The Dr. J.A. Jones Podcast

Mind Matters: 65 Cultivating a Life of Abundance - The Garden & the Gardener PT 2

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21 Jul 2024
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Dr. Jones and First Lady Cindy Jones continue their discussion on how we're the gardeners of your very own garden! J.A. Jones' service is to help others who are stuck in mental strongholds through encouragement, authenticity, and biblical wisdom. He will help you get better, be free, and live a joy-filled life.

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"The Power of the Tongue: 30 Days to Better Relationships by Dr. Jones

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And that's not real people believe that no they believe that for their own life No, you're gonna throw a bean out of window overnight on the ground and the ground is not even prepared and the next morning a stalk Goes straight up to heaven. Welcome to mind matters with dr. J a Jones Dr. Jones is the head pastor of the faith community church of God in Orange Park, Florida Relationships finances our spiritual life. Whatever it is our problem start within in our minds Dr. Jones explores mental wellness through the application of God's word in our lives It's just what the doctor ordered. Let's join him now and dig into mind matters because your mind matters to God Thank you for joining mind matters with myself dr. Jones and we are going to be discussing Cultivating a life of abundance the garden and the garden nerve part to Today we're going to dive in to the principles that shape our lives and guide us towards success and fulfillment Today's show is all about part two of understanding that The garden and the garden earth, right? You are the gardener of your own garden Which is your mind the principle that we're going to be sharing today is from Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 It talks about the cultivating it talks about the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eaton to tend it and keep it to 10 and keep it now Just as Adam was entrusted to care for the garden of Eaton We are called to 10 to the garden of our minds and the first step. We've talked about that last week It's plant seeds of positive thoughts The second thing we mentioned last week was water with Consistent actions because you got a ward of the garden and you got a plant seeds of positive thoughts our world is full of Negativity we got to be positive and our mind is hearing everything that we say and what we do Today we're going to pick up on point number three as we talk about these I think there are five things as it relates to you and I being the gardener of our own garden and the garden is our mind I Have a special person with me today Cindy Jones. We've been together for the six years and Welcome to mind matters. Thank you. Dr. Jones. Glad to be here with you So we can cultivate these thoughts and positive seeds Absolutely. Yes Instructions as far as gardening. I like gardening. Why is that? Because I like being outside I like It gives you a lot of revelation regarding Your own life your your your your spiritual life. Sure. You can get a lot of examples Sure being outside taking care of your yard. Yes. Yes, well in weeds Yes, cuz they grow real fast. They do just come out of nowhere Well, they do it seems because they're not tended to exactly they're gonna pop up So let's get with it today We want to try to cover these last three things as relates to the garden and the gardener So the third principle as we're talking about is this prune away negative Influences now this third principle involves pruning away those negative influences Just as a gardener trims dead branches to promote growth. We must remove negative Influences from our lives and that is so true now the Bible talks about that in the gospel Which means good news the gospel of John chapter 15. I think it's verse two It says every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes it away and every branch that bears fruit. He prunes it that it may bear more fruit Okay, so that fruit could be bad fruit or good fruit Really? Okay. Okay, so if it doesn't bear fruit He prunes it he cuts it. He takes it away Okay, and if it does it still prunes it you're prone if you do and you're prune if you don't Absolutely, but that's God's way. Yeah, because you know God, you know, he's sovereign in my life He should be sovereign in everyone's life He can do what he want to do when he wants to do it and who he wants to do it to but the end goal is Productivity right the end goal is fruitfulness now send it I don't know of anybody that does not want to be fruitful in what they do true in their relationships You want to be fruitful you want to be productive in your finances? You want to be fruitful and you want to be productive in your health you want to be fruitful You want to have good health? Yeah, so you can live a long time But also you can still do the necessary things around the house at work You don't have to always depend on anybody, but God wants us to be fruitful So now we're talking about pruning away negative influences Those things that cause is death Those things that are not productive. Okay, so what we talk about being fruitful. We talked about we are talking about Being productive. Okay, making changes in our life that affect other people in a good way Okay, so those things in our life that's really causing death even if you think about When you're out in the yard and you're working there and you look at different plants or bushes Yes, you know, you'll see some some limbs or branches that look dead And it makes the makes the plant looks ugly Yeah, yeah, yes, because you know when you got dead Branches on the on the bush. It doesn't look Healthy healthy pleasing to the eye look becoming absolutely and so you want to remove that so you can have a live branch with that's productive to Make it look a whole lot better. Absolutely, you know For the environment too, you know, cuz a lot of the branches and trees and things in our