Apostolic Lighthouse

Avoiding Deception - Pastor Sampson

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
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even my own speech. But it sounds like I'm underwater and makes it very difficult to meditate and even study and to be effective, but men, by the Caleb and myself talking, so what are we going to do Sunday in? So it kind of casts lots, as the old saying said, and I said, I'll take Sunday morning and save someone a little younger and more lively for the evening service, hallelujah. But this thought was on my mind, and I just came across it in Bible reading, and it just struck a note. And I think I'll go to that first this morning, and that's going to be 1 Timothy 4 and 1. And we see here, give you just a second to get that. And if you've got to say, man, 1 Timothy 4 and 1, and this is Paul. He's really, he's actually prophesying 2 over 2000 years ago about a situation that you and I are going to face. And man, by the Winkler, I see it in effect, and we'll go ahead and read and I'll let you be seated. But it's said now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith. What's going to cause us departure from the faith? And it's giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared, this Greek word here used, "seared" is like a modern-day word, cauterized with a hot iron. You may be seated this morning. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, cauterized, a lot of times work in cattle. We dehorn, there's various different methods of dehorning. Some you can just ban the horn and eventually it falls off. Or you could just get a little guillotine like thing that you can just crush them and slice them off. Or you can take a little cable saw thing and saw them off. None of it's real pleasant, but if you're working around them, sometimes you need to do this because liability purposes. But anyway, when you get done with this, a lot of times there'll just be several where the blood vessels flow through those horns. There'll just be several sprays of blood coming out, just little squirts, just little streams coming out. And to avoid that, you have a hot iron there and you cauterize that, you sear those blood vessels off and you stop that flow. And this word that it's talking about, it's seared over and it doesn't grow back because you've killed cell growth. You've killed the life supply to this horn and you've seared it and it's just cut off. And Paul is prophesying this, this is what you're going to see come to pass in the last day. People's going to have their conscience cauterize, they're going to be seared within a hot iron. And the way that this is going to do it is given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. And I want to go also to second Thessalonians with the second chapter. I'll probably deal with this, with this chapter in its entirety, 17 verses. And I know that sounds long, can be long. I told you last week I felt like I was going to be long and I was true to my Ryan shaking his head. Yes, you were. My wife has advised me that I was planning lengthy and so I'll try not to be that long this morning but I'm not in a fast mode yet this morning. Don't know that I will be but we'll try to get this done. The children come down at 11.30 and I was advised what kind of a job it is to keep them controlled in that entryway. So I'll try not to put them through that torture today. Hallelujah. But second Thessalonians, the second chapter and there'll be some key verses I want to deal with here but we're going to start at the verse verse again and I said now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him that you soon, that you be not soon shaken in your mind or be troubled. A lot of times people get troubled in their mind and they get shaken and Bible talks about you're unstable. Was it Ruben? He was talking about you're unstable. Unstable is water. You're like a reed shaking in the wind. Just Bible talks about being tossed to and fro by every wind and doctrine and just everything that comes along throws them in a turmoil. Throws them in a tizzy if you please. But I'm thankful for today that people have got the Word of God by the Anthony in their mind and in their heart and in their soul and their steadfast. They're unmovable. They're unshakeable. Their minds made up. I've got my foot on the rock and my mind is made up. Hallelujah. I don't want to be double-minded. I don't want to make unwise decisions. I don't want to be like the foolish man that comedies will all just build me a house right here. He just began to build right upon the sand and you know in the aftermath of that building on the sand. Never had a firm foundation when the winds began to gum. The rains came. The winds blew and the fall of that house was great because there was no stability to it. But the wise man, he built his house on a rock. Hallelujah. When I go by and I see people putting in a big wide foundation, I see them putting the steel in that foundation and they're pouring that heavy grade of concrete in that. They're not going cheap and you might get by it with some cheaper material somewhere through the building program. But you better not compromise the hell on that foundation and building on a firm foundation and it'll stand the test of time. You won't see stress cracks all over the house. You won't be a sassy sagging and hanging down because it's a firm foundation and that's the way we need to be in our mind. We need to be stable and you know I see in this day and age we have people that couldn't make a wise decision if their life depended on it. Everything they do is just seem like it comes to not in business and whatever. They just can't never put it together. But then you know they can come to the house of God and come to prayer and God can just show them all kinds of things and all kinds of problems with the church and they can't even run their own life, must less you know God give them direction for the church. Hallelujah. I'm kind of like brother Anthony Mangum, a Pentecost preacher there in Alexandria, Louisiana. They was coming trying