Lured Up - A Pokémon GO Podcast

316. Banned To The Bone

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Lured Up Podcast 316

Record Date - 8/8/2024

Publish Date - 8/11/2024


If battling Team GO Rocket is your thing then you have been lucky all week. With Adventure Week being Taken Over by Team GO Rocket, this week was packed with new Shadows and the chase for Giovanni and his Shadow Cresselia. The big news of the week however, warns you not to do too many Team GO Rocket encounters as it could get you banned. We dive in headfirst and talk about how this ban is not too difficult to trigger if you are spending a day grinding the event.


Mega Rayquaza came back in non-Elite Raids and it ended up being a successful day of gaming for many. With a Raid Hour format and Elite Raid style scheduling, it turned out to be an all new type of Raid Event. Time will tell if this will become the new normal, but it definitely felt great to have some scheduled and dedicated Raid windows.


Beldum Community Day Classic has been announced and this Pokémon will absolutely bring Trainers out to play. With Mega Metagross on the horizon, plus excellent use in PvP and PvE, this is a chance for different disciplines of Trainers to come together for a Community Day experience. 


We wrap up with a conversation about some typos in Niantic Tweets, which when corrected, become easy bait for the Twitter mob to gobble up. Over the last few weeks we have seen a ton of activity come from from Niantic Support, retracting and clarifying many bits of communication along with explaining gameplay issues. Sometimes, it would be better to NOT hear from Niantic.


Adventure Week: 

Adventure Week, Taken Over:

Rocket Bans: 

Mega Rayquaza Update: 

August Content Update: 

Worlds Event:

Beldum Community Day Classic:

Shiny Shadow Archen Take 1: 

Shiny Shadow Archen Take 2: 

British Shadow Shiny Archen Take 3: 

Save the Dates:    

Voicemail and SMS: 732-835-8639 


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Ken Pescatore

Adam Tuttle


Writer and Producer

Ken Pescatore


Executive Producer 

Paul Bhatt


Show music provided by GameChops and licensed through Creative Commons




Intro Music

Lake Verity (Drum & Bass Remix) 


GameChops - Ultraball


Break Music

National Park

Mikel & GameChops

GameChops - Poké & Chill


Outro Music

Vast Poni Canyon

CG5 & GlitchxCity (Future Bass Remix)

GameChops - Ultraball

Pokémon And All Respective Names are Trademark and © of Nintendo 1996-2024 Pokémon GO is Trademark and © of Niantic, Inc. Lured Up and the Pokémon Professor Network are not affiliated with Niantic Inc., The Pokémon Company, Game Freak or Nintendo.


