WudUpDoe Podcast

Episode 373: Curbside Hacks


Topics include:

  • Sundays are for women hoops
  • Irritating social media
  • Local politics, curbside shopping and more

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Get ready. [Music] What up, though? What up, though? Welcome back, episode 373 of the What Up, though podcast. Yes, sir. So back after, wait, we'll just get the week, right? Yeah. Yeah, I got the week. So we're current for the most part. And since I'm off tomorrow, I'll do my best to. I'm not making promises. So I say I'm going to upload some shit tomorrow. That should be Tuesday. So I'm not making any promises. The shit probably be up tomorrow because I ain't got shit to do. So looking forward to having a fucking day off. And I'm not going to upload tomorrow, right? Although they don't celebrate Fourth of July in Canada, right? Which makes sense because it's not a kind of day. No, they have a different, yeah. No, they have a different, they have Canada Day, which was this past weekend. Yeah. So I work with people who work in Canada. And so they were asking me about my time. And, you know, often I'm like, yeah, I'm off tomorrow, but I'm working for our day. And they was like, yeah, but we'll be around because our holiday was last weekend. And I forgot about the whole Canada Day thing. So I was like, oh, yeah, no wonder. So that makes sense. Did y'all celebrate Canada Day? Well, they did. Like my family went over to Canada over that weekend. Yeah, because I was over here chilling. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah, I was posted, but yeah, they went over there. I mean, like they, because they get like they is in Canada, they get, you know, some time off or whatever. And then my wife usually takes, uh, takes some time off too, so that she can be over there during that time. So she took Friday and Monday off. And she basically it was over there that whole time, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Like they left Friday afternoon, like late afternoon and got back Monday. Early evening. So, yeah, it was gone, gone. So they celebrated Canada Day. And I guess I did too. Cause I just celebrated to hear alone by myself being happy that I was here alone by myself. A celebration is a celebration. So yeah, that was a good. I celebrated it in my own special way. Same way I celebrate every holiday. They go like the family is gone. I am good. Cause you pretty much filled it with UFC and, and chilling and shit. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Just UFC and whatever the rare little sports was on. There's a terrible time for sports, man. Nothing. I ain't shit on tigers playing shitty. And that's the only thing is, I mean, there's WNBA, but it's funny. I feel like I've only been catching WNBA on Sundays, which I actually missed. Did I miss it? I didn't watch any this past Sunday, but the last two Sundays. I meant to actually forgot about it. Yeah. The last two Sundays. Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese was playing each other, but then this past one, I didn't even catch any at all on Sunday. What did I do on Sunday? Oh, I'm my fucking work though. Son, I'm like, what the fuck did I do? I'm like, I know I did. So yeah, I was working then. I had one of my home boys dad passed. So I went to a wake and shit. But yeah. So that was pretty much my Sunday. I totally forgot about any, any WNBA on this past Sunday. Yeah. Like, you know, people want to like talk shit about who's responsible for what? But I'm like, man, shit. I don't, I don't be thinking about who's responsible for why I'm watching. I'll just be like, well, shit, I'm somewhat, I'm somewhat interested now. And I wasn't before. So, and I give credit to everybody for that, not just Caitlin Clark. So yeah, man. I'll be trying to catch some games too, dog. Like on Sunday, I had an intention because I looked it up. We see what games they got going on today and then I was going to watch one. And then I don't know something happened and something came up and I didn't get onto it. But I had every intention on Sunday of watching the game. So yeah, I did too. And I can say, usually Sundays, I just chilled in the garage. I have a, my tablet up, watching whatever, and then I'll be working. And I just totally forgot this Sunday. So I didn't catch anything this Sunday, but I don't know. I don't know if there's any WNBA games tomorrow. And I haven't even checked the schedule. I know. The NBA doesn't know. Well, NBA obviously is not even around on, on, on in July. Is Summer League started? Um, Summer League starts. Well, no, it hasn't started yet. I think it starts next week. Okay. Well, I just looked at the, the schedule and the WNBA is not maximizing their potential. Their potential of watching games on Sunday. I mean, on the fourth, because there's only two games. Two games. That was sexist. Uh, but no, it shouldn't be to do the grilling, but yeah. Um, they're not maximizing their time at all because, right? Oh, yeah, you got to make a choice. Uh, but, uh, their games are at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. So they're not doing any day games. Yeah, it's only two games and they're both at night tomorrow. Everybody be like, well, it's time to go to bed because I got to go to work in the board. All right. I'm having two games that late. There's not like a finals game or such a regular season as late as hell. It's like, I don't know, man. Sometimes I don't get the market in, uh, in the, the placement of games for the WNBA. Like, and who's playing tomorrow? Uh, it's the, uh, what is Connecticut? Oh, yeah. The Connecticut son and the Minnesota links. And then the other game is the Washington mixed it. Yeah, Washington mystics, which aren't doing well at all in the Las Vegas. Aces who are doing well. Uh, yeah. What? What is your assessment of like your, do you, do you feel like that? You may have said it kind of alluded to it, but, um, like, do you look this? I mean, obviously there's nothing, not a lot on. So it's, you know, it's easy to look at the, you know, watch the WNBA when it's nothing on. But like, do you feel like you, you have like, like genuine interest in it now? Like this season in particular. Kind of like. I would say yes, but not like to an extreme degree, but like, I am kind of interested. Like, like recently I looked up to see, like, I looked at the standings just to see, like, okay, let me see what the hot certain teams are doing. Like, like just see, like, um, like things that I normally wouldn't do. There was nothing that came up that made me, you know, look, I was, let me see what the standings are. See which teams are playing good, which teams aren't. And then sometimes I do be looking for games like, well, the problem is, is that I'm too accustomed to. Coming out here here, my garage, that is at nighttime and being able to find an NBA game. During the NBA season, no matter what. And now I'm becoming out here kind of expected the same thing at WNBA. I'm like, they got half the teams, not even half. They got less than half the teams. They got, you know, they don't, I'm a show is shit don't have WNBA lead pass. So I don't have no WNBA app. So I'm not, I'm not, I got to like, almost kind of go out my way. Like, all right, we look at the WNBA schedule. We'll see if it's a game or all right. Let me see if it's on a national TV. Oh, no, it's not. So I got to try to find it. It's, yeah, but I've done it. So I would say that, that shows genuine interest, but I mean, I'm not like checking for it