to put some more churches in Alexandria and brother Mangum got up and made this statement. He said God will speak to me for Alexandria. I'll get the word of God for Alexandria. Hallelujah. So I feel like if God's going to speak to the church he's going to do it through the ministry. Hallelujah. Now you may have some impressions faults with the church and things it's going on but usually if you'll have yourself a good prayer meeting and fast and pray where you need to be that you'll realize where the problem was. Hallelujah. But he said that you not soon be shaken in your mind or troubled, neither by your spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand. He's coming. There's going to right at the coming of the Lord there is going to be trouble. There's going to be controversy there is going to be a wave of deception that sweeps through the congregation of the Lord. Even as in Paul's day he's talking about nor by letter there was some letters that was forged like the apostles wrote them and they were sent out through the churches and it was causing a lot of chaos and it was about the resurrection and it was about circumcision and man they were just working on the church and man Paul and in several different instances is making a reference to this and he skits up brother Long and he makes a defense for the gospel and he makes a defense for the church and there comes a time in each and every one of our lives as a Christian that we have to set a defense for what we believe what we stand for and what we live and not be shaken in our mind by some little wind of doctrine that flows through. I remember when the serpent seed in the predestination. Oh man these great men got this great revelation and here they come with it. I've seen the churches they begin to be destroyed and infiltrated with this doctrine. I talked to a lady here wall back in a denominal move and it's sister Stacy's step mom or her dad's mom. But anyway she was talking about in this movement that this doctrine is coming back these new young ministers that's coming out of the seminaries and the colleges and there. She said if you go to bring in a new pastor you have to really interrogate them to make sure that they've not been indoctrinated with this this doctrine this serpent seed this predestination. You know what saved and always saved and that's what it started out but now it's even gone in to be predestinated so you have to watch these things just keep coming again the church and it was in Paul's day he's prophesying this already it's going forth the adversary the antichrist it's moving against the church Paul's prophesying it's going to come and it's set in the stage for deception and we see it in our colleges we see it in our our schools we see it all in in about every place that deception is coming and we'll deal just a little bit more about this but these letters and all these people that was coming against the church let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and the more you see this deception begin to get a hold in the church you know one thing the Bible talks about lift up your eyes it was also talking about a great falling away in things that were transpiring in the religious world and in the world of that time and the prophecy was when you see these things don't be shaken just stay steadfast but lift up your eyes and look because your redemption is drawing now the more you see this taking place in the world and in the church world you know one thing he knows his time short he knows he's got to work hard he knows he's got to he's got to he's got to work fast and he's going to war against the church and when these things begin to happen we're going to lift up our eyes and we're going to know man that man of sin is going to be revealed and people's going to begin to swallow that up and they're going to he said he's going to work miracles are going to call fire down from heaven they're going to do all of this miraculous works but the Bible said don't be deceived this is not the Christ this is not him i don't care if he comes you know if you go into the desert or or or see all of these great things uh that's taken place don't don't don't be deceived by that it's not Christ it's not God it's not God in action there's a deception that's taken place and it's in it boggles it's mind boggling that how people will grab after these deceptive uh doctrines that come forth and if you need an explanation you read the history of Jim Jones uh uh in in in the in the country of Guyana when all of these hundreds and hundreds of people lined up at the call and began to take this purple too late and drink it and feed it to their children and some realized uh before they could get through the line uh what was taking place uh through this deception and they begin to run and flee for their life and they begin to mow them down uh as reality come we've been deceived this is not of God god is a god of life god's a god of love and all of a sudden through that they realize that this deception brother cadric has brought death it's brought chaos uh and they they realize we need to get away from this uh we need to flee and it's still a lot of them did escape but a lot of them still it cost them their life even in the bible when the lord said don't let your seed pass through the arms of Moloch this brass molten furnace that they heated up shaped like this and people were so deceived even after the word of god telling them don't let your seed pass through the arms of Moloch but they become so deceived of pleasing this god that they would take their children when they got this thing just brazen hot and would lay their children in the arms and the drums would be so loud so uh they and they said to drown out the screams and the cries uh of the children that was being offered up and uh uh why they wanted to drown in cloud the mind uh and their vision of of what was taken place uh with their own seed and uh didn't want this didn't want them to realize hey this is a deception in action right here this is the aftermath of it but still yet today we see people under