No Fake Shit


Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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How do we change this? How do we change this? How do we change this? How do we change this? As I open up the door I see so me my homies dying in these streets Wonder where we gonna end up? They did, they smooth talking got us all caught up In this system that they designed Still can't rewind back time, trying my best To do something righteous but it's hard every time you make it here comes This mighty hand of the devil knocking you down When you gon climb right back up But it's gonna take some time but it's gone Can you feel me now? Always wait 'til my back Trying to climb up this hill Trying to do this stuff that's real But it's hard to keep it real Which a big rose 'Cause they do your little sad love It's hard for them to see Turn around people that I'm loyal to They not loyal to me Now I'm looking stupidly Like how the fuck is that? Nick I had your back You forgot I was the one in the beginning had your back [Music] [Music] Well that's the mic ain't coming on Oh there ya go I had the wrong thing on Welcome, welcome y'all to No Face Shit It's your boy Myra, aka Gus Stoliss And I'm sorry I ain't been here in a while Lot of things going on in the world as we know I haven't had a chance to honestly Make it here for a month to be a little hiatus I'm back yo, your boy is here now Today we gonna have a conversation Yo, no face shit like subscribe man Listen sure like a man Tell your peoples about us man We got that fire for you [Applause] Just don't watch mine man You got a kid in the company You got off the block high off the glass man Listen, we got some shows on here man Tune in now Let's get into it Let's have a conversation about some things Now I spoke on social media sometimes About what's been going on Look over some pussy bro Man my baby mop That we living in And hold on one second Let me get on here Real quick Give me one second here Yeah, there we go Yeah, we live on the earth right now What's up y'all, what up world? Shit boy, my AKS stole this And I'm in the studio right now Yo, no face is back y'all So anyway, let's have a conversation I spoke on a lot of things I always speak on prisons And a lot about the youth and all of that man We need to start honestly investing In our youth for real man Cause it's the ones that wants to do some honest Some honest work in this world to try to change it man But we have so many people That honest so many people That don't believe in them man We need to start believing in these youngsters man Some of them doing some positive things And I'm not going to talk bad about them But to the ones That's out here Listen to me good Like I said it, I said in the song Like y'all don't look at the thing of y'all shooting all these shots Y'all don't understand man They charge you for each bullet that come about that gun So you gots to be It's gots to stop man We got to figure out man another route I know back in the day fighting and all that But we know what fighting leads to Like we was growing up My cousin used to say look Y'all got a problem Here's the gloves Get in and handle your business You might lose You might win You never know But We handle it like me And I want to speak on that real quick And let's move on Now the next thing I want I want to have a conversation with y'all about man It's so many people man I don't just don't get it, you know So many people in this world just don't get it That honestly What we're face with man They got a glimpse of it because like this past week Well, I think it was Thursday of Friday And it was Celebrating, you know Not celebrating but Honestly bringing back to Remembrance of what happened to Michael Brown Well, let me say this Let me say this It's so exciting It's so important It's so important It's so important It's so important It's so important I was sitting in prison when that happened And the first thought came into my mind was And I'm going to be honest It's been a long time coming that these officers And the things that there was doing out there in the county Haven't got better Yeah, it's got better But the thing is They still have those riding apples Now, it's Ferguson They said an officer got hurt in Ferguson yesterday Because protesters there and they pushed the police down And you never know if somebody really is trying to Hurt an officer or something like that But I don't know But anywhere it go I want to speak to this police chief of Ferguson And I want to say this The damage that's been caused People is not going to forgive And you saying y'all becoming a punching bag Because You still have bad officers That is patrolling They have not stopped And don't get me wrong Well, North County, forgive me North County is wild right now Even if you're going to one of their confectionaries They want to talk to you crazy And they don't even know you for real So my point is And what I'm saying is To this chief, is this what I'm saying to you You're saying, well, what do you want from us? We want y'all just not to change Certain things change everything Because there are still officers that you know of That are still out there Doing what that officer did To Mike Brown You say you keep saying that What do you want? What do you want from us? Why y'all