WudUpDoe Podcast

Episode 374: Presidential Mistakes


Topics include:

  • Biden and his mess ups and how does this "drop out" works
  • Trump folks are really out here
  • The rookie race in the WNBA
  • Em's new music and the Kendrick effect.

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Get ready. Yeah. Y'all ready for some live shit? Welcome. Welcome to the deep, baby. It's all live down here. What you see is all real. What up, though? What up, though? Welcome back, episode three, 74 of the podcast. Yeah, man. Back after a long ass week, man. All these weeks is so fucking long and I died. Oh, man, working weekends, man. It's just like Friday doesn't even be a thing to me no more. I used to look forward to Fridays winding down, chilling in the garage, watching some shit and staying up late. That's just like, fuck, I got to work Saturday. Probably got to work Sunday and just like fucking work as busy as fuck. I mean, I rather, you know, busy work than not working, but fuck dude. Like, God damn, it's just. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad it's Friday. I needed a lottery doc. You know, it's almost, almost Friday and I'm still going to treat it like a day of, I mean, I could like leisurely work on a weekend. So I, you know, but the fact that I don't have to go into the plus, I could kind of just, you know, you know, work the hours. I want to work. So I don't, you know, so, but yeah, I do. I did. I did enjoy just not having to do shit on the weekends. Even if that meant doing shit around the house is cool, but just not work shit. Like, but it is what it is. So. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's working from home, making at least a little bit better. Like it's like for me tomorrow, I'm working from home and, you know, it's still, it's still a work day, but like it's still way different than being in the office and shit. And I'm going to have my kids around. So it's going to be a little, it's going to be, it's good that I'm not in the office and I get to be at home and work, but it's also the downside of that is I'm going to have all my kids here. So it's going to be not easy to work. It's going to be a wife working home on Fridays. No, no, that she's going to be in office. That's why I'm going to be in the kids. Okay. Like we kind of, we basically changed our schedule to alternate so that we don't have to have daycare for the two older daughters over the summer. So right now only our only our youngest daughter goes to daycare. And she goes with whichever one of us goes to the office and then whichever one of us stays home has the other ones at home. But then I'm, but she only goes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. So Mondays and Fridays, the youngest daughter stays home with me because I'm home all those days. So, yeah, Mondays and Fridays are, yeah, they're, they're interesting. It's a, it's an interesting task to have three, three fairly young girls that you got to watch by yourself and work and have a work day at the same time. But it's still better to be in an office. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm pissed because I think they're going to take our work from home days away in September. I'm hearing room that is, which I'm really upset about that. And I'm just like, fuck, I'm just going to make the most out of this shit. They ain't said it yet, but yeah, I, I, I had someone's. Well, the company that we contract to, they're making their employees work from home come September. And I saw that email about a month ago and I was like, man, they're going to do that shit to us too. And yeah, so it's rumors, but, you know, whatever, I deal with it when it comes. But for now, I'm going to enjoy these fucking Wednesdays and Fridays at home. So. Yeah, I think, I think, I don't know, I think my job would like to do that, like to go back to a full five day work weekend office. But I don't know, I feel like, I feel like it was just wouldn't, I feel like they don't want to do it because it would just be, it would go over so poorly. And so I feel like they're going to stay away from it, but I don't know. I kind of feel like, I feel like if they feel like they can get away with it, they'll do it. Like that's what they would prefer would be to have all, all five days in office, but even if that ends up happening, I'll be like, well, shit, I had a good run. A few years of working at home like man, that was a nice guy. I didn't even got six months in fucking working home. And I'm just like, fuck, we got to go back on a, and the worst time school is it in. So traffic is bad, and it's be winter and shit, like the other day you want to stay home when it's fucking snowy as fucking. Yeah, I don't even think about this shit. This shit pissing me off. Just just just the thought of it. Fuck, I got even better news that my, that I guess it's supposedly it's rumored that my team is going to move into the bill into the same building that my daughter's daycare is in next month. And that, for one, that's one of the only buildings in major in the major downtown surrounding Campus Marsh's area that my company owns, not my company, but you know what I mean, the company I work for on. Like, you know, they own a lot of, a lot of buildings downtown. Like we have, we work out of like a good, I don't know, I don't even know how many five six I don't know, but it's the only one that I haven't actually worked out of yet. So one, and I go into it all the time is probably the best looking one. And so I'm excited to get to work in that building and then that would make it so that my desk, the daycare and my car are all in the same building without me even having to go outside because my garage is underneath the building. So I was like, pulling to the garage, go up, go up to the daycare floor, drop the kit off and go up to the floor of my desk and then do the reverse once time to go. So don't even got to go outside. So, man, I'm really, really looking forward to that next month. I mean, yeah, if you got to be, if you got to go in, and the shit you got to do that shit sounds super fucking convenient. So, yeah, that's dope. And I don't imagine there's not a lot of people that have the daycare in the place that the building that they work in, like, it got to be a small percentage of people that has, that has that, you know, going. Yeah, and no matter where I've been at, it's a short walk, like, the farthest I've worked from from the daycare in one of our buildings is like two blocks. And it's not even like to, like, full, like long ass blocks. Well, no, I mean, I know I say maybe there's two blocks, like a legitimate two blocks, but like, that's the farthest I've worked from the daycare and it's a, it's a very quick walk. I mean, well, I don't have to explain it to you is from, from Jefferson to fucking campus marches basically. That's a, that's the farthest I've had to walk. So. So, first video I see that someone posted the Z. I was, I got home, cut the grass and came back for my phone that. Biden mistakenly called Kamala Trump. Oh my goodness. Did you see that clip? No, I didn't see it. And I didn't see after the fact after I didn't see if he actually corrected himself. The video I saw just cut off after that. But I read on Twitter that apparently Trump and some other folks were making fun of a Biden fucking that up or whatever. I bet. Yeah, he's turning me. I mean, it's, it's damn hard to defend Biden in this day