Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

574. LA Diary

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Welcome back to another week of the LA Diary!

Been working loads at the yoges studio this week, helping and managing it while someone's away, which has been fun but big days! So its been a yogi week this week!

I also have foodie and snack reviews for you!

And I share a few helpful lessons from acting school :)

Big Love

Lola x

See for privacy information.

Welcome to your diary episode. Here's the thing, I'm a bit of a nomad. So these episodes come to you from wherever I'm living or travelling to at the time. So I'll share with you what's going on in my world from book tours, animal encounters, delish meals, nature adventures, health discoveries, to swimming in hidden Byron Bay beaches. Come with me as I share my adventures with you. Good morning, Gangles. Oh, I guess it's good, just good morning for me, it may not be. Good morning for you. I'm recording this at 6.31am in the morning because I have a big day. I'm working at a yoga studio at the moment and I'm basically in training to manage, which means I have crazy hours at the moment, which is really exciting. But in order to record this pot of Rooney, I'm going to set the alarm nice and early. So update, we've got updates. I did a Q&A box on Insta. I've got, I've collected some food reviews for you. The week that was, so, oh my goodness, I feel like my brain is a little bit of a blur. But basically, you probably know this, I've been teaching yolks the whole time I've been in LA. I think Matt and I talked about this really openly in Monday's LA tour guide. It's a really expensive city to live in and I was getting a little bit sick of bleeding Australian savings. And so I thought there was an opportunity to help out at a studio temporarily and step in as a manager. And that's what I'm doing. And what I love about America is the training is so intensive. But when I say intensive, I mean intensive, like really, really long days, but making sure that you understand all like the back end operations, all the front selling operations. So fascinating. And I love the way that human psychology is studied and then taught. So I'm learning loads. I love it. But it's a lot of hours. And so like even in my lunch breaks, I've been like whipping out my laptop and writing articles for Australia in the meantime. So I'm loving it. But I'm also like, oh, this is a little bit of a juggling act. So you're getting a very early morning party, usually get like a post coffee, kind of like super chilled pod. And then as soon as I hit stop recording this episode, I jet and I need to be in the car by 7am for another full, huge 12 hour day of training. So bear with me. If my brain is a little bit of a jumble, the great news is I've been doing all of my training in Beverly Hills. And there is an air one, five minutes from the yoga studio. So I've tried some new things that good old air one, haven't I just? And it's the air one that I first ever went to. It's the one that's on the outside of the grove. So for me, it feels like the OG one. I'm sure it's not or actually have no idea whether it is or not. But I have because I get an hour lunch break. So I've been running down and getting the vegan taco salad. I've told you about that one before. It's like, instead of meat, they use like a spiced Mexican walnuts. I have tried the kelp noodle salad, which was amazing. I have tried the mad rap, which again, you've heard me yarn on and on about. That's essentially they use collard greens instead of a rap, like a tautila rap. And it's got their famous kale white bean salad inside the rap and mustard. But the other day, the other day I tried a new one. So collard green rap. But it was turkey, mustard, mayo, pickled veggies. And it was really my flavor profile. It was really, really, really nice and a little bit of cheese. Like, I don't know, I want to say picker, I don't know how to say that cheese name. But anyway, it was really, really good. I also have tried a new brownie from air one that I've never tried. It's got the mushroom changer in it. And boss knew I had a really, really long day yesterday. And so he bought me another one. So we had that for dessert last night. And last night we heated it up and it was just like melt in your mouth. The great thing about air one is a lot of their own branded stuff is gluten free. Like it's not even label gluten free. It just is gluten free. So that's kind of what I love about it. I also got and I collected it for you organic clean greens juice. So it's got organic cucumber, spinach, romaine lettuce, mint and lemon. That was really good. I tried not new another lohar bar. So this flavor was mint chocolate. So a lohar is probably the healthiest protein bar that I've found here in America. It's USDA organic non GMO verified