Apostolic Lighthouse

But What Are They Among So Many? - Bro Kaleb Sampson

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28 Jul 2024
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laid this on my heart and I want to try to talk to us today. If you have your Bibles, I'd like for you to turn to John St. John chapter 6 and we're gonna start reading at verse 1. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. St. John chapter 6 and verse 1. If you got it, say amen. If you're still looking for it, say, "O me." Everybody, man, everybody on their game this morning, brother, brother, Adam, if you could find me, 1 Samuel chapter 17, brother, Adam, 1 Samuel chapter 17, verse 25. I'll have you read me a couple of scriptures here in just a moment. First, or St. John chapter 6, verse 1. And after these things, Jesus went over over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberius. And a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles, which he did on them that were diseased. And Jesus went up into a mountain there and he set with his disciples and the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh. And when Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company coming unto him, he said unto Philip, "Wench shall we buy bread that these may eat." And then he said, "To prove him, for he himself knew what he was going to do, what he would do." God already knew what he was going to do. He was just test and fill up here. And Philip answered him, "200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little." One of his disciples and Drew Simon Peter's brother said unto him, "There is a lad here which hath five barley loaves and two small fish." What is his next words? "But what are they among so many? But what are they among so many?" And Jesus said, "Make the men sit down." Now there was much grass in the place, so the men sat down in a number about 5,000. And Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks, he distributed it to the disciples and the disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fish as much as they would. And when they were filled, he said unto his disciples, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above unto them that had eaten." You may be seated this morning. Hallelujah. I want to talk to us just for a little bit this morning. Hallelujah. I'm going back. "But what are they among so many? But what are they among so many?" The story of feeding the 5,000 and as we read in our Bibles here this morning, that was 5,000 men that was in groups that had set. That was not counting women and children. Some Bible scholars believe that there could be upwards of between 15 to 20,000 people that was there on that field. They're in that field that day that was fed with these five barley loaves and two small fish. I don't know that to be a fact or for sure but I do know that there was around 5,000 men there that day and this story that is recorded that we read in the book of John here today is the only other story besides the crucifixion that is recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And so as I begin to look at this quite a while back, it began to dawn on me. If the crucifixion is in Matthew Mark, Luke, and John, obviously it's there for a reason. He wanted us to glean from the crucifixion and if this story is the only other story, there has to be something within this story that the Lord of glory wants us to pick up and wants us to study out and realize what is going on. And so I believe there's something within this story and let's look at this and I begin to look at this in here today. There was just a boy, just the Bible said, just a lad, just a small child that had a lunch and he had a lunch that he was willing to give to Jesus. He was willing to give up his lunch that day and I know most of the time and just being with these youth, I believe there was close to 40 of us, 36 or 7 that went on this trip with all the youth and all the other youth that was there and yeah, we had some hiccups, you know, you know, boys standing, girls standing in the dorms and being around one another and man, there's some things, just boys being boys and girls being girls that that went on but that's just part of being youth. It's not nothing that men you didn't do when we was young but normally on occasion youth could be hard to corral and be, you know, as we would just plain be blunt here this morning, most of the time youth are the problem. They're giving you the trouble, kids, whatever it might be but today, this day that we read about the youth was, they was the solution to the problem. They wasn't the problem that day, they was the solution to the problem and I want to begin to look up this and no doubt begin to study this out that I begin to reflect over my life and looking back over the things that I could have done different and I wish that I would have done different. I wish at many a time, Brother John, that I would have been the solution to the problem instead of being the problem but you know hindsight's 2020 and all we can do is as learn and grow and go from it and grow off of our mistakes but I come to tell you here today young person, you don't have to be the problem, you can be the solution to the problem here today. The devil would like to come in and begin to tell you what's the use or this or that but what you need to remind him is that hey there is a future for me, God has a purpose for my life, there is a position with in the church that I can be a part of, whether it be singing or worshiping or praying or teaching Sunday school or giving a Bible study lesson or maybe giving passing out a card or or knocking on the door or whatever it might be, there is something I can do within the kingdom of God. It might