and age right now with, you know, him just not doing a good job. And his, his the rumors of his, his age affecting shit. And you know, I was reading that they had doctors coming out to assess like, I guess it's his health in general but potential Parkinson's or some shit. And I ain't seeing no results or any of that stuff. But yeah, it ain't looking good. It ain't look, I, I, like the dim. So, and you were probably, I was so you would know more than me. But are the dance, the, the Democratic Party pushing for him to get out of the race. Uh, sort of some people are like, so, so before you say that, what is, does that mean he just forfeited his presidency? I don't, the confusion with which you said that, let's, is good. When I say yes, the confusion with which you said that is now will now make sense because you can be like, wow, that is a ridiculous thing to ask. Oh, oh, oh, oh, white man to do exactly. That's why we're not going to happen. And I don't think it's just him the old man to do it's just, I've never heard of a situation in a presidency that they, that the party was trying to get their current president, the incumbent to drop out and I don't understand how to eat. And I'm sorry, I cut you off before you say something but I just wanted to add that part because I'm really confused on how that works. Like he got a step aside, like, it's not like he's already got the delegates like it's already like a done deal like they can't see him versus Trump, right? Yeah, like they can't, they can't be like, like a whole group of Democrats coalesce and be like, we're gonna, we've decided that we now want it to be so and so, like it can't be like that, it would have to be Biden saying, you know, I'm not, maybe he don't say I'm not fit for this shit, but he might, you know, he might be like, you know, I got, I'm gonna focus on some other shit and I'm a, I don't want to spend the next four years of my life is being at my current age still being present. I want to spend the rest of my time, my family, you know, whatever the fuck he got a step aside. And then a different person can be coalesced around, but so, wait, wait, wait, so, and, and forgive me, I'm just, it's still kind of confusing for me. And I don't know why, but if they, if this was to happen and whether he, he said he stepped aside. So does that mean he vacates the presidency as it is right now, currently? No, no, step aside as in campaigning to be the next president. Like that could even be one of his reasons, like I'm going to focus on running the country right now. I don't need to be running the country and trying to campaign for president. I'm old as fuck. I'm just going, I'm just going to continue being, I'm just going to do this. And I'm not going to worry about trying to be president again. Like something like that. So essentially he would just be running his term out until. Yeah, yeah, I'm not going to want to, I don't, basically just not exercising his right to run again. Would be all it all it is. Like he has to write the run again most of the time they do. He could just be like, yeah, I'm tight. I don't want to do it no more. Now, the problem is that he's like, as far as we've gotten, it's, it's harder to bail out. But I mean, like I said, he could, he could just say something like, you know, like I said, I've, I changed my mind and I decided I don't want to spend the rest of this time, you know, the next four years being president. I want to spend some time with my family or, you know, like I don't want to campaign to be the next president no more. I want to focus on handling what's happening in Israel and Palestine right now, you know, whatever I want to focus on the economy or what's happening with abortion. You know, whatever, whatever he want to say, but it would have to be him stepping aside, not, and I don't want to do it no more. Like the fact that it's worse that he's already the guy. So did it kind of be like, well, we still know it's because you owed and dumb because if you didn't want to do it no more, you could have not done it before you already won the spot. You could have dropped out of the primaries and some shit. You didn't want to do it. But, yeah, that's what happened. Man, I don't want to vote for neither one of the motherfuckers, dog, like, I, and he's not going to be the next president. Yeah, exactly. Like, like, basically, like, that's kind of where I'm not where I'm at right now, but the reason I kind of wanted to talk about this too is because I don't like how I feel like nobody is is actually assessing the shit for what it is. It's only people who are saying this nigga, oh, this fuck, and we need to buy somebody else to replace him. Or people who are like, it's not that big of a deal. Ignore it. We need to focus on beating Trump. And it's like, no, it is important. And it's not the most important thing. Yes. So we don't have to, you know, play it up. There are other things that can be played up, things that he has done well and accomplished over the course of his presidency so far that we can play up. But also don't make it seem like it's not a big deal because it is a big fucking deal, how old this nigga is and how fucking he can't even fucking string a sentence together. Like, again, I don't trust this nigga to be a Walmart greeter. Like, the only reason that I'm cool with him being president and I know he can do it is because he's one, he's got the experience, not just to be in president, but the experience of politics. But most importantly is he's going to surround himself with the right, right people to make the right to help him make the right decisions. But like Joe Biden on his own, like, I don't trust this nigga to drive a car. And I'm like, don't downplay that shit. It's a big fucking deal. That was the worst debate performance I've ever seen in my life, Doug. Like, we can't just be like, uh, uh, he's done this, he's done that. It's not that big a deal. Like, oh, that's just the right drumming up his age thing again. Like, no, this nigga is old as fuck and it shows. And so it's like, I wish we would like fucking like live in a world where, and I'll say in a world, but like live in a mental space where we could say it is important. Like, I don't even understand how you can honestly say it's not important that this niggas old. Like, it's the most, you are, you are the president in the United States. You're the most powerful man in the world. It's not important. If you've seen, I'll get the fuck out of here, Doug. It is important, but it's, yes, it's not the most important thing. Let's talk about other stuff too. And they're failing at that. Like, even the Democrats, they're making it about Canada's niggas. Like, should he continue and should he step aside? Instead of talking about all the rights that the Trump team wants to take away all the shady shit they're doing with judges and changing laws and abortion, all that kind of shit. All the, all the stuff that you know is going to come with this racism. You know, all this kind of shit. Like, talk about the things that he's accomplished. You know, build him up. Like, you can still do that too. And then also say this nigga old is fucked. And it is a problem. Just say, hey, he's old as fuck, but also good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing. Like, it could be both things. And I, like, I feel like right now the Democratic party is further fucking itself by continuing to talk about, like, making