Apostolic Lighthouse

God is Attracted to Your Voice - Bro Brad McCormick

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07 Jul 2024
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- Well, praise the Lord everybody, amen. What an honor and a privilege it is to be in the house of the Lord this morning. And I came on purpose. I came needing something from God today. I told God this morning, early this morning before the sun ever came up in the motel room this morning praying and talking to the Lord. I said, God, I need it just as bad as everybody else needs it. Don't ever want to get to the place that I feel like I've arrived. Well, hallelujah, amen. But it is an honor and a privilege. Thank you for the invitation to come. And I do apologize. I know most of y'all probably don't really care so much about me. My family's not with me this time. My wife had just went back to work about a week ago. She couldn't take off. And my daughter has to work in the morning. They was coming home from vacation with my mom and dad. And so it's just me. So I want to try to be a help. Amen to somebody in this house today. Thank you for the room. And man, I won't tell you them bad sleep, might have good, even had two of them. So the middle of the night, I swapped beds. I thought, well, I'm going to try this one while. Hallelujah. But I thank you for, amen. All that you've done, I love the Samson family. I love this church family. I will not be ashamed to say it. This is one of my favorite, if not my favorite places to preach. I mean that from my heart. And I'm not just saying that for a place to preach. But I do mean that from my heart. I appreciate your friendship. Amen and everything. Amen that you are in my life. I mean, I look up to brother and sister Samson. Amen, these people have been true. Well, hallelujah. They've not wavered. I have thought of that many times in my walk with God of people like this that has not wavered when they could have. When it would have been just as easy to say, well, forget it. But they stuck it out and look what you have today. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah. I look at this beautiful building and it was because somebody had a birdie. Somebody had a desire. If you got your bibles this morning, let's go to the word of the Lord. And I'm going to try to be short and sweet this morning. And I can't tell you, I've got a little longer winded about three services ago. I was preaching and I had no idea I preached an hour and a half and finally I just handed the pastor the microphone. But I'll tell you why I did it. Them people were just screaming and hollering and I don't know if they felt sorry for me or they really wanted me to preach. But every time I'd go to quit, they'd scream, preach, preach, preach, don't stop. So if y'all don't do that today, I think we're good. Psalms 47 and verse one. Psalms 47, the Lord begin to deal with me about this and I hope I can be a help to somebody here, amen, this morning. Psalms 47 and one, oh, clap your hands all you people. Shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Oh, clap your hands all that don't leave none of us out this morning. If you've got two good hands, it means all of us today. Oh, clap your hands all your people and shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Come on, can we do that right now? You've got your best friend. Amen, amen. I wanna preach for just a little bit here today. God is attracted to your voice. God is attracted to your voice. Everybody has a different voice and God's attracted to it this morning. You can be seated. Amen, we know here today that a man we're thankful for the voice that God has given to us. There's a lot of people in this room here today and there's none of us that has the same voice. There's none of us that speak the same way and talk the same way and use our voice the same way. I know that we get familiar with voices. If we're not careful, we get familiar with the voice of the men of God. It's just the pastor's voice. But you gotta understand when the men of God steps behind this pulpit. It's not his voice, but it's God's voice. It's gonna take me, I'm just gonna be honest. I'm a little nervous this morning. Amen, I don't ever wanna get behind the pulpit and not feel butterflies. You know what it is? Because I know without God, we're all in trouble here today. But we understand that our voice. Amen is something that God desires to hear. Amen, God loves it when you speak with your voice to hear them. I know people says it all the time. Well, you know, I don't believe I have to holler. I don't believe I have to get loud. Well, I'm just gonna tell you read the word of God. And when miracles begin to happen, it was