just be just as simple as saying okay Lord, here's my lunch, it ain't very much, it's just five barley loaves and two small fish but it's all I have to offer. I come to tell you here today, God's not looking at what you have, God's not looking at your abilities, God's looking at your availability, how available are you to the kingdom of God, how available are you to the church, how available are you to the kingdom of God and to what God's trying to do within your church? Say well what are you talking about? Well young people I want you to catch this and it caught my attention, the Bible said that this young boy brought his lunch to one of the disciples, he didn't bring it straight to Jesus, he brought it to his disciples, he brought it to them and the disciple won that turned around and took it to Jesus. I would have thrown this little nugget in here real real quick young people, God is never going to allow you to go around your pastor, I said God is never going to allow you to go around your pastor but when he speaks to you, it's probably and most certainly going to be through your pastor or to an evangelist or to a teacher, a Sunday school, whatever it might be, God's going to talk to you through the five-fold ministry, not for another study for another time but I'm going to tell you something, we need to learn the law of order in the church, God is going to speak to you, well God do you, you don't never speak to me, I beg to differ with you, every time your pastor gets up, every time a preacher gets up and begins to preach the word of the Lord, it's God speaking to your heart, it's God dealing with your spirit, it's God dealing with your family, it's God dealing with your wife, with your husband, with your kids, so this young child he took this little sack, this little sack lunch to Jesus, to the disciples, he took it to Jesus and here it was and said man well there's not a whole bunch here, well God don't need a lot to work with, he said well preacher I don't have a lot to offer, I don't have a lot of money, my parents ain't rich or we can be a family, we can be a family, I don't have a lot to offer, I don't make a lot of money, I don't make as much, I can't give as much, well I'm going to tell you something, let's look at this boy sack lunch here, the Bible said that he had five barley loaves and two small fish, if you'll study the word of the Lord, the barley harvest come before the wheat harvest and so therefore it was easier to get your hands on barley, barley was cheaper than wheat, barley was harder to eat than wheat, it was more cheery, it was more crusty, it was more harder so therefore it was more cheap than wheat, fish was cheaper than meat, fish didn't cost a lot of money back in that day and so a poor man's lunch would have been barley bread with fish, that would have been a poor man's lunch and so now doubt if you begin to study the word of the Lord a bottle of Bible scholars would believe that this boy come from no doubt a family that didn't have a lot of money, he come from a family that didn't have a lot to offer but I come to tell you today that didn't stop my God from using him to feed the 5,000 that day plus, God didn't look down and say well I see how much money you have and you're a bank and account, I see that your name, your last name ain't so and so, oh so therefore no no no no he didn't do that but I'll tell you what he did do, he took this little poor man's lunch, this little poor boy's lunch and he did it and he multiplied it, I'm gonna tell you something, it's not how much money you have it's not your name, it's not your status, it's not what job you have or what kind of race that you are, I come to tell you God can use anybody, God's just looking for a vessel that's willing to be used, God's looking for somebody to say use me Lord, but so many times we come and we go through trial, I was set into that auditorium down there at Youth Camp in Eunice, Louisiana and I looked up and I seen Elder Shaddick plumb across the building over there, it's a pretty big auditorium, we was setting in the risers on one side and I got up and I went down, you got to go down the stairs, down to the main floor, back up the stairs and go all the way across the building and there he was sitting there and I wanted to meet, I wanted to talk to him, hadn't seen him in a few years and so man I make my way all the way over there and I walk up to Brother Shaddick and I said hey Elder good to see him, we begin to talk and oh man Elder we hadn't talked but just a few moments and he said I got a word from God for you and I said well okay and he said hey you got trouble coming, I said I looked at him and he said I was the Lord and part of you got trouble coming you better get ready and so I said well okay my Lord I walk plumb across the building to get this word how good can that be, man Brother, Plaidford it just made me, I kind of drew my shoulders, it didn't make me feel good about myself and here he's giving me this word and he gave me a few more words and man we ain't even, we even got home and troubles already breaking out and it's this and that and man then and me, he did me dirty, we pulled a box trailer all the way down there with all these kids is luggage in it and I pulled it brother wood with my dad's car, glory to God and he said unbeknownst to me he said I really don't want my boy pulling that trailer with my car, well I didn't know it they began to tell me it's done too late, we was running down the road but what I didn't know is little Hammy took a picture of me with this trailer and sent it to my dad and so I was in trouble before I even got down there brother Murphy and dad done knew I was pulling this box trailer that he didn't want me to pull with his car, I got told him I