Kingdom Community TV Podcast

The Crucible of Culture

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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With culture bombarding us from every direction, it's easy to get lost in the noise and drift away from how God calls us to live.

At our recent Bible for Business Night, I discussed the 'Crucible of Culture.' I explored how I believe modern culture impacts Christians and then delved into scripture that guides us on growing closer to God and rejecting worldly influences.

God calls us to become more like Him and to deepen our relationship with Him. However, culture pushes us in the opposite direction.

This is an unapologetic message that will challenge your perspective on the world around you.

The thing that the enemy has always known is that he can come in really subtle and grab your attention and over time, draw you away from God. It's his number one skill set, unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, you cannot follow me. And they walked away. What does Jesus do? Nothing. He's like, you don't want it, you don't get it, right? Step up or step out. The title for my message tonight, I often enjoy coming up with titles, the title for my message tonight is the crucible of culture, the crucible of culture. What is a crucible? It's literally just a pot, but it is designed to be something that you can put an element in and heat it so intensely that it changes, right? And we see in the Bible, the Bible talks about the crucible, it talks about the process of heating up our life so it becomes so intense the dress rises to the top and you can take the dress off and you end up with a more pure metal. But actually culture does the same thing. The culture that we find ourselves in today is so intense that it is literally trying to put you under so much pressure that you change. Same process, but from God's perspective, he's trying to get you to go from glory to become more like him, but culture is trying to get you away from God. And I don't know if you've realized, but it's intense. Every single second of your day, you are being pushed, cultured down your throat more than any generation ever before. What you should wear, how you should look, what you should look like, how you should walk, where you should be, holidays should be, and the way you should look, the way your partner should look, the way your kids, like it's all just shoved at you every millisecond of every day. And so if we're not aware, if we're not aware of the schemes of the enemy in that way, then we will fall foul to the crucible of culture that puts us under so much pressure that we change, but our change will take us away from God and not towards him. So that's where we're going to spend our night tonight. A couple of little bits of housekeeping. I also want to thank my team, Justin, Virginia, and Caden, can we give them a big hand clap? I mean, these guys, like they're here tonight just because they believe in the passion and the vision. Like this is not a like, okay, can I put in an expense account and can I put down four more hours on my sheet? This is them just going, man, let's get this done. And so I appreciate it because Virginia is close to home. This is her church, but the other two, I mean, they're on the Gold Coast, they've come a long way and they've got to pack down at the end of the night and get back. So I just want to appreciate you guys. It means the world to me you'd be here. A couple of other things, a couple of services that I'd love you to know about. So in September this year, we'll be running the Kingdom Business Summit in Nashville, the US, all right? So if you're watching this and you live in America or any other part of the world and you want to go to America, September 12th and 13th, get yourself to Nashville. You'll go to and you'll see all those bits of information. But I also thought it would be cool for you guys to be the first to know that Kingdom Business Summit Brisbane 2025 will be March the 27th to 29th. March the 27th to 29th, we will have something like 700 or 800 Kingdom entrepreneurs together for two and a half days. We'll do church together, we'll do a message, we'll do networking, we'll do business. I'm working on the greatest line-up of speakers we've ever had and so I just signed the contract so you guys are the first to know. March 27th to 29th, you can pull out your phones and put it in your diary right now. It won't be offended because it means it'll actually stick. Whilst you've got your phones out, I would love it if you would go to YouTube, type in Kingdom Business, find the channel with my mug on it and hit subscribe. That would be a really cool thing if you did that for me as well. We're trying to build the channel so we can get the message out to more people and it would be great if you subscribe to my channel, I would certainly appreciate that. But for those of you who have been to a couple of these nights, I think this is possibly our fourth Bible for business night that we've had. We're getting better at telling people about it, which is a bonus because I think the first two we literally told no one so I appreciate you coming out. Like I'm well aware that I'm trying to bring a pretty challenging message, right? I do actually have a secret agenda, I'm trying to preach the unbelief out of everybody that I can. In a time when culture is trying to trip us up, I'm trying to do the opposite. I actually don't have any intention ever of bringing a broad general message that makes you feel good. I would much rather have a tiny crowd and bring a message that's wildly challenging to a group of people that step up to the challenge because that's how we're going to put a dent in the world. We're not going to put a dent in the world by having another meeting. You don't need another sermon and another meeting, right? What we actually need in this day and age is some strong preaching with some unapologetic themes that actually change culture. And so I don't know about you, but I can't stand another one of those messages that tell me I'm okay, or that focus on Jesus, meek and mild, right? Jesus, meek and mild is definitely true. But there's also the wrath of God that no one wants to talk about. There's also the fact that we are accountable for outcomes under God, right? That we lay down our life and we're supposed to give him a return on the gifts and talents, right? That is just as important. And so that's kind of where I spend the majority of my time because I'm like the other stuff's been covered, right? You know, I think about it, I think about the time that Jesus says to the Pharisees, unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, you cannot follow me, right? And they walked away. What does Jesus do? Nothing. He didn't run after them, like a seeker sensitive church would and go, but it's okay. But if you drink a little bit of blood and you're for your time, a little bit of thing, then you'll be okay. You can still be with me. You didn't do that. He's like, you don't want it? You don't get it, right? Step up or step out type thing, right? The rich young ruler, right? You know, in a modern church, the rich young ruler would walk off sad and the pastor would run after and go, okay, just give away a little bit. You only have to settle a little bit. Let's get you on a journey. Nine step program. He didn't do that. One will walk off sad, Jesus walks off too, right? So I think like we do need a time when it's kind of heavy and serious and we have this revelation of like, I've got to give an account for this, right? We were called for such a time as this, so we've got to make it count, right? And so that's the reason why I'm out here doing these because I want to give something that I haven't been able to find and I want to create a community of people that are really hungry for the things I've got. And that's what this will be over time. And of course, aside from that, I also want to have a place where you can encounter God because I feel like that's a bit of a lost art in modern Christianity. Like an actual altar where you can actually come and have an encounter, you know, like we've become so sanitized that it's like you've got two minutes for this and four minutes for that and nine minutes for that and 26 minutes for that. And then we've got to get you out of here because kids' church is finished in the latte machine only last 15 minutes. Then we've got to clean the room and get the next, I can't handle it anymore. I want to create a space where people can come and have a moment with the Lord, right? And so that's what we do at the end of these