Apostolic Lighthouse
But I - Bro Bradley McCormack
Well, praise the Lord, everybody and I like what I feel in the presence of the Lord today. And I know God's going to do something good with the Samson was saying, but the DJ's been working his altars. He was one of those that was here at two o'clock Thursday morning, Friday morning, I guess you can say praying and I'm going to tell you God honors our labor. And I'm thankful for this revival what God has been doing and what God is going to do here today. And I'm telling you, whatever you need from God, it's here. If you leave without it, it's your fault. It's not God's fault. It's not the preacher's fault. Well, hallelujah. But it's our fault if we leave without what wants to do. Amen. For us here today, I do want to take just a moment to say, man, brother and sister, Samson has been so kind to me and they opened their home up and allowed me to stay in their home. And they've been so kind. And I appreciate good people. I appreciate good people. And brother Samson said it, you know, my granddad always told me, if you want to move of God, you've got to create an atmosphere for God to work in. Is it always easy? No. If I'd done what my flesh wanted to, I'd be in Tennessee with my family today. But I'm telling you, it's all about the kingdom. It's all about the work of God. Oh, yes. And it's all about the work of God, amen. And I want to say thank you to this church. You have created an atmosphere and we've seen it this week. If you got your bibles, let's go to Psalms 109 and verse number one, I was in prayer, a man, and seeking the Lord. And I've never, that I know, I've ever preached from this scripture, but the Lord began to impress me. And the most dangerous part of it all, I have no notes. I don't. I have no notes. I just have a couple of scriptures and just want to preach what I feel like the Lord has laid on my heart today. It reads, "Hold not thy peace, O God, from my praise, for the mouth of the wicked, the mouth of the deceitful, open up against me, best spoke against me with a lying tongue. They have compassed me about also with words of hate, and fought against me without a cause. For my love, they are my adversary, but I give myself unto prayer. I give myself unto prayer." I want to preach today two words, but I, God, we ask you today that you would help us. God, thank you, God, for everything is taking place from amen to this point. But I'm asking you to take a God that you would anoint me, God, to speak to your wonderful people. Come on church, would you ask God to help the man of God and to open our ears, open our hearts, open minds, or understanding here today? God, we need your help. We need your strength in this room. Thank you, God, for everything that you've done, that you will be accomplished today. God, amen, amen. You can be seated this morning. There's not anybody in this room today that could say that you've never been done wrong. Everybody in this room today has been hurt and points and times in your life that things did not go the right way. I was talking to Brother Caleb last night for just a moment and I was aware of a phone call that was made just in the last few days about me. And I'll be honest with you, if I'd done what I wanted to do, I would have called that person and told him exactly what I think. Can I be honest here today? If I really done what my flash wanted to do, they would have got a piece of my mind. But the Lord woke me up before amen. The sun ever started rising this morning, begin to put this in my spirit. I'm just going to tell you today, Church, that devil will try you in every way he can to try to get you to get revenge against things that's not right. Oh, I feel the help of the Lord in this house today. At times, amen with things don't seem to go the way that we think they should go. But my mother and my father put this in me that two rooms don't make it right. And I've learned through the years that, amen, the Word of God said that you kill him with kindness. When somebody does your own, you just treat him like you would want to be treated. Well, hallelujah, amen, when people talk about you, you just got to put a smile on your face and just go on like nothing's happening. Well, you say, but according to that Jesus said and done, I want to tell you there ain't anything worth being lost over. There ain't nothing in this world that's going to distract me from the things of the work of the Lord. I'm telling you today, Church, it's going to sound sick. It's going to be worth it after a while. Every child ever burning, every hardship that you may have to face. I'm just going to tell you, I don't know about you, what you're going to do. But as for me, I'm just going to pray about it. I'm just going to seek God about it. When I feel like things don't go the way I think and sure, I'm