the influence of evil counsel oh they're being entertained by thought and they don't have enough of the holy ghost in their life to realize hey this is not of god this is not biblical these thoughts that i'm having oh man i'm telling you just because they're coming to church sister matherly stepped out on the porch yesterday and told me a horrendous story of a young man that started coming to the church and he was an older men to age middle-aged man coming to the church oh but thank god for a pastor's wife that had just a little pre-monition of something that is all centered i'm telling you something we that's why we pray around apostolic lighthouse that's why we travail sometimes that's why we'll go 30 minutes into the service still praying still travailing why i want to get all the deception i want to get everything that's not right out of our lives out of our heart and out of our mind let's make the story short pastor's wife goes to the pastor and some of the members there's something that's not right here there's something that's out of line they begin to investigate this young man it finally wound up calling the authorities to his home he had fell in love with a little 14-year-old girl in the congregation had already had his car loaded down with gifts and things for this young 14-year-old girl they come to the conclusion and he admitted he was in love told the people i'm in love with your 14-year-old daughter and was fixing to kidnap her and god only knows the results and actions of that deception that got a hold of that man but our world is full of that today people are deceived humanism if my heart don't come in there's nothing wrong with it we'll take something america's in a sad state today we can do a lot of things that doesn't condemn us anymore there's no conviction there's nothing that's speaking to the heart that's why young men young ladies and we often refer to that because they're young and full of venom vitality and whatever all them old timers used to call it but it's the old men set in the congregation that these spirits work on these spirits get a hold of and finally comes to the point that it doesn't convict them anymore it may have started by just an accident entering this a search into a search engine that can bring up sometimes that's not near what she was trying to find out about then sometimes that saved maybe they just go back sometimes just to review the mistake and see how did i make this mistake and this same thing happens and then they'll go a while and then frequently it becomes more frequent they begin to visit this mistake that they made and to look at this and then after a while it becomes a stronghold i use a saying about there's a knock at the door then there's a toe hole the salesman you go i said we're not interested you go to close the door he puts his toe in the door but just one minute just just just look right here i'm just one one minute of your time and i'm going to go not very long it's from a toe hole to a foothold and then a stronghold and then a total possession simply because opening the door sometimes my phone will ring i'm going to ask you who has this oh don't open that it'll be spam or esker god only knows how many political calls you can get a week thank god for what do they call that when they call you know identifies or caller and uh but these things you know they just seek they just get in and once you just a lot of times some of these scammers you just open just open your phone and they're in there and that's the way it is when you begin to open the mind just just let a little thought teary there longer than it should be after a while that thing's got a little hold and after a while i've foothold a stronghold lippers and then it's finally a possession why because you kept entertaining that you kept going back to it finally you know what you wind up with you wind up with a broken home lost family just the other day in our ranks and if i call the name a lot of people would know he's preached in our pulpit before finally inherited the church of his dreams his lifelong desire was to pastor this one specific church a nice congregation good congregation begin to entertain thoughts and in less than three years he loses his life long desire and his hope because of thoughts that he began to entertain now he's a man more or less without a country he'll find someplace that he'll use him it'll find someplace that that will preach him talking yesterday i was sitting and talking with the gentleman that i just met and we hadn't talked very long was talking about the lord the goodness of the lord and he began to tell me that he was lucky even to be alive he said when i was 12 years old the church that i attend my dad preached at talking about how things can get in deception it's all right it'll work things will work out good for you he got up one sunday morning and resigned his church his position in the church and resigned on monday morning the gentleman began to tell me my dad divorced my mom and then he divorced all of us and he said for the samsung he said i had so much hate so much bitterness you see the train chain reaction of deception when it gets a hold of the mind it looks so harmless it looks it looks so it looks so good yeah i don't know if i'm just a magnet but i another gentleman that used to preach here and and i think almost one of the last messages that he preached in our pulpit was on the oneness of god so profound and so so precise that even those that did not believe in in in in the way that he preached it he they come up and said man you can't argue with scripture that was the best i ever heard on the oneness of god one day i received a phone call of a young man that was in that church from our church and he said brother samsung i said yes sir he said i don't i'm getting a little concerned he said i don't think this man believes what we believe i said oh brother no no no you just stay with him you just stay with him and when he gets done you'll understand it i said i've heard him he he's as good as you've ever heard and i pushed this young man even farther