and I'm just like okay well why should I shit on these people's good time like I don't think it's good for us but at the end of the day there are people who that is their form of entertainment that's their getaway when they don't want to deal with whatever shit they got going on in their life they want to sit back and they want to watch a Tyler parry movie and they think it's funny and they have a good time and that's their two hours of getaway and who am I to say that he shouldn't be doing that because his shit ain't for me so like that's kind of so that's my kind of evolved opinion like I still don't like his content I think it makes us look bad but at the end of the day it ain't my fucking business I don't think I wouldn't go so far as to call it harmful it's not for me and it's not my place to say that the people who it is for who want it because he's not putting this shit on us against our will there are people who want this that's why he makes so much fucking money there's a lot of people who want this who might have said that they shouldn't have it so that's my evolved Tyler parry opinion and it kind of makes me think about uh what was that you remember the episode of Atlanta where they were depicting him he was like the voice in this in the like the voice of god and shit yeah yeah yeah yeah what's that is that is that sense of might do so he he throws some hot grits on somebody or somebody throws some hot grits on him or some shit like that I think he did at the end or some shit like that I think or somebody threw it at him I can't remember uh something like that hot grits were thrown yeah for sure right it's just not true who was the recipient yeah uh but yeah it's just like anything else like you know people can play in about motherfucking the making podcast y'all think i gotta listen to that shit yeah people you know there's so much terrible fucking social uh social media creators out here like I remember like I we were earlier we had a social media rant you wanted to go on well yeah I'm kind of getting that but I don't it ain't too strong but I remember you know like we were talking earlier before we recorded about I was trying to describe that dad jokes uh TikTokers I used to see where you know they were both it'd be two guys they'd sit it they'd be having mics facing each other and they'd just tell these jokes and if you know one person laughs you know the other person will win and then they're two two other guys it used to be full of like good content now it's motherfuckers selling shorts it's motherfuckers popping in content and you know of other people's shit like one of the one of the things that TikTok that bugs me is is many things but it's just they were someone will get a video and it has some crazy story and they and they they won't post a part two and so you want this cliffhanger of what the fuck happened and it's just like why what's the purpose of this content if you're not going to tell the whole story that may be a small random I don't know anybody shares that one but they were watching video people email in us email to us there what they see on social media that they don't like like I hate this type of content I got a few let's do that for sure yeah um I mean we can say them right now I'm just saying other people can name something too but I'm I'm about to name if I'm gonna name a few when you done uh yeah so that's one of yeah boss uh one I like I dislike one of the ones I thought today and it was just so fucking troubling dude like it was this video of so it's this older guy he's he's uh he pulls up in a big ass semi and the video is captioned uh man finds out daughter just just died or something and so he's not the father he's the grandfather he gets out and he's asking the police what happened and they're like well you need to move your semi and he's like I need to know what happened then his son comes over and tells him that you know this daughter died in a car accident and it's like why are you opposing it what what's the what's the value add a posting content like that like that shit was disturbing his fuck like you want to see him break down on fucking camera like that's just that's the social media that's the content creator that I absolutely fucking hate it just it just served no fucking purpose dude like you you just want this shocking all video or some shit of somebody their fucking child is dead like why did how did y'all have this video it was a uh um can't a police can video or some shit and I'm just like why is this shit out here like it's so much terrible social media like another thing I hate too is fucking reels on fake like I don't understand like I know Facebook makes money for people and shit and so and it thrives on ads and shit so I can understand ads and shit I see you see ads all the time what I don't get is these like fuck ass reels and just content like I was you know complaining with you and Johnny about on a regular feed of seeing all this shit I don't follow it's just always on the wheel so you know you can they have a tab now you could just watch the shit you actually follow whether it's people or groups and shit like that but it's just so much you ever see the reels where it's showing something is about to happen but it stops and so it's like it pulls you in to see what the fuck happens when if you watch the whole video or something and it's always stupid shit like it's always the most stupid shit and I'm like how is this making money for people I don't I mean for for like Facebook I don't get I don't get the the I don't get how it's how this is profitable like you know like I don't understand it I just don't get it like it's so much fuck it's like nigga shit all the fucking time and I'm like why just shit on my feed why don't oh man I mean it used to be like you know it'd be what's those videos it'd be a video of like the big ass machine that crushes shit so just be random shit they crush or something so you see shit like that random but then they'd be like a person about to fall in a hole and then they fall and it's like okay what was the purpose of this fucking video like like how did this make Facebook money or some shit like that my views on the you know I it's so much fucked up content out here dog so fucking much dude like and I just hate that I'm partially addicted to scrolling Facebook and TikTok and shit because I don't stop doing it I mean I'll stop