like that either. Now, if Detroit had a team, different story. Oh, no, for sure. I would, I would probably check it out. If Detroit had a team, I would have, I like when Detroit had a team out. I was watching it. So that's, so, you know, Detroit still had a team. Oh, definitely be watching right now. Hold on. Like I was definitely be watching now. Exactly. Shout out the swing cast. But yeah, I would definitely be watching. And not to stop you. I have a, I have a genuine interest, but I usually don't really have time until like the weekend. And so usually during the week, I'm not really, because I don't really have a lot of, once I get home, seven o'clock or some shit like that. You know, I ain't really got too much time. But in the weekend, I do try to check out games, although. And I've been more interested in. Uh, Caitlyn games and Angel Reese games just got like, you know, I've been following them since college. So I see liked them. Yeah. But like, you know, gotta be become a hardcore super fan instantly. No, no, no, not at all. But I was going to say that's all right. Otherwise I'll be watching two shit. I've been wanting to catch some of the Vegas games because Asia Wilson is balling. Like, I mean, she's like 27 and 11. Um, but I just, but I don't know. It's weird, man. I don't have a full interest to watch your team. Like her, her being really good. I don't know. It doesn't interest me as much. She's playing great. And I think that's dope for the game. But I don't know. I just, because I didn't follow her much, I don't have that strong interest. But since I did follow for the last couple of years, you know, loosely with. Angel Reese and Caitlyn, I've been like really interested in seeing how they navigate. You know, I'm saying their first season. And so that's kind of been my interest. And not necessarily, I mean, granted two out of maybe the last 10 or a few games out of the last 10 games have been them against each other. But, and the thing is, is that people are talking about the rivalry about them too. And one, they don't even play the same, like they don't even guard each other. So it's not like a, you know, at some point, Bird and Jordan guarded each other at some point. You know what I'm saying? But Caitlyn and Angel, they don't even guard their two different fucking positions and shit. Actually, I feel like it's a rivalry. And I can't think of the woman's name, but she, she, she's on the, the fever and her and, and Reese goes back and forth. So they're the real rivalry. Really? You know what I'm saying? But yeah, but yeah, I think it's fun to watch them just because of following them and, you know, the last two years in college and just seeing their, you know, adjustment in the, in the league. And so that's been pretty cool. Yeah, and that's, and that's genuine interest, like that's, and that's genuine interest that they facilitated with their level of play like. And I feel the same way, like I'll be watching too, and I'll be watching for, you know, just like, just like what you said, like, yeah, I watched the big college now kind of curious to see how they navigate the, navigate the pros and. Yeah, I don't know, it's, it's, I mean, I've said it before, but I like how they've generated interest in the sport. Oh, yeah, I think it's just cool just to see, like, I don't know, man, you know, nowadays, you know, a lot of social media is just for hits and shit. And, you know, there was this one clip of Kaitlyn Clark was playing one game and she had got filed she threw the ball up. And the ball was bouncing back. And her defender was facing her so her defender didn't see it. And she tried to block the ball from hitting the defender, but it her arm hit the defender head, you know, in the, in the midst of doing that. And she did it and walked away. And the defender was pinched because she just thought Kaitlyn just hit her in the fucking head and shit. And so her team was grabbing her and shit. And that was it. And I'm just like, damn, she tried to, you know, we can see it on TV. She tried to block the ball from hitting her and shit. And so that was that. And then maybe a day or so later, somebody posted a video of that scene. And the next thing was, I guess her teammates had told her that Kaitlyn wasn't trying to hit her in the head. She was blocking the ball. So she went up to apologize to her and they were just, you know, talking and, you know, camaraderie was good and shit. But it's like, you know, usually he seems like the first part, they cut the most important part about all, excuse me, they cut the most important part out is that home girl realized what happened. It's just like, so she made it so wild that they were really just post bullshit like it just for hits and shit. And that shit is so fucking corny dog. Like, I hate a lot of what social media has become do. I feel like old man saying this shit like, when I was younger. So, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I get that. But I mean, at the same time, man, like some really corny shit has gotten like be really popular. They're dogging like doing shit like that. Like, oh yeah, it's definitely pop. It's not really pop except being deceiving in order to get clicks like that kind of shit. And one of the things that that's really irritates me is when people make fake videos pretending like they're real for clicks. So like, you know, like the videos where, you know, some white lady is making some fucking nasty fucking dish with it. Like, why would anybody make that? And it's like, or they're like making something in the toilet or some shit. And they're like, you know, like shit, then like, now, like when people first started doing it, it's like what the fuck, but now everybody do it. And it's like, okay, wait a minute, this is like a genre of fucking videos where it's like, let's make fake shit, but pretend like it's real. And man, I do not like that shit. I hate that shit. Like, I see these videos on TikTok all the time. And there's always like couples and shit. It'd be a camera mounted in the car and they're having these conversations about stupid shit in the car. And one person gets mad. I'm thinking like, what the fuck is a camera there? This is all for show. And obviously y'all getting the clicks and it's just like, this shit is not fucking entertaining, dude. Like, I hate a lot of social media, man. Like, I was joking with Joe in his Discord. And we were talking. And somebody did a fake tweet about the marrozing going to like the Clippers or the Lakers or something. And it was, it's just like, are you familiar with the, I think it's like, so there's a real site that's called the dump sent sentail or some shit like that. And it's like a NBA site, but then there's a parody of that site that does all these like lies of like different trades or some shit and then they're a tag. I don't like that either. I hate it. And Joe was like, you know, it's cool with laughs and Joe might hate me for this one, but I don't, I don't fuck with that shit. I hate. Because one time it made me think something was real and I'm thinking like, okay, it's cool. Well, I think it's cool. It's okay. I mean, if dudes you do, if you're your own entity and you're not like faking to be a site about doing some fake news or some shit, nobody get it. But when you try to fake a site, fake a site name. So, you know, it's kind of like the one page on, I think on Facebook, it's like the black Adam Schether or some shit or some bullshit. It's like, that's what I'm going to say, like the people who