Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

576. Hot Seat: Spiritual Mixtape - Daisy Mack

Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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Welcome to Fearlessly Failing Hot Seat. In this EP, I fire rapid questions at one of our fearlessly failing guests. P.S. I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm not so good at the rapid part. I get to intrigued by the awesome answers. Now, a new EP is gonna drop every Wednesday. So enjoy this shorter style episode of Fearlessly Failing Hot Seat. - Welcome back to the Hot Seat, Daisy Mack. - Well, thanks for having me. - We're making this a little bit of an astrology hot seat because we've just done an astrology yet. If you haven't heard it, it came out on Monday. So I'm gonna put you, you haven't seen these questions. I'm gonna put you on the spot a little bit. What do, and this is through the lens of Daisy. So you don't, what is your luckiest month? - Oh, it's got to be August or December. They're both good depending on like the year. Is it because December is birthday? - December is birthday. You're always like a little bit special on your solar return. And I also love a winter at quinox, but obviously if I was in Australia, it'd be a summer baby. - Yeah, yeah. - But sometimes it makes me wanna move to Australia just for that. And August has my favorite portal, Lionsgate. - And if you wanna know more about the Lionsgate portal, we deep-dived it in the Monday episode and we're coming up to it. So it is such a fun and powerful time to manifest. - It really is. It's just, there's something very magical about it. I can't put my finger on it. - Every year, that's like, I can go back over them. I love it, it's so much. It's such a fun time to do it. Do you have a favorite lucky number? - Seven. - Is there a reason for that? - No, you just love seven. - I just love seven. It's a powerful number anyway in numerology. And I do love ones and twos. I love the A, but sevens just always been a lucky sevens. - What does it mean in numerology? - I know there's different schools of thought, Sophie. - I think it's just generally power. Like, it's just the number that's like, because one's the beginning. Two's the build and the community. And then you sort of, there's a couple of wobbles. Like, five is sometimes thought of as a wobbly number. - And change always comes about with five stuff here. - I like you sit in the tarot as well. Like, seven's often like a nice point before you get to the final hurdle at the end. - Yeah, no, I love it. And I think I was telling you, I've been following these numerologists, but seven's like the day of like the genius as well. - Oh, yes, you said that. - Add that to your seven list. - Of course, of course. - This makes sense. Do you have a favorite planet? - I'm gonna go with Uncle Jeeps. I'm gonna go with Jupiter. - Because lucky, fun times. - He expands everything he's next to. And as a Sagittarius rising in a general optimist and a grad in seven, a generator, I want everything to expand. I want every, like, take a good thing and let it expand. He also does expand bad things that he's next to. - Yeah. - But we're just gonna go with the good stuff. - I love it. So this question, this hot seat question comes from Matt. - Okay. - And I was like, what do you wanna know in an astrology hot seat? And he's like, okay, this is what I think the listeners, I would like, he's like, great combos. And you can see it as, like, sun or rising. Take it as you will for love and romance, then for business and then for friendship. Like, what a compatibility piece. - In terms of star signs, I actually don't know either. But I will say this because we've just been looking at it. Mercury and Virgo together are great for business, are great for goal getting, great for, and the reason why is communication and Virgo. And again, this is like where astrologers tell you better, but in terms of like, just that, yeah, this feels good in my body. Mercury working alongside organized taskmaster. Like, they would just get things done. Like, if I was gonna have a wedding or a big work project, I'd get some Mercury Virgo energy going in there. - Is that 'cause Mercury rules Virgo? - Oh, I didn't know that. - It does. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I only know 'cause of my, I'm a nerd for my Virgo stuff. - There you go, it's extra exalted. - Yeah. - So yeah, of course it feels good. And again, like, I don't know, like the ins and outs of this, but on July 11, we have like a moment between Venus and Mars. And I wanna say that Venus is in cancer and Mars is in Taurus. I'm gonna go with that and I'm sorry if I've got it wrong, but that's a super love day. And it's a super creative day. - So no matter like, whether you're in a relationship or not, it, like, if you're in a relationship and it's just gonna be an amazing day for creativity and friends and like, everything feels like juzhi and good. And then if you're not in a relationship, like, get out, get in, get on a hot day, go somewhere fun, everything's gonna feel good. - Oh, I love it. Now this isn't a astrology question, but do you have a favourite crystal? - Depends, look, I think you have the strong failsafes of Amethyst and Rose Quartz. I do love a Laramah, which is a blue crystal really opens up the throat. I like Malekite, I hope I've said that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause for travel and it's just such a beautiful green. But the ones that I was like, like to gift, I like to give to clients, it's always a Rose Quartz when I am in Amethyst, they're just so strong. And my bowls are obsidian. - Are they? - Yeah, obsidian and quartz, to really, like, undo your bad juzhi. - Yeah, I love a Labrador, right? - Oh. - It's my lucky, it's my dream, like, my manifesting crystal. Like, I'm like, my dreams come. And if I'm really, like, if I do an audition, I'm really, like, wanna know that I've given it my all. - I'll put the script under my pillow with the Labrador, right? - 100%. - 'Cause even just as a ritual. - Yeah. - It just anchors in all of that energy, like, into your body, into your psyche. - And I don't know if this is, like, just a, like a nerdy thing that has, but I think you learn your lines better if you put the script under your pillow. 'Cause you read it first and last thing. - I was not great at school, but I take good grades and I used to do stuff like that. - It makes a, I'm telling you. - It makes a difference. Daisy, thank you so much for doing an astrology hot seat with me and thanks for doing the pod app and to the listener, go check out Daisy's pod, spiritual mixtape and spiritual mixtape on Insta as well. 'Cause you post so much. Like, I wanna say every couple of days, you're kind of posting a little update about what is going on and how to best lean into and utilize the energy astrologically in your own world, in your own, like, day-to-day. - Thank you for being my specs person. I couldn't have said it better myself. - Oh, glad I nailed it, friend. Cannot wait for the next time we do something like this, but also can't wait to see you soon and see the Papa jeans. - Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]