into this deception and finally it come he said no it's it's not right it's getting worse it's it's getting farther out there and i yeah i got a phone call i i just want to know where the samsung are you on my side are you for me i said i'm for you i said you you get out of there and he got out of there but i see a lot of families that don't even go there today but through this through this deception there's chaos there's it just seems like they're they're they can't find any hope can't find any anything that will really satisfy them like the truth of the apostolic doctrine satisfies when you finally just sell out and you get get a hold of it and you just give all yourself over to god and you know that you're in the arms of something you can trust there's no deception there's no uncertainty there but you know that there's a god and that he reigns in your heart but it said let no man deceive you bitterness rejection hatred all of these things once this this deception takes place and and gets a hold and demons that's that's what they work at they want to uh they want to have an embodiment they uh they want to control and then that's what that's what they work at we've seen america over the years there's seem like we'll have revival and then we go back into apostasy we have revival we go back into apostasy and less and less we're seeing azusa streets and what they was having down there in florida brownsville i think the brownsville revival i knew a lot of friends uh from this area that would go down and they would take their children down to florida to experience uh uh this move of revival but then we pull back my bible tells me of a instance of a vessel that was swept and garnished and cleaned that it remained empty but it came back and when it came back it couldn't find a dwelling place and after a while out of all of it searching i'll go back to where i came from and they go back and they find it swept and garnished this temple this example here that we're hearing about was cleaned and garnished it was it was perfect it was like the five wise and five foolish virgins they were still pure they were still virtuous but they were foolish swept and garnished but empty why do you push prayer for the samsung why do you push fasting brother samsung why do you push reading bible reading in the word of god brother samsung why do you push that so you will be full of the holy goes full of the spirit of god and when this deceiver comes by there's no room for deception in there because you've got to walk with god you're unmovable you're unshakable your desires is not on this world your affections are set on things or above but if you just set around with a little bit of just about half full these deceptive thoughts can be getting in and they'll work on you and they'll stray you away from the doctrine that you've heard all of your life they'll stray you away and they'll put questions in you you'll begin to question your godhead you'll begin to question your holiness you'll be you'll begin to question all your previous prior convictions uh they'll be begin to work on you ran out of gas one time my dad said son if you'll keep a half a tank you'll never run out of gas i said that makes sense dad he said i'm talking about the top half keep the top half full you'll never run out it's what i'm talking about this morning just living for god half full you're you're going to wind up running out man the other here wall back we were coming from uh downward brother adam anthony lives uh what's the name of that place louisiana uh ponsatula and uh coming back and uh gps had it on that woman's voice and uh should have had it on the man's voice i guess but that thing began to take us off through that mississippi delta and uh had a story on on the radio and uh playing that thing and i'm just going along and pretty soon i look down and i have a low fuel alert that's flashing and i've got about 40 some mile to empty i said that ain't no problem there'll be a 40 mile you find 20 gas stations well i soon found out going through that mississippi delta nothing but farmland and man that thing began to get lower and lower and lower and pretty soon we're like 1520 mile to empty and we google she googles the nearest gas station and it began to take us all through the cotton fields back in and i don't know remember the name of that little bitty town out there they had one gas station and i didn't stand around to wonder if it's good gas or bad gas it was just gas and that gave me hope hallelujah that's what the spirit who god does man when i could get full of the holy ghost when i've been fighting the hill i've been fighting temptation i've been fighting discouragement i could come into the house of god and get a full tank i'm encouraged i'm back on the road i'm traveling and i'm telling some feeling good about myself but we need to stay full of the holy ghost but this falling away that we're talking about we're beginning to see that in the church world today people that's lived for god all their life all of a sudden maybe you see a post or some and you recognize they're not what they used to be i have family you can try to talk to them they're sweet they're sweethearts they're good people gentlemen but the only logical description that they can give you or explanation is i just i just don't feel like it takes all of that and i don't feel like i preach one thing that's not in this bible paul said if you start preaching something that's in this bible paul said though we are an angel from heaven come preaching any other gospel than this that we've already preached to you let him be a curse what the apostle paul is saying if i go away to corinth or to roam or wherever and i come back and i'm preaching something contrary to what i've already preached you discard me it's communicate me because i'm not preaching what we were preaching in the beginning and that's the unadulterated word of god it may not fit your societal views today in your ideology of today but it's still the unadulterated word of god yesterday today forever it stands if it took holiness separation from