nights and you're not having an encounter with me, that's the last thing you want, right? Yeah, my team can testify to that, right? Now you want to have an encounter with the Lord and so we always make that space available because listen, I'm well aware that I'm merely human. I could say the best stuff in the world up here and get you all riled up and it'll be insignificant to one word from the Lord. Listen, I'm not fooled, right? An encounter is worth more than 4,000 of man sermons, right? So all I'm trying to do for the next little bit of time is build your faith enough to get you in an environment where you want to have an encounter with the Lord, right? And that's the stuff that will change the course of your life. So if you find it challenging, that's how it's meant to be. You do it, by the way, if you find it challenging, you're doing it right. So you guys are fun tonight, I can see it all over your face, you've either had a really good day or a really bad day, so you're here because you want to make it count. So as the things of the world are screaming at us, one of the questions we should ask ourselves is what is the fruit of modern day culture? What's the fruit of it? Like it's so amazing, right, that we should pay attention to this worldly culture, but what's the fruit of modern day culture? I listed a couple of things, they won't be a shock to you. Here's one, highest rate of depression in human history, there's one outcome, that's the fruit of culture, like a highest rate of divorce that we've ever had and that's another fruit of the modern day culture, loneliness is at its highest, at a time where we're most connected in human history, you've never seen people so lonely, that's the fruit. Substance abuse has never been higher, right, that's one of the fruits of this wonderful culture, right, even sadly suicide on the rise, men, more than women, right, at this point in time, that's the fruit of this culture. But if we never actually stop to ask ourselves the question of what is the fruit, we can never get a picture of what it is that we're turning our back on. And the thing that the enemy has always known is that he can come in really subtle and grab your attention and, over time, draw you away from God. It's his number one skill set, remember the seed that fell on the ground, right, there was the seed that grew up, but the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choked it and made it useless. That's what happens to a believer who gets radically saved, born again, on fire, goes on a missions trip. But then over time, I've preached on this before about the zeal dries out, the apathy creeps in, right, and then the things of this world start to become attractive and it starts really small. Very few people go from being saved on a Sunday to heroin on Thursday, right, I wouldn't say numb, but very rare, right. What happens is it starts radically save, go on a missions trip, loving the Lord, but then the journey is so long, right, and hard, and you have to humble yourself and all the things that God requires of us, that over time you just start to trade out that zeal for the God ends up being for the things that's well, and it's really subtle, and before you know it, like it's all justifiable in the end, well, you know, my wife, she changed, she wasn't the person, you know, and she's abusive, and so I'm out of that, and now I'm in and out of the next one, and you know, now I'm drinking like crazy, and then 10 years later the life maps different, right. That's why you and I, and the reason why I'm talking about this is we've got to be on guard every day of our lives that we never let the wiles of the enemy even have a crack at getting in, and by the way, it will. So this is the opportunity to remind ourselves and go, "Hang on a minute, I probably just need to bring that back over here." But better to catch it when you're a little bit out than when you're in a gutter trying to figure out where your life went wrong, right, and I'm not suggesting you're all going to go to that extreme, but we know people do, right. Look at the things that are happening in Dallas right now with the mega churches, these people, this stuff that's getting uncovered by these people who live in double lives. No one starts by having an affair, they start with something else, looking at the wrong thing or whatever, right, a little bit of lust in their heart that becomes that later on. We've got to try and catch it early. And that's the reason why we're here tonight is to make sure that we, you know, every single one of us has little things of the world in. Let's just call it, we all have. This is not a some haven, some haven't. We all have. Our response to that needs to be, "I don't care whether I've let in a little or a lot. I want to realign myself back to the things of the kingdom and I'm going to do that regularly." Right? No one gets an out, right. So that's our theme for tonight. See, I don't know about you, but I find myself saying this all the time. I don't want what the world has to offer. I just don't want it anymore. I did. When I was young, I mean, this is my 20th year of being a believer. I wanted everything the world had to offer before becoming a believer. And I'll be honest, I tried a fair bit of what the world had to offer before I became a believer. Right? But the pendulum swung really hard for me. I was like, "I was over here." And I was like, "I'm over here." Like, like, that's it. I'm all in. Right? I'm done. I'm sold out. If you're going to forgive me for that whole list of things, I'm in, right? So, but even, let's just divide it out. Right? So I got saved at 24. The next 10 years of being a believer, I think I still wanted some of the things of the world. I just, I was going to be a believer as well. I'm going to be a believer, but I still want A, B, C, D, you know, some flashy things or whatever. And then the last thing, I'm like, "I do not care for what the world has to offer me. I do not care about the opinion of anyone. Right? I do not care that you can buy me off. I do not care what you can give me. I do not care. I do not care for it." And here's the real power of that journey for business people who are going to step into a lot of wealth. You want to make sure you've decided that you don't want what the world has to offer, because when you get to that point and the money comes, the Lord can really bless you. But when there are still hooks inside of you because you want a little bit of God and a little bit of what the world can offer, that's when the Lord is forced to be patient with you, because He's not going to give you money that draws you away from Him. He's too much of a good father. Does that make sense? So the thing that I say to myself all the time is, "I don't want what the world can give me." Because I've just read the fruit of it, and that's only a short list. I mean, there's a thousand bits of social decay that you could add to that list of what the world can give you. Try making a list of the good things the world can give you. It will be short. So I don't want to have what the world says, right? But here's the message that's burning inside of me, saying no to the things of the world doesn't mean a boring life with God. Yeah, that's great. Right. But I think that's where we often get tripped up. That we've bought this lie that's like, "Well, if I don't go for that, the things of the world, and I lay down my life, and I go for the things of the kingdom, life's going to be boring." Do you know why people think that? Because preachers have made us think that, "Oh, it's so hard. It's so hard preaching once a week. I've got to do all my sermon prep." Do you know how hard it is to pastor and to preach and to evangelize? So they've made it hard. Like I think about Billy Graham, twice a day he would preach for 16 straight weeks and never a break. He wasn't sitting out of this life's hard. He's sitting there going, "It's the greatest joy I could ever have to use my gifts and talents in this way." Right? Yeah. A lot of people these days are talking about how hard it is as if that kind of makes it more valuable. Like they've got to remind God how hard their life is to justify their reward. And I think a lot of that's crept in. So what's happened, a lot of people have made up in their mind that when you decide to lay down your life and chase the things that God's got for you, that it's actually an inferior life. But my Bible tells me that it's life to the full. Yeah, that's right. John 10-10. Life and life to the full. And so to me tonight, I want to get inside, I want to war against this undertone that is crept in the church, which is like I either have the things of the world or I have a boring life in Christ. I actually want to say to you, you can have the things of the world or the most wild, rewarding adventure you could ever pick when you pick the things of God. And it will be able to give you a fruit that is far better than anything the world can ever give you if you step into it. Where it gets tricky though is when you want both. And the sure-fire way for a Christian to have a miserable life is to have a foot in both camps. Is this day which God you will serve? Because as for me and my household, I've decided we will serve the Lord. I said that to my wife the day I got married. I had it written inside the wedding band, the Scripture. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. That wasn't we will serve the Lord while the economy is good. That wasn't we will serve the Lord while everything is going well on our roof. That isn't we will serve the Lord as long as he does this, this and this. That was, as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Done. Covenant. Said. Right? So then the tests come because you can make all the promises you want to God. Until they're tested you never find out how much you really mean them. I still remember I was I was I like cars, I like cars. I like them more than I buy them, but I like cars and I remember a time that would be like it would be like 10 years ago, bang on 10 years ago, and I wanted to change the car I had to a new car. And I remember I was like, okay, I want this. I want this, you know, things have gone well, you know, things have gone well, we're going to be fine. I'm going to get this car deserved. I've worked really, really hard. I've pulled myself out 16, 80 in our days, you know, for decades, this is going to be our own about this car. So the law is like, okay, cool, but and the Lord put it in my spirit. If you had to choose between buying that car and running another conference for Christian entrepreneurs, who could have an encounter with me, which one would you choose? I chose not to buy the car and it became a breakthrough moment for me because I had showed my allegiance to what matters. Now here's the thing about the car. God's not worried about the car, but he is worried about allegiance. And so just because you can doesn't mean you should. If I think about it today, I have a car that's worth more than the car that I laid down in 10 years ago, right? Because it's not about the car. It's about where's your allegiance? Is your allegiance to the things as well or is your allegiance to him, right? Are you driven by the culture or are you driven by his culture? Because at the end of the day, right, like, you know, what do I mean by culture? I mean like cars, watches, things, holidays, where you should look like. I think about those things and I'm like, it doesn't mean that you can't have them. This is the thing that I really want to war against, right? Laying down your life and having a life with Christ doesn't mean you're going to go without. It means you're going to go without in the wrong time, but you're going to get it in the right time. Which means it's going to come far later than you think it's going to come. And the difference is your ability to turn your heart to the things of God. So delayed gratification, right, which was good enough for our grandma was like standard operating system for our grandma that's gone out of the window today because everyone wants everything yesterday on zip pay, right? That is a lost art and for a kingdom entrepreneur, delayed gratification is one of your absolute weapons, spiritual weapons, just because you can doesn't mean you should. So I'm at the point now where I so don't want what the world has to offer that I am the world's worst shopper because I'll go to Westfield, right, or whatever. I go to Pack Fair, it's the only place that's got anything for men, right? Well, the rest has got like kids clothes stores, youth department, Ed Harry, that kind of stuff, right? I mean like proper clothes, they're at Pack Fair, right? But I go there now and it's so frustrating because I want to buy things but I get into the shop and I'm like, why? Why? Why? I don't need it. It's going to add nothing to my life, right? It's going to add nothing to my life. And then there's a few things that I really like that are a real blessing when I buy them. But for the most part, go and show them, I will literally think to myself, I think I'm going to go to the Iron William store and I'm going to go and buy this thing here because I think I would really like it, right? And I jump in the car and I drive all the way there and I find a car park which is not that easy because I have an American truck, but I like it, but it's a pain, but I like it and then I go to the shop and I go in and I say get out of the shopkeeper and I find the product and then I go, I don't need it. That's where I find myself now, I don't need it, right? And because here's the thing that you need to learn to rule over. I don't want to win the accolade of man. I don't want to have to do anything to impress anyone except God and my wife because they're the only two people I've made a covenant with, I've made a covenant with man. So when you could get to the point where you're like, nope, I am not here to impress anybody with anything, you become a weapon. But I'm pre-warning you that it's frustrating when you get to that point and then the money comes, you're like, man, I thought I was going to live differently to how I am now. I thought I would be doing this, this, and this, and this when the money came and the money comes because it's so much later than you wanted it to be, right? And the reason why the money's delayed is because God needs that extra time to kind of fix you, right, so the money doesn't destroy you, right? And then when the money comes, you're like, oh, man, so now you're left with a question, what do I do with it? I've got the money, now I don't need to spend it because I don't need to keep anybody impressed. What do I do? You do the work God's got for you with the money. Which is co-forgive it away, just give it away. I really want to fight against that myth, you know, of like a life of Christ is a life of suffering, right? Which it can be, by the way, it really can be. And I would even go so far as to say, should be, but suffering doesn't have to be here in the corner of the room sucking a thumb miserable hate in life. That's not what suffering's designed for. You know, suffering is that yearning because you want to see the kingdom, but you're disgusted by, you know, the sin in the world and people hate you for your faith and they're persecuting your faith, right? Like, and by the way, none of us have ever had persecution. Let me, let me truly say, none of us have had persecution. Persecution is like boiled, cut in half, head cut off, like that's persecution, right? We get an angry face emoji on a post and we get upset, like that's not, that's not persecution. But like, you know, like, like those things are meant to toughen you up, that's the, that's the role of, of, of suffering. It meant to toughen you up on the inside because in your suffering, you have to lean on Christ. And if you have to lean on Christ, then you have to understand a character of God that you didn't get to experience before you had the suffering. So actually, suffering is something that should, but suffering doesn't mean for a victorious Christian that you're miserable all the time. Suffering is an element that you're going to have to go through, but so is joy, joy unspeakable, right? So is a wild adventure. So is thousands of blessings that God wants to pour out into your life constantly every day. And we have shied away from the promises of God in some spiritual way of like, I don't want to, you know, I'll give an example. People, if God does nothing for me now, between now and when I die, he's done enough, great. But now you're outside the will of God. The sentiment and the heart is noble. The problem is, if he does nothing more for you between now and when you die, how are you going to be any good to the kingdom? Yeah, it's great with, yep. I saw it on a Facebook post, just yesterday, I mean, I write posts and delete them because the Lord's really worked on me before I hit submit, right? The guy put a post up, he says, "Don't come to Jesus for health and wealth. Come to Jesus for Jesus." And I'm like, why do they have to be separate? This is what annoys me about it and we drink that stuff up, yeah, good pots, no, stop and think about it. It's actually anti-scriptural. That is