Apostolic Lighthouse
The Joy Of The Church At The Fall Of Babylon - Bro Nathan Dudley
- Thank you Elder Samson, praise the Lord everybody. God bless you, you may be seated in Jesus name. My, what a wonderful time that we have had being here with y'all, with the elder and sister Samson, family, and we appreciate so very much all the kindness, hospitality, and fellowship. And there's just nothing better in all the world than good church, good food, and good fellowship. Yeah man, and there's nobody in all the world that knows how to enjoy that any better than apostolics do. We like good church, we like good food, and we like good fellowship. Yeah man, and we've certainly been enjoying that these three days, and thankful for the invitation to be here. The apostle Peter, on the day of Pentecost, in response to the question that was asked and brother, and what shall we do? We all can quote Acts 2.38, and Peter said unto them, repent, be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. And then he said, for the promise is unto you, and to your children, to all that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. The next verse says, and with many other words, did he testify and exhort them saying, save yourselves, and then he told them and us what to save ourselves from. He said, save yourselves from this untoward generation, that word untoward just simply means off course. It was a generation that somewhere had veered off course. It was a generation that at some point in the past had been on course. Peter was preaching to Jews. Everyone that was there, he was preaching to that day on the day of Pentecost, they were all Jews. The Samaritans were not preached to and saved until Acts 8, the Gentiles were not preached to and saved until Acts 10. Peter was preaching to an entire congregation multitude of Jews, and the Jews were the people of God. They were of the seed of Abraham. They were God's chosen people, somewhere they got off course. And Peter told them, you better save yourselves from this untoward generation. We are living to see a generation right here at the end of time, that's off course. They used to be real genuine apostolics, but they don't resemble apostolics at all. Somewhere they've gotten off course, and we better save ourselves from a generation of apostolics that are off course. I want to keep the faith. I want to stay the course. I want to make sure that I'm still in that those old paths, wherein is the good way. Thank God for that old time religion. I want the same kind Paul had, Peter, James, John. I want the same kind that I read about throughout the book of Acts. What was good back then is still good in 2024. We don't need to change the message. I'm going to take that a little bit further. I know that there are different methods, but I don't believe that there's any method that works any better than the method they used in the book of Acts. I don't see anybody using all of the modern technology of today that's having better results than they had in the book of Acts. Well, praise God. You know what method they used in the book of Acts? They went from house to house. They went everywhere. It was personal evangelism. It was reaching everybody they could reach, talking to everybody they could talk to. Our most powerful and effective weapon is still a personal testimony. Telling somebody what God has done for you. Well, thank the Lord. Thank the Lord. Amen. Well, that was sermonette number one. Bishop Westberg, he used to say sermonettes or for Christianettes that smoke cigarettes. We don't preach sermonettes. Amen. Bishop Westberg, he was a truck driver before God saved him. And in his preaching, he would talk a whole lot about trucking. And he'd talk about 18 whalers. And then he'd apply that to something. Something that was in the spiritual realm. And he also said, when it came to preaching, he said it, you know, I didn't even want to crank that old diesel motor up for less than 20 or 30 minutes. It wasn't even worth it to crank it up and let it run for less than 20 or 30 minutes. Of course, he applied that to preaching. He said, it's not even worth cranking you. Motor up to preach less than 20 or 30 minutes. But then I've heard on the other hand that there's no such thing as a bad 20 minute sermon. So, and I talked last night about evangelizing. And we did evangelize for six and a half years. And I mentioned, maybe getting the itch, but I'm going to evangelize like I did back then. I didn't preach for about 20, 25. I know y'all can't hardly believe that, but back then when we were evangelizing, it was hit the pole pit running. Hey, man. I have more than one time, more than one time somehow when I was evangelizing early in the ministry and all of that, jumped up on top of the pole pit, preached from standing on top of the pole. I feel good if I can just get up behind it nowadays, but let's try to get up on top of it. Looks like pretty dangerous place to be. But we're going to read tonight from the book of Revelation, chapter number 18, Revelation the 18th chapter. Praise God, my wife said her voice and holding up real good. Y'all can tell mine is it's, but anyway, she's, we're going to give her a rest night tonight. Revelation the 18th chapter and beginning with verse number 20, Revelation chapter number 18. Now I mentioned last night about evangelizing. I just mentioned it again tonight. Somehow or another, I don't quite feel in that mode. I feel more of that pastoral teaching mode tonight. So we'll just going to have to see what the Lord has in store for us. And that's all I'm interested in. I'm not here to try to impress anybody. I'm way too old for that. And I take that back. I do want to impress God. I do want to please the Lord. And we pray that God will help us for just a little bit in studying the word of the Lord this evening. Revelation chapter 18, verse number 20, reading down through verse number 24. Rejoice over her thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets. For God hath avenged you on her. And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down. And shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers and musicians and of pipers and of trumpeters shall be heard no more at all in thee. And no craftsman of whatsoever craft he be shall be found any more in thee. And the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee. And the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth or by their sorceries were all nations to see for by thy sorceries were all nations to see. And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints. And of all that were slain upon the earth. Would you say, man, to the reading of the