said Hammy men you gonna have us a fellowship meeting here in just a moment and sure enough go all the way down there man we're coming back I'm tired I'm ready to get home all I can think about is getting home getting this luggage and brother Ryan land down and going to bed brother Nathan Samson you know exactly that's how it went down not right before a fat bill all of a sudden the car rips up and dies throws me in the neutral locks the steering will I'm trying to get this thing with a big box trailer through traffic trying to get it over to the side of the road trying to get it off the road man I call on Star Roadside Assistance I'm been known to me they call the highway patrol highway patrol calls a tow truck to get me off the interstate I call Roadside Assistance they call a tow truck here I am man I'm on the side of the interstate now I'm being towed right up the road to get me off on the exit on the on Star Roadside Assistance ain't wanting to pay what these men are wanting to pay wanting to charge the told me to drop one to the dealership so we got to go find another dealership I just finally send everybody on sister Jenny so just get out of here I'll I'll stay with this vehicle till we get somewhere and here we are they got one tow truck backed up to the other tow truck they're pulling my dad's car from one tow truck to the other tow truck my wife texted me how's it going I just take a picture and sent to her don't say nothing else she didn't even ask about anything else she knew how it was going but trouble got home and it's been trouble brother John about ever since I got home but you know I can look at that circumstance and I can look at it and say okay God and I can look at it like them disciples looked at it and say what is this among so many this is just a little bitty barley loaves this is just a little bitty sack lads sack lunch and the Bible call them just some small fish what is this among so many 200 penny worth 200 penny worth would be about six months worth of work for somebody to a six months of working God wouldn't take care of everybody it wouldn't even give him this a little bite of bread six months worth of work what is it among so many what is it and we're looking at our trials saying God do you see me in my trial do me see me in my circumstance God do you even know where I'm at right now why have I got to go through what I go through and I know and we get up and we can preach faith and we can tell you to read your Bible and that's what you ought to do but sometimes we're just looking at the circumstance and saying God do you even see me God do you even know where I'm at I come to tell you on a Sunday morning God sees you God knows where you're at and what is it among so many it's nothing in the hands of God my God can break it my God can multiply it my God can take what you have trouble trouble trouble on every hand trouble on every side but I know a God that is able to do exceedingly to do abundantly what we can ask or even think but there's a catch we quote it that's great I love to quote it one of my go-tos in the time of trouble but I was reading it not too long ago and there's more to he can do exceedingly and he can do abundantly and he can do above what we can ask or even think and it goes on to say according to the power that I work with within you you've got to be willing to say okay God in my hands it's just five barley loaves and two small fish in my hands it's just a me going just a little bit of money in my hands not enough to pay my bills in my hands all this ailment into my body that I can't do nothing about I besides get medicine and medicine and doctor visit after doctor visit that's all I can do but in God's hands God can take it and God can multiply it and when your knee comes through he can supply all your needs according we got a quick looking at the at the problem we got to start looking to a God that is able to take care of us we're looking saying oh what is it among so many God I'm in the trial of my life oh God that ain't nothing to God there's nothing too hard for my God there's nothing that he can't do I'm gonna tell you something the same God that spoke this world into existence the same God or the God that's throw the stars into the heavens the same God that spoke and water separated from land and light separated from darkness the same God that spoke this world into existence is the same God that's listening to your prayer it's the same God that knows where you're at it's the same God that sees your needs and knows your works read me brother Adam first Samuel chapter 17 and verse 25 start reading it verse 25 we're not careful we begin to look at the problem and we get swayed and we get covered about with the problem go ahead and the men of Israel said have we seen this man that has come up surely to defy Israel yeah is he come up this is David and it shall be that the man who killed him the king will enrich with great riches okay hold up right there here he comes and David his dad says hey the boys are down in battle and they're they're fighting your brothers here's some here's a little lunch I want you to go down and I want you to check on the battle seeing how the battle is going and he shows up to the battle and everybody's here everybody's hiding in their tents everybody's hiding in the trees and in the brush or hiding and he's saying and he sees this big giant out there and he's hauling send me a man send me somebody to fight me and if he wins against me we will be your servants but if I defeat him all you're going to be our servants and this was Goliath he was a giant he was a champion he was a warrior he was a Philistine that was defying the god of Israel and David begin to question them man what's going on here what's happening