Apostolic Lighthouse

School Is Back In Session - Bro Kaleb

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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We can do better than that for the Lord, can we? (audience applauding) Hallelujah, hallelujah. How many know it's real? I said, "How many know it's real?" (audience applauding) Hallelujah, and I know it's real 'cause I can feel Him in my soul, fill Him in my spirit, and I know that the elders, as done said, we've got food awaiting us, my feelings was already been hurt when I got back. They said y'all had short service last Sunday morning and Sunday night. The person that was telling me that said, we knew that it wouldn't be like that if you was there. That hurt my feelings. First service I'm back, elder preaches an hour and a half. Some way that gets blamed on me. Brother Tim Jones, I don't know how. I didn't have nothing to do with it. Some was up here laughing at me 'cause I was squirming in my seat this morning. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Elder, he's a chip off the old block. His choice of words, he can only get away with that. I can't get away with that. But I tell him, listen, you're gonna preach like that, warn me, I wanna go set by my wife. I don't wanna be the only one up here setting where everybody's staring at me. (congregation laughing) But he don't give me a heads up, Sister Whitney gave. He just kind of like brother DJ and sister Hannah, I get to find out when everybody else does. And so here we are. But I am not going to be very long at all. (congregation laughing) Matter of fact, I held their text me this afternoon and said he just felt like for me to say something. And I was studying, I've had a message studied out for the church. And while church was going on, felt like the Lord just redirected me. And I got my Bible and got my notes and changed it over. And just felt like hitting this just for a moment. And then we'll go have enchiladas. But I do feel it in my spirit. I can't get away from it, just come heavy on me. And to the point to where I just had to change it. And if you're a minister of the gospel and you have studied a message out and you have it and it's by the Nathan Senson that's on your mind and you know where you're gonna go. And then all of a sudden you just don't feel it anymore. Feel like just from the beginning of the service that we went a different direction than what's been on my heart. And so I'm just going to cover a few things that I covered Friday night. And for y'all that wasn't there, you're gonna get to hear it. But to the youth that was there, Sister Anna, stay with me this time. You scared me the last time. And I don't know if it was so good or so bad that she just passed out on me and way wound up in the hospital. But I am so thankful when you look over and you see them pumping, they'll try to pump the life back into one of your youth. It does something to you. And young people, you don't have to be old for to be taken out of this walk of life. And so you gotta be ready at all times, at all times. But I talked for, well, I preached for a while Friday night. I don't know how long. Some said I think about 50 minutes to an hour. I'm not gonna be that long. I'm gonna cover the highlights and go. But I taught them school is back in session. School is back in session. And the new school year is about to start. I believe we're starting what the 19th or the 20th? Sister Kelly, don't be laughing and jumping up and down being so excited over there. But I think the 19th or the 20th, we're gonna start back. And a new school year starts. And at school, you learn. You learn. And at the beginning of the school year, they refresh you on what you learned the last year and try to get you ready to go for this coming year. And so they refresh you on whatever grade or whatever level of school that you're at. But school is a place that you learn. You're one, two, threes and ABCs and plus and minus and subtraction and times tables. And all of that, it's a place that you learn about math and history and science and chemistry. If you can understand it. Thank God for Brother Plattford. He can kind of break it down to you on chemistry. I never understood it. But I did like math and I like history. And history is something that you learn from. History is something that we look back and we see the mistakes or the things that they did right in the past and in history. And we learn from that. We either go that direction or we know not to go that direction. And it's something that our culture today wants to take away from us is our history. They want to take away the mistakes that was made in the past that we can learn from. And they try to institute things into our schools and our colleges and universities around America and even around the world. They don't want us learning from our history. But I want to learn from it. And so just for a few moments here, let's have a little school session. Let's just go back to school for a few moments and say, well, Brother Samson, I'm not in school today. Well, you are tonight. This is the school of church. The one who said this is the school of hard knocks. Hallelujah. But I want to-- and if you've been in the church for a while and you already know it, then I want to refresh your memory. I want to refresh your mind here tonight. And Hosea chapter 7 and verse 8, Hosea chapter 7 and verse 8, and Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people. Ephraim is a cake knock turn. Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not. Yay, gray hairs are here, and they're there upon him, yet he knoweth not. And the pride of Israel testify to his face that they do not return to the Lord, their God, nor seek him for all of this. Hallelujah. You may be seated here this evening. I want to talk to us today, and I believe for a few moments, I believe the church is living in its last hour. I believe the church is living in the last of the last days. I believe the church is living in perilous times, and the church is living in a wicked and perverse generation. Like we heard this morning, how many thank God for a pastor that will preach the word without fear and without favor. It might not be a popular message, but yet he'll get up and preach it. He'll preach the word of the Lord anyway. Hallelujah. Thank God for the man of God. Thank God for the pastor in our life. You've got to have a pastor in your life. You've got to have a man of God in your life to lead you and guide you. You need a man of God in your life living in the last of the last days to help guide you and direct you in the paths of righteousness that we have trodden. But in this day and in this hour, the book of Revelation, John said, in Revelation chapter three and verse 11, and he said, "Behold, I come quickly. Hold that fast, which thou hast, that no man can take thy crown." You need to hold fast that which God has given you, what you have, what is he talking about here in his writings in the book of Revelation? He's talking about the crown of life, the crown of life is something that you get when you have endured to the end. You are rewarded when you hear him say, well done, thou good and faithful servant. You've been faithful over a few things and I'm gonna make you ruler over many and you are giving the crown of life and the Bible said that you need to hold fast, that which thou hast. The writer of Hebrews chapter two and verse one said, therefore we ought to give the more earnest he to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. What are you talking about? There's some things that's been given to us. There's some revelations that's been instilled in us. There's some doctrines that's been instilled in us. But the Bible is heading here and telling us that you can lose what's been given to you. You can let go of the crown of life. You can let go, you can let them slip through your hands. My God, I come to help us today, Lord. Don't let them slip. Don't let us lose what we've held fast to. What are you talking about? I'm talking about this apostolic doctrine. I'm talking about this apostolic heritage. That's been delivered to the church. It's who we are. It's what we are. It's ingrained in us. And I don't want to let it slip. What are you talking about? It matters that we continue in this apostolic doctrine. It matters that this is our identity. I don't want to lose our identity. Ephraim was a tribe of Israel. And they lost their identity. Ephraim, he mixed himself among the people. He began to mix himself with God said, stay away from her. Oh, my God, I don't want to mix herself. If it was one God, it back then it still one God today. If it was-- I refuse to let this apostolic doctrine. I refuse to let this apostolic heritage. I still believe that Deuteronomy 6 and 4, hero Israel, the Lord, our God, it's just one Lord. Isaiah 9 and 6, for unto us a child is born. And unto us a son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulders. And that shall call his name a wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the Prince of Peace. If it was one God, then it's one God now. In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And that Word was God. And that Word become flesh, and it dwelt among us. We're living in a day and an hour. Now they say, well, it's all right. You can believe what you want to. No, no, no. There's just one way. I said, there's just one way. I am the Lord. I am the Lord, and there is none else. There is no God beside me. I girdy though thou hast not known me. That they may know from the rising of the sun, from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. What are you talking about? It's still one God. It's still one God. Oh, behold, the virgin shall be with child, and thou shalt bring forth the sun. And they shall call his name Emmanuel, being interpreted. God with us. It's one God. What are you talking about? John 10.30, I and my Father were one. When you've seen me, you've seen the Father. When you've looked upon me, you've looked upon the Father. When you see me, you see the Father. You see the glory. You see the Word. You