Apostolic Lighthouse

The Bible's Most Important Lesson - Bro Nathan Dudley

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Oh, praise God, amen, amen. Thank you, Jesus. Turning in our Bibles tonight to the book of Galatians, chapter number three, Galatians the third chapter. For those that may not know, we have a connection here that goes way, way back. My wife's grandfather was Brother Roy Rowley, and he used to come around here quite often. Him and Elder Triplett were very, very close friends. Those were two great men of God, amen, and we're doing our best to carry on the wonderful heritage that has been passed down to us. Galatians chapter number three, we're going to begin reading with verse number 22. We'll read three verses of Scripture from the third chapter of the book of Galatians. What the Scripture hath concluded all, understand that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that belief. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should after would be revealed, wherefore the law was our schoolmaster, to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Would you say amen to the reading of the Word of the Lord, and I'm going to do my best to preach just a little bit here, just for a little while, and that's always relative when a preacher says that. We want to talk to you for just a little bit tonight about the Bible's most important lesson, the Bible's most important lesson. When you hear that, you're going to perk years up, because everybody wants to know what is the most important lesson that I can learn from the Word of God. Amen? Amen. Would you pray with me one more time, let's ask God to talk to us tonight, Lord, in the name of Jesus, we come to your Lord sincerely desire in your health, holding God, the Holy Ghost, the minister to us, and for believing your Holy God, the Word of the Lord, the Lord, and the angels of the Spirit of God, help us tonight, Jesus, in the precious name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Thank you, God bless you, and you may be seated. I think that most of us tonight would acknowledge and agree that the Bible has the answer to the questions of life. The Bible will tell us how to grow up and become good respectable citizens. The Bible tells us how to treat our parents. The Bible tells us how to treat our children. The Bible teaches us how to treat our spouses. The Bible tells us how many genders there are. And the Bible tells us how to make sure that folks know which gender that we are. The Bible tells us who to marry, and it tells us who not to marry. The Bible tells us how to have a great marriage. And it also tells us how to have a terrible marriage. The Bible tells us how to raise good respectable children. And the Bible tells us how to raise full breaths. The Bible tells us what to eat. It also tells us what not to eat. It tells us what to wear. It tells us what we don't wear. The Bible even tells us what to think, and it tells us what not to think. It tells us what to say, and it tells us what we should not say. The Bible tells us where to go, and it tells us where that we should not go. The Bible tells us what friends we ought to have. And it tells us what friends that we ought not have. The Bible tells us how to do business, and how not to do business. The Bible tells us what to believe, and what not to believe. The Bible tells us what church to go to. And it tells us what church don't go to. The Bible tells us what to preach or ought to preach. And it tells us what to preach or ought not be preaching. The Bible tells us how to go to heaven. It also tells us how to go to hell. Anybody have any other questions you'd like to ask tonight? The Bible has the answer for you. It has the answer to all of life's questions. It has better answers than the doctor has. It's got better answers than the lawyer has. It's got a whole lot better answers than the psychologist has. It's got a whole lot better answers than the psychiatrist has. It's got better answers than Uncle Joel and Aunt Judy. It's got the best answer that you'll find anywhere in all of the world. But none of what we have already talked about and said tonight, none of these things is really the most important lesson that we can learn from the Word of God. The Bible is a book of two covenants. We know that there is a division in the Word of God. And we call those two covenants, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and everything that transpired in the Word of God, in the Old Testament, under the Old Covenant. Our scripture text says was a schoolmaster. It was there for a reason. Everything that happened in the Old Testament happened for a purpose, a specific purpose to teach us a specific lesson that we might learn something that is more important than any other lesson that the Bible has to teach us. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 15 and verse number four, and he said, "What's over things were written a four time, were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. What is it that the Old Testament wants to teach us? What is this most important lesson that we can learn from the Word of God?" In 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 11, again Paul said, "Now all these things happened unto them far in samples, and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. God is letting us know there's something that I'm trying to get through to you. And for 4,000 years he gives illustration, after illustration, example, after example, to bring us to one conclusion, to one primary lesson that all of the Word of God is trying to teach us in Hebrews chapter number eight, and beginning with verse number five. Now don't get impatient with me, we're going to tell you in just a few moments what this most important lesson is, but really you probably already know, you've probably already got it figured out, I'll just give you a little clue. It's not some mystical something that you've never heard before. When I tell you what it is you're going to say, "Oh come on brother Dudley, could you come up with anything with any greater revelation than that?" No, I can't. As a matter of fact, it is the revelation that God wants us to get, he wants us to have. Oh, he's trying to teach us for 4,000 years. And so Paul wrote in Hebrews chapter eight and verse number five, and he said, "Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God, when he was about to make the tabernacle for sea saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shown to thee in the mount. But now he hath obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much more also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises, for if that first covenant had been thoughtless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them he saith behold, the days cometh saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day, when I took them by the hand to leave them out of the land of Egypt, because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not saith the Lord, for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts, and I will beat to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. Oh yeah, I'm sure you're catching on real quick. The new covenant is the fulfillment of the old covenant. The old covenant gives us types and shadows and patterns that were of the physical realm of the natural realm, of the earthy if you please, but they were patterns and shadows of something that was heavenly, of something that was spiritual. Oh praise God, the reality, the reality is not the shadow, the reality is what's making the shadow, it's what's casting the shadow. We have the shadow in the Old Testament, the New Testament gives us the reality of the shadow. Praise God. Amen. That's why that my Bible says that God provided some better thing for us. Oh yeah, you read that book of Hebrews chapter 11, it tells us about the exploits of all of the heroes of faith, but when you get down to the end of the chapter, Paul said, "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, receive not the promise God, having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." Praise the Lord, amen. If you noticed in our scripture reading, our text tonight in Galatians chapter three and verse number 22, the apostle Paul said that the promise is given to them, that believe, and when the apostle Paul wrote to that Hebrew congregation, and he said, "They all obtained a good report through faith, but they received not the promise God, having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." We know what he was talking about. We know what the promise of the Father is. Jesus said, "Go to Jerusalem, and wait for the promise of the Father." He said, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you receive the promise of the Father, the promise that is given to them, that believe, Jesus stood on the great day of the feast and cried sing, 'If any man thirst, let him come unto me and shrink, for he that believe upon me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water, but the spakey of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive, but the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified." The prophet Jeremiah prophesied about it in Jeremiah chapter 31 and verse 33, "But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days say of the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people." Ezekiel prophesied about it in Ezekiel chapter 11, and I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you, and I'll take the stony heart out of your flesh, and I'll give you a heart of flesh that they may walk in my statutes and keep my ordinances and do them, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God. And again, Ezekiel said, "Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, everyone according to his ways say of the Lord God, 'Repit and turn yourselves from your transgressions, so iniquity shall not be your ruin, cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby you have transgressed, and make you a new heart and a new spirit, for why will you die, O house of Israel?" Again, Ezekiel in chapter 36, he said, "A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you." And then we go to the book of Isaiah chapter 28 and verse number 9, and he said, "Whom shall he teach you knowledge, and whom shall he make to understand doctrine, of them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast, for precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, hear a little, and hear a little, oh, for with stammering lips, and another tongue. Will he speak unto these people up, to whom he said this is the