okay this too but I'll put my phone in but then I go back to it and start looking at the same shit over again so it's my it's really a me problem because I could just avoid this shit and just not be on the ads but it's a totally me problem like ah man like it's it's a lot of bad like bad content in the sense of like like like you've been saying like like what was even the purpose of making this like like like even if it's something that ultimately ends up getting a lot of views like I'll be watching stuff like why would you even think that got a lot of would get a lot of views where you made it like like it would be stuff that's so bad and I'm like why are people watching this like one of the the one of the things that I hate the most and I see it mainly on Facebook it's like videos where white women are making bad food and trying to pretend like they're not making like like it's a for real recipe and shit like like a like it's like like a recipe video just like it looks like any other recipe video but it's something absolutely fucking disgusting and nothing nobody would ever actually make in real life but they're pretending like it's like for real the whole time I don't I don't get those videos. I see this one on tiktok all the time uh it's a woman and then he got pissed in and his mom is making like these nasty ass fucking recipes and shit I see that all the fucking time like if it felt on purpose like they were trolling like trying to be funny then I would get it because I'm like okay well they're trying to make people laugh so that's what that's you know they'll get their views or plays whatever that way and they're just you know fucking around but like the videos are passed off is real like there are people who are going to watch this and try to try to make these things and it's like what like what do you even try to achieve right now like you're not like are you you're trolling that hard but like no one's good like you like people are actually going to think that you either don't know shit about food which is that reflects poorly on you or they're going to like make this and they're going to hate it and that's going to reflect poorly on you and there's no like like you think that you made that like now you're going to get a whole bunch of views so you're just like well it's going to make me money so fuck it or whatever like I don't I don't understand the goal in making those videos like I saw one today was like this is my kid's favorite meal and she took like six McDonald's like regular cheeseburgers layered the bottom of a pan with those put french fries over that put ketchup over that put nuggets over that put on another layer of cheeseburgers on top of that another layer of fries another layer of ketchup another layer of nuggets and then shredded cheese on top put it in the oven took it out like yeah it's my shit duh it looked disgusting because again everything's already cooked so like a McDonald's cheeseburger ain't gonna live up to oven time duh like it's just not like it didn't look good and it's like why did you make this like this video like now do you watch it like why did you think like all right let me go to all the trouble like all the money that you spent at McDonald's why did you make this video it's fucking people just trying to go viral for whatever you know just it's just I don't know if people just fuck at some point they'd be able to make some money off this shit so they just do this dumb shit because it's been like I don't know man it's a so that's a real I'm not justified it by no means I think it's fuck shit at all but that's the only thing like do you feel like you gonna make some money off this shit I mean there's been tons of people who have you know I mean you think about uh and it hit I don't know remember the other the african dude they always he would show the the shit that people made hard he would show the simple and just put his hands up and shit yeah yeah yeah like that guy made millions off that shit duh and I get everybody wants to get that fix of doing weird shit and becoming a millionaire off of it I mean I mean get your hustle on but god damn your fucking content is terrible man and have you seen the videos to another one I don't like it's another one I seen on Facebook where it be like a video where it seems like they're about like they they're about to do something like and you're really interested in seeing what it is but then they do they delay it for like a really really long time and then you go like if you look on the scrubber on the video you'll see the video is like 15 minutes and it's like 15 minutes of them just like almost doing whatever the thing is yeah duh yes oh my god duh I hate those videos like they got me with those maybe like the first one or two times I saw it where it went on for so long I'm like what what's going on and oftentimes I'll be watching the like videos without the sound so I'm just so I'm just kind of like looking at it and I'm like what the fuck why does this take it so long and so it was a couple of times before when I like what before I would catch on right away like I see the video I'm like oh this is probably one of them videos and now I immediately go to the scrubber and see like oh yeah it's 15 minutes yeah fuck this video just keep going but I don't like those and then I've talked about on on the podcast here I'm sure before I don't like the videos where it's somebody watching somebody else's content and not saying nothing those are just making faces I hate the I hate the why why why did you feel like your face is gonna be evaluating for this shit you already took somebody's content now we got to watch you react to some oh man like if that may be that may be high on a list for me that's definitely that's my number one like if you like if you like if they were saying something or like giving commentary and shit like that fine but just sitting there and making faces like dog oh my goodness man that's my most hated social media content I hate those hate those videos that yeah like what did you what are you what are you providing nothing who shared it what are you providing nothing and you took somebody else shit so right and even original content so it's just like uh yeah that's that's high on my list yeah it's it's a shit show of content it just seems like a move to get all platforms it just seems like a move to get views off of somebody