like somebody else like this to post fuck shit. Yeah, that's just an example I was going to. And maybe I'm just old and angry, but I just, you know, that shit doesn't, it doesn't. But like, I'm old and angry admittedly, like, and I know this, but well, no, it's not because I'm old. I'm always, I was angry before I was old, but I'm hyper aware of when I'm angry because it's just like, I'm just being angry, or if I'm, or if I'm or if it's something that legitimately I should be angry about, and like, I'm not angry about this, but like, I don't like that either. Like, when people make like, like say like they take Wojis page and make it just like everything look just like Wojis page, they just switch two letters in the name to where you can't tell us him and they post a bunch of fake shit. Like, that like that gets on my nerves because I'm like, what is like, what is even appointed at? Like, are you really like that? You getting that much joy out of people like replying to you like, oh, man, we gotta be there. I think it's a sickness because they know they can't get that attention if they was just, you know, John Johnson at such and such, you know what I'm saying, you're not going to get the same attention but instead you mimic a site that's actually real and has like, you know, accredited information. And I'm something like, I'm fucking like, it's a college shit or something. But, you know, somebody that's vetted as good info, and you're using that name to food people and I don't get different, I don't get the likeness and I don't get the likeness in it one and I don't get because maybe I'm just not insane. I don't understand insanity, but or just the cry for attention. But like, you want attention that bad that you would fake someone to, you know, what do you get from that? Like, what are you getting? Like, like when people, when you post the fake thing as well, and a bunch of people retweet it, do you just sit there and laugh like, ha, ha, look, it's got 900 retweets. Like, is that never rewarding? My mentions are on fire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I didn't think people had likes like that, like that shit since like, you know, five, ten years ago or some shit on Twitter or whatever. I wouldn't even feel like that's not even nothing to be proud of. Like, I made a completely fake page pretending to be a celebrity and then put out fake tweets and now people are retweeting it. That's like, even so to be proud of though, like, I would be proud, like, not proud, but like, I'd be like, if you don't go viral or something or have, you know, my, my mitch is blowing up, at least have it be for like an original tweet that's funny, like, or, or even if you just say something like, wow, and people are responding to that, but like, at least it's still something you authentically use it. Yeah, like, don't fucking like pretend to be woke and then just be like, oh, now it's tomorrow's in is on the New Orleans fellow kids like, what is the point of that? Like, who cares? They get like, you a freak out a couple of NBA fans, there'll be people who go notice that it was you and then we reply, I got me like, I don't know it's, I don't get the reward in it. It's like, it's some things like, like on, like, like Facebook or whatever, like Reels or things like that. Then I kind of get it because if you got a page and you, you might be making money off of it, like, maybe you get paid per click or something or whatever, like, or it's feeding into a website where, like, something where you can get money off of it. Like, when you just getting retweets off fake, off your fake woe Twitter page, like, like, what are you even doing? Like, what's the point of that? Yeah, I mean, and I don't understand what you getting out of it. Right. And it's funny because I had, so I've been looking for this one tweet forever idea years ago, actually, and I found out years ago was actually 2016. And I did, I posted this video of this guy. I don't know if you ever seen it, but I just said it to you. But I posted this video of this dude carving a turkey. And he made a cut like it was basically a pussy on it. Did you ever see that? You're done. I think so. I mean, you might have done it. If you did it a long time ago, I might have seen it and I just don't remember. Yeah. And so he basically carved a pussy out of, like, I have to send it to you. I favorited. But somebody, I've been looking for that for a few years, but I can't remember what I typed. It was. And I think it was, it was, I kept looking looking for it around Thanksgiving because it was a turkey. So I was just like, okay, cool around Thanksgiving. But I didn't do it around it. But anyway, somebody randomly liked that tweet from like 2016. And I was just like, wow, it was just, it was like a bot page. And I'm like, how the fuck did he even find this shit to even like it? But I, I retweeted and said, this is crazy. Somebody liked this tweet idea from 2016 and they were like, you know, wow, that's crazy. That went viral and I'm thinking like, make a difference to me. It wasn't even my fucking video. You know what I'm saying? Like, I become famous off of it and no crazy shit. But it was just, you know, I think people take the idea of viralness like way too fucking seriously or whatever. I'm just like, and it didn't do nothing for me shit. You know what I'm saying? You know, so I'm just like, you know, but people, some people really, you know, get off on that shit. I don't. So. Yeah, I try not at least, at least now I'm at a point where, like before I would get irritated by it, like, why is this happening or is this stupid or blah, blah, blah, blah. Or I might comment or get engaged or whatever or share it. Like, like now I just be like, oh, dumb fake shit. Fuck these niggas and keep moving. Like, so I'm like, at least I'm getting to that point where like now I barely even care. I just like once I like, and now I'm more aware of it too. Like, I catch it easier. So like, yeah, like, I'm at a point. I don't believe shit I see on the internet at this point. Nah, I don't believe, I don't believe much, but every time I see something, I'm searching it to see if it's actually, you know, real. And I'm like, okay, somebody just push it. Yeah, like, all it really comes down to is, is, is two scenarios. One is, could this person possibly be serious as far as like, like, like, when ones are talking about white ladies, we make it shitty, shitty food or whatever like, could they possibly be serious about this? No, they can't possibly be putting a video where they're making some food in a toilet and thinking that that's okay. Like, like, I don't believe that that's actually what's going on. Yes, why people will do some gross shit, but I don't think they're gonna cook food in a toilet and pretend like it's actually like normal. And then like, is it. Is it just completely like implausible that what I'm seeing it could happen with something with a camera already recorded. So like what you said, like about the couples in the car and shit like that. And you know, like, oh, some happen. I'm like, so you just, they just knew to start recording in advance and just happen to catch it like that. Like, that's like, as soon as you keep that kind of shit in mind, that's when a lot of that shit start to break down is like, okay, so, so they just randomly turned on a camera. And we're like, yeah, we're just gonna turn on a camera and whatever happens happens and then something happened. And there's like, oh, man, like, we caught it. Like, no, nigga, you