and B Corp certified 14 grams of protein and it's plant based protein. They're really yummy. They're kind of like gooey. You got to be cool with texture because it's like almost Play-Doh texture, but I like that. But I also understand probably not everyone's cup of tea. But really yummy. And this mint chocolate one literally has like a chocolate coat over it. So yeah, that's me, my gang. That's me. Okay. So that's all the food stuff I've been trying. The other things that I have been having, I take photos of everything as you know, so I've got my phone up here. I'm just going to have a little swig of coffee because it is nice and early in the morning. Did you hear that slip? Oh, so good. All right. Oh, yep, that's a dress I really want to get. I love that. That's part of my face. Oh, Matt has found this hack. He's been buying these Trader Joe's Tortilla that rounds. And if we don't use them all because they like come in a pack of like 20 or something, he cuts them up and pops in the fryer pan with a bit of olive oil and Mexican spice combo. Oh, my goodness. 10 out of 10. And we had our mate Daisy over for dinner a couple of nights ago with her beautiful puppuccinos. And he made them as a starter. And then we made our black bean salad that we make all the time and then put chicken on top. It was really, really good. It was really, really good. What else boss and I've been doing PT. The show that I filmed for Portal 1 aired since we last spoke. So that's been really exciting. I've been building my IMDB Pro, which has been a lot of fun. I'm also like such a gumbie and newbie. And I'm like, oh, little I do. So if anybody has any hot tips about IMDB Pro about getting things credited, like I've obviously worked on a lot of morning TV in Australia. And it won't credit like it won't approve. It keeps getting blocked. So I need to figure out how they have to do that. But I have figured out how to like take ownership of my page, claim my page. I have figured out how to upload photos and videos and fun stuff. So I am kind of running my own show at the moment, like I'm recurting my TV hosting reel from that show I did last week. I'm like turning into a little one man band over here, which I'm not mad about. I love it. And then I think I told you, I think I told you a couple, you wouldn't probably remember this from a couple of years ago, but I was an ambassador for Kylo in Australia. I've just signed on as their American ambassador, which is really, really, really exciting. And now I get to write awesome health nutrition articles for their American PR team, which is so much fun. American deadlines, though, guys, are so different to Aussie deadlines. Aussie deadlines usually get two to three days to write an article. I got a PR request at 4.30pm yesterday, very end of a 10-hour shift. And it was due at 12 o'clock Eastern Standard Time. I didn't look at the Eastern Standard Time. I just presumed it was LA time. So I thought, oh, I've got till midday. I'll work on it at this time in the morning. Anyway, it was Eastern Standard Time's New York time, isn't it? Four hours ahead of us in LA. So it was due by 9am. And I didn't realize that, did I? And I thought I had my guy over there, worked on it in the morning, was going to deliver it on my lunch break. So excited on track. I'm just, you know, hacking the system, not hacking the system, you know, making it all work and everything done. So that one backfired on me. But I'm so pumped that I get to do all this fun American article writing. I love it. It's so fun to put my nutrition brain back on and be doing fun stuff for them. So I feel like I'm kind of, I'm in the thick of it. I'm like kind of just like doing lots of fun stuff. I was talking to Daisy yesterday about astrology and apparently loads has been going on with astrology, especially around the planet Mercury. And so apparently it's in cancer right now. And so anyway, communication and stuff is feeling like stuff like that can happen. You can miss read a time or anyway. So the good news is tomorrow is tomorrow Friday. Yes, tomorrow. I'm interviewing Daisy about our astrology for the rest of the year. So come Monday, you'll be able to listen to a pod app where we literally break down everything for the rest of the year. Like literally it, the pod is going to drop July 1st and you will have astrology and general astrology. So it doesn't matter what your sign is, doesn't matter what your rising is, you will be able to relate to it and understand it. That's why I wanted to get Daisy on the pod. She's so clear and easy to understand. And I don't know loads about astrology other than I'm like, Oh, something must be going on with the cosmos today. That's what I'll say. And I'll be like, what's going on? And Daisy will always be like, Oh, well, this is happening with this node and this is happening. That's why you feel