because somebody lifted their voice and got God's attention. I promise you here today, I felt it tough. As I laid on my face in the altar and the office this morning praying. I mean, there's people in here, you're needing something from God. There's some of you needing direction from God. I mean, you're in a battle of your life. I just wanna tell you God's attracted to it. If you lift your voice, God'll lift up to you. If you will cry out to him, God will never turn a death here to somebody that is sincerity, crying out to him. God's not just wanna hear words, but God wants to hear desperation in your voice that'll cry out to him. I'm telling you tonight, if you need something from God, you wanna lift your voice. You wanna shout out to the Lord. I'm telling you, you gotta get desperate. With God, you can't become satisfied. I go to church and that's good enough. I come to tell you, lift your voice. Cry out to the Lord and let God know you need him. Come on, somebody do it right now. I know a voice can get familiar, but some voices you don't forget. My children know a man that can holler at the other end of the house. A man that can holler in the middle of the night, and I can distinguish between the voice, whether it's my son or whether it's my daughter that's crying out for something. Yeah, I come to tell you, if God don't have a problem with distinguishing your voice from my voice, oh yeah, I'm telling you today, if you go to a football stadium, there's thousands of people there and they're hollering their chin. You can't tell one voice from another, but I promise you here today, maybe 150, 200, I don't know a hundred folks. That's in this room we can all scream, but God knows every voice. God knows what your voice sounds like. God knows what your cries, oh I feel the Holy Ghost right now. I feel the nervousness leaving, and the Holy Ghost coming on me. It's been a long time since God's hurt your voice. It's been a long time since you forgot about everything, and you forgot about everybody, and you just said, "God, it's between me and you." Go ahead, somebody magnified you. (audience cheering) I know, you can be seated. I know it's a boy growing up. Man, we can be in a large crowd of people, and a lot of people talking, but when my father spoke, I knew that voice. You know why? Because he trained me, that when I speak, you're to listen. Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost here. I hope I can help somebody here today. (audience cheering) Man, and so when I heard his voice, I knew it had an impact in my life. And when my father spoke, I knew I needed to listen. I want to tell you, that's the way God is. He's our heavenly Father. And God said, "I just want to hear your voice. "I just want you to cry out to me. "The reason you're facing so much hell "is because you're not crying out. "You've isolated yourself. "You've drawn yourself back from the church. "I don't fellowship with nobody. "I'm trying to fear it out on my own. "But you understand, "And in God, it's not attracted to your quietness, "but God is attracted to "when somebody has stepped out of the aisle, "when nobody else is praising him, "and you'll lift your voice, "and you begin to shout "with a voice, a triumph, "when nobody else wants to praise him. "God is wanting somebody "to step out and lift your voice, "and let him know, "we need your Holy Ghost, "we need revival, "we need us." - Oh God help us to praise God. (congregation applauding) - The problem is, with the churches today, it's got quite, we have a few songs, and we go home like we came. The reason why is, is because there's no voice in the church. Could you imagine coming to church this morning, and me standing here for about 30 or 40 minutes, and never saying a word? Very likely you wouldn't come back and listen to me tonight. But you came, of course you needed to hear something from God. I didn't come enough and fancy, but I'm telling you later, that motel room, hemming through the night, God dealing with my heart, and God just simply saying, "Yes, I'm attracted to the voice, "that a cliff, there a voice, "and a cry out, "with nobody else to cry." Oh, I'm telling you young people, "with nobody else to lift their voice, "and pray, you ought to lift your voice, "and pray, God, I feel the Holy Ghost right now." Oh, I seen it this morning. You can be seated. Workship service was going on. I pay attention to too much I guess. I saw boys, we can hit girls and girls, we can back it boys. Nothing wrong with that, long as your pastor approved. We'll leave that right there. I was once young. I used to wink too, I still wink at her sometimes, 'cause don't get to see her very much. Nothing wrong with that. But let me tell you