this be the conversation. Like, this nigga old is fucked. Maybe somebody else should replace them and doing nothing and just talking about that. Like, this is like the worst fucking outcome. Like, this nigga is guaranteed to lose to me at this point. Like, at this point, like, they kind of do have to hope that he steps aside and that they could coalesce around somebody young and exciting or something like that. Because this nigga is going to lose and they're going to have nobody to blame but themselves because, yes, he owed his fuck, but then also, they're just fucking making him look bad by continuing to talk about whether now you should step aside instead of building up his good traits and talk and pointing out all the shitty stuff Trump is going to do. So, like, man, like, the Democrats just do not know. I would say the Democrats just do not know how to do politics. But that's what it seemed like, dog, like that. You niggas is trying to lose? Like, you got, you're not going to, you're not going to push them to step aside, but you're also going to only talk about how we need to step aside. So you're going to tear them down, but, like, not also not make any moves to replace them. And it's just like, man, these niggas dumb, dog, so these niggas about to get his ass kicked off. I mean, I don't even know what person they could even try to replace them to. And I'm assuming you mean, if there was hypothetically somebody that replaced him to run against Trump for November. Yeah. And even then it would, it would, I don't know, have to be, I don't want to say have to be in a literal sense. But it would have to be Kamala Harris, right? So like, and if I'm being honest, I don't think she can, I don't think she can be the leader. You don't even have to add anything to that. She's not getting it. She's been, she's been, uh, what's the term they use between November and January when you, uh, lame dog? Yeah, she's been a lame dog for the last two years. What the fuck is she doing? But it doesn't matter. She's the vice president. So it's like, if you're the president and you say, like, I'm not going to do it no more. What does that look like if you say, I'm not going to do it no more. And then the whole Democratic party is like, let's choose this nigga. And it's somebody not the vice president, like the vice president. I'm like, what the fuck? So I don't know if they have to choose the vice president, like literally if if Joe Biden said I'm out, I don't want to do it no more. Or if, or if say he had a medical issue was like, I can't, I can't be out here campaigning no more. I don't know if it would have to be Kamala Harris. But I feel like it probably has to be Kamala Harris and she ain't winning either. So I can't think of, I can't think right now of anybody who can pick up that much. It's hurting the worst. You're smoking. You're smoking. Oh, absolutely. I don't know white white, but it is white. Right wing. It's white. They're going, they're going to eat her alive. I mean, yeah, there. Yeah. It is. It will be ugly. Ugly. It wouldn't even be like, like she could cook this nigga on debates. She could make all the great points. Like, no, you a black woman. No, man, she could make every, everything could be perfect. They get Jesus could come down and be like, this bitch need to be president. They'd be like, no, we need. We, we, we go convert to a different religion. I guess no way they go vote for a black woman to be president. Henry probably would have had the better chance of any women. What was. Was this a bit? No. Who was the woman? No. Who was going to run some years ago? Woman. I don't know why I can't think of her fucking name. Not Elizabeth Warren. Is it Elizabeth Warren? Maybe it is. I don't know why. She wasn't. She was in the primaries. Yeah. It was. It was Elizabeth Warren. My bad. Yeah. I, I felt like her best chance was back then too. I ain't heard from her in fucking ages. And maybe because I just don't pay attention to a lot of other politics, but I ain't heard nothing from her. So she probably would have been a better chance. Then fucking Hillary. But yeah, Kamala has no fucking chance. No, it's a, it's a, it's a grim outlook to me. But like I said, if they would just stop like dragging this nigga and just like. Again, like build up his good traits and point out all the terribly shitty things that Republicans are doing right now. And all the terribly shitty things that Trump would do if he gets back in office. Like they can still be fine, but it's like. I don't know. They undermine in this nigga and also doing nothing. All right. Well, I mean, you just like Trump, like the funny thing about that debate is almost like Trump didn't even have to try. Like he was just like, I'm not like, he's like, I've just got a, he was just saying whatever the fuck like he didn't even have to like what nobody checking him on his facts that like he, all he had to do was just like his bar for like high performance was just like don't miss speak. That's it. And you could say whatever you want as long as you don't mumble, you'll be fine. And like that's such a low bar. Like all you got to do is talk in the senses and just not fuck that up and you will win the debate. Like he was coasting dog. Like he was just lying. Like what had nobody said shit. Like man, it was crazy. But yeah, I mean, like we're, we're fucked. Yeah, we're fucked. Trump's probably going to win. I'm only saying probably because obviously if I say Trump's going to win, then that's all that sounds like a guarantee. Obviously I could never guarantee something like that. I don't know what the fuck's going to happen. I would have thought Trump wasn't going to win the first time and he did. So I can't guarantee shit. And he didn't have nearly he didn't have nearly the steam that he has. No, he didn't. He didn't. And so I mean, there's a million times more popular. Now he was all four people to listen. Even if I did say no one gives a fuck. I'm, I feel 95% certain that Trump's going to win. Yeah. I feel really strong. I don't know bro. I don't see enough people coming out of the woodworks to keep biting in office. Now there are tons of people who want to keep biting and they're still, you know, with the whole, I don't care. Who's running is going to be biting no matter what, you know, but it's that whole anybody but Trump thing. But it's a lot of motherfuckers who or do it. It's fun. I read the comment that's on this. So I do it with the school. He did a post, I guess, comment on the state. Well, what's what's the name of what it was? It was the name of what the statement he did today, biting. Was it like what was the purpose of this whole thing today? I don't. I don't know what he did today. Well, he made it. He made this statement. He was doing a press conference or something. And that's when he called Kamala Trump by accident. Oh, right. I didn't see it. So yeah, I don't know what I don't even know what he talked about. I don't know either. I didn't even watch it. I just saw clips. Just a one clip of him, you know, calling Kamala Trump. But I didn't see it, but I don't even know what it was. I assumed that you did it. But yeah, I don't know, I didn't, I didn't watch it, but yeah, just. Yeah, dude, it's, it's fucking nuts. I just, yeah, I feel pretty certain that Trump's going to be next present. Oh, let me find his quotes before we decide to move on. But yeah, I just do that with the school with white, white