here and they said man have you seen this guy have you seen this man that has come up have you seen him checking out you need to go look at him and he said you okay and they begin to tell him what's going to happen to the man that killed this guy the king is going to enrich him with great riches and he will give him his daughter hand in marriage and his house shall be free in Israel no more taxes go ahead and read the next verse and David spoke to the man that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man that kill us this Philistine take it away the reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that shall that he should defy the armies of the living God hold up he said wait a minute now he's looking at Goliath and then he's hearing what they said man the king's going to give all this money to you he's going to you're going to be his son-in-law you're going to your taxes is going to be I might have I might have jumped on that joker just for free taxes glory to God but he's saying okay and they're saying man look at this cat he's a warrior he's over nine foot tall his spears as the head the head is like a weaver's being this joker so big that he's got a guy he's got a he's got a shield bear that goes before him just packing the shield oh man this this guy's a cat yeah have you seen him yeah I seen him but what was that again tell me what's going to happen to the man that whips this joker they begin to tell him again what's going to happen to the man that takes out Goliath go ahead and read the next one and the people answered him after this matter saying so it so it be done to the man that killeth him they tell him again we don't and his and the and he'll have his eldest brother heard when they speak unto him speak unto the man and he lives anger was kindled against David and he said why can't it's down down hither and with whom has now left those few sheep in the wilderness I know thou pride and died not in this of thine heart right there I'm gonna tell you something here's his brother who'd you leave those few little sheep with boy what are you doing he getting he getting mad at David cuz David I'm gonna tell you something David been in a prayer room what he didn't know David been on the backside of nowhere tending to them few little sheep and there was a lion that come out and took one of the lambs and the Bible said that he went and he slew the lion and retrieve and save the lamb and then there there was a bear that come out and he took up a lamb and the Bible said that he went and slew the bear and save the lamb David had been on the backside of nowhere praying talking to God having a relationship with God and all of a sudden he's looking around his little but who'd you leave their few sheep with boy getting mad and trying to say I know what you're done I'm gonna tell you something there's always gonna be naysayers in the house of God well I don't know if I should shout tonight I don't know if I should run the house I don't know if I should cut tonight so and so I wonder what they're gonna be I don't care who's thinking about me I don't care who's wondering about me I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run the eyes I'm gonna clap my hands I'm gonna pray I'm gonna preach I'm gonna be faithful to church I don't care what the naysayers say there's always gonna be naysayers there's always gonna be hypocrites in the church well there's hypocrites in the church I don't want to go to church there's hypocrites in the church let me tell you what I'd rather do I'd rather come to church with some hypocrites how for these few short years that I'm on this earth than spend eternity with a bunch of hypocrites take me to the church give me back to the house of God I don't care if somebody's coming in and acting like there's something they're not but as for me in my house I'm gonna serve the Lord as for me and my children and my family I'm gonna be faithful to church I'm gonna be faithful to prayer meeting I'm gonna be faithful to God the house of God the pastor well you know and the Bible says that when you it's uh if you fall when you fall you have an advocate with a father we're all gonna fail sometime we're flash whatever it might be whatever might get you trips you up attitude whatever we're not perfect but let me tell you something don't be the issue that comes into the house well I know what they was doing yesterday or the day before so and so I'm gonna tell you something doesn't make it right no it don't make it right but I'm gonna tell you something you know who we need to worry about you know who Caleb needs to worry about Caleb needs to worry about Caleb needs to worry about Colby Caleb needs to worry about case and Caleb needs to worry about Rock Hill case the Caleb needs to worry about sister I need to worry about my house and myself that's why the Bible said save your self it's not save everybody in the church that you feel like that ain't doing which they think they ought to do that's the pastor's job but for me I got to save myself I got to make sure that Caleb is the one that's in tune and in line I'm gonna tell you something you know who's stopping you from getting the lesson you if that little boy hadn't have never got up and said hey I ain't got a lot but this is what I got it's just five little pieces of bread and two small fish he never built up in the one that went home that day and said guess what daddy God use my lunch to feed five thousand son what are you talking about dad hey was talking about needing somebody they was talking about going and spending 200 penny worth down at the grocery store and I told him hey it ain't a lot I don't have a lot to offer but what I do have you can have it I'm gonna tell you something well I can't sing well I