manufactured that shit. Right. So, like, oh my God, you had a camera on just when it was like this, this, this, this exact point was what happened. That is so crazy. This shit ain't spontaneous niggas playing and that shit is whack. Like, I, one of the things that I lately I've been finding fucking hilarious in the last, like, maybe two months is on TikTok. There are videos of nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Pranking people when they used to be on the radio. And those are fucking hilarious because the person doesn't know they're being pranked. And it's a whole conversation about the shit. Now, it could get old because it's a trope. You get it. You know, he calls, he pranking them about something that's happened. At some point, other of the conversation, he gets irate with them, which makes them irate. They start going back and forth. And then he tells them they're being pranked. So, if you, if you, you know the trope, obviously, but, you know, whatever, it's funny as fuck. That shit gets me through the day. I love those fucking things, but it ain't like it's set up like both people know they're in on the fucking joke or some shit. It's an actual practical joke. Those things are fucking hilarious, but this whole set up shit. In the car with your, your, your mate and, you know, like it was just one thing going on where these dudes were a chick would say, and it was always in a car. They send the car and say, be like, and they always say, Hey, babe. What would you do if I let you call me bitch? And then he would just, you know, say it in a, you know, like a hostile way, how you would say it. And then they would get mad that they caught him a bit. And it's like, y'all keep doing the same fucking dumb shit all the time. Like, why are you keep doing this shit? And it just kept in it. I don't know. It's trends. People try to hop on them and it's just terrible. Fucking terrible. I feel like I've been ranting the whole fucking podcast. Oh, it's like it's like, oh, go, go, go, go. Like, this is, this is, this is, this is not a fuck. Who the, like, I am having the total Dave Chappelle goddamn. I was having a total brain for it. This is not a Dave Chappelle. It's an excerpt of the podcast. Like we would not sit here and talk about trans people. Right. But I also, I also like, they're like, you mentioned about the, um, fuck, now I'm out here acting like Joe Biden and shit, but fuck, I forgot. Man, you said something to trigger the thought in my head. Now I lost it. Fuck. Oh, whatever. It wasn't Dave Chappelle was it or no, it was before that. It was before that. It was before that. It don't matter. It wasn't important. So I'm not about to be out here looking like biting. I'm chilling. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not about to be out here. Just staring at the microphone. Fucking glitch, McConnell and shit. Yeah, we'd be better care. What? Oh, did you there? You didn't watch that debate. Did you? No, I did not watch the debate. I was just talking to somebody else on at the same time that was more important. Oh, okay. Yeah. I had I had it on, but it was like, there was something else on it was more important to me. And it's like, I had the debate on, but like, I had something else on too. Like it was probably what sports thing would have possibly been going on because I feel like it was a draft. It was a draft. It might have been a draft. Yeah, it might have been a draft. Because we didn't record. No, because I wasn't I wasn't here for the draft. No, wasn't the draft. What was it? I don't remember. I just thought it. Well, I don't, I wasn't watching anything. I just didn't care to watch the debate. But I remember something being on it. I watched though. But it was funny. I was so a good friend. Maybe it wasn't a thing and I just wanted to watch the bear. Which I think that is what it was, which we cannot talk about the bear because I have not finished it. So we can talk about that after I finished it, which would probably be next up. Next episode, we can talk about the beer. I'll be finished about the end. But I was talking about, I was talking to a child, her friend of mine today. She lives in in the city I live in. And she's actually running for state representatives. And so she had asked to put one of the posters in the yard. So I haven't seen her in like a couple of years. And so she came by and we were talking and stuff like that. And she was just talking about how basically because she's trying to like run for like offices and shit, you know, how, you know, she has to make sure that she keeps a good image up and stuff. And she was at like a grocery store recently. And one of the staff just talked to her crazy. And she was ready to call her all kind of crazy names and then was like, you know what, I'm running for office, I can't be falling out like this. And I was just like, yeah, it's crazy because we were talking, we had brought up my man from the Detroit Conservative that, you know, stole the 40 mil and just, you know, Trump and all this stuff and just people. Some people can get away with fuck shit. I like Trump. And then, you know, you got other people who do fuck shit and they're deservingly get caught and shit. And it was just interesting because like, yeah, I don't, I think my tattered pass would keep me from running from any fucking office. And I don't think I really, I don't think I'm really for that. That's that I don't think that's a job. I don't think I could really be in the political arena at all. Like, you know, I could, I could do the job but I wouldn't want to do the campaigning. I'd be as equally as bad at the campaigning as I would be good at the job. Like, I can, like, campaigning is too much part of the job. Like, if I could make somebody else campaign for me and then I did the job, great. But like, no, campaigning is as significant, if not the most important part of the job. And I'd be terrible at that part of it. So, yeah, that's, and that was the part she was talking about. It's like, you know, there are people who, and like, for instance, there's a state rep for the city that's hurt one of the areas is my city, but one of her close colleagues is Rashida to leave. And so, because of that, you know, she gets a lot of funding and shit like that. So she doesn't have to do like a lot of in person like campaigning, you know, a lot of door to door shit. She had people for it, but a small person that's really new. They really have to do like, you know, campaigning, no, because they don't have the budgets and all that shit and stuff like that. And I was just like, man, that just sounds like a lot. Like a whole lot. Yeah. And she said that she said that she can't be going off on somebody. Like, that's, that's another reason. Like, I can do it. Like, I just be, I don't know, I couldn't deal with it. Like, people, like, if I'm out campaigning, right. And, you know, like, largely, if you're whatever, whatever party it is that you're affiliated with, you go to your events, people who support your party are going to be there. But like, you, if you go on your regular everyday life, you might not see people in your party, and I'd be talking shit to you. I might be, I might be a client to say, shut your bitch ass up, nigga, to a potential voter. And that's what I told her. I was like, yeah, she may not vote for you now because she was at a grocery store and she was buying something and the ladies just had a stank ass attitude. And she was just like, you know what? Never mind. And then she