opposite to the Bible. Come to me or who a heavy laden and I will, I've got an outcome for you, right? So here's the funny thing, if you get plugged into Jesus, you should be walking in health and wealth. Yeah. Oh, I'll see it when I'm quiet. So some of you are, oh man, I had him up into that moment, now this is the prosperity gospel. I'm a huge fan of the prosperity gospel. I wouldn't be able to do what I do today if the Lord hadn't prospered me. It's true. You know, no one wants to engage, they're like, duck and for cover, like this is sketchy. No. Listen, I hear it all the time. Not all Christians should be rich. I'm like, spend less than you make, put the difference in something that goes up in time and you'll be rich. Not every Christian can do like, grade formats. Does that make sense? Yeah. It's like, oh, they're not all called to be rich. Just because you spend more than you make and you indulge in your immediate, what feels good lifestyle and that means you're poor, that's not the blueprint for every Christian. Yeah. So good. That's good. Oh, but you know, sometimes God heals, sometimes he doesn't. Maybe we get our healing in a glass jar when we get to heaven or actually, maybe you don't have the faith to be able to stand in the gap for the promise of the healing that he actually died on the cross for. He took stripes so that we could be healed, like we've got it, like, like, why did we get okay with a watered down lame, powerless gospel? Yeah. Come on. So good. No, sure. Not everybody gets healed in the moment. But what about like the next day and the day after and standing in the gap for your healing? Like your, our position as believers needs to be that God wants to heal, not that he's some faraway God that's trying to teach us a lesson and sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. It literally says that he's not a respecter of persons. What he'll do for one, he'll do for another. Yeah. So good. No, it's complex because some people pray and earnest and have a huge amount of belief and they never get healed. That's true. But we should not build, like, build our life on a lie that that's the blueprint because I know people that have prayed and been healed. So you can't have one or the other, but your position, our default needs to be, healing is an element of being a son and daughter of God. So don't come to Jesus for health and wealth, really? It's a byproduct of being plugged in to the source of life. So I'm trying to build a picture here of, like, what happens when you choose to lay down the things of the world? You actually step into a huge amount of blessing. More than you could ever create on your own. See, I know me before being a believer. I know me. I know how much money I had. I know how my character was. I know what my prospects were of keeping a marriage together. It was all bad. But God, the character changes and he pours out his blessing. The greatest blessing, Kimberly, my wife, and my three daughters. I didn't deserve that, right? I would never have been able to keep that pre-Christian. I would have destroyed that whole thing and then in the process. But they're the blessings of God? The businesses that I've stepped into, the opportunities that I've stepped into, the real estate that I've stepped into, these are blessings. The reason why you don't hear me talk about it all the time is because I didn't do it. Listen, I can't take bragging rights. I did one thing. I fell in love with Jesus and I read about him as much as I could. That's the blueprint, right? And then I stepped into what he has for me and that's been the biggest difference. And it's funny, right? I literally go out of my way to test the scriptures as much as I can. I go out of my way to test them. And every scripture that I have tested, I have found to be true. I was talking to Justin on my team the other day. We're going to get coffee and I said, man, you know, it would be so easy for me to just go and buy like, you know, a really nice cart. There's only really one car brand in the world that matters and that's Rolls-Royce, right? It's the only car. It's the best car in the world. There's nothing even remotely close, nothing even touches even close to a Rolls-Royce. So Rolls-Royce here, then there's Bentley and then the rest are under the floor somewhere, right? Rolls. You can tell where I was born, right? Yeah. Rolls-Royce, Bentley and everything else, right? I said to Justin, it'd be so easy for me if I was to go and buy a Bentley, which I could do tomorrow afternoon, right, go buy a Bentley and then like have him film all the content as I'm driving around, you know, like, oh, well, this is what I would be doing, right? Like that kind of content, right? Like most of the guys on Instagram do, they rent them for the day and then they go and produce their content in it in the day and then they give the car back at the end of the day and then they look like they're a big deal online, right? I said, like, our YouTube channel would go brr tomorrow, Instagram brr tomorrow. I said, but if the people following me are following me for the car I drive, I can't change the world with those people. I want them to be following me because they see something on my life. I want them to be following me because they can see that I'm carrying something that they don't have. And I would rather have those people in the thousands than people that follow me because I have a nice car in the millions. I promise you, I'm like an old 45-year-old, none of that stuff impresses me anymore. You know, I speak to 65-year-olds that talk like that and none of that stuff impresses me. I'm like, I'm 45, man. I'm getting on because I'm feeling the same way, none of that stuff impresses me. You know, when I see somebody put out content and they look all flashy, I go to their website, they've got no team, no office, right? No real business. I'm like, I'm done. You're a fraud. This is not about not having the car. This is about us deciding to be people that put a dent in the world. I go out of my way to not be the guru and see what the Lord can do in my life. That's my point. When we did the caravan tour, so Kimberly and I and the kids in 2016, we decided to we felt the Lord say, take the kingdom business message on the road and we did two and a half years in a caravan in 2016 and still got PTSD. So I know some of you think you would love to have a life in a caravan. That's because you haven't done it, right? We did 70 evening workshops like this around the country talking about kingdom business and it's really funny because I think I promoted my books at four of them. I didn't build a list. I didn't build an email list. I didn't have business cards to hand out. I didn't promote the program. I didn't even take my books because I literally said to the Lord, if this is going to figure itself out, if this has a commercial outcome, you're going to figure it out, not me. I'm just going to go and serve the people and show that I don't have an agenda and you're going to figure out how to repay me, two and a half years. I can stand here and say that that was the greatest return on investment I've ever made in terms of relationships from around the country and what that's meant to our businesses over the time. I'm out there trying to prove that the anointing and the blessing of God will get you more money than anything this world can give you. So, this isn't about not having. I'm actually talking about you stepping into way more than you can get with your own self-striving and what the world can buy you off with. When you do it with the Lord and you do the things that the Lord says, you end up with way more. I was a window cleaner on $17 an hour when I came to Christ and I was doing the outside of high-rise buildings for $17 an hour. And then the Lord went, "That's enough of you in the world, pull me out, dusted me off, made me wide as snow and has blessed me the whole way, more than I could ever have imagined." But I made a decision to engage the work he has for me and never look back. You know, I literally make a life out of trying to do it this way. We do like 60 emails a year to our database and we sell on three of them, 57 go out with nothing but value, producing content to help people win with no ask ever. Why? Because I want to see what the law can do with somebody who chooses to love on his people rather than monetize them. That makes sense. I'm literally out there. So when people come and work for me and they're trying to rationalize in their head how this thing works, they're like, "But what do you mean you don't -- and what do you mean you don't do this? And what do