Apostolic Lighthouse

God's Chosen Generation - Bro Bradley McCormack

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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the Lord everybody. Man, I like what I feel in the presence of the Lord. And you know, they always blow this thing up before you get up here. And then when you don't operate, makes you look bad. I wish they wouldn't say anything. That's right, but Zach, like this. Thumbs down. But Zach's giving me thumbs down already. Hallelujah. Well, I know God's wanting to do something in this place tonight. I don't know about you, but I came on purpose. I said, I came on purpose tonight. This brother got up here talking about the blessings of God. And man, I know that a wife just texted and told me she's praying for me. That makes me feel better. Amen. I said something about last night and I wasn't poor, mouthing, about only having two suits with me. And I know whoever did it don't want it to be known. So don't go try to find out who it is. But you noticed I got something new on tonight. Hey, it's not the only thing either. I, I got another one at the house and still got some money left over. That's the blessings of the Lord. Man, I just want to say publicly whoever it is. Amen. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Amen. I even got new socks on, new t-shirt, and we'll stop right there. But I got it all. Hallelujah. I told you I got too much of my granddaddy in me. Amen, amen, amen. But I'm going to tell you something. If you're not thankful, God would give it to somebody else. If you're not thankful for the blessings of God, somebody else are thinking for it. Somebody else are praising for it. Amen, amen. And I have, man, I will tell whoever that it is. I prayed especially for you today. And I just want to tell you, and I don't even know if you're here now because the pastor didn't tell me. He said they didn't want it to be known. And I, for all I know, it might have been him. I have no idea. But I just want to tell you, God told me today he's going to bless you for it. You just write it down and put my name aside. You can't out bless God. You can't outdo God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. I got to quickly, amen, to get into the word of the Lord. I'm just trying to get my nerves under control. I'm nervous tonight. I'm not going to lie. Nervous tonight. I just want to be used of God. And I know there's men in this place. I mean, these brethren on this platform could do a lot better job than I can. But if I can just help somebody tonight, it's going to be worth it. I told somebody today, talking to someone, I said, man, I said, it ain't everywhere you go. Amen. You started out with people getting the Holy Ghost and you come the next night and it doubles. I just wonder what's going to happen tonight. Hallelujah. So, in saying that tonight, if you're not ashamed, how many really needs the Holy Ghost here tonight? Raise your hand. There's one, there's one honest person here and a bunch of liars. I told you, I'm just, I'm playing preacher. I'm just kind of blunt. I know because God told me today. So, it's up to you. I believe you can get it tonight and the rest of them could go home without it. Well, hallelujah. Now, beyond that, how many needs a miracle here tonight? I knew hands would go up everywhere. You know what? I believe God can do it. Now, I know one raised our hand on the Holy Ghost. We can believe that. Y'all remember the more fashion prayer lines we used to have? I still believe in them. I still believe God is the healer. I believe it was quoted tonight or last night, Jesus Christ, this name, yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah. Amen. Let's go to the word of the Lord at nine and first Peter. Amen. The second chapter and the ninth verse. I do want to just preach what I feel the Lord to help me. I'm like Brother Caleb. Even I'm struggling with my voice tonight and just want to be God to have His way. Amen. In this room here tonight. Amen. Thank you. Good man of God for coming. Amen. I know y'all drove a long ways. Amen. And coming and supporting this revival and everybody else that's not from here. Amen. Thank you. Amen. For coming to help us have revival. Bible says in 1 Peter 2 and 9, but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him that has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. But you're a chosen generation. I want to preach tonight if the Lord will help me for a little bit. God's chosen generation. God's chosen. Is anybody want to be chosen by God? Come on, do you really want to be chosen by God tonight? Would you lay your babbles down and lift your voice? Come on, lift your voice and lift your hands. And ask God to help us right now, Lord. I'm a failure without you. I can't come on, shout with a voice. Let God know we want Holy Ghost to know it. We just don't want preaching. We want Holy Ghost preaching right now. Somebody clap your hands tonight as you're seated. You get me seated. We preached them out around here about Sunday morning about God is attracted to your voice. And I'm still thankful that God is attracted to our voice when we call upon him that God responds to our call. But can I tell you tonight we're sitting in