boy. I want to element you with him. And he don't post much. I usually see him tagged in like his post with his wife. And he did a post by what is his nonsense. And this guy made a post. I was laughing. That was hilarious. This motherfucker says Biden is a rotten bag of oatmeal. $3,065 gas, inflation in 19% billions, billions of our tax dollars going to Ukraine. And this piece of shit wants to take our guns and have a bunch of trans men peeing in the same bathroom with our young daughters. We need Trump back. That sentence was like a South Park line. It's like everywhere got funnier and funnier. The trans men together in front of our daughters. You know, you know, it was crazy about that. It's the girl. What's crazy about that is that I hate that shit so much the whole thing about trans and the whole bathroom thing with trans because it's basically it's essentially saying that trans people are pedophiles. And it's just I don't understand that shit. That's totally off the subject. Anything else. But all this shit always bugs me. Like, you know, whether you agree or not what the decision they make of what they want to do and who they want to be, the fact that you are, you know, putting that as like them being dead. Because I mean, they didn't say pedophile, but I'm assuming that that's the angle they're coming in. Yeah. Whack is fuck. But yeah, we have a man. That's not like some South Park shit. Like that was, that was like mad TV South Park. That was a wild line. And that was a thing that you know a real life. Well, no, no, no, no. He didn't say that. Someone commented on there and said that. Oh. My bad. It was a comment on there from a person on his status. My bad. That's your dick or something. No. Yeah. I ain't seen this motherfucker probably about two years. I don't even remember. I was even Facebook friends. Well, but yeah, the other guy. Yeah. He's a. He probably, he probably got a. So I click on the dude's profile and somebody has a shirt that says even my dogs love Trump. That's crazy. Oh, man. He definitely has a Confederate flag at his crib. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So Trump's going to be president. That's the. Yeah, probably. He's going to be pretty. I don't see. I don't see it not happening. Like, yeah, it's going down. Yeah. Anyways, man, that was a great sense of stuff. Oh my God. That was that was there. He had some energy on that one. That is some max like man, like there was something like bad. It was so much wrong with that. So much raw packed into that one sentence. Like to the, like I said, it's a fact that it's just funny. Like I'll be like, man, that nigga got problems. That motherfucker hit Santa was like, yes. Man. Yeah. Anyways, um, so we, we were talking. We had, we, we've had a couple of conversations about the, uh, the battle or. Not battle, but the rivalry of Angel Reese and Kate and Clark. And. I commented in our chat, I think a few, it's a week or so ago that I feel like. The WNBA is going to have to do a split rookie of the year because it's going to be all kind of fuck shit that happens if one of the other gets picked. And. That's, that's, that's the only remedy I can see happening. If they both, especially if they both stay close and like, uh, stat, so whatever. It got it. Like one of them breaks a different record every week is shit. It's like, Oh, okay. The first rookie to get a triple double and then it's like, ah, Angel Reese is broke a record for rebal. It's like, Oh man. Like I feel like this. I feel like this is double doubles. I think it was. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Double doubles. And then, uh, Clark had the first triple double for a rookie. I think a triple double. Yeah. But yeah, I feel like this is probably going to be even closer than the only other. Uh, which I thought is Jason kid and, uh, Grant Hill, the only. Yeah. Co work of the years. Okay. I think man, I'm pretty sure I feel like it. Did it happen a second time? I don't know. I can't recall that happened. But yeah, we'll go with that because I can't recall it. But yeah. So like currently. Okay. Okay, the Clark 16.7. Uh, points, 5.9 rebound, 7.6 assists. 1.5. Uh, stills. Reese is 14 points. 11.9 rebounds. Two assists, one and a half steals. And so I don't know a box. Uh, they didn't list that one. Uh, not really 04.04. Oh, okay. No, so no wonder they didn't list it, but, uh, but yeah. So I mean, she, they're both playing extremely well. I mean, like the last, uh, rookie of the year, last year was Leah Boston. And she didn't have a great stat line at all, like 14 points. And much, much less rebounds, I believe, but she was. She held like four or five leading, leading rookies in like four or five statistical categories. So. She was, you know, clearly the winner, you know, I'm saying at that. But this year, like I say, they're, and I don't even know. I didn't know what the third, a third potential person, because they did that. No one mentions that shit. Um, as far as any other person. So I just assume there's no, there's no other key that's performing at that level to even be considered. Yeah. And I, I kind of, I mean, we've talked about it before, kind of just like what the two of them have done for the sport. But in the time since we last talked about that, I, I've come to the. Understanding of just how much this is a racial issue. Like I, I knew it was, I knew it was one. But I've, I've been seeing more and more. Um, heated arguments, like people seriously feeling like there's favoritism in both directions for, for racial reasons. And I don't know, man, like I, I, I does the, I want a coworker in a year because I don't want to, I don't want the civil war to pop off over this. Like it's already been like a tough shit going on. I don't want the thing that sparks it to be like, ah, Angel Reese one. Like that'd be so embarrassing. Like 30 years from now, like what popped off the second civil war? Like, well, there was, there was all these other things Donald Trump and there was an insurrection and the police was killing black people, but it didn't really pop off until like, I don't want that. I don't want that to be the story. But like, for real though, like, just, man, don't even bother. Just make them both just make them both work in a year. Like you have a solid case. The teams are even in. Well, it's only about the all star break right now. So they still got another half of the season to go. But like the teams are, you know, near each other in the standings, they are both breaking records. It's like, man, it don't pick. Don't feel like you have to pick one. There's already a president. It's already happened in the NBA. Go ahead and be the first time. First wants to do it in the WMA and just make it so that we can kick kick the civil war can down the road into the election. Like give us a few more months before the Civil War pop off. Yeah. And the thing is the whole racial aspect of it is coming from both sides heavily. And it's just, it's, it's unnecessary as fuck. And I think who I was like really disappointed in is Monica McNutt. You familiar with her? That name sounds very, very, very familiar. But no, so she's been a commentator. She's a, she's an, I forget which ESPN show, but it's one of those shows where they show multiple screens. And it was, you know, the one I remember seeing her. It was her. Steven A and Shannon Sharp, going back and forth about just W and B shit. And she, she stood out as