word of the Lord. Won't talk to you for a little while tonight. I won't talk to you about the joy of the church at the fall of Babylon. Praise God. Would you pray with me? Let's ask God to talk to us tonight. Father, in your name, we need your help once again. Asking God for that divine function of the spirit. Speak to us tonight, I believe. (crowd cheering) In this current school, do your work, O God. In our midst, we will be careful, Lord, to give you all of the glory and the honor and the praise. In Jesus' precious name, amen and amen. Thank you and God bless you. You may be seated in Jesus' name. I think that the first thing that we need to substantiate is who that John is talking about in these verses of scripture when he refers to that great city, Babylon. Now, the book of Revelation was written a long time after that the literal city of Babylon had already been destroyed. The city of Babylon of the Old Testament was destroyed somewhere between 550 and 600 BC. And what John is referring to in Christ, is referring to in this 18th chapter of the book of Revelation would not be that Babylon because that Babylon's already been destroyed. And so it's a different Babylon and the word of the Lord gives us some very keen insights into who or what that Babylon is referring to. If you would turn back one chapter in the book of Revelation to chapter number 17 and the first verse of that chapter, you will find where that John penned these words. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, come hither and I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that seteth upon many waters. And then if you skip down to verse number five, it identifies who this great whore is in verse number five, John penned and upon her forehead was a name written. Mystery Babylon the Great. The mother of harlets and abominations of the earth. Mystery Babylon the Great. The mother of harlets and abominations of the earth. Now then if we go back to the 18th chapter of Revelation and pick up at verse number four, John said and I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues for her sins have reached unto heaven and God had remembered her iniquities. What John is telling us in this fourth verse of chapter number 18 or the fifth verse he said for her sins have reached unto heaven. Literally the sins of Babylon originated in heaven. They originated in heaven. Let's go back into the Old Testament in Isaiah chapter 14 and they're beginning with verse number 12. How art thou fallen from heaven, old Lucifer, son of the morning. How art thou cut down to the ground which debts weaken the nations? For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will set upon the mouth of the congregation in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high. The sin of Babylon originated in heaven and you will find the institution, if you please, of a religion that takes place in the book of Genesis chapter number 11. And this is all linked together and I'm gonna do my best to help you see the pieces of this puzzle come together in the next few minutes tonight. But in Genesis chapter 11 and verse number four, they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach under, under what? Under heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. This is the same thing that Lucifer said. When he said, I'm going to ascend into heaven and exalt my throne above the stars of God. And as we read in Revelation chapter 18 and verse five, her sins, Babylon's sins, have reached unto heaven. Now what's the name that we apply to the story that we just read in Genesis chapter 11 and verse number four. They said go to and let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. What is that, what do we refer to that? The tower of Babel, the tower of Babel, is that right? Did you know that Babel and Babylon are the same? They're synonymous, it's the same in the scripture. Babel and Babylon are the same as a matter of fact. The tower of Babel was right in the middle of the city of Babylon. And Babylon represents the devil's program from the beginning to deceive the world with false religion, with false religion. There is false religion in this world. There's a whole lot of false religion in this world. And we know that false religion, so much of false religion originated with mystery Babylon. It originated and it goes back even before the New Testament all the way back into the Old Testament, but it flows over into the New Testament. And we see in the New Testament, after even at the very beginning of the church age. And at the end, if you please, of the apostolic Aaron, and I'm referring to when the apostles live, and at the end of their lives, had already began to make inroads among the church of the living God. And that's why you read the apostles over and over, warning us again and again, beware, beware. Of course, Jesus himself, when he talked about the end time, the first thing that he warned us is beware of false prophets that come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Amen. And the apostles warned us that the devil, when he comes, he doesn't come as an angel of darkness. He comes as an angel of light. He doesn't come as a false prophet or as a false apostle, but he comes telling us that he is a true apostle and prophet of Almighty God. Of course, Jesus said, you're going to know them by their fruit. And he let us know what the fruit of the false prophet would be. He said, that false prophet will tell you, just say, Lord, Lord, that's all you've got to do is just say, Lord, Lord, and you'll be saved. But Jesus said, not everyone that sayeth unto me, Lord, Lord, is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father, which is in heaven. Amen. Well, praise God. Listen, there are doctrines that have come out of Mr. Babylon. And probably the most prominent false doctrine that has come out of Mr. Babylon is the doctrine of the Trinity. It's a lie. It's not true. It's not biblical. It's deceptive. It's damning. It's going to cause multitudes of people to be lost. Amen. What greater means and method could the devil use to cause people to go to hell, than to come up with some kind of a false religion and still call it Christianity. Telling the multitudes doctrines that are lies, they're not true. They're not biblical. But the devil uses scripture and twist it to his own advantage. When he came to Adam and Eve in the garden, what did he do? He said, did God say? And he put words in God's mouth that God didn't say. He twisted the word of the Lord. And he's done that down throughout the history of mankind. Amen? It's the doctrine of baptism in the titles comes from Mr. Babylon. The New Testament