this room tonight and we are God's chosen people. We're not just a church. We're a chosen church. I'm going to tell you I was in here praying today. And I know those visions from other churches. I'm not preaching there. I'm preaching here. I'm just going to tell you God spoke to me today. And God said it's not over yet. This is going to be a hospital for the hurting and for the wounded. Come on. You ain't seeing nothing yet to what God's about to do in this church. If you can just believe him. If you can make yourself available for God to work through. I remember we seated. I remember hey man is a young boy. Hey man when we would have activities. And then I wanted to be chosen. I never did like to be that one that was the last one standing yes to all because when it was it was simply me. That's the only choice they had. They saved you to the very end. And because they didn't think you was worthy. And to be a part of what was going on. And most of the time when you got on the team. They put you in the least place. And that they felt like you was needed. And they tried to make you feel like. And you was just somebody to feel a gap or a person they needed to feel in space. But can I tell you tonight in the kingdom of God. God does not judge us by color. God does not judge us by number. I feel the help of the Holy Ghost coming on me now. God does not judge us by age. Amen. Not my qualifications but God is. Amen. He said hey. You're my bride. You're chosen by the very best. You're not on a losing team. You're on the winning side. You're not just in the church. You are the church. You're not just coming to church. To fill up space and appeal. But you're chosen by God Almighty. To be seated. And to make us feel good. To know that we're wanted. Nobody wants to feel like amen. That's not a part of what's going on. I don't any help. Even if I'm going to be involved in something I want to feel like that I wanted to be involved in it. I wish my voice would let me just rare back and preach like I really want to preach. But hear me tonight. Amen. You're chosen by God. You're not just a number to God. You're not just a saint. Amen. That feels a space in this church. I don't care if you just got the Holy Ghost last night. But you've been serving God for 50 or 60 years. It does not matter to God. If God chose you, he's got a purpose for you. God, I feel him right now. If God has chosen you, you're not here by accident. You're here because of a purpose that God's sowing you. That you could not see in yourself. When you didn't believe in yourself, God saw something in you. And he said, "I want to choose those who have an Messiah." I know people say it. They say, "Well, you know, I just don't feel like I'm feeling it." Well, if you don't feel like you're feeling it, you need to find the place that you're feeling it. I'm not talking about a different location, but there's something in the church that everybody can do. Everybody can't be a preacher. Everybody can't be a Sunday school teacher. I'm going somewhere tonight. Everybody can't play music. But I promise you, God loves a praise. Hey, God loves it. When you lift your voice and you shout, that's why I said shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph. I promise you tonight, if anybody's got to write the shout, we've got to write. If anybody's got to write to run, we've got to write to run. If anybody's got to write to worship, you've got to write. I come to tell you tonight, if God has chosen us for a purpose and for a reason. We're not just a church. We are the church. We're not just part of the church, but we are God's very chosen. Somebody praise. I know to be seated, all those, get the Holy Ghost. Just let me talk to you for a moment. You're fixing to have hard times. That sounds discouraging, don't it? Y'all want me to be honest? Show me a lie. Because the devil hates your guts right now. Because you're not a dope smoker anymore. You're a liar and a teeter anymore. Hey, I told those last night. I said, I don't know what she was when you went in the water, but you're not that anymore. You're a choke. Hey, I come to preach to somebody some pain, and you tonight to tell you, don't hold your hand down. Just because you slip up. You've got an advocate with the father. You've got to, hey, you can get it right. You're still choking. Just because you slip. Just because you stumble. Just because you make mistake. And he still loves you. You're chosen by him. And there's nothing that can pluck you out of his hand. You know the devil? You tell you, he didn't really get the Holy Ghost. I know this is a little different from the direction we've been going. But I've been playing all day and I feel like I do have a direction. Come to tell you tonight that devil is going to try you and just in a day or two, if he didn't try you today. I feel the Holy Ghost right now. He wants to tell you, you didn't really get the Holy Ghost. It ain't really real. I just want to tell you tonight, you're no different than anybody else in this building. I don't care if they wear a suit and tie, and all you got is an old pair of blue jeans on. It don't matter to God. God said, hey, I chose them for a purpose. I chose them for a reason. God's got a purpose for you