Orr's Observations Podcast

#23 - Patrick Stupfel

I sit down with Patrick Stupfel, a political activist and whistleblower from Portland Oregon

Music by Yevgeny Sorokin from Pixabay

2h 14m
Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome back to the OARS Observations podcast. Today I have a very special episode, an interview with my friend Patrick Stupel, who I met at the Young Americans for Liberty Convention. We end up talking for about two hours and we talk about a lot of stuff from, it's a very interesting conversation. I'm not gonna say too much. He's a very interesting guy and I am very excited to present this to you all. I apologize for any background noises. I did have to record it in my house and my family was home. And since I only had one microphone, I had to turn the gain up a little more so it doesn't sound as great. There might be some background interference. And I was a little bit under the weather. So all that aside, you should be excited because I'm excited and it starts right now. (upbeat music) - Hello and welcome back to this special edition of the OARS Observations podcast. Today I have with me Patrick Stupel. - Hey, what's up y'all? I met Patrick at the Young Americans for Liberty Convention this week. And funnily enough, we were actually sitting next to each other on the plane. I'm asleep, middle of the night, red eye flight. And I wake up and I look over and I see that he's got a Young Americans for Liberty sticker on his phone. So I look over, yeah. And then I have the bracelet on. I'm like, wow, what are the odds of this? And he starts talking and one of the most interesting men I've met so far is my journey. So super big honor to have you on here, man. Thanks for doing this. If you wanna go ahead and introduce yourself, tell them a little about yourself, that'd be great. (speaking in foreign language) Well, I'm not really Russian. I say that to troll the deep state who's had Russia, Russia, Russia for many years and that was a lie. But my name's Patrick, I'm from Portland. But also my family's from DC. For a long time, I've been politically involved. Kind of really identifying issues that people agree on like prison reform, ending the drug war, ending the false flag, scottop, forever wars. And so a lot of people agree on the progressive side of the aisle and the server side of the aisle and everywhere in between. But there's not a lot of cross talk because of division in America. This is before Trump even got elected. I saw there was divisions. But I knew in the legislative in Oregon that there was bills not being passed, which I had lobbied for in sale and in my experience. And I knew there was not a lot of cross talk. And I figured that there needs to be somebody creating that space where we could have people have extremely interesting conversations that normally wouldn't happen. Like using oil and water, radical solidarity, not radical in the violent sense, but radical in the sense of how are these two people sitting down and having a dialogue about an issue that should be talked about, but why are these two people? Like so, I like to create spaces for people to come together and share ideas in a way that's never been done or predicted or ever bad than before. So that's kind of how I got into politics here in Portland. Kind of have an interesting resume. You can get into that here in a bit. Oh yeah, yeah. The conference was really great. It was interesting to run into the homeboy, sitting right next to me on the flight to Yalkon. I was like trying to be all low-key about what I was looking at on my phone. - I always am, but secretly I kind of want people to like look over and be like, yeah. You know, I almost want to sometimes offend some people on airplanes, just slightly, just subtly. I don't want to say anything. I don't want to like be a dick. But if they're looking at my phone and they're offended, then I have no problem with that. - Yeah. Well, you want to tell us, tell the audience about that first experience after we built rapport and speaking of that, that Karen who tries to man it. - Yeah. So we're getting off the plane and you know, it's a late night flight. So like, you know, she could have been mad about what we were talking about, which probably was what she was mad about, but maybe we just kept her up all night. So who knows, but we're about to get off the plane. You know, it's a 420 arrival in Denver in the middle of the night. So no one's going anywhere. Like, you know, we still got to go get our bags, you know, and there's these kids standing next to us in the aisle and this woman's like, hey, are you guys going to get out? And we're like, well, Patrick says there's, sorry, my garage door is opening downstairs. That's what that noise is. He's like, oh, well, you know, are you in a rush? There's kids beside us. And she's like, well, I am actually. And this mom with the kids, like, she thought that he was talking to her and Patrick looks over and she's like, he's like, nah, this Karen's just telling us to move. And then she gets like, hell, I'm mad. Oh my God, are you serious? And then she wants him to like engage her further, but Patrick won't. He's just like, no. And that's something I respect about you a lot. I noticed you doing that a lot about the convention too. Just you know where you stand and you choose your battles wisely. - Well, you have to. - Yeah, I've been around this block a few times politically and I know that it's not a left to right issue. There's people who are awake to the fact that there's an unholy alliance in the deep state that runs the left and the right. - Oh, yeah. - And ultimately the people who, I call it willful ignorance. We have internet, we have the internet era. We can look up anything and find out the truth. We can analyze like the WikiLeaks, for example, with chat GBT and figure out what it all means. We can have true accounting of what's real and what's not. - Totally. - And I don't really have much respect for people who, whether they're boomers or whatever, whatever their excuse is. Like you have the ability to know the truth and if you don't at a certain point and you're willfully ignorant and then you try to interject yourself into intellectual conversations, you know nothing about, that's what I was really offended by with the late in the airplane. And because it's like, nah, you don't have the pay grade to harass me Karen. Like you don't even know what we're talking about. We are unifiers on a lot of issues. - Yeah. - I would be part of subscribed to, you know, either the Country Club Republicans. I don't know what's out of the aisle she was on, but she was clearly mad that I had said. - Coming from Portland, I think we can make a safe assumption. - But yeah, I don't want to offend, but I'm like, I'm pretty sure she was mad that I said that it was Country Club Republicans and then Champagne Democrats and she was one of the two and got very upset. - Yeah. - But I just, I pivot away from all that because that's what people want in politics. They want to gaslight and trigger and talk about at home and in personal facts rather than the issues. And rather than unifying people on the issues that could bring us together like prisoner reform, ending the drug war, ending the false flag wars. A lot of those are cross, you know, political aisle spectrum issues. But if people want to just get mad and like, you know, throw stones at each other while we all live in glasshouses, that's just stupid. We need to build stuff, not tear people down. And yeah, it's very interesting if they go into the conference and meet in the brother like you want to play in there. - Yeah, yeah. - It was really refreshing. - Crazy. - 'Cause I'm like sketched out thinking there's like a bunch of Karen Champagne Democrats who are going to scream peek and look. So yelling at me 'cause, oh, I see your sticker. I see this. I'm very like withheld about how I operate in the public. 