Apostolic Lighthouse

I Feel Like Fighting. - Bro. Jimmy Mustain

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22 Jul 2024
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because I was gonna bring the microphone back to you to let you testify. She don't like microphones. Is it microphone or microphone or microphone or whatever? Hey man, if I didn't talk so much and tell things, my message would be short. But I can't hardly do that. I can't hardly do that. I love, you know what you're talking about to Jones family, how many Samsonites we got here? Ken to the Samson's. Come on man. They keep standing up. All right, if we lose the Samson's, we're gonna be out of luggage and praise God. We love brother and sister Samson half for a long time. And we love, how do I do this? Brother Caleb and sister Stacy, Samson. And I love all the rest of you too. A little girl in our church, just a little twerp. I always picked at our kids. I love kids. I can't help it. God's give me that, and you ain't taking it away from me. They're special to me. Well, I picked at her all the time, and I'd pick her up and say, I love you. And one day she said, I love you the most is. So you know what? You folks love us, but we love you the most is. You can't do nothing about it either. Well, it's been such a treat to get to be here. You young folks go have the best youth camp you've ever had. Get with it. My Lord, just have it put in. I was thinking a few minutes ago, and I thank y'all for everything you've done for us. We've been so blessed to get to be here. We've eaten. How in the world can I ever lose this? Going around. Preachers. You can't even get up from the table. This guy's a food pusher. You cannot even get up from the table. He says, you want to go get ice cream? And we're already gasping for air. And I'm so self-controlled. I say no. It's because I'm so full. They've been good to us. I remember when we first started church 57 years ago, we'd never seen nothing like this. We thought folks was nuts. We went to a tent meeting and it was some people that was just getting in church too. And while we was in the service, man, people started jumping up and shouting and screaming, and hollering, and it scared me. I'm sitting there because there was a woman right there beside me. My mom was acting like that. She's like, whoa, jumping around. I thought this place is nuts. But you know what? If you can't beat them, you join them. But it made me think of something that I heard. If I got time to tell it, you know, if I keep asking you that, then you can't say he preached too long. If you keep saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Brother Westbrook, you've heard of Brother Westbrook. He had a large church. And in his church, the way he operated on Sunday morning, I was told, Brother Warden, and different ones told me that on Sunday morning, when they took the offering, they had papers in the offering pan and pens, and they would let people write any kind of question they had about this way. Pretty neat. And so they would pass it when they pass a pan around where the Westbrook would pick up one, and that's what he would teach on that morning. Pretty neat, ain't I'm scared to do that. And so he pulled this out of the offering pan, and the question was, why do you folks run in church? That's a good one. You want to know why? Westbrook was a smart man, Elder Westbrook, excuse me. He was a smart man. God used him in many ways. He built a wonderful work. He said, you know, I don't think there is a scripture in the Bible that literally comes out and says to run in church. He said the closest thing to it is in Acts 3 when Peter and John went to the temple. The gate called beautiful. That there was a lame man there that was begging for alms. And he said, Peter said, "Silver and gold have a number such as I have given thee in the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk." And he reached in immediately his feet, and ankle bones received strength, and the man leaped, and the man walked, and he didn't have any therapy at all. And what's this? Then he said, how many, now this is a church, at one time he got up to 800 people. I don't know how many it was at this time, several hundred. He said, how many here has been delivered from drugs? You were a drug addict, and about 30 people stood up that they'd been delivered from drugs. And then he said, how many ex-alcoholics do we have in this house today? In 30 or 40 more people stood up. I used to be an alcoholic, but God set me free. How many broken homes did we have and God put you home back together? And another group stood in about that time several people hit the aisle, brother, running around. And he said, that's where we get running in church. If you know where we came from, if you know where we came from, you know why we got excited about God too. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know what that's all about, but anyhow, in one of those sessions of running, in one of those times, there was a young lady in that church that had scoliosis so bad, she had the bad hump in her back in the S2. I don't know how to describe all that, but she had the S curve and she had the hump. She was pitiful. And you know what, because she fell in love with God, she run me out. Can you see her? Can you see her trying to run around the aisle? Come on now. And when the service was ended and she got in her car, she lived alone. Her back was touching the seat of the car. And she thought it don't feel the same. She ran her hand back there and started rubbing. The hump was gone. She got so excited, she got so excited when she pulled up in the driveway. And she jumped out of the car when she was opening the door to the house, she started taking her blouse off. And she stood in front of the mirror and there's no ass left. Come on folks. That's why we do what we do in church like we do. God's been good to us. He deserves it. He's worded. He's worded. While you're standing, let me read to you. Wow, it's good to see you folks. Y'all act like apostolic people. Wow. Why would you want to serve God and never get excited about him? Just thinking about what he's done for us. First Samuel chapter 11. Brother Ernie Samson. Good to see you, dude. You know what, 28 years ago, approximately, you came up and spent a week with me and held me hanging sheet rock in the house. I'm still living in that house. Yep, I thought it'd fall in, but it didn't. And I'm kidding. Man, I'll tell you, I love the Samson's. Ernie and me were close. I don't ever get to see him anymore hardly ever. But I love this way. When God got ahold of me, he ain't never let go. And if I ever thought that I felt like he was letting me go, I'd be crying and I'd be saying, please, don't let me go. I've seen those that God let go. My God, I've seen them what they go to. Don't let go of me, Lord. Hold on. Hold on to me. Hold on to me. First Samuel chapter 11. Man, I tell you, I feel like preaching. I don't know if it's me or God. I hope it's him. I feel like I have something to say to this church. Oh, God. It won't take me long. But just if you can bear with me 30, 40 minutes, I'll use an old preacher, something like a 45 sometimes. First Samuel chapter 11, I'll try to cut every corner I can and the ones I can't. I can't. Verse 6, 1 Samuel 11, verse 6, and the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard those tidings. And his anger was kenneled greatly. And I'll need to pray. God, I thank you tonight. Please help us. Please help us. Please help us. God bless this church, bless this elder God, bless these people. We need you. We need you. We need you. Not less, but more. In Jesus' name, you can be seated. Wow. Feel like shouting. I feel like crying. I feel like running. I feel like sitting down. When you get old, you have all kinds of emotions. You know, one fellow said, my mind says, do it. My body says you better not. And after you do what your mind says a couple of times, you finally listen to your body. You said, you know what? You done got me in trouble two or three times. Wow. You know, Saul had been anointed king. My preacher's different. I know I don't, I might get excited in a few minutes and I might talk a few minutes. I can't help, but that's just the way the Lord's giving it to me. They, they anointed him king, first king of Israel. I'll tell you what I want to preach about just in a moment, a few moments. He, uh, Samuel came down with that horn of oil and all of Israel and they dug him out of his tent and they brought him there and stood him up in front of everybody and they poured that oil on him and said, you're the king of Israel. But brother Caleb Samson, as soon as the inauguration was over, he went right back to the field, keeping, keeping cheap and actually kept cows. He was a cattleman instead of a shepherd. He showed up too, didn't he? But he went right back to the field watching the cows cause if you look up above this verse five, said him, behold, Saul came after the herd out of the field. This is after, this is after he'd been anointed king. If it bothers you cause I'm having to blow my nose, close your eyes or whatever, just, just whatever, but it's better than it running down on my lip and be licking it, ain't it? That would gross you out. I don't want to do that. And behold, Saul came after the herd out of the field and Saul said, what are you with the people that they weep? And they told him the tidings of the men of J. Bash. If you go back the, the, uh, Nehash, the king of Emma came and, and, and camped around about J. Bash, Gelliard, and they said, what do you want? What do you want? And I'm cutting it, please. They said, he said, we're going to pluck out