something, we didn't come in here to wink at one another. God came to hear your voice. I wonder what would happen, and I had a good friend of mine. I wasn't able to go this year. I just went to the Philippines, and he said, "Brother McCormick, it blew my mind." He said, "We have church for hours upon hours." Miracles and signs and wonders. He said, "Fally, somewhere in the middle of an hour, "they take us back to our room because in a few hours, "we gotta go somewhere else and preach." He said, "You're literally gonna stuff a pillows "over your head, having to try to go to sleep, "because down the road, you can hear hundreds of people "weeping and sobbing and crying out to God. "I'm gonna tell you the problem. "In America, we're spoked. "We got everything in our fingertips. "We got a beautiful facility. "We got nice pattied peas, but oh God, "if God takes it all away, you still got your voice. "If you lose your home, you still got your voice. "If you lose your comfort in this house, "then you still got a voice. "And God's not attracted to your home. "God's not attracted to your finances. "He's attracted to your voice. "He's attracted to your dedication and prayer and in worship. "I don't know why I can't hear today to preach this, "but I'm killing somebody. "You gotta get God to teach you." Come on, let's praise him right now. Come on, let's praise him right now. (congregation applauds) Can we see that? Before, I was able to come in here and preach to you. I spent hours. You know how long it took me to put a few notes and a few scriptures together, maybe 10 minutes. But I spent hours seeking the mind of God. I'm telling you today, church, I know way about how good we can preach, how good we can sing, how good you can dance. Oh, I just wanna move, other Holy Ghost, how long has it been since you've spoken tongues and you didn't realize how long that you spent in prayer. I'm not preaching what we really wanna hear this morning, but I'm preaching something to you that are brain revival. I'm preaching to something to you today that will save your back, sleep, and family when you get desperate in your prayers. I promise you, God knows your voice and God's attracted to it when he hears your voice. He runs to it. My son, daughter, who was younger. My daughter actually here recently had just a, I don't know, seven, eight days ago, had her wisdom teeth cut out all four. She was swollen, she was a tremendous amount of pain. She was very sick. She was in the bathroom, she was, I guess, somewhat passing out. I was dead asleep, had a box fan running. I locked sleep with a fan, but I heard something. I could have ignored it. It didn't matter to me, man, I was sleeping good. I deal with it in the morning, but I knew the voice. - I feel a burden in this country. - I knew the sound of the voice. And the came up by the sound of that voice. I could hear the trouble. That was in the sound of desperation. I need some help. You know what? I could have ignored it, but as a father, come on, I got a pat of that bed in the middle of the night. And I went to where the voice was. I come to tell you, in the midnight hour, if you cry out, gotta get up, you'll come to where the voice is. He attended it to my cry. I promise you today, all God wants somebody to do, is get out of your seat, get out of your comfort zone, and lay your head back, and lift your voice, and let God know how bad you wanna move from God, how bad are you satisfied? We're just going to church, or do you really want something from God? Oh, let's clap our hands to him right now. (congregation applauding) God, let me see, God wants a relationship. Wants a relationship with your voice. As a husband and a wife, if you never open your mouth, it won't be very long. You won't have a spouse. It's called communication. When you're struggling with something, or something's bothering you, it's that voice of communication that solves the problem. The reason some of you, is still in the same problem you've been in for a while, is because you've been keeping your mouth shut. And I'm not talking about to one another, you should. Come on, you got a pastor to talk to. The saints are not a gossip box. You're not to hear you about your problems. Well, I just hit something real good right there. I want to tell you, when you are solving a lot of problems outside the office, if you're coming here and lift your voice and say, "God, I want my relationship to be a voice relationship." When I speak, you respond. Oh God, when I cry unto the Lord, and he heard my cry, and he attended unto my prayer. I'm telling somebody today, God sent me here this morning to preach to you. He's attracted to your voice. If you lift it and you cry out, he will come to