being a voice for the WBA, you know, checking them in certain areas. And I, when I saw her, I was just like, you know what, I feel like she's going to be a great voice because she wasn't backing down from them. And, you know, she was coming with just really common sense shit stats and, and other shit, you know, and I was just like, she's going to be what I think would be the person who, you know, cheerleaders this whole movement of the WBA and having a real, a voice from a woman's perspective, about the WBA and shit. But then she goes on this to come, maybe a week, a couple of weeks ago as saying that if Angel Reese was Chicago fever. No, Chicago. Yeah. Angel Reese team. I'm sorry. Yeah. Angel Reese. Chicago. Sky. Sky. I'm sorry. Chicago, but I think it's sky. It's a sky. Yeah. So the sky basically, she said if the sky makes the playoffs that she's rooting for Angel Reese to be rookie of the year. And there's never been an instance. And I don't think in any sport where the team making a playoff was a factor in a rookie of the year. And then I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. No, I'm saying. And so it makes it say it makes it seems like there's a racial spin on it that she's rooting for her, even though she may not be the best fucking rookie, but if her team makes to play off, she should get rookie of the year. And that's fucking bullshit. Like, and I just felt it just, for me, she just lost so much credibility with that because making the playoffs. The rookie of the year is based on a rookie. It's individual play. It's not MVP or some shit. It's individual play of a rookie. And that has no bearing that getting to the playoffs has no bearing to me on, at least as history has been what we're going to year wars. Yeah, if you could, if you could say that the player carried the team to the, to the playoffs, then then you can make that case. But if it's just like the team just so happened to make the playoffs and that player just so happens to be on that team. And I don't even know if they actually, well, I mean, if they carried it, they, if you were rookie and you, you remain reason that a team got to the playoffs. And yeah, you definitely should get rookie of the year unless another nigga did better. But like, like, if, if, if it's just a matter of like that team just happened to make the playoffs and she's on that team, like, I don't think that should automatically get her extra points. Like, I don't think you should bring the playoffs into it unless the player made a significant difference. Or unless the, that, unless they made a big enough difference to where you could see the improvement in their team versus the other player that's in consideration, not, you know, having maybe say comparable statistics, but not not contributing at all, like maybe just like empty stats is shit. But like, her, her argument is just like, I'm just going to go with the standings, especially because I went and looked at the standings at the time I saw, because now I know you talking about, I went and looked at the stands at that time. And Chicago was like a half game ahead of the fever and had fewer wins, like, like the standings were that close. So I'm like, that you just like, it's hard to not say that people are playing favorites. When you, when that's the raggedy case that you bring it. Like, it's, it's not a good look. And that was the first thing that maybe kind of feel like, alright, this shit is looking real if he right now. Because like, that's a really raggedy ass reason to give Angelio vote, especially when it's at the all star break. And again, like I said, there, it's only like a half game difference and Indiana has more wins. It's just that they also have more losses. So like, I don't know, that was, yeah, like you said, that was a raggedy ass reason. Yeah, I just, I don't know. I just, I kind of lost it for that. I just, I just, I mean, people fuck up, but, you know, like, and right now they're, they're tied. Right. They both, and Indiana just has more losses. So it's nine to 13 versus nine to 14. And I don't think neither one of them are actually in the playoffs based on that. So. And I don't know what the cutoff is for that. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. I just, I hope that, I hope that don't even, I hope nobody can even use that as a, as a arguing point. Like, I hope neither team makes the playoffs or both teams make the playoffs. Like, I don't want no, I don't want nobody to even have to be able to use that as a, as a talking point. At this point, I think only one of them will make it based on, unless one of them going a crazy win streak like the. So the top. Top six teams, the six, the six team is 12 and 10. So there, and then Chicago's nine and 13, Indiana's nine and 14. The other team is seven wins down and shit and six, five and whatever. So, unless they come on a hell of a win streak or whatever or somebody goes on the hell of a losing streak. And if, if that last spot got to be where it is, one of them going to get one of them going to get that last spot, like one of them is going to get that spot. I don't think both, you know, based on the records and shit of the other teams. Well, then in that case, I hope whoever gets it gets it decisively. Like, oh, I guess not like super close. Like, I like, like, I'm like, well, I'm going to say if, say Chicago gets, gets in the playoffs and recess at a, like a similar stat line, but Clark is jumps her with stats, you know, she says she gets to like 19 points nine rebounds a game. It's hard. That would be a difficult decision to not put, uh, Clark in as a rookie of the year when she has a way better set line and pretty much almost made the playoffs. Yeah, no, like, it, it, you really can't make the call until the end of the season, which is another reason why it's wild for her to be like, yeah, I'm going to go with the standings. All right, will you 20 games into the season, but like the standards could look wildly different by the end of the season. 20 games left. Yeah, like, like, yeah, it's too much. It's too much at play, but like, I just don't want it to be. I don't want it to be a situation where really, really, really, really strong arguments can be made for both players and then one of them gets chosen, just because like I said, then it's going to be a whole shit show and I don't feel like I don't even want to see or hear about that. Like, I want, if, if, if they're going to pick one person, I want it to be not an easy call, but a decisive one, like one where it's like, yeah, that's the right call. Like, like, it's difficult to argue against it. And that's why I said, I want the scenarios, if it's going to, if their stats are going to be similar, which I would right now say that they are, especially when you, even though Reese is worse at assists, then Caitlin is at rebounds. Even though that's the case, I still consider the stats to pretty much be similar, especially because of the double, double streak. And breaking, probably going to, she's probably going to break in a rookie rebound record. Like, those sorts of things, like that check on the shit counts too. So I would say like stat wise is pretty even right now. And if the standings are also even, then I really don't want them to pick one person because then the other side is going to have every right to be upset. And I don't know, I just want it to be a little bit more something where you could be like, well, Chicago