church, the Apostolic church, did not believe the Trinity, did not teach the Trinity, did not baptize in the titles of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The New Testament, Apostolic church believed in one God. They believed that the Jehovah God of the Old Testament had manifested himself in flesh and became the Christ of the New Testament to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. Well, praise the Lord. For great is the mystery of godliness. God, God, who was manifest in the flesh? God was manifest, who was manifest in the flesh? God was manifest in the flesh. What I like to ask Trinitarians is which God was manifest in the flesh. Because they don't believe God the Father was manifest in the flesh. And they don't believe God the Holy Ghost was manifest in the flesh. They only believe that it was God the Son that was manifest in the flesh. And if they tell you that you've got 'em, you've got 'em because they're telling you they don't believe in one God. If God the Father wasn't manifest in the flesh and God the Holy Ghost wasn't manifest in the flesh, then they've got two other gods that wasn't manifest in the flesh. And only one of the three that was manifest in the flesh. But thank God we don't have that dilemma because we know that it was God the Father that robed himself in flesh and did not become God the Son, but became the Son of God. (audience cheering) Yeah, man? There's one God, one mediator between God and men? The man, Christ Jesus. Praise God. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit. Scene of angels preached under the Gentiles, believed on in the world and received up in the glory. His name is one. His name is one. Father's not His name, that's a title. Son's not His name, that's another title. Holy Ghost is not His name, that's another title. But the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost, He revealed to us. He revealed to us. He said, "I am come in my Father's name." He revealed to us what the name of the Father was. He said the Holy Ghost, which I'm gonna send in my name. He revealed to us what the name of the Holy Ghost did. (congregation cheering) You know, folks always wanna take us to Matthew 28, 19. And I love it when they take us to Matthew 28, 19. Oh, they say, "Well, what about Matthew 28, 19?" Said, "I'm so glad you asked that question." Yeah, man, Jesus said, "Go you therefore "and teach all nations baptizing them "in the name of the Father and of the Son "and of the Holy Ghost." Amen. I say, "Wait just a minute before we go, any further. "Let's back up one verse. "Let's go back to Matthew 28, 18, "because Matthew 28, 19 begins with go ye therefore "and when you read go ye therefore, "you wanna find out what it is therefore." There's a reason the word therefore is there. And in order to find out what it's therefore, go back to the previous verse, where Jesus said, "All power is given unto me "in heaven and in earth, go ye therefore." And teach all nations and baptize them in the name that has all power in it in heaven and in earth. There's just one name that's got all power in it. And that's the name I've been baptized in. That's the name I pray for the sick in. That's the name that the whole family of God in heaven and in earth, his name. That's the name that we do everything that we do, in word or in deed in. (congregation cheering) Praise God, isn't it, isn't it evil? Isn't it diabolical? Isn't it devilish that the devil would use false religion to twist this beautiful revelation of the mighty God in Christ. And to twist water baptism in the name of Jesus to the titles of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Whereas you cannot find one time in the Bible, anywhere where anyone was baptized using the titles. All of the apostles baptized in Jesus' name. They never repeated what Jesus said in Matthew 28, 19, but they obeyed the command that he gave them. He didn't say, "Go repeat after me." He said, "Go baptize in a name." Go baptize in the name. It's the name, the singular name that's got all power in it. And that's the name of the Father. It's the name of the Son. It's the name of the Holy Ghost. It's the name that's above every other name. It's the name that every name must bow to of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth. It's the name that every tongue must confess. (congregation cheering) (congregation cheering) Oh, we could, we could easily spend the rest of our time right there, but I need to move on. Mystery Babylon is where we got the Trinity. Mystery Babylon is where we got the baptism in the titles. Mystery Babylon has tried to mix the world with the church. Mystery Babylon is where we get the church desiring worldly acceptance. We're not interested in being accepted by the world 'cause you're not gonna be accepted by God and by the world both. My Bible still says love, not the world, and neither the things that are in the world because if you love the world, the love of the Father is not in you. You cannot please the world and please God at the same time. You cannot serve God and mammon. (congregation cheering) Yeah, man. You know, they come up with all of these other all doctrines. Transubstantiation, the doctrine of transubstantiation. You don't know what that is? The doctrine of transubstantiation is the doctrine that when you take that piece of bread and put it in your mouth in the communion service that it literally becomes the flesh of Jesus Christ and that when you take that fruit of the vine and you drink it in the communion service that it literally becomes the blood of Jesus Christ. That's false doctrine. We don't believe that. It's symbolic of the body of Jesus Christ. It's symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ but it does not transubstantiate from being bred into the flesh of Jesus Christ. You know, Jesus did say, except you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no part with me. And there were people that misunderstood that. And they said to Jesus in John chapter six down in verse 60, they said to Jesus, this is a hard saying. Who can hear it? And the Bible says that many of his disciples turn and walk no more with him. And Jesus turned to the apostles and said, y'all going away too? And Peter said, Lord, where would we go? You have the words of eternal life. And Peter had the understanding. Peter had a lot of revelations. Yeah, man. No, help me, Jesus. That rabbit just ran by. Somebody need to bring a shotgun in here and kill these rabbits in this. Peter had a lot of revelations. He got a revelation. You know what the revelation was? Jesus wasn't talking about coming up here and take a bite of my flesh. He