Apostolic Lighthouse

What Side Of The Door Are You On - Bro Nathan Dudley

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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New York. Any man he saved me. Thank God. Thank God. My, my, my, out of all of the billions of people in the world. And he saved me. Wow. How blessed are we? And I'm going to talk a little bit about that. A little, a little further on in the message tonight. I thought Brother Turner was going to preach my message up here. That's alright. That's alright. We're going to turn to the Gospel of Matthew chapter number 24. And we're going to begin reading with verse number 36. Matthew's Gospel chapter 24 and verse number 36. I was looking at Elder Samson's phone there and he's got his app up for his hearing aids. And I got the same app on my phone for my hearing aids. Y'all pray we don't get our phones mixed up. He's trying to control my hearing aids and I control it. I didn't used to bring a phone to church until I got these hearing aids and I have to control them with this thing here. So that's the only reason I bring my phone to church. I don't text on it in church or I don't look at other stuff on it in church. But I'd air me down and I have to pull my app up and adjust my hearing aids a little bit. Amen. Matthew chapter 24 and beginning with verse number 36, we'll read down through verse number 39. Matthew 24 chapter verse number 36. But of that day and hour, knoweth no man, know not the angels of heaven but my father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Or as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Would you say, man, to the reading of the word of the Lord praise God? I want to preach for that relative little while tonight from this subject which side of the door are you on? Which side of the door are you on? Would you pray with me? Let's ask God, meet with us in the next few minutes. Help us tonight in the word God. We're calling on you. Lean in on you, trusting in you tonight Jesus, asking your father for the help of the Holy Ghost, minister to the needs of this congregation tonight, I pray Lord. Touch each and every heart God is. God do a work among us in our midst. We know that we're nothing without you. We can do the calling on you tonight and trusting in you. In Jesus name, amen. Thank you again. God bless you and you may be seated. As we have already heard tonight, we are living in the end time. These are the last days and Jesus is coming soon. Jesus said in these verses of Scripture, as the days of nowhere so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. He list a few elements that would be characteristic of the last days. He said they would be eating and drinking, eating, and giving in marriage. If you go to Luke's account of the same message of the Lord, Luke chapter number 17, Luke adds these words. He said, likewise, as it was in the days of lot. They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they build it. But the same day that lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. It is amazing to me that in Jesus describing the days of the end time and talking about them being as it was in the days of Noah and in the days of lot. He does not mention all of the debauchery, all of the sin, all of the ungodliness that prevailed in those days that we see prevailing in our day as well. And I come to the conclusion, there's a reason why that he didn't. We know that those days represented ungodliness. And in a moment we'll go back and look at what the word of God describes them to be and does speak of the sins of those days. We know what Sodom and Gomorrah represent. We know what it was like in the days of Noah from what it tells us in the Old Testament. But what Jesus references is not those sins, but he simply talks about things that we all are involved in on a daily basis, buying and selling, planning and building, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. Those are not sinful activities. If they are, we're all in trouble. But those are not sinful activities. But the point I believe that Jesus is making is that in all of the activities of life, in the business of life, men in the end of time will have no time for God, no time for church, no time for prayer. They're eating, they're drinking, they're buying, they're selling, they're planning, they're building, they're marrying, they're giving in marriage, they're living life. But where is God? There's no mention of prayer, no mention of the activities that are important when it comes to the spiritual man. No mention of the activities that are necessary in order for us to invest, not in time, but in eternity. You know what I'm doing tonight? I'm investing in eternity. Every time you come to the house of God, I promise you it's not a waste of time. You're making an investment in eternity when you join yourself with the people of God in the house of God. When you go to prayer on a daily basis, you're not wasting time. You're investing time the best way that it could ever be invested. And that is in what is going to affect eternity. Yeah, man. And so why did Jesus not make mention of all of the sins of the days of Noah and of the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of a lot? I believe this is why the Bible tells us that in the last days that because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Jesus let us know that was a sign of the end time as well because iniquity shall abound. It's abound and elder just like it did in the days of Noah and just like it did in the days of a lot, iniquity is abounding. But I find another passage of Scripture that says where iniquity doth abound. Grace doth much more abound. That lets me know it doesn't matter how bad it gets. It doesn't