can't either I can't I can't preach well I probably can't either brother John but I tell you what I can do I can pray I can pray I can pray to the walls fall down I can pray till there's healing all around that's something I can do I can pray in my secret place call it on his name that's something I can do there's something in the house of God for everybody what is it well you can give a Bible say I ain't get it talking to people you can pass out a track you can hand out a card you can clap your hands you can worship you can pray you can be faithful to church God just looking for some faithfulness God's just looking for somebody say okay God ain't got a whole lot to offer but what I do have I'm giving it to you I ain't got the mindset what is this among so many I'm tired of looking at the problems I'm tired of looking at my circumstance well what if it don't get any better oh what if it don't change that ain't gonna make the Word of God and none of fact I'm still gonna pray I'm still gonna pass I'm Sister Terry Joe oh what if they they ain't come husband ain't come he's not sitting on the pubiside you right now oh yeah oh but and then and Jake Jake still struggling but you know what that ain't gonna keep us from keep believing keep trusting for Jake keep believing everything's gonna be alright one day Jake's gonna wake up and he's gonna say you know what I'm tired of being in the pig pen at my father's house and this service has got better than I what I got right here I'm leaving where I'm at and I'm going to the father's house and I'm gonna tell you something that Bob the Bible said and when the father singing of far off he began to go to him every day that father went and he looked out at the gate and said is he coming back today no I don't sing and then the next day brother Ryan he was anticipating for him to get so tired of what he was going through that he was gonna come back we can't get caught up and where we're at well I'm in the church I'm gonna tell you something that other son set right there in the house had everything that he wanted had everything and got so mad when that lost one come back got his attitude out of sorts got himself all disgruntled about something he thought he might lose I'm gonna tell you something God help us to the ones that stayed in the church let us not get an attitude of like well I knew they wasn't gonna make it when they went out yeah no no no but with them that has lost their way begin to come back to the house of God we as a church we need to be waiting we need to be watching we need to be waiting for him to come and say oh come back somebody killed a guided calf somebody go give my best row it never should be that when they come to the house of God brother Zach and not shake their hand and I'll say hey good to see you back oh man I've been looking for you what took you so long to get here I'll be right for you to come back God's got something special for you today God's got something special for your life God's not done with you if you have God's no way instead of looking at it or what is it among so many what is this little meager lunch among so many people we should be looking at it say my God we got enough oh my God's got enough to make a miracle well brother Samson I'm gonna tell you something I was quite a bit of food I can take you hell to run to the story in the Bible where was just one handful of meal brother DJ just one handful one handful of meal and every time they went back to the cupboard there was just another handful there and there was another handful there and another handful there God don't need a whole lot to make our miracle he said what do you got in the house we just got a cruise of oil we just got a little vessel of oil as all we got and he said I'll tell you what you do you go by you go borrow from your neighbors and your friends you go borrow a bunch of vessels and you borrow not a few in our eyes what is this among so many what is this it's just a little cruise of oil it's just enough to make a little bitty cake and then we're gonna die from starvation but I'm gonna tell you something that cruise of oil in the hands of my God he said go borrow as men as you can borrow and you begin to pour it and God said the Bible said that they went and they borrowed the vessels and they borrowed not a few and as she begin to pour that little cruise of oil in the vessels this is vessel begin to fill up and then that vessel was full and that vessel was full and that vessel was full and it went from a little cruise of oil to make a cake to vessel after vessel after vessel after vessel after vessel was full until God said hey take what you need go sell the rest now for money and live off of it everything's gonna be okay if they never would have went and borrowed the vessels if they would have looked at and said God how are you gonna do it how are you I just don't see it but we look at our circumstances like God can't do it well brother seeing I've been praying for 30 years for this to happen blind bar mayor's he prayed for 38 years the woman with the issue of blood she prayed for 12 long years it might not happen overnight but I'm gonna tell you something I want to tell you this morning my God is never late I said my God is never late he might not come when you want him he might not come when you think you he ought to be there but I'm gonna tell you something he's always on time so she says he's always on time say well brother Caleb my situation's dead so was Lazarus but it still wasn't late Lazarus was dead and in the tomb and they said oh by now he stinks we're all away the stone hey wait a minute this thing he stinks he's been dead for four days there's no hope I'm gonna tell you something with my God there's always hope with my God running