rest, wherewith ye shall calls up the weary rest, and this is the refreshing." Oh praise God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. And all of our reading of the Old Testament don't ever get the idea that it's just something that is to be scanned over and speed read, and hurry up and get through the Old Testament. No he said, "I've got a lesson I want you to learn. That's why I'm going to teach it this way, and that way, and another way. I'm going to teach it over, and over, and over, and over again, for 4,000 years. So by the time that you get from Genesis 1 to the end of the book of Malachi, you've got it way down deep on the inside of you, the lesson that I'm trying to teach you. It's the most important lesson of the Word of God, and it's this, it's not by might nor yet by power, but it's by my spirit to say of the Lord. Oh yeah, the simple, the simple lesson that is the most important lesson that you will ever learn from the Word of God is this simple fact, everybody needs the Holy Ghost. Everybody needs the Holy Ghost. You can't live for God without the Holy Ghost. You can't be an overcomer without the Holy Ghost. You can't resist temptation without the Holy Ghost. You can't overcome your flesh without the Holy Ghost. You can't defeat the devil without the Holy Ghost, but when you get the Holy Ghost, greater is he that is in you, that he that is in the world. Praise God, praise God. 4,000 years of life experiences, 4,000 years of history condensed into 39 books that we call the Old Testament, 4,000 years of emphasizing over and over and over again. There is none good, no, not one. There is none righteous, no, not one. There is none that pleases God, no, not one. For they that are in the flesh cannot please God, they that are in the flesh are not subject to the law of God and neither indeed can they be, so that they that are in the flesh cannot please him, 4,000 years of lessons of types of shadows teaching us over and over and over again, there is only one hope for man, there is only one hope for man, there is just one hope for man. You must be born again, you must be born again, oh yeah, oh yeah, you don't think this is the most important lesson of the word of God, why don't you take Jesus, why don't you take what he has to say, oh master, we know the power of God, for no man can do these things except God be with him. This is in the very beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ in John chapter number 3, oh yeah, and Nicodemus is a pastor of the local synagogue, yeah, he is the pastor of the local assembly and he comes to Jesus by night and he says we know you are of God, nobody can do the miracles you are doing except God be with him. Jesus didn't, Jesus didn't acknowledge what Nicodemus said, he didn't say thank you, I appreciate the compliment, he got down to the point, he got down to the most important lesson that everybody has got to learn. Nicodemus, you must be born again, Nicodemus, you must be born again, for except a man is born of the water and of the spirit, he cannot enter, he cannot see the kingdom of God. You got to be born again Nicodemus, you need a new birth, you got to die, you got to die, you got to get buried, you got to have a resurrection, you got to repent, you got to get baptized in Jesus' name for the remission of your sins and get the Holy Ghost. Praise God, praise God, praise God, Jesus let it be known in the very beginning of his ministry, this is what I want you to know, this is what I come to tell you. This is the gospel I've come to preach to you, you've got to be born again. Peter, I'm giving you the keys to the kingdom and whatever you bind on earth is going to be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is going to be loosed in heaven. What are you going to preach to the church in the very genesis of its preaching? That's the first message to the world going to be in the New Testament, under the New Covenant. What's that most important message that I've got to tell you, Minute Brother, in what shall we do? And then Peter said unto them, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Praise the Lord, praise the Lord somebody. Hallelujah, somebody, law it a cop. Somebody tell me, somebody tell me what's more important in all of a person's lifetime than receiving the Holy Ghost. Tell me something that's more important in your lifetime than receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, praise God. Sit down if you would please, amen, praise the Lord, oh thank you Jesus. I'm sure that there are many here in this house tonight that if you didn't, if you didn't grow up in an apostolic church, you came and you begin to hear the preacher preach about the Holy Ghost and you thought, oh yeah, yeah I'm sure that's good, I'm sure that's a nice experience to have, but you really didn't understand. You really didn't know what you thought you knew, you really didn't imagine that it could be what it is, is there anybody here in the house tonight that would say before I got it, I never thought it, but after I got it, I want the world to know, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. This is the best thing that has ever, oh hallelujah Jesus, praise God. I can assure you, you don't have to come out of the world to have that testimony. I was born into an apostolic home, I