just going to go to Him and pray. Well, somebody praise Him today. To be said it is, the devil's job. Amen, to try to distract us from the things of God. Amen, the devil hates what's been going on around here. Amen, last week Sunday started Sunday morning, Sunday night, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Amen, just about every service. One or two was getting the Holy Ghost. People was getting baptized. And I felt the Holy Ghost tell me this morning, all the devil wants to do is bring a distraction. They're trying to get their minds and our focus off what God really wants to do. I don't know what you're going to do, but I am just going to pray about it. I'm just going to put it in the hands of God. When things don't seem to go the way I think it ought to go. And life seems to be unfair. But I can't answer for you. I can't speak for you. But I won't get devil to know. But I, when it hurts. But I, when I feel like I've been done wrong. But I, when I feel like the world's caving in around me. But I, how to hold somebody you need to lay down to feed a Jesus. What seems to be impossible for man. It's nothing but it's minor to God today. Here's the devil's intent to try his best. Amen, to get our focus off what's important. Can I tell you here today. Amen, if you've lived very long, you face hardships. And if you live longer, you're going to face more hardships. You're going to face disappointments. You're going to face things that you don't understand. But I just want to preach to somebody in here. But I, oh yeah, when I feel like it ain't right. I just want to pray about it. I just want to talk to God about it. When I feel like I've been done wrong. If I can just get in the prayer room. If I can just get in the altar. If I can just get in the presence of God. I know that God is going to rise me above the enemy is going to rise me above the wicked. They may rise up against you. They may try to stop you. But I, but I, you're better than that. You're better than this. Come on. There ain't anybody going to stop my focus. There ain't anybody going to stop my relationship. There ain't anybody that's going to stop my praise. Let me see. I know when it seems to be impossible, God will step in. If we can learn to shut our mouth and let God speak, let God arise above your situations. I promise that God can do more in a moment's time that we can ever try to do in a lifetime. You've got to give it to God. You've got to take it out of your hands and put it in God's hands. Come on. Because if God does it, it'll be done right. When God does it, there'll be glory. When God does it, he'll rise you. Come on above the problem. I brought the situation. You say, well preacher, I don't feel worthy to clap my hands. Oh yeah, but I will praise him. When it hurts, when it don't seem right. I still obligated to bless the Lord. The hurt, the pain, the things, and I feel this in my spirit, amen here today. There's people in this room. You've been hurt. You've been done wrong, and it holds you at bay. It holds you hostage. You're a really giving what God wants to do in your life. You want to break through. You won't God to bless you. You won't throw will of God. But the pain of yesterday, the hurt of last year, about 20 or 30 years ago, is still haunt you today. I come to tell you, you just got to pray about it. When it hurts, you just got to pray about it. When it don't seem right, instill it. Hey, instead of speaking back, I'm just going to find myself a place that I can tell God about it. He said to take your burdens to the Lord. He cares what hurts and what matters to us. It matters to God. He seated. Can I tell you, there are going to be people that's going to have things to say. There's always going to be a critic. There's always going to be somebody to try to sap what God's doing in your life. I preached about that one time, sap suckers. Oh yeah, you get victory one night and somebody comes along and try to suck every bit of the sap out of you. Try to take your praise. I'm going to preach here for a few minutes today. It may not make sense to everybody, but I know I prayed. I stayed here all day Saturday, and when I've been here since early this morning praying and talking to God. I'm preaching to somebody. You say, "But what do I do from here? Which way do I turn?" I'm just going to tell you what I'm going to do. I'm just going to bless the Lord in all times. It is praying to shock and continue to be in my mouth, from the rise into the sun, to the going down to the center. He is great. I'm just going to praise him when it hurts. I'm just going to praise him. I want to devil to do. And it ain't nobody can do it like Jesus. Nobody can stop you. Nobody can do to you from the things that you just got to get bow up. You got to let the devil know I'm in it to win it. I'm here because