wasn't talking about, let's put an ivy in here and drain some blood so you can drink it. Peter said, Lord, where would we go? You have the words of life. The word of God, when you eat the word of God. You're eating his flesh. You're drinking his blood. When you receive the word of God, when you open you, oh yeah. And you gotta eat the whole road. You can't pick and choose. You can't go through a smoger's board and say, I want some of that, but I don't want none of that. No. You gotta eat the whole road. Every word of God. Every word of God. Every word of God. What's given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine and for reproof, and for correction, and for instruction, in righteousness. (congregation applauds) The doctrine of transubstantiation, it's false doctrine. The doctrine of the immaculate conception that came from the mother harlot of churches. That came from mystery Babylon. The doctrine of the immaculate conception. Y'all know what that one is, don't you? The doctrine of the immaculate conception is the doctrine that says that Mary had to be perfect in order to bring forth a perfect child. Mary had to be perfect. The immaculate conception in order for her to conceive an immaculate son, she had to be immaculate herself. And so they worship Mary. They pray to Mary. That's false doctrine. Mary did not give birth. Oh, help me, Jesus. Mary did not give birth to God. Come on now. Mary did not give, you don't believe that, do you? Mary gave birth to God. God wasn't in existence before Mary. Well, we know that we know better than that. Mary did not give birth to God. She gave birth to the son, the flesh, the humanity that God dwelt in, amen, amen. Now, we understand that you cannot separate. You cannot separate the son and the father because the son said, when you have seen the father, you have seen me, amen? When you have seen me, you hate it. Yeah, I got it backwards then. When you have seen me, you have seen the father, either way, whichever way he said, because when you see me, don't you understand that I am in the father and the father is in me and the works that I do, I do not of myself, but the father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. (congregation cheering) Well, praise the Lord, amen, amen. (laughing) Mary was lost and needed salvation. That's why not one time, are you listening? That's why not one time in the Bible, anywhere, will you find where Jesus called Mary his mother. He never called her mother, he never called her mom. What do you read him calling her, woman? You remember reading him? She came to him at the marriage feast and said, "They're out of wine." He said, "Womah, what about to do with thee?" He wasn't being disrespectful. He knew that Mary had given birth to that human body that he was in, he was not being disrespectful, but he also knew that the woman that gave birth to him, the woman that gave birth to him was gonna need a savior and that he was her savior. And that she needed to see that he was not just her son, he was her savior, he was her Messiah. (congregation cheering) That's why when he was hanging on the cross and Mary, his mother, was right there, tears streaming down her face and John, the one that he loved was standing beside her. He said, he looked down at her and he said, "He didn't say, mother, he didn't say, mom." He said, "Womah, behold thy son!" And he said, "Son, behold thy mother!" Oh yeah, he cared about her, but he knew that she could not look upon him as just being a man, he was her God. (congregation cheering) That's why when you read in Acts chapter number one, who was in the upper room and Mary, the mother of Jesus, the scripture says, "You know what, Mary needed the Holy Ghost." (congregation cheering) Mary had to be born again. (congregation cheering) Mary had to be baptized in Jesus' name. Immaculate conceptions, false doctrine. We don't pray to Mary. Sure, we honor her, absolutely. She was blessed, the Bible calls her, blessed above women. How blessed could it be to be the bearer of the Christ child? But Mary was still a woman, born in sin and shaping in iniquity. And how then could she have a perfect son? Well, when you do the research, you will find that the blood of the child, the blood of the child does not come from its mother. The blood of the child comes from its father. The only way that Jesus' blood could be perfect and thus precious blood. You know what precious blood is? It's blood that is blood that you don't find anywhere else. It's blood that's like no other blood. That's precious blood. And the more distinct that it is and the more exclusive that it is, the more value that you put upon it. There is no greater blood than the blood of Jesus. Because his blood, his blood is precious blood. Amen. That's why that you can read in your Bible that we are saved by the blood of God. That was God's blood flowing through the veins of Jesus Christ. It was the blood of his father. His blood didn't come from his mother. His blood came from his father. Another false doctrine that has come to us from Mystery Babylon is the doctrine of purgatory. Wow. Man, where do they come up with this stuff? They're not finding it in the Bible. Purgatory. You don't know what purgatory is, don't you? That's the end between place. You didn't go to heaven. You didn't go to hell. Well, you wound up in purgatory. And we gotta get you out. We gotta get you out. So they come up with another doctrine and they call it the doctrine of indulgences. And that's the way that we get you out of purgatory. Indulgences. And indulgences is you either gotta do something or you gotta pay something, but you've gotta either through energy or finances. You have to do something to get them out of purgatory. And perhaps even yourself, because indulgences also are to help you. If you sin, then you can do something for the church, grants, gifts, even praying a certain amount of time and praying certain prayers. And by doing that, you resolve the sin issue in your life. That's false doctrine. If we sin, we have an advocate with the Father. Jesus Christ, the righteous. I don't have to go to a confession booth and confess my sins to a priest. I've got a great high priest. And all I've gotta do is go to him. If I sin, if I sin, we don't expect a sin. We don't plan on sinning. That's called a presumptuous sin and you better not do that. Because that, if you study that out, you'll link that in. That presumptuous sin you can link in right in with the unpardonable sin. You don't do things presumptuously. Oh no, because the grace of God does not cover presumptuous sin. Do you know what I'm talking about? In other words, you plan on committing