grew up in an apostolic church and I'm here to testify tonight, I'm 68 years old, I don't want to look but 38, but I'm 68 years old and I've had the Holy Ghost for over 50 years and I can testify to you tonight, the best thing that has ever happened to me was to not God steal me with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Nothing in life has ever even come close. No other experience I've ever had in life has even come close to receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Let me tell you young people, more than you need a college degree, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need a new pickup, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need a new dress or a new pair of shoes, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need a husband or you need a wife, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need a hundred thousand year, a hundred thousand dollar a year job, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need a motorcycle, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need an iPad, you need the Holy Ghost. More than you need an iPhone, you need the Holy Ghost. Let me assure you, you don't need drugs, you need the Holy Ghost. You don't need alcohol, you need the Holy Ghost. You don't need cigarettes, you need the Holy Ghost. You don't need pornography, you need the Holy Ghost. You don't need fornication, you need the Holy Ghost. Oh yeah, it's not enough, it's not enough that you can take me to the place and tell me the day and the hour that God fills you with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's wonderful that you know when it happens and when you get the real thing you will know when it happens and you will be able to point back to that moment and take us back to that place and tell us it was on this day, it was at this place, it was on this spot when God filled me with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful experience, Him and I know that those of you that haven't received it yet are thinking that I'm overdoing it. You're thinking that I'm just making it bigger and better than what it really is. But the truth of the matter is that the little puny vocabulary that this preacher's got can't even begin to describe how wonderful the Holy Ghost is. Even the Apostle Peter said it is joy, unspeakable and full of glory. Oh yeah, oh yeah, and if you don't believe what this preacher's saying, then I've got a challenge for you, I've got a challenge for you. Just come taste and see. Just come taste and see, we'll praise God and we'll take it a step further than that. I'll give you a money back guarantee. You come get the real genuine Holy Ghost and if it's not the best thing that's ever happened to you in all of your life, praise God. Whatever you're putting the offering tonight, I'll double it back to you and double it in the altar and in the offering if you please, praise God, how can you beat that kind of a proposition, a money back double your money back guarantee? That's how good the Holy Ghost is. You hear people say, do I really have to have the Holy Ghost to go to heaven? First of all, let me tell you, if you only knew the gift of God, like Jesus told that woman at the well, if you only knew the gift of God and who it is that sayeth unto thee, give me to drink, you would have asked of him and he would have given you living water that you should never thirst again. If you only knew how good the Holy Ghost is, you wouldn't be asking, do I have to have it? Oh no, you wouldn't be asking, do I have to have the Holy Ghost to go to heaven? You'd be wanted whether you had to have it or not. You'd be saying my, my, my, I'm so glad I went to that altar, repented of my sins and received the wonderful baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Let me answer your question. Let me answer your question, do I have to have the Holy Ghost to go to heaven? I'm going to answer it in a few different ways, but let me just tell you this. I don't even want to try to go to Walmart without the Holy Ghost. Much less try to go to heaven without the Holy Ghost. I don't want to step out of my house in the morning without the Holy Ghost. Much less try to go to heaven without the Holy Ghost. Oh my goodness. If you only knew how wonderful the Holy Ghost is, but I want to assure you the Bible teaches you can't go to heaven without the Holy Ghost. That's the lesson that the Word of God is trying to get through to everybody is you've got to have the Holy Ghost. You've got to have it. You can't live for God without the Holy Ghost. The Scripture says no man can call him Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Is that in your Bible? You say well, well sure we can. Anybody can say well Lord, Lord, but that's not what the Scripture is talking about. You can say Lord, Lord, but that don't mean he's your Lord. He'll never be your Lord until you get the Holy Ghost. Nobody can really call him Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Because when you get the Holy Ghost then and only then are you totally submitted and he's not Lord until you're submitted. He gives the Holy Ghost to them, that obey him. The Bible says if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Scripture says if the Spirit of him that raised up Christ from the dead dwell in you, then