doing? We're not going to let y'all tear up But that tells you right there Y'all say you're not going to let You're not going to let these protesters tear up Your city Let me explain something to you It's not your city It's their city too And they telling y'all in so many words It's still going on It's nothing different They're still beating our ass They're still killing us So And even this is in North County and Ferguson They will pull you over They probably will beat the hell out of you And take your call It's nothing to change Y'all put a band-aid over something They thinking it's going to heal Now I learned something about a band-aid All it does is it's going to It's going to take oxygen from the wound And stop it from healing Right? What you need to do You need to get rid of your crooked officers You know who they are Don't play with me I know about the blue shield Because my uncle Cedric Was a police officer Right? And I didn't even understand What my uncle Because he never broke at home And he never let us see Until after I got locked up And I started to hear the stories of my uncle From the guys that he locked up And one of the guys was my best friend And he said to me, man Cooney is your Cooney is your uncle And he started telling me the stories So my thing is Like I said chief, I'm going to say this You just don't get it It's still going on Don't put a band-aid over something Don't put a band-aid over something And trying to honestly Like they do Pull the wool over our eyes So that we honestly cannot see What y'all truly doing behind the scenes And it's still going on And we're still speaking up on it because We hear about police shootings every day We haven't heard about none out there for real But we know they will beat the hell out of you They still ain't stopped They will harass you Yes, they will harass you But I can't say that I can't say that because there was I'm going to say this Oh my dude What's up? What's up guy? I want to say That honestly There was A good officer Because I never forget this story Now my cousin He fell asleep in his car drunk And I get a call from him But it's not him It's the Ferguson Police Department I forgot this officer name But there is some I'm not going to say all of Ferguson is bad But there's still them bad apples that make y'all look bad Y'all need to get rid of them Y'all know they there Forget the blue shield Y'all need to step up man And that's why people are doing what they're doing Because they have not forgot what happened And what we been through Dilling with St. Louis St. Louis County Police Department And that we're still going through Ain't nothing, it's seeming like they trying to make it seem like all this didn't change No it has not Because you get up there and say Well you're not going to turn up our city Ours Well what about the people and the citizens You threw the citizens in there in the community But the community know as well There is some rhinapples And y'all need to Honestly Change this Okay Now I've been trying to start up my little business MPM Moving Storage removal and like her I've been working, I have worked See I just hurt my hand today I stabbed myself with a screw Just leave it where I said I had a good day of work and I'm starting to learn Right Storying your own business is not going to be easy Storying your own business trying to get it up running and all this I thought it was going to be an easy process It's not easy Okay I'm investing dollars in this I want this to work And my My whole thing of made The thing that made me Want to honestly get a business And I'm going to keep it 100 I'm tired of working these warehouse jobs Because I got a felony under my record Okay Now I'm not going to say it's just What was me Like some of my partners You know I got partners that work for FedEx I got partners that work for GM that It did time Just like I have In many of years But when they look I don't know what it is about me Or what am I doing wrong Or what I'm saying to these people in these interviews Or are they already And pick me apart before I step in Unless I have a connection I don't get in You know I feel I feel Yeah Missed you And Guess my little dog right here He's chilling Wasn't hurting me I'm going to make sure you hurt right Okay Okay Had looking eyes I didn't want you to get mad Don't get mad at me Anyway Um Yeah this is I don't know what it is If it's just me If I'm doing something wrong In an interview If I'm not feeling something I write I don't know But most times They look at me They either want experience They don't want to take a chance With me because of why Of my past Or whatever the case may be And they'll sit up here And they say they don't do this anymore This discriminum Discrimative toward Discriminum Practices that they do At these deployments Okay And I'm not trying to speak bad about Guys with those type of cases But they'll hire a sex offender Or a rapist before they'll hire me And a job to where it's like Let's just say door dash They wouldn't hire me But they'll hire A sex offender or a rapist I don't have nothing against You know Just don't Just don't be around my kids Or around my woman That's all I'm saying And I'm going to keep it there I don't have nothing against them guys Because I can't have hatred Towards you How am I going to