in the church. God's got a reason that he fills you with the Holy Ghost. He brought you out of darkness. He brought you out of a world of sin. Don't you ever think, you're not worthy. You're not good enough. That's a lie of the devil. You can praise him. You can worship. Let me see. Well, I can't wait to come back and preach when I lose this week. I went to men's warehouse today. Somebody in here told me, oh, they got good deals. You need some bar of my glasses. I see you back here too. You need some good glasses. $350, $400. I say, you think I'm crazy? I got five or six at home. I ain't got that much money yet. I sound looking for a deal. Hey, I came looking for a deal from God tonight. Hey, I want to tell you something. You don't have to leave her. You don't have to leave depressed. You're God's chosen. And you think God's going to do something for somebody else that he won't do for you. You crazy, honey. If your God's chosen, it wants to bless you. It wants to heal you. It wants to fill you. It wants to live for you. But you got to say, hey, I'm not going to sit here with my head down. But I'm going to get up. I'm going to rise up. And I'm going to be the chosen of the pride of Christ. When you come to church, you know, I really want to go back and get some people tonight by the hand. It's up here praying last night. You don't have no business back here in that seat when it was worship time. Y'all want me to help you? You're giving room for the devil to work in your mind. You should have been up in this front clapping your hands and say, hey, I've been redeemed by the blood of the land. I'm not who I used to. Did I say you weren't going to have battles? Did I say you weren't going to have hardships? No. But I'm telling you, when you pray, God, it deflects the enemy. Your praise is a weapon. I guess the devil, your worship, is a praise. I guess the devil, when you clap your hands, it upsets the devil. When you run the house, it upsets the devil. When you worship him, it upsets the devil. Hey, I'm chosen. I'm not defeated. I'm not depressed. I'm not out. I'm in. Be seated. I remember years. I was just a young brat. Teenager thought I knew it all. I loved playing ball, and I loved it. Now I told one. Yes, some of y'all catch that tomorrow. I remember I joined a team, a factory, a place I was working. This was years ago, and they just needed somebody to fill a space, but Zach, I was a good water boy. I never one time complained. I showed up for practice. When the game was going on, I was out of my seat. I had my number on. I was a part of the team. They wouldn't let me hold the bat in the ball, the glove. They just needed me in case somebody got hurt. I was waiting for my opportunity. I just wanted to prove myself, but when the team was playing, I was the biggest cheerleader. I didn't have no mini skirt on and pom-poms. Hey, man, thank God. But I was a part of the team, so I wasn't involved, actually involved with it. I know I'm going a little slower, but I don't want to rip all my gears tonight. I want to have a little voice to talk. And so, probably three quarters of the season been played. I still hadn't got to play yet, but I'm still showing up for every practice, every game. I told her the water jug, whatever they needed me to do. Sure enough, one of their players got hurt. Who do you think? Basis was loaded. Two outs. Here comes the water, boy. Boy, brothers, I was twirling my bat. I was waiting. I thought, man, I'm going to be honest with you. I really wanted to hit that pitcher so hard he did. I knocked him smooth out, but they were just kind of acting it on. They had nobody ever seen me play. Everybody gets lucky. I thank God I did that day. I went up there and I was determined. I thought, you know what? I'm going to prove to this team I'm a part of them. I got to burn the bat. I swung so hard. I don't know where the ball was. I wanted to hit it so bad. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was on my final out and I could see it in everybody's eyes. I thought, here it goes. That's why he's been sitting on the bench. I got focused. I thought, now or never, I'm going to prove I'm a part of the team. Hey, that pitcher threw that pitch. I swung with all of my might and I was shocked as everybody else. And the ball got higher and lifted and it landed plumb out in the street. Man, that crowd came alive. They was on their feet and from that day forth, I wasn't a water boy anymore. Hey, they said you're a part of us. I come to tell you, sometimes he may feel like I'm not doing much. I'm just, I'm just here. Hang on, baby. Hang on. God's got to move for you. God's got some special for you that the rest of the team hadn't seen out of you. They hadn't seen you really get involved. But when you do, hey, somebody, I'm chosen. I'm not sitting in the back. I'm not complete. I just want to be a part of the body of Christ. Will somebody praise him right now? To be chosen be seated is something special. Because I have, remember, Brother Caleb, when I was standing there and they said, we get all the players we need, you know, go these youth camps. We don't need you like he or the donkey. I feel like an outcast, you know. But I thought sooner or later, I'm going to get my