matter how much sin there is in the world. It doesn't matter that it's as it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of a lot. There's enough grace to save anybody and there's enough grace to save everybody. We're iniquity doth abound. Grace doth much more abound. We have witnessed that and we are testimonies of that fact. Oh yes, oh yes because we were bound in iniquity. We were in the bondage of sin. We were born in sin and shape and iniquity. But thank God one day we found grace just like Noah did in those days, in the days when iniquity was abound and Noah found grace even though we're living in a terrible hour. It's a bad day that we're living in. There are still people finding grace in this day. Probably the most well-known story of the Bible. Probably the most well-known story of the Bible is the story of Noah and the Ark. I know there's some other well-known stories but anybody that's been around church for any length of time going to Sunday school is going to hear about Noah and the Ark. Hey man, Noah and the Ark. It's a well-known story and Noah and the Ark is a very important lesson in the Old Testament for those of us that live in New Testament times because Noah and the Ark is a type of Christ and the church as Noah built the Ark. So Christ has built the church and Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Where did God require everyone that was going to be saved from the flood? Where did he require them to be? They had to be in the Ark. Nobody was saved from the judgment of God except for those that were in the Ark. Nobody on the outside of the Ark was saved from the wrath of God that came upon the world in the days of Noah. Nobody was saved that was not in the Ark. Say well brother Dudley, you've said that about three or four times. Let me say it one more time. I want you to get it. Nobody was saved that wasn't in the Ark. Those that God saved, he put them in the Ark. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You know what? God's saving folks in this entire hour that we're living in and he has a place that he's putting people that he's saving in the end time. You know where he's putting them? It's in your Bible in Acts chapter 2 and verse number 4 to 7. The Bible says as such as should be saved. He added to the church. He added to the church such as should be saved. There's nobody going to be saved that's not in the church. Do you hear what I'm telling you tonight? I'm telling you what the Bible says. If you're going to make it to heaven, you have to get in the church. Nobody's going to make it in the rapture. That is not in the church. Amen. The Lord added to the church daily. Such as should be saved. If God saves you, he's going to put you in the church. And there's another way in which the Ark is the type of the church. Noah just built one Ark and Christ just has one church. He's just got one church. Now there were no doubt other boats in the days of Noah. There was commerce and they took their ships and people knew what a ship was. They just didn't know what rain was. But they knew what a ship was. And there were no doubt folks that thought, you know, if this message that Noah's preaching is true, all I got to do is go run, jump in my boat. And I'll be saved as well. It didn't work that way. God designed it so that there was only one boat that was going to float when the flood came. There was only one boat that floated when the flood came. And it was the Ark. There were no doubt folks that went and jumped in their boat when it started raining and said, everything's fine. We're okay now. Everything's going to be all right, but it wasn't very long. Their builds pumped, stopped working. And their boat started flooding and it started going down and it sank and they drowned because they weren't on the boat that God designed. Amen. Oh, yeah. Again, Jesus said in Matthew 16 and 18, upon this rock, I will build my church. The one that Jesus built is the one that we're interested in because that's the only one that's going to survive the judgment of God. There's only one church that's going to rise in the rapture. And that's the church that Jesus built. Let me ask you a few questions here tonight. What denomination did the apostles belong to? What denomination did the 120 in the upper room belong to? What did the denomination did the 3000 that were baptized on the day of Pentecost belonged to? What denomination did the Ethiopian Unican Acts chapter 8 belong to? What denomination did the households of Cornelius in Acts chapter 10 belong to? What denomination did the disciples of John the Baptist in Acts chapter 19? What denomination did they belong to? And let me just say it like this. You can put the name of any denomination that you want to in there and I can assure you that Jesus did not build it. Oh, y'all going to get quiet on me tonight, but I'm going preaching. You just hang in here with me for just a few minutes. Would you do that? Amen. Don't judgment till you hear me out. Jesus didn't build in its denominations. Oh, he didn't. I'm going to add to that. He didn't build in the denominations, including Pentecostal and apostolic denominations. Every denomination, every denomination, every denomination, every denomination can be traced back to a man or to a committee of men, but God's church can be traced all the way back to him, to his word, to the church that he found. He said, on this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Well, praise God. I know, I know when you hear preaching like this, when you hear preaching like this, some folks start saying, oh, I hear what you're saying. You're trying to tell us that you're the only one that's right and that if I don't belong to your church, I'm not going to be safe. I didn't say that. And