your right eye. All the men. Man, you know what they do that to get your head locked, take a knife and just jam it in that head. You know what I'm talking about? And that don't sound like it'd be very fun. Said, we want to pluck out the right eye of all the men. Well, that, that in, you couldn't fight. I mean, you, the, the fighting's over. You're, and, and so, man, it tore him up and they said, well, give us a few days to see if we can get any help. At this time, Israel has not got an army. At this time, there is no bow, there is no arrow, there is no spear, there is no sword in the people of Israel. There's not an army. They just got through coming through the book of judges. They even had a woman lead them at one time. They struggled, folks. This is the first king they've had. They haven't been a kingdom up till now. Now they're supposed to be a kingdom and they, they don't even have a big kingdom. Saul's king, but he don't even know how to be a king. They don't have a palace. They don't have a throne. They don't have any of that. Everything's like it was. God said, we got to do something. This ain't going to work. If they're going to be a kingdom and they're going to have king, they're going to have to, they're going to have to be different than this. And the story tells us, J. Bish Gilead, and it'll take me just a moment to lay this foundation. When the tribe of Benjamin had provoked all of Israel through what they did, and I don't want to go through all that ugly stuff, but all the remaining tribes, 11 tribes, said, we're going to, we're going to fight them. They're not going to get by with this. And so they fought them to make the story short. They fought them, and there was only 400 men left, and they went to top of a mountain somewhere, and they say, we better leave them, or they won't they won't even be a tribe of Benjamin. And there was only one group of people that did not go to that battle to help us of a war, and it was J. Bish Gilead. And so Saul, the king, is from Benjamin. And J. Bish Gilead, what they done when they left only 400 men because J. Bish Gilead did not help them in the battle, they went and stole 400 virgins, and to give to those 400 men so that they could have reproduce and grow the tribe of Benjamin back. Saul is from the tribe of Benjamin. God knows how to get us, folks. Saul is from the tribe of Benjamin, so he has a special connection. It's kind of like the Joneses and the Sanctions. Don't mess with either side, because you'll have to whip the other side too. Y'all ain't fooling me. And when Saul come, and the people's all weeping because a man from J. Bish Gilead come and said, can y'all help us in their weeping because we can't help you? Well, what can we do? Saul comes out of the fields, and all the people's weeping, he said, what's going on? And they told him. And when they told him, can I read it again to you? When they told him, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul when he heard those tidings, and his anchor was kenneled greatly. Man, I'm telling you all afternoon, Elder, this has been eating on me. The Lord gave me this, probably at one of the worst times in my life, just a few months ago. I was the lowest, I guess I'd ever been since I'd had a Holy Ghost. I'm not talking about low, I'm talking about like you was in there with that fireplace. I was on bottom. And the Lord helped me. And I'll tell you, every time I get to preach this, I enjoy it. And today, I have I have preached it anywhere that I felt like that I need to preach it any more than I do tonight. And I say all this, and I may flop if God backs off me tonight, but I want to preach about I feel like fighting. I feel like fighting. Oh my. And thank you, baby, for coming and listening to this. And make sure you give her a thumb drive or something so she can hit listen to this over and over. She hears it over and over. I feel like fighting. Elder, I got a word for you. I'm not saying this is prophecy or a word from God, but it's been only all evening. If you think God's going to give you a revival and 11 people get the Holy Ghost, and you got other people that's right on the border, if you think that's going to happen without a fight, you got hell stirred up, brother. I'm telling you, I'm telling you right now, don't don't let you guard down because right now the devil is going to do so. You can look out the next few days. The devil's got a plan already, already for this place. Can I say this? If you're a backslatter and you're trying to make your way back to God, I'm going to tell you right now, you are not going to do it without the devil fighting you and resisting you. You're going to have to fight through hell and through the demons. What did the Bible say? "In heaven, heaven suffered violence." And I said, "God, when did heaven suffer violence?" It's when Michael and his