your asking. (audience cheering) Communication solves a lot of problems. If you think you've offended someone, communication, stops a lot of heartache down the road. Just all right this morning? I've only been 17 minutes in man. We cover a lot of ground. I'm getting good and sweaty, and I'm feeling it right now. I'm a Holy Ghost. It's somebody in here. You need something bad from God. You're needing some direction from the Holy Ghost, but I come to tell you in this room, your husband can't cry out for you. Your wife cannot cry out for you. You hear me pants? You can't cry out for your kids. If you've got a voice, God's attracted to that voice. Don't miss a position. Yes, God, I hear our prayer. But if your kids are in trouble, they've got to lift their own voice and cry out to God for their self. Quit wanting somebody else to do it. You've got a man up. You've got a woman up. And say, "When I get to church today, I'm not leaving until God responds to my voice." What happened? How long has it been? Since you've been in an all-night prayer meeting with God. I was preaching in Arkansas Tuesday night. I knew when I was going to preach, when the pastor called me, God didn't spoke it to me. A very, very serious service. Some woman's getting their last warning in that service. Prophecyed the man, got up, walked out of the room. And the rest is history. I was hours from home. I stayed until about 11 o'clock. I knew I had to get home, had to be at work. Had some things I had to do. I eased out when I left. There was people all over that building slayed in the Holy Ghost on a Tuesday night. But I can say it's been years since I've been in a service like that. I'm talking about the Holy Ghost came down so strong. They didn't shut the lights out, didn't turn music on. I'm talking about people was shouting all over that building, speaking in tongues. 11 o'clock at night, church started at seven. Brother Samson, tongues interpretation started to come. Talking about the power of God was feeling that how, you know what it was? There wasn't one silent voice in the building. I'm talking about little kids, sobbing tears streaming down their face, rolling in the floor, speaking in tongues. Do you really want to move with God? God's attracted to what's in front of you. God help me right now. There's nobody that can pray like you can pray. There's nobody that can say like you can say. I know, I can't say. I'm not talking about before a congregation. I'm talking about between you and God. There ain't anybody that can shout like you can shout. There ain't anybody that can run like you can run. I come to kill somebody in this house today. God wants to hear your voice. He don't want to come to church and hear just a few. He wants every one of us to lift our voice and give us sight ourselves. How desperate do you need a move of God? How hungry are you for an outpouring of the Spirit of God? Pouring of the Spirit of God. Hurry. He said in Psalms four and one, he said he is my prayer. Psalms five and one, he said it's my words. He said Psalms six and two. He said, I cried. He said my cry, oh it's groaning and weeping. Oh words, that cannot be what they say. My tears are my meat day and night. I come to tell you're not too big to cry. Just because you're a man don't mean you can't cry. There are tears, that's a language that God understands. I just walk in the hole it goes. Some of you young boys need to hear this preacher. God don't care about the kind of car you drive. There are no nice boots you wear. God's concerned about your soul. But you're concerned about a girl. They tell you something young girls. If a boy can't worship and he don't have a prayer in life, and all his focus is on you, he ain't worth the salt that goes in his bread. I don't make some mamas and daddy smell. You've got to get mad at God because I'm in the hole it goes right now. Go ahead and let them marry you. Take it out in the world. That didn't even a week bitter tears. Oh yeah, I'm too worried about what she looks like or he looks like. I want to tell you something. It don't matter what they look like. If they don't love God, it ain't worth even food and wealth. If they don't have a desire to pray, you better walk away. I'm preaching right now. You better walk away from her. You better throw in the towel. I'll tell you what to go. They're going to be the biggest hell that's ever happened in your life. You better find somebody that'll pray. Somebody that'll worship somebody that loves God. My daughter had a young boy from a church can be seated hours away. He wanted to come and see her. My daughter's a bitch. I don't care for her date. So I called the pastor. I said, so and so want to know about him. It got