wanted to talk to the manager and the manager handled it, but she was like, she was ready to call her all kind of names. That wasn't hers, but she was like, okay, I got to keep an image. I can't be doing this shit. You know what I'm saying? I'm thinking like, man, I would, I would, because it, for what she says, there was nothing wrong that she said to the employee. The employee was just not in a good mood and just was like, well, you, you don't have to buy this item. Like, how the fuck do you tell the customer you don't got the baddest item because it ain't right, you know what I'm saying? Like, the fuck, I would have went the fuck off on it on that chick. But yeah, not me. I couldn't. I couldn't. Especially when somebody's deserving of a lashing, you know what I'm saying? Like, you'll get this word. I don't want to be involved in situations where somebody need to get told told off and I can't do it. Like, I can't do this now because I'm ready for soft for office. Yeah, fuck that. No, you go, you go get told to fuck off. And it's nothing going to happen to me because of that. And I was joking with her like, yeah, she may not vote for you now. But, but I guess that's at least your least of her problems. So, yeah. Thanks for question for you. Do you use any grocery delivery services? Totally. I do. I barely go in a grocery store anymore. Like the only like I go into the grocery store, but it's to buy one of things and things that sometimes like in the grocery order and to be clear, my wife does a grocery order, but she tells me this that sometimes there are things that are like you can only get it in store. It won't let you put it in a delivery thing. So, or in a pickup. So we do both some will do either delivery sometimes, or we'll do a pickup. So it will like a curbside pickup, but at Kroger. So, like, as far as like going into the grocery store and doing my shopping, we haven't done that in years. Like even yeah, even pre COVID we were. Because like, yeah, even before COVID like Kroger still kind of had like curbside pickup stuff, but like you can do it everywhere. And so we would go to the Kroger it was on. It's in a Royal Oak on like 12 mile and I think it's technically Royal Oak, but it's like 12 mile off 75. And yeah, they had like curbside where you could, you know, whatever pull up. Yeah, I think it's a new to this. Yeah, true to this shit. Oh, yeah. And they could like we both we both anti social and that in that respect like we like, yeah, we can just pull up. And then, no, that's good. And then COVID hit curbside pickup. They get everybody had it at that point. Oh, man. Like, man, I, there are aspects of COVID that is like the worst shit ever for for my life. And then there's that. And everybody having curbside pickup. Oh boy. So yeah, we've been, yeah, I haven't been inside a grocery store to like actually fill a cart with groceries. I don't even know. 2016. I don't know. Right. That's crazy. Yeah. I mean, and so like, we've been doing it recently in the past. So we did. Do we do it over on the other street? Definitely since we've been over in the new house since 23. We've been doing it a lot. And a lot more since I've been working tons of hours and, and so forth. So, like, we would use to do like the, you know, this, we would do the store pickup and they would just bring them out to the car. But then lately we were just like, wow, why the fuck go there? I mean, there are certain stuff like I don't, I don't really trust them with produce because I feel like they're not in my history of it. They don't pick good produce. And I don't blame them for that. You know, it's, you know, whatever. So I think produce is, I think most people should be able to pick decent produce, but you got to have somebody really gives a fuck. And I don't want to put out. I don't know if I really want to put that on this on them to give a fuck because most times they don't. So nobody at, maybe at fucking Whole Foods, they might give a fuck, but not at fucking Kroger and they go or, yeah, where it's just some teenager that's just throwing some shit now. Yeah, so I don't even do that, you know what I'm saying, even like certain meat, so whatever I would, I don't, but for the most part, everything else, you know, I will do that. And then. So do I use Instacart or, or you use like Kroger delivery? Well, Kroger actually had, yeah, Kroger has their own shit. So yeah, we just go right through through the Kroger app. So I use Instacart a lot. And the cool thing with the Instacart app is that, and maybe do a Kroger app. I don't know if you do it, but one of us can start the order and the other person can see it and they add stuff to it. They'll probably do that. Yeah, so initially she would just order to do the stuff. And then I would add too, but then I'll be wanting stuff and then I'll just start adding to it and then when Instacart would it's cool, is that you will see which stores have certain discounts or something. So if you, if you go to like the Instacart front page. Before you start an order, it'll show certain places that may have, like for instance, Walmart every so often to have what they call Insta prices, because everything is marked up, kind of like DoorDash and shit like that. Everything is marked up some sort of price. But then some days you'll have it where Walmart is Insta prices. So you're getting the prices in store versus like the extras and shit. So to me that's incentive right or sometime it'd be a store is like $10 off if you spend 60 bucks or shit like that so lately I've been ordering from Walmart because their shit has either been Insta prices, or it'd be like $20 off if you order $100 or worth for shit and shit like that. But, I was laughing with you earlier, lately, I've been ordering all the shit I don't feel like grabbing at the store like a 36 pack of water or wood for the fucking grill or charcoal and shit like that. And I took well because I know it's a job and the short stint that I did with Uber, Uber East, a lot of motherfuckers don't tip and people make their money from chips. And so I'm like cool, I'll pay that because that's a price of convenience and shit so, but yeah I'll be ordering all the big shit charcoal I had one time I had two bags of charcoal and a big ass case of water. I had fucking wood for the fire grill at all kind of other random shit, but you know, I tried to sit well because I get it, you know, that's so funny because like I've never heard of somebody doing that. But that make perfect sense and you know what it's just like, it's like what I was doing in the winter like I drive to that so only get one of these delivery niggas to get it. Fuck yeah. We're just I think might even be worse than avoided picking up bottled water like I don't feel like picking up bottled water. Maybe I don't feel like risk of my life driving into snow, but you were somebody else's bro exact I mean essentially it's it, you know, I'm saying like shit I ain't gonna throw my back out trying to grab that big ass water and shit fucking they want to do it cool. I'm not like not tipping them and shit they working, they're doing this job under assumption that they could be not tipped and that's not me I'm a tip, but yeah they go bring all this shit and so I make it easy like you know you've been in my house so usually they put all the shit on the porch. So I always I have it in my notes now to just drop it right and I usually had a garage they're open and just put it there so I'm like hey you can put up to the garage. You in game you got to