that's you're missing the whole point because I don't have a church. I'm not asking you to get in my church. I'm not asking you to join my church, but I'm telling you that if you're not in his church, you're not going to make it. If you're not in the church that Jesus is building because there's only one church that Jesus is building. And that's the only church that's going to make it in the rapture is the church that Jesus is building. How many churches is he building? Just one for about one spirit. Are you all baptized in the one body, whether Jew or Gentile, whether bond are free and have all been made to drink into one spirit, Noah built one ark and Jesus built one church. Noah built one ark and he built it out of one material. Genesis 6 and 14 make thee an ark of gopher wood. God said Noah build the ark out of gopher wood. Now there were no doubt many sidewalk superintendents in those days that come along and said, listen Noah, I know you've got good intentions but gopher's not the best wood to build a boat out of. Noah, you really ought to be using some teak wood. If you want a good boat that's going to float and it's going to skim over the surface, build it out of teak wood and another sidewalk superintendent said, no, I tell you what we need. We need some good old oak. That's what a good boat's built out and somebody else said, no, we need some good cedar wood or mahogany or cypress and everyone had their own opinion as to what kind of material that the ark ought to be built out of. But nobody's opinion mattered except God's opinion and God didn't say build it out of teak wood, mahogany wood, oak wood, cypress wood. He said build it out of gopher wood and Noah realized that obedience was absolutely essential if he was going to be saved. He knew that if he added one plank to that ark out of some other kind of wood other than gopher wood, that ark was not going to float. He had to absolutely obey the command of God to build it out of gopher wood. And just as surely as the ark was built out of one material, the church that Jesus is building is built out of one material, just one. The church isn't built out of brick, it's not built out of stone, it's not built out of wood, it's not built out of cement, the church is built out of people. Well praise God, this building is not the church, this carp, it's not the church. What a beautiful edifice you folks have built and you ought to be thankful to God for the beauty of this sanctuary. And it's good that we do our very best for the building that we're building for God. Because this is a, I'm going to try not to chase this rabbit very far down the trail, but this is the place that we have designed to meet God in. It's a special place. There ain't no other place like this place. Man, this is a special place. We do something special in this place that we don't do anywhere else. God visits us in this place in a matter that he doesn't visit us anywhere else. Oh yeah, you can have a visitation of God in your closet at home, you can have a visitation of God in your automobiles driving down the interstate, but you're never going to have a visitation of God that equals the visitation that he gives us when we come together in his house. Paul said it like this, he had made us to set together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. There's no place on earth where that we are closer to heaven than the place that we gather together in that we call the house of God. This is the closest place on earth to heaven. This is the most like heaven you're ever going to be in on earth. We are made to set together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Amen, but this physical structure is not the church. The church is a spiritual house built out of people, not just anybody, but people that believe and that old pay the word of God, people that repent of their sins, turn away from their iniquities, get baptized in Jesus name for the remission of their sins and are filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidence by speaking in other tongues, even as the Spirit of God gives the utterance and the beautiful part of the church of this day is who so ever will let him come and take of the water of life freely. It doesn't matter your nationality. It doesn't matter your ethnicity. It doesn't matter your wealth. It doesn't matter. Ah, no, none of your background. It doesn't matter where you're coming from. God says, come on. If you want it, you can have it. Who so ever will let him come. Amen, but we need to notice that he said, who so ever will, who so ever will. And there are those that are willing and thank God for the willing that come, but it's not for who so ever won't. It's for who so ever will. If you don't want it, God's not going to force it down your throat. So I got preached last night. This Holy Ghost is too precious for God to waste it on people that don't appreciate it. It's too precious for God to waste on people that don't want it, that aren't hungry for it, that don't care about it, that don't cherish it, that don't appreciate it and love it more than anything else that pills ever had in their whole life. Praise God. Amen. It's for who so ever will, but there is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. Ephesians 4 and 16 Paul said from whom the whole body fiddly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supply according to the effectual working in the measure of every part make a increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. He wrote to the church in Rome and he said we have many members, but we just have one body. There's just one church, no one art out of one material and God is building one church out of one material. This church is made up of people. Thank God is people out