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This episode of the Lured Up Podcast is brought to you by our Patreon. Everything we do here at the Pokemon Professor Network is powered by the community. You can join our community of supporters on Patreon for as little as a dollar a month, and we offer a range of support tiers with various benefits and all patrons will gain access to our Patreon exclusive Discord, which is a fantastic place filled with fantastic people. And we currently have a goal of hitting 500 bucks in Patreon support and you can help us over atémonprofessor. With tiers as low as a dollar a month, you could support a collective of hardworking, part-time creators that have a passion for Pokemon, Podcasting, and the community. Thank you for your consideration of supporting the Pokemon Professor Network. Let's get into the show. What's going on Pokemon Go Trainers? Welcome to episode 316 of Lured Up. The podcast where we take Pokemon Go way more seriously than we do ourselves. Lured Up is part of the Pokemon Professor Network and today is Thursday, August 8th, 2024. I'm your host Ken Pescatore. That's Adam Tuttle. We're streaming this live on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube. If you're on any of those platforms, give us a follow, give us a sub. And if you're not, what are you doing? Yeah, what are you even doing with yourself? It's crazy. What you talk about, Willis? Can't believe you. Adam, what's going on, man? How are you? Tired. Are you making a lot of ice cream, making a lot of ice cream? You and your ice cream, dude. You know what? I've got some, I've got some Ben and Jerry's. I just freeze her. I just freeze dried some. Freeze dry. I could literally send you the ice cream I made yesterday. Like, like astronaut ice cream. I like astronaut ice cream as a kid. I was just like, this is so cool. I eat this in space. They didn't eat it in space. I don't know. Maybe they did. What's going on to everyone that's early in the chat here, pure later. Hello. What's going on? Thank you so much for checking this out. Row acts is in here. Yeah. Yeah. They're starting to roll in. We got plenty to talk about this week. We're going to recap the last week of gameplay, including adventure week, taken over as well as mega-requades the last weekend. That was a lot of fun. We saw some of the most hardcore trainers in the game get banned for remote rating like maniacs. But this week brings new bands. And with some efficient team go rocket grinding, you can get banned too. I can't wait to go to do more team rockets tomorrow. Pokémon Worlds is right around the corner. And did you grab your Pikachu from GameStop? There is an ink. No. There is an in-game event. So we'll talk about it. It's free. You just got to walk in there and ask for it. Yeah. Yeah. And the world championship event is similar to adventure week where it's like a two for one because we have the world championship event. We also have go battle league. So those two things kind of piled on top of each other. Belden will be sliding into this month's community day classic. It'll definitely be a popular one with the kitties. Yeah. Just people have been hyped on Belden since Gofest. So yeah, that when they were looking in the cave, that little skit that they did where that little thingy and it peaked over. Yeah. I was like, what? What? I had to rewatch it just to find out that it was Belden. I was like, that is so weird. Like, why would they do it? Like, it just, it just didn't make sense. It was cute. It was cute. It was a tease, man. It was a tease. But no, Mega Mega Metagross is coming. So this is your chance to kind of prep for that. Pokémon Go's official Twitter account made another Blunder today announcing that shiny Arcan. Archin? Archin? Was released, but is it? Was it? I don't know. Because they took the tweet down and reposted it without the shiny thing. But the other international Pokémon Go Twitter accounts still say shiny Archin. So we'll show you. We'll take a look at it. It's, you know, look, it's hard running a Twitter account. But ooh, we do. They love typos or I can't even call it a typo. I don't know. I don't know what happened, but something ain't right. Something is, something is a miss over on the Pokémon Go official Twitter account and save the dates have been announced for the next season. I can't believe we're already talking about the next season, but it will be here before you know it. But Adam, let's start with this past week, adventure week, and then we'll get into mega requests. How was your adventure week been? Are you chasing down Team Go Rocket? We'll talk about the bands in a second, but I am not chasing down Team Go Rocket. I have not noticed Team Go Rocket in a long time. Is it because you're not playing? Because that'll do it. Honestly, a lot of, a lot of, it's just been a stressful week. You've got a lot of stuff going on. Usually we're in the middle of a move. So I think at some point, I have to say, I have to like pack my podcast stuff. So and it's like, it's part of my like table. So if I'm gonna start like pack and stuff, I should probably pack it all together. Well, immediately following this podcast recording, you should just start packing. Okay, can't do it till after that again. Coconio or Coconio in the chat says, no, Antic has another shadow takeover itself. No, Antic chaos. No, no, no, Antic. It's, it's, it's Niantic cat. I'm telling you, just hitting buttons and it's just hitting buttons and these sparkles. Yeah, it's bad. But um, no, so adventure week, you haven't done a lot of Team Go Rocket stuff. What about adventure week itself? The jet. It took me until, I think it was Saturday on my way home. For what? Collection challenges? Well, for, yeah, for all the collection, I was like, oh, I, I have all those like ready to go. So I was like, check, check, check, check. No Chinese, no Hundos. Yeah, I've been, I've been, my research has been dull as well. So. Well, didn't I get you the tickets? Did I buy you the ticket? You did. I appreciate that. Yeah. Adam's hardcore. He gets, he gets tickets. Well, sometimes if they're gifted to me. No, it's, uh, so we, we, we touched on it last episode, how when they first announced Adventure Week, it didn't look that great. It was kind of lackluster. The spawns weren't great. You know, it just didn't, didn't really do it. Seven K eggs. It's, I didn't grab any seven K eggs. I've had a couple because the pool was just the Adventure Week Pokemon. It was a good chance to kind of farm two or two guys and stuff like that. But Adam, are you yawning? It's too early for the long day. It's been a long day. It's been too early for the, but no, turn two. I did have coffee today. So I'm like feeling it. I had a, I had to not have coffee. Why are they? Is this a, is this a moral decision? No, not a moral. I was just like a fungus. No, I've been, I've been drinking like everyday dose. This isn't like an ad, but like I've had it every single day for the past like almost two months. And the mushroom stuff for the mushroom stuff. Well, it's coffee, mushroom coffee, but it's not mushroom coffee, man. It's mushroom juice. Dust, I guess. Coffee, coffee is different. Now I had, I had three cups of coffee at work today. So that was, that was a thing. I have a feeling once that once the rook hits the Oh, instead. So if you're from the Jersey Shore, you know about Rook Coffee. Rook is one of the our local coffee roasters that kind of exploded on the Jersey Shore a couple years ago. And