walk far just drop it right there. Easy for you, easy for me. Take that tip and be good you know I'm saying so it's dope but yeah I definitely be using it for the shit I don't want to have to like go to the store and grab and shit so yeah but I feel like I'm new to this shit being a job motherfuckers been in this shit since Obama been in presidency and shit. Yeah but but like I said it wasn't it's rarely was delivery it was it was usually curbside pickup. Like and back before COVID when you go to the program Royal Logan was always curbside pickup. Like we do delivery now but I don't even we live so close to the Kroger I don't even think we get charged extra for it. That's why why so but yeah but what you're saying about leaving it on a portrait like that like I do the same thing like if I can like if I do like if I'm like if I see somebody pull up so you know how far away my house is from the street. If I see like the delivery person just pull up on the street and then get out and walk start walking up my driveway I'll go out there and meet them so that they don't have to drive all the way I mean so they have to walk all the way. And I'll be telling them like you could have pulled up if you wanted to like you didn't have to stay all the way down there. And it was like oh no I just want to get some exercise and that and I'm like all right well I'm gonna help you out. And then like when I do in my defense when I order delivery during the winter because I don't feel like driving a risk of my life. I do I tip extra like I always tip but I extra tip when I do whole shit like that I extra tip. Like if you put in the percentages and shit like do you want to tip 10% 15% 20% 25% like if I made you drive some whole ass weather nigga I'm tipping like the max one like the 25 or 30. Like I get like I'll give a good tip if I'm a. If I made you drive us some whole ass shit. So in my defense I will do that but yeah I'll be letting I'll be definitely letting niggas rest their life to bring me a couple of slices of pizza. Yeah yeah for sure I'm just like yeah and and for me like I say I did reach for a while and I don't think you have to be able to be in the industry some shit to be compassionate and shit of course you haven't done it so you can pass you anyway. But I'd be thinking about that shit and I'd be like man I remember the days when you know I was getting good tips and it was great and I remember the ones that would tip like a dollar and like yeah fuck some bitches. But I'd be like yeah fuck I'll tip heavily for that shit because it's a convenience shit I'm like fuck man I'm working too many hours I can't I don't have time for this shit. Wife wants some groceries don't feel like going out like fuck that shit so yeah man but yeah dog to get the biggest shit though I fucking fuck with that shit like you know they go they go deliver it cool. I'll pay for it I'll pay extra but the convenience of that shit is so fucking lovely dog. Yeah man it's the shit it's the shit. So this would be the portion of the podcast when we talk about the pissing stuff we've had some some addition subtractions and all kind of shit going on with the pissing so we want to start. You know where I want to start I want to start with how everybody as always with every topic always got to live in the extremes on every fucking thing like every move we make is like the dumbest fucking shit or people like oh this is a great move then like you can't even like look at like there are like okay let's say for instance I had no idea who a player is that the piss is just signed or traded for. You would think maybe you could look at the replies to Woj's tweet and get an idea of whether or not this was a good move and you can't because for one everybody's going to be super fucking negative like no matter what unless it's like a super obvious good thing like you know if it's if it's you know the Sixers getting Paul George everybody's be like oh you know this is great. But if it's like you know a regular fucking move everyone is super fucking negative so you can't even really assess it. So like that's the first thing that irritates me about everything the pisses have done is that everybody it seems like everybody's is going to be negative on it. And with no idea of what they're talking about like like after they fire money Williams I was reading like replies to one of the tweets and people were like I can't believe they're blaming a great coach for this and like he's gotta be fine like he escaped gold and nah nah nah nah nah he ain't no goddamn scapegoat nigga like I watched too many of these goddamn games and watch this fool ass peanut head ass whole nigga lose us a whole bunch of games being a dumb fuck Nick no it is that that nigga was not no scapegoat it was definitely the most responsible person. He earned a lot of why the pisses were trash absolutely he's not no scapegoat. Never in my life have I seen a coach earn a fire and like that and the pisses have been bad for most of my life like yeah I got three championships but they've been bad most of the time the niggas have gone through a lot of coaches. I never see the coach where I was like this is the stupidest mother fucker. Like man. So yeah like but if you didn't but if you didn't watch the games. You read the tweets you just like oh man a pisses fired a great coach just because they suck they're like no they suck because that was garbage. I mean they suck they also suck but like he made it worse by you know starting players that can't even get a job anywhere now. So yeah that's that's the first thing. And and and before you go on and what's crazy is that that mother fuckers like a hundred mill up. 60 to 80 to 100 mill up from his last two positions per the pro pistons wrestling podcast. Joe mentioned and one of his recent podcast first off this mother fucker's been doing like daily podcasts and shit this shit's crazy. But I think from what he said. The sons end up still on him 20 million. And then he got another 60 million from Detroit so being a bad coach at the end of a 10 year at the sun's got 20 million plus whatever it's a contract was. And then making however many millions he made last season to getting paid 60 65 minutes to not coach like man that mother fucker is sitting great on a fucking 80 million to get. And he only got a fucking coach another day in his life. And again I don't know I feel like I don't really want to say that I feel like he sabotaged the team on purpose, but like I mean the players could probably attest to that. And I think it would be more vocal if they felt that he was sat on the team so I don't fully buy into that I just feel like he did not give it what he should have gave it as a coach. But like there's times where I think I thought that like he should have done better or he seemed like he didn't care. But then I look back on like again like coming like coming on the team pause and starting. Joining the team. There we go. That's why I should have said joining the team and immediately benching Jaden Ivy who had to carry the team all the previous season as a rookie because Kate got hurt. And then what's killing Hayes was gone. This nigga hasn't even found a job since he couldn't get on no other team and no other league he couldn't even make Francis Olympic team like this nigga could not be cannot get a job playing basketball anywhere, not even in his own country. But then he started this nigga for the first half of the season over the nigga who had to carry the team the previous season as a rookie. Like