of every nation, every kindred and every tongue under heaven. That's what heaven's going to be like and if there's any prejudice we need to get it out. Prejudice don't belong in the church. You know why? Because there's no prejudice in the blood. There's no prejudice in the cross. He broke down the middle wall of petition. He broke down all the prejudices. It don't matter what color your skin is. If it matters to you what color skin you go to church with you need to hit an altar and get that prejudice out of you. You need to hit an altar and get the Holy Ghost. There's no prejudice in the Holy Ghost. Well, praise God. Amen. Amen. I'll confess to you. I pastor a church that the majority of them are black. Black folks and the majority of the people that I pastor are black folks and I tell them if it matters to you what color your pastor is your prejudice. Amen. If it matters to you what color my skin is, it's your pastor, your prejudice. You need to get an altar and pray through. Praise God. I won't tell you no matter what color the saints are in the church that I pastor. I just want people that want to live for God, love God, love truth, love righteousness are submitted to the Word of God, to the man of God, to the Holy Ghost. Amen. Would y'all indulge me? Would y'all indulge me? Let me, I'm, I'm going out this note that another rabbit just come running by. Can I chase that rabbit? Just down the trail just a little bit. Just a little bit. The last revival that we preached, the last revival that we preached. Now, this was back, this was back in 1981. So it's been a few days ago. Back in 1981, was preaching revival and a young man came to me and he said, Brother Dudley said, I, I work with a, and this, this church was somewhere in the United States, somewhere between the Atlantic and the Pacific, somewhere between Mexico and Canada. And that's all I'm telling you. Hey, man. But this young man came to me and he said, Brother Dudley said, I work with a young black man. I've invited him to church. He wants, he wants to come. He said, should I bring him? I looked at him. I said, what? Yeah, man, bring him. Bring him to church. Oh, and I was riding in the vehicle with a pastor day or two later. And he looked over at me and said, Brother Dudley. And he talked to you. I said, yes, sir. He said, I hear that you told, call this young man's name. I hear you told him, bring a black boy to church with him. I said, well, yeah, I did. He said, oh, Brother Dudley. He said, he can't do that. I said, what? He said, no, he can't do that. I said, what are you talking about? He said, if he brings that black boy to this church, I'll lose half my congregation. I'm sorry, but I mean, it just was an immediate response. And I just said, brother, you might as well lose them. They're going to hell anyway. I don't. I'm not promoting evangelists talking to pastors like that, but it was just something that just came out. I mean, it was just, it's down on the inside of me. I hate that spirit. I hate that attitude. Hey, man. And I believe that. You can't, you can't, you're not going to make it to heaven. You got prejudice, didn't you? All right. Hey, man. We, we, we, we're coming back now. Brother Westberg, he was my mentor and Bishop Westberg. And he used to say, he used to say, all preachers lose their text and wonder. He's, and he'd go down a rabbit trail and he'd come back and he'd say, now, I'm not an old preacher. He said, I'm coming back to it. Well, praise God, I'm about the age that he was when he was talking like that. I'm not an old preacher. I'm coming back to it. Praise the Lord. Noah built one arc out of one material for one purpose. Now, what was the purpose of the arc? Oh, I know. Oh, brother, Noah was building him a cruise ship. Huh? Yeah, I had a swimming pool up on the top deck and all kind of eating places throughout. All kind of smorgasbords and buffets and seafood. Oh, yeah. Oh, I better, I better get back here. I'm losing some of you now, for sure. But that wasn't the purpose of the arc. Noah wasn't building a cruise ship. He wasn't building a pleasure yacht. He wasn't building a speedboat. He wasn't even building a fishing boat. Noah was building a lifeboat. That was the only reason Noah was building the arc. It was a lifeboat. A boat that would save people from the flood that was coming. A boat that would get people from this world to the next world safely. Amen. And just as surely as Noah built one arc out of one material for one purpose, there's one purpose for Jesus having a church in this world. And that is as a lifeboat to get us from earth to glory. Well, come on and get in the church. Come on and get on this ship. The old ship of Zion will praise God. Praise God. Hey, the church is not a place designed to network and crease your business prospects. The church is not designed as a place just to have potluck dinners. The church is not designed as a place to get together with your friends and shake hands and share the latest gossip. That's not the purpose of the church. But the purpose of the church is to be a safe place for us to come and gather in and be safe from the storms that arise and on the horizon. You hear me tonight when I tell you the lightning's flashing. The thunder is roaring. The wind is picking up and this old world is headed for a storm called God's Judgment Day. But there's a church that you can be safe from the storms that are headed towards this old world. Get in the church. Praise God. Oh, hallelujah. Hey, man. Hey, Elder, when are they going to start making these things waterproof? I'll get in the middle of my message and I'll get the sweating and that sweat gets in these hearing aids start shortening. I have to pull them out. Well, praise God. Man, we're chasing all