now they've got a ton of locations, but when I first visited you or not, when I first went to Redbank with you, when I had my first Redbank, which was Bulbasaur, I think community day. It might have, or that maybe that was a classic. I don't know. But we were out and we made it a stop. We stopped there. We had Serf Taco. But the right coffee was good. The real coffee was like, it was good. Bar none. Like that was the best coffee I've ever had. So I'm looking forward to it. And if you, you've been listening to the podcast forever, this is something I've been trying to get Ken to walk in there. He's like, he's like, he's like three years. He's like, Oh, I go to Redbank, like every, every community day. And I'm always walking by. But I've never walked in there to grab Adam some coffee. I'm like, come on. I know, I know. So so I finally, I finally picked up Adam, a bag of some, some, some raw coffee, had it had it freshly ground. They put some chicory in there for you. It's going to be, it's going to be amazing. When I brought it to the post office and I gave it to the ladies and I stuffed it in like a priority box. And it, it was like an air freshener in my car for like two days. And then I give it to the lady at the post office and she's like, Oh my God, are you sending coffee? This smells amazing. And I'm like, I know I'm upset because I had an air freshener in my car for the last like 24 or 48 hours. I was like, I think I might just buy another bag and just consistently just keep it in like under my seat or something like that. And I swear coffee is one of like those. It's such a great smell. No, it's such a great smell. I don't drink coffee for the caffeine to like wake up. Yeah, all I have to do is smell it. And I have that, that impact, that effect. But I just love the ritual of drinking coffee. But no, the get back to adventure week, the event itself was a little bit lackluster, not as strong as previous years. The spawn pool wasn't as great. But there was some good shiny hunting and eggs. If that's your thing, not my thing, then they added the team go rocket takeover to adventure week. And it's like, Oh, okay, now we have cressellio. We're going to have a shadow Lugia raid weekend this weekend. We have, you know, new shadow Pokemon, new shinies, all that kind of stuff. And it kind of fleshed out the event and made it a little stronger. So I'm just going to pull it up on the screen here real quick. But it says prepare for rocky roads ahead. His team go rocket takes over adventure week. And it shows Giovanni there and his, you know, strong pose. And you see Tertuga, you see Archon, the shadow cressellia. Now, I'm gonna, for the video viewers, I'm going to see what Oh, so Roax saying I can't see the stream. I'm not sure it's, but it's lagging and glitching ads work perfectly. Not sure if it's just me. I'm at full service on my phone. Oh, no, I don't know. I'm not getting any, any notices here in OBS saying that the, the stream quality is down. But hopefully everything's okay. But the, for the video viewers, we're gonna, we're gonna run through a couple screens here of niantic tweets. And the first one, I can't even really show you, but I'll pull up the link. And it just says, Hmm, this page doesn't exist. Did you try reloading? I definitely did. They pulled this tweet down because the next tweet I'll show you says, get ready to ruffle some feathers during Pokemon goes team go rocket take over to shadow arching has arrived. And it shows the really cool super well animated little quip of shadow arching, which is now but below the text here previously on the original tweet, it said, and if you're lucky, you may find a shiny one. So everyone was lucky. So I was not, no one was lucky because no one's caught one. But what are they're doing? 150 rate 150. We'll get, we'll get, we'll get there. We'll get there. I pull up Pokemon go United Kingdom official account. And oh, look, it's the same exact tweet. However, this one still includes shadow arching has arrived. And you may even counter a shiny one if you're lucky. So I'm not sure why they only changed the US Twitter, their main Twitter account and not the other countries. And I follow like España and France and all the different, you know, Pokemon go official accounts and they all still have the shiny arching noted in their tweet with the exception of the US. So not, not too, not too short. And you know, you look in the comments on the US one, of course, you got JRE Sea Wolf saying we are, we all saw the shiny, shiny T's earlier, but go on revisionist history works sometimes, I guess maybe. And then I responded saying, Oh, just like when you said you were going to go fast, then you said you weren't going to go fast. And then you said you were going to go fast. Good stuff. Good stuff. Cowboy High Caterpie, please like, come on. But yeah, it's, I don't know, it's it's been a it's been a rough go for for Nancy and Pokemon goes Twitter. Yo, Joshua Toraville with the subscription. Thank you, man. Thank you for the sub. Thank you. But the, you know, there's been typos. There was issues with some Monster Hunter stuff. There was a Pikmin issue like two weeks ago. We had some issues with the mega Lucario tweets. Like, it's it's been a bad time for for Pokemon go social team, a lot of retractions, a lot of takedowns and reposts. And today, unfortunately, the same, the more of the same. So not too good, not too good. But there is bigger news here. And I guess we could get into it. And I'm going to pull up a Reddit post. And this is from Faladine says, team go rocket bands are still happening. Limits are changing and open warning. And this comes after an original post from before the event saying like, yo, you guys need to chill with the team go rockets. People are getting banned for not just completing grunts, but checking the grunts. So even clicking that is rough, even spinning the stop. If it has a grunt and Zoe just put up a video on this as well. Apparently, the number was around 150 160, which is doable if you're if you're a grinder, right? And especially if you're not even completing the grunt, you're just checking the stop. Like if you're in the city or somewhere densely populated where there's a ton of POI, you're going to come across a ton of rocket grunts. Yeah, and sometimes you just you try to click into it to try to spin the stop. And you know, you just happen to get the animation for the. Oh, yeah, like doesn't let you spin. It goes right into the grunt. That's very frustrating. We saw this a little bit with the remote raid cap being lifted. And then you have these hardcore, you know, people like Vantee and stuff that we're doing absurd amounts 800 900 raids. And well, when they say that, you know, there's a shiny arch in, I mean, that's pretty exciting, right? Well, it should be. It should be. But I think, oh, Konyo in the chat is saying that, even go plus plus spins may get you the band too. See, this is crazy. That's no good. So I'm just going to read it right here. And they show they show that the band screen looks exactly like it did for the people that were rating like crazy. Just we've detected unusual activity. Some of those were seven day bands. You know, they they fixed the the raid thing, those bands after like a day. So I don't know what's happening. But from what I'm seeing on Twitter, these bands are still going on. This person in the three kilometers of walking reasonably dense area around 160 Pokéstops. And he didn't even reach 100 encounters. And my account