you -- like how does that -- I don't want to do it the way the world does it. I literally want to test the scriptures that the opposite is a better way. And time and time and time and time again the opposite is a better way. We run a conference every March, right? And this year we had 600 and something people together for two and a half days. It was epic. And then of course we do have a coaching program but I refuse to let anybody join on the day. It's the dumbest commercial decision you could ever make to get people excited for two and a half days and then not get them excited to sign on to a program. But I won't do it on the day. Because I'm like, "Lord, if you're building this, you're building this. I'm going to let them go home. I'm going to send them an email in two days time and if it's still in their heart to do it, they're going to do it." And if it's not, they're not. Because I'm not interested in the short term gain of having 30 more people in our program who are half committed and want to quit in six weeks. Does that make sense? I'm literally out of my way trying to do it in a way that the Lord has to show up. And I'm saying these testimonies so that you can start to think about how the supplies to your life and start to go, "How can I test the scriptures to get my own stories?" You know, one of the reasons why I think most people do not have a supernatural story and have not stepped into the blessings of God is because they don't live a life that needs one. As long as you keep going back to what the world has to offer, you don't need a blessing from the Lord. You can go back to the vomit. I told you at the start, it'll be a challenging message, so you can't hate me for it. I already told you, but you chose to stay, so it sucked in. We haven't even read a script yet, did you notice? Yeah. What do you mean? Yeah. Should have been paying attention. But we're going to get to some scripture because, you know, really everything I've said would be hearsay if it wasn't backed up by the Word of God. And so that's where we're going to spend a little bit of time. So if you bought a Bible, I'm going to write it all through quite a few, but you don't have to, you don't have to flick pages, let me just, let me just read them to you, right? If we go to Luke 1830, Luke 1830 says this, "Truly I tell you," now these are written in red, so what does that tell you? Yeah, so if you don't like it, it's not me that said it. "Truly I tell you," Jesus said to them, "No one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times, say many times as much as, as much in this age and the one to come." See, this is a bit that everybody forgets because we think, well, if I lay down this thing and if I don't do this now, I'm storing up for myself, treasures in heaven and life will suck between now and then, but it'll have a beautiful rose garden when I get there. That's not what Scripture says. Scripture says, "Whatever you give up in this life, for His namesake, you will receive a return many times in this life and the one to come." I have found Jesus to be the greatest payer and the greatest boss that I've ever come across. I'm walking in it, I am seeing far more return than what I've sown. That's why I want to come to a night like tonight. I'm not sitting here tonight going, "Oh, small audience, oh my gosh, I've come all the way from Kingsville. I've got to do our drive home." I'm like, "This is an absolute joy and a delight. I just have to do what the Lord asked me to do. It's for him to figure out what it all means." I don't mind paying the cost. I mean, this beautiful church here, they give us an insane rate of renting their room. It doesn't matter anymore what the cost is because I know that whatever I'm prepared to give up now, I get a return in this life and the next. I've seen it too many times to get caught up and worried about, "Well, when's that return going to me? Am I going to see it? Am I going to put all this money into something and all I'm going to get in return is health? That's ridiculous." No, he will give you way more, way more, way more, many times more than what you could ever give up. And for business people, let me be totally honest. It will come back to you financially. We can't believe the lie that says, "If I sow money, I'm going to get back something else. I'm going to get back love from my cat." That's an easy way to deal with a cat. You put it out and you don't open the door. I lost them. I lost them. You can tell all the cat people. They get really upset, right? It's like, "How dare you talk about my little, you know, whatever, tabby cat?" Okay. Well, choose this day which God you serve. Truly I tell you. Like, I'm not kidding, right? When I say, "Okay, let me externally process to you wonderful people on this Thursday night." It has taken what I feel like a long time to get here. I feel like right now these last 12 months, and I started this kingdom business thing in 2012, so 12 years, of pouring out, traveling the country, speaking to groups of three and eight and nine and whatever, driving 700 Ks to a group of four people in a McDonald's Cafe to talk about kingdom business, right? Because they told me there'd be 20, but Christian 20 is four, right? So like, you know what I'm starting to realize now that, because I feel like I'm stepping into finally a little bit of what he always had for me. Why has it taken 11 of the 12 years? Because I have to build my own testimony, otherwise it's just more theory. I have to have sown in the early years and lay down weekends with the family and holidays that we could have gone on because we put the money into our work, and that I have to sow all of that stuff, and now, now I'm seeing many times more. That's where I'm walking into that, and I don't just mean financial, although it will be financial for a business person, because how could you carry out the will of the Lord in the marketplace if you broke? So it's going to be financial for a business person, right? But it's not just financial. I'm seeing it in an authority that I didn't have maybe two or three years ago, right? Some of you are like, I don't think you had it two or three months ago. Yeah, thanks. But I mean like, I had to have the testimony of testing the Scriptures before the Lord would put me in front of the people that I'm in front of today. It takes time. It takes a lot of time. But 10, 12 years later, I can stand on what Luke wrote that you get back many times in this age and the one to come. Yeah. Yes. So good. I'm excited to live for Christ. It's an absolute joy and a delight and a privilege and a wild adventure. I don't know that you bought that. So let's go to another one. I feel like you're like, I need more than one scripture where's, you know, like, you know, I need more. All right, what about this, Genesis 26. Genesis 26 opens with, it was a famine in the land, right, but we'll go, we'll go 26 and we'll cut straight to 12. See, this is what life looks like for a committed believer who decides to chase after the things of the kingdom. This is what it looks like. Isaac planted crops in the land and in the same year reaped a hundred fold because the Lord blessed him. He became rich and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. So he plants a crop in a harvest. That is called dumb. So in a famine, he planted crops in a famine. That is dumb. Unless you're aware that your God is not tied to the economy of the time. Yeah. See, I know some of you are looking at the news right now, going, it's a bit tough out there. Got to pull back, got to make changes, got to restrict. I'm like, are you kidding me? You have literally not read the Bible. If you're going to pull back because man-made economy is failing. Yeah. Like, what are you even thinking about? Did you get saved? Yeah. You literally laid down your life and believed in a virgin birth. You're already a whack job. Do you think it's more weird that God can prosper you in a down economy or more weird that you believe in a virgin birth? Like, do you think God's sitting up there going, all right, better sit on our hands, Gabriel, for the next eight years while we ride out this economy? No, God's there going, I sit outside of all of this. I make it rain on the just and the unjust. I can make you prosper in season and out of season. Go get it, son. Go get it, daughter. Let's chase it. He's not bound by any of this. 2008, when the GFC hit, I had started the business coaching practice nine months beforehand. Nine months, just about starting to get some traction and the GFC hits and everyone says to me, oh, man, business coaching, man, that's a luxury. You're