kinds of rabbits here. But we're coming back to it. Hey, this is the only safe place in this world. There's no other place in the world that's a safe place except for the church of the living God. Can you imagine what people thought about Noah? They no doubt considered Noah as the guy has lost his marbles. He's an idiot. He's crazy. Have you heard and the talk of the town? It wasn't the talk of the town. It was the talk of the country. It was on all of the network news stations. I mean, everybody was talking about Noah. He's up there. He's on a mountain. He's up on a mountain. There is not a body of water within hundreds of miles that can float what he's building. The guys lost his marbles. He's crazy. They're laughing. They're making fun. They're ridiculed. Can you believe what Noah is doing? And he's wanting us to come up there and get in that boat on top of a mountain. No water anywhere around. There's a little stream running down the side of that mountain when the snow--well, I guess it was any snow. There was probably a spring coming up out of the ground, a little trickle of water. How in the world, Noah's going to float that boat down that little creek? This guy's got to be crazy to be doing what he's doing. One of them came by one day and said, "Hey, Brother Noah, listen. Listen, man, I know a good psychiatrist." He helped my wife and I through our midlife crises, and I'm sure. I'm sure he could help you, Brother Noah. Yeah, they thought Noah had lost his mind, but Noah simply understood and would tell anybody that would listen. Hey, I have heard from God, and God told me to build this heart, and He told me to build it in this place, and He told me to build it out of gopher wood, and I believe God. I believe God means what He says, and I'm going to do what God tells me to do. You can read it in your Bible in Genesis 6 and 22. Thus did Noah, according to all that God commanded him, so did he. Oh, hey, I want to say to this congregation tonight, we ought to be thankful for men of God that will not compromise, that will not back up, that will not throw in the towel, that will not shut up, the apostolic preachers of today. I'm talking about real men of God are being ridiculed, they're being laughed at, because we believe the Bible. We believe the word of God. We believe in a literal heaven, and a literal hell. We are preaching the coming of the Lord. We believe judgment is ahead for this world that will live it in. And we believe that it won't be long until we hear the sound of a trumpet, and the dead in Christ rise first, and then we which are alive and remain are caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Apostolic preachers are never going to stop preaching that hero Israel, the Lord, our God, his one Lord. Apostolic preachers are never going to stop preaching against the false doctrine of the triune God here. Apostolic preachers are not going to compromise on the name of Jesus, for neither is their salvation in any other, for there is none of the name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. We're not going to stop preaching. We're not going to water it down. It's still repent and be baptized. Every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are apart all, even as many as the Lord, our God shall call. Amen. We're going to keep on preaching what the Bible says. We're going to preach, you must be born again, because that's what the Bible says. We're going to preach that when you get the Holy Ghost, you will speak in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, because that's what the Bible says. We're going to continue to preach up that you must live holy, because that's what the Bible says. We're going to continue to preach against pornography, because the Bible says that it's wrong. Adultery, homosexuality, same sex marriages, transgenderism. We're preaching against death. I'm going to shut up. We're not going to stop. We're not going to back up. It's the last days. It's the days of Noah. It's the days of laughter, but there's still a church, and there's still men of God. We go back to Genesis chapter 6 and verse number 5. We'll find where that God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. What a description of the day we're living in. The wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And God said, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man." The apostle Peter wrote about the coming of the Lord. He said, "I want to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, that you might be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets. And of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this verse that there shall come in the last days, scoffers, walking after their own lust and saying, "Where is the promise of his coming?" For since the Father fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation, for this day willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water, whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished. But the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word, by the same word, the same word that was sure, and that was fulfilled in the days of Noah, that same word is sure about what's going to happen in this last day that we are living in. By the same word, the heavens and the earth which are now are kept in store, reserved under fire against the day of judgment and petition of ungodly men. And he said, "But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but his long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." I can tell you tonight why the trumpet has not already sounded. I can tell you tonight why Jesus has not already come back for his church. It's there. It's in the book. He's not slack concerning his promise. He is coming. He's