received the suspicious activity ban reporting a ban appeal. Nancy just doubles down and calls you a cheater for hitting those limits. YouTube content creators videos are on this getting replies confirming van confirming bands, Twitter is confirming bands. So this is no good. This is, this is bad news Brown. So one thing we've talked about is, you know, sometimes playing this game at volume is a luxury. Right. If, if I ever for whatever reason have a day away from the family or nothing to do that day, and it's like, yo, I could put in five, six hours plus of dedicated Pokémon go time. That's a luxury. That's, that's typically something that is heralded in my opinion. And like, I love that. But learning that I could be punished for putting in that work is like, dude, this is this completely like is a drag because I'd hate to be able to say, Oh man, I can't wait to go out and grind rocket stops for five hours today as they rotate every hour. And I can't wait to restock in Red Bank. And then I spend a whole bunch of rocket stops by accident. I mean, or not yet. Yeah, but not even doing this stop. Not even doing this stop, but you get banned because you were traveling and free stocking. Free stocking. Come on. Yeah, because like if the, if the grunt is going to be, let's say the grunt is at the stop for an hour, and you're posted up at a restaurant eating, spinning that same stop every five minutes, not even touching the grunt. Is that counting to your suspicious activity ban total? Probably. It's a bad look. And the problem is we talked about a couple weeks ago, there's no known issues page. And like this stuff typically will come and go before it would even hit a news cycle or hit a note issues page. So hopefully this gets resolved as it has niantic come out with a statement or anything. Or is the say nothing and said that like, is that the is that the method that we're still under like just like, let's just not talk about it. I mentioned the words news cycle, right? The news cycle of Pokemon go moves fast. Things like niantic misspelling something in a in a tweet will get, you know, a lot of flames for an hour or two, and then people move on. Something breaks in the game like no backgrounds for ultra beast or something like that. People will get mad at it for a couple days. They forget about it. Niantic support tweets about it. They remember again, they get mad about it. They forget about it in a couple days. Fleece King could say horrible things about his listeners and everyone will hate him for three days and then the fourth days, you know, back at it and everyone loves them again. People forget Pepper's Farms remembers, but everyone remembers. Many Pokemon go trainers do in fact forget very, very quickly. So good morning, Jodo with the subscription. Yeah, what's up, dude? Oh, look, you got it. You got to go fast hat. I got to go fast. We got to go. I got to go fast. I got some scuzz on this hat. What happened here? You guess what? What about the Riz? I don't know. I don't think that was Riz. So, yeah, thank you so much. Good morning, Jodo. Oh, subscribed with prime. Yeah, prime chat. If you're if you're on Twitch and you have Amazon prime, you also have Twitch prime, which means you get one free subscription a month and we'd be honored if we use that prime subscription. Sometimes I forget that I even have it. Good morning, Jodo also subscribed for six months. Six months. Good looking out. But like I was saying, nothing would be worse than like going out for a nice long grind session in Pokemon Go or trap. Here's the other thing. I'm Sunday. I'm traveling. I want to drive to a new place so I can take advantage of the adventure week. Wait, what? Hang on waiting. Adventure week. The whole point is to get out, explore, and check out different stops. So if you were traveling and spinning stops and going or... I know. That's my point. I was planning on going somewhere that was brand new stops that I'm going to be driving. Like I was going to go to Philly, but like go to kind of like Western Philly. Yeah, you don't want to go to free streets. You want to go to like the not the free streets. But think about it. I'm going to be going somewhere that I'll probably spend 100, 200 new stops. I'm going to interact with a ton of rocky grunts. If I'm not on Twitter or not on Reddit, and then all of a sudden I'm just, I catch a ban and it's just like, what did I do? Well, I do with spin stops. All I did was play the game, play the event. I'm doing everything right. I've done nothing wrong. Well, Ken, they say you play stupid games. Gets win stupid prizes. Are you saying Pokemon goes a stupid game? Because I'm not. I'm just saying you win stupid prizes. Now, Spallik saying, damn, I have a home focus thought. Yeah, I know. Like, that's what I mean. If if a grunt takes over and you say that. Well, if you spend 20 times in the hour, I'm just saying it's it's a bad look. He let us know how everyone is doing with that. You know, JT valor called me early this morning and he's just like, yeah, you heard anything about this stuff because I'm about to hit the road and he goes, you know, I'm going to hit these grounds hard because on on a normal day, he's doing tons and tons and tons. I'm like, go 45. Go 45. Stay under the radar. Yeah. Hold on one second. How many did he do? I don't know. I'm getting I'm getting I'm getting news as we speak on on hold on. Okay. Hold up. All right. Here we go. Yeah. Yeah. We're getting cutting. We're getting news. I don't know if I could talk about it yet. I just asked if I could talk about it. So let's see if I get our response. But anyway, 150 160 grunts, you know, it's it you don't have to be one of these like upper upper upper echelon of trainers to hit those numbers if you dedicate a couple hours to play in the game. So that's why that's why it's super important to like be aware of this. Um, obviously, we want to make sure everything, you know, no one gets unjustly banned or anything like that, but we don't want anyone to be blindsided. So just be aware of the stuff going on. We urge every trainer to go out there and try to find the shiny arching because we're all looking for it. Good. Good luck with that. You might have to travel to España or Britain because apparently their Twitter thinks it's still in the game. So live ops games, so, you know, they could just be they night to catch should be, you know, just walking over that shiny button. Yeah, I don't know. But what what a mess and, uh, you know, the kicker, like you just said, the event is adventure week. The event is to get out there and explore and but like they don't want you to because they want they want to ban you for doing the thing that that the whole event is based on. That's like, that's like better together. Oh, you've traded like 10 times. We're going to ban you because you're you're trading with someone. We're going to ban you because you're in a party. Like you've been in a party for more than an hour. We don't think that you hang out with people that long. All right. Like that doesn't make sense, right? It doesn't make sense. Oh, hey, we're doing a rocket event and we're doing an adventure week. Go fight the team rocket. I can't. I can't. I can't break the news. I can't because it's going to be on a YouTube video. No, we just just got to just got to wait it out. But anyway, be aware, just be aware and, you know, that those team go rocket punks are added again, messing up our lives. All right. What about what about mega requisa that? So just to