angels and Satan and his angels, they fought, they was war in heaven. And I'm going to tell you, there's still war going on tonight in the church. If you get it, you're going to have to fight for it. You will have to fight for it. You ain't going to say, "Hey, God's blessing us. God's blessing us." Yes, God's blessing you. But I'm telling you, the adversary has come down to this earth having great wrath. Oh God, you can be seated. You can be seated. Lord, how mercy. The Bible said he got mad. He said, "You know what? I want every man to come and get with me. And if you don't, thus and thus, is going to happen to you. And the Spirit of God that was on saw that made him angry, began to get on all the men. 330,000 men. It was the first army that Israel had. 330,000 standing there with ox golds in their hand. Standing there with just plow weapons if you please. Just field tools. That's all they had. And they said, "We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight." And Saul said, "We're going." And they traveled that night, brother. And the next morning, they split up in groups. And I'm going to tell you something. God gave him a victory because they were willing to fight. You can't be passive. You can't be passive and get nothing from God. Oh God, oh God, oh God. Help me. Help me. You can be seated. There's, this is, wow, this is what he said in Timothy, "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands, for God hath not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind." Oh God, oh God, oh God. When this event happened is when it established Saul as being king over Israel. It's when they decided we're going to have a throne like other kingdoms. We're going to build a palace. We're going to have an army. We're going to build chariots and we're going to have swords and we're going to have spears and bow and arrows and shields. We're going to be something. You know why they took a fight to do that? Yes it did. Yes it did. God, David had 37 mighty men. I know we say 30, but when you really rated 37 mighty men, there was a group of 30 and then there was a group that was above the 30. He said this, "Whoo!" I don't know if his name is Adino, lift up his spear against 800 whom he slew at one time. Come on boys. You done got me stirred up. I'm ready to fight. Bring it on. 800 men. One man. Wow. Elie Azer smoked the Philistines until his hand was weary and claved until the sword. Joseph said that he had slew so many till the blood ran down it and where he was welding it in the air, the blood dried and it's like it welded his hand to that sword. Bring them on, boys. I'm still here. I'm talking that I feel like fighting now. You got me stirred up. I feel like fighting. Yes, yes. There was Shama that was standing in a little patch and when a troop of Philistines come, everybody fled from him. All he had in his hand was an ox gold. An ox gold is a stick with a sharp point on the end of it that they used to gouge the ox when he got stubborn. That's all he had. But brother, he used that stick. You talk about karate and judo and all that kind of mess. He could teach them something. Martial arts. 600 men. 600 men. I feel like fighting. I feel like fighting. I got a few things to say and I'll move out of your hair. Oh, God, it's good to us. Lord, I'm mercy. I love it. I love it. I love it. Ephraim was passive. The Bible said in the day that said that you know I'm Ephraim, being armed, carrying bows, turn back in the day of battle. Folks, God's brought you to a special place right now in the time of this church. There ought not to be one person that's passive and lay down their bow. Just give me a little time and I'll deal with that. But every man, every woman, every young person needs to get under the load here. God's ready to do something great, greater than what he's already done right here. But there's an enemy that cannot stand that. He's going to come against you. He's probably already been working on a plan just to see these 11 that he's lost. Brother, come on. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Ephraim was a grandson of Jacob, which was a fighter. He was the son of Joseph, who was a fighter. He was the strongest and the largest tribe. But they had prestige, but he was a coward. Joshua, who was a successor for Moses, who was a fighter. Joshua, who was a fighter, came from the tribe of Ephraim. The tabernacle of Shiloh was located in Ephraim, but Ephraim turned back. What if they had turned back? What if they had come out and said, "We'll die fighting. We're not cowards. We're not backing up." Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. They forgot all the great things that God had done for them. My pastor was a military man. We're a low-tech cotch. Well, I loved him so much. He's gone. I hope to God. Before long, we'll get to see one another again. When he was in the military, I don't know how all that works, but he done a lot of working out in boxing. He was a pretty good-sized man. He done a lot of boxing. He got in such shape that he could let anybody if he could prepare for it. He could let you hit him in a stomach hard as you want to. He could just take it. He told a story one time that never left me, never left me. He said there was a champion fighter, a man that was in the boxing. I don't mind. You can tell I don't know all that kind of stuff, but he got in the ring. He'd won so many battles, whatever you'll call it. He was a champ, but he got in the ring with a man that was whipping him. This man was beating him down. He kept knocking him down, and he'd get up. I mean, he'd never fought a man that could hit that hard and had that endurance, and after several rounds, he was tired, and he knocked him down, and he laid on the mat and was going to let the referee count him out. He said, "Man, I've had enough. I've had all of them." And a little boy came to the outside of the ring where his head was laying, and he said, "Get up! You can be him!" Tears was coming down the little boy's face. "Get up! Get up! You can do it! You can do it!" It was his son. It was his little boy. "Come on, Dad! Come on, Dad! Come on, Dad! Get up!" And you know what? He got up on his all fours, and he got back up on his feet, and he got to bouncing around again, and that opening come, and he put it right where it ought to be, and he knocked him out, and he won the match, because a little boy said, "Don't give up, Dad! Come on! Come on, fight! You want to encourage this man right here, folks! You want to encourage him every surface! You want to encourage this son right here! Come on! We're behind him! We're with you! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Oh, God! Just a little more. I'm going to say it again. Backslider, you ain't going to come back. You've got good intentions, but he won't release you. He's got to hold on you, and he's not going to let you go until you fight. It also said, when he said the kingdom of heaven suffered violence in the violent, the violent, take that by force. In the other place, he said, in the kingdom of heaven was preached until chonk, but since that time, every man, every man press up into the kingdom. That's a way God designed it! We're in a fight, folks. I'm going to explain it a little bit in a few minutes. We're in a fight. We're fighting spirits like we've never fought before. They're cramming this stuff down our throat. Pardon me, if this upsets you, then that's whatever. I'm telling you, they're taking this, all this, what do you call it, LGBTQ jock, and they're trying to make us eat it. They're trying to make us do the things that we never had before. They're trying everything, every little issue that you're giving, they're trying to tell our country down because when America's gone, I will say this. When America's gone, there's nothing else to hold it back, folks. It'll be over. You hear me? It's like he that will let, will let until he be taken out of the way. It's the last country in the world that's keeping the anti-cross system from coming. All over the world emissions, missionaries, is feeding off of American people, off the church in America. The apostolic Jesus named one God-believing church, sending money to help him and support and pray for them. Oh God, we're fighting spirits like we've never fought before. Even the circular world are pulling their kids out of public school and doing homeschooling or sending them to some kind of private school. We're in a mess, folks. We're in a mess, but I'm going to tell you what the devil's after. He's after you. He's after this church right here. 23 and a half, four years. God done this right here. You think the devil's going to stand by and say, look what the Lord's done. Look what the Lord's done. You know what? He's got his little band around him and he's saying, come on now. Yeah, we got to tear that up. We got to stop that mess. Come on. I come to challenge this church. It's time to pray for the weapons of our warfare, not taught. But I might prove not to the pulling down of strongholds. We can't, but he can. And he will if we will. Let me see it. Oh, God. Nehemiah went back to build them walls. God opened the way for him. The king blessed him and said, go, son. All I ask is when you get it built and you threw it, come back. He became the governor. And he went there and investigated looking at all the stones that had been burnt. And it was all piled and grubbled. No, it was a mess. Everybody around him didn't want the Jews back. There wasn't nobody there that thought it could be done. But God said, Nehemiah, go build the walls. Go build the walls. And you know what? He went back and he got with some of the elders of Israel that he talked. And they