environment they they're there to soak up a lot of I Can't think of the term at the moment. I was telling you about that the negative stuff that's in the air. Yes Yeah, they are soaked that up so we can breathe. Yes, you know good oxygen. Yes And this is important. Thank you for tuning in to mind matters with myself dr Jones and Cindy Jones. We're so glad you with us today. We are definitely addressing What it means based on what the Bible tells us about us being the garden of our own garden, right? We're the garden or of our own garden and the garden is our minds which represents our life So this third point, which is the first point in this particular show prune away negative influences now Here's a powerful scripture You have something to say anything else. Yes. Yes. I was just thinking, you know, it come to me even when we are productive Yes, we set a good environment, too. Okay. Yes, absolutely when we're healthy and People will want to be around us and when we have the positive thoughts Yes, and not in getting rid of the negative things on a negative Attitudes yeah vibes energy. Yes rid of that negative energy. Yeah, it makes it easy to breathe around you Yeah, people want to be able to breathe. They want to be a like walking on Absolutely, they want to connect. Yeah, so you got to get rid of all the negative vibes Absolutely, and that leads me to this scripture because the scriptures always On point, right, right? It scripts our lives as we follow the scriptures It says in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 Do not be deceived evil come company cut rubs good habits, right? evil communications corrupts a good more life Because by removing negative influences Yes, whether they be toxic relationships bad habits or harmful environments We can make room for new healthy growth and allow our true potential to flourish and that's my purpose in life To help God's people reach their full potential their true potential I like what we just said because it's so important if there's a true potential. There's a false potential And a lot of times people think they're achieving, but they're really not is just superficial. It's shallow because Being a gardener of our own garden. It takes work. Yes. It's effort. Yes, it's intention It doesn't come by happenstance, right? You have to do something about it Yeah, you're being intentional about your own life and you're taking responsibility and and being accountable So you can't like blame everything on everybody else that happens to you Absolutely. Yeah, you're the gardener of your own garden You just said something while ago just imagine trying to grow tomatoes with a bunch of old rotten plants in the way Prune those out and watch your garden thrive You talk about dead branches and you look at something with dead on it, but it's not going to happen, right? Right. Let's talk about the fourth thing the fourth thing as it relates to God's people being the gardener of their own garden with and the garden is the what the mind Yeah, the mind right, but it includes their lives. So the fourth thing is this we got to fertilize with spiritual nourishment You have to fertilize your life with spiritual nourishment Yes a dietitian would show you how to eat properly or show you what to eat what you should not be eating They say sugar is the most addictive thing on the planet refined sugar. I know we got to open your Epidemic we got crack. We got cocaine. We got all of those other Bad things, you know the list could go on and on and on and on even some drugs even some prescription drugs It's not good for you the side effects Outways the cure right a lot of side effects, but now we're going to talk about Fertilize with spiritual nourishment, right? Because this is the fourth way to cultivate a fruitful life is by Fertilizing our minds and with Spiritual nourishment just as plants needs nutrition to grow we need spiritual food to thrive Correct, you know back in Old Testament God gave Moses the law Remember when it after he delivered the children of Israel from bondage. Yes. Yeah, and they got wild And Moses came down the mountain with the Ten Commandments Mm-hmm, you know and and God gave him a whole lot of more Laws because when he said without a vision the people perish. Okay, that means when people Don't know what is right. They cast off restraint. Okay, you know, so that's self-control Mm-hmm. They like self-control and so God gave the law to show them where they're at the law is like a tutor Yes, or or a mirror. Yeah to show you. Oh, no this type of behavior is not good Right. This is unacceptable You can't grow as long as you continue to do this type of behavior because what this part what this Show is about right now and as we deal with it As relates to the root cause of what's really going on It helps us to understand ourselves. Yeah life. I believe deals with two relationships Interpersonal, which is how we serve other people But also Entra personal is how we look at ourselves who we really are from the inside out. So this show today It's all about us Okay, it's all about the individual. It's all about you sir. You ma'am you husband you wife It's all about all of us individually understanding and having an awareness of where we are in life as relates to our mind and how we're thinking and that's so important. So as we talk about this fourth way fertilized with spiritual Nourishment, which is vital the scripture tells us in Psalms one which I love that particular one But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law. He meditates day and night He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruits in his season Whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall Prosper my goodness. Who does not want to prosper? But it says we have to engage our mind with the word of God We have to do that and once we do that and we apply the word we Meditate on it day and night that means as much as we can however we can and whenever we can we're gonna be like a tree Planet right by the rivers of water. We're gonna be stable. We're gonna be