a sin. You think about it. You plan it out. And then you get presumptuous with it. You think, well, I can do this because God is a merciful God. And I can do this. I can commit this fornication. And then all I gotta do is go to the altar and say, God forgive me. And it's all taken care of. You better watch out. That's the way you head towards having a reprobate mind. Presuming on the mercy of God. No, if we sin, we have an advocate with the father. I didn't plan this out, but just the spur of the moment and I failed. I did something I shouldn't have done. I'm gonna go to the altar. I'm gonna repent. I'm gonna get it right. And I've got some blood that's available. I've got some precious blood that cleanseth. It cleans up us from all sin. (audience cheering) Now, I'm just about through my introduction. Oh, y'all catching on, y'all catching on, aren't you? Praise God. I wanna bring us back to our text and the Babylon that we're reading about in Revelation chapter 18, the fall of ecclesiastical Babylon. This is gonna happen during the reign of the antichrist. Now, if I teach something different, what's your pastor teaches? This man right here is right. All right. I'm just gonna venture. I'm gonna venture. Well, praise God. I'm gonna step out of here on a limb. I don't know, you know, there's different, there's different thoughts in the apostolic ranks about when the Lord's coming, you know, it's pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. Yeah, man. I'll just say it like this. I believe he could come tonight. I believe he can come at any time. I preached that last night. So if I was wrong, last night I'm gonna be wrong tonight too. So I believe that the Lord could come at any time. And after the Lord comes, Christ is gonna set up his kingdom on earth. And this world is going through seven years of the wrath of God. Yeah, man. And towards the end of the wrath of God, towards the end of that seven years of the wrath of God, during that time, Babylon is going to be a very integral part of that one world government and kingdom. But towards the end, the antichrist is going to destroy the antichrist and I don't have time to go into all of this. But the ant, will y'all take my word for it? Just go read it for yourself right now. Listen to me right now. Then take notes and say, I've got to prove a little wrong, write this down, write that down, y'all. And then come prove me wrong. All right, we'll debate it later. But right now I've got the mic and you're setting in the congregation soon. But the antichrist is gonna, he's gonna determine that we don't need this false religion anymore. Because the antichrist is the manifestation of the devil. He is the man of sin. Is that right? He's the man of sin. He is a literal manifestation of the devil on earth. Yeah man? And he wants, the devil wants to be worship. The devil wants the worship that God has always had. And so that's his ultimate goal. And he, at the end of that seven years, he's gonna say, we don't need this false religion anymore. You're not gonna worship at Babylon anymore. You're gonna worship at my statue. You're gonna worship at my altar. Oh yeah, that's what the devil is gonna do. Gonna demand that the whole world worship him. And he's gonna destroy Babylon. But God's gonna use him to destroy Babylon. It's all in the plan of God because God hates Babylon. You can, I don't have time to go all the scripture. Take my word for God hates Babylon. He hates false doctrine. He hates what Babylon, Mr. Babylon, has done to the world. How many millions, eight billions of people have been deceived by a Babylonian's religion? Amen. And she's called the mother of harlitz. That means she's got daughters. And all of her daughters are the ones that they call Protestant. And they protested some of the false doctrines that she come up with. But what they didn't do is they didn't go far enough. They stopped before that they corrected the doctrine of the Trinity. And her daughters still believe in the Trinity doctrine. And her daughters still baptize in the titles of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Even her daughters that believe in talking in tongues and call themselves Pentecostal. But they have not come out of the Trinity doctrine. That's the daughters of this mother of harlitz. That's the daughters of Mr. Babylon. Now then, God instigates. He's got all this planned out. You know, the devil thinks that he'd come up with this. But he didn't come up with this. God put this in the devil's heart to do this. And the devil ain't got enough sense to know it. And so God's just using the devil as a tool. He's gonna use him as a tool to destroy Babylon. And then he's gonna destroy the devil. Yeah, man? Well, praise the Lord. And so the antichrist is gonna destroy mystery Babylon. And that's what we're reading about. In Revelation chapter number 18, the antichrist becomes a more appropriate deity than Mr. Babylon has been. And it will evolve at the end of the seven years of the wrath of God into pure Satan worship. And it will surpass the mother of harlot church in its appeal. And in the latter part of those seven years of God's wrath, you're gonna see religion go down, down, down deeper, much deeper, false religion's gone. Did you know how dark that mystery Babylon is? There's no light in mystery Babylon. It's full of darkness. It is full of decay. It is full of pus. It is full of iniquity. It is full of sin. It is full of idolatry. It's full of hatred for God. Amen, my Lord, help us, Jesus. But when the world turns to complete Satan worship, we're seeing it happen. The mystery, the spirit of iniquity, death already work. It's at work in our world. That's why you're seeing all this perversion. And it's accepted by society now. That's the spirit of that iniquity, the mystery of iniquity. It's the already work, the spirit of Antichrist. You see that false religion, that Babylonian's religion, it is full of perversion, full of perversion. Hey man, you don't, I don't, I don't know. Y'all remember, y'all remember Sister Charlotte? Did she ever come around here? Sister Charlotte, she was, she was, yeah. Catholic nun that had came out of that and come into the apostolic ranks and she went all over the country. This has been a long time ago, but she went all over the country giving her testimony. And there were literally men that were after her. And she had to hide and go from one place to another in secrecy and stay in the secret place wherever she was gonna be giving her testimony at because they were after her. They wanted to kill her. They wanted to destroy her because she was exposing the hypocrisy in the field and the garbage in