the world uh uh to be saved in axe 238 salvation then it still takes it today i don't care what humanistic views and approaches that take but i'm telling you something deception is dangerous i've been living for god all of my life i had ups and downs and cold spells when i was a teenager and living for god and discouragement not figuring out how to handle it but just through good support of of of a good church family and a good pastor that came after me and when i come and i sat down on the back with 200 and whatever people there he stopped that service and he called my name he brought me up to the front and they prayed and when i didn't want to pray and i had other things on my mind and brother uh jones they stayed with me and he prayed with me and the church prayed with me and pretty soon i just surrendered to god gave up all the young foolish ideas that i had wanted to be cool living like the world and i surrendered to god i want to tell you something that was the best choice of my life i was under deception i had good friends that was pulling at me uh you tell them you're all right you tell them you got it figured out you tell them you know what you know what you're doing that's what my friends in the world was telling me but when i felt that calling of god i felt like god had that special call when he let judas go by but he looked at peter and he said i prayed for you i'm in your corner let me tell you something when a death defying savior steps out on the scene it says i'm praying for you that your faith won't fail i'm telling you something there's no room for deception i'm praying for you man i encourage myself brother Brandon the saints were praying for me i got my head on straight i started living for god there was a restoration that took place in my heart and 50 years later i've never regretted it oh brother zepson shake it off heard that story the farmers goath and fell in the well and they tried and tried to get it out couldn't get it out and finally said well if we leave it in there it's going to stink to high heaven we won't be able he said that's we'll just bury it down there and they begin to shovel dirt and the neighbors all came and they begin to shovel the dirt in on the old goat down in the well i'm telling you something sometimes life it deals you some dirty blows it feels like all this geek all you're getting is the dirt from everybody else it's being piled upon you it'll work on you but the moral of this story is the old goat as they begin to shovel the dirt in he began to shake it off his back and trample it under his feet and they shovel it he shook it off and trampled it under his feet they just kept shoveling and he just kept shaking it off and putting it under his feet and pretty soon he walked out of that well right out on level ground why because he didn't let one other people was putting it him he's one deceived i'm going to survive i'm going to live through it i'm going to make it but right before this son of perdition this man of sin the son of perdition who opposed it then exalted himself above everything that's called god now the writer told us in the bible warned us about the spirit of the antichrist two thousand years ago he said already works this is not something new he just realizes that time is winding up and brother nathan this deception he's coming at us with force everything the bible said everything that can be shaken is going to be shaken stop playing around and stop pampering uh uh your self desires and your self pride get serious about living for god come hell or high water i'm going to live for god what other alternative you are of i ain't going to the church there's too many hypocrites in the church well there's hypocrites in the world you'd rather go to hell and burn for eternity with hypocrites that's keeping you out of that's a cop out that's ignorance to the hump degree there's too many hypocrites yeah there's some people here maybe not being all that they pretend to be that i'm not all that i'm just going to be i'm going to do more i'm going to get i'm going to i'm going to do more for god yes we struggle yes we have failures with all they can see is the church failures in that the church why because the church is the light of the world if there's a deficiency uh or in this in this light of the world the world's going to be the first one to detect it because they're in darkness and the bible says we are light we're the light of the world they walk in darkness are we better than them no we're not better than them but just thank god for the revelation uh and we overcome deception and we got a hold of it says here who opposed it then exalted themself above all that is called god or that is worshiped i'm telling you something this you don't need that you don't have to do that and there's people out there they don't just attack the apostolic penny cost movement they attacked every denomination that's out there the baptist lutha and a chris cappella you know a catholic you can come and and they'll reject you they want nothing to do with that antichrist what is antichrist it's one who opposes christ more and more today you you can't hardly find people that's not saved everybody saved i preached a few funerals in a row and finally i got up and said uh i just want you to know something not everybody that dies goes straight into the arms of jesus there's a heaven and a hell what purpose is hell if everybody that lives like hell is going to go to heaven when you die i missed the point the bible said he made a difference between the unclean and the queen there's a difference the clean and the unclean the profane and the holy there's a difference and he said i put a line down through the middle that line separates don't be deceived you can't do everything that this flesh wants to do and go to heaven because there's separation but people is deceived through things being taught in our in our schools our colleges man uh was reading a thing where a man was upset over what his children was being being taught in school young young children being taught in school i really wouldn't want