secure. Yes God wants everybody to be stable and secure and guess what? He wants you to bring for fruit in your Season Dr. Jones is the pastor of Faith Community Church of God in Orange Park Reaching a heart and world with the love of Jesus We thank you for listening to mind matters and we encourage you to show support for the many community outreach Ministries that dr. Jones and Faith Community Church tend to you can give at Faith Community's website faith DOP org or just text money sign and the amount you want to give to a 3 3 4 3 5 8 0 2 2 That's a 3 3 4 3 5 8 0 2 2 We are blessed to be a blessing now. Let's get back to the program Now, here's another scripture because that script that I just read is Psalms 1 2 and 3 Because I love the ending of that it says whatever you do will prosper right and that's a promise from God's Word But this is what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 But he answered and said it is written man should not live by bread alone But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God So the word is living. Yes, it is life. Yes, you know like you eat leafy greens, right? You know vegetables fresh vegetables. Yes things that are not cooked, right? You know it is living it is life. Yes, and it's good for the body these natural things Absolutely, but the word of God is the same way for our spirit It is living and it applies to every stage and circumstance of our lives Yes, and so no matter where you are yes in life You can read the same scripture right and it's it doesn't get old right his fresh bread manna Absolutely from heaven now. This is powerful because we're talking about spiritual nourishment Yes, you can get the natural nourishment you can eat your like you said the greens the vegetables You can eat healthy and that will help the body. Yeah, but we're talking about we are the gardener of our own mind Right, it's not gonna just happen. So when we feed on God's word and spend time in prayer Meditation it will provide spiritual nutrients. We all need to grow and flourish in every area of our lives that is spiritually mentally Relationally financially and physically that means you're gonna grow and flourish now think of God's word as the ultimate plant food Forget miracle grow Now I'm talking about the word grow Not miracle grow people use that as plant fertilizer You go and buy it at different stores and all that that may help the plants But we're talking about the word grow because God's word will help us to grow Spiritually absolutely, but you know God's word is applicable to every area of life It will help us go spiritually, but it would help us to grow mentally Yeah Because if we put a keep our mind on him the Bible says God would keep us in perfect peace That deals with the mind as Isaiah. Okay, so let's address The excuse that many people come up with what is that? I don't understand the Bible. Okay, true I read the Bible, but I don't understand it. Okay. Okay, so what would be your advice? You don't have to understand it You just do it. Okay, so what will help them to get an understanding the right attitude the right attitude and Going to church going to Bible study asking questions using Google people using Google a lot these days We got so many different versions of the Bible. Yes, and if you compare the verses You're gonna get some type of understanding one way or another. You can start there. Mm-hmm. But prayer is so important before you read the word of God and Ask God to give you an understanding ask him to give you revelation knowledge Absolutely of his word. Absolutely, you know, and you can read something in you'll be and God is so good Like we said already he would meet you where you are. So no matter where you are in life Yes, whether you are babe and Christ whether you are seasoned Christian or whatever Whatever you're facing circumstances and situation in life He would give you revelation knowledge of a scripture Whatever you read absolutely can give you revelation knowledge out of that absolutely. Yes Yes, but thank you for tuning in to mind matters now. I'm you may just tuned in we're talking about You and I are the gardener of our own mind, right? If you love gardening and you're at your home and in front yard in your backyard if you understand Agriculture as a lace to a farmer planting seeds on good ground and at some time in the years is gonna be a harvest So we have already addressed the importance as relates to planting seeds of positive thoughts We talked about point number two was water with consistent action number three We talked about prune away negative influences four was fertilized with spiritual nourishment very very important because it's all about you sir It's all about you ma'am. It's all about us individually stepping up to the plate Not shifting the blame to anybody else just like Adam blame Eve and Eve blame the surfing You know, we still playing the blame game, but most people don't want to take responsibility For their own actions. Yes, we all been through some level of trauma We've all experienced some level of setbacks in life. Yes. I was abused growing up. You were abused growing up Yes, you wouldn't treat it well You was raised in the home without a father figure or whatever happened you was in the hood He was in the suburbs. You was whatever, but at some point in life You have to put away the excuses and take responsibilities for where you are today so the fifth thing is this harvest the fruits of patience and Persistence my goodness. That's time for harvest time. We talked about the other four points Our final principle is harvesting the fruits of patience and persistence Just as a gardener waits for the right time to harvest We must be patient and persistent in our efforts the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 For you have need of endurance or patience so that after you have done the will of God You may receive the promise my goodness. That's powerful. Yes, it is people lack Patience They plant the seeds they go to church like you say they may even tithe They may even pray They