Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

591. LA Diary

Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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Welcome back to the LA Diary!

Couple of foodie reviews and an update on LA auditions. 

Matt's going on TV today!!! Whoooop! So i'll fill you in on all of that next pod diary! 

This was recorded on Lions Gate Portal 8:8:8 it will stay open until August 12th so go out there and manifest those big dreams! pro tip write your goals and dreams down on paper as opposed to typing them on a laptop or phone. And if you have a candle hanging about light a candle too. It is firey Leo season after all! Happy Manifesting!

Big Love

Lola x

See for privacy information.

Welcome to your diary episode. Here's the thing, I'm a bit of a nomad, so these episodes come to you from wherever I'm living or travelling to at the time. So I'll share with you what's going on in my world, from book tours, animal encounters, delish meals, nature adventures, health discoveries, to swimming in hidden Byron Bay beaches. Come with me as I share my adventures with you. Hello there, Gangles. Welcome to your diary Poderoni, all the things that have happened in the last week of living in beautiful Los Angeles. I'm going to start with a dramatic one, and that is an earthquake we had two nights ago at about 9pm. I think it registered at a 5.6 or 5.7. So our whole apartment building shook, and then there was an aftershock as well. So that's the first time we felt a big enough one that there's an aftershock. Apparently when it gets to the fives, you're kind of playing in the big legs as far as like feeling it, things falling off walls, stuff like that. Nothing fell off our walls, but Matt and I just were looking at each other like, because they just last for a bit longer than it's comfortable. It's so fascinating though, being in meetings with people in LA, because Los Angelines are so used to them, and you'll feel tremors and people will literally just like keep talking like there's nothing going on. It's wild, but this was the biggest one. And boss and I were together for that one. And yeah, you could definitely feel it and felt the aftershock. Totally fine though. Everyone keeps trying to be being like, "LA is due for a biggie." And I'm like, "Yeah, yeah. I heard that. No, that. No, that." So the week that was obviously last week was all things, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, Yucka Valley, Pioneer Town. We're still reminiscing on that and loving that it was such a beautiful experience to share together. We've been back in LA this week. We had mates over for dinner on Friday night and their plant base. So Matt made this amazing bolognese, but with lentils instead of meat or instead of like soy as well, because Matt's not a huge soy fan. So he's like, "I'm going to make a lentil based bolognese sauce." And it was so, so yummy. We paired it with a really yummy pinot. There's this pinot you can get here. I don't know if you can get it in Australia, but it's not expensive. It's like $16 a bottle. The brand is called Decoy, and it's got a duck on it. That's the logo of it. Anyway, keep an eye out for that and see if you can get it. I think it might be a local Californian wine, but it's really yummy. It's cheap. And yeah, Trader Joe's Pinot's. Trader Joe's is good for usually really good value alcohol. Also, the alcohol tax in America feels non-existent compared to what we pay in Australia. Right, I also have a meal that I want to share with you that I had. So I forgot left my lunch at home, as you know, I'm managing a yoga studio at the moment. I left my lunch at home and I had a really long shift ahead of me and I said to boss, "Oh no." So I ran to air one and I got this. Air one is like notoriously expensive. And I said, "Oh, I just don't want to spend a bomb because they have this thing called a hot bar where you can pick salmon and veggies and all that, but it can cost like $35 American, which is like over $50 Australian insane." So I was like, "I've got to find a way to go there and not spend the earth." And I found this little kelp noodle salad and it was $12 and I was like brilliant. And it was like a kelp noodle pad tie and kelp noodles are super high in fire bar. They're gluten free. They're very low caloric value as well. You know, I highly recommend kelp noodles. I think they sell them in Australia just so you know, and you can make them at home. I went through a real phase of being obsessed with them back in the day. But it was a really yummy meal. I'm definitely going to get it again. And it just hit the spot. Boss and I actually had a date day at air one the other day and it was so nice. I took a photo of everything we got. So boss got his ginormous slice of pizza for $7. That's actually really good value too. I did get the hot bar, but I controlled how much they put in. So I got one gluten free fried chicken. It was 10 out of 10. I got a little scoop of gluten free mac and cheese, gluten free and dairy free, mac and cheese, really yummy. And then I got a little scoop of their falafel salad. And I think I got that down to $21. But usually if you let them pile it up, it's over $35. It's wild. So yeah, if you ever come to LA and go to the hot bar, because it is so beautiful to go to, you really do want to control how much they put in. Otherwise you'll end up being like, I could have eaten at a fancy, fancy restaurant. We've had some beautiful sunsets. Obviously, it's the middle of summer here right now. Had some beautiful sunsets. We are about to go today and film Matt's going on a TV show. I will fill you in on all of that. Obviously in next week's diary pod, it was just that his filming for today would have been too late that you wouldn't have got your diary pod in time for Friday morning. So I was like, no, no, I'll just pop that in next week's diary. But he's going to go on a TV show today, which I'm so, so excited about. So proud of him. I think he's amazing. So that's really exciting. What else to tell you? I've just found out dad's coming to visit soon. So I've been kind of like planning other cool places we can go and visit. So expect more travel guides. I'm recording three podcasts next week. So you will have lots of new long form interviews on a Monday. I'm in acting school next week. I'm going back to sitcom school, which is really exciting. And then fingers and toes cross all of that lines up. I get to interview the teacher as well, which is awesome because she is the teacher for like Glen Powell, which as you know, he's like Mr. Americana. Incredible in everything like the Twisters Top Gun. Oh my goodness. I feel like