opportunity. Somebody needs to hear this preacher and not the devil's lying to you. And the devil's telling you don't fit in. You just go, but you really don't fit in with the rest of them. You need to tell the devil to shut up. He's a liar. Hey, if you're a part of this church, you do fit in. You belong here. Your praise matters. Your handclap matters. Your words matters. Your praise of a spare matter. You're showing up. It matters to God. Oh, somebody hear me. You're not just here. You're a chosen. You fit in. Quit listening to the devil. Quit letting the devil talk to you out of it. Come on, somebody praise him right now. Somebody stomp the devil right now. The devil is a liar. Now, y'all be seated. I've been 20, but now I want to preach. I've been talking for 20 minutes. I'm looking for somebody. I don't know where they're at. I'll find them. I know you're here somewhere. Well, I think you're here. You might have stayed at home tonight. Is that baby asleep? Stangie. Can I hold it? Am I allowed to hold that baby? He might cry. I'm just going to preach with him in a minute and God's going to give his baby a miracle. Hey, I don't care what you think of me. I know what God told me today. I don't care what you think. You can say, "Oh, he's just trying to entertain us." I don't care what you think. I know what God said. In the name of Jesus. Come on, I'm not just here. I'm chosen by God. I fit in the kingdom of God. And when you're covered by the blind and you're covered by the anointed, there's no weapon that is formed against us. That shall prosper. There's no weapon that is formed against us. That shall prosper. We shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. He'll know the book. He'll tell us. Come on, somebody praise him. Somebody, hey, this baby's chosen by God. He's not just a baby. He's God's children. He's Come on, somebody praise Him. Somebody praise Him. Come on, let's pray right now. Let's pray right now, faith. Faith. Faith. Faith says it will. Down, said it won't. But faith says it will. I feel the anoint can leave in me and going into this child right now. He's. Be healed. Be healed. I'm chosen. I'm got to let. In your face, devil. In your face, devil. Hey, I'm chosen. I'm chosen. The devil can't do anything about it. I'm chosen. I'm chosen. Hey, hey. Hear me. My Bible says, you shall lay hands on the sick. Now can anybody here explain to me what shall means? If shall means, what shall means? You shall lay hands on the sick. And they shall recover. Hey, you may doubt it and go home without it. But the words said, you shall. Hey, you shall. You shall. I'm standing on the word. If I'm here, I'm not going to do without. If I'm here, I'm going to do without you. He will provide a way. I feel something rising in this house right now. Brother Ricky, I got his name right, your dad. Brother Ricky, can you hear me back there? You want a miracle? Did you really want a miracle? Are you able to come? Or if you're not, we'll come back there. This man just got out of the hospital. I've listened. I reckon today. And he came to church. This man's trying to provide for his family. My Bible said, we shall lay hands on the sick. If you need to sit down, brother, just sit down. It's all right. Hey, we'll kick the devil in the teeth tonight. Get that. Oh, come on, creatures. Don't shake him. And then you don't have to shake him to heal him. Just speak the word. In the name of Jesus, be I healed. He animal sittai. God, you're able to correct whatever's going on in this heart. Whatever the condition is, I curse it. In the name of Jesus Christ, he animal sittai. He animal sittai. He animal sittai. He animal sittai. He animal sittai. Recedai healing. Recedai miracle. God give strength. Give strength. I know you weak. But God, I pray strength. I pray healing virtue from the top of his head to the soul of his feet. Come on, somebody believe it. Somebody believe it. Somebody believe it. Stand on the word. Stand on the word. When nothing else works. Stand on the word. Come on, somebody believe in me right now. Stand on it. When doubt says it can't, the word says it will. When that belief says it won't, faith says it will. Yay, though I walk to the valley. When it looks, great brother, it's all right. Let that smile smile. Hey, you hear me? If the devil could have took him, he already would have. I'm going to tell you, if I could get 100, amen, everybody behind me right now, this place would blow up. But some of you scout me right now, and you're down, God. You ain't seen a miracle so long. You don't even know what to do. Open to happen. Just go ahead and praise him. I'm waiting on God. God's talking to me. I'm waiting on God. I'm God's chosen. It's ain't about us. It's about God. If anybody gets a miracle, it's going to be because of him. God's going to get the glory right now. Come on, somebody believe it. Come on, somebody believe it. Somebody believe him right now. Come on. Go ahead, ministers, operate. It ain't about me. It's about him. Come on, pray church. Somebody's looking around. What's going to happen next? Why don't you pray? And let's see what God's fixing to do. Come on, don't you believe him? What God's fixing to do? He's already done some. He's not through. He's not through.