Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

588. LA Diary

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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Welcome back to another week of the LA Diary!

Big Love

Lola x

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Welcome to your diary episode. Here's the thing, I'm a bit of a nomad. So these episodes come to you from wherever I'm living or travelling to at the time. So I'll share with you what's going on in my world, from book tours, animal encounters, delish meals, nature adventures, health discoveries, to swimming in hidden Byron Bay beaches. Come with me as I share my adventures with you. Hello, welcome to your Friday diary pod. If it sounds like I'm talking a little bit quiet, it's just because the boss of Changi is asleep. I'm about to jet to work, but I wanted to make sure this pot of Rooney came out on time. So on Monday, you got almost like an extended diary pod of Yucka Valley, Joshua Tree and Pioneer Town. What I'm going to do for next Monday is actually a proper travel guide, including all of Palmer Springs and the hikes, because I went there last year. So I'm going to spend all of my Sunday like formulating the perfect travel guide for you, and that will come out on Monday. Book some fun guests, just confirm some fun guests for the next couple of weeks, which is really, really exciting. Some Australia, some America. So stay tuned. This week is just a week in the life, Los Angeles, and like the last little bit of Pioneer Town and Joshua Tree and all of that, because right after I recorded that episode I recorded for you from Yucka Valley, I went for my morning walk, and I saw this massive snake. And it was the first, third of it was black, and the rest of it was like this dusty pink color. I think they're called coach whip snakes. Their name means they can whip real quick, and even as soon as I saw it, it saw me, and it was like, and turned to face me, and I was like, "Oh, golly, you're going to be a quick one, aren't you?" Anyway, I tried to get a little vid, and I was so nervous, and then I went home so quickly, because he was just chilling. He or she was just chilling on the side of the road, like not in the bushes, not away, like very, very close to the road, and I was walking on the road. Anyway, so I thought I mentioned that, and I also saw loads of ravens. A lot of people say they're bad luck, but I also think a lot of cultures say they're really good luck too, like for transformation as well as being like highly adaptive, and resilient, and strong. Anyway, so I was walking there with these five, just sitting on a wire, just looking down at me, very full on, but kind of like quite fun as well. Felt like, you know, eerie, spooky. I would have mentioned in the last episode, we saw coyotes and these little field chipmunk things. They're not mice, but they're the size of mice, and they're kind of white in color, very light, creamy. And then being back in LA, I got to say, because we ate loads of America. We went out for a lot of Americana food. In that last day, we went back into Piney Town, took our mates, went to Pappy and Harriet's, got the grill again, Matt's obsessed, loves the ribs. It was a lot of fun, but it was really heavy food, which I'm not so be used to, but here's the thing about me. Here's the thing about me, gang. I've had it really hard to reel back in after I've been having treaties and not my normal diet. So it's taken me a little while to kind of like come back to feeling like in my rhythm again. So I've had to find like, you know, I don't know about you, but when I like cut something out, I have to find a healthy alternative for a while. And so like, I found my favorite gluten-free blondie that I get from lessons, the Natural Health Store in LA. And I got that because that was like I was craving sweet. And then I found this chocolate that's sweetened with fiber. So the brand is called Gatsby. The whole bar has 70 calories, five grams of sugar and the flavors cookies and cream, of course. But they are using, I believe, "Oh, you lost to sweet." And there's M.C.T. in here, sweetened with Stevia. But that was yummy. Oh yeah, Alle Loose is the first ingredient. So that was really, really yummy. Cool Gatsby inspired branding, like the wise, a little martini glass. I don't know if you can get this in Australia, but the brand is Gatsby. They have other flavors like salted caramel almond, but I've tried them in the past and cookies and cream is the winner. I also tried a new health bar. It's called a hemp bar, 12 grams of protein, cookie dough flavor. It was really, really nice. And it did hit the spot. Why didn't I buy it again when I was in lessons yesterday? I feel like I might have had high. 18 grams of carb, four grams of sugars. That's not too bad. Cashew butter, hemp protein, monk fruit, Inulin fire, fiber, pea, crisp blend, maple syrup, sunflower lecithin, sea salt cinnamon, pretty clean. Hemp bar is that brand. And then four sigmatic do the mushroom coffee, but I tried their boost, which is the organic elixir mix of quarter-set mushroom. And I can never say this word right, but sashandra, it's just because I've got a massive lisp. And it was really good. So they're just some of the things I've tried this week, kind of like trying to get back onto my little health grind. We've got people coming over for Dins night, which will be so nice. That's why I'm getting to work a bit earlier, so I can sneak out a bit earlier and have a Dins at home tonight. I've got my little diary here of all the things that we've done this week. Oh, yeah, I had a meeting yesterday. You know, the nutrition brand, Kylo, I'm an ambassador for them in America, so