he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit. That twelfth in you. That's talking about when the trumpet sounds and the rapture takes place, nobody's going in the rapture that don't have the Holy Ghost. But the same Spirit that brought Jesus out of the grave is the Spirit that's going to change us when the trumpet sounds. The same Spirit that quickened that dead body and brought it out of the tomb is the Spirit on the inside of us that's going to quicken us when we hear the sound of the trumpet. And we're going to be changed in a moment in the twiggly of an eye. And this mortal's going to put on immortality and this corruptible's going to put on incorruption. And this is going to be brought to pass the saying that is written, "O Death, where is that sting, O grave, where is that victory?" This is God, the Book of Jude, that real long book at the end of the New Testament. One chapter long, that all what a message. It talks about the apostates. It talks about those that are filthy dreamers, that despise, dominion, speak evil abignoties, talks about brute beasts that corrupt themselves. That have gone in the way of Cain, ran greedily after the era of Balaam perished in the Gainsay and of Cora, it calls them spots in your feast of charity, feasting with you, feeding themselves without fear, clouds, without water, cared about of winds, trees, whose fruit withers, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, rage and waves of the sea, forming out their own shame, wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness, darkness forever, murmurs, complainers, walking after their own lust. Their mouth speaks great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. What's wrong with these folks? What's the problem with these people? Verse 19 tells us, that's right elder, verse 19 tells us what's wrong with them. He, Jude, said these be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the spirit. This is what happens to people that have had the Holy Ghost, that don't keep the Holy Ghost. Jude is telling us what happens to us if we don't keep the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is not a once and all and once in a lifetime experience. The Holy Ghost is intended to be renewed. God intends for us to keep the Holy Ghost, treasure the Holy Ghost. We have this treasure in earthen vessels, what do you do with that treasure? You better cherish it, protect it, take care of it, don't wrap it up in a napkin and set it up on a shelf. Amen, keep it alive, keep it vibrant, keep it fervent. How do you do that, by a daily renewing in the Holy Ghost? Though this outward man parishes, the inward man is renewed, how, day by day, not Sunday night by Sunday night, not revival by revival, but day by day, I need a daily renewing in the Holy Ghost. There's two things that we need to do every day, we need to die and we need to get resurrected. Paul said I die daily and the Bible says that we are renewed day by day, death, that's repentance, resurrection, what is that? That's the Holy Ghost, right? We need to die every day. We got to crucify the flesh and come alive in the Spirit, amen? And we need to do it every day in order to stay fresh in God, in order to stay alive in God, in order to remain powerful in God, in order to keep the power of the Holy Ghost. And let me tell you, the Holy Ghost is the most powerful thing in all of the world. Jesus said and you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you. And then you shall be witnesses. You can't be a witness without the Holy Ghost. You're a false witness without the Holy Ghost, because without the Holy Ghost you're going to live in sin, without the Holy Ghost you're going to give in to your flesh, without the Holy Ghost the devil's going to conquer you, without the Holy Ghost you're going to give in to temptation, without the Holy Ghost you're going to live in sin, you're going to do it because you don't have the power in your flesh to resist. All you know, don't lie to yourself and don't let the devil out of you, you've got to have the Holy Ghost to get the victory over sin, you've got to have the Holy Ghost to have power over the devil, you've got to have the Holy Ghost to have power over temptation. And let me assure you that when you get the Holy Ghost it's not just barely enough power. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, we know where that word power, where it originated, what's the Greek, dunamis, dunamis is the Greek for power in Acts 1 and 8, what English word do we derive from the Greek word dunamis, y'all know what's the English word, dynamite, that's where we get our word, English word dynamite, it comes from the Greek word dunamis, that's the word that is translated power in Acts 1 and 8 and you shall receive power, you shall receive dynamite when you get the Holy Ghost, you know what, you know what you're going to dynamite, you're going to dynamite the devil out of your life, you're going to dynamite the hell out of your life, oh hallelujah, oh no, oh no, oh no, the Holy Ghost didn't just a little firecracker, the Holy Ghost didn't just a little lady's finger, you know that's one of them little bitty firecrackers, the Holy Ghost didn't just one of them little atom balls, no, no the Holy Ghost just dynamite, that's why, that's why Paul said, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the dynamite of God, it is the power of God, it is the dynamite of God unto salvation, when you get this Holy Ghost you got dynamite salvation, you got dynamite power, that's why Jesus said, I give unto you power to tread on servants and on scorpions and over all of the power of the enemy so that nothing shall by any means hurt you, oh hallelujah, praise God, amen, amen, and I can tell you tonight, some folks here tonight need the Holy Ghost, there's some folks tonight that need the Holy Ghost, but it's not just some folks tonight that need the Holy Ghost that have never had the Holy Ghost before, there's some folks in this house tonight, it's been a long time since you got a renewing in the Holy Ghost, it's been way too long since you've had a renewing in the Holy Ghost, how long has it been since you really got in the Spirit and we're speaking in other times as the Spirit of God gives the other, how long has it been since you, since you, not since somebody else, but how long has it been since you got on a Holy Ghost drunk, when they come out of that upper room on the day of Pentecost, the crowd that gathered around said, what's going on here, we've never seen church like this before, I think they've been up there drinking, that's what they've been doing, these men are drunk, but Peter stood up with the 11th and said, these folks are not drunk like you think they are, it's just nine o'clock in the morning, but this is that that was spoken by the Prophet Joel, in the last days to God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all pleasure, oh, Hallelujah, praise God, praise God, oh Jesus, Hallelujah, amen, amen, do you know the problem, the problem in Pentecost, the problem, can I preach about it just a little bit here, tonight, the problem not just in Pentecost but among the apostolic cranks, we've got, we've got two minutes social drinkers, we've got two minutes social drinkers, you know what a social drinker is, social drinkers, you know, that's the fella that goes to the, the fella that goes to the bar, and he knows just how much to drink without losing control, and he's a social drink, he don't want to lose his dignity, so he feels the influence of it, and when he feels like he's just about to lose control, he says, that's it, I'm not going any further, I am not going to get drunk, I'm just going, I'm feeling pretty good, that's enough, I don't want to, I don't want to mess my hair up, I don't want to mess my clothes up, I don't want to act like a fool, and I don't want folks seeing me all just, you know, but then there's that old fella that, that, we used to call them such, y'all, y'all, you ever heard that term, just call them a sod, and that means that they just, they're just drunk, I mean they're drunk, they, they don't stop just when they get a good feeling, they put it back up on the, they, they put the shot glass back up there and say, poor me or nothing other one, poor, poor me or another one, and, and they just keep, ah, whoa, when you like some, good stuff buddy is good stuff, yeah, yeah, and you know when they stop they're laying flat on the back, passed out, some of you know what I'm talking about, because you did that out there in the world, yeah, every Friday night, Saturday night, you was on a drunk, you didn't stop until you was just, you were, you was, you didn't have a care in the world, yeah, they, just kept on drinking, you know, and, and, and that old drunk, you ain't got no, you don't have no pride left, nine, oh, ah, oh how refreshing, hey, hey, don't worry, if you don't want it, you won't get it, this stuff's too precious for God to waste it on people that don't want it, this Holy Ghost is too precious for God to waste on folks that aren't hungry for it, that are just social drinkers, just give me my little touch, just let me get my little touch in church, that's all I'm interested in, oh, didn't we have a good service tonight, I felt the touch of God, oh, just, it just, I got butterflies, oh, it just felt so good, but you don't, you don't, you, how long has it been since you was carrying away in the Holy Ghost, you say, well, that don't happen anymore, I dare, I dare to differ with you, I'm sure it happens from time to time here still, because I can tell this kind, this church is, and the leadership of this church, they're not going, they're not going to be satisfied with just a little touch, no, we won't ever think, we won't ever think, we won't ever think God has for it, and every service that we come to, we want to get everything that we can get, we're not going to be intent just to, just to get a little touch and go our way and be happy with just a little touch of God in church, no God, no God, I'm going to put it right back up there, I'm going to say God, pour me another one up, I won't ever think I can get from you tonight God, I won't all, you, you read, you read your Bible, you read the book of Acts, you read and you notice, you take note of the premium that the book of Acts puts on being full of the Holy Ghost, full of the Holy Ghost, when it talks about men that were used of God in the book of Acts, you'll find that description of them, they were full, and Stephen being full, and Philippian, full, and the disciples being full, and they prayed until the place was