see the Spirit in me. James 2 and 19 said thou believe us that there is one God. Thou do us well. The devil also believe, and he trembles. I'm thankful today for my heritage. I don't want to let it slip, young people, older people, middle aged people. We can't let this one God apostolic message slip. It does matter who we are, what we are, who we fellowship, who we don't fellowship, who we run with. I ain't sharp enough iron. I don't want to run with the weak and become weak. But I want to run with this one God message. I want to run with this one God heritage. What is your heritage? Our heritage is that it takes more than grace to save us. Our heritage is it takes more than just putting your name on a roll. Our heritage is it takes more than just signing a book, at the back of the church. Our heritage is it takes more than coming in and saying a sinner's prayer. Our heritage is that it takes repentant of sins. It takes coming down to an old fashioned altar, and kneeling at the altar, and begin to repent of our sins. And ask God to forgive us. God forgive me of my sin. God forgive me of everything that I've been doing. God, I've got to go this heritage way. I've got to lean on to when my fourth fathers taught me. (audience cheering) What's your heritage? My heritage is repentant of sins, and be in baptized, in the only shaven name. That's my heritage. I don't want to lose my identity. I don't want to mix and mingle with the world. I don't want to mix and mingle my feast of charity. But God, you've given it to me. And I hold this old word precious. This word is a lamp unto my feet. And it's a light unto my path. I'm going to hide this word in my heart that I might not sin against thee, oh God. It's my heritage. This is my identity. This is who I am. This is what I am. Say, well, preacher, are you sure? Oh, Jesus had. Oh, just have him. Just have him come hold us. Heavy laden, and I'll give him rest. No, no, no, no, no. There was a man named Nicodemus that come to him by night. And he said, Lord, we know you've been sent from God. We know you're something special. What must I do to be saved? What do I got to do to make it? What do I got to do to him or him? And he said, hey, unless you're born to the water and of the spirit. This ain't one of the disciples. This is God, Jesus Christ manifested in the flesh, talking to Nicodemus. And he said, hey, I know you know the law. I know you know the book. I know you know the scripture. But unless a man is born again of the water and of the spirit, he can't enter in. What are you talking about, preacher? I'm going to tell you what I'm talking about. If you ain't baptized, you ain't repent of your sins. And if you ain't been baptized in the only saving name and received a gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking another tongue, brother, you got to. Ah, sister, you have to. That's what it takes. You must be. You've got to be. If you want to see Jesus, you've got to be born again. I don't want to lose my identity. I don't want to lose who I am. Why? He said, for I have chosen you out of the world. Therefore, the world hate a few. They hate who you are. They hate what you stand for. I was talking with a man the other day. He would come from a Catholic family. They were Catholic. We was talking. Matter of fact, it was at the hospital with sister Anna. I was sitting in the waiting room talking to all Catholic. And there's something about this apostolic doctrine. There's something about this apostolic way. Ah, you can go live how you want to live. Do everything you want to do. I get protected, everything you want to protect you. And it's all right. Once saved, always saved. But there's something about when they get in this apostolic church and they receive this apostolic way. All of a sudden, it ain't all right. All of a sudden, it's like blasting. They don't want nothing to do with you, brother Tony. Ah, they want to start excommunicating you. And they begin to tell me, my family shut me off. They cut me off. Why be kind? I said, man, ain't that weird. You can do everything that you want to do. Drink, run, crowds, do whatever. But there's something about when you get to Holy Ghost. It makes a difference. I'm going to tell you something. The devil hates this apostolic way. He hates this apostolic heritage. He hates when we come out from a murkstone. And we are separate. [APPLAUSE] What are you talking about? Second Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17, wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, say of the Lord, and touch not the unclean dang. And I will receive you. I come to tell you tonight, it's not what your Sunday school teacher said. It's not something mom and dad's head. It's not even something the preacher said. But let me tell you, it's what God said. He said, wherefore come out from among them and be separate, say of the Lord. What are you talking about? The writer, Roman, said in chapter 12, how beseech ye therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice. Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable servant. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed. How, by the renewing of your mind. How do you renew your mind? That's coming to an old fashioned altar and repenting of your sins and being baptized in the only Savior name, that name of Jesus and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. That's transforming your thinking. Amen. Say, well, preacher, I got the Holy Ghost. I still did all of them things. Now, I'm going to tell you something you didn't get the Holy. You didn't get the Holy Ghost I had. Well, when I get that I got, when I got this Holy Ghost, it changed the way I thought. It changed the way I lived. It changed the way I walked and talked. It's the way-- [CHEERING] It changed for my mind. [CHEERING] What are you talking about? I'm not of the world. Love, not the world. Neither the things that are in the world. If any man loved the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. We heard about the lust this morning from elder, from pastor. How many enjoyed that message this morning? [CHEERING] What are you talking about? Oh, he gets really plain. James gets really plain in his writing. He adulterers and adultresses. No ye, not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God, whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world. It's the enemy of God. What are you talking about? We can't have no friends in the world. Yes, you can. That's how you're going to win. Your friends. Here we talk and we say it all the time. You're the only Bible that some will ever read. And you're the only Bible that they're looking at. But I'm going to tell you something. When you start acting more like them, then they start acting like you. You need to separate yourself. You're becoming an enmity of God, an enemy of God. But he said, come for it. Come out from among them, and be ye separate. You need to keep hold of your identity, who you are. We don't look like the world. We don't talk like the world. We don't act like the world. What are you talking about? First Peter, chapter 2, and verse 9. But you are a chosen generation. A, royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should so forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous life. Sister Irene, she'll slip by me every now and then. She'll say, hey, Brother Samson. I'll say what? She said, I'm not normal. Oh, no, we're peculiar. We're different. This is our heritage. This is who we are. We come to church. I don't come to church. I'll just stand there. But I come to church because I'm a postolic and Pentecostal. I come with a shout. I come with a prayer. This is my heritage. This is who I am. This is what I am. My grandpa rolled in the floor. I think every now and then I need a roll in the floor. My grandpa, he prayed this prayer. I need a prayer. My grandpa read this word. I need to read this word. I don't want to lose my heritage. Young man, I don't want to lose who we are. I don't want to lose. Well, it has been given to us and passed down to us. And if you're not careful, what's just been so freely given to you is so free easily let go. But when you have to work for it and when you have to grind for it, when you have to work for that money and you have to grind for that money, you got to work for that pickup. You got to pay for them tires. You got to pay for that fuel and oil changes. You got to pay for that thing when it breaks down. All of a sudden, oh, your foot gets a little lighter on the gas. All of a sudden, you ain't got that thing down to the floor. All of a sudden, you're taking it a little easy. Why? Because, hey, when this thing breaks down, I don't have the money to pay for it. Why? Because I'm the one having to work for it. I'm the one that has to appreciate this thing and drive this thing. Feel like I can afford something. I'm going to tell you something. We got to appreciate this apostolic doctrine. We need to appreciate this apostolic heritage. It's not that I have to look like that or dress like that. I get a dress like that. I get a look at my stuff. I get a look holy and pure and I hate it from the world. Why? Because I'm peculiar. I'm set apart. I don't look like everybody else. I don't act like everybody else. What are you talking about? Well, they're more apostolics. They're kind of ignorant, they're kind of stupid people. We might be, but you know what? It ain't nothing different from what they was telling them in the book of Acts. Acts chapter four and verse 13. Now, when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. Let me tell you something, young man, young lady, you don't have to be the smartest people in the block, but I'm going to tell you something. When they can look at you from the world and they can realize this person's been with God, you might not have this great IQ level. You might not got accepted into hell or Harvard, but let me tell you what you've been accepted in. You've been accepted into the gates of glory, to the heavens of heavenless. You've been entered into the king of kings and the Lord of lords, it's