catch it below two remotes. And that's it. All right. And you were happy with that, though. I would have been happy with one, but I got sent a second one. So I just did it. All right. So before the event, they had originally said that this was coming back as more elite raids. People ranted and raved. We don't want to eat raids. They flipped a script. I thought it was a bad call on the antics part because I thought it kind of like showed a little, little softness that they probably would. You know, I love when Niantic like, it's just like, Nah, core values, you know, like we're not folding. They did flip the script. Yeah, they fold in this one, but they monetize the hell out of it because they lifted the remote rate limit to 20. I was sending remote sending invites all over the place for the five people you've sent, you know, invites to have reached their cap. People were spending. So did they, did they pay get a payday on this? Yes, absolutely. They did. However, the format that which they did this was awesome because it wasn't, uh, it wasn't like a three-hour raid day. It wasn't like a single raid hour. And it wasn't like an elite raid day. Instead, they had, they had rotating hours. It was 11, one and six. And they used a raid hour format, meaning every 25, well, it was 25 minute raid, five minute cool down and the raids would reboot again at the half hour mark. So Adam, you look like you're falling asleep, dude. Are you falling asleep? You need some, you need, go get drink a coffee, man. You got to drink a coffee. You got to drink a coffee. Go pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch something, pinch a part of your body to wake yourself up kicking at him out. He's just falling out. It's not even that late. It's only 10 30 pm on these coasts. Anyway, now that he's gone. No. So this, this allowed trainers to, that had a lower stop count to not have to rely on ex-ray gyms, to not have to rely on organizing a crazy party. Things that I've raved about that being the elite, right? That was, that's what makes them elite is the fact that they go through all that stuff to achieve that stuff. So was it good for the customer? Was it good for the, the general player, the casual player? Sure. I'm definitely glad that they pulled the word elite out of the event title because the people that were doing this, they didn't have to be elite. It was a, it was an event for the people. But seeing the, the raid hour, the single hour raid hour format come to a pseudo raid day. Uh, it was kind of a blend between elite raids and a blend between raid hour. So all right, Adam's back. Adam, did you get some mushroom juice? I got the mushroom coffee. You got the mushroom coffee. I just, instead of frat, like the one thing I just, that looks horrible. Can you hold that up to the camera? That looks ill. That looks like due to water. So weird. It's fine. It's fine. Aaron, thank you for liking the stream. Appreciate you. Um, but no, I was just keeping me awake. I was happy that they didn't call it elite raids because the people that you didn't have to be an elite trainer, if you wanted to, to battle records of this, this make on this make good. Uh, but in the end, the trainers loved it. The people were out. I had a group of about 40 at the six o'clock time slot. There was a group of about 30 at the one o'clock time slot and a little bit of a smaller group in red bank at the 11 o'clock. People were out rating. We didn't, they were, they were. A lot of people sent me invites constantly. I wasn't necessarily in the game a lot. The, the area that I was in did not have a stop on it. So I should have changed, but I didn't have time. So, but the, the, the thing was we had 40 people on the ground. I, at one point, we didn't even need to, and we're moving so fast. The lobby would fill up. We wouldn't even have time to invite people. So it was like, it, it was a nice blend of, Hey, if you want to remote this and you need to remote this, you can. But we didn't need to because we had a strong group on the ground. So it was kind of the best of both worlds, but I still think Niantic has to figure out a way how to separate elite trainers from regular trainers, because, you know, everyone wants to be elite, right? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, X rates coming back would be fine. So we're not going to get into it. We're definitely not going to talk about the data minds and stuff like that. However, there has been some stuff floating around about dynamaxing and stuff. It's common. And we talked last week, does that mean that dynamax raids will be based off of the x raid system, which is based off 2019 open street map data? I hope not. I hope not. But it might be, it might be. Well, I would rather them do something different, like elite raids clearly are not the way to go. We've already discussed this. We've already been over it multiple times. We've seen it in Niantic, instead of doing an elite raid, we're just like, Oh, hey, what's an elite raid? Just remote it, you know? So so I feel I feel that these dynamax isn't is a new way to breathe new life into the x raid system. Because in dynamax fashion, you should have four people. So it's like, maybe an elite raid esque type thing. I could see this being in order to fight it, you needed to be in a party of at least two people. But you'll, you'll definitely need four or something like that. I don't know. There's many ways that they could put in like that would suck, because then you don't know if all these people standing around are in it with you, or like, I don't know, but it would be a good way to force you to talk to somebody to get into a party to have to battle this. Can I play devil's advocate here? What if they launched some kind of raid matchmaking? No. What? Raid matchmaking, it would still get people to remote raids. So they because obviously you're you're you're no, I think dynamaxing dynamaxing should this this is how they breathe new life into it. They should have you be in a party. They should try to get four people. I don't think that that's asking too much. Okay, because like Ashton Chanel, myself, there's three. All I need is one person. I can get cast a cubon. He can come with me. We can get it together. And it's like, but if you have four people, you could do an elite raid. So so why would that be different than an elite raid? Because you have to be in a party. Dynamaxing. Do you do you remember? Yeah, sure. In the main series game. And then when when your Pokemon died, you could cheer for them. All that stuff. Like if your Pokemon were dead, you could still cheer. No, no, I know. But there's always those four. It was always four of you. So I think I think that that is the ticket. I don't know. And I think and I think how they do this, because it September is coming up. I'm sure that like that could be its own thing. But this is how they release it. And this is how they get you right here. Hear me out. They Dynamax. Gengar. And they call it like a Halloween thing. And it's the whole vibe is there. But that you have to get four people together. Right. Bring your buddies. Because that's when they introduced party play, right? Was a party play? I'm pretty sure it's been a year already. I feel like it was. Yeah, because it was because we got the announcement when I was in Barcelona. Did you? Yeah. Like I saw it when I was walking down the street, like on one of the last days. I think the whole next season is going to be based on Dynamaxing. I think it's going to be a got like