the situation there's always a chance man says it's and it's impossible it won't work but with God all things are possible to him that believe his word it's it's always the same it don't change say well you don't see I talked with a man this past week and begin to tell me 40 people got up and left the church man we're in the trial of our life and I'm gonna tell you something the word of the Lord while I was taking bad news from on my right hand brother Murphy God spoke it into my heart and I looked at man right in the eye and I said you tell your elder everything's gonna be okay God just told me everything's gonna be all right in Jesus name that's the word of the Lord everything it's gonna be all right it's gonna start from here nobody else I'm gonna tell you something my God knows how to supply all of our needs my God can do it my God can do it according to the power that works within us if you ain't got the faith to believe honey it's probably not gonna happen but to him every man was dealt the measure of faith if you can take your faith and put it in the action say well brother Samson how much faith do I gotta have the Bible said just the just the this is a mustard seed one of the salt smallest seeds to ever exist now if you can just say just have that much faith you can say under this mountain be thou removed oh I'm gonna tell you something is that a little no no no no that's not a literal mountain study it out that's the situation and the trials that you go through in your walk with God but if you have the faith in the fortitude to say okay God even when I don't see it I know you're working even when I don't feel it I know you're working even when I don't understand that I know you understand the devil would like to tell you there's no hope there's no way but I'm gonna tell you I still read in the word of the Lord brother Adam he said I'll be your Jehovah Jaira I'll be your provider I'll be your Jehovah Jaira I'll take care of you I'll take care of you he said I would I would have gathered you together as a head would gather her brood who told the story I was a brother muse maybe about the little banny rooster banny hen that chicken hawk come down there try to pluck up one of her little chicks said that little banny rooster jumped on that chicken hawks back begin to peck its head as that thing begin to soar with that little chick and he began just to pick his head until finally he couldn't stand no more and he released that little chicken that little chicken in the mom flew off I'm gonna tell you something there's something about them little chickens they gather them together when there's trouble they get them under their wing they get them under their wings and put them underneath them they begin to seal them from the danger oh Lord have mercy God said I would gather you together as a he on would have but you would not my God let's quit looking at the circumstance let's quit looking at the problem let's quit looking at what we're going through and what we're facing and saying God I don't even think you can work in this situation and God saying come on come to me well brother Samson you don't know how many times I got prayer for this my Lord go get prayer again brother right singer evangelist preaching this gospel all over this country down going through the trial of his life driving his car gas light comes on and he said there was no no money to put gas trying to get to the next revival brother right singer pulls into the gas station said God I'm in a circumstance I've got a trial that even you can't help me with he said he felt the little function and said try me so many times we look at it and say God I'm in a circumstance God is it wrong to question no it's not wrong that's flesh it's flesh to question the flesh of God Almighty Jesus Christ on the cross was questioning my God my God my God why has thou forsaken me it's the flesh it's this flesh every morning that we wake up and stare ourself in the mirror that's keeping us from what God is and wanting to give us human flesh said God I believe but help thou my unbelief even the God of glory prayed for a man and as he prayed for him brother Dylan he said that was blind he said what do you see that man honestly with an open heart said I just see men as trees I'm still not seeing clearly I do see something but it's not clear yet and God prayed for him again and God restored his sight what was it could God not have healed him the first time oh most definitely but sometimes sister Sigur's God is wanting us to be honest with ourselves he's wanting you to be honest I believe if that man would have said oh everything's fine but there probably would have been another conversation went on right there but because of his honesty and he looked at him he said I see but I just see men as trees you got to be honest with yourself here today how's everything going oh it's going all right everything good well it's not one thing about social media man if it's as good as what everybody puts on their page in social media I don't know how what the news would have to have anything to write about Fox News and CNN and all these others wouldn't have nothing to write about if our pages is what is good is what's on all of our our Facebook pages was as good as what we put on there from the outward appearance man everything looks grand everything looks great and I know sometimes there is it not one to whine about a complaint and just trusting them knowing he can do it but sometimes we got to be honest with ourselves if you're not where you're need to be where you need to be how spiritual you need to be honest with yourself say God I know I need to be up at that altar I know I'm not where I need to be with you God you need to be honest with quit lying to yourself