may even have a good day and say I'm gonna try to do good to people Exactly and people don't do it do good to me back and they just get frustrated and I tried I tried wrong No, you really didn't drive. No. No, you that was a weak effort Right we want to tell the truth and shame the devil today. Okay. Yes. It's not about in trying Because Usually when people say I tried that means they started but they didn't continue absolutely and we need consistency No matter what how I feel of what I think or whatever happened. Wow keep doing it. Yes Doing it Absolutely. That's what the persistence. I love that. Yes. Yes. Absolutely and being patient right keep doing it That's why this point five you've made a great point, but harvest the fruits of patience and Persistence the Bible said in James chapter one. I believe it's verse four, but let patience have its perfect work That you may be perfect. That means mature, right and complete Whole that means whole have an understanding and then it says lacking Nothing because the fruits of our labor often take time to manifest Yeah by remaining patients right and being persistent right in marriage. Yeah in ministry Yeah, in our work efforts in implementing biblical financial principles and allowing God's word to work in and Own our mind. Yes, what we can make sure that our efforts would eventually yield a bountiful harvest Correct and just like you go out the only place or Story that you've heard where you plan to see one day and it came up overnight That was Jack in the beanstalk Jack in the beanstalk, and that's not real. No, they believe that for their own life No, you ain't gonna throw a bean out of winter overnight on the ground and the ground is not even prepared and the next morning a stalk goes straight up to heaven or straight up to the sky Tree whatever right so any time you you plan a seed right in the in the word say a seed time Harvest right seed time and harvest absolutely time Harvest mm-hmm when you plant the seed it's gonna take time And you got to do the work to cultivate that seed you got to water it it needs sunshine and Protection yeah, all of that has to be done before you get the harvest absolutely No absolutely people oh Patience is so important time. That's what the Bible just told us Everyone that's listening for you have need of patience Hebrews 10 and 36 so that when you have done the will of God Yeah, you may receive the promise in your relationship in your finances in your health Whatever you do be patient and allow God the brain in the past. Yeah Why would a person as a gardener dig up their plant every week to check to see if it's growing? That doesn't happen right no That's not a good idea and remember the word tells us you shall reap What you sow right and so you got to put the work in put the work in yes You got to sow the work so the work so the seed so the work cultivate Whatever it takes absolutely and you will reap yeah, that means we're working I love that because this show it's about working on our mind. It's about working on ourselves a lot of times We want to work on somebody else. We want to work on another person in our marriage or a spouse So are working on our children or working on people at a workplace or wherever. Yes, they need work too But this show it's about Entra personal skills not in turn right so it's about us working on our own Cells yes, not shifting the blame you know as the old little song said it's me. It's me is mean old Lord Standing in the need of prayer, but I'm standing in the need of help so you have to be honest when you look at the mirror whatever you see in the mirror, you know You have to make the necessary adjustments Not looking at somebody else, but looking at yourself because God wants you to fulfill his ultimate purpose in your life So you got to get ready. You got to be ready and you got to become right you got to be Truthful, it's all about how you think as a man thinks in his heart So is he not just a man but a woman as well, and it's so important I'm so glad that you are with us today To me now with I've done a lot of radio shows But this is one of the most important ones because the buck stops here. It starts with you It starts with your ego. Y'all know what ego means, right? Ego that means edging God out There's so many people they want this and they want that they want to have a great marriage They want to have a great ministry. They want to have a great work environment They want to have more money in the bank and they want to have more coming in than more going out But they never put the work in they never have that awareness that they need to put the work in Patience is key to a fruitful harvest now anything else you want to share before we end up this show today Well, I was thinking about the Well, James chapter one who's talking about be doers of the word and not hearers only Deceiving your yourselves for if anyone is a hero of the word and not a doer He is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror for he observes himself goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was but he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in It and is not a forget for hearer, but a doer of the work This one will be blessed in what he does. Thank you. Thank you. Now. That's a powerful scripture Hopefully it's self-explanatory if not pray about it and God will help you to get the full understanding now. Thank you cupcake. Thank you for being with us Thank you for joining us on mine matters today until the next time stay mindful stay blessed and keep cultivating the garden of your soul Thanks for tuning into another episode of mind matters with dr. J a Jones Be sure to tune in next Sunday at 5 p.m. Right here on praise 107.9 for more insightful discussion about how God's word can get our minds right You can also hear dr. Jones preach in person Sundays at 11 a.m. at faith community church of God at 1268 Gano Avenue in Orange Park, Florida 32073 thanks again for listening stay mindful and keep striving for improvement because your mind matters to God (upbeat music)