we've talked about Galar a lot, right? Or September starts Pikachu, like just. Well, no, because they'd have to do Pikachu Evie. So maybe half the month's Pikachu, half the month's Evie. And then for October is they just focus on Dynamax and Gengar. So is that tongue like that's going to draw everyone back into this game? If you're not familiar with the Dynamax mechanic in in the main series. You should play certain Shield every Pokemon can Dynamax certain Pokemon can Gigantamax a Dynamax Pokemon is essentially a raid boss. It's just a bigger version of the existing Pokemon. No physical appearance changes. And what if Dynamax is different? What if what all the giant Gigantamax Pokemon? Like no matter what you get them as an XXL. Okay. That would be really cool. Okay. Like like a little nod to the get like their bigger Pokemon. I don't know. I'm just saying take away the gameplay. I'm just saying logistically, operationally, administratively. Is this still going to run on the 2019 OSM map that the EX systems are based on? And will they be like elite raids where will they be like multiple X raids? I don't know. I don't know. Dead. The dead superhero says think you'd be only able to bring one Pokemon for a Dynamax raid or keep a full team of six. Oh, imagine like you you assign one Pokemon to bring. I agree. This is an opportunity like you're saying. Yeah. And then they would die. And then you'd have to like just cheer and like do your no this standard. I'm out. You're right though. You're right. This is a way that they can really refresh. Everyone would just bring their Megas or something like that. I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen, but I can see the whole next season kind of being built around that that mechanic. So we'll we'll have to see. We'll have to see. But it's a good idea too though. Yeah. No, no, it's very good. I guess let's how long we do this? 35 minutes. All right. Let's take a break. When we already took a break, I'm back. You took a break. I'm ready to go. We come back. We're going to talk about the world's event. We'll talk about community day classic and just kind of wrap up some of the final thoughts. What do you think? So sound good. All right. So when you come back, I'm not going anywhere. I've got I've got my pole in spring, read her. No, no, no. I'm safe because I came back. I had a break. Well, so when you come back. So we're going to we're going to still chat. We're going to talk about some dynamites and some deli audio listeners. We'll be back. Right after this. And we are back. Oh, well, we got more sound effects popping off new follower Pokemon our target, our target for Oh, he said, Hey, you guys come in the world. He messes me earlier. He was like, I still have a shiny deli bird for Adam. I was like, no, we're not coming to worlds. I absolutely. Yeah, I it's just not logistically okay for me. It has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with. I mean, I guess, but it has what is more or less the timing. Like, I'm trying to move. I've got Justin's wedding in October. I already took a vacation for Gofest. So I just don't have time to take off of work. That's that's my. Yeah, we just talked about just we're coming back from our break here, but we're just talking about the grunt limit. So Pokemon our target for is saying as oh, he dropped a video. Yeah, it's uh, yeah, that's that's not it's not great. But anyway, we just want to take a quick moment to thank our patrons. Oh, another new follower lifeline Leo. Thank you so much. Okay, we're getting to subscribe. No, it's happening. Oh, man, I know, man. We got some stuff going on right now. Shout out to you. Yeah, but we want to just give a quick shout out to our patrons. Huge thanks to our gym leaders, Ben DJ one to bread GK, holy counselor, Joseph Kimberly Mythical hitch noggin dude and shout out to our newest patrons, Rucker and crammy. Also, shout out to Espion Willow for upping her patreon membership to the gym leader tier. So thank you so much for that. Thank you. Just to take a quick moment about Espion Willow, you know, she's always rooting for Professor Willow talking about his birthday and all this good stuff. And I promised her that we had some Professor Willow stuff coming. We're going to do a little gonna put together some content in the coming weeks about the professor. And just kind of how like, you know, when you see Professor Oak, right, you have this this incredible feeling of knowledge and power and respect, right? Well, I don't have that at all. It's more of like, he's always too campy. He's always too campy and he's very jokey. Like he just seems like remember that time he drove us, but he drives away with ashes mom in the convertible. Yes. Yeah. Well, like, just all through growing up, it's like, yes, he was the professor. But he was always did see it was always the perfect, but you did you listen to him? I listened to him. Okay. No one listens to Professor Willow. Ever. Are you serious? When I went to regionals last year in Hartford, I made sure I got a playset of full art. Professor willows. Boy, boy, trainer spooky in the chat. What's good? Yeah. No, it's, uh, yeah. No one, no one, no one gives Professor Willow enough love. So we're going to, we're going to do something soon to help promote some Professor Willow love Daddy. Like maybe even give away one of those Professor TCG promos. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. All right. Let's talk worlds. We have some fire. I don't know. I don't know. We have some Hawaiians in the chat here, but it says, celebrate the 2024 Pokemon Go championships in Pokemon Go. And it shows mind food in the key art along with a scuba wearing pikachu. So we have a new costume pikachu. That was okay. That one's okay. It's okay because it's world. It's like, it's about worlds. It's world. That's sentimental. Like it's, if you've got the hundred percent, like if one does, if a hundred percent does not spawn in Hawaii during worlds, like that's insane. Like it should happen, and everybody should go bananas. That's all I'm saying. Crowning a world champion. The top qualifying Pokemon Go players from around the globe will compete to determine who will be crowned the 2024 Pokemon Go World Champion. World Champion gets their own little pose here and it's kind of spinning around holding up the trophy wearing a snorkel. Okay. I know the pikachu is, but it's a little, little, little strange. Tune in to watch live and it shows day one day, tune day three on Pokemon Go's Twitch channel and then day three on Pokemon, Pokemon proper Switch channel. No mention here, if they're going to be doing any item drops or anything like that, they will definitely be those because it just, it holds the attention because I want to watch TCG, but I also want to watch Go. And I, like, I mean, I, I don't usually watch the VGC, but it's like, if I had a reason to, you know what I mean? Like, I want to go, I want to go so I can get the research. You know what I mean? Like, I want that so bad and every time I've missed it, I'm like, like 29 minutes viewed. No, yeah, avatar items to celebrate. There's new avatar t-shirts that are pretty cool. And then you have the actual in-game event, which is going to be Friday, August 16th through August 20th. So we're actually, does anybody know if you do the party watch where it's all, well, all the streams or like a couple of them? If that counts? Yeah, do you get that? If so, that would be really cool. But we have, we have, we're in an adventure