that religion. Hey man, it's gonna be, it's gonna get worse than that when the devil destroys Babylon and he becomes the one that the world worships. But here in the 18th chapter, we're given three different perspectives of the destruction of Babylon. And the first perspective is found in the first 10 verses of this 18th chapter and it's the perspective of the angels. And the Bible says that the destruction of Babylon is described by the angels as being a habitation of devils. You can read it, it's in your Bible. A habitation or haunt of every foul spirit. The angels refer to Babylon as the cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Not a very, not a very good resume. The angels open up to us what Babylon really is like. A habitation of devils. A habitation and haunt of every foul spirit. Habitation and cage of every unclean, hateful bird. And then the next perspective is given in the 11th through the 19th verses and it's the perspective of the kings and the merchants of the world. And they're crying, alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her. And in the midst of the mourning, groaning of the merchants and of the kings of the earth. And they're crying, alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city and they're weeping and mourning over her. And that's how verse 19 ends verse 20 begins by saying, rejoice over her, thou heaven. They may be mourning, they may be sad, they may be crestfallen. And why? Because Babylon has brought riches, oh, yeah. Oh, where, what are we gonna do now? Who's gonna supply the funds now? Babylon has made a lot of merchants feel free rich. Babylon has made a lot of governments rich and because Babylon doesn't have any problem with money. Babylon's got the money. But when they're mourning, the voice from heaven says, rejoice over her, thou heaven and you holy apostles and prophets. For God hath avenged you on her. Another translation says, rejoice over her fate, oh heaven. And people of God and apostles and prophets. For at last God has judged her for your sakes. One other translation says, rejoice over her, thou heaven and ye saints and ye apostles and ye prophets. For God hath judged your judgment on her. The instruction from the angel for the saints to rejoice interrupts the scene of despair of the kings and the merchants of the earth. And now we see Babylon's fall from the perspective of the church, of heaven, of the apostles and of the prophets. And it's interesting to hear what is voiced by the saints and the apostles and the prophets. The Bible says, God hath avenged you on her. And then in verse 21, it says in a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more at all. Did you notice when we were reading that? I tried to emphasize those no more at all. That means that's a double negative in scripture. That means no more at all. That means never ever again. That means you don't have to worry about this one anymore, no more at all. Never ever again. Well, praise God. And shall be found. That great city Babylon shall be thrown down and shall be found no more at all. Now then, we're down to verse number 22. And the voice of harpers and musicians and of pipers and trumpeters shall be heard no more at all in the no craftsmen of whatsoever craft TV shall be found anymore in the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in the and the emphasis here on no more at all is what a relief that's going to come in time. We're going to just take a deep breath and sigh and say no more at all. And I think that it's significant. It's significant that the first thing that the church is going to rejoice over is that the music of Babylon shall be heard no more at all. Oh, hallelujah. Now listen, I won't tell you something. The music of Babylon is not just the music they play in their what do they call their buildings? What do they call it? Yeah, well, yeah, that's where we're headed, but this Babylonian church everybody understands and I'm just going to make it plain. We're talking about the Roman Catholic Church. Y'all figured that out, hadn't you? That's the mother of harlitz. That's mystery Babylon. It's the Roman Catholic Church. And when he said, you're not going to hear any more of the music of Babylon. No more harpers, musicians, pipers, trumpeters will be heard no more at all in the-- he's not just talking about the music they play in their buildings when they're having their masses. You understand? It's not just the sound of that pipe organ. Oh, no, I won't tell you that the music of this world is the music of Babylon. The metallic bands, the thump, thump, thump, boom, boom. You pull up to the red light and you're saying, when is it going to turn gray? So I can get away from this car beside me that's vibrating. You've been there, hadn't you? Oh, you're talking about a sigh of relief. We're not going to have to listen to that never again. We're not going to have to hear the music of Babylon, the boom and blast and vulgar, ridiculous, noise, that lack symmetry, that has no beauty. It's Satan's symphony. It's disjointed. It's unintelligible. And it's just like the lives that it dominates. There's some of you that come out of that culture. Can I get a witness here tonight? Anybody here come out of that culture? Would it be a relief for you to know that there's coming a day and it's not going to be very long that no more at all? Are we going to have to hear that music from hell any longer? That symphony of the devil any longer? Amen. The themes of that music are so filthy. And the themes are just like its devotees. The disheveled and uncapped beings that become lost in the movement of its racket are publishing their hopelessness by their lives and by their demeanor. The music goes along with the drug scene. The music goes along with the psychedelic-- you know what I'm trying to say? The drug scene, all of that. That's all a part of mystery babbling. That's all a part of the religion of this world. The religion of hell. The religion of Satan. This is how that the devil is worship. That kind of music is devil worship. Thank God for good old fashioned apostolic singing. Thank God for good old fashioned apostolic worship. Amen. And we know that everything the devil dominates soon becomes discordant and disorderly, whether it's lives or whether it's lyrics. The sounds of the instruments of hell. They move further and further and further away from anything that has any harmony in it. And the end result is an unholy noise that clashes on the years of God's people. I'm telling you, saints of God don't like that kind of music. Saints of God don't listen to that kind of music. [CHEERING] Yeah, praise God. Saints of God