to even discuss in this congregation what they were teaching that they they want to start on these children as just as young as they can start why why do you see this transpiring plumb down into the school systems which used to be one of the most protective agencies that we had was our so was our schools because he knows he don't have much time to work and it's a fallen away it's getting farther from god so that lets me know one thing when i see all of this i'm not deceived i'm going to look up because i know the coming of of the lord is at hand i know we're eating and drinking and marrying and giving and marriage and we've got homes and we got cars and you know i could stand different ones up and i've told the story our cars didn't have air conditioner barely had a good heater we had no air conditioning in the home the water that we bathed and took you know in a bath then we carried we carried from the draw it out of the well or carried it from a spring some of you setting in this building today think man brother samsung you had to come out of the 1700s people think they're a big deal now but we just 40 50 years ago people didn't even have bathrooms in their house they had number two wash tubs that they carried water and we think we've came a long ways and we have we've got farther and farther from god in our society and our culture everybody's read that you know 50 60 years ago the biggest problem that you had in school was gum chewers chewing gum and we have people walking in slaying children by the tens the 20s the more they can kill them the happier they are and that's in our society that's our young people and then we fall for the anti-gun rights and we support that if we're not careful the gun we have to realize did not grow legs get its own intellect and walk down to the school or to the out into the street and begin to kill people there was a deception that took place in somebody's mind i told you the other night this elder that was here prayed for a young man that was in the church he just noticed him standing there he was kind of conspicuous looking and he prayed for him and when he prayed for him the power of god hit this young man he began to open take off his code and open up his coat he began to pull all various kinds of weapons and ammunition and tools of destruction out of his out of his personal arsenic and and and and begin to lay it out and he told those people he said you can have all of this do with it what you want to do i came into this place here tonight to kill every one of you that was sitting in this place i'm telling you something aren't you glad that not everybody's deceived and somebody's got the leading of the spirit and the anointing of god that they could touch god and we can avoid this destruction but we allow violence into our homes read a lot of different places at silicon valley where all these wealthy gurus are that invent a lot of this stuff and put it on on medias for our children to be entertained by violence robbery killing murdering and the more you kill the more you destroy the more destruction and chaos you call that caused the higher rating that you get and we put our children in their bedrooms by theirself and give them access to this thinking oh they can only do what i've got them doing oh they've got this thing on their phone and they're they're downloading i told you the story brother daren parker that one of the little boys uh ask him i think it was brother cole's boy uh he just a little bitty boy and he said i want to play i don't know it was someone in little games and and brother daren parker said i don't have that on my phone and uh so anyway he said but i have this game on my phone you can play it brother daren standing there talking brother clay was just a little bitty boy and pretty soon brother daren here's something that you hadn't heard before and it kind of catches attention he said what are you playing brother clay named off i'm playing such and such but daren said no i don't have that on my phone he said you do now i downloaded it for you so we we thank our children but this spirit of deception and i i don't mean to sound demonic but these spirits they have a way of working and getting control of the mind and they'll lead that child they'll lead that individual they'll lead that young adult they'll lead that young married man if they can just get him to have one nightstand cheat on that family just one night me and others in this building we know a young man or not a young man anymore but made money by the millions got tricked into one one night and i i'm thinking if my information is correct is repetitive as he is over that situation it cost him his family and it's now cost and i believe twenty four thousand dollars a month in alimony because of one deception nobody will ever know you can do this you can get by because of the thoughts that you entertain the bible said who you yield your members to your subject to obey keep giving into those temptations the bible said anger and sin not just keep getting angry and beyond the limits i've heard of people that's went into rages before and their mind snapped and they never ever came out of it they were a ranting raven lunatic from that day on because they just kept giving in giving in and finally it took them over they become subject to obey and when you become subject to obey you have lost total control of yourself remember not you not that when i was with you yet with you i told you these things and now you know what with holdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity that's already worked it's working and the only one only thing that's keeping it halfway under control the bible said only who who now let us will let until he be taken out of the way and when you take Christ out of the equation what kind of a world are we going to have thank god for the believers thank god for those that halfway believe that there is a god and try to try to hold on to morals in this world that's where the balance is that's god working through us keeping this a stability in our culture but what's going to happen