so you were disrespectful as nigga because number one, because I wouldn't like just on the strip that act like let Ivy lose the job first. And again, I don't respect that they could carry the team as a rookie because Kate got hurt. And he won't you won't bench him right away make that nigga lose the spot first give him the respect, still continuing to start and if he blows it he blows it. But don't just bench him for this nigga killing and dog like it. And like Isaiah livers how much he played that that's another negative left team and been able to find a job anywhere since. And I'm just like, I don't know is it like that I'm just like, did he do that on purpose? Like, like what was it? What was the team saying about that? Like I don't know man but anyway, all that to say, it's hard to trust anybody's kind of like assessment of anything that they do because everybody is so overly negative nobody seems to just take an even handed approach like I mean I did see even handed responses but kind of like there's very few of like this is the simple kind of move that this team needed to make it this time like it's not good. It's not bad but it's what they need to do to improve from what they have right now like simple just analysis like that it's all like what the fuck were they thinking this is the stupidest fucking I hate that player you know all that kind of shit. All that to say, I think the coaching hire is good. Jamie Bicker staff has found saw found great success with the Cavaliers. He got fired because the Cavaliers didn't get over the hump in the playoffs and that's not something that the Pistons need to be concerned with right now. They need to be concerned with playing up to their talent level and not you know by having the right type of players on the floor and having a coach who gives a fuck about the job you know basic fucking things like that. And seeing if they can win 30 games. So I'm happy with the coaching hire, you know I know some people want it like a new coach but like I disagree with that I feel like a young team like this who's who's supposedly isn't going to be getting the parts that they need to surround around you know surround K a I feel like they need a coach who knows what they're doing and knows how to develop players, not somebody who's getting the first time thing somebody who already is going to have respect. So I like the coaching hire. And then I kind of like the Tobias Harris signing as well. It's only two years. And at the end of the day. We're not signing like people are treating the Tobias Harris signing like it was supposed to be the signing that's going to make them a playoffs or something. Like that would like they were going to sign fucking Paul George or something is like, oh you have Paul George but you ended up settling for Tobias Harris. Like, Paul George is never going to come here. Like, no, not at all. For what they, for what they had as options to them. For one I'm surprised even Tobias Harris came here but it's probably it's because Philadelphia wouldn't have paid him that. So, but like, like he's going to do what we need him to do here. He will alleviate a lot of the pressure off for Kate. He'll be able to spread the floor a little bit more and he's a veteran he knows what he's doing he's been here before. So like, I'm fine with the Tobias Harris signing I think it's, it's, it's a useful signing for the team right now is not one of those. It's not a, you know, change the entire dynamic of the franchise kind of signing but it was never going to be that. So I'm satisfied with that. I'm satisfied with Tim Hardaway Jr. I don't think that like that to me that's that one's even less impactful to me than. Well, Tobias Harris one is impactful to me but Tim Hardaway it just feels like New Alec Burks like whatever like. I think he's like, I think he's like Alex works with like a more veteran presence. Does that make sense. I think well I don't know how old he is he might be younger but like. Well, I think just it's his experience of playoff basketball and other than I think he'd just be a good mentor for other players he'd do well, you know, but to your point I think he's on a lower value of like Tobias is, is, is really the star in this. Like Tobias Harris is going to start Tobias here is going to start. So like he's going to start and he'll be the he will be the star of not co star. Me outside. He'll be the co star. He'll be a co star. He's firmly entrenched in number two, possibly number three depending on how Ivy develops, if at all, but like, but what he will provide is what the team needs and that's at the end of the day. That's fine by me. So like right now I'm satisfied with what they've done. A lot is going to rely on like the coach that they brought in that's that's known that's renowned for shooting Vincent like if he's who he's been made out to be. That's going to be our strongest pickup somebody who can help get some of these guys who are struggling with shooting get like everybody on the team could be shooting better Kate. Even like even Kate Ivy, like all those guys could be shooting should be shooting way better. So like if he, if he can get those guys shooting better, they say the one guy, the guy that we drafted is like his only weaknesses is shooting get that guy shooting better. He's supposed to be super athletic super scrappy on defense like all that kind of stuff sounds really good to me so I don't know it's just a matter of like it needs to actually happen because there are a lot of other things that sounded good to me that didn't pan out like sign them on the Williams. So, like, yeah, I guess that that's it. Yeah, just to add I fully, excuse me. I fully agree with everything you said. One thing I would add is that people had, I think a lot of people had, it's a false narrative like, you know, who they wanted to come here, it's a matter of who wants to come here who wants to sign here. And I think now, if we could somehow, like we pulled to bias here I think that was a great, I thought it was a great pull. I think Tim Hardaway would be cool but I think more importantly, having those guys here and actually doubling or more wins and making people want to come here is a big thing like, I think if we can somehow get, you know, winning mentality, win some games here, get some good camaraderie show that, you know, the bigger staff show that he can coach and develop. Next year, I don't think we will have the problem of getting people here, you know I'm saying people, you know, I think that'll be, that'll be a thing next year to see how we can get people to come here next year from having a fucking terrible season and I think with what we have potentially that can work and if that works, hell yeah we could start getting people here but people got to want to come here too. I mean, you know, obviously people get trades happen where people go where, you know, there's out of their control, but when it comes to free agency and so forth. I think next year if things go, you know, next year free agency, things go well we have people wanting to come here and you know that's that's the I feel like that should be, you know, one of the goals is get to a point where you want, want people to want to come here and not just forcefully because you're paying them a lot of money, yeah, I think they have, they have like, they've done the right things to make people feel better about coming here but right now there, this is definitely not the place that people want to go like, and I understand that like I look