that way. That's why it feels clunky at the moment. So how good we are going to get Daisy on the pod, recording tomorrow, coming out Monday, pumped. So strap yourselves in for that one because that will be such a fun app. And like I said, it will be your astrology from July 1st all the way through till the end of the year. Okay, I did put a little thing out on Insta. And I was like, Hey, I'm recording the diary pod. Does anyone want to know anything? Somebody wrote would love to hear your morning routine from time to time. Now I have four Virgos in my sign. For anyone that's a Virgo, they will know or if they have Virgo in their sign, they love organization schedules. It's how I roll. Haven't had that at the moment because I've been in training, which means my schedule changes from day to day. And like the happy go lucky sign on me. It's like, yeah, cool. The Virgo sign means like, what? What do you mean? Which means my morning schedule is kind of like out the window right now really depends on start time. But the first thing I always do is have coffee. I also like to make sure that I've made a cheer putting the night before for the next day. So I've got my coffee. I'll probably have my cheer putting an hour or so later. And then I'm in training like I and to be honest, I haven't been out of practice because my hours have been so full on. But usually in a dream world, it would be coffee, gym or yoga. And then the cheer poured. And then I would get into my day and work sometimes a second coffee around that time that the work kicks off. But that is kind of like what I would like to do. I really want to bring breath work practice into my world. So that is something that I think would really help me at the moment while I'm moving a little bit less. But yeah, the dream for me would be up, gym or yoga or a walk of some description. One of those three walk slash hike depending on the scenario. And I love movement and exercise in the morning. But yeah, it's hard for me to give you that right now because if I'm being really honest, and you can probably tell, honesty is my like, I'm just like, just be real guys. So honesty is my whole thing. And it really, it doesn't, I don't have a schedule right now. Are either of us feeling homesick at all yet? I don't think so. We definitely miss the ability to be like, Oh, let's clock off at five today or four and go for a swim. We can't do that. Obviously, we don't live anywhere near the ocean. And also, I'm, I follow KTLA, which is a news site here. And it's not safe to swim in the ocean here, like the bacteria is feral. So yeah, so yeah, I would say the ocean, we really, really miss. And just little things like I had such a good, like we had a great myo, we had really good skincare, you know, like really good saunas, great, all those kind of things that take time to build. We don't have here. And so I would say like those kind of like wellness and health support things, I kind of miss. Now my beautiful friend Ash said, Oh, yes, I want to know some teachings from acting school that you have applied to real life. Absolutely. I'm actually getting my notebook for this ash because there is so much stuff that crosses over from acting school to real life. So much stuff. The first one I would say is like being curious, like 100%. Like if you're nervous, and I've started using it in podcast land as well. So our beautiful teacher says like, if you're nervous for a self tape, just become curious about the person you're reading with, look at the color of their eyes, ask them about how their day was. And if you kind of like flip the focus from you, like, Oh my God, I'm going to stuff this up. Oh my God, I'm not going to little and you kind of like get into that like hamster on your head. But keeping the curiosity there, you're pulling the focus off you and you're just being really present with another human being. I think that is so helpful in any realm of life. And I've found sometimes I interview people on the pod and I get really nervous to interview them. Like Damon Herriman, I interviewed a couple of weeks ago, who's in the new bike riders movie with Austin Butler. My brain was just blinking with Austin Butler and Tom Hardy. And I was pretty nervous. I was really, really nervous. And like I blocked out the whole day. It was like an hour and a half interview. I booked out the whole day. I was so nervous. And I just sat down and just like connected and asked about him. And that's essentially curiosity. And so I love that concept was just like staying curious. And our teacher says, authentic curiosity, so not faking it. And I do think you can feel when it's fake. And so, and like I was saying, I was doing, I've been doing a lot of training this week. And I'm like, whoa, like, I just want to be real. I don't want to, I don't want to put a facade or be fake at all. It's just not in