was finished the season three games ahead of Indiana and Reese had a great, you know, into the season, you know, like she, like, you know, this is her averages, but during the last week of the season or the last two weeks of the season, she averaged 25, 15 and, you know, something like, you know, whatever. Like, I wanted to be something where it's like, ah, she pulled the way at the end. No, you know, something like that. Like, I just don't want it to be, I don't want it to be close if they're going to end up picking one person. I mean, yeah, yeah, I just feel like the co, the coworker of the years with what we keep, like, as you say, the Civil War from popping off. And then we could just resume, you know, regular WNBA play for next year and shit like that. But yeah, I just think it's going to be fucked up. If one of the other, I think it's going to be, but the social media is going to be nuts. It's going to be up. Yeah, it's going to be ugly. It's going to be real ugly. Yeah. And that's why I just, I don't want to deal with it anymore. Like, I don't want it to be like, to me, it's already doing too much. So I'm like, yeah, I'm ready for this to be over. And I don't want it to be. I don't want it to end in a way where it won't be over. Like, I want it to end in a way where it is over. And we don't have to worry about this anymore. Yeah, I mean, at this point, shit, I'm looking forward to football. Shit. Man, God, I'm looking for it. Did you watch the, um, the Netflix? Oh, no, I forgot. Well, I gotta say, I forgot, I forgot. I've been busy, but I did kind of forget. So yeah, I might fuck with that after we get down record. So what's the show? What is the show about? I think it just follows. Shit, my bad. I kicked the mic. I think it just follows. That group of receivers over the course of the season. I kind of like hard knocks, I guess, but specifically for receipt, I think it was four or five receivers. Okay. Okay. I know. I mean, I knew that I'm a rock with one, but I wasn't sure about. I know some other ones. I didn't understand it just, but I'm just like, I'm going to catch that. So that's what I'll probably do watching tomorrow when I'm working. Yeah, it seems like a good car to me. Also, uh, in one hour and seven minutes, Eminem drop, uh, I'm really looking forward to this album. Oh, yeah. I'm a man. I'm a, I'm a make it. I'll be up. I'll hear it. I'll hear it at 12 o'clock. I'm a make it. I ain't even kind of tired and I don't have to go. It's an office tomorrow. No, I'm a make it. Yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to it, man. I'm looking at the track list and I'm just curious, man. Like, I just, you know, what kind of wraps is going to be going on. I mean, I think it's going to be cool, man. I'm curious to see if there's any other features. I mean, I like to track with a big shine and what's the other guy name? Uh, baby try baby try. Um, she's wished that, and I know, well, I'll just say, I just wish that M would have reached out to like younger rappers when he was local rappers specifically from Detroit when, you know, in his early career, I just, you know, I just felt like it could have been a, it could have been a really good thing. And I think it's cool now. But I just think, you know, 10 years ago, I think that would have been really fucking dope. Yeah, I mean, well, he did have, you know, D12 and, and, I mean, he's still, he had the same people, I guess that he was fucking with, like, for that one, but at one time period, like, Obi Tries, and so what other nigga, same started with a Z or something. I don't know. Not a little zane. A local nigga. I think so. I know it was some other other person who he would kind of like, fuck, not a lot, but like somebody else that was like part of that, like grouping like when he was, they were on the same time that he was like fuck about like Obi Tries and he had the shady aftermath label and shit. Yeah, well, somebody on there, fuck, nah, it's kind of bothering me. It was somebody on here, somebody on there, I feel like his name started with a Z. Where was it wasn't that memorable? That's no, no, it wasn't, but point being is he did have a period where he was fucking with local niggas and indeed, you know, he always put on, you know, put on D12 and shit like that, but I give what you're saying. And, you know, I don't know. I just, at this point, I just wonder how much longer he's even going to be wrapping. I mean, I know that the album is what is it. Is it rest in P shape? No, what is it called? The death of Slim Shady? The death of Shims Lady. Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool. I don't know if that means, I don't know if that means he's, he's retiring or, you know, ain't no telling with him. Right. But, yeah, but I am, I am looking forward to it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I probably won't fall asleep at midnight and so I may listen to it, but it'll definitely be my tomorrow's playlist while I'm working and shit. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to that. Yeah, yeah, I'm hoping is good. I'm hoping that he's done it. Well, okay, I'm not gonna put it all on him, but his team has done a great job promoting it, hyping it up. Like, you know, everybody's gonna be talking about it tomorrow, whether it's good, whether it's bad, whatever, like, and people, all, everybody always will be like, yeah, we don't fuck with Eminem because of this, we don't fuck with Eminem because of that. Eminem don't talk about things that I relate to guarantee you everybody's gonna be talking about that negative moral. And if he's so irrelevant, how come everybody gonna be talking about it tomorrow? But watch, everybody gonna be talking about it. This bugs me, though, about motherfuckers that don't really fuck with him, Eminem is to, you know, anytime he comes out with some shit, no one asks you to talk about how you don't fuck with Eminem on the day that Eminem comes out. Like, that shit is so whack-dock and that shit's gonna be all over social media tomorrow. Probably more than people that actually listen to it and actually want to hear it shit. I could see it now. I totally see it, but whatever. I'm definitely checking that shit out, so I'm looking forward to that one. I was laughing and looking at the track list, like, yeah, this might be a potential of some classic Eminem shit, so hopefully, hopefully. Yeah, hopefully. So I'm so fucking sick and tired of hearing about fucking Drake and Kendrick. Goddamn, I'm so tired of that shit. It's fucking over, dog. Like, what I'm tired of is the fucking breakdowns of the music video. I'm so sick of that shit, dog. Things you might have missed. Oh, this is what Kendrick meant with this one shot. He was copying this one other thing. Oh, my goodness, dog. Yeah, I mean, some of them was interesting, but at the same time, like, the gushing over that shit has just become, like, oh, extra dude. I'm just like, so, so over that shit. Like, yeah, I mean, I don't know, some people are really, really enjoyed the whole spat, but I think people are just going OD on shit and I'm just so over it now. I don't even like that fucking song, and I don't even come off it because I Kendrick is one of my favorite favorite rappers. I love a lot of his music, but man, this was like the least, my least favorite song of his, and that shit's everywhere. Like, I like the one, what's the one car? Was it euphoria? Yeah, he did one. He