at the shit show that it is here as a fan, looking at Weaver and looking at the moves that he made and looking at money and all like the way, the way they've just conducted business in general under Weaver, and I say I feel like I feel like other players see that and they're just like, nah, man, we're not, we're not gonna fuck that, like the whole thing is shitty, it's not like, oh the Pistons didn't win a lot of games, it's like it's a whole shitty organization. And I think that's probably gonna be helpful. That might have helped with getting Tobias Harris maybe if it was still Weaver and money maybe Tobias Harris doesn't do it. But like, you know, now that they've cleared out, cleared out that whole regime and brought in people who were respected. And then step two, which is this the step that not a step necessarily but this is what I firmly believe in, I believe the Kate is good enough that once he gets, once he gets an opportunity to just be able to play like regular play like like have a, you know, have some decent shooters around him, like doesn't have to be like oh we got a 50 win roster, but like just have serviceable fucking players who aren't absolutely fucking terrible. Guys like Tobias Harris, he's better than what I just described, but like Kate's been surrounded by absolutely terrible fucking players, like get get him decent shooters get him some decent spacing, watch this nigga work, I guarantee this nigga's gonna cut the fuck up next season like already his numbers with surrounded by complete shit have been great, like his numbers are like next season is gonna be a breakout year for him, and like that's gonna be I think the other key to getting people here is clearing out the organization getting all these new people in it, and then him being him making people want to come here and play with him. And that's that's what I think is gonna be that's what I think needs to happen this year is him playing good enough to wear like the like the surrounding people being good enough to where he can be who he can fully who he can fully be reaches full potential for his technically fourth season but really third season, reach his full potential, and we win even if we only win 30 games. If we win 30 games after winning 14 this year, whatever the fuck like if we were 30 games next year and this nigga average 25, 8 and 8 or some shit like that, it's gonna be a lot of niggas ready to come here the season after that. So like that's that's kind of what I'm really putting in putting a lot of it on just bringing the guys guys who are good enough to let that nigga be who he could be, you know, reaches full potential and not feel like he has to do everything and he's got, he's getting triple fucking teen because nobody else on the floor can make a shot like you know I'm saying so like that's that's kind of my hope for the upcoming season. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it man. I don't want to wish the summer away but I'm looking forward to the lion season and looking forward to the pisses you know, I think it's gonna be some some fun times sports here. So yeah, absolutely looking forward to the season. So I'm low key already getting preemptively nervous about the lions because I'm like, because I'm like, it's, and I said this right after we lost like I was like man, what's it gonna be like next season now that they're gonna have expectations like and not expect like like this season coming into this past season. They hadn't done anything. They finished the season strong and then we came into this season and they made moves in the off season where people was like on a lion's go with the division the life with the division. And then now we get to three points away from the Super Bowl. Now people are gonna be like a lion's go in the NFC the lions go in the Super Bowl. Like the lions have made the niggas that they draft and the moves that they made like this is now a team that can win the Super like how are they gonna. I don't know how is that going to be like living up to that kind of expectation. So I'm already preemptively nervous. Yeah, I think there's a lot of expectations set. I think one of my coworkers who's always telling me about lion's shit even if I don't ask them was talking about how they're ranking the secondary. And I don't know where he got this from. So I have to fact check that. But he was saying how they're already trying to rank the secondary and like a top five. I'm like, these motherfuckers ain't even play like don't rank these motherfuckers top five. And he played a fucking snap like he didn't even have fucking summer summer camping shit or whatever fucking it's called. So, you know I'm saying that's not that's that's not do that. That's not do that. Yeah. And I saw a thing just today that had the the O line right number one, which I mean, okay, but I still like same thing though like don't like it's too early man like like all that. So that could like that I want to hype the die down because I'm just like man don't be out here talking about the finger the high train is like that train is on fire nigga ain't no dying down because you already know if you say that they got a top five secondary where you know that was the weakest shit. Yeah. Yeah. And it's been a week of shit forever to go be a top five like come on. Right. We are top five secondary. I can see it. No, right. I can see if you know you played a couple preseason game you see potential. But we played a thing you think they played a snap like they still got to make the roster like they even they even decided that yet. So, you know, right. It's just like but I mean potential is all potential is is just that you know saying ain't nobody played a fucking snap. So, but I'm looking I am so looking forward to to the season man God damn looking forward to the line season. So we'll see we don't need to we don't need to get into it because we end up talking about it forever but like one thing that I keep thinking about is how a lot of the most pivotal players on our team are so young. Like first of second year guys like like Gibbs for instance, like like like people talking about how great our one run game was last season I'm like dog give that was give us a fucking rookie niggas like the fucking rookie and la porta fucking rookie. I was just I was just about to say the potential and give some reporters fucking nuts dog. And I can say we could talk about a top. A top tight end as a rookie dog like man come on. That's why I'm like well top five secondary we might as well just be 17 and only it's going to be so crazy. And we've been waiting on that nigga to take off life. And he showed he showed the flashes last season. Like this like it already felt like this is probably going to be this up cuz up a couple season might be a breakout season for him. Now you got Campbell hyped up the shit about everybody getting too hyped up like come on and stop saying all the right things. So yeah looking forward to it though man I can't wait for it but I don't like I say don't want to wish away the summer but man I can't wait for the Pistons to start up can't wait for the Lions start up man it's going to be a good ass sport season got can't fucking wait. I hope so. I hope so. I can't do it another fucking sub 20 win season. This is ridiculous and not so yeah man that's all I got you anything else. Now we can wrap it up. All right then well this is I will push to have this out very soon but you guys are happy fourth and all that good shit and see y'all next week. Peace. Peace.