grow? I'm never going to grow I'm going to be stuck in this hatred It's not going to turn out right And yeah it's It's crazy You know That's why I made me store I want to say you know what I'm going to store my own business From the ground up Right? And it's the crazy part is When I had money When I had money Coming generating in Like I really wanted it to I wasn't even thinking about this And I didn't store thinking about this To after a point to where I'm not going to even lie This job I'm working at I'm just like I can't do this I can't I'm tired You know I'm 40 some years old And you want to run me in the ground So by the time I turn 50 or 60 I'm through No I'd rather work hard for myself Which I didn't get cut up You see my finger Cut my finger Now I just dab myself I don't care that the scores Let's me know Honestly I put some work in Am I her doing something right? Now What I really want to do With my company that I have MPM I'm not trying to be trying to be like This big corporation And I just want me A family-owned business Like we used to have back in the day And I spoke on so many times Like where's the mommy pop stores I want my own little business To where my family If they need a job Or if they need money or something I can help them out with resources Reaching out to different people You know And That's my whole purpose of doing this Because I'm tired I want to show I want to show my people Not that show people Because I got that bad Of wanting to show y'all What guy I can do And I think y'all Is telling me like this Stop trying to show them Let them don't show them nothing They're going to see themselves See When I was incarcerated And I spoke on this When I was incarcerated Honestly that's why I met y'all Not at out here in the church I honestly Except with y'all And had a conversation And I always still do The whole spirit always speaks to me And tells me what This is what that And sometimes I don't listen But you know what comes with This obedience And I've been there And like I say I'm tired of People saying what we can't do People that's been like I say this to us And that's another thing I want to speak on In a minute What we can't do That brings me to my next subject They say what we can't do Okay If a president has been He haven't been convicted They haven't sentenced him yet So you know he's been convicted Cause they found him guilty by jewelry Okay This man is running for President Trump I don't have nothing to say this again I haven't said it before I don't have nothing against Trump I don't have nothing against Donald Trump Trump supporters do not come to me I don't have nothing against him Right is right and wrong It's wrong Fur is fur Okay This man has been convicted of 34 felonies Right And he still can run for President And even if they do sentence him They're gonna find a way how to Like this dude set on Facebook yesterday They're gonna find a way how to get him up in there Right Explain to me that Can anybody in this world explain to me that How can a man be convicted of 34 felonies And in our constitution they told us Flat out in our constitution You cannot be a convicted felon And run So how is this man doing this? He convicted He just ain't been sentenced yet He's supposed to be sentenced in July And has he sent that yet? They're not gonna sit up here And this the crazy thing about the whole thing is They try to put the wool over our eyes And make it seem like we really have a choice in this matter People I'm gonna be real with you We really don't And a matter of Who gets in there to be President and this and who's Wait a minute Who says who Where do they come up with this concept of It's just like I have when I was like I said I'm gonna go back to when I was like You got somebody in charge of my life My well-being my family Right Even not even just that you got a person that's in charge Of my well-being And more messed up than I am How do you think this is gonna end up And why you think Goers or do what they do when they join either mess with inmates or beat they they're still human They're not robots. They're human And these are the people that's in charge of us How you gonna make a choice in the decision On my life and the things that is in my life And Let's be real about it His life is not that great So how are you gonna make it And plus we all know that he's just the face We don't know who the real person in this behind the scenes is we don't know and there's many of them behind the scenes It's just not one two three. It's a gang of them that runs this country flat out Now you go look it up. I'm gonna tell you you can go look it up yourself Right So how How was this man get I'm like this is how they feel because it turns out Joe Biden cannot run I've already gotten into that when I'm not going into that again and you see you put Kamala Harris up here, right? Wearing a heck is Michelle She's he supposed to get up there, but now they're gonna put Kamala up there now She's wants to claim she claimed that she was any and now she's saying she's a black woman and Like I said on my on On my on page I said wait a minute hold on Have you honestly been through what we went through Honestly because if you if you've been through what we've been through You would know It's for Kamala you would know This is a crockish