he's in everything that Australia on a movie that was on Netflix. Anyway, I'm excited. So I get to do her course on the Tuesday and then interview her on the Wednesday and then I'll bring that pot out pretty quickly. What else to tell you? I'm running a nutrition workshop here in LA soon. So that's exciting. I've got to start preparing that and putting site time aside to like get really clear and confident on that one because I'm teaching to already like yoga teachers and health people. So anyway, interesting, not interesting, but it feels like stakes are kind of high. You know, when you're teaching to people that aren't already into health or if you're whatever your vocation is, it kind of feels easy because you've got like a broad, you can kind of umbrella things whereas this is going to be much more specific. So I want to go in really clear, really confident and feeling happy about that. What else to tell you? So I've had a pretty busy week. I've had a lot of meetings. I did an audition for a skincare company this week, which is cool. I've got a couple of meetings coming up next week that are really exciting. Today as we record this, it's the Lionsgate Portal. It'll stay open for a little while. So if you're hearing this and you're like, "Oh my God, it's after the eight or the eighth." But basically the Lionsgate Portal is considered the most powerful time to manifest in the entire year. And the trick to like manifesting well in this time is that you want to write down your goals. First of all, with the grateful heart. So I was right. I am thankful, like thank you for. And then I write the things that I want to achieve, but in present tense, like as in something is happening, like I'm working on the lot, which is the lot is like one of the universal lot, the paramount lot, one of others lot. So that's something that I want to happen. And so I say it in present tense and I write it in present tense. I also have Sajee Rising and Sajee's Spicy Fire sign. And so I always let a candle when I manifest. If you are a cancerine, you could do something like dip it in water or put it in water and then put it in the freezer. Earth sign sometimes like we'll plant it in the earth, but I like to just burn a candle and get really clear on my goals. And what I'm doing as well is actually pulling out my goal list from two years ago that I did for Lionsgate Portal. So that's really, really exciting. So yeah, if you haven't manifested, go for it. You could do some breathing work before, even a bit of box breathing, then get really clear on your goals, light a candle, say thank you, and then write things in present tense. And it's better to physically write it than to write it on your phone or laptop. It's just a bit more like earthy and I think connected. Don't you reckon? Anyway, that's my tips on manifesting. I'm no guru on it, but I've done it for many, many years and I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. But yeah, it's staying open for a little while. This Lionsgate Portal. So if you haven't pop even just like 15 minutes aside to do it, it's very, very powerful and a great time to be doing it as well. Anything else that I have to tell you about? Oh, we met some really cool tacos. Oh, yes, I did have a little cookie adventure. There's this really viral cookie place, not healthy at all. It's called crumble. You can go down the TikTok rabbit hole of everyone reviewing it. Anyway, had a really long day one day at work. And there's one right in my work. And I was like, I'm going to get myself a cookie. I got myself two. I got myself a strawberry shortcake flavor and the frosting on top tasted like a strawberry milkshake. And then what was the other flavor that I got? Oh, cinnamon crunch, which is a famous cereal here. And it was just like a cinnamon cookie with like a glazy kind of icing on top and then a few little bits of this cinnamon crunch cereal on top. Very good, very unhealthy, definitely got gluten, definitely got sugar, definitely got dairy, probably got some seed oil. So like, I don't really like to do it very often. But when you do want to cheat, it does hit the spot. Boss and I are both trying to like, after we went away, we were just eating whatever we felt like. And I was like, look, we feel so much better. And our mental health is so much better when we're eating well. So we actually have been trying to be super healthy this week, especially ahead of him going on TV. I was like, you just want to feel clear, you want to feel grounded, you want to feel connected. So that is what he's doing right now. I've got to cut a new, a new TV reel today. So it's just kind of one of those days where I'm catching up on passion, life things, going to set with Boo today, so proud of him, so excited for him. And just yeah, chasing that dream. And like, I know I said to you like that my star signs for August are like sharp mind and feellessness. And I feel like I am leaning into that right now. But I think that at the very beginning of the month, I was almost like ready for a fight. You know me, not a fight, but I was like, yeah, villainy, where is now? I'm kind of like, no, I'm just going to be really clear, really truthful, really honest. And standing my truth. There's this word in yoga, Satya, S-A-T-Y-A. And it means to live with a truthful heart and truthfulness and from this space. And I think that that is actually what this era is for me. It's just like, be really honest, be really truthful. It's never going to let you down. And then move forward from that space. And so I think that's where my like, sharp mind and feellessness really feels best in this space of truthfulness, Satya. Anyway, that's just me. That's what I believe and what I think. And I think I hope today's little check-in inspires you to do some manifesting of the back of the Lionsgate portal. Get in there, do it, write it down with a pen, do a little bit of breathwork beforehand, and then get in there, do it, and just get really clear on what you would be doing if nothing else mattered, like what's important to you. That's my advice. All right, Gangles, I think absolutely wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful day. I look forward to reporting back about the Bossa Tengy on his show today. And I'm going to put it all over socials too, because I'm so proud of him. But yeah, that's me. Make a love. Hooroo. Go, go, manifest. That is my message for you in today's Potta Rooney. Get out there. Go live your dreams. And if you're not living them, spend some time visualizing them, writing them down, feeling them, breathing them, you've got this. All right. Hooroo. Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]