my nature. So, yeah, authentic curiosity. What else have I got here? I'm trying to read my notes. I wrote ages ago. If you don't have dialogue, then we're seeing your emotional feelings. We're seeing your emotional core. Another thing that Lisa, to me, when I last went up was give yourself time to down regulate when your emotions down regulate, insane as a character. Essentially, give yourself a moment to be like, don't rush to like the next moment or the next line. And I was like, Oh, that's great feedback. If you think about that in life, I don't know about you, but I can be reactive. Sometimes I don't take that moment or that beat to be like, okay, so this is how I'm feeling about this. And it would like, although it was a acting feedback, I was like, I can probably use this in my real life as well. What else have I got here? Know your characters morals. I love that. Oh, I love that we need to see relationships in motion. Oh, sorry, we need to see relationships in the memories. So like, in acting school, we do a lot of scenes that are like a relationship in a sticky situation. A really good example was one scene from last month was like two partners in the mid 30s. The girl really wanted to have a baby and they had always said no babies. And the boy was like, no, no, we said no. And I'm still feeling that. And she's like, well, I've changed my mind. And so so you're seeing them in like a moment of conflict, essentially, in the scene. But we need to still see the memory of when they when it was sweet for them and when they were in love and they've obviously been together for five years. So there's all this history there. And she's like, we need to be able to see the memory of it when it was good. Oh, and I love this. We're never talking about what we're talking about. That's the same in real life, right? We're never talking about what we're talking about. You'll say one thing in your brain and be like, don't know about that. Same goes for obviously acting. Keep moving yourself around the emotional chessboard. So good. Find breathing space, walk away with big statements and breathe. Again, in real life, it stops you being so reactive. It gives you time to go and let it all calibrate in your body. And I think, I don't know, I'm a feeling person. So I like to be like, why do I feel funky right now? And it gets stuck in my head and needs to be logical. When if I give myself a moment to walk away, feel, breathe, I can be like, hey, these things don't feel right for me for these reasons. And same goes for acting when a character gets a bit of news that might be heavy or trigger them into reaction. Totally amazing. And this isn't the first teacher says I've had other teachers say, like, take your time, like take a bit of time. And I think when we're nervous, we're like quick get through the dialogue. Anyway, I've got so many flippin notes here. This is just one of I've got three notebooks from acting class. It's so it's really cool because these acting notes are also my podcast night. So this stuff that I'm like flicking to is so much fun. I could talk about this stuff all day flipping long. What else have I got here? A private moment exists with the audience. I love that. Oh, we had a few actors doing physical stuff. So they were like, try like jump around the room before the scene as like to prep for the scene. So it was like a high stake seed. And they were running around doing star jumps and all of that. And the teacher said, add a sound so that it's all kind of like calibrated. So it's like voice, vocally and physically. And also like think about you, if you're stressed out and you're like, oh my god, I need a reset. Like run to another room. If you're at home, run to another room, like shake it out, like get out the energy and then and make a sound and then go back, like reset yourself. They're all essentially like self wellness tools and tools to help regulate yourself. Anyway, Ash, thank you for that beautiful question. I know I wouldn't have even scratched the surface there, but I should do an episode where it's like stuff I've learned from acting school that you can use in real life because it is so fascinating. It's really just a study of human behavior, honestly. Anyway, my gang, I hope you like this app. I loved recording it. Thank you for if you're listening to this in the morning, essentially you woke up with me because I'm waking up through recording this episode. Righto, I'm going to whip my yoga gear on and get down to headquarters and do some more training today. For any of my LA friends, if you want to do yolks, hit me up on Insta because I'm teaching a lot of yin at the moment. If you're in LA or coming to LA, let me know. I'm always allowed to bring a guest for free. Come hang and do some yolks with me, and I look forward to having you there. And big love. Keep chasing dem dreams. Bye.