'Cause, you know, it's Portland. But yeah, what would your main takeaways from the conference? - Yeah, this is a good opportunity. I meant to talk about the conference on my last episode, but I just kind of, I went over my hour and I was like, I don't want to cram anything left in here. So good opportunity for that. I loved it. I thought it was like great to, this was my first kind of like political event, my first experience meeting people actually involved in the Liberty Movement. And talking about what we were just talking about with that woman on the plane, it's like, what are the things for me about being libertarian is that, you know, you really, it's hard to find true identity with either side because both sides think that you're kind of the other side. You know, I think it's less with, you know, conservatives, right wing people look at libertarians, not as, you know, Democrats or possible Kamala voters, but for any Democrat, you know, as soon as you say libertarian or even say that you're not a Democrat, they just immediately go to, oh, you're just so pro-Trump, you're just, and then they assume all these things about you, you know, they assume that, 'cause there are a lot of people in the like, make America a great again movement who are like very cult like and refuse to, you know, question anything that Donald Trump does. And that's just as problematic. So it was interesting to me to meet all the people who are more libertarian like myself, where we kind of find ourselves in some random middle in whatever the fucked up world we're in, the fucked up system. We don't find that true identity. So it was really awesome to meet people for the first time where I felt like there was like a community behind me and being able to go up to just anyone and have very high level intellectual conversations about, you know, issues that I care about that, you know, in my personal life, very, very few people, even know about. So it restored my faith in humanity by, you know, less than 5% just knowing that this group of people is such a small group, but it's such a passionate group. That being said, I did see a lot of people who I don't know how they call themselves libertarian, but I'm glad they're on my team at least. We need the numbers, so I'm not gonna be upset about that. But super inspirational to hear all these speakers, great speakers, Ron Paul was there the first night, which I'm just so glad I got to check that off my bucket list. He's 88 years old, so I don't think I'll ever have the opportunity to see him speak live again. So just amazing opportunity. Tulsi Gabbard, Vivekram Swami, Dave Smith, I mean, it was just loaded speakers and they all gave like very interesting speeches. I felt like I learned a lot, especially as like a younger kid. I know you've been like personally involved in politics, but for me, I'd never really had a glimpse of any sort of internal working of the system. So being, to be able to be educated on how all that works, definitely helped my perspective as a journalist now that I kind of understand some of the nuances. I honestly, to be totally 100%, I didn't realize how much influence and power the like aides and staffers had over the elected representatives. I didn't realize how little they actually do. - They are the gatekeepers. - Yeah. - They are the gatekeepers. - They're just a face on it. Some staffers are cool and some other staffers they look at is like career-based and sometimes you'll get checked by gatekeepers. And that's really interesting to see the dynamic of that as well. So you'll see more of that the more you go along in politics. - Yeah. - That's why I really appreciate you because you're not a gatekeeper energy. You immediately recognize what I've talked about in politics and the prophecy that I've foreseen and the things that I've been through and you understand that because it's in the news. But a lot of the sometimes, sometimes some of the gatekeepers, they don't want to go into the deep and because for whatever reason. But I know that people like Rand Paul, if they were to know things about what my uncle did in Benghazi into Assange, they would probably really want to have him in Congress and some questions. - Oh yeah. - Do you want to talk about what your uncle did to Assange and Benghazi and all about him? - So one of the reasons I went to the young American celebrities because like I really wanted to connect with some young Americans who are not a, yeah I'm tired of Portland, I'm kind of, I have some things I need to do here in Portland, the whole elected leaders accountable. - Yeah, you got to tie up your loose ends. - Yes sir and so my uncle, again I said I'm from Portland but my family's from D.C. Very high level military background, my mom's side of the family. The Fitzpatrick and McDonough families. But my uncle kind of sold out the family legacy. He's been the State Department like 40 years. He's seen like directly like the selling out to China. You know he's been on the first plane ride under Bill Clinton to the envoy to China. - Wow, they're Warren Christopher for Secretary of State. And nobody really knows this, but they got locked in a room in China for four hours to get flexed on. They literally didn't know, oh are we gonna make a trade deal? Or are we getting kidnapped by China? Like we're the U.S. State Department, what's going on? So like the news doesn't even know that because I'm sure that the family's stored, yeah. So like my uncle's helped sell out our manufacturing of China and I know that directly and I know that. - That's so crazy and that's such a personal call. - Yeah, and so many other things like Benghazi, he was advising Hillary Clinton as Obama's like presidential, it was a brand new position, a presidential appointee position. Political Commissar position, if you will, to kind of spy on the military and give them marching orders and report back to the State Department with their planning. So during the time of Benghazi, Haiti, LaFalle, Libya, all these things. - Will you just explain that super briefly for anyone who doesn't know that's listening to this? - So there was a document called The Plan for the New American Century, the many generals, people like Alex Jones on the far right, supposedly far right, whatever. And Louis Farcon, supposedly on the far left, those people should not be talking in the same sentence or together at the same table. But yet Alex Jones and Louis Farcon actually sat down once in an interview that I highly recommend people watch for educational reasons to understand what happened in Libya and Benghazi. Because one of the things they mentioned in that podcast, Farcon said that there's a plan for a new American century that was written by one of the founders of the trilateral commission, somebody, it's a big new Brzezinski or whoever, and his daughter is Mika Brzezinski from The Morning Joe and the NC. - Okay, yeah. - So the Brzezinski's a part of the bloodline trilateral and her dad was the founder of the trilateral commission and wrote The Plan for the New American Century. And Louis and Alex Jones had talked about that plan and they said, yo, the reason we're seeing what we're seeing in Libya of like Mo America Daffy, the president, being assassinated and murdered and the reason why all these other things in the Arab Spring in 2013 and 2013, all the time frame. There was a lot of revolutions in the Middle East in the early 2010s directly spurred on by the US proxies, whether it be, there was a lot of proxy wars going on. - Oh yeah. - And so The Plan for the New American Century literally documented, we're gonna get top of these seven different countries in the next couple of years. And it was all a plan. And Libya was one of the first ones they wanted to topple because they wanted like a brick station now, of course. They wanted to have an African gold back currency. - Oh yeah, yeah. - In 2020, whatever that was. - Definitely. - So they knew that Gaddafi had succeeded in unifying Africa to have a gold back African, like a Euro currency, but for Africa. And they weren't gonna trade in the petro dollar anymore. - Would have been huge? - It would have been huge. - Yeah, it would have changed everything. And now it's just opened the slave markets. - Yeah, Libya is a damn slave market. - Yeah, I mean, that is the legacy of the United States in the world. You know, as much as people here, it's funny to see the political discourse inside the United States, but then to also be one of the few people in the modern age who realized what we're doing to all the other countries. And it's like, oh, you know, racism is so bad. Like, you know, slavery was outlawed forever ago, but now like, but as a result of our own actions, this country, especially the people that, like, you know, the people on the left who that's some of their, the things they're more obsessed with, those people were responsible for bringing slavery back to, you know, being open air in Libya. - They'll still vote for Hillary Clinton. - Yeah, I'm sure they will. - Even though she did that to Libya. And like, it's a while that people just ignore all that. Like you say, it's not even ignoring it, it's just that they don't know. I guarantee you that