your heritage. (congregation cheering) I don't want to lose my identity, but from the top of my head to the soul of my feet, I want to be apostolic, I want to be pure, I want to be holy, I want to be true. What are you talking about? It's just class and session. I know some of y'all heard this, but I want to refresh your mind. I want to refresh your memory. And if you're new, I want to tell you tonight, this is the best way living for the Lord. It's when he called you at a darkness into this marvelous light. It was the best thing that ever happened to you. (congregation cheering) I don't want to get mad at the preacher when he begins to preach truth to us like he did this morning. I don't want to get upset and say, well, bless God, I ain't going to do it. I'm not going to buy it bad, no, no, no, no. I just want to say preach to me, preacher. Preach to my family, preach to my boys, preach to my daughter, preach to my wife, preach, preach the word, Timothy, be instant in season, out of season, just preach the word. (congregation cheering) Say, well, I don't want to go over there. I don't want to go, man, they preach on everything. You can't preach it hard enough for me. Just preach the word. You ain't going to offend me. You ain't going to run me off. Why? Because I fell in love with Jesus. I fell in love with him and nothing. It's going to deter me. Nothing's going to take my love. You got to get it for yourself. The Bible said, save yourself from this untoward generation. Ephraim lost his consistency. He lost his identity. He's lost his spiritual sensitivity. My God, I don't want to lose what we've gained and what we got. Oh, I don't want to lose that spirit that they all talk about. That God let us hold on to it. Let us entertain that spirit of the holy of holies. Why? Because it's our culture. It's who we are. It's what we are. Man, that gave us the property of this church. He said, are you ashamed of who you are? Are you ashamed of the way you live? I looked him. Very rich man flies a helicopter lens in the field. Oh, man, he has it by the world. Starence had everything going on. But Brother Tony, that didn't sway me one moment. That didn't persuade me to, oh, man. Look at him say, well, no, no, no. I looked him right in the eyeball. Hey, Brother Jacob, and I said, no. I'm not ashamed of who I am. I'm not ashamed of what I am. I'm old enough. I got just enough in me. If I wanted to go live like the world, I'd go live it. Ah, I'm my own man. I'm my own person. But let me tell you something. I've read the book. I've studied this word. And this is what it takes to be saved. This is what it takes to get me out of here. I've read it. I'm going to live it. I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I say, well, preacher, I'm going to tell you something. This is what I preach to them Friday night. I preach to them youth. This same message, oh, but I'm going to tell you something. I felt in my spirit tonight. Oh, I need you to remind somebody in this house tonight. This is who we are. This is what we are. When we come to church, we pray, we magnify, we worship. We run, we jump, we clap, we scream. We holler. Go to the honky tonks and the bars and the stadiums. And they lift up their voice. And they scream until it's registered. As a minor earthquake in them stadiums. They begin to shake and scream so loud for their favorite team. They're registered on the scale. As a minor earthquake. Well, I'm going to tell you something. That's their God. That's the little gods with the little G's that they're worshiping and praising and magnifying and screaming. It's the stars and the all-stars of this world. But you think I'm going to come to the house of God and lift up the main star, the one that built the stars into the heavens and not lift up my voice and not give God some praise for what he's done. I refuse to come and sit and cross my own hands. As they're screaming right now in some stadium across America, they're screaming, they're begging their favorite. Hit her, hit it, hit a home run. Oh, and the wave is going. Man, they'll get the wave going all the way around 50, 60,000 people, whatever it is, packed in that stadium. And they'll begin to scream in harmony. So much it begins to rattle the breaches and the seats. I'm going to tell you something. How much more is our Heavenly Father worthy of our praise, of our worship? It's our heritage. It's who we are. I'm not going to lose yet. You know what we've done? We traded. We traded Red Hot Prayer Meeting. We traded Heritage Church, this Heritage Doctrine, our identity. We traded it for entertainment. Yeah, I know we have. 65% of our youth spend their money. 65% of their income. 