boy looker. Anyway Moving on Cuz I'm not staying on that Politics I don't get into religion. I don't like getting into Because them two them two topics will start a big argument and probably start a fight and probably start a ride you know I just I just I Don't know if anybody did anybody have did anybody hear about? Cuz I was watching on it's called SC scoops scoopsie scoopsies scoopsies It's S C O O P Z S C O O P Z This is just like tiktok, but it's not and I'm sitting on her little scrolling through cuz it's just like tiktok I'm scrolling through and as I'm scrolling through It popped up that honestly Like you couldn't check nothing out of Walmart or nothing like that. They basically shut down. I don't know if nobody ever I don't know too many people heard of this, but they said CVS and wasn't just Walmart it was CVS. It was wall greens all mostly these and Even the feds was this crazy even the head the feds was hacked The IRS and the feds were hacked where the federal reserves was hacked and the IRS Did anybody hear about this? And my only one is this pop them seen this and I keep telling people man everybody don't want to believe me man We're coming to a point to where these people gonna try that and they're gonna try they're gonna do it because they're telling us in every Safe form in a fashion about what they tend to do people Be watchful be prayed up be prepared. This is not a test We're dealing with honestly Something that we're not ready for because they blindsided us with so many different things to keep our mind off of Off of what they're doing, but they're not doing it. They keep putting in our face and we're just like No, that's not gonna happen No, it's gone. It's it's we don't know the day all the time, but it's coming and it's soon They're gonna shut the grid down When I say shut the grid down When I say us I ain't talking about the government the government know we got people that do not like us They do not like us over there in the Middle East and their enemies have teamed up together y'all ain't seen rushing in North Korea China Some of the power heads are coming together You Know and they know one thing about America and I'm giving them I hope they don't come at me But I'm giving them. I'm giving y'all this is the thing about America. You cannot do you cannot attack America Right you cannot attack America. Let me say that again By shooting a rocket over he's gonna take too long. We're noticing we got we got ships in the sea that again if you're gonna get hurt see That's one thing been lighting understood Right To get to America you have to come within and then bring it without You got to go within the system and bring it without It's not no kiwinky Dean That all of a sudden we got millions and millions of migrants trying to I don't have nothing let me say that too I don't have nothing against them. I do not have nothing against the Migrants that's coming in the good ones not the bad ones, but see This is thing The bad ones you got millions of these people flooding in Who's to say who is who? How do we know? Right How do we know who's good who's bad? We don't know even the government doesn't know and that's the thing about it. They They have planted their seeds already on our soil and they didn't show and they didn't they didn't show this this many of times That they didn't plant it their seeds on our soil So my point isn't what I'm saying is How you gonna sit up here and fake with the American people keeping 100 man, we're not safe man I know it's gonna cause pay panic and chaos Was when they hit what kind of care what kind of what what what happened on 9/11 it was all kind of total nobody didn't know what to do Supposed to be preparing these people for what because they know what is finna come because people are getting tired of Babylon They're getting tired Yes, they're getting tired of Babylon Babylon let me say that right Because we the big bullies of the industry. Let's keep it one honey. We're the bullies. We are the bullies We are the bullies because we bully people all day long Then they said then they said something else too. I just seen other night too How the heck is we so much trillions and trillions of dollars in debt? and we still paying taxes and So food is up taxes is up. How the heck is they in debt? How's the government in debt? And they still got us paying taxes Haven't wondered that one Hmm And not even just that I Want to speak on another thing too. I Don't know if y'all seen this and like I say speaking on migrants. I don't have nothing against them, but let me say this Let me explain some People As a people listen to what I'm saying How can they come into our country Right we've been here for many of years. We struggle They don't want to really honestly give us stamps To even feed our family for real. They don't want even give us money for real to feed our family, but we know why Be a clinton open the door For women to have many kids and they was giving money back. This was in the 90s The mere 90s. Yeah Yeah, when was having kids left and right because the government was taking care of them now is no more of that so That was just a piece of game But I'm saying is how do they come in our country and we've been here for many of years and just like I said I'm trying to start a business, but they can come