if you talk to 10 people on the street, at least in Portland, that nine out of 10 of them would not know that Gaddafi wanted to have a gold-backed African arts. - That's true, but if you do go into the conversation in my experience, like, if you, if they fully know with the whole context of what has happened and who has done that, ultimately it's like a shock to their system. And especially the Hillary voters at all. If they're Bernie bros, they're more receptive. Absolutely. - Yeah. - 'Cause they know Bernie was ripped off by Hillary. - Oh, yeah. - However, if it's a Hillary supporter who doesn't know anything from Adam, it's gonna like question their entire foundational belief system. - Oh, yeah. - And that's kind of gonna be hard for them to confront that whole system that they've been building up, what my whole philosophy's built on a foundation of lies. Yes, I'm sorry if you're just telling that. - It sucks, right? - But how do you do that on the corner with somebody who believes you? Here's you can even show an article, but they have to think about, I gotta go back home, I gotta go back to school, or whatever the social dynamics are, social dynamics come into play. If you need somebody individual industry, you may vibe with and they may agree with you at 90% of the time. But if a crowd develops, it's a problem because then they're starting to worry what the crowd will think about them for questioning the hierarchy and the Hillary Clinton. So it's very interesting. When 2017 Hillary Clinton came to Portland, there was a protest of her book signing. I thought that was awesome. And I'm like, cool. There's patriots and Antifa both hating on Hillary, but they're hating on each other and not cross-talking, and they wanna kill each other. That's stupid to me. We should all be like dancing and gang-treats and against Hillary Clinton and just partying. But that devolved into fights in the street in Portland between Proud Boys and for the last 10 years, whatever the hell I don't know about. - Yeah, I was a really young kid when all that was going on. It was, I mean, that was what, 2020? - Before the 2017. - Well, 2017 was the Hillary stuff. And then I remember when that happened, I didn't even, I was in elementary school, I think. So that was a different time for me. But seeing all the, Portland's been such an epicenter. It's crazy, like 2020, the Black Lives Matter stuff, and all the like Proud Boys stuff like that coming down. And I just remember being a little kid and just not really understanding any of it. And it's just wild that like two groups like that, that they kind of, they both go out there and they're kind of trying to project terror in some way. And I don't know totally what the more like right-wing people were doing, but it seemed like there was so much just straight up destruction of property. - Gaslighting. - Yeah. - Gaslighting. - Yeah. - And I have to admit, when all parties do that, and I don't like gaslighting. I'm here to be a peacemaker and a statesman of the streets. I'm like, diplomacy runs in my blood. I could be a warrior too. But I'm not a warrior. My grandpa said the pen is my year in the sword. He would know he fought a war to Korea and Vietnam like front of the tip of the spear, jumping out of airplanes. - Wow. - He would know that, you know, be a diplomat in a statesman, not a warrior. So I have like a lot of warriors blood in me. I could be angry and try to fight in the streets with people if I wanted to, but that's crazy making. Like I'm here to build bridges on the highest levels of the issues and cross talk. And for a long time, I didn't understand that that would not resonate with some people who just wanted to brawl in the streets on both sides. So I've gotten a lot of love from all sides in the streets, in the ivory towers as well. All sides, I get a lot of love for what I do, a solidarity building. But then there's like demons on both sides that will shriek why are you talking to that side? This side, well, you can do what you want to do, but don't infringe on my peace building, a solidarity building. It's so interesting and I've got death threats from both anti-foot and the proud boys. And like, it's so interesting. - Yeah. - But yet I've made friends on all sides too. So it's just kind of like, that's just how history goes. There will always be warring parties, plans, people's and whatnot. - Yeah. - And I'd rather focus on how to build a dialogue. Like we're doing here. - Exactly. That's the only way that anything is actually going to move forward in a direction that anyone wants. I mean, unless you're one of the crazy people who are like, oh, well, if you don't agree with me, I want you to go into a concentration camp. Because there are people like literally on both sides who just either want to arrest all the liberals or arrest all the domestic terrorists, you know? They want to, there's the radicals on both sides who want to live in a world where it's just 100% agreement. But for me, I understand that even on some of the more like hot, controversial radical issues, there's always going to be disagreements. People have different opinions on things. People have lived vastly different lives. People have different needs. And, you know, for me, I don't like to trample on anyone's right to do anything. But the only way that anything can ever change or move forward is through not only conversation, but it needs to be truly open-minded conversation. And it needs to be high-level, intelligent conversation. And it can't be gate-kept. And that's the thing about, like, the corporate press that is so just devastating for this country is that, you know, especially in a world with the internet, like what I'm trying to do, like, it's so easy to start a podcast, to post on X. You know, there's all these platforms. There's unlimited information at our fingertips. It's like what you were talking about earlier. But for most people, you know, especially of the, you know, kind of Gen X and above generations, the corporate press is the only, you know, source for them. I mean, I'll get into debates on Twitter about, like, book bands and stuff like that. And I'll, you know, you're not gonna be able to find a mainstream, like, new source talking about, you know, conservative books being banned, you know, on Amazon or whatever. And this is, like, a legitimate thing similar to, like, the Twitter files where, you know, the Biden administration will tell Amazon what books to ban and they'll ban them. And in some ways, that's more destructive than banning them from schools and libraries because that bans people, you know, that Amazon's one of the main ways you make money off books today. So if you can't put your book on Amazon, you're basically not allowing people to buy that book at all. Where, you know, not that, you know, as a libertarian, I don't think the government gets to ban any sort of speech or expression. And books are definitely a form of speech and expression. But, you know, rather than spending taxpayer money on it to put it in a library or a school, banning it from Amazon is a totally different thing. But if you can't get a source from the Washington Post or, you know, the New York Times, Fox News doesn't even count today for people because it's so, you know, conservative. Anyone who's a Democrat won't take anything from Fox News seriously. So there's only, like, three or four sources that you can, like, win on. And if you don't get information from one of those four sources, no one will even listen to you. - That's so interesting. When I use sources from places like the Oregonian documentary about Mercy Corps, the huge scandal at Mercy Corps, my mentor was covered up. For those of you who don't know, look up Mercy Corps scandal, don't believe me, it sounds pretty crazy and wow. But anyways, there's like a little documentary about Mercy Corps from the mainstream Oregonian champagne Democrat, Natives. KGW, mainstream, embassy affiliate, CVS affiliate coin. All these stations did documentaries on how the co-founder's own daughter was suing Mercy Corps for some worse than Epstein stuff. It's in the news, it's legitimately in the news. - Yeah. - It's like, yo, wait a second. Portland mentors of mine and politics covered up a worse than Epstein, murderous, incestuous, necrophilic, chomo rank. That sounds like QAnon, that's crazy, but it's not. It's actually in the mainstream news. But now it's like a couple years later, they think people have forgotten about it. They've cut a check for a settlement for the co-founder's daughter. So I think people are