65% of their income. Just on coffee and entertainment. Want to be on your cell phone? Go Google that. Let's see if I ain't just reaching two to you. 65% spend their money on-- how do you know? Because I had a man, Brother Ryan, offer me for one acre. Get this. You thought they was trying to get you the other day? One acre offered me $450,000 cash, money closed as soon as I can get done, for a coffee shop, a coffee shop, elder parker, how can they give $450,000 cash money for a coffee shop? Because somebody-- Brother Henry's making money. Somebody's spending money at the coffee shop. Buying coffee wrong? No. My Lord, I countered offered him, Brother Cliff. I countered offered him. Raised at $100,000 and put some free coffee in there for some of us. Glory to God. I'm going to tell you something, did they accept it? No, they ain't accepted it yet. But you know what, they ain't going to stop me. Why, I'll go down to Brother Tim's sister and need his coffee shop, and I'm going to buy coffee from them. Man, she put the good deal to go into. 65% spending money on entertainment and coffee. But what does that tell you? That tells me that that don't leave very much money to pay your bills and to live off of. But we are aid up with entertainment. We are aid up with the love, a pleasure of this whole world, and the things that we want, and the things that entertain us, and the things that grab hold of us, and what we like, and what we want. [INAUDIBLE] It soothes our conscience. It soothes our soul. And you know what, my Lord, I never even thought about it. I can't even remember the minister and somebody. They did a study on turning the lights out into the congregation and having church. May begin to study the darkness and why would you want to turn the lights out in the congregation and how church and the only lights is up there on the platform? Because it hides everything in the study. They begin in all this corruption and abominable stuff begin to come up. It hides everything that the congregation is doing. It hides everything that they're pertaining and taking a part of and putting on and taking on. It hides them. It makes them. And so they're more apt to come to church, where they're here amongst my God help us today. I just want this all the time away. I want this whole time doctrine. Oh, God, help me. Have me shout in my faith. Have me shout in my lead. God, I want this apostolic way. [CHEERING] If it's a long church, then honey will. Have a long church. If it's shouting, then will shout. If it's praying, will pray. [CHEERING] But let me tell you about in the Osho Apostolic Lighthouse, we're not going to lose our identity. We're not going to lose who we are. We're not going to lose what we are. We're going to hold. [CHEERING] Powder, if it takes getting away and putting down these old smartphones and getting rid of these smartphones. Brother Henry, I'll get rid of them. [CHEERING] If it's going to take my kids to hell, if it's going to take my babies to hell, then bless your heart, little honey. I'll go give me a flip phone. I'll put it in my pocket, and I'll pack it-- oh, you say, I'll do it! [CHEERING] Boy, I'm not forsaking this whole time away. I'm not giving up this whole time heritage. It's who, and what we are, and what I'm going to be to the trumpet sounds. [CHEERING] Well, when Caleb gets it, it's going to go. A little cares now. When Caleb gets it, I tell you what it's going to be. It's going to be the same way that it's always been. It's going to be that old time doctrine. It's going to be that old time way. We're going to trust God. We're going to believe in God. We're going to serve God. We're not going to back up! [CHEERING] Why? Because it's been ingrained in me. It's been put down on the inside of me. As they come to the music, I've got to quit. I don't want to give up. I'm not going to back up. I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to give space to the devil. Brother DJ, Brother JB. Oh, what grandpa tripling and stealing us? That's why it's going to be in the Osho Apostolic Lighthouse. That's what we're going to preach, and that's what we're going to live. Well, you won't have a very big church. I don't need a very big church. All I need is two or three. Agree with me. That's all I need. I'm going to preach this on a day to Word of God. [CHEERING] Who is running down the road the other day? My wife looked at me. She said, how many people do you want in the church? How many people would you be satisfied or comfortable with? Just one of them, husband and wife's conversations, were running down the road. I said, baby, let me tell you something. I'd like to have, and we're going to have 280 people, because that's what God promised our men of God, and that's what we're going to have. But if he don't give us 281, oh, I won't. It's 280 people that love God, that love's truth, that love's this way. [CHEERING] I'm not looking to build Caleb Samson a kingdom. I'm not looking for to build Caleb Samson. Some big and magnificent where they can look and say, well, my Lord, look what Caleb said, no, no, no. I want him to say, look what God has done. Look what the Lord has done. He healed my body. He saved my mind. He touched me just in time. I'm going to praise his name. [CHEERING] If you're here saying, well, I wonder what it's going to be. I'll tell you where it's going to be. It's going to be the way it's always be. Look what the Lord has