coming back. But this is why he hasn't already come. He's not willing. He's long suffering. He's not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He's been waiting on you to show up at the apostolic church. He's been waiting on you to come to an altar and repent of your sin. He's waiting on you to get baptized in Jesus' name. He's waiting on you to get the Holy Ghost. He's putting, he's got his hand holding back the sound. He's saying, "Wait a minute, Gabriel, not just yet. There's another one that's at church right now. There's another one that I'm dealing with right now. There's another one I'm reaching for right now. Not yet, Gabriel wait. They may come to the altar tonight and get the Holy Ghost tonight, Gabriel. No, don't blow that trumpet yet. Look what happened in north state. All those folks that laughed and made fun. Marked. They all perished. They all died in the flood. You can only imagine how Noah and his family felt wasn't much fun to be the object of all that ridicule. But the day came when Noah, when Noah was so thankful that he just kept faithful, stayed faithful to God, just kept on working on that ark. Must have bothered Noah at times. Bible says he was a preacher of righteousness and there's no doubt for those 120 years he was preaching, preaching, preaching, preaching, preaching, preaching. Must have been very discouraging at times for Noah and nobody. Nobody believed what he preached except for his wife, his three sons and their wives, and that's all. And no doubt, Noah had some of the same thoughts that try to crowd into our minds. How is it that all these people could be wrong? How is it that all of these people are going to be lost and that the only ones saved are just me, my wife, my sons, and my daughter-in-laws. Just eight, just eight. Is that what your Bible says? Eight souls were saved by water and everyone else was lost. Peter again mentions that he said which sometime were disobedient when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water. And somebody has this kind of, you know, they think along the channels of, well, it was just eight, but probably there probably wasn't over eight thousand, eight million, maybe that many people. But the reality is there was the probabilities of there being many more people in the world when the flood came than what's in the world today. The probability is way up here. And you can, you can just make a few simple calculations when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. We know that there was approximately two million. There was approximately two million that came out of Egypt. And when they went down into Egypt, we know how many they were. Seventy souls went down into Egypt. And we know how long they were in Egypt. If you take 70 to 2 million and 400 years, you've got an annual growth rate of 2.5%. An annual growth rate of population growth of 2.5% annually growth rate. If you were to take that and use that as a standard of calculation from the time that Adam and Eve and just give it a 2.5% growth rate until the time of the flood 2000 years, 2.5% annual growth rate, the calculation is way, way up there. I'm talking about way up there. Just to be conservative. Just to be conservative, let's drop the growth rate to 1.5% annually from the time of Adam until the time of the flood. And if you take a 1.15, if you take 1.5, y'all know what I'm trying to say. One and a half percent growth rate from the time of Adam to the time of the flood, you would have 122 billion people in the world. 100. What's the population of the world today? 8 billion. Maybe, I mean, it's growing fast, but the population of the world somewhere 8 billion, that they a little bit over 8 billion, but we're talking about 122 billion people in the world. How many were saved? Only 8. 8 souls. 8 souls. And if you think that God is just looking for numbers, you better have another thought coming. Because Jesus said, you better enter in at the straight gate. The broad is the way, and wide is the gate that leadeth unto death and destruction. And many be, which go in there at, but straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life. And few, there be, that find it. You're talking about a privileged individual. To think that of out of the 8 plus billion people that are in the world tonight, and where are we in an apostolic church? Hearing the only saving gospel. Just one message that will save you. Just one saving message, and we're God. Many are called. I believe Brother Turner said it tonight, and few are chosen. Many are called. And here we are, one of those chosen of you. You better appreciate what God's done for you. You ought to be waking up every morning saying, thank you, God. You brought me into this truth. My ears have heard ears, have heard words that other ears have never heard. My eyes are privileged to see things that other eyes have never seen. I'm a privileged individual to be in the church that Jesus Christ is going to take out of this world. It does matter what church you belong to. It does matter what you believe. It does matter what you hear. Know about one arc out of one material for one purpose. And there was just one window, just one window in the arc. Praise God. We just have, we just have one source of light in the church. There's just one window in the church. This is this is where every bit of light we get comes from right here. If it don't come out of this book right here, it's not light. But everything in this book is light. There's just one window in the church. We have a more sure word of prophecy. Every message is judged by this book. Every tongs and interpretation is judged by this book. Every dream is judged by this book. Every prophecy is judged by this book. The word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. We