just gonna go away and be quiet about this Mercy Corps kind of, when they have connections to Gates, Soros. You said the Twitter files earlier. Well, who was the lady who like banned my Twitter file, or Twitter a long time ago, for talking about a lot of these scandals is a star witness. Oh yeah, VJ, I got it. He got fired for banning President Trump and many others. She got fired by Elon. Well, she's still sitting on the board of Mercy Corps right now. Why is that not being talked about? - Yeah. - Elon Musk, if you're listening, do you know that the woman you fired for covering up a lot of stuff actually is involved in litigation for covering up an incestuous murderous pedophile ring for decades at Mercy Corps? What she's still working at? Why is she still working there? What did she know? When did she know? Why does she resign? Should I sue her for deleting my Twitter when I was literally talking about Mercy Corps as a star witness? And she sat on the board of that, but she also was at Twitter banning my profile. Like, I'm sorry, that's hella sus. That's conflict. Let's talk about that. But they don't want to talk about that. In fact, to your point, I like the mainstream news. It's so interesting that all of this is in the mainstream news. And I would just gently would like some accountability on them, as a matter of fact, that why is our governor, Tina Kotek, who I know, who knows me on a first-name basis? Like, she knows me more than I know her 'cause people have talked about me in her circles. When I used to go to a legislator, Tina Kotek, was she was the house speaker. Well, I remember a couple of years ago. I wasn't there to see her. I was there to secretly build bridges with certain people. - Yeah. - And like, Speaker of House pops her head out the door and she's like, "Hey, Patrick." I'm like, "What the hell?" I didn't even know this woman knew me like that. I've never even had a conversation with this speaker. But she knows me because I was a protege of Alyssa Kenning Guyer, the granddaughter of J.C. Penney, secret billionaire, state representative of my district. So everybody was capitulating to her secretly. Even the Speaker of House was technically socially and financially beneath the woman I was working for. So she knows the woman I was working for is talking about me on in the legislator. So I know Tina Kotek, I know these people. And it's so insulting to me that after the Mercy Corps scandal came out in the news, in the mainstream news, mind you, their news, right? Yeah, shit, they listened to in respect. At what point is it like insulting as hell that they think it's okay to hang out with Alyssa Kenning Guyer when she comes back to Oregon like people aren't gonna know. And then Michael Denver, a state senator from Southeast Portland who I knew in college about 10 years ago, I've known him for a while. - Yeah. - Well, why is he going on, you know, like live stream podcasts like this with like four different screens, like a Zoom call? - Yeah. - Why is he going on Zoom calls with Alyssa Kenning Guyer? Like today, this currently, like, yo, dude, she's canceled. Did you not remember? She was canceled like, she had to leave the state four years ago when her husband got kicked out on Mercy Corps. She had to leave the legislator too. And they moved into New Mexico. Why is it okay for them to circle back in the, quote, Jen Psaki? Why are they allowed to circle back and come back into Oregon politics like nobody remembers. They covered up a murderous pedophile ring at Mercy Corps. Yes, I know, but this is literally the mainstream news. They're news. - Yes. - I'm like, this is crazy. And that's, then I'm like, well, why are people marching on a table with this house? But they're not really protesting like a murderous pedophile ring at Mercy Corps. Where's the accountability for that? And then it makes me wonder, well, who are the ones actually organizing these protests? It's not as organic as the one would think. - Right. - It's like hurting cats to get people to focus on things and to act on those things. So I'm really looking for people with a high level understanding of these issues that can connect scandals and dots and see how we can utilize this to have these public conversations and really kind of eloquently flex on our elected leaders who think it's all right to hang out with people like the county guard is still, it's not okay. And ultimately, if enough accountability is built up or enough community angst behind that, we could have some mass resignations possibly, like dominoes, like, why do they think it's okay to hang out with people who are worse and abstain? They just don't think we'll talk about it. So I've been in a holding pattern for a couple, like a year or two, doing a lot of my own stuff, but it's time that, you know, I circled back with them to their face in the county commission meetings, city hall meetings. And when I speak, it's people with authority, it's gonna scare them because like, they know what they've covered up, they know I have the goods, and they do not wanna be reminded of it. So it's playing with fire, but it's very interesting. I don't know. - I was looking just before we did this, just I Googled your name. And I saw like there was a article about you, like in the Portland Tribune or something, like telling your like story. And I went to click on it and it was like scrubbed, it wasn't there anymore. So it'd be interesting to see if I could like find it on the way back machine. - The way back machine's even scrubbed. - Oh wow. - I learned from Tim Cast in pool, Ian Crossland on Tim pool was a shout out to Ian Crossland. He was the one that made me aware that even the way back machine is like working with the deep state, the scrub stuff. - Wow. - So he has said there's an alternative way back machine. I think I forget the link, but there's, I'll have to get it. - Like - I can't remember because it's a different dot, but it is a better archive. And I found some from like when I was on Twitter, again, BGA got a delete of my Twitter for working with, you know, Epstein's was a blowers and Mercy Corps was a blower bringing people together in a way that has never done before to hold Mercy Corps to account. So ultimately like I got banned from Twitter because of, well, a lot of high level unifying, but it was crazy to me to see like just how coordinated the scrubbing of some of those tweets where I went on the way back machine after my account was suspended. - Yeah. - And I could find certain tweets from like before I met Virginia Jufrey on Twitter, but then like the window of time when I established contact with Virginia Jufrey and started really tweeting with tag teaming, tweeting with her. We even called out Sam Adams here in Portland and I thought that was a global dump that would be heard around the world. Well, the news did not want to report the woman taking out Prince Andrew was targeting her death star Ray politically at Portland and you can't withstand that. Like you just got called out by a woman taking out Prince Andrew, that's invaluable. Like what do you get out of here by? You go into the mountains or something, like you're done toast politically. But the news didn't report that. And then I went to look to find my tweets after I was suspended off Twitter for having that much influence. They're like, oh, we gotta spend this guy. Can't have that kind of unchecked influence. He's advising a woman taking out Prince of England and Epstein's was a blower and he's like directing her voice to target certain things and don't call it. Yeah, no, no, no, we got a sense of that. So I look for the tweets and the way back machine to show, hey, people look, this is really, here's the way back link. Yeah. And I couldn't find like some of the like most gangster like tweets back and forth between me and Virginia couldn't find them. I'm like, wow. And then I saw the Ian Crossland video on Tim Cass where they said that the way back machine is now scrubbing stuff. That's so fucking crazy. They're going elaborate. Straight up 1984 shit. I mean, you can even see it with like the Kamala hair stuff. Like they're trying to say that she was never the, like it's less even about the exact language, but like the exact language was borders are like straight up. There's like Axios articles and now Axios is saying that's not true. But the thing is, is that people buy it, right? It's weird like, you know, for people like us who are, you know, politically passionate. I mean, I'm not totally sure for you, but I assume like I spend a good chunk of my day