done. I'm not looking for a new doctor. I'm not looking for a new way. I'm not looking for a new revelation. He healed my body. Say, well, preacher, I got to say it, fill an ocean. Brother Jacob, we're living in a generation that once booked. Not only are they spending their money on coffee and entertainment, but they feel like they got to have book, chapter, and verse for everything we believe. Where's that found out? Where's that in the Bible? What chapter is that in? Can you show that to me? Brother Adam, there's some things we don't have book, chapter and verse for. It's not in there. But can I tell you something? In the Bible, they didn't have book, chapter and verse, the whole time they was in the Bible. But Brother Joe Childers, it was under the unction of the Holy Ghost when the Lord began to deal with him. All of a sudden Isaiah said, whoa, wait a minute. I got a revelation. Get somebody, give me a pen and paper. I got to start writing this down. I got an unction of the Holy Ghost. That's a true. It was a book, chapter and verse, elder in the Old Testament. They didn't have something to go back to and hold to. It was the unction. They got for a pastor that said, I filled the unction. You need to put yourself on them. I filled the unction. You need to come out and be separate. I don't need book, chapter and verse. Brother Ryan, all I need is with the pastor that I know has been praying. And he's got the unction to function under the Holy Ghost. And I'll come in. And he says, hey, we're going to dress like this. We're going to look like this. We're going to walk like this. We're going to talk like this. I'm not asking, well, where's that family? I went back to-- no. I'm going to say, OK, preacher. OK, pastor, I'm behind you. I'm for you. [CHEERING] If I'm wrong, daddy, you set me down. I'm going to tell you something. You want to know where I got where I'm at today? Because I know I was a restful to growing up. I was carnal, but I'm going to tell you something. When I got married, have I been perfect? No. But there's one thing. And you can ask him, and you can ask her. And I'm going to tell you something. Whatever they said, whatever they done, that's the way it was at my house. Whether I was preaching, whether I was totally 100% holy, or whether I was kind of carnal, and needed to pray. Whatever he told me, that's what I've done. The way that he said, the way the little. That's what me and my wife said. If he said, put your kids in Christian school, I put them in Christian school. If my pastor said, do this, I did that. Be holy, we was holy. Dress like gifts, we dress like gifts. Pay your ties, we paid our ties. Pay your offer, I paid my offer. Let me tell you something. Brother Aaron, how was the school perfect? No, it wasn't perfect. Didn't have it short time. Oh yeah, and it still does. But I'm going to tell you something. I just lined up to what that old man of God said. And I said, I'm not going to lose my identity, who I am, and what I am. And we lined up, and we began to follow the pastor. And all of a sudden, you know what happened? Oh, was it always? Did it always? Did it go against the grain sometime? Yeah, my family never knew it. But you think, for one moment, that I was going to turn my kids over to the world and put some seed of rebellion in them, sitting around the table, talking about this one, talking about-- no, no, no. That's my heritage. Ephraim, I'm not going to lose who I am. Oh, and all of a sudden, the blessings begin to pour in. The blessings begin to funnel in. And I was blessed here, and blessed there, and a little here, and a little there. Why? Because it is my heritage. Brother Caleb, no, I'm just preaching who we are, church. This is it. This is who we are, and this is what we are. I'm going to follow the men of God as He follows Christ. If He says, do it, I'm going to do it. If He says, wear it, I'm going to wear it. He says, go, I'm going to go. Elder Triplett said that he had men, that he could tell, and they'd go to the desert and build a boat, just because he said that they could do it. And Brother Jones did y'all not build that church in what? 50 days or 52 days? 58 days? Why? Because he had a group of men around him. Did you set around and say, well, Brother, we ain't doing it like that. No, we're not going to do it. How was it, Brother Jones? There you go. And you had how many in there working? 