God put me here. Well, somebody praise him today. [Applause] Be seated. And let me say, most of the time, the ones that you thought loved you the most, the Bible said I was wounded in the house of friends. Man called me yesterday. He said, "Brother McCormick, I want you to pray for me." I'm talking about a good man. I was taking advantage of, tried to help somebody. And I'm talking about not only money, but love and compassion. They turned around and went out, went across the country, talking about some, about this man spreading lies. He said, "What do I do?" I said, "Hold your peace." I can tell you, of course, I've been there. The words of a man will rise up and say what I want to say. But I listen before the Lord even give this to me. I said, "I want you to do. Just pray about it. Tell God about it. Don't tell anybody else about it. Tell God about it. Take your burdens to the Lord, for he can't." I'm going to tell you something to nature. We can have a move of God if we can get past yesterday and last year. So many people are affected by things that happen in their life, that it holds them hostage from really breaking through to the Spirit. They seated. But can I tell you, forgiveness is not for the other person. I know this ain't saying in the morning probably preaching or teaching whatever you want to call this. Forgiveness is not for yourself. For them is for yourself. Hey, I won't tell you ain't nobody making me go to hell. I've had them to lie in the same room I was in. I've had them to talk about me, send it across the table just a little bit down and I heard it, and then you know what I've done? I just kept my mouth shut. But I'm just going to pray. I'm just going to seek God, though I don't know which way to go sometimes. And I don't have clear direction. And maybe I don't have the answer, but I know who does. I know who will bring me out. I know who delivered me. Hey, I'm telling you, it would stop a lot of problems. It'll start a lot of hardship. It will just pray about it. See that? You know, I've always said when somebody's talking about me, they're just giving somebody else a break. Oh, I hope I'm helping somebody here today. I know this is different direction, but McCormick's been going a little different, maybe a style of preaching today. I want to help somebody here today. I want you to realize the past is the past. You can't do nothing about it, but she can do something about the future. What you need to do is let the devil know, hey, but I can't speak for my wife. I can't speak for my children. I can't speak for my husband. But I, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm just going to go back to church, though it hurts. And I don't have the question, the answer to the questions. It's in my mind. If I can get in this presence, if I can get in the presence of God, I know that everything is going to be all right. You know, you see, it's not taking light that it don't hurt. I'm, I'm not a lot straight in my heart. I want to be careful. I don't want because I could hurt my wife, my grandmother, what I'm going to do. Well, I feel the holding. I know this is different today. Hey, I got a good message to preach. If you come by, I'm like, we're going to shout maybe tonight. But you hear me and she got lonely down. I don't want to be like the wicked. Hey, I don't want to try to find thought and everything and everybody around me. My mama always said, son, if you look hard enough, there's something good in everybody. My mama put that in me. She said, you look past their failures. You look past their mistakes and you find something positive to say about somebody. Can I tell you here today, church, heaven, I don't know what you're going to do. But after things are facing, I know I'm preaching to people in this room. You've been hurt. You've been done wrong. Heaven, you don't even sometimes. You don't even care about tomorrow. You just got to give it to God. You got to get it off your shoulders and put it on God. You can't work it out. You can't fix it. You can't change it. But if you're praying about it, if you talk to God about it, I promise you, He'll turn it all around. He'll put joy where there was hurt and the pain. He'll put a smile on your face. Somebody praise Him right now. The hurt of words of others, they hurt. I'm not making a lie. I'm making fun today because if you only knew my story, I've got a right to preach this today. Do you know why? I can honestly say, ain't nothing in this heart. I pray with them in the altar. If they need me, I'd go to their home and pray for them. You know why? Because God, I put God in the place of my mouth and I said, God, you speak for me. God, you can do more in a moment's time. Doesn't seem like it's helping. Maybe not at the moment, but on the other side when I stand before Him and my hands are clean. Hey, I'm