thinking, learning or, you know, writing about politics in some capacity. And most people don't do that, you know? So as much as like, you know, we're talking about, oh, how could anyone ever want to still support someone who, you know, is in the mainstream news for covering up a pedophile ring? No one, no one, you know, and it's like how many people, you know, especially on like a state level, right? How many, you know, it's hard enough to keep up with federal politics, right? To think about being as in tuned as you are to even national politics as you are in your state or your city politics. So smaller level politicians, I feel like, can get away with a lot more sometimes because if you went around and asked people on the street, how many people would even know who their representatives are? Or, you know, who they're voting for? They vote, they're probably gonna forget that person's name. Yeah, you know? Also, do not know the representatives. A lot of people don't even know what the hell the word legislature is. Yeah, so you can like straight up like, you can, someone could have read this article about Mercy Corps, Alyssa Kenny Geyer. You could have seen this. And then someone could have been like, oh, you know, I think I might vote for Alyssa Kenny Geyer, you know, she has a good take on healthcare or whatever the fuck issue, you know? And they're gonna be like, oh, okay, that name sounds familiar. She seems nice, she drives a priest, she has good energy, everything checks out, lists out for her. So even if they've straight up like the odds are, like they could have even read Alyssa Kenny Geyer has been involved in covering up pedophile rings, but they're not gonna remember that. They're probably not gonna remember that it was her. I mean, even like someone like my mom, like I was telling her that story and she was like, oh, was that the thing about some girl having a problem with her dad, like some sort of thing? And I was looking it up, I guess that's some story. I'm not sure if that's the same thing that you're involved in, like whistle blowing on. But, you know, she doesn't, you know, she knows about the story, but she doesn't know enough details to actually hold anyone accountable for it. Which to me is almost worse because I, you know, we'll see something like that and I would just never forget. I would, I would, it not only would I never forget, but I feel like, I mean, like you, I would try and do something about it. I would try and expose this person, I would try and hold them accountable. But at the end of the day, unless politics is your main hobby or your job, it just isn't as important for people as it should be. Especially in a time today where, you know, all this crazy shit's going on, we're on a paradigm shift that's about to happen with all this technology and the AI and, you know, first generation where we can literally infuse technology into human beings. What will that mean for us, right? We don't know, this is the most important politics have ever been. And at a certain point, you know, this is where the two party system is just so destructive. You can't get past, you know, two awful, awful candidates. You can't, the system works exactly as it's intended to because, you know, no one's asking for a good politician. They're settling with whatever they're given. And it's really sad. I, and it's, you know, there's such a multi-level problem with it, education. I know you have some experience with like Portland Public Schools, right? You know, years ago, like before, way before I was born, American education was good. We were smart people, America was legitimately the economic superpower of the world. And that's like why we had our position on the world stage was not just because of military dominance enforcing our paper dollar onto all the other countries. The only thing we have now is banking and war. That's all our country does. You know, as you were saying, like your uncle was involved in outsourcing all, if not, you know, most of our manufacturing power, most of our economic, actual internal stuff. Now we're not energy dependent or independent. We're dependent on, I'm pretty sure it's China still, right? For energy, like we're not in a good position at all. And we're about to be going to war with Iran probably within the next few days or weeks unless they, you know, decide to not do anything which would be super surprising to me. You know, China we're openly saying that we don't recognize Taiwan as an independent state but are willing to go to war to defend it. And if we go to war with China, where do we get most of our supplies to build our weapons? We get them from China. If we get 40% of our weapon capabilities from China and now we're saying, oh, we're about to go fight a war with Russia who, you know, is linked with China and bricks like China and Russia now need to support each other because if they can, you know, overthrow the U.S. at the top dog, that's an alliance that is pretty... - They're all right for that. They will fight for that chance. - That's what I'm saying. - And in America, Nosa. And that's why they killed Gaddafi. - Yeah. - That's why my uncle allowed that to happen and advise Hillary. Not just allowed it to. He probably would call the shots. He was advisor to Hillary and the Joint Chiefs of State with a four star general in charge of the National Guard who sat on the Joint Chiefs of State. So my uncle was a girl between Hillary and a key member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, four star general in charge of the National Guard. So I do not think that he not only knew, but also what his hell of his job was to what? Not just sit there and listen. That's not what an advisor does. An advisor tells them what to do, calls the shots. I'm sorry, Hillary got grilled for 13 hours and was non-compliant in Congress about Benghazi, but at what point do you got to realize that she's like the figurehead, the ditz, Machiavellian idiot, of course, evil woman, but who was telling her what to do? And not just her, but multiple administrations for 40 years. Who believes themselves to be the prey Tory on guard or the deep say who advises presidents? Well, who was, what was that when Vladimir Putin was with Tucker Carlson recently? He said, I met with three US presidents. - Yeah. - Clinton. - Wanted to join NATO and they said, we'll ask them. - They all wanted to like come in with pleasantries and they had great ideas and they were interested in talking with me, but then they had the suits come in the room and take them back out and they had to go to the men's event. And they said very specifically, they're men in suits like I have, but they wear a different color tie than we do, but they're just like, you know, they have men in suits, tell the president what to do. And after they come back from the meeting with the suits, then the whole energy's different and they can't do what they wanted to do anymore. So who are those people that Vladimir Putin was referencing? I'm not a Russian collusion in person, but I just analyzed history in the news and I'm allowed to watch the news and watch what the people were about to go to war with say. Isn't that good diplomacy? It runs in my book. - Absolutely. - My uncle got people killed, like Chris Stevens in Benghazi, got people like the Daffy killed, started wars, I'm a peacemaker. I'm supposed to be politically and diplomatically involved in understanding on the highest level. So of course, I'm gonna watch the interview with Putin and Tucker and I'm gonna analyze it. And it's gonna stick out to me that he said the men in the suitings. - Yeah, that was one of the things that stuck out the most to me as well. - And I thought, well, who are the, oh, that's who. My uncle is who he's referring to. And so I have this where opportunity is a vantage point for the first time in history to actually name and shame the deep state pertaining on guard that they believe themselves to be. And who is the guy that Putin was referencing? Well, it's a guy like my uncle. And so he should be the first named of, hey, that reference point about guys in "Suit, Snug, Aspiric, Theory." Let's actually rip the mass off like Scooby-Doo, the suits that he referred to, which was real. So, your uncle also was the ambassador to Ecuador, formerly, correct? - Yeah, he was responsible in putting Julian Assange in prison, which is pretty sus. He also, again, at the time he worked with Hillary, I was in military school at the time. So I was getting postcards. And my drill instructors even broke character and pulled me over in the