Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

585. LA Diary

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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Welcome back to another week of the LA Diary !


Big Love,


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Welcome to your diary episode. Here's the thing, I'm a bit of a nomad. So these episodes come to you from wherever I'm living or travelling to at the time. So I'll share with you what's going on in my world from book tours, animal encounters, delish meals, nature adventures, health discoveries, to swimming in hidden Byron Bay beaches. Come with me as I share my adventures with you. Hello there, welcome to the diary pod. We are dog sitting at the moment, so I have the beautiful Moana sitting next to me curled up. She's pretty quiet, so I don't think you're, I don't think you know she's here other than me telling you right now. And we've got some nice pup energy with us. Right, I've got so much to tell you about the week that was in LA. But first of all, housekeeping. And the housekeeping is Monday's ep was volume two with actor Travis Jeffrey. This was the most recent episode we did together off the back of him being in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes as Anya, Chiki Anya. Oh sorry, Chiki Anaya. And we talked about motion capture, the audition process, auditioning for a massive like Hollywood movie. We talked about being on the red carpet at the Chinese theater in Hollywood on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And if you hear sounds beside me, this is beautiful Moana getting comfy. And he talked about the whole process is very generous and giving and kind with his time. He's such a wonderful human being. And I can't wait to have him on the pod again one day. I feel like, you know, sometimes when you, well, I don't know if you know this, but sometimes when you meet people on the pod, you'll sit down and interview them and you'll feel like by the end of that interview, you've become mates. Travis, one of those people, Hugh Stewart was also one of those people, incredible photographer. And I just think when you meet those people that you want to like hang out with after, what a gift. You know, Damon was that too. There were a few people where I interview them and I'm like, ah, you're just like a salt of the earth human being. Right. So that episode came out on Monday. So if you're into anything behind the scenes of movies or Hollywood or acting or writing, he also talks about his own short film Dusty, which he wrote, produced and starred in. And we talked about that. It's in, it's been in already St. Kilda Film Fest. It's in Cinefest coming up as well because we timed the pod to time in with the festivals. So he's just such a wonderful human. Super sweet, super generous, super, super kind. So that episode is your Monday episode. So that's your Monday episode. And then next Monday, I quickly want to talk to you about because I'm going to do a Palm Springs special. Now we're about to go to Joshua Tree. And so I want to record it for you very much in real time. But we're going with mates and we need to get them to the airport on Sunday night, which is an Australian Monday. So we're going, although I will have recorded it in the morning, we're not going to be able to upload it until we get home, which is probably going to be really late on Sunday night, which will be like a Monday Arvo. So Monday's episode won't drop in the morning. It will actually drop in the afternoon, early evening in Australia. So it will still come out Monday. I just wanted to give you a Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, Pioneer Town special and kind of like tour guide because it's meant to be such a special spiritual vortex of California. So I hope you love it. We're going to go into the National Park, all the fun stuff. Right,io. Now that all the housekeeping is done, let's talk the week that was. I've been obviously working my banana off at the, as in just working nonstop at the Yog Studio, been working really, really hard there, teaching lots of yolks. And I have, as a result, because the area where I work is called Culver City, Great Little Area West Side. But I've also been, as a result, being able to trial this great food around the area. So I went to a salad bar called Sweet Greens. It's actually a chain. So if you're ever in LA, Sweet Greens is great. They've got loads of salad bowls. But I tried, I said to the girl, what's your favorite? She goes, try the crispy rice bowl. It was so good. It came with chicken. And they call it arugula here. Rocket is what we call it. And then it's got this, it had this like spicy cashew dressing. It was really, really, really yummy. Another place that I've been to recently with my friend Justin is a place called South Beverly Grill. Now he got this Savion Blanc martini. Yes, like white wine in a martini. I am not a white wine gal. I am a Pinot Noir kind of gal, if I'm going to have a Vino. But I'm much more into like martinis and whiskey. Neat. Love it. Just like the Hosea song. Anyway, he's like, we've got to try the special martini. And I was like, you get the special one. I'm going to get a really nice dried gin one with the twist of lemon, because that's a way that Bosco and I like to do it in Byron Bay. So I got my traditional LA one, Justin got the special Savion Blanc one. And it was, it was delicious, much sweeter than mine though. So I stuck with the tradition, loved it. So this South Beverly Grill has some traditional Southern American stuff. So we got this like creamy spinach dip apparently that's like a Southern thing. They've got loads of food like sushi, steak, chipos, a