in big trouble. I'm like luxury. It's a necessity more than ever. I will not back down. I will do twice as much marketing. I'll do twice as many events. I'll do twice as much traveling. I'll do twice as much helping people. I'll do twice as much content. And we're going to go at this thing. And business, all the way through that. All the other business coaches, I'm freaking out. I'm going to go and get back in my career. I'll go back to corporate where I'm really from, you know, all this sort of stuff. They all exited the industry. And at the end, it was right for the picking. I'm not interested in this economy. We're doing it right now. Right now, I'm making big bets because it doesn't matter to me, you know, what happens to CPI. If your life is decided by whether CPI is 3% or 4%, you've already lost. Because my Bible says that he will repay many times. That's not 3%. That's 300%. That's not 4%. It's 400%. So you can let the world scrap over their CPI inflation rate while you go and chase down the things of the kingdom and see many times. You can decide to put your crops in the ground in a famine and expect that when the Lord blesses them, you'll see a hundredfold. This is what happens to the person that decides to look away from the things of the world and chase the things of the kingdom. Are you still with me? I know some of you are like, "I think I'm only good for 30 minute messages, but I don't care." I've got a two-hour drive home. I'm not in a mad rush. Psalm 37.4. All right, this is beautiful. You know this one. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Take delight. Now, everybody wants the desires of their heart, but what does it look like to take delight in the Lord? So you can't be taking delight in the Lord and not doing the thing the Lord wants you to do. And delighting yourself in the Lord. See, a lot of people these days find themselves in a trap, and they may not have thought about it this clearly, but this is what it is. So many people are trying to delight themselves in the things of the world and expecting God to give them the desires of their heart. If you delight yourself in the Lord, wouldn't you want to spend a heap of time with them? Wouldn't you want to get to know him by reading scriptures and listening to messages and constantly be like in communication with him and taking communion, whether you're just on your own or in your office? Like wouldn't you want to be thanking him every five seconds with pouring out with gratitude for the things he'd done in your life that you saw and you didn't see, right? Wouldn't you want to know the work that he's got for you? If you're delighting yourself in the things of the Lord, wouldn't you actually lay down your own agenda to pick up the thing he's got for you? You can't say that you delight in the Lord if you don't actually do the things that are delightful with the Lord. Amen. Yes. Yes. So, you know, our job is to start, as I'm speaking, the job is to start to figure out like, okay, I'm out of alignment. We all are. We established that. We are all out of alignment to some degree in some area of our life. As I'm speaking, all I really want is for that to become super clear for you. Where are you out of alignment? And you're not confessing it to me. This is not some confessional box where I charge you to, you know, repent of your sins, right? Although, that's probably a good business model. Apparently, you can collect lots of real estate if you do that. You can have fancy windows and, well, you've got all the money in the world. Whoever came up with the business model of charging people to confess their sins is genius because there's no shortage of sins in the world and they're not getting less. So, delight yourself in the Lord. You know, I mean, think about this, right? So, next Thursday, next Thursday, I won't be in Australia, I'll be in New Zealand, right? Beautiful part of the world, right? But I'm going to the fun part down the bottom. Well, the Kiwis get wildly upset, right? I'm going skiing, right? As you do, in Queenstown, right, going to Queenstown, go skiing. You know, it's funny, right? Like, the whole family, you know, me and my three kids and my wife, we're going over there. We're doing nine days. We're going to do five days skiing, four days just checking out sites, you know, things like that. Like, see, when you decide to delight yourself in the things of the Lord, He gives you the desires of your heart, that is not coming with any stress or pressure. That holiday, I pour myself into my clients all day, every day. And when I go on holiday, I don't think about them at all. They're literally dead to me, for nine straight days. I know some of you are in the room, you're like, really, you dislike us that much? Only for nine days. I only dislike you that much for nine days. I will completely decompress over those nine days. Like, it's not striving, it's not pushing, does that make sense? We're not sitting there going, oh, well, should we do it? Should we not, you know, like, no, no, when you delight yourself in the Lord and you chase after His things and He gives you back many times what you laid down, you get to walk in a place where His yoke is easy and His burden is light and He gives you the desires of your heart and they come without burden and stress. There will be problems while I'm away in New Zealand. But there's no phone reception up there. They've only just got electricity in New Zealand, all right? A lot of hamsters running on wheels. No, but honestly, like, I'm saying, like, it's, I know a lot of business people who are like, straight, I can't go and hold it, I can't get out of here. What's going to happen? It's all going to fall over. I'm the person. I'm the top dog. I need to be here. No, no. That's not how it is when you decide to lay down the things of the world and pick up the things of the kingdom. It comes with an ease and a breeze, right, and a rhythm of grace that you just step into. And I can tell you that I've done the stressing and the pouring out and the worrying. I've done all of that. I've done the pushing in my own strength, trying to hold it all together in my own strength to choke the finger death. I've done that. I did it for a long time until I realized, hang on a minute, if what you said is true Lord, three quarters of the outcome is on Him. He made the promise, not me. And we know the reason why the promise is a yes and amen is because the promises were given to Abraham and his seed if you remember. Now who was the seed? It ain't me and you because that's why it's not plural. The promise was given to Abraham and his seed being Jesus. So the reason why they yes and amen is because Jesus is the only one good enough to be able to fulfill them. So if you and I are grafted into Jesus, that's the reason why we get to take part in the promises. But we don't make the promises. We walk in them with the beneficiary of them. And my Bible tells me that the New Testament, the New Covenant, is a better covenant with better promises. So all you and I have to do is delight ourselves in the things of God. The promise is up to Him. He will either be able to deliver on His Word or He won't. And that's for you to find out. So all of this choking and holding it together and stressing like absolute mad and worrying. Listen, working really hard is not stressing and worrying. Working really hard is what you should be doing. That's your bit, right? If you want to live in the supernatural, you've got to have the natural to have super. The natural is you being very good at your craft. The natural is working long hours and putting in and testing things. The natural is picking up the work God's got for you, which is probably outside of the business, but you do them both. You live like that. He will bring the promise. That's why I'm here to tell you that He brings the promise. He's done it in my life. And I came off a very low base. Some of you had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. I didn't. This is a Psalm 1. I told you, I've got a lot of scripture. If you have to leave, don't. Oh, you know what it is, where's my cover? I'm just really busy at the moment. I've got a lot on at the minute. I just told you to stop doing it that way. I'll get better at marking up my Bible one day so I can just go to it. Until then, you just have to suffer through me. By the way, Psalms, you should know. If you have to go to the index at the front for Psalms, you're already in trouble. You don't spend anywhere near enough time in your Bible. Just go to the middle and then flick backwards and forwards and you'll stumble across Psalms. What