quiet. I could have hung up right then. I knew what the answer was. He said, well, I just had to take him off the music. He won't come and pray. I said, I don't need to hear it anymore. Well, he said, I'm not done. I said, I'm done. You tell that boy from me. He's not welcome at my house. Well, that's my baby. Take your baby to hell then. I walked in my daughter's room. I said, block his number or I can do it for you. It's an absolute no. My daughter said, yes, sir. That was the end of the conversation. We need mamas and daddies with a voice. You hear me, daddies? You need to man up and lift your voice in your home. Come on, you don't just have to pray in church. Get them babies down at home and teach them how to pray. Come on, get them out of the couch. Get them down to love, see. Get them in the carpet. Teach them how to pray. If you teach them how to pray, they'll love God when they come to. They will have a trouble to pray. They will have trouble to worship. Why? It's in their heart. I've got to touch Jesus. [Applause] I'm hurrying. God, there's 26 minutes into this thing. You say, well, you're not a good father. Hell, I think I'm doing a pretty good job. My kids, teenagers now, I don't have to ask them to come in the living room. They know at a certain time and night, we're going for their home. We're going to have family prayer meeting in our living room. Is that make me perfect? No. I just want God to be attracted to my voice. That he just don't hear me every now and then. Go home, see if you can go a week without talking to your companion and see how long y'all get along. Oh, it sounds good, boy. I'll tell you what. If she don't talk to me for a day, it'd sound mighty good. It might for a day. But when she's got that suitcase walking out the door, you're verbally going to say something. I'm trying to head somebody off before you get a divorce from the Lord. But before you walk out on God, God just said all I want is to hear your voice. Then I will attend unto your cry. But if I don't hear your voice, I don't know what you need. We sing a song whatever you need. Let God know whatever you want. Tell him about it. I come to tell somebody if you want to live richer in the trouble you're in. God wants to hear your voice of desperation. I was in Louisiana. Oh man, it's been years ago. Probably, I don't know, 16, 17 years ago, we were swimming. It's probably five or six acres across that place there. Me and a man, we jumped in. We swim across. We swim a wall float, swim a while. We just got to the other side. There was another man that jumped in he wanted to do. He wasn't a very good swimmer, but he wanted to fit in. He got about a quarter or close to halfway. And he ran out of energy. He couldn't make it no more. And I heard somebody holler, help. Help. Boo, you go down. Help. I was so drained and tired. I jumped back in the water. Man, this man began to swim to try to help this man. He then went down several times. But every time he'd come up, his voice got louder. Help. Help. You know what he was doing? He ain't care who hurt him. He just wanted somebody to come to his rescue. Hey, I don't care what my neighbor thinks that beside me. I just want God to hear my voice. I don't care what you do. I don't care what everybody else does. I just want God to come to my rescue. I just want God to hear my prayer. I've suffered long enough. I've fought long enough. I need some help. Let me see there. I'm hurt. I'm hurt. Our mouths, if you're an open God, will, hear, and cry. I'm bothered. Some places I go. You can hear a pen drop in prayer service. Now I had no idea what we know when I hear I wasn't out here. I was in the office praying myself. Why do I do that? I want to be distracted. I want to know when I walk to this pulpit without a shadow of a doubt. And I know throughout the night, whether that's that one God would wake me up. And I can hear the voice of God. Shut up. Come on. I wish you could just lift your hands right now. I cried unto the Lord with my voice. And he heard me out of this holy hill. Then he said in one place, he's hearken unto the voice of my cry, the king, my God, for unto thee, I will pray. My voice shall be here in the morning. Do you hear that? Shall be here in the morning, O Lord. In the morning, I will declare my prayer unto thee. I will look up. You hear me? I love to start my day with prayer. What are you saying? I won't God to know. Here's my voice. Here's my cry. It's not a solid cry. It's a desperation. I need God to answer. You ever heard somebody that really needed help badly? I was a fireman for many years. You ain't never heard a scream like some more on this trapped in flames. It's the most horrifying scream you will ever hear. They're