specifically the American territory. So I met their marketing team yesterday. We've got a whole content shoot coming up. So it was just like planning that out and figuring out how much we can physically like film in a very, like in a one-day shoot. So I don't know if you know this, but recipes take a long time to shoot. So we're, I think we're planning five recipes to yoga, five recipes to yoga, Q&A, BTS, but yeah, that's all happening in August, which is really, really exciting. What else would I call to tell you? I've been working my butt off at the yoga studio as per usual. I had a couple of long days this week, like 11 hour days, and I was like, it knocks me, you know, and like I'm a pretty apparent, I don't know if you know about human design. If you don't, I've got a whole podcast episode on it with the beautiful Emma Dunwoody, and I'm a manifesting generator, which means we rarely burn out, which you can just like go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. But then I'll get frustrated if I haven't kind of made time for myself. And for me, I'm passionate, like I have to live my passion. And so I, yes, I was like to man, I'm feeling very frustrated today. And so I had my therapist, and I hadn't had my therapist, like I had a session with my therapist, we figured out for like a month, just because I think life got really busy for both of us. My therapist was traveling and obviously like I've taken on this full time position at the yoga studio. But I guess I wanted to mention it because it wasn't an easy session. Yeah, sometimes you come out of therapy and you're like, Oh my God, that was the best. Oh my God, I'm a superhuman. Oh my God, I just faced all this stuff. I've grown, I've stretched it, it's usually how I feel. Or I feel like he really helps me like, anchor myself or realign anything in these realignment. But like yesterday was just hard, like a really hard session. A lot of tears. A lot of like coming to terms with things that I didn't really want to come to terms with. And I was just like, whoa, it was so hard to match like this is so good. And I'm like, why is this good? And it's like, because you're processing, that's what this is forcing you do. He's like, you are processing. And I was like, really? And he's like, yeah, you're moving through stuff. And even though it's uncomfortable and it can feel like disheartening sometimes or a bit griefy sometimes, it's better to feel all that, let it go and move forward and kind of like heal essentially. And so, yeah, I had a really great session, but it was a toughy yesterday. And it kind of made me realize that I've got to go a bit easier on myself. I'm very strict and hard on myself from a, not even mentally, just like an expectation that I have on myself. Like, even though I'm doing loads of work at the yoga studio, I'm still auditioning as well. And so like, I'll set my alarm, do an audition, whether it's voice over or commercial, that's kind of like where I'm auditioning mainly at the moment. And then I'll go and do that eight, 10, 11 hour day, or I'll do it at night kind of thing. And it just, like I was saying to Matt and I was saying to my therapist, like, I just, I want to book a commercial or a video, like it's so much fun when I do the audition. And then I don't really get to sit in that energy again until the next audition comes in. And it's like, I don't make space for myself to just sit and be okay with that, you know? Anyway, so therapy was great, took lots of notes. Oh, he gave me a rip a quote too. I want to share this with you, because I was like, whoa, you know, when they do penny drop, that might drop moments. Okay, so he said loads of stuff. We talked a lot about like true power comes from within and not from outside yourself. And he said, your power needs to be self generated. We did a lot of work around being an actor, being a talk show host, which is like my ultimate, like top of Mount Everest Dream. We talked about intuition, personal power, personal truth. And this is the mic drop line that he said, don't let your kindness get in the way of your truth. Own your hardcore truths, which I really, really like. And we talked about like letting go and seeing it as a new opportunity. So that was really, really nice. And it was interesting, because like, even as we were in this session, like a really exciting email came through for what am I like dream passion things, which made me think like I'm probably holding on too tight, like, must book a gig, must book a gig, must book a gig. And I'm not making space for like other really exciting, equally as exciting, equally as kill things. But yeah, this was the line. I'm going to leave it with you today, because I want you to steal it and use it yourself. Don't let your kindness get in the way of your truth. How cool. How cool. Oh, and then I got really teary at the end. He goes, you're different. And it's a good thing. And I was like, really? And he's like, yeah. And then you know, when people say really nice things to you and it makes you cry even more, that was me. Anyway, friends, who grew, I think you're wonderful, have a ripper day. You will be hearing me on Monday. If you haven't listened to the hot seat, boss jumped in on the hot seat. And he was wonderful. And we made it a hot seat all about Palm Springs and Joshua Tree. So again, more tips there. We have an exciting week, next week, boss might kill me for saying this, but he's actually going on a TV show. And I've taken the day off to go with him. So that's going to be loads and loads of fun. And yeah, I'm just really excited to be his cheerleader. All right, my gang. Love you lots. And thank you for being flippin' wonderful. All right, hooroo. Bye.