cringe at that kind of music. And saints of God are going to rejoice when we hear him say, no more at all. You'll never have to hear the sound of hell again. [CHEERING] Well, praise God. Amen. Amen. Y'all ready to go home? Amen. I'm just now-- I'm getting to the meat right here. All right? All of that we've gone through so far. I mean, I know y'all, somebody's saying, well, why didn't you just cut through the chaff and get to the meat? So we're here. All right? You see, the devil understands the correlation between men's lives and their music. The devil wasn't always the devil. He was who? Lucifer, the son of the morning. He was the choir director of heaven. Listen to what the Bible says about Lucifer. In Ezekiel, chapter number 28, it says, the word of the Lord came in to me saying, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyres. That's the devil. And say unto him, thus sayeth the Lord God, thou still a step the psalm, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty. But this is the devil before he became the devil. This is the devil when he was Lucifer. Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was not covering. The sardis, tote as the diamond, the barrel, the onyx, the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, the carbuncle, the gold, the workmanship of thy tablets, that's drums and of thy pipes, that's flutes, was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created. God created Lucifer as a musician, a master musician. The choir director of heaven. Thou art the anointed chair of that coverth, and I have set thee so. Thou was stuff on the holy mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created. Till iniquity was found in thee. Now listen, did you notice what we read there? He was in the garden of Eden, verse 13. "Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God." Lucifer evidently was in the garden of Eden when man was created to worship God. And the devil witnessed how much pleasure that God received from the worship of his creation. Now we don't know for sure. I don't know of anybody that can tell us specifically when Lucifer sinned against God and got kicked out of heaven. We do know Revelation chapter 12 tells us, "Woe unto the habitors of the earth and of the sea, for Satan hath come down, and do you have in great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. Woe unto you in habitors of the earth and of the sea, for Satan hath come down unto you." It would appear to me held that the devil might have got kicked out of heaven after the creation, after the creation. "Woe unto you in habitors of the earth and of the sea, for Satan hath come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time." So I don't know, you know, that might play in a little bit, but it doesn't have to be a major point. But Lucifer was there in the Garden of Eden. He saw how much glory that God received from the worship of his people. He saw how much that it pleased God when his people gave him praise and something somewhere, something somewhere, at some point in time, got into the heart of Lucifer. He got jealous of God. He was jealous because God's creation was worshiping the creator and Lucifer wanted that worship. You know how bad he wanted that worship? When he tempted Jesus, he said, "If you bow down and worship me, I'll give you all of the kingdoms of this world." That's how bad Satan wants to be worship. Oh yeah, and he's not content to have all of those out there worshiping him. He hates it when God's people worship God. Isaiah, now y'all stay with me now. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground which did sweeten the nations? For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will set up on the Mount of the congregation and the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most. Lucifer was created to worship God himself, and he did. As long as he was Lucifer, as long as he was Lucifer, he worshipped God. As long as he was the son of the morning, he worshipped God." You know when Lucifer became the devil? When he stopped worshiping. You know when Lucifer became Satan when he stopped worshiping God. While that all of the rest of the angels in heaven were in awe of Jehovah God and angels around the throne were crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, how long have been doing that? How long have been doing evidently from the time they were created? Ever how long that's been, eons, eons, eons, eons of time?" And there are angels before the throne that are crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty." And after all of these billions, trillions of years, ever how long it's been? I don't know, maybe it's been a thousand years. We know it's been longer than that. But it's been way back there, way back there somewhere when they were created. And these angels have been before the throne, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, they're still doing it, they're still doing it right now." While we're having church, they're still doing it. Listen, listen, listen, listen, I promise you, I promise you that those angels in heaven that are worshiping Jehovah right now and crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, I promise you they're not saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, I've been doing this for 10 billion years. I'm a little tired and weary of this and it's just sort of getting boring." No, no, Brother Turner, after all, after all these billions of years, those angels before the throne are just as much in awe of the presence of Jehovah as they have ever been. And they're still looking at the one sitting on that throne and they're crying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, it don't matter how long that I've been in His presence and given Him praise, I never cease to be amazed at the presence of Jehovah, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty." [Applause] Now, you've got to stay with me. You've got to stay with me. You're all going to stay with me just if the devil can't get you to worship him. The very least he wants to do is to stop you from worship in God. If he can't get you to give him praise, the very least he wants is to stop you from giving God praise. Amen. Now, I tell you that not so that we would worship God despite the devil. That's not a good reason to worship God. You hear what I'm telling you? I'm never going to try to get a congregation to worship. Now, come on. Listen. And I know we sing it too. Devil don't allow no shouting going on here. Devil don't allow no dancing going on here. Oh, yeah, we sing that too. But listen, yeah, I don't care what the devil don't allow. I'm going to