just going to tell somebody here today, you got to block it out. You got to horse it out. Everything's the people that's already going on. You can't tell them, but you can tell God because He's the one that matters. And if you tell God, you're sorry. And you say, God, I forgive Him. I promise Him. God can break something in your spirit that's trying to hold you at bay. That's trying to hold you from getting a blessing. That's trying to hold you from really getting what you need from God. Let me see. Did you know that old, that old story, it's been told many times husband and wife's going to church and man, they're at it. I mean, just back and forth, back and forth. Got to church. Man, church started. That man's up there and he's just shouting and he's dancing. He's worshiping God. Man, she said, she's fear. No, you like. You man too. Or she's writing him a note. She sends it up there. He's dancing. He's shouting. He looks at it. Oh, you know how you was treating and talking to me and you're up and you're dancing and praising God. He never stopped dancing. He just wrote back on her and said, I'm mad at you. Not at God. Hey, did I say the hardship was easy? No, but hey, it's not God's fault. Just because somebody did you wrong. Heaven, I'm not going to stop praising. I'm not going to stop my fault. I'm just going to bless the Lord. I'm just going to praise Him because in my praise, in my worship, we'll pray to live right. It'll bring the breakthrough. It'll make a difference. I'll just shout in the wicked space. I'll just praise God. Though it may hurt here, God still deserves the praise. Though it may hurt here, God still deserves the glory. Hey, I'm telling you today, but I, but I, but I, but I. I can't speak to what you're going to do. Man, we're doing good. We've been with 26 minutes. They're just out of fire, trying to put the grill wherever you're going. It's only 11, 10. I'm going to try to help some people in this room today. You won't really worship God. You really want to vote yourself. You don't know what's so and so done to me. So you're going to let so and so take you to hell. I hope oh so and so shows up at church and I, where I can just praise God in hell. Yeah, I'm okay today. It ain't hurting them. It's hurting you. It ain't stopping them. It's stopping you. They're happy. They're going on. Come on. Some of them for me, don't forget about it. And you're extremely trying to drag your chair. You're losing focus. You're losing your relationship with God because of things that happened 20 years ago. I'm telling you today, I'm preaching everybody in this field. You've got to live before God. You just got to pray. You just got to let them say, hey, God, if I do it, it's going to be done wrong. But if you do it, I'll get the glory. You'll get the glory. Come on in and benefit yourself. Y'all better be glad I don't have notes. Past hinders the future. Come to a nation every time you try to raise your hand. See, some of the problem is God's forgiven you, but you won't forgive yourself. Is there things in our lives that may hinder certain areas of our life? Both our steel things you can do in the kingdom of God. I've heard people say it well. I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. That's the worst thing you can ever do. You know, the funny part is the very man started a bunch of garbage running line and running his mouth. It's the very man. It texts me not very many days ago asking me to forgive him. Don't make no sense, does it? Duh. What happened from last week or two weeks ago? I tell you what it is. They're trying to show it on the outward, but on the inside. I'm just going to hold on to it. It says the root of bitterness. You say, well, it don't bother me. You get to talking about it and watch something flare up. I'm going to preach this a few moments today and let them get the grip. If you're getting hot for you and your family, I don't want you to get something cold today. I'm doing you a favor. He said it's that root way down in there that you thought you got rid of and somebody starts talking about it and this thing you know, something starts rising up. Hey, I've been guilty. I know. I told my wife, oh man, that's been, I don't know, a long, long time ago. Same thing. Just anybody, you don't care about it. I don't care about it anymore because God don't even remember it. So it happened. I was good. But if you start talking about it, I was good for a moment. Then I feel myself getting a little loud. And I thought, you know what? There's still something down in there I ain't took care of. That's what I'm preaching to this one. I'm telling you, I want it all out. I won't got to worship me. I won't got to cleanse me. You know, the sad part is there's a lot of good people that's going to go to hell because the people that said don't peace, that