not screaming. Would you make sure my money's okay, my car's my home, my family? No, no, no, no, no. Help! Somebody help me! Somebody help me! They get desperate. He's sitting on that throne. They wouldn't have to be in it so long if I could just hear the voice. The pastor praised, the assistant pastor praised. Come on, they spend hours in prayer weeping and sobbing. They come to your house. They'll sit and talk to you. They're trying to help you every way they can. If you're just here the preacher, I'm preaching to you what you need. All you gotta do is open your mouth and lift your voice and let God know what you need. My daddy used to say all the time, "Son, I don't know your thoughts and I can't hear your head rattle." When we were kids at home, they asked you to quit. You didn't shake your head because you know what, they'd shake it for you. My momma ring your jaws in a New York minute. They wanted to hear your voice. It's called respect. I teach my kids, "Yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am." It's called respect. I'm trying to quit. When you come to church, it's respect when you pray and you cry out to God. God loves it. God's not trying to the stringers between the voices. God knows your voice. There ain't anybody else that's got that voice. God give that voice to you because it's yours. And to the day you die, God's going to know what it sounds like. And when you come to church and you begin to pray to you, God knows who's talking, God knows who's worshiping. You hear me? I was walking down the middle of the night. And the Lord begin to deal with me about some young people in here. It's been a long time. Sixty-hurture voice. One can tell my girlfriend 365 times in a day how much I love her. But I never tell God once. Is this all right? I'm just about done. Don't get weary. It's only seven minutes after 11. They just now getting the grill started at the restaurants. Trying to help somebody here today. I remember when I was looking for a wife, our companion, what if you don't call it, girlfriend. We had a bunch of them. Some pretty nice looking ones in the group, too. I don't want to tell you if she was sitting here. I wasn't attracted to the beauty. I'm saying a lot of pretty girls drag people into the world. A lot of nice looking young men. We don't call them pretty. Boy, y'all at least Greg make me think it's all right. But I found that girl that'd be there early. She'd be in the altar praying to God. Oh, I remember the first time I carried her out, I thought I was going to hold her hand. You know? She let me know real quick. That ain't going to happen. I didn't say I never held her hand, so y'all don't. What she was simply saying is you're just not going to jump into this thing. I don't know who you are. Well, I'm talking right now to somebody. If all they can do is put our hands all over you, they're after for the wrong reason. You don't have little big kids in here. If all they want to do is put their lips on your lips. Boy, your boys are grinning pretty good over it. If I was her, I'd slap your jaws. I like it too, but I'm married. What are you saying is? If all they want to do is put their hands all over you and never own God, they're in it for the wrong reason. I won't stand here and tell you I never did kiss my wife. Before I married, I'm not ashamed. I did. Now, see, there you go. So for all y'all, I think I'm just as holy righteous and all of the rest of you did too. So y'all just relax, young people. I didn't say it was such a bad thing. But when you come to church and you're not never emotionally a move of God. Mama's and daddy's wins the last time you heard your kids really pray. I know y'all used to me coming in here and climbing over the pulpit, spitting and hollering. We running, shouting, dancing. I'm getting a little older than wiser. I learned to slow down a little bit, breathe a little bit. My wife's got me on a very strict diet. I laid in that motel room starving to death last night. I wanted to go get me a juicy hamburger so bad. You hear me? I found my wife when worship service was going on. She was worshiping God. You hear just a few days ago, we celebrated 24 years. She's never stopped going to the altar. She's never stopped worshiping. She's never stopped praying. You know why I knew that was real? Because I heard her pray. I heard her worship. I heard her sing in the choir. I've seen her shout. I watched it. I'm losing some of you now. Hey, when you see it with your own eyes. And it's not just to feel good, but it's from the heart. You can rest assured. They're in it to win it. They're not in it just for you. They're in it for God. They got it. Arminations. You hear me, boys? If they don't worship, if