58 days build the home church, the church they just moved out of. Stone rock all over that beautiful building. I'm going to tell you something why, because he had a group of men that said, hey, I might not understand everything, and I might not even agree with everything, but I know one thing. That's my shepherd. That's my pastor. That's my man of God. And when he gets an ocean of function, I'm just going to follow the ocean of the Holy Ghost. [APPLAUSE] Quit worrying about book chapter and verse. Stand with me. Quit worrying about young people where it's found out. Where's that in the Bible? Where's that? No, no. What do you say, pastor? How do you preach it, pastor? What do you think about it, pastor? I tell you what I think about it. That's not enough. That's all I need to know. It won't be very long, Brother DJ. And you'll have to stay. Stand up, Cam. Stand up, Leslie. Bring that little-- stand up, baby up. Stand up, Brother Tim. Stand up, Sister Anita. Stand up, JB. Stand up. Stand up, stand up, stand up. Try and tell her, stand up. Why? Because there's something about it when he said, hey, I'm tired of fooling around. I'm tired of just wading in on the edges. I'm going to get serious about living for God. I ain't going to miss no church for nothing. It's going to take something serious to keep me out of the house of God. And whoa, whoa, whoa. What is that being? Two years, year and a half, year and a half. And my Lord, how many did you have? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven miracles. There's something about when you just make up your mind. OK. I'm going to go with the-- [INAUDIBLE] I might not understand it. Have you understand everything about the DJ? Brother DJ, there was some things that wrapped you the wrong way? Was there some things that you didn't agree with? [INAUDIBLE] Have you rehearsed that with him? No, I haven't. I just know, because that's just the way life goes. Our church is not perfect, Brother Jimbo. Has there been things that make you want to scratch your head? [INAUDIBLE] Me too. Pastor says he comes in. He sees stuff every night that makes him scratch his head. Have you wouldn't ask him what it was? No, I didn't. My mom, he saved me just in time. Well, you know what? He just keeps up all here. He keeps getting up, preaching the word. Brother DJ, you just kept getting up. Brother Jimbo, you just kept being faithful. And now, seeing you this morning, praying with that boy, that miracle, praying with him, praying over. Why? Because even though when you didn't understand that, you just kept being faithful. When even though you didn't agree, probably with everything, you just kept being faithful. Brother DJ, you just kept praying. You just kept coming up to the altar, praying for everybody else. Even though when you didn't understand and you said, God, why me? Have come me. I'm done. Too long. Church, this is our identity. This is who we are. You want to know how the church is going to be? Come on, let's pray. These 70 and 30 years when elders guide, probably be around 100, they'll live out long this time. Know how it's going to be? It's going to be the same way that it has been for the last 24 and the last 40 years of my life. That's the way it's going to be. [MUSIC PLAYING] We're going to keep the lights on. We're going to keep the strobe lights off. We're going to keep the smoke machines out. And we're going to keep God in. We're going to keep the Holy Ghost in. We're going to keep worshiping. We're going to keep fasting in, and praying, and faithfulness in, and the church in. Come on, let's pray. Look what-- the last thing the Bible said that sounds going to depart, given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. They're going to depart by the DJ, and it's going to hurt. It's going to smoke me by the Tony. It's going to move me. I'm going to groan when someone walk away. You know what? It's not going to deter me by the Tony. I'm going to hide fell in love with this way. I fell in love with this truth, and when they walk away, I'm going to pray for them. I'm going to let them know that I love them. But it's not going to affect me, but it might shake me. I might not understand, but I'm going to keep putting one foot in front of the other one, because we're living in the last days, and I'm not going to be conformed to this world, but I'm going to be transformed by the red light of my eye. He said, be ye holy, for I am holy. I want to be like him. I want to keep this apostolic heritage in our church, where preachers that preach across this whole nation, not just the United States, but in the whole world they preach. And they say, I know I was a little bold. I know I've been on you and been a little pushy to come preach, and man, he was. He was texting me, texting dad, calling me, calling dad. I thought, what in the world? I want to come preach. But he had a window there by the Jimbo that his wife had to go back to work. And he said, I want to bring my family. I want to bring my daughters. And I want them to feel what you have. Brother Samson, it's not everywhere you go. I don't feel what y'all have there. Don't lose it. Don't let it go. Don't give up. My god, it's smoked my heart. Man preaching in churches all across the country, and they're not feeling what we have. We're not going to lose what we have here. We're not going to let the enemy creep in. We're not going to let some charismatic spirit creep in and turn a little cold in with our heart. [CHEERING] But when we come in, we're going to have a shout. We're going to have a dance. We're going to have a leap. We're going to have a run. We're going to have a prayer. We're going to have a worship. What? Because we're a plastic. (upbeat music)