didn't wrong, that talked about them with the line. I'm preaching right now. I'm telling you, when somebody speaks about this church, I hope it's good. That's the friendliest church. That's the best church. That's the worship in church. That's the praying church. That's the helping church. Hey, you know what? You can create them. You're the person that can make the difference in this church. You know how many times by the Simpson, I've sat in the cross the table from good people that said, I won't go to church because so and so did this to me. I won't go to church because somebody said this about me. You can't change it. But if you go to God in prayer, He can. He can soften the hardness of hearts. You know what, one day that person that really gets on your nerves might be the person that set beside you in church one day. No, not too long ago, there was a person. It was bad. It was stupid. Call it all over the country, said things and hated my guts. But if I ever saw them in a restaurant, I'd buy their meal, call them, buy them out to eat. You say, oh, you're stupid? Well, I probably am. I've been told that in a lot worse. Because my momma said, kill him a kindness. That's what she told me. And you know what, I saw that person that was so bitter and just despised when I walked in a room. You could just see it all over them. They'd lean over the person. Just cheer me up and down. Hey, good to see you today. Glad you came to church. I know a boy daughter. Do you know what, after a little while that old heart and said that old heart started getting soft. Well, I'm preaching to some of y'all today and y'all, some of y'all squirming real good. I'm trying to help you today to tell you what's holding you hostage from really getting what you need from God. I won't deliver it, but I'm not letting do with some things. He says, I will not dwell in an unclean temple. If there's anything in your heart, you ain't gonna get the Holy Ghost. And without the Holy Boy, I know I'm getting on somebody's nerves. I'm really trying to hurry. I need to quit don't I, Brother Zach? I've been, yeah, there you go. Brother Zach's on board with me. But you know what, you're hindering yourself from the blessings of God. You're hindering yourself from really getting what in the place that God really wants to use you. Help me, Holy Ghost. Boy, I need notes right now, but they can pass about me also with words of hatred that fight against me without a cause. It just don't seem right. Brother McCormick, you don't know what I'm dealing with. You're right. I don't know everything everybody's dealing with in this room. But what I'm simply is giving you the answer to what you're dealing with. He says, the last verse, for my love, they are my heaven. But I give myself unto prayer. Prayer changes what you can't change. Some of me is wondering, my God, this vengeance has done good until this point. He's bloated. I've done stupid things before, but I'm just going to take you something church. I preach what God gives me to preach. Don't ever let something rise up in your spirit and stop your focus with God. Such a sense and was saying in this morning, I was just telling God, I'm just thankful. I get to come to church today. God, I can be the world of sin. I can be the lost in all my road to hell, but thank God that I get to be in your present. Hey, somebody, I'm telling you, it's holding you hostage. It's holding your deliverance. It's holding your breakthrough. It's holding you back from really getting what you need from God. I'm preaching to you today. You need to get out of your pew. Run down to this altar and say, God, but I can't speak for nobody else, but I'm laying it on the altar. I'm laying it on the line today. I'm not dealing with it any longer. Come and play something softly. I'm just going to be a few more moments. Psalms says, but I hear me, but I have trusted in the mercy. My heart shall rejoice in the salvation, under the place in Psalms. It says, I have hated them. Oh, yeah, I have hated them. Request, but I trust in the Lord. It says, one of the places in Psalms, but I've trusted in the old God. I said, the art, my God. And then Psalms 52 says, when I am like the green on the tree, in the house of God, I trust in the mercy of God forever and forever. Psalms 59 says, but I will sing of the power. Yeah, I will sing aloud of the mercy in the morning. But I have spent my defense in my refuge in the day of trouble. Psalms 71 says, but I will hope continuously, and yet we'll praise thee more and more. Come on, let's stand to our feet. You hear me today, but I, but I, but I, but I, I'm not going to tone it any longer. I'm not going to find it any longer, but I, O Lord. Come on, let's lift our hands to him right now. Come on, all over this house today, but I, come on, talk to in church, but I, O Lord.