into this country and Start a whole business from the ground up Poor mom dad pops everybody's going to work even the kids everybody's working in there and they build a freaking empire But we've been here for so many years trying to honestly Try to do the right thing. We got people out there trying to do the right thing trying to build up this that in the third If they take us through so many channels But them they don't take them through nothing they get them stamp list and I seen one immigrants receipt that they show This man's getting like 13,000 in stamps a month 5,000 a month Was it every week they think it's every week. I Don't know which one it is, but anyway, it go you give them up and We can't even oh my god We got a straight problem People It was Freeman Bosley, Jr This was in the 90s. He got on TV and he said y'all Y'all black people in St. Louis need to start buying a property before it's too late Everybody Yeah, give me time out He did it. He bought a whole freaking block Okay No property it was cheap and now look who's coming in our country and not even a and not even just them You got people coming from other states coming in buying property We talk about we care about Our city we love our city We'll stop destroying the city and start trying to build up our city You know Kids get bored what you think they want to do we don't even have for real like we used to have in the neighborhoods Now out in the apartment in the county somewhere in the deep county they always trip off of this one in the counties I Haven't seen too many down here, but they got them down her, but not as many as they got in the county those recreational centers We can't have that too much more You know because somebody's gonna end up in some trouble as you know somebody's gonna end up dead. I'm gonna keep it 100 We need to change this narrative of people and stop acting like It's them. No, it's us. It's not them. It's us Right They tell us when go on vote and go do listen They already didn't show those people Our vote don't count because they're gonna put who they want to put in there do anybody remember What went down where Al Gore and George W. Bush I think that's junior Do anybody remember this? and his brother was a I Think the governor down there in Florida and they had a problem with Florida and they turned around and said well The people want our goal, but you know what we want George Bush and what we end up doing 9/11 and we go to war And like I said, I said this many times how in the head How you gonna try to this go to war with somebody that honestly they train their kids from babies They train their kids from little bitty babies To stand up for what they believe in when they say stand up for what you believe in they're gonna go out there and die for it Because you remember five-year-old kids was coming up when they had that war and after when they was having the war in Afghanistan Little five-year-old kids walking up and with mom strapped to them and blowing they self-up 7/8 Look kids Because they teach them to stand up for what they believe in they're gonna stand up And say no, we're not having this we're not having this. No, we're not not today But anyway go But anyway go We need to start to invest in ourself and build something for ourselves Don't get me wrong. It's a group out there one guy. I know of I call him Tony He's with LAD real estate investors He's doing something positive. There's a group of guys pastor Jordan with the um, I Don't want to say the name of this church room Advancing church They're doing they're doing good Pastor Jordan he's doing a good excellent work in the community and let me say this when I say there is no When I said the last time There is no churches with Spiritual Spiritualness Let me just say this there is some out there. I just ain't well. I went to I'm not gonna lie. I went to um, I Went to um, I Went to A vasting church. I felt the spirit There's another church, it's it's like I went to three look I'm not gonna just say all of them, but majority I Just I set up and I just didn't it didn't make me It just didn't make me move there's a spirit is there, but it's it's got to be something that really honestly I'm to my touches my spirit like when I was like I say when I was incarcerated When I was incarcerated, I'll tell you when God touches your heart, you will never be the same When Ron Davis said that he was right When God touches your heart, you will never be the same when y'all ain't honestly sit you down and touches your heart and Have that conversation Your life will never be the same ever again I'm telling you this flat out My life has never been the same I Know I'm going through a rough time right now bills is piling up rinse do Let all kinds of things is going on cause down. I can't drive my car But my God is always making away for me it may not be the way I want but it's me making away So I say y'all wait You know And I know there's one thing that I learned And I want to share this with you Even though things looking bad looking grim and they're finna get We're gonna be okay The ones that believe in We're gonna be okay We're gonna make it Right I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna give up too much on the younger generation Because I had three youngsters here when I was on I had three