started building the walls. And they worked and they worked. But all Sam Ballant and Tobiah hated their guts so bad. They went around, stirring up all the tribes around him to fight him. Hey, we're in a fight. Are you going to be passive? Or are you going to fight? I feel like fighting. The Bible said they stirred up the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ash Godites to come and fight with them and hinder them. And Nehemiah got the people together. He said, nevertheless, we made prayer to our God. It's time for the apostolic to pray. I'm telling you, young folks, it's time to pray. I'm not talking about one time. I'm talking about a steady, everyday prayer life. A walk with God. Come on. We made prayer and we set a watch and we strapped on their swords and they got spears in their bows. And Nehemiah said, be not afraid of them. Remember, the Lord is great. Fight for your brethren. Fight for your sons. Fight for your daughters. Fight for your companions. It's time to fight. Time to fight. They slept with their clothes on. They worked with one hand held a sword with the other. And in 52 days, in 52 days, it was built and connected together. Everybody said, how could it be? Because it was a group of people that had a mind to work and a mind to fight. It's worth the fight, folks. It's worth the fight. My family's from Diasburg, Tennessee. When I was a boy, that's where I was born in Diasburg. My sister was born there. My parents. But back in those days, it wasn't nothing but field-working, sawmillwork. Daddy done like a lot of the young people from the South did. He moved to Chicago where he could get a job and make some money. Wow. Oh God, oh God. But my granddad was a farmer. He would go to the field zone. He had a small tractor and he always had a wagon behind him. And if there was hands, it was helping. They'd all ride the wagon to the field. People didn't have nothing in those days. The house was built on poles because it was down in Richwood bottom, the Mississippi bottom. The backwater get out and the houses, the whole thing was, the only way you could get to your house was by boat. Man, it didn't have nothing in those days. They was not holes in the floor and you could see pigs and chickens and whatever thing else that they had underneath the floor. The floor was probably six or seven foot off the ground. And that's the way they lived. That's the way they lived. There was a man in that area that had a bulldog and he was bad. That bulldog had never been whipped. And if you think I'm bragging and I please don't take it that way. I'm preaching my heart to this church. I feel like preaching to this church. This bulldog was so bad most dogs that he didn't whoop he killed him. He went for their throat. When he got them down, I mean, he put them out. My granddad had too fast just to paraphrase. He'd raised from pups. Just little brothers, you know, fights don't get. They don't get very big at all. And granddad's going to the field on that tractor, pulling that trailer behind him. And then two little fights just trot right along with him and they come by the bulldog's house. And when he did bulldog, looked at them and said, "Man, easy pickings. Easy pickings." He ran out there and he down one of them bulldogs. It wouldn't have took him but just a few minutes till he would have put his light out. But when he did, Brother Sampson, his brother went behind the bulldog and he went to two and unnecessary parts. And the bulldog couldn't take it. So he let him go and he turned and got him down. And when junior number one come up off the ground, he went to eating on the back end too. And he turned to get him. And junior number two come up. And I'm telling you, they whipped that bulldog. Two little fights, two little fights because they felt like fight. Yeah, we don't hurt about you. We don't hurt you whatever dog in the country. We know you killed a bunch of them. But we're sticking together. We're two little fights. We're going to do it together. Come on. I humbly asked this church, start praying more. Don't let the devil stop you. Pray, pray, pray, pray. Just a few more minutes. My son always, my oldest son, he's always like animals. If there's such thing as an animal nut, he's nuts. I mean, an animal nut. He's nuts over animal. Oh, he's had goats. Goats. He said chickens and pigeons. I don't know. I'm taking the name of all the stuff he had. He had this banny hen. Just anybody know what banny is? I knew he did. I had to get you involved. This banny hen. You know, when banny hens, when they don't have babies, they're nothing. They just ignore him. But when they sit on their legs, they get an attitude. Their personality changes. This little heifer sit on the edge and hatched them out. And a whole little brood of chickens, it'll be the things we'll follow her. And she's around her with