defect. This is like the cafeteria. - Yeah. - They said, hey, man, who is your uncle? Like, we don't know who he is. And we have access to the National Guard database to like, we can look into deep files of people. And we're looking into the mentors, the kids here at military school, your uncle's list as a mentor. And he keeps sending you like postcards. Like, he was sending me like, where's Waldo type postcards from Rome, Brussels, Italy, like all around the highest points of the world. - Yeah. - And he knew that he was somewhat about something. And I never talked about it 'cause I don't believe in nepotism. He never helped me growing up. And so like, okay, he's on paper as my mentor, but he's flying around the world. He didn't really help me. - Yeah. - So, and they were really curious, like, who is this guy sending you postcards from like Rome and Brussels? I'm like, oh, that's my uncle. So like, I literally know where he was and cross-reference that timeline wise with his job title and the current, the world events that were happening around the time. So when Haiti and Benghazi and Libya and all these things were happening, I was getting postcards from him, from certain places in certain cities. So I know exactly where he was at the certain times because I can remember that he sent me postcards in places with dates and times. And he don't want me to look at that in retrospect and use chat GPT to analyze and cross-reference where he was and when he was there and that what his job title was in the current events of what was happening at the time. Because I pretty much placed it with almost concrete analysis that he definitely not only like put Julian Assange in prison as the ambassador of Ecuador, as of late, but he was again working with Hillary and the Joint Chiefs. When I was in military school, not only when Benghazi happened, which he's responsible for, but he was in a room most likely, like I have almost certainty that he was in a room when Hillary Clinton famously joked about, oh, can't we just Joan strike that guy and reference to Assange in 2010? - Yeah, so insane. - He knows about the murderous plots against Julian Assange, not just under Mike Pompeo, but under Hillary Clinton directly because he was probably in the room as her advisor and the Joint Chiefs advised her to go between the highest level, why would he not be in that room when they're talking about high level, like the biggest issue in their time, which was WikiLeaks releasing all the emails and they were sketched out, so they were like going ready to go to war with WikiLeaks. And so why would he not be in that conversation when he did his job to advise Joint Chiefs in Hillary? Of course, he probably was in that room and was he laughing along with her? Did he agree? I don't know about that, only he can answer that, but I would argue that based on his job titles, since then, he only got rewarded for his silence. He never spoke up about how his friend, Chris Stevens, died in Benghazi. He was advising Hillary at the time. He probably knew that his friend, Chris Stevens, supposedly his friend was sending all these email requests for up security that were being denied. My uncle should have known that, and if he didn't, he's incompetent. He should have never been in a position and got his friend killed in a competence. Was it incompetence or outright malice or do you just have no moral compass ever at whatsoever anymore because you sold out to the Deep Sam for 40 years, you've been Hillary's bad boy, so you just don't even have a moral compass and you just do what she thinks she would want. And at that point, how are you really Chris Stevens' friend if you just do whatever Hillary wants to let him die in Benghazi? Are you really his friend? So yeah, he knew about the murderous plots against Assange. He knew probably a lot more about Benghazi than he is even in the news. And he, again, put Assange in prison after they've plotted to kill him and under the Pompeo administration. It's insane. So the law he has to answer for, and it's crazy. I don't even know where to start. What's his name just for anyone who wants to go and look into him further? Yeah, his name is Michael J. Fitzpatrick. He's from Virginia, Fairfax area, DC, DCI. Awesome, yeah, that was one of the things when I first met you that I was like, 'cause I mean, I was so tired when I was talking to you, talking, it wasn't a conversation just like this, but a lot of the similar things. And it was, it's just crazy, you know, I'm so into the politics, but to have, you know, a relative who is, you know, directly responsible for so many of these things. Oh yeah, you can show that to the camera if you want to show that. So just, I like to back up everything I'm saying. So we have here, this is, I don't know if you can see the text, but this is the tweet right here. It's kind of hard to see with the backlight, but it's my uncle, Wikileaks released a tweet of my uncle, right after his confirmation hearing in 2019. And this is a video of his confirmation hearing, that's him right there, in Congress, my cousins, uncles and aunts, they didn't invite me to that because they knew if I knew he was being nominated to be ambassador, I would have called Congress and Proticity. But they also released 222 of his emails on that tweet. So they're like, oh yeah, this guy wants to pretty much kill Assange, he's the new ambassador in Ecuador. Well, here's his emails, you know, 222 of them. So I not only like can back up what I say with receipts and tweets from Wikileaks, hey, that's my uncle and the tweet from Wikileaks. And they don't dunk on people personally, they release a lot of emails, but they don't oftentimes release videos and dunk on the people, the point person going after them, but they did that. And I use chat to get tea to analyze the link to the 222 of his emails. So I know literally where he's been, what he's done, I broke it down to link his terms. It's rather like infallible, there's nothing he can say to me that could rebuttal what Wikileaks released on him. And I support that because I've totally doubt who he really is and what he's actually done. And I already knew, given my family and I'm obviously with him, my dad raised me like these different politically than my champagne, Democrat, Hillary, Bagboy, uncle. So like, I'm very upset that my father was slender for my whole life, even though he was like a saint, like a biker, libertarian, rebel, intellectual as well. - Yes, sir. - Hard co, he worked in Arlington for nine years placing headstones. - Wow. - And that's how he met my mom in DC. This is like Hader-ass energy in the family. So they fled DC to come back to Oregon in the '80s and '90s. And that's where I was born. - Yeah. - But there's been a lot of animosity in the family. He raised me in my parents' divorce. My mom tried to slander my dad who raised me. He taught me everything I know. And ultimately he's actually correct on everything I know about Hillary and all these things. And the fact that my mom put me in the arms of Alyssa Kenny Geyer, the lady who covered a pedophile ring at Mercy Corps. - It's crazy. - She was okay with me working with the champagne Democrats and celebrating me from on high, telling all her friends about, look at these newspaper articles from my son's in. He's doing great working with these high level people. She would tell everybody, even strangers, is embarrassing. And just like she tells strangers that her brother was an Obama appointee for the State Department. But I know what he did when he was at Obama appointee for Hillary, he covered up in the Gossing Gus friend, Chris Stevens killed. So I'm like, we're not the same ollie. He can clout chase off your brother in the State Department clout. But I actually look at what he's done and I think he's the evil person. - Oh yeah. - And I not just say that with family animosity and history, but I know that through like objective analysis through AI, through chat, through BT's and his WikiLeaks emails, it's not even my personal animosity and my experience and my witness of him. It's literally, you can argue with me all you want, but you can argue with the WikiLeaks that you're on emails. So that's why I thank Julian and my family cannot support me at all because they know that I have supported Julian who's correct and my uncle is absolutely incorrect. - Yeah, he should be winning awards, but instead he had to just almost die in prison. - Yeah, it's horrible. - So fucked up. I mean, me as someone who's trying to become a journalist speaking out against, you know, a lot of