bit of everything. You'll find that in America, you'll go to a restaurant or bar and the menus will be humongous, like 50 options. It's a very, I think it's a very Americana thing. Like you can have the most beautiful sushi or Niswa salad or kale Caesar, or you can have like steak or hamburgers or fried chicken burger all on the same menu. Very interesting, very Americana vibes. So that was really yummy. Bosco came in medicine as well. And we had a really fun night. We also got some sushi there as well, which was delicious little snackola. What else have I written here? Oh, I've been doing a little bit of Joshua Tree planning. So I want to do a little bit of vintage shopping with Boo. Apparently there's incredible designer outlets out there. I've never been to them. I have been to Palm Springs before. You will remember last year I stayed at my lovely landlord when I lived in Los Fearless. I stayed at Lily's Palm Springs house with Alex and Anthony. And we kind of like took a little gang with us a little bit of had a little crew with us. And it was so much fun. But I never checked out the outlets. I did check out some of the vintage shopping, which was amazing. So I think boss is going to love the vintage shopping. So that's our plan. I think day one is going to be vintage shopping and Pioneer Town, which is the old town where they used to film westerns. I'm so excited to take boss to the Red Dog Saloon. So that's like a proper old school saloon. There's a famous little bar out there called Pappy and Harriet's, but it is shop for the summer. Because it is so hot out there, way hotter than LA. Like LA is sitting at like 30 degrees every day at the moment. Out there, it is literally 50 degrees. So it's going to be super, super hot. We just got the AC fixed in the truck. So we're really excited. But yeah, it's, it's going to be fun. And I wanted the next Mondays, sorry, next Monday's app. Yes, I'm saying that, right? I'm a bit delivero, aren't I? And to like kind of be in real time and be, I've had a lot of like actors on the pod. I've booked a lot of guests coming up for August. And I thought this will be a good little check in one. But also, if you're ever visiting LA, it's so worth doing three days in Palm Springs or Joshua Tree or Yucka Valley or Pioneer Town. And so you're going to have a full guide of that area, how exciting. So that's what Monday's app will be. But remember, it is going to come out in the afternoon, your Aussie time. Americanos, it'll come out Sunday night. Because now we have a bit of an American audience on the pod. Welcome if you are American. 30% Americanos on this pod and there and 70% Osarunis. So that's exciting. Thank you to everybody that's listening. Now, the next thing that I wanted to talk to you about on the pod is last night. So I got invited to an advanced screening of a movie called It Ends With Us. So it's a Colleen Hoover book that's been inspired and turned into a movie like Lively Is The Lead. It's a lot of it shot in New York, even though I think it's set in Boston. I feel like it's all shot in New York. It feels very New York vibes. Anyway, as part of the launch for the movie, we got invited to this kind of like art installation before the movie screening kicked off. And so it was at Century City, which is a massive mall here in LA. And they have a beautiful AMC theater there, which is like the equivalent of Hoyts or Village for us for Aziz. Anyway, we went to this art installation, which was a pop up of the actual florist where a lot of the movie is set. And it was lots of fun. We got given cookies that are featured in the movie. We got given a little bouquet of flowers. There were lots of like media wall kind of moments as well. Even the Spotify playlist that's linked to the movie was what was playing like that. It's almost like they thought of everything. And so we did that. I went to my friend Alex, and then we went up to the movies. We had actually we had some time to come out. This is like, do you want a cupcake? And there is literally a cupcake ATM machine in America called Sprinkles. And we both got a strawberry cupcake. And I was really, really yummy. Anyway, we went, then we went back into the theater and saw the movie Unreal. And also there was a Q&A afterwards with Colleen Hoover, who is the author of the book. And I believe she worked quite heavily on the movie as well. I believe in a producer capacity too. And two really massive famous American podcasters interviewed her. I want to research them because I had not heard of them before, but I think they're quite a big deal. And there were a lot of book talk people there as well. I think they'd invited a big bunch of influencers and then done some kind of like book talk thing because all the book topic were like cheering. And Colleen Hoover has, this is an Easter egg. I'm not giving away, but there is a little cameo in the movie that Colleen is in. And the whole like theater erupted as soon as they saw her. Jenny Slate is in the movie as well. You know, I love the movie Marcel the Shell. She's also an incredible voice actor on Big Mouth and loads of things. And she's like the comic relief because some of the topics that are touched on in this movie sit in that domestic violence and even a little bit of sexual assault stuff. So I do want to give you a trigger warning here. If you go and see it, it is a beautiful movie, beautiful casting. Blake Lively is like such a stunning human being to watch on the big screen as well. That beautiful hair, such cool outfits. It's all set in a florist, like it all feels very like rustic and artsy. But it does tackle some really full on domestic violence things. And so I just want to give