we've taken over right now. We have Shadow Lugia raid weekend. Yeah, just don't let Team Go Rocket take over your account. That's all I'm saying. This is a real team. Next Friday the 16th through the 20th, Tuesday the 20th, is the actual world championship event. We have the world championship 2024 Pikachu, the scuba Pikachu, scuba chew. If it is shiny event bonuses up to five special trades can be made each day. That's wicked cool. I love that. They're expanding, extending frustration. Now this is what's cool is Beldum community day falls within this event, which means that we'll have five special trades extra during Beldum community day. So they're, you know, that's just a nice shiny meta growth. It's just a nice, nice overlap. Wild encounters during the championship event. Mankey, Licketsung, Marill, Pal day and whooper, Swablu, Fletchling, Carbon, Grubbin, Marini, Scar, Marini is the, if you're lucky, come on. Field research tasks, Swablu, Mindfo, Marini are in there. There's a $5 paid time to research with a battle pass, 25,000 dust, and then encounters with Azumreal, Vigoroth, Cresselia, and more. So legendary encounters in with the two. So that's big. Yeah, it's pretty cool. In raids, we have the scuba chew, Mindfu, and three stars, Licketung, Gfisk, and Diggersby, Shatter Raids, Magnemite, Dratini, Whooper, Gligar, Wabafet, Curlya, Sableye. So there's some good ones in here. So if you don't have those for any of your teams, like this is a good event. Yeah, especially, especially right as Worlds is here. So yeah, and you've got all those down. Good. You've got all those special trades like whoo. Yeah. And you can get the special moves too. You get the exclusive move. So Licketung will know body slam, Mindfu will know, high jump, a high jump kick, and then Quag Sire knows Aquatel, Altaria can learn Moonblast, Charge a Bug, learns Volt Switch, Talonflame, one's Incinerate. So there's no reason not to play. I like it, Adam. I like it. You're losing. It's not. It's like that tag line. You're losing money, not buying it. It's like you're losing battles, not playing the game. You avatar items. Did you see the avatar post? I did. Ukulele post. Oh, wait, I did. I did. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's really cool. There's a bucket hat and a low hot shirt. I definitely love it. So they're making something out of this event, which is pretty cool. It's a short event in the chat. Ken, did you get any meteorites from either day of the requiser raid days? So I did not. There was a couple of people in the group that got random meteorites. I did not. I did. How many did I only played? I did the remote stirring the 11 o'clock and one o'clock sessions, and I didn't do a lot. I maybe did nine or so. That's not. That's not a little rookie numbers. It's rookie numbers. Rookie numbers. This is my two. Okay. I'll then six. Six p.m. I was in person. And I think we did something like 17 or something like that over over the the hour. So no meteorites for me. So unfortunately, that's just the way it went. But I think the world event is good. This is a, you know what, watch that that multi stream. I think this is a good opportunity for go players to check out TCG, check out the VGC. You know, you get that cross pollinization. Unite is still a thing, right? Yeah. Yeah. Unite still going strong, like honestly. So like, I just, I just know it's developed too far for me to like get competitive with it. But it's like, I got to redownload it and then play it on the switch again. I remember when I came out, it was like, it's on the phone. I'm going to play it every day. Well, I couldn't decide whether it's. Yeah. And it's again, it's a sit down. So it's like, it's like TCG live. I literally played it on my break. And it's like, it went for the full half hour. It was, yeah, playing iron thorns is, it's fun. But it, the other opponent can't really do too much or they have to think a lot. Hey, I know you hate the AR advertisement balloons that float around in game. But did you see the TCG? I didn't see it. I clicked them. And what we were all for. What's the new, the new Safari zone or whatnot? That's why I didn't see. So there was a AR ad for the TCG, which kind of plays out a turn of the TCG game where you pick battles, you can pull in blissy. It was awesome. I go, Adam, you got to find this ad. I know you hate clicking on him, but this is awesome. Definitely very, very, very cool. But all right. Worlds, I think you can play a demo or see gameplay of the new, the new app for the card game, the new card app. I don't know. The new TCG lights or whatever. I don't know what it's called, but that's, that's, that's the one. All right. One more thing to talk about on today's show and that, of course, is Community Day Classic for Belden. This is a big one. This is really good. It will be Sunday, August 18th. Again, it's within that window of the World Championship event. So we get those five special trades. Belden appearing more frequently in the wild, meteor mash for Metagross. It's an awesome, awesome attack. Dollar Special Research, the typical Community Day Classic, quarter hatch distance, lures, three hours in since three hours, snapshot surprise. I've got a hundred from a breakthrough. Breakthrough research. That one's getting powered up right now. Adam, for 480 Pokécoins, you can get 30 Ultra Balls, one incense, three super incubators and a lure module. I mean, those 30 Ultra Balls, they just seal the deal for me. That's exactly what I want. They really spiel the deal with me. It really spieled and I just roll out. You know what I'm saying? And I just don't buy it. Amazing. So Community Day Classic with the community are sometimes hit or miss. I've had some Community Day Classic where people show up in droves and then some... Typically, all the dragon ones. They don't. Oh, a reminder to everyone in the chat, Pokémon AI or Tiger for saying Community Day Classic do not let you evolve until 10 p.m. only till five. So yeah, make sure you get those evolutions in for Meteor Mesh. But I think this is going to be a crazy one, not only because Metagross is cool and everyone loves it. It's great, shiny. Is it cool? It's totally cool. Looks awesome in the silver. Looks great. But people are prepping for Mega Metagross. So this is your opportunity to stack up on Rare Candy. That's what September could be is Mega Metagross and then we get the Dynamax Gengar. So Mega Metagross, September. Those are just my predictions. They probably won't be true, but those are my predictions. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think they kind of let us down with Halloween window last year, right? They put Gasly Community Day Classic in August or something like that. Yeah, it was right before it. It was either right before or right after. It was like, why would you know? Why? Why wouldn't you? Yeah, I want I want some ghostly stuff. I want I want more ghosty stuff. Hopefully they'll they'll do some cool. I want I think visuals too. I want, you know, we don't have we don't have shiny greasy. We don't have shiny graveyard, right? No, I feel like that's that's something we could get a shiny graveyard. Um, we probably we probably get a spotlight hour two of that it. No, there's no way there's no way that Dynamaxing doesn't come in this next season. I just I just think that when's the season end, uh, September. So or August end of the month. So, you know, September, October, November. Uh, so a couple of gaming, you know what? Let me um, let me jump over to a couple of gaming's Twitter really quick. So I can show you this. There was a, uh, where is it? What was it? What did they? What did you see? So they no, they posted some screenshots of, um, I don't have it in my game yet, even though I'm updated on iOS. I believe we can only see it on Android. Uh, let's pull it up on screen real quick for the video viewers. So if you look in the, um, search screen in the Pokemon search screen, there is now search filters, uh, for Dynamaxing. So you, there's little icons here for Dynamax and Gigantamax as search filters. That's really cool. In the search screen. So there's no way that it's not coming. We know it's coming. This isn't, you know, we don't have to count or put any, uh, you know, weight into data mines or anything like that that we see. We're seeing it live in game, uh, as a search filter. So without a doubt, it is, uh, it is on the way. So, um, I'm hyped for a community day, build them. Uh, what about shadow hobo? You doing any this weekend? I mean, shadow Lugia. Does that, does that tickle your, your jellies? I already have the hundo, but I do need XL candies for the hundo. So I will probably try. I totally like Ashen's got, Ashen's got a happy practice in the morning. This is second one is season started. Uh, so like not the not next weekend, but the weekend after that, he's got like a huge tournament. And, uh, so it's like four different games. It's like one on Friday, uh, one on Saturday and two on Sunday or something like that. It's crazy. I'm like, jeez, he's in it. He's in it. Josh starts school, you know, soon in September. It's like, before we know it, the, the winner will be here and time just keeps moving, man. It's funny that like the, the pacing of the game, it like really is so intertwined with our lives, how we kind of, you know, it's just, it's just, it's just keeps moving. Yeah, you know, you know when bug week is, you know, an adventure week is. Thanksgiving window. There's always, you know, the, the ultra beast and arrival. Yup. And, you know, um, I don't know, I, give me a gym rework. Give me Dynamax raids. I think that, you know what? I'm putting all my eggs in the basket. We need a gym rework. It's too many eggs. It's a lot of eggs. That's a lot of nuts. We need a gym rework. We, we definitely need a gym rework. What if the Dynamax thing has something to do with a gym rework? What if the Dynamax thing has something to do at party play? I think that we have all of these different mechanics all over the game. Now, I like your idea of party play for Dynamax. Yeah, I think that that's a cool way. It's like, yeah, you force people into party play, but like you could do it with a front, like it forces you to have to play together. And it's like, if the better together event taught me anything, it's like, this game is pretty gnarly when you play it with somebody else. You're frozen. You're frozen. I hear you, but your video feed froze. Okay. Well, I can see myself. You're back. You're back. Havoc Bandit in the chat. What up? Yo, we got some Hawaiians up in here today. Uh, but no, I think that, uh, I think it would be very, very cool if if you're in a party or no, man, the matchmaking. If there's raid matchmaking, think about that. It would require you to spend a pass, a remote pass, unless you're the host and your, your, your boots are on the ground right at the raid. But if you could just dial in to batch making and not have to go through like campfire and trying to, you know, pair up and friend up and all this stuff. But they just want you to use campfire. They want you to get with the community for in person, for in person, for in person. But what if you can play? No, they don't want your remote. I think they're taking a page out of elite. They still look, but I feel, I feel similar to one step closer. Listen, we're ready to have a place. So it's not down this hill, the core values. I, I'm telling you, you didn't shoot, you didn't, you didn't, you didn't blink an eye when they were like, Oh, we're not doing elite raids. Here's remote rates. I definitely did. I was like, I think it's a huge mistake, but in general, but remote raids still have a place. Hey, I'm talking. If you didn't have the ability to remote raid Raquaza, right, would you have gone out for the 11 and the one o'clock timeframes? Hell yeah, what if. So why didn't you? Mr. elite raid man, because I spent time with my family instead. I still have a nobody got time for that. Except the elite trainers. I was not elite. I was not elite until 6 p.m. I was, I was soft. All I'm saying is it's, it just brings a new layer that they could add to the game that could promote people playing together. And it's like, I agree. No, I agree with that. And it's like, you could probably defeat a Dynamaxed gold duck. You know what I mean? Like something that's not, it's their essential. Not a legend. They're essentially three tier. Like in my head, they're three tier Pokemon. You know what I mean? But like for Gengar, Gengar is still like a three tier raid, but a, but like I got Gigantamax versus a Dynamax. I don't know if that correlation is like a Dynamax. You have to, like you can do a full party of 20, but a Gigantamax. I don't know which, what the difference is, but one of the other is like, it's a three star versus a, you know, a normal raid boss. Look, I'm all for that. And I think, and I think the three star, and I think the three star, you, you can definitely, you could definitely solo it, but you should be in a group party and that'll make it easier because then they can cheer your Pokemon on or whatever vice versa. Scale the rewards. Scale the rewards, but if it's the, like if it's the crazy cool, like Gengar is the crazy cool one. So just let that be a normal 20 person raid, but the three stars like limit it. Like you have to physically be there and then you get some crazy rewards for physically being there in the party play. I feel like that's, that's the sweet spot. It's, it's the balance of rewarding the players that are there in person, but not punishing those that aren't correct, because I don't think not getting the Pokemon or not playing the event or not being in the raid lobby itself. I don't think that's a punishment because the solution is just get there in person, right? But I do think that, and like, they can, they can, they can take it as a punishment. I mean, they're going to make, they, they still need to make money. So I think a Dynamax raid they could still remote, but not the, or the G, V, I don't even know. Oh my gosh. The Gigantamax, which would be like the Gengar, again, I'm just want to punch this, this home is that can be that could, yeah, Halloween, make it a 20 person raid. Don't make it remotable or do I don't know. Again, the level of the game is difficult for everybody. Like that's, you say that all the time. So it's like, do you want to be elite? It could be a leadish, but who knows? And then I think the regular Dynamaxing, it would be so cool just to see a Pokemon that don't get any love. Like a deli bird giant, like Gigantamax. Oh, I just, I just deleted Adam. I just killed Adam. I just killed Adam in the middle of him talking. Well, on that note, we're going to wrap it up. I totally just, I killed Adam speed by accident. Let me text him real quick. He's probably like, yo, what did you do? Well, anybody, thank you so much. Adam, is that a show? Yeah, a show. Thank you so much. Keep trading traders. Thanks. Sorry, Adam. [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]