youngsters here with me It's trying to do some positive trying to make it you know and I Know it's gonna be I know it's hard because I'm going through it because I got to say I want to start a business and I ain't got a lick But every little little piece I get I'm putting in the pot trying to okay. Let me go do this let me get this let me get that done and And try to build something solid for my family For the ones that Honestly love You know it's gonna take a little time. It's gonna happen. I see clear as day And I want y'all to understand something See I don't know where they get this this fixiation from Like everything is gonna be perfect everything in this world. It's not gonna be perfect not including you See a person to get up there A person to get up in tourist service and say they're safe, but what happens after the service? What happens after the service is over with the the music goes down and the lights too and we walk up out of here Right You don't even know you just got saved, but you just probably saying probably you don't even know you You probably don't even know that you probably just seen That's why I repeat this is good every day But they'll tell you you supposed to be a certain way you supposed to be this you ain't going by this Who are you to judge me who are you to tell me I? Understand you want to stand on the word and let them know You can't tell me nothing You can't Yes, I'm live on the earth no face on my city my music radio tune in I'm live on the earth right now Just having a conversation I'm just saying because I'm tired of these these These religious leaders I understand you pose to What Jesus tell you to do if they don't want to hear you they don't want to act like they don't want to Comprehend what you're saying to them you they don't act like they want to hear or even listen to what you're saying What did what did Jesus say dust your feet off and keep going don't keep trying? Y'all always said that dust your feet y'all should say that dust your feet off and keep going you know And Yeah You really just live y'all acting like I'm gonna be realistic some of y'all are acting like the the Sadducees and the Ferrell C's and the Scribes y'all acting just like them Why you Why do you think Jesus He told you why he came he said we needed a physician man We needed to be healed spiritually these these scars that we've been through we need to be healed from And this is not I don't where people get it from some people make it seem like it's an overnight process But what's behind the scenes that you don't see? What is behind the scenes that you don't see in this person? You give me What's behind the scenes they can show you all day long I'm saved and sanctified But their trueness will come out Their true nature will come out a snake will shed its skin Trusting believe me I've been seen this and It's crazy how you gonna sit up her and you sit up her judging me before even walking the dope Well and they told that I bet you Well, according to the word this what it says it most y'all ain't probably comprehending what you're reading because you ain't really broke it down Break it down Then try to yeah, I'm talking about these people that's so holy and dull and all this Break it down just don't read them study the show thyself approved Yes, I'm getting on these people here that's that supposed to be Christian because I'm a Christian myself I'm spiritual Okay Because if I don't live a certain way or act a certain way of be what you want me to be I'm not trying to be what you want me to be I'm trying to be what I want to be Who are you to judge me? Now if you don't deal with me because all well according to this, but if you read the word If you read the word you study it Y'all always said you're gonna change Because it didn't have it Look at Peter Right it was no overnight thing He walked with Jesus for many of years Talked about Jesus of many years, but once Jesus left or shall I say y'all wait left or y'all shoe left He dropped the he dropped the thing that he said what he was gonna do he dropped the Holy Spirit on him and baptized him and Made it historical and this life changed from that point on Right It's rip off of this one It's another one I didn't get you I was sitting back thinking I said it I think last night and And I started to think I Said wait a minute I start thinking What about Paul What about Saul Who's on his way? He's on his way To kill Christians. He's on his way. He on his horse. He ride Knock these mother's head off its own And got knocked off that horse and ended up blind Y'all shoe knock them off that horse and blind him to where he couldn't see Right Said why are you killing me for whatever I've done to you? I ain't doing nothing to you. Why are you killing my people? What's up? Well say shoot, okay And look what he he he was he was one of the top like scribes and that knew the word He knew these words, but he come to find out This ain't what they teaching us they're teaching us wrong Even people like anybody knows that which it's like Charleston white Hey, man, I got a lot of people don't like Charleston white but Charleston white I'm gonna say this is why this why he does he told you why he do what he do because he said I tried to talk to y'all in the nice kind manner. Y'all did not want to hear me but once I