you a heads up about that. Also, if you haven't read the book and you're like, Oh, go, go, go see this thing fun like romcom. I would say it's, it does tackle some heavier issues in there is definitely domestic violence scenes. And there is definitely a sexual assault scene. So I just want to be really honest and clear about that. It is a great movie. It is like so beautifully filmed, like the florists are so beautiful. The actor that plays Atlas is cast but I think the casting was really, really great for those of you that have read the book. I think a lot of you have read the Colleen Hoover book because I know I did a review on it when I was in Byron and sent the copy away as a Prezi. Remember, I was doing before we moved here to Los Angeles, I was like cleaning out my books because we were going to rent out our place, right? And so I remember I reviewed it ends with us and gave it away to someone. So if you'll listen to this, hopefully it was you. But yeah, so I love Colleen Hoover books because they are that kind of like pure escapism. You can kind of binge read them in three days. If you haven't read the book, read it. You'll read it in like two days, three days. There's a brand new release with Black Love Lively on the cover to I believe in America Target is getting that advanced. So that might be the same in Australia, I'm not sure. What else to tell you? Interesting thing that Colleen Hoover shared last night at the event was that she sold the movie rights five years ago. So it's just fascinating to know from the behind the scenes of how Hollywood works and movies work. So she wrote that book, I'm presuming like seven years ago, maybe longer because she's written a copious amount of books. My entry into Colleen Hoover was Verity, which is a bit darker in the sense that there's a little bit of a murder who done it twang, which got me like, oh my goodness, like twist. There were lots of like plot twists, which was so fun to read. This is much more like looks at, it ends with us to me, looks at toxic love. Oh, Moana, she's comfy on the bed here. Just loves being near you. This doggo, very cute. So go see the movie. It's awesome. It's Unreal. It's by Sony Pictures. It's coming out in Australia on the 8th of August. It's coming out in America on the 9th of August. And if you're in LA, I believe they're going to keep that pop up art installation for a little while. So go see it at Century City, go check out the art installation and then just like get the escalators up to the movie theater. You'll love it. What else to tell you about it? It was so fun. It was because it was like an influencer event. We all got free popcorn and drinks. So it was like a fun, fun night. So fun to take my mate, Alex, who we met working at the Yoga Studio together over a year ago, well over a year ago now. And so it's just nice because she's always been like such a wonderful boss. And we don't work together at the same locations anymore. So it was really nice to just be like, have a girl's night. Anyway, lots of fun. Also like, LA, you can feel like a grind some days, especially when I'm working a lot. I'm like, oh my goodness, like, ah, dreams were. And it's really nice to like go to a screening like that and like get your dreams realigned a bit as far as an artist and actor go. I also put up an audition yesterday, so funny. It was all improv and comedy based. It was still scripted, but like they wanted to see comedy chops. And I was just like, all right, here we go. I stayed in my Aussie accent. Fun fact, whenever I do improv or comedy auditions, I usually stay in my Aussie accent because it's so much easier to improv in your natural dialect. The moment you're putting the filter of like, oh, like, how would this sound in an American accent? And like, you're trying to hit like lines, but improv in that space is really, really tricky. And because the turnarounds for commercials are really, really tight, I usually do if it's a commercial that's a comedy and they're asking for improv, I will stay in Aussie. And then if they're, if it's scripted, like a commercial that's scripted, I will do it in American. I will slate in Australian, which means where you're like, Hi, I'm Lola. I live in LA. This is my agent. So I do my slate and Aussie, my audition in America. And then I give them a second option in my natural accent. Anyway, probably oversharing, but that's, I did an audition yesterday and it was improv based. So I did in Aussie, which is always fun because you can, you feel funnier in Aussie. You don't feel like I feel less funny when I'm improvising in an American accent, because I can't, like, there's a little bit of a barrier because you're filtering the words and how they would sound within American accent, if that makes sense. Anyway, I feel like I'm probably oversharing. As always, that's what I do though, isn't it? Gangles. That's exactly what I do. So there you have it. You've had a movie review, a couple of food reviews. We're getting excited for Joshua Tree. I will share so much of that journey and adventure on socials, of course, but also here on the pod in both the diary and Monday's episode, just remember it is going to come out a pinch later on Monday. And I'm excited. I'm excited to share a little bit of our travel journeys with you and exploring and all that kind of fun stuff. Anyway, I think you're wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful day. You'll probably most likely listen to this on a Friday. So you've got the weekend coming up. Do something just for you, just for you. No one else. Make some time to just give back to yourself. Anyway, love you lots. Hooray. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]