that when he's taking plumb out of the way when we take Christ plumb out of the equation when that man of sin comes and he sets himself up and he takes away the daily sacrifice when evolution was finally legalized into our educational system a lot of these promoted promoters said thank god now our children will be delivered from these fanatical Christians that's inhibiting our society a lot of our children are now delivered from this Christian ideology that we can go on and be what we were meant to be and we're really turning into it what a deception but then that will then shall that wicked wouldn't be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming it's going to look good it's going to seem right you can go on and be deceived all you want but one day that trumpet's going to sound and you're going to wood the god that you could have gave up everything that you could have ever been convicted of and got it out of your life because Jesus is coming in this deception that's in the world today the brightness of god is good it's Christ is going to be so so bright and you're going to be so thankful that you were not deceived when god shines the light on it that's why we come to the altars that's why we go to the prayer rooms that's why we read the word of god because we want to shine the light on darkness he said he'd be a light to your path a lamp unto your feet a light shines way out there but that lamp shines right here where you could see where you put your foot down next and don't make a mistake and don't be deceived don't go the wrong way don't be led astray and with all deceivleness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved you got to love this truth when i'm made up my mind that that o elder pulled me out of the pits of of sin and deception i must be have deceived he saved me and for this cause just keep playing with it just keep playing with it oh it's all right have a good service go out the next week and just see what else that you can get in involved in the world and then come back into the church and still feel god and bring that little bit more of the world with you and go back out into the world come back again and see if we can still have good church don't be deceived love not the world either the things that are in the world if you love the world the love of the fathers not in you don't be deceived bobble said for this cause he he shall send them strong delusion there's coming to separate in time there's coming time you're going to see people that become so delusionalized with their own unbiblical based beliefs finally you're not even going to need the church you're not even going to need god it's already infiltrated into our our young men and our young women today that's why they're already gone and still sitting in the church they're just waiting for the age if they could get out of here and do what they want to do people out there in the world's doing it they're all uh you know they're all saved it's a delusion god's going to send that delusion you don't have to worry about the hypocrites because this is going to weed them out there's a delusion it's going to come along they're going to fall for it and it's going to pull them out strong delusion that they shall but believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe it's not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness but we are bound to give thanks always to god for brethren beloved of the lord because of god have from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth what do you want brother Samson I want truth why do you read that bible brother Samson the truth why do you set that up as a a a go to for your for your life and your guidelines in life because truth we're in two he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our lord Jesus Christ therefore brethren stand fast hold the traditions which have been taught whether by word or by our apostol other words you stay with what we've preached to you some of these letters that's floating around their impostors uh uh they're they're faked they're uh uh you know they're scammers they're they're they're not letters that we wrote now our lord Jesus Christ himself and god even our father which has loved us has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace come for your hearts and establish you in every good work and word I want to go back to first Timothy I want to go to the fourth chapter first verse again Be not deceived the bible talks about don't be deceived there we go find this place here the spirit is speaketh expressly that in the latter days the sun's going to depart from the faith deception seances people communicating with the dead and through these deceptions Saul loses his connection with god and what does he do he makes his connection and a seance seance usually a spirit embodies itself and it comes and it begins to entertain you and it begins to tell you what you want to hear or what the seance whatever they call those people that are running these things and usually they wind up getting your fortune getting you to invest through these spirits that are being conjured up and brought into them and I've never been to one but I have heard enough about them they begin to direct them and they begin to make give them direction in life for the marriage their finance and all and but what it what it brings down and I'm running out of time I got about just a few minutes here but what it comes down to if you look at if you look at Hitler and you look at these different ones Hitler was one of the the first ones to bring a lot of this into Germany and they're there in those countries they you know brought us Martin Luther those those great liberators and the people that stood for truth and then through the midst of all of that here we come with a man named Hitler that brought about the demise of German Germany and the demise of so many lives and what did he attack under this occultism he attacked the Jews he attacked the the chosen of god he wiped them off by the millions and how did this happen it happened through deception it happened through