the same shit he was, but doing it from a slightly different way, not hopefully, you know, sourcing. I would rather be talking about it all instead of having to be the middleman in between the whistle blowers or whatnot, but that's obviously so important. Nothing can come out without that. And, you know, it's, you know, the most fucked up thing about it is that the precedent is now set that, you know, the United States not only can, you know, arrest journalists for publishing information that hurts them, but also that we can arrest journalists anywhere in the world. They don't even have to be American citizens. They don't have to, you know, be on American soil. They can arrest anyone they want. And that is just insane. - Just about the level. - It's crazy. And, you know, the stuff seeing some of the scenes out of the UK right now where, you know, regardless of how you feel about anything, it's the fact that you're, you know, like there's gonna be SWAT teams coming into your home, sawing your door in half because you made a racist comment on social media. It's like, you know, even I'm not like pro-racism, but that it's a comment on social media. And, you know, we're really getting very close to just an all-out police state across the entire world. - Well, we're in Portland. I really met people in the protests who think if you are white, you absolutely are a racist and you must be a Trump supporter. All these assumptions off the bat. - Right, yeah. - And then there's other cool leaders in Black Lives Matter who are more nuanced in, like, peace building, who aren't like that. But there are radicals and, like, on all sides of all parties, like every community has radicals. But it's like, in Portland specifically, there's a narrative in the DNC, what is it, the Democrats, those of America, the DSA? I literally had a meeting in 2016 saying, the plan is that we're going to call all Trump supporters racist. And I had a friend who was Black, who was from long history working with the Democrats. Get long history getting Democrats elected in the city of Portland, like, immigrate. He was like the first Black guy to, like, integrate, like one of the schools in Portland, like, to integrate races. So he has, like, a history of, like, being a Black Portlander who integrated schools and worked for the Democrats for decades on campaigns, cannabis legalization, all sorts of ballot initiatives and shit. And so then when he heard, as a Black man, that they're going to be calling all Trump supporters white supremacists and they're going to make sure that that is the label. He's like, well, hold on, I'm a Black man. I work for the Democrats. I've had for many years integrated these schools. But that doesn't fly with me because you're going to create a race war in the city where I'm a Black male and I don't feel safe already. Yeah. And he's like, you're going to get people, like, fighting in the streets because you're lying on their name and slandering them because you want to win political clout. Like, you want to win one election or whatever. Maybe this is, like, the last election in your mind. So you have to go hard. OK. Well, still, you're going to really, like, slander a whole community of people, like, even Black Trump supporters. And that's just crazy to me. So I heard that. And I'm like, OK, there literally are malicious people in the Democrat Party that have a Machiavellian mind that will literally do anything they want to win, whatever they need to do, and lying on en masse on people's names. So when I see that stuff in the UK of, like, people's doors being tear down, I immediately think, oh, yeah, they would love to do that to anybody in Portland. They would love to. But it's just the fact that we have guns here. Well, they don't even want you to have guns in Portland. Well, that's what I'm saying. And I mean, they're trying to take the guns away across the country. But the only thing between, you know, right now in dystopia is the fact that the people could-- I don't think we could win a war. But I think we could make them hurt, you know? And if they can de-arm us and then do whatever the hell they want to do to us, then that's going to be a lot easier, maybe it takes a little longer. But the plan is definitely to have total and complete control over the population and with technology. A lot of people don't see it, and that's where we have to unify against the police state. Exactly. The militarized industrial police state. Yes. And so that's really important because, like, Ammon Bundy took guns to the Malia Refuge. And I actually tried to de-escalate that in the highest level when that Malia Refuge shit was happening. I literally went to Alyssa Kenny Geier, who was like multiple levels secretly above the governor in the mayor. Again, the grandad J.C. Penny, she goes to the Davos, World Economic Forum. Oh, yeah, you should explain that, talk about that a little more. So this woman I was state-represented with. I was not cool with a lot of Republicans, but I kept the line open for many years, understanding the vantage point and the time and history that I had the responsibility of. I'm like, I'm a time lord. I literally have influence over one of the most influential people in the world. And I can just call her cell phone whenever the hell I want. Grandad J.C. Penny, the other secret billionaire. And in color whenever I want, she'll call me back in the middle of the night. I could text her on Facebook, she'll get back. And I realized I'm like, OK, I have to really get this woman on the record about a lot of things because she will then tell other people beneath her, 'cause I know she'll talk. And I need to use this influence that I have with judiciousness and really get this right. So for many years, I got on the record about a lot of stuff. But I again had known that the conservatives in Salem and the legislator did not want a prison reform bill passed. I knew this because I met with them. When I worked with Alyssa in 2013, I did some student lobbying with Oregon Student Association. So we went around the whole legislator. I was also working as an assistant in Alyssa's office. But I took a day off to go around the legislator and lobby for prison reform. Some of the conservatives down from Columbus did not want a bill. Said militarized police is not a rural issue for us. That's an urban city issue. And I, rather than disrespect them and cuss at them behind their back while he left, which some of the people from the Democrats from OSA did, I didn't do that. I said, I don't have respect that, you know? You just don't see my way of thinking yet. And hopefully we'll have a conversation at another time. And I'll keep the line open. I hope you respect us and I respect you. We'll have a good one. That's a good lobbyist should do. I was getting a door open. 'Cause you can't get a bill pass unless you have somebody who can talk to both sides. And if you piss one side off, you're never gonna get a bill pass. So I'm like being respectful of all sides. And a couple of your two or three years go by. Well, two years, it's 2015, all of a sudden, and Amma Bundy's taking over the refuge with guns. And I meet, it was like, oh, snap. I see this divergent narrative that nobody sees. I know that the conservatives, and I knew Amma Bundy wanted like prison reform. I knew he wanted land rights. A lot of things he wanted, but he also really wanted like police and prison reform. So I knew immediately that I needed to call the witsets from Klamath and call them back and say, hey, is it a rural issue now? Burns, Oregon now looks like Red Dawn. We got tanks and swap trucks and M-Raps and drones. And well, it's like Red Dawn. The whole militarized police is in the Mount here area right now because Amma Bundy said, do you now see militarized police now a rural issue? And they're like, oh, snap, we do. We never thought that that would be a thing. But how did you remember that conversation from like two years ago? And think to remind us that it's now an issue. I'm like, because I keep the line open, I think long term. And so is it an issue for you now? And they're like, we never thought we would say this, but yeah, we can see this is an issue of militarized police coming into our towns and telling our sheriffs that they don't have authority. Again, they killed somebody when they were going to a meeting in the Grant County over. And they were, had the invitation of the sheriff. Yeah, in Grant County to speak to 500 ranchers about how the Bureau of Land Management was unconstitutional, that there was a movement of sheriffs