him. Wings strutting out. You know, you talking about pride. She's her whole vocabulary changed. It's cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck. And she scratches and cluck, cluck, cluck. And here they come, you know, looking for a worm or a bug or whatever. If I ask you what's the worst enemy to a chicken would be a chicken hawk. Elderly was a chicken hawk up in the trees. They had a pen, pen, keep the fox out, keep the possums out. But that hawk looked down and saw what an opportunity she had or it had. And it dove down in that chicken yard and it grabbed up one of them babies. It did. And then she took off. And I want you to know that cluck, cluck, it changed. Brother Samson, if I'm telling this as a lie, God would get me. That little banny flew on the back of that chicken hawk and started pecking on the head. In air, in air. She was beating that hawk in the head. That's my baby, that's my baby. You're not getting my baby, pet, pet, pet. And the hawk couldn't take it no more and release the baby. And it fell back to the ground. And she flew down and spread them wings. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck, come on babies. Get under mama. Get under mama. You know why she felt like fighting? It's something worth fighting for. Come on now. Come here. You. You. Put the tambourine down. Come here. You were on my mind this afternoon. Just staying right here. Where's a sister that has been wanting to have a baby? And it's struggled. Are you here? Will you come? Not long ago since we was at a church. Same, same problem. And God gave him a baby. And when I go there, that dad's toting that baby all through prayer, making kissing on it. Mama, I'm not telling the truth. He just can't, he just goes through. And then when he ain't got it, she's got it. And just tuck that baby around. Do you think it's a problem for God to give you a baby? He shut Hannah's womb for a reason. But when that reason was completed, he opened her womb. Same God is here tonight. I got a word for you too. Is there a backsladder in this house that would be saying, I'm trying to work my way back. I need help. I'm going to tell you where you're going to find your help. It's right here. This place can get you to him quicker than any other way, quicker than you can by yourself. Is there a backsladder? Stand with me. Is there a backsladder in this house that would like to come and work your way back to God? I appreciate it, son. God's for you. Is there not another one that would come? We're going to pray. I feel with all my heart. I'm not prophesying. If you'll really, and you know what, you may be praying an hour a day. I'm not questioning on that. But whatever you're doing in a day, if you'll beef it up, if you'll double it, or start getting a prayer, God wants to do something for you. I'm not calling you for nothing. I'm just telling you, God, he laid you on my heart this afternoon for that reason, son. For that reason, it's nothing to us. It's when we give it all. But let me tell you, let me tell you, it's prayer since you start praying like you've never prayed before. And you start thanking God. God, I want to thank you for it. It don't matter if you give me a baby boy or a baby girl or triplets. It might matter to him, but it won't matter to you. Is he able? Anybody please? He's able. But here's what happens. We get to want it so bad, and it don't happen when we think it ought to happen till all we can do is weep and cry. I feel sorry for me. I don't even want to happen. It won't happen. The devil will say, "He won't hear you." It ain't. Look how long it's been. But you start praising him, and you start thanking him. God, I thank you. You got names picked up. I tell God, I say, "God, you know what? If it's a boy, it's a junior. If it's a girl, it's sitting around, whatever. God, I just won't let you know. I don't got your name picked up for that baby. You're going to give me." Come here, brother. I want you up here to say, "Because you're playing a big part in this." Is God able? Would some of your brothers come and help me? Here's a man saying, "I've been back slaves." Is that what you're saying? "But I need God. In a few days, you may be meeting God. I don't want to meet God backslid. I need God tonight. I need God. I need God. We're going to pray with you. Are you willing to let go of whatever? Anything that's holding me back, I'm willing to give it up. Is there another backslider that would come tonight? Is there anybody that's holding the Holy Ghost that hadn't got him yet? You want to come? I ask God, put a fighting spirit in this church. I need you help, Elder. Young brother Samson. Get that all, though. Since we're going to pray, brother, and we're going to ask God to open that boom. You've done it for Hannah. You can do it for me, God. In Jesus' name. Listen, we're down. In the name of Jesus.