did have one car. You know, when he's talking about, you know, I hate the way you walk. That was my favorite one out of all of them. Like, I really liked that one. I always that one got more. And then the one with the Al Green Beat, I thought that was kind of dope too, which I think I was listening to Cadillac on Mars with trophy and Delvin and my man, T, I think. And I think someone was saying hi, they didn't get a clearance. So it's only on like Instagram or YouTube or some shit like that. I like those two more. I just, oh, man, this song is like, it don't come off as a hater, but I just, I don't know. I thought the beat was fucking goofy. I just, it just was not for me, man, but the whole fucking world enjoyed it. Like, I was fucking dying. I was dying when fucking Malcolm put that bitch on this fucking rib video. Like, yo, what the fuck? Man, like, like, I readily admit, like, the other songs are better. I said, in the group chat, first person shooter is better. Like, like Drake put out better songs. But like, it's so goddamn catchy. And it's so, and it's like, and it's a, it makes you want to dance and makes you want to move kind of song. Like, most, all the rest of them is just kind of like head now. There's this shit like, yeah, you sit there and you're heading out a tight banger, but that should make you want to dance dog. Like, it's catchy as fuck. It's so fucking catchy. So like, yeah, it's not the best song out of any of them, but yeah, it's so fucking catchy. And, I don't know, man, my favorite shit is the cornea shit on the fuck. It's not cornea shit on the song, but the freaky ass 69 guy. That's my favorite part. That's my favorite part. I just be randomly thinking about what, what, what, what, like, God, I can get this shit out my fucking head. But yeah, I'm just ready for them to, well, I mean, I don't know. I don't really, I don't feel, I don't think I'm a person that looks, that looks forward to Drake music. I mean, some of this stuff is pretty cool. I'll admit that. But I'll be here to see what Kendrick decides to drop or continue after this shit, because at this point, there's no, I don't see a beef, you know what I'm saying. But yeah, I'm just, I'm kind of over it. It's run this course to me. But, you know, that's the old man in me talking. Yeah, you say that now to the sixth guy comes back and drops, he didn't finish the census. You go do that. No, no, I think he's licked his wounds and he's moved. Yeah, he's gonna wait until he's gonna wait until he died down. I mean, Kendrick was surgical with it, man. I think it's like when Drake, and we talked about it before, when Drake dropped the once on where he crushed the fucking minivan. That bitch was off for like 10 minutes. And then Kendrick released the track. I was just like, I didn't even get a whole night to fucking revel in his, you know, his attack or whatever. But yeah, man, that was a great night. Man, that was a hell of a fucking night. That was a legendary fucking night. What is this? Oh, it's over. Okay, never mind. And I don't want, you know, my disdain for the song now to overshadow that because yes, I was up and I was a great fucking night for music like that shit was awesome. But, you know, and, you know, shout out to, you know, the brothers on the Cadillac from ours, but I, I cannot sit here and honestly say that that was the best fucking dis ever. Like, no, it was not the fucking best dis ever. Like, and some of the arguments, some of the stuff they were making, you know, I think was, you know, they were kind of alluded into the fact that, you know, this is going to really hurt Drake. This is really going to hurt Drake much at all or has hurt him that much. It's like he's not going to lose revenue. He's, he's going to keep making music. And so, I mean, it definitely, you know, it put us, it put a dent in his, you know, his, his like ability right now but he's going to come back with some girls, some, some women liking music or whatever the fucking be cool. And he'd be good, you know, I'm saying it's no, you know, he could shake this shit off but like, and I referenced this to you before like L L killed cannabis whole career. Like, I think it just stopped making music. Like, how do you not mention, or people forget that the ass whooping that you know I'm saying the L L did to fucking cannabis like that was fucking nuts. Like, let's not rewrite history on some fuck shit and, and, and forget some of the battles that we've seen and back in the day and that shit was nuts. So yeah, but yeah, I'm just, you know, looking forward to some other shit popping in music. Like, I, yeah, I don't, that's not even close to the best this of all time but I will say the, when I say it's not close to the best this of all time, I mean it as far as just like the quality of the song itself is not even close. But the way everybody has kind of gathered around it and embraced it. And it became a, it became like a whole almost like fuck Drake movement among the real niggas. Like, like that, that is some next level shit and I don't think it's ever been like that before, because even if you go to like, I think like to me the biggest, the biggest beef was the biggie and Pac beef because it was just biggie was like East Coast West Coast right, so like that was like the biggest all encompassing beef but it was kind of like everybody, it was, it was still like split 50 50 like everything was like you had people who were supporting pocket the West Coast the people who was supporting biggie and East Coast and it was just kind of like this back and forth, but like the way everybody has united against Drake. It's some next level shit, like like like again, like watching him rock that whole concert to that song as popular as Drake is that's what makes it, that's what makes it impressive is how everybody is definitely impressive. Definitely impressive. Considering who Drake is. Like that's the, that's the part of like Drake is like, Drake is probably the most famous active rapper, like the biggest, the biggest star, like as an active rapper, even though I even though I only use the term rapper loosely referring to him because he chooses not to do it more often than not. But anyway, you get the point that nigga famous as fuck. And like a kid just united everybody against that nigga, and that was like, and like, and he did it in a way, and I'm not trying to give him credit for this because I don't think he deserves credit because I mean it was not what I'm about to say. I'm not giving him credit for what I'm about to say, it's a just a byproduct of it, but like, because I don't think that this part was calculated by him, but like the way everybody united against Drake in a positive way. Like it's not like niggas is out here trying to kill Drake and shit it's like everybody's just like yo this song is a bop fuck Drake, and like everybody's like is getting along and like where I was like yeah you remember when he said this and oh did you see that it's like everybody's like happy. Like like everybody that was on the stage during the concert when he brought all the people out Russell Westbrook in them. Everybody is just everybody having a good time. Like it's not it's not on some like angry violent shit like the East Coast West Coast beef was so like and I don't think that I don't think that I'm not giving Kendrick credit for that I think that's a happy coincidence. But like I think that's pretty cool too that everybody's