get on her and start to cussing and Being like gangster like they are I heard then y'all want to listen y'all don't want to listen to me talk nice and calm So I'm gonna give you what you want so you can hear me and understand now He says something that made a lot of sense right It's so many things in my mind. I can't remember it. That's crazy, but I know one thing he said though, it's like Why are we As a people right Why we as a people I forgot what it was. I'm not gonna even lie. I forget Because my mind's got so many things in there So many things going through my head right now because it's so much stuff that's going on that we're not even seen And I'm gonna say that we're not seeing we're seeing it. We're just trying to ignore it Like I said this stuff with puffed daddy Pete Diddy Sean Combs whatever you want to call them It's like the first time we seen this many of us in the hood and the same women beat beyond recognition We didn't see these things now all of a sudden it gets put in our face like I say for me it was a shock value like wow Wow, that's really what it was cuz we was like we're seeing me like man. I'm getting about her real quick you know I'm saying and I We didn't think about it That stuff was going on in the hood Beating on women all that we knew this The the old heads. That's the big dope dealers in the neighborhood. They're messing with little girls probably like I'm 16 Probably no even let's let's say I'm 16. They mess with the little girls at 1615 and stuff These ballers in the neighborhood Right these little girls see nobody talks about them things just that was going on Back then and it's still going on Right, but I didn't want to get on puffy head But I know why cuz he was raping dudes raping women he was doing all kind of raping When you have to give appeal to somebody Yeah, we we're not gonna go there Anyway go Oh Then why why did I don't know who My girls my girls account got hacked into She has an idea I'm not gonna speak on I'm just gonna say this right You think you knocked her down, but you did not She's got a real one next to it and she's gonna get back up with my help And I got family Right now no tears still mad at me hey, bro. I'm sorry That's all I can say bro, I'm sorry what you want me to do hey, I Can't say no more than that You don't you know Like I say I'm still making like I say I'm not I'm not perfect. I make bad choice. I make bad decisions Right We already know one bad decision I came home I Wouldn't even thinking about honestly let's think about this for a second. I wasn't thinking about Doing what I'm doing now When I when I came home, I'm saying start my own business. I had it in mind But see this one I was just talking to my fiance about this last night real quick. Let me let me get this real quick Let me let me say Now I was talking to My home boy Emmanuel and I want to say on her right now I want to thank him because He's the one that made me get up And just see how okay start the business. What it's about That's okay. I could do this. I was seconding command at the time of the business You got to put some you got to put some working a lot of hard work and We built a little bit. I had a little business going. We didn't really Do we supposed to do it? I'm like do where the LLC do we got a name for the company? Do we got this do we got this because I'm thinking of the legitimate side of it, right? But one thing about guys like it's not that it's not time yet It's not time. This is all in within Like last year Right don't get me wrong money was good money flowing whoop. I'm doing this. I'm doing that everything right and And I want to thank him Because he turned around And introduce me to Tony Introduce me to Pastor Jordan Diamond Salita these people that took chances on us And even Tony still to this day taking a chance on me He's still working with me teaching me I learned a lot from this man And it all started from this from my partner Emmanuel not met him in the joint. I Didn't meet him on the streets. We met in the penitentiary And I don't know let me forget my partner Sterling That's my partner for life and I don't even say partner brother He trying to help me More than I'm trying to help I'm trying to do everything in my power But he's doing more than I am What let's try to you know, let's do this. Let's go come on Let me see if you go with this cut and grass thing is like cuz I was like, you know what I'm gonna do this Because he told me the money he made You may what? How you think I got my I think I got most of the money for my truck. I'm like what like yeah Cut and grass you can make some money But I think he just just showing me what to do the ropes of it everything That's another person I think You know these two people Yeah, Maurice you try to give me a job. It didn't work I don't know. I don't know what I did. I'm sorry. I don't know if it's just my presence I don't know if it's just the way I look. I'm sorry people but I Don't mean to mean more people or do stuff like that But the thing is I want y'all to understand when I say this When you've been walking around When you've been walking around like this for years, it's hard to change old habits if they say right Sometimes I do get that way and I skirt people that I get that me I like it's not enough to try to be funny or