shout anyhow, and that's true. But when I'm shouting, I don't want my mind on the devil. When I'm running the eyes and dancing, I don't want to be thinking about the devil. Is this your wife, brother? She have a boyfriend for you? What for? She married you. No. You want her kissing you thinking about it, that old boyfriend? Oh, no. How do I think so? I don't want my wife thinking about her. She had one too. I don't want her kissing me thinking about her old boyfriend saying, I'm just doing this to spot my old boyfriend. Now, what kind of love is that? That ain't love. That's, hey, you go find you somebody else to love on if you're going to be trying to spot your old boyfriend by kissing me. Well, how do you think God feels when we say, take that devil. I'm worshiping God just because I hate you. That ain't, how does that make God feel? You're going to keep, you're going to have your mind on the devil and you're going to worship me to spot the devil. Get out of here. Oh, come on now. We don't need to have our minds on the devil when we're worshiping God. Get your mind up with the devil and get your mind on Jesus and let's have church. You can't have real church until you get your mind on Jesus. I want you to think about that. When did Lucifer become the devil? Somebody tell me. When he stopped worshiping. I'm telling you, it's dangerous for you to come to church and stop worshiping. That's how the devil became the devil. Is that what you want to do? That's exactly where we're headed when we stop, when we stop giving God praise. That's exactly where we're headed when we stop worshiping. Some wrong with our relationship with God when we come to the house of God and we don't, from the bottom of our heart, give God our best. Come on, listen. How's that song say? The highest praise. That's what we ought to do, give him the highest praise. Not a half-hearted little effort, not a half-hearted little dance. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. He never stopped. I never stopped being a man. I'm amazed that he saved me. I'm amazed that I'm in the church. I'm amazed at the grace of God. I'm amazed that he filled me with a Holy Ghost. And there's one more little key. There's one more little key here. When God created Adam, he created Adam to worship him. And Adam was by himself. He's worshiping God. And God says, hey, Adam, you know, I appreciate your worship. I think I'll do something for you. It's not good for man to be alone. I'm gonna, I'm gonna make a, I'm gonna make a woman for you. And he put Adam to sleep, took a reel out of his side and Adam woke up and said, whoa, man. Wow. Hey, hey, hey. Ah, what? Keep your mind on Jesus now. But the point is, when you start worshiping God, it motivates God to do something else for you. Yeah. The creator, the creator, you think he's through creating? Oh, no. Oh, no. You think he's through healing? You think he's through performing miracles? Oh, no. Oh, no. He says, he says, if I can just find somebody that will praise me, I'm gonna show them what the creator can do. I'm gonna show them what the creator can do. Oh, yeah. The creator can give you a new heart. The creator can, the creator can open blinded eyes and unstopped down fears. The creator can heal sugar diabetes and heart problems. The creator can heal you back. The creator can, oh, is there anything too hard for the Lord? And when I praise him, he says, hey, that's what I've been waiting on. You just prayed me a little bit and I'll show you what I can do for you. Has God ever wowed you? Has God ever wowed you? You know what God enjoys while in us. When we worship him, he says, let me wow you. Let me give you one of those wow moments. Let me do something that you've been wanting me to do. You've been praying a prayer and I've been waiting for just the right moment because you've been praying in faith and you've been faithful in your worship. Your answer's on the way. You've been needing to healing in your body. You've been asking me to do it and you've been faithful and you've been praising and worshiping and getting ready. You're healing's on the way. [Applause] Praise God, praise God, praise God, praise God, praise God, worship and creation are inseparable. When God creates, his creation starts praising him. Oh yeah, praise ye the Lord, praise ye the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights, praise ye him all his angels, praise ye him all his hosts, praise ye him son and moon, praise him all ye stars of light, praise him ye heaven of heavens and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. He hath also established him forever and ever. He hath made a decree which shall not pass. Praise the Lord from the earth you dragons and all deeps, fire and hell, snow and vapor, stormy wind, fulfilling his word, mountains and hills, fruitful trees and cedars, beast and cattle, creeping things and flying foul, kings of the earth and all people, princes and all judges of the earth, both young men and maidens, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for the name of the Lord alone is excellent. His glory is above the earth and the heaven. He exhausts the horn of the people, the praise of all his saints, even of all of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord. He says when you praise me, I'm going to go into creation mode. When you praise me, I'm going to give you that miracle you've been asking for. When you praise me, your healing's on its way. When you praise me, that lost son, that lost daughter, is on their way back, just worship and praise and see what I will do. Hallelujah, Jesus. Somebody tell me, when did the walls of Jericho come down? When did the walls of Jericho come down? When the people started shouting, God said, that's what I've been waiting on right there. The walls are coming, you shout. The walls are going to come down. When was Ham and Moab and Mount's here defeated? The Bible says that when the people begin to praise, God said an ambush. You want your enemy to be defeated? You don't have to do anything but worship God. He said, you just praise me. I'll take care of the battle. You just praise me. I'll take care of the one that's been on your heels, hounding you on your back. I'll take care of him. You just give me worship. When did the prison doors come open for Paul and Silas? And at midnight, is that midnight yet? And at midnight Paul and Silas begin to sing praises under God. Well, you need victory just praising. You need the Holy Ghost just praising. You need deliverance just praising. You need healing just praising. Whatever you need, all you gotta do is just get into worship mode and it puts God in creation mode.