united against Drake but like everybody's like, happy and it's like oh this is a great song we're all having a good time. Yo fuck Drake that fucking pedophile. Like I don't know how to do this. Wow wow that's nice is out there but I will say this. I feel like. Could you imagine. You know in our age now social media you got Instagram got Twitter you got all kind of shit going on. Could you imagine. Like what I feel like that's the effect it would have. Like no Vaseline and a social media area would have been fucking nuts dog. Like when they showed in Compton when they were all listening to the beef and shit they were all pissed off and shit. Like that was almost a glimpse at how they reacted but man I would imagine and no Vaseline which I rank as probably my. Probably my favorite this song ever is probably no Vaseline and the impact that would have had I feel like it would have been. The kid was it. I forget the name of the song God damn I keep saying walk walk but not like us. It would be not like us on steroids dog like that would have been fucking insane to have the same amount of of social media. I agree with probably all of that. Like I agree with it would make it would set the internet off and I also agree it's probably my number one this song as well. Like that like it's something about. Like okay so most this songs particularly nowadays. They kind of just feel like you know I'm just throwing shots I'm just throwing shots. Like but it feels kind of like I'm just saying shit on the record. No Vaseline sounded like Ice Cube hated them niggas and like and was like I'm going to expose like I don't feel like that nigga lied about anything. Like he made me eat the easy fuck. Like that's how like crazy that this was because like that shit because of the energy that he brought it made me believe everything that he was saying. It felt like a fucking what's the fucking the magazines that be about a supermarket check out of shit with all the gossip. Like it felt like that kind of like messy gossip like ice cube reveals that he's got he's got age from get fucked. That shit man and I guess I ranked that that that's definitely my number one. And and as much as I thought that the ripper strikes back was like a better song than not like us. I felt like not like us. Well, I feel like sonically not like us is a better song than the ripper strikes back but I just felt like the venom in the ripper strikes back was like crazy. You know what I'm saying like into the nigga career like the nigga cannabis was no more after that shit but yeah no Vaseline absolutely never won this song ever done. Absolutely. And I'm kind of upset. I was upset they didn't they didn't mention ripper strikes back but I'm even more upset the niggas didn't mention fucking no Vaseline cuz shit. I mean I'm assuming they at least mention hit him up right. No they didn't mention anything else they. Oh so they just talked about. They just talked about. Yeah because I think Charlie was talking about the concert and stuff and his experience there and they were just kind of talking about all of that but yeah they didn't. I just remember I think T and I and I believe he you know he mentioned that being the best this song ever we not like us. And I didn't hear any other song but now I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly. I don't even think it's close to the best song like it's like I said I love everything that's come come out of that. Absolutely. And I think all of this has been great and I think it's been great for hip hop but I don't think that I don't think that's close to the best this song. And then they'll take away from it all you say the energy of that song has been dope. The concert being able to bring all of them together and shit you know I'm saying all that shit's cool as fuck but no not the best one. Yeah like like it's not the best song but like this is this is a great this is like a moment in hip hop right now that we're living through. Like like you can look at all like various points there have been there have been moments like again the East Coast West Coast beef that is a moment in hip hop. And like this is a this is a moment like like this one we're going to look back and be like. And it's not going to be a moment like do you remember the Drake Kendrick beef is going to be like do you remember what not like us was like the craziest shit ever. Yeah absolutely absolutely. Like in a larger sense people will be like yeah the whole Drake yeah you remember when. And the hip hop heads will be like yeah you remember that one night the one night when Drake put the song out and kid you put one out of like half an hour later and you know all this kind of shit like. Like yeah that'll be the larger conversation but largely the not like us part like the release of that song. The how crazy popular it got. The momentum that song. Yeah absolutely. And then the concert kind of just like reinvigorated it because it was it was about the go away. It was almost it was almost fade away. And that goddamn concert happened and that shit and then that shit came roaring back and then the goddamn video just came out and it's like I was going to hang around a little bit longer. But like yeah that's going to be this is a moment of hip hop that we live it through but yeah that's not the best song though. Yeah it's definitely going to you know the momentum that song is bananas like. So, I don't know I like to say I'm kind of you know I'm ready for you know just to die down and you know this hopefully this spur them to you know both both guys putting up some some music out and shit but yeah but it had it had a it has a great run because it's not it's not done you know I'm saying that sounds going to go through the whole fucking summer so you know, but yeah. So Eminem dropped the new summer banger tonight. I hope so I hope it's a banger I hope it's a summer banger and that shit. I hope so. At this point I'm just going to stay up and skim through it I may not even finish it but I'm a skin definitely skim through it I don't know depends on what. Yeah I'm gonna. I'm gonna watch the boys and then I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna get with that fuck with that album and I'll probably listen to the whole thing. Like I said I'm not I'm not really tired at all so like I got a couple hours left at me. Like I said a couple hours nigga. Yeah I got a couple hours left in me dog I'm good I'm good to about two o'clock. I'm feeling about two o'clockish right now. Shit. All right well you anything else? Nah we can wrap it on up. All right then well. Until next week in the right. And maybe we'll be talking about M's album next week so we'll see. Maybe. That's right. Look at that shit. The only way we ain't go talk about Eminem's album next week is if it's like the worst piece of shit that we've ever heard. And we like yo. I don't want to drag. I don't want to drag a legend on my podcast. So let's just not talk about it at all. Yeah. Nah that's definitely gonna be in the comments next week. So yeah. Yeah. I just I gotta I gotta go feeling about this one. So I do too. I do too. Like and a lot of them I didn't have a good feeling about lately. Like and some were good. Some were just okay. Some were there. But like I didn't have a good feeling about most of them. I have a pretty good feeling about this one. This one feels feels like it might be good. We'll see then. So I guess we out. Peace. Peace.