anything like that man. I apologize. I keep saying I apologize. I Don't mean no home. I don't want no smoke out here. I'm trying to live a little bit of life guy gave me left Trying to give me get married give me about three dogs nice little house It led the rest of my life. Probably about I don't gonna lie. I want about 50 cars in the driveway I want to be bigger. I want to I can't compete with Rick Ross though. Rick Ross got the most cars There he is first. It was baby nice Rick Ross. I can't I can't drive all them cars Let's just be realistic. I want every car I see but I know for a fact. I can't drive them all You know So more likely some one of my family members called me up. How kind hearted I am and we're gonna take the car me They turn my car back. I go buy nothing because I'm not gonna I can't drive how you gonna drive over 300 some cars That's what close to Rick Ross is it. So how you gonna drive 300 cars? You just gonna have him sitting out there Now I probably want me about I'm gonna lie I probably want about 50. I ain't gonna lie. I'm about 50 cars Sorry wifey, but I'm giving me about 50 cars. Oh Yeah Nice little I don't want no two-story big old house. I just want me a nice one story through two bad two bedrooms and a finished basement I'm good. I Don't want to be too. I don't want to I'm I'm just like um I'm just like this Right I Just ask y'all wait just to give me Give me the money that I need to make it. I don't want to be super rich because that breeds people out and I don't want to be broke because it's gonna make me go against His commandments. I Just want me something that's significant to where I can live and live a normal life and Make it in this world and take care of my family and the ones that's honestly Around me because if I hit up I'm gonna be honest if I hit up If I hit a lick for a million dollars You know I have to flip I'm taking care of both of my partners my wife Tis Larry boo Hey, I mentioned the names because these are the people I'm gonna look out for Let me hit a million dollars Each one of y'all getting a honey Wife to get more than y'all though. I gotta I'm sorry wife to get more than y'all But y'all gonna get about fifty to a hundred You got my word on that And I stand on that Let me hit a lick for me My family gonna be eating for life Because I'm gonna flip that meal to a bill I'm giving some people some money off a flip I'm stopping by look for me when I hit I Let's tell you I play scratch off tickets and I ain't hit yet off on the scratch off ticket Well, let me go Let me go and get up out of here because I got to go home take a shower because I've been working where I didn't work today Let me quit lying. I ain't here. No work today I just sat there and I stabbed myself in the yeah, that's what I did today See that right there. That's why I stabbed myself. Yeah, so anyway, I Thank y'all for joining me today. No fake shit Thank y'all for joining me too. See y'all later, man Y'all was live on a Facebook When I say my city my music man listen we got it we got some things coming man stay tuned man I'm sorry about the hiatus But hey, man, I'm been trying to make this thing right sorry to my partner Justin man Hey, thank you for all the love and the support man. Thank you for even working with me man Listen, like I say I took this hiatus because like I say I'm out here working Sorry about the Sunday because Yesterday I was working land drywall. I'm trying to get this I'm trying to get this business off the ground and once I do It's a wrap It's over And most people be saying man, you just talking. No, man I want y'all to like and subscribe like and like and subscribe man listen no facie or my city my music radio And like I said, you got kidding company. You got off the block. You got half the glass We got my dude Tony maze. Hey, yo, we got so many different shows man, Tony Tune in man like subscribe to this man. Sure with your people man. Let them see man We got some good stuff man, and we like I said, we just getting started and as I leave you man I'ma leave you with one of my own One of my tracks here. Let me see which one I want to leave y'all with I Nigga, look at me make this money twenty sixes on the old school scraper I know you make you mad to see a brother living so Try your best to write me other piece. Please do not make the dream for this piece Not trying to live illegal not trying to get caught up in that big hand ego Every move I make I make a million bucks. I'm like you lucky to make 20 bucks. No more standing. I want us to get paid I'm kicking in the rap game like a pose raid making CDs investing in stocks Billing a solid rock watching my stock rise a sucker will never rise Money stacked in the bank with these words that is sharper than a shame I'm on my mother fucking floor tank for the drink and past that day. This ain't no prank Guess who Guess who Guess who it's not a prank guess who it's guess who it's not a prank guess who it's okay You Becoming a better role model for my young Jesus in the streets fake ass niggas on the mother fuck free. Oh, no more struggling to make ends meet There is only business leaders doing more positive things Rocking about the best thing I have for me and on the rain sucker ass niggas kiss the brain Oh a a a (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]