shaken, where they were a symbol together, and they were all filled, filled with the Holy Ghost, God, God, God, God, hello, has it been since you checked your oil, pull the dipstick out, hoo, two courts low, wow, that's not good enough folks, it's not good enough, you know the machinery can clank on for a little while, even after the oil has all run out, but it's headed for a catastrophe failure, if you don't get some oil back in there real quick, oh, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, that was prophecy, you hear what I'm telling you, that was prophetic, somebody here tonight is running low on oil, and you're headed for a catastrophe, if you don't get a renewing of the Holy Ghost, and I'm talking about real quick, you've already gone further than you thought you'd ever go, you're already involved in things that you didn't think you'd ever get involved in after God saved you, and you're headed for a catastrophe, if you don't hit the altar and get a, oh no, no, no, no, I'm sorry, I don't play these kind of games, friend, this isn't some kind, this isn't some kind of a problem, oh no, this is the Holy Ghost reaching for somebody that's here in this service tonight, some young person, oh no, no, don't have to be some young person, maybe it's a mom, it's a dad, it can be somebody in their 50s or 60s, but it's been so long since you've had a renewing of the Holy Ghost, you know how to come and go through the motions, but they all listen there any longer, oh, it's not coming from way down deep on the inside anymore, it's not hard to help, you can clap your hands, you can stand your feet, you can raise your hands, you can say amen, it's hollow, it's empty, it's empty, it's empty, in Jesus name, let's stand our feet tonight, let's stand our feet tonight, let me, let me assure you, listen to me tonight, now I didn't intend for this message to end like it's ending, but I can also assure you that the Holy Ghost is in it, God cares enough about somebody here, that you have allowed yourself to become cold and indifferent in God, you're not where that you need to be, it's been way too long since you've really prayed through, I want you to close your eyes with me if you would please, there's a difference, there's a difference in that daily renewing in the Holy Ghost and praying through, we probably at times use those terms interchangeably, but in my mind there's a difference, that daily renewing when you stay renewed in the Holy Ghost every day, it's not hard to get in the Spirit, you go to the altar, you go to the prayer room and it's not long until you're feeling God, you're getting in the Holy Ghost, you're speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit of God gives the utterance, but the longer you go without getting that daily renewal of the Holy Ghost, the more of this world attaches itself to you, the more of carnal spirits and even demonic spirits begin to attach themselves to you, so that the longer that you go without the Holy Ghost, without that renewing in the Holy Ghost, when you finally make up your mind, I'm going to get back to where I need to be with God, it's not going to be that easy daily renewing, you've got things you've got to pray through now, you've got to pray through that old gnastest carnal mind that has got a whole love you, that old gnastest carnal spirit that you've allowed to accumulate, that old pornographic spirit that's got on you, you've been looking at things, you won't have any business, the Holy Ghost has got your number tonight, and the Holy Ghost is trying to help you, the Holy Ghost is trying to help you in Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, that you better listen, you better listen, you better listen, you better listen because God's talking to you tonight. I know all you see is a man up here preaching, but I'm telling you God's talking to you tonight, and God's telling you if you don't get prayed through now, you're on the brink of a catastrophe, you're on the brink of a spiritual catastrophe in your life, if you don't get prayed through, if you don't pray through, or when the spirit goes out of a man, walks to dry places, seek and rest, and find in nine, it gets seven more spirits than comes back, and finds that house empty, the void of the Holy Ghost, and it's a whole lot worse than we ever dreamed that it could be. This is destroyed, families devastated, somebody out of here that's preaching the night! Somebody better forget about their pride, what are people gonna think it'll matter? My souls at stake, in no matter, I've been so selfish, in no matter, I'm about to destroy my marriage, my whole, my family, my God, my God, my God, the Holy Ghost is down with you, the preacher has preached over the pulpit to you, not knowing for sure who, but just knowing something's wrong somewhere, somebody's in trouble, the spirit's convicted you, you brushed that aside, the word's been preached to you, and you've brushed that aside. And there's one more, there's one more, there's one more way and means in which the Holy Ghost is gonna try to stop you, the man's gonna come and stand before you and say, you're the man, David, you're the man, you're the man, you're the man, you're the man. This altar's open tonight, if anybody, if anybody wants to come. soldiers open tonight. If anybody wants to pray.