they're so easily to wrap their arms around you, but never to pray, you better watch out. I hope y'all still like me when I'm done. You'll be seated. I never did like to be a ch afro. Never did. Because I wasn't going to lie for nobody. I wasn't going to tell nobody, but I wasn't going to lie. I want to tell you some church. I feel the Holy Ghost as strong as I've ever felt. The Holy Ghost in this place. And I felt the Holy Ghost just as strong preaching to you today as I've ever felt Him. But also, you got to burden. When's the last time you came and nobody was here and you prayed? I don't know how y'all teach it however your pastor teaches it. That's exactly what you're going to do. I don't teach my kids. They have to pray an hour every single day. I don't. If I'm wrong. I teach my kids, you pray until you pray through. You pray until you break through. Whether it's 25, 30 minutes, it don't matter. You pray until you feel God come down and you feel the Holy Ghost surround you. Come on and you feel the Holy Ghost touch you. Well, Hallelujah. We still with me today? Hey, young boys. This is the last time you said it's going to play a basketball. Why don't we spend about 20, 30 minutes and have a good old prayer meeting? Hey, I ain't talking about being spiritual all the time, but I'm telling you, if God never hears the fuck, you're going to trouble is going to come and you're going to need God. And God's going to say, who's that? I haven't heard that voice in a mighty long time. Brother, come back to the piano. I got to quit. We see it. I'm just about, I'm fixing the quit. I ain't done, but I'm going to quit. God desires to hear your voice. Brother, 24 years later, I still like to hear my wife say, I love you. Still makes my heart skip. Because I fell in love with her long time ago. When I hear those words and I hear it and I know it's from the heart, it means something. David simply said, my prayer, my supplication, my words. It's my worship. It's my prayer. It's nobody else's. You can't do it for me. I remember when I was confined to having to be carried to church, when I couldn't walk and they're telling me I would never walk again. They would tilt me to church, carry me in, set me on a pew. So side to left side of my body was pretty much non-functional, I couldn't use it. I've always been a worshiper. Brother Zach, they'd set me on that pew. I know I've got on people's nerves. I'd scream to the top of my lungs. God, please, don't forget me, God. God, I need a miracle. I know I failed you, God. I know I've came short of times. But God, would you please hear my cry? The same time me, the Holy Ghost, come down on me. Did I get my miracle? No, I would come down and let me know I still love you and I hear your voice. Every other service that gave me to the altar, I lay on the altar not screaming, I told the God. I wanted God to hear me. I remember, I'm closing, I remember. My little baby girl, late there was no life in her body. I didn't care who was in that room. I screamed like a wild man. Did you pray for me, God? How long did you stay? I didn't care about the fancy doctors, nurses. I needed God right in the hair. Minutes came, five minutes came, dear. I'll never forget as I turn and look at that clock. When they heard, when I heard that machine beat, when the first heartbeat came to that life, 22 minutes later, God declined into my voice. And I've never stopped 17 years later. I still praise him and thank him for him with my voice. Because surely, yes, he did it to me, but he can take it away. If I don't thank you for it, oh God, help me, baby. I wish somebody would begin to lift your voice to the Lord. I know I've been lost this morning, I've been 49 minutes right now. How bad do you need something from God in this room? How long has it been since God's heard of your voice? When you didn't care what everybody else was doing? You prayed in your morning, you groaned in the Holy Ghost. Set them tears on my knee day and night, when I don't know what to do. Come on, these altars are open right now. Come on, shall we stay under our feet across this house today? Come on, I won't God to hear me. I won't God to hear my voice in this room today. It's not just waves that I'm saying, I need something from God. Come on, come on, can you get desperate? You need the Holy Ghost, all God wants to do is hear your voice. You need help, you need deliverance. All God wants to do is hear your voice. Come on, come on church, would you pray? Would you get your voice? I'm not talking about a sign of prayer, I'm talking about a prayer of dedication. Come on, dedication to God. Come on, he's attracted to my voice. When he hears it, he responds to it. I don't know how long sit you.