and peace officers that would not defend unconstitutional FBI orders. So they had murdered Levoy Finnekum on the dead man's like roadblock on the way to that meeting. And then what do you say? I'm going to see the sheriff. You can speak to the sheriff in the next county. You can arrest me there. Or you can shoot me dead now, put the laser on my head, put the bullet in my head right now. You better do it now. And so he just dipped off from that like stop, he dipped. And they called the people ahead on the blind roadblock and take them out. It was a assassination. Definitely, Kate Brown ordered that shit. And I told Alyssa before the murder happened, I said. And I not only told the witsets and clap him as a counter. Clap him as a counter, it hits the real issue. And so I needed to come back to the table with the Democrats. But I was also calling Alyssa Kenne Geyer and sent her messages on her Facebook to talk about a legal private server. Why aren't those FOIA requestable emails? Because I had direct influence over Facebook and text, which is much more gangster and direct connect than FOIA requestable emails. It shows that I'm that close and advising on that highest level, that direct. And yet that was illegal for her because it wasn't for me, but it was for her as a state representative to talk about that high level stuff in a non FOIA requestable representative account. So she could go to jail for talking to me on Facebook about this shit. I got her on Bear Trap, you got Bear Trap, you got fucked. You should've listened to me on the Malley Refuge and built bridges. And instead, you will work with Kate Brown to get somebody murdered. Again, I had the Republicans to the table ready to talk prisoner reform and de-escalate the Malley Refuge standoff. Instead, Kate Brown wanted to inflame the situation. And I told Alyssa to tell Kate Brown, I have these emails and messages, I said, you need to tell her to go shake him at Bundy's hand. And that like gave them brain aneurysm. I'm like, we hate this man. They were calling him like racist white supremacists, like anti-simile, all these things. - Yeah, and I'm like watching him invite black people and like Navajo native elders. - It's all assumptions. - Yeah, it's not even, I question how much it's assumptions, but also how much of it's just an excuse. They don't want to talk to, 'cause at the end of the day, I question how much Republicans and Democrats are like, they talk about all this policy, how much of it they actually want to change and how much of it they just say that they want to change. Because how many votes do they need and what issues, can they say they support and not actually fall through on and which issues do they have to follow through on? I think it's a calculated game of how can we, it's reality, right? You know, that's kind of what revolutionized Europe and going from these weird ultra conservative, ultra levels, it was just these people who would go in there and just give the people the crumbs just enough where they wouldn't, you know, revolt, they were getting enough, they were making it seem like they were in the interest of the people and that they were doing things for them, but it was all in their own best interest, you know? So it's always interesting to me to hear stories like that and, you know, see that there's obviously these opportunities where we can get the change in the societies that we want to see, but it doesn't happen because of party politics or pejorative's. And it's sad. Well, also I met a guy recently, it was one of the only people on the street that I'd never expect someone to street to also know this piece of information, but part of that like whole uranium one scandal, I don't know if you've ever heard about that, but it's like a whole deal of like apparently, like the uranium was given to like the Russians, like 20% of US uranium was given to the Russians by Hillary Clinton. And apparently, allegedly the guy who gave the sample of the yellow cake rearrangement, the sample to show the Russians what we have and what we're promising them, here's a sample. The guy who gave that to the Russians on the tarmac was named to be Robert Mueller. Wow. Who's that guy? Oh, I don't know. Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion investigator that they found no collusion at all. So insane. But wait, wait, wait, wait. Weren't you the one colluding with Russia yourself to give them 20% of our US uranium? And there's photos that you want to tarmac given the Russians the yellow cake uranium briefcase, Bob Mueller, how are you going to go around and slander the people that aren't recruiting with Russia when you actually give, like, nuclear-ficial material to the Russians and promise them that deal on the Hillary. I didn't even know that part about it. I mean, obviously, like-- Well, yes, let me quote, the great Billy Mayes from Oxyclean. But wait, there's more. So where did that sample of yellow cake uranium come from that Bob Mueller gave the Russians in the uranium-one scandal under Hillary Clinton? Oh, Harnie County, Oregon. Wow. Where's Harnie County? Oh, that's right. Now I'll hear a refuge standoff. What was Amazon Bundy talking about? This land is not the government. It's not the government. The Constitution says you can only land. The federal government can only land to 10 square miles of Washington, DC, and the rest of the state owns, explicitly in the Constitution. So I don't know if even Amazon Bundy knew. I don't think he knew necessarily. And crazy if he did know. Like, what if that was-- So there's uranium under there, especially? There's uranium all under yellow cake. The richest yellow cake in the world is in Harnie County in Oregon area. Wow. And the reason why they were taking a lot of the ranchers got the area and giving it to BLM, having a BLM burn their cattle and burn their land and make it economically in a feasible-- Wow, that's so good for the environment. Yeah, they're terrorists. Like BLM would burn land. There's videos of BLM lighting fires. Dude, isn't that the most bullshit thing ever? It's like, it's all about climate change until it hurts the government. Yeah. Oh, we want to treat on this and give them the Harnie County Reserve, the uranium reserves to the Russians in Oregon. One was the highly classified national security level deal that we can't talk about. So now we've got this redneck who's unifying the ranchers to not give up their lands. So they saw long-term abilities to displace all the ranchers. There was one family left. They were called the Hammonds family, Dwight and Stephen Hammond. The one family left in that area, in that reserve area, that was not going to relent. And they had so much economic warfare, so much slander and hostile jurisdiction, surprise charges. Well, they had charged them for some bullshit thing and through the son and the father. The older elderly father who's turned the farm over to his younger son, they threw them both in prison for like years and it made it so that the wife was no longer had any men on the farm to farm and make money. So she was going to be homeless soon too. So they were literally trying to ruin the lives of all the farmers and ranchers in the area. And they had succeeded by buying them out, eminent domain, economic war. Just eventually everyone gave up, except the Hammonds. And so then the Bundies came in and said, no, we need freedom for Dwight and Stephen Hammond. We're taking over this refuge and we're not leaving and land back. Well, where are we here at land back as well? Black Lives Matter talks a lot about land back. So around that time frame, I'm like, hmm, they're saying he's racist, I know he's not. That's a scyop against him so that people can't talk about the real scandal. How cool would it be to get like, I don't know, Black Lives Matter and Hammond Bundy and the two land back narratives on the polar opposite sides of the aisle talking together in unison. And that took a while to do, but in 2020 I did that. And so it's really wild that like the uranium in Harney County was gonna be given to the Russians. And that was stopped all because Hammond Bundy threw a wrench into their plan. Again, they had a long-term plan to displace all the ranchers in Harney County. The BLM would have owned the lands and I don't know how long they would have like spread that out. But they do things like long-term so people forget that anything was connected. I don't know if it would have been five, 10, 20, 50 years down the road, but they probably would have turned that into like, they would have changed the land