dealing with spirits that finally took control and a possession and all of those followers that he had that I I read a story of a man he was a bishop in one of the larger diocese in England and had a son he was very respected he was very looked up to as they come to the music and one day his son away in college the city of Canton I believe contacted a disease and he died and it affected him and if you've ever lost a sibling in a home you know how it affects the the the parents of that home I witnessed that when I was very very young and I lost my 10 year old brother then I seen the effects on my parents and I seen the way that it affected my dad and my dad always looked years younger than what he was but this began to take a toll on him and for indefinite lengths of time I would wake up and my dad would be laying across the cot or the bed where my little brother slept in his room and I'd I'd hear my dad sobbing just crawling up the stairs on his hands and knees and lay across that bed and weep longing to hold that little boy that was so special to him and I I've seen that effect but this his spirit got a hold of this bishop and he went and he began to mourn and he began to mourn for his son and he began to entertain thoughts and just if I could have him back if I could just talk to him one more time and even went back to the place where his son was in college and the apartment that they shared that his him and his dad would go to visit him they shared this apartment together and he stayed with him and he just went there and to relive the good times that him and his son had it was no coincidence that Satan just happened to walk by and eve to be standing there the bible talks about a deception that took place which started originally everything that we face and live in today because of the fall of man but she was deceived the bible said she was deceived and then she worked on Adam but she was in the deception but anyway the spirit began to intrigue this man and he began to feel maybe the presence he felt like his son things that were happened while he were there he felt like his son's spirit was still in that room he began to entertain that I'm talking about a bishop of a of a large diocese and he began to entertain this spirit and finally he was pointed to one of the lead in Europe there one of the leading I can't remember now what they call these mediums that she was one of the best and she brought to him her son and he began to communicate his son begin to communicate with what he thought was his son which was just a demon posing as a deception and then another one of the men that he was looking up to by now he's getting drawn off into this anti-god anti-christian and this man even come in one of these seances and begin to communicate with him and he began to congratulate him over a book that he had written about him and the spirit began to visit him and it began to draw him farther and farther and finally he came he came back from Europe and he resigned his position as head bishop not to just drag it out but eventually this spirit began to lead him and he began to go and he began to search and this spirit began to pull him in to desolate places and one day they found him through this deception a very intelligent man was in a desolate burning hot wilderness when they found him because this spirit of deception lured this individual into this place of desolation and it was his demise it cost him his life he just intrigued by it and entertained him long enough that it would just begin to bring him into more dangerous i'm telling you something these things it's talking to you these things you wore in your mind they are not your friend they will destroy you as soon as they can get you in the right place they will destroy you and it'll all be through deception it'll lead you down a road that you never dreamed you would ever follow because the bible said every man is right in his own eyes i feel like this is right i feel like i feel like this is a what's the word of god say if it's unfruitful the bible said have no part of unfruitful works of darkness separate yourself from it well you stand your feet today the things that you're entertaining is it going to lead you to you he left his family he left the rest of his family he left everything wound up in a desolate place why if you're sitting here standing here today and you've been entertaining deceptive thoughts in your mind i want to tell you something where it's going to take you to when you really realize when god shines his light on it you realize where you're at going to be like the prodigal what am i even doing in this big pimp what am i even doing with the reputation that i've got thinking about eating this whole food what am i thinking but deception leads you be not deceived god's not mocked paul prophesied it and we see it in effect today and we see it snowballing giving heed to seduce experience and doctrines of devils this word is only used three times expressly prophets in the old testament but paul comes back and in prophecy he uses it i'm going to talk to you i'm going to express something to you that in the last days people's going to depart from the faith you're going to give heed to seduce experience you're going to take on doctrines that's out of the pits of sin and hell how do i avoid that mother samsung you pray like you've never prayed you give yourself to reading you give yourself uh uh to devotion lead your families in devotion don't lead them astray stay with the book it's coming got to back up your mind today do i want to live for god or do i want to be deceived i'll never forget that feeling there's a young boy when i lifted my hands and gave it all up god i'm going to live to you i'm going to live for you no matter what comes and i've tried my best to do it but i still pray today sister old dean i pray god don't let a spirit of deception get a hold of me oh brother samsung you'd never have i've seen it happen to people i thought were more intelligent and learned and uh educated in the bible than i was don't let me be deceived what good is gold Oh