we'll lie to ourselves before we'll ever lie to one another it's easy to lie to ourselves we got to be honest with ourself first say okay God I'm not where I need to be God my circumstances is so much bigger God how am I ever gonna get through it God what is this what do I had to offer amongst so many among everything that I'm facing everything that I'm going through everything that's when the God say okay all right just give me what you got give me what you have to offer and God begins to say okay he begins to break sometimes what we go through is because God's breaking us brothers act we're being broken why so God can multiply us God can make us into what he wants us to really be because to us we think we've got it all figured out we have it all together but to God God said wait a minute you've got to be broken you need to be broken to get what you need and so God breaks us to get the miracle that we need you can leave this house today as they come to the music and you can say well it's gonna be okay I'll be alright give me a couple couple weeks or you can be honest with yourself to say no I need to go pray today I need to go to that altar right now because I'm not okay they say when you go to these hey hey hey or alcohol and all whatever these meetings may be drug ill the first thing that they want you to do is to admit that there is a problem I'm I'm right they want you to admit you got it first admit hey my name's Kato sounds I do have a problem but it's the problem I'm not okay God I need you today the storms that I've been going through in my life I'm not okay church I want you to know the things that I've been facing and the trials that I've been going through I'm not okay to the people that take their life commit suicide so many times the ones around him said I never knew if you'd only told me if I'd only noon he would know he was struggling if I would only know what he was going through I could have been there I could have helped him if he would just come to me and said hey I'm I'm struggling I got the I got these thoughts within my mind I just want to end it all I can't handle it what what what am I among all this so many what do I have to offer just it's just little poor man's lunch it's just some barley loaves it's hard even eating some old cold fish he had just crossed the he had just crossed the lake on the boat or the Rhine they was following him they was looking brother DJ they was following the boat as it crossed can't tell me they didn't have a microwave lunch was cold you ever ate cold fish disgusting and I love fish very nothing worse than eating cold fish I like it hot I like it right off but all I have the offers something not really nobody even wants they'd have just been honest I could help we would have got him help I would have sat with him I would have talked him through it I would have gave him the money I would have I would have met my family they could have lived with all they could have they could have had they could have well we could have but if you would have only known it's hard to fix something when you don't know and you're looking at your trial here today saying God can you ever use me again God can ever give back to where I was at one time God I don't have a lot to offer I don't have a lot of money God I made a mess of my life can you use me God the Bible said brother Nathaniel that God knew what he was gonna do he already knew he was just asking Philip he was just dressed in Philip because God already knew God already knows what he's gonna do here this morning you're not here by accident you're not here just because some random woke up this morning say I'm gonna go to nail show lighthouse church today no God already knew you was gonna be here this morning before I clap this morning God is this what you really want me to preach not I'm not brown up pray in the four o'clock this morning this is what it's not I said God didn't give this to me by accident and you're looking you're saying talk to you use my life this life that I've made a mess of can I really get over things things that I'm struggling with can I really get past these addictions that's gotta hold on me and God's just saying if you'll just give it to me if you'll just be honest with yourself this morning I can use it I can break it I can multiply I can take what you have left and give you a miracle if you will help my weakness what are we what are we among so many you said many are called but you are chosen you're here today because God has chosen you what are you among so many your whole God to the world to your family God's waiting for you to be honest with yourself here this morning saying okay God you can't fix it you can't fix it without God here today you can't do it on your own you've tried I feel it in the unction of the whole use you tried you tried to fix it on your own and you can't do it and you'll never do it on your own you're gonna need God here today but I promise you if I've ever heard a word from God I'm telling you today God can help you God can help you this morning if you'll get up out of that pew and be honest with yourself and let God know you need help you're not not a symbol you're not not over your life's not a wreck you're not going for something that my God can't help you here today but you got to be honest with yourself here this morning you can set there act like everything's okay we'll sing a song and we'll dismiss and everybody's life will go on but to the one that's in trouble you're gonna look back on this service here this morning you're gonna wish to God you would have got out of that pew and been honest with yourself and say okay God what I have to offer amongst so many if you won't do it for yourself what about your kids what about your babies us you oh Lord