does Psalm 1 say straight off the bat? It says, "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way of sinners, stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord." So where's your delight? Is your delight in what you can create? Is your delight in your vision? Is your delight in what you'll be able to put together during your time on earth? Because that's not going to be great. If your delight is in the law of the Lord, those who meditate on his Lord day and night, that person is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not weather whatever they do prospers. You don't even have to believe me. He said it. It's in his word to fulfill his promise. But there is always a caveat when it comes to the promise of God. Always. Whatever. The promises are never without an if. They always come with an if. So what's this one? So if you want to live like that, where everything you do prospers, where your leaf never withers, your yield fruit in season, you're like a tree planted by water, if that, what's the if? It's if you delight in the law of the Lord. Now I know you're some of you are thinking, we don't live under the law. But the law has not the law is still the law. The shortfall has been made up by Christ. But what the way God wanted you to operate and live hasn't changed. The Ten Commandments are still the Ten Commandments name, but we only have two commandments. Yes. But have you thought about the two commandments? Love your God with all your heart and all your soul, love it like a neighbor as yourself. That is the Ten Commandments. The first one covers the first four of the ten, and the second covers the last six of the Ten Commandments. It's just ten condensed into two. So you can't want to run off with your neighbor's wife if you love your neighbor. Right? It's that practical. You can't be looking at Instagram and looking at the search function and all the ladies that don't wear clothes and love your neighbor. You just wouldn't want to do those two things. That's why you got to get the law inside of you and get you so full of it because then because then all of that stuff just falls away. But when you haven't delighted yourself in the Lord, you then have to delight yourself in everything else. Let me go to Deuteronomy 28, this is like one of my favorite scriptures in the world. The title is "Blessings for Obedience." And I want to prove to you that there is an "if" because there's a bunch of promises that you can step into, right? We've established that. But the promises only get to activate if you do what is asked of you. So let's go to Deuteronomy 28. It starts with the word "if." You can't get around it. It means that you cannot be an apathetic, lazy Christian that's only slightly delighted in the Lord and expect to walk in this. You can't. And the most sucky place you'll ever find yourself as a believer is slightly delighted with the Lord because that's one foot in each camp. But this is what this says. If you fully obey, how much? Fully. Oh my gosh. It's like it doesn't say that if you're pretty good on Sundays, then these are the promises. No? If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands. How many? The Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God. You'll be blessed in the city, blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, the crops of your land and the young of your livestock, the calves of your herds and lambs of your flocks. Your baskets and your kneading trough will be blessed. You'll be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. The Lord will grant you the enemies that rise up against you, they will be defeated before you. Catch this for those of you who ever feel like you're under attack. Your enemy will come at you from one direction and flee from you in seven because I'm under attack. You're not under anything. If you have chosen to be under attack, you have given the enemy a position that he shouldn't have. Yeah. It's good. Everyone's not eye to eye with you. The devil's under your feet, right? You are seated in heavenly places far above principalities, rulers and powers. Do not get caught into thinking that it is an equal fight when the enemy comes at you. The best thing the enemy can do is bring a spoon to a gunfight unless you've believed the lie that he's more powerful than he really is and the authority you have inside of you is not as strong as it really is. That's right. And then you've given yourself over. Yeah. It's right. Yeah. The Lord will send blessing when you're born on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the lands that he's given you. It goes on to say, "But the Lord will grant you abundant prosperity. The fruit of you in the young of your livestock says it again." Now, you know what we all think? So good. I want that. I want that. You want that? Yes. Would you like to walk in that? Yes. Well, it says if. Let's read on, "However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees, I'm giving you today, all these curses will come upon you." Now, that's an interesting topic in today where every second ministry is trying to get you to vomit in a bucket, right, so they can film it for the internet. You'll be cursed in the city and cursed in the country. Your basket and your needing rebel will be cursed. The fruit of your womb will be cursed. Now, here's the thing, understanding that there is two sides to the coin. But the fact that we get to live in the new covenant, we know that all curses hung on a tree, right? So we don't open ourselves up to the second half of the equation in the sense of curses. We can't. When you became a believer and the old passed away and the new life came, there's no room inside of there for mostly God and a bit of devil. There's no room. That's why generational curses, which are a real hot topic right now, are not real for a Christian. They're definitely real for a non-Christian. The Bible literally says to a thousand generations, you'll be cursed. A thousand generations, you'll be blessed with God, right? But if you're a believer, what you think that because your great granddad was a mason, all of a sudden, when Christ comes inside of you, there's a bit of you he can't get because your granddad was a mason, are you kidding me? You know, like we get, Scripture says, we got Christ without measure, all of Christ inside of us. Yeah, so good. So don't think for a minute that, oh man, I'm tripped up because my granddad wants to, you know, a woody board, yeah? Did you do a woody board? Yeah. Have you repented? Yeah. You're good. Right. That's right. It's so good. It's good. Yes. You get to make a choice. And you are better off to make that choice tonight than you are to make that choice at the end of your life when it's too late to go back and have another crack. And the choice is really simple. There is not enough room on the throne of your heart for two gods. You can either have the things of the kingdom or you can have the things of the world. And you do not want to water down the things of the kingdom by having some of the world. Just decide in your heart that you do not want what the world has to offer. And you want to chase everything God's got for you and the most wild adventure. And from that position, you can afford to take a stand and say, God, I want to see the many times return in this life and the one to come. You can afford to stand on the promises of God and say, God, I'm delighting myself in you. It's up to you to do the second half of the equation. And he will never let you down. He will never let you down. But we've all got these little bits inside of us where we're tempted by the sparkly things that the world has to offer. And even though we may know that they're not great, we keep going back to them. Because it's a crucible. It's so intense. It wants to draw your attention all the time. You know, it could be alcohol. Alcohol was mentioned in Scripture 47 times. One of them is a positive, one's a neutral and all the rest are negative. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, I don't mind, I'm good if I have a drink or two. Cool. You do you. Right? The only thing, though, is that's where it starts. It starts with a manageable amount of alcohol. And then when business goes down or your marriage is gone through a trouble or church life sucks or you're spiritually dry, it becomes a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more and all justifiable while we live on the grace now wears, not law. Great. We're true. But you need to be fully aware of the decisions you're making. And it's not just alcohol, it's material things. Yeah. Oh, I've worked really, really hard. I deserve a really nice watch. Yeah, for who? For you or you want to show off, because the minute you want to show off, you've given yourself over to the fear of man. I really want to have that car because my friends have that car. Listen, you should be the one that doesn't have the car so that you can show your friends that the car doesn't matter and it's not about the car, remember? I'm not up here as screwed saying you can't have anything and you can't enjoy your life. I'm saying that if you will lay it down, you'll get many, many more times what you lay down in this life and the next. You'll probably end up with the car, but the difference is that you'll get the car later in life when it doesn't take you away from God rather than getting it early when it might. It's about the money, where does your security come from? It does your security come from the amount of money you've got in the bank account? Let me tell you, it's probably going to be gone in five years anyway when they come out with the digital currency. You want to put your security in the things of God and the promises of God. It's not your job to figure it all out. It is your job to delight yourself in the things of God. You don't have to worry about provision. What happened to Elijah? Elijah gave a word, and it was a harsh word, it's not going to rain unless I speak. And then God says, "Get out of town because you're a wanted man." He says, "Go to Carath Brook and stay there." And by the way, you can drink from the Brook and I'll bring ravens to come and feed you, meet and bread, morning and night. If he can make ravens come to Elijah, he can make ravens come to you. If he can make ravens come to somebody, he can figure out another way for you to get your provision because he's not bound by the controls of this world. I'm trying to say to you that if you actually lay down what the world has to offer and you delight yourself in the things of God and you step into what he's got for you, it will be the most wild adventure you could ever have, and you will not be bought off by the flashy things of this world. But we have to have a moment where we can take our life and look at it and audit it honestly and say, "There's some areas that I really need to recalibrate, maybe a lot, maybe a little, but you want to shut those doors because the crucible of culture is so intense that a little door open now is a bit more and a bit more and a bit more because if you don't stand God, he knows how to get in, jump to your feet for me." So like I said, we're going to have a time of encounter and the way we're going to do that is there's an opportunity for you to come forward. In other nights that we've done this, I've laid hands on each individual person as an act of impartation and standing in agreement. I'm not going to do that tonight, I don't feel to do that tonight, I'm going to give you an invitation to come forward and you're just literally going to have an encounter with the Lord. He's going to show you, he's going to speak to you, he's going to guide you, right? I mean I'll pray with you, but we're just going to have a moment where you can come forward and go, "Father forgive me for that area of my life that isn't your best, Father I make a decision tonight to delight myself in you. I want to see your promises, I want to experience your promises to a whole new level." That's what ministry time tonight is for, all right? And so the music is going to play and I'll probably pray, but I literally want you to come forward if you want ministry and just start talking to your Father about recalibrating your life and saying no to the things of the world and yes to the things of the kingdom. So if you want to come forward for ministry, come forward now. If you come forward, just start talking to the Lord, just lift your voices up, no one cares about what you say, you should take this opportunity to be loud and proud. Start talking to your Father, He's very, very close. If you're sitting back there and you're like, "You know what, I want to, but I don't want to, don't be silly, just come forward." What you're saying when you come forward is I want to stand in agreement with the word that was preached, that's it. You're not confessing to some thing, you're just saying, "You know what, that's me. I want to realign my life in a big way in a small way, it doesn't really matter, but I want you to come forward if you want to do that." All right, let's talk to God. Father, Father, we come before you tonight and we're grateful for everything you've done in our lives, Father, but we want to experience more of you. Father, those areas of our lives where we're not living our best kingdom life, first of all, Father, we ask for forgiveness for those where we've turned ourself away from you and put it on the things of the world, but second of all, Father, we want to step into a fresh relationship of delighting ourself in you. Just lift your voice to Him right now and start to confess what you're going to do, how you're going to act, how things are going to change. Keep to your Father now about how, what steps you're going to take to delight in Him in a new way. You guys are quiet. We live in a voice-activated kingdom, this whole thing exists because somebody opened their mouth. Start talking to your Father. Don't worry about the person to the left or the right, they've got their own journey. Start confessing what you want to say. Let it come out of your mouth. You're the angel of sin, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. Let's just not make this a song. Let's start this declaration tonight that you are holy forever. Yes. That is an act tonight where we're standing forward at this man-made altar and saying, "Father, from this moment forward in my life, you are holy, you are perfect." Let's use this as an opportunity to show God that as of this moment, we delight ourselves in him with worship. Let's all get our hands in the air. Let's go through this song one more time. Let's be super proud and let's worship the Lord. ♪ Is the highest your name is the greatest your name stands above the Lord ♪ ♪ All thumbs and dominions all power's and positions your name stands above the love in the angels' crown ♪ ♪ Holy, our creation cries ♪ ♪ Holy, you will sing high ♪ ♪ Holy, holy forever ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ You will be posting ♪ ♪ Holy, the king of kings ♪ ♪ Holy, you will always be ♪ ♪ Holy, holy forever ♪ ♪ Holy, holy forever ♪ ♪ For yours is the kingdom, your yours ♪ ♪ Is the glory forever round in the sea ♪ ♪ Yours is the kingdom, yours ♪ ♪ Is the glory forever round in the sea ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ ♪ Is it long, free, forever, forever ♪ ♪ I'll never know ♪ - All right, let's three hands up to the Lord one more time. Father, we love you so much tonight, Lord. You're ahead of our lives tonight, Father. Tonight, we make a commitment. We're gonna delight ourselves and you in a fresh way. We commit to get to know you in a fresh way. Father, we wanna be people that walk in your promises. We wanna have testimony of your promises. Father, we wanna be people that experience your promises in the marketplace. Send us out to be witnesses of your promise in the marketplace. We love you, Father. Amen. Let's give the Lord a massive handcraft. (congregation applauding) (upbeat music) - If you wanna stay in this environment of faith, that's fine, you can just stay in worship if you want. We'll just keep the music going for a bit, but are you glad you came out tonight? - Yes. - Yeah, good. Well, we will do this again on the 15th of August. - All right. - But I need you to bring your friends. - Yeah. - For those of you on the live stream, it's not an excuse to stay home. You need to be in the room. It's better in the room. - Yeah, man. - But I need you to bring your friends. What I need you to do more than that, though, is delight yourself in the Lord. - A fresh commitment to delight yourself in the Lord. You know, I wanna do a journey with you guys over the next few years, and I wanna see the scriptures to be tested and true in your life in a bigger way than they have been. We need testimony for the world. The world is screaming for practical answers. And we need to step into those so that we can give them the practical example of what happens when somebody yields themselves to the Lord. But it starts with us, and it starts tonight. I've loved hanging out with you. You're a massive blessing to me, and we'll do it all against next month. All right, love you. Meeting dismissed. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]