else's shit without I can't I can't even say without ripping it off directly because no you still ripping it off directly so like it just it just seems like it just a move to get plays for yourself off of somebody else's content and you're not even gonna you don't even care enough to like try to provide something on your own like a joke or something like that like man yeah I hate that content but hey maybe we just oh I think everybody else loves it part part of it is I think so um yeah it's but I don't understand the appeal I don't I don't get it and that's why that's why I hate those videos the most is because I don't understand the appeal like there's a lot of things that I don't like but I at least understand why other people like it and I can go that's not for me but and or not even that's not for me I think that's stupid I can even go that far but we at least I understand how other people can be entertained by it I don't understand the inner I I don't understand the purpose of those videos like what are we supposed to get out of that like like from the for the person who's who's just sharing the video and and just them watching it and making no faces or saying no words just just or even if you are making faces really make it faces ain't enough for me like if you're not making cracking jokes or something about the video or something like that if you just make it faces and silence what what what were you providing what were you trying to provide you like you were just just another another way of me seeing somebody else's creative content like because yeah like I don't I don't get that so that that's why that one bothers me the most I don't understand the appeal of it as I'm scrolling through Instagram and these country bucket ass niggas are pouring Hennessy and crawfish and eating out okay now I'm done with I'm done with social media for today I am done I am so done Hennessy and crawfish done is the are they pouring Hennessy onto the food or are they putting food into their drinks no they help they're holding fucking crawfish and they're pouring fucking Hennessy in it okay wow is it is it cooked it like is it ready to eat yeah could they're drinking the Hennessy and then they're eating the rest of the the contents out of the crawfish I would do that I'm not doing that fuck that I'm not I'm not nope the only reason the only reason I have to say maybe maybe I was I would want to say maybe some bug if it was if it was a better if it was a better beverage I would 100% do it I didn't say it instantly oh so you take you take a shot of you look at it bourbon maybe maybe make sense you know like you know I could see people being in New Orleans be even on being on bourbon street pouring bourbon in crawfish like I could almost see yeah my hesitation was because it was here to see yeah yeah yeah that was a part of my hesitation but then I started thinking huh maybe bourbon like okay but uh uh and I was I don't know why I'm mad it was a pint like a half pint like I didn't get you know that doesn't make a difference these cheap ass niggas did it with a double shot right oh you should make it niggas you might have to just use Kessler if that's the case fuck you get a whole fit at least this bourbon right you get a whole step you right could get a whole fit the castle for the price of a fine I was gonna say man I don't know how much Hennessy costs nowadays but it might you I would I would guess and I have nothing to base this on the price of a fifth of Kessler is probably closer to the price of a half pint of Hennessy than it is to a pint of Hennessy that's a that's my guess I might be wrong I'm probably wrong but I don't think it's I don't think it's off the table that it could be closer in price to the half pint is more but I think it'd be probably closer not probably possibly closer in price to the half pint than to the pint of Hennessy just because I feel like I read somewhere that Hennessy is way too expensive right now I think I think I think I think a fifth of Hennessy is about 30 bucks no no I think it's no I think it's way more to that uh think it's more yeah no because I feel like I heard somewhere to hit like somebody said a price of Hennessy that I thought like whoa Hennessy is way too expensive now now I did see a picture of this chick had a pint of Hennessy and that shit and I don't know if it was how if she's at the corner store some fucking shit but it was like 26 bucks and I was like that's crazy yeah so if it's 26 for a pint then I'm right whoa god damn whoa Hennessy is forty dollars four four fifth okay so it's not a 26 for a pint then I mean but shit yeah a pint a pint is uh twenty dollars yeah so the half you're right so the half pint is 10 so how much is Kessler I don't know how much I don't know how much a fifth of Kessler is it right now I would guess 13 12 no how about this a liter a 1.5 up a 1.75 liter of Kessler is 19 dollars dog so that's uh that's what a half a pint call so I'm definitely I'm definitely right there no you're you're yeah you're so yeah a fifth of Kessler is probably not even probably it might even be cheaper than a half they gotta be like nine bucks right eight bucks or two to a half pint uh Hennessy god that's crazy why is Hennessy so much and why would we be drinking this so there's so many other things you could buy for forty dollars or twenty dollars all right okay Hennessy so mid uh yeah like I like I'm like I'm not I'm not gonna say I'm never gonna drink Hennessy again because if I'm somewhere at a function and somebody puts Hennessy in front of me it was like hey you want to drink as long as I know it's not it don't have you know like date rate drugs into this shit like a trusted person gave it to me I'm not gonna say no like I don't turn down any drinks like I saw I will drink it if it's offered to me but I'm definitely never gonna like buy it or like get it willingly like yo let me get some Hennessy if there's anything else I'm probably gonna get the other thing whatever the other thing is whatever the other thing is like I got Hennessy and I got all right let me get the other thing the only thing if it was gin then I would take the Hennessy but anything else I'll probably take it the other thing no yeah you're right I was yeah I will go with that because uh yeah fuck all right man you got anything else now we can wrap it up all right then well uh till next week folks yep peace peace