are illuminated. Revelation comes through the word of the Lord. You ought to be thankful for the word of God. For the word of God. For the word of God. And we have finally come down to know about one arc out of one material for one purpose with one window and one door. Just one door. Jesus said, if you try to get in any other way, you're a thief. You're a robber. It's just one way, one door. And we know that Jesus is that door. Jesus said, I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved. Just one way to be saved. Just one entrance into the kingdom of God. We know it's death, barrel, and resurrection. We know it's repentance. Water baptism in Jesus' name and the unfilling of the Holy Ghost. And the Bible says that after 120 years of building the ark, and all of that time, no oppression to the people to repent and come into the ark before it reign, that God had a time limit. I mentioned it earlier in the message. He said, my spirit shall not always strive with man. And when God's time limit expired, God shut the door and it was too late for anyone else to be saved. It's intriguing to me that after God shut the door, it didn't immediately start raining seven days before it started raining. Can you imagine what was going on in that seven days, knowing his families shut up in the ark and all those people on the outside, the sunshine, all the cloud in the sky. You're talking about laughing and making fun. Hey, hey, Noah, getting hot in there. Hey, Noah, what's it smell like in that ark north, all of them animals in there? Hey, Noah, you kind of feel sort of little ridiculous now, Noah. You've been in there four days, five days. It's not raining. Noah, this ought to prove how ridiculous it was for you to build that boat and get inside of there. Now then, now then, you're going to have to come out of there and face the music. It ain't going to rain, no, it's not going to rain, but after seven days, all of a sudden, a dark bank of clouds come rushing in and lightning started flashing and sheets of rain started falling. Nobody's laughing now. No more jokes, no more ridicule, no more mockery, no, no, they're pounding on the door. They're screaming, no. Noah, we're the fools, Noah. Noah, come on, man, be merciful to us. Just open the door one more time. Let us give us one more chance, Noah. Noah, come on, man. My kids are crying. My wife, a family's dying, Noah, please open that door up. Just give us one more opportunity. How many opportunities did they have? How many times did they hear Noah preach to him and say, come on, please, please come join us in the ark. Please come get in the ark with us. I know you can't see it right now, but please just believe the word of God, have faith in the word of God. It's not going to be very long. When it's going to happen, brother, I don't know and you don't know. Jesus just said, be ready. If you're not ready, get ready because the most horrible feeling you've ever had in all of your life is when you find out you have been left behind. The trumpet is sounding. The rapture has taken place and you've been left behind. Never again. Oh, there's going to be praying. Church House is going to fill up. Altars are going to fill up. People are going to be crying and repenting and screaming and pleading God. God, just give me one more chance. Please God, just open the door just enough to let me in. I want to know, I want you to think about it tonight. Which side of the door are you on? Which side of that door? Which side of the door? You cannot afford to stay out there on the outside. You can't afford to stay out there on the outside. If you're not in, if you're not in, I'm talking about not just with your foot in the door, you've got to get all the way in before that God shuts the door before God shuts the door. I've been preaching for 51 years. I've felt a few times when I'm feeling the night I've felt a few times. I remember one service in particular, a young lady that had back slid out of the church. But she came to service that night. We had a guest speaker and he preached. Conviction fell. And that young lady, she come down the aisle and she stood right here at this front view. She stood right here at this front view. And when the evangelist stepped away from the pulpit, I went up to the pulpit and I looked at her and I called her, "But hang." And I said, "You need to pray tonight. You need to pray tonight." She hung her head, but she didn't come to the altar. She left that service. She never, she never made it back to church. Over she 21, 21 years old, 21 years old. Was it, was it the following Sunday or Sunday? The following Sunday, the following Sunday. We had another guest speaker with us that Sunday. We were setting at the dinner table after church on Sunday morning and the phone rang. And we answered the phone and it was this girl's mother. Her mother was in the church as a matter of fact. Her mama, her mama was on the 17th day of a 21 day fast. And she was screaming, "Pastor! Pastor God to the hospital." And she called her daughter's name and she said, "They, they, they think she's dead. She's not breathing pastor. My wife and I rushed, jumped in the car, drove to the hospital. They kept us out in the waiting room for a while with her brother, were praying. And they said, "You can come in." And we walked in to the intensive care unit where they had her laying out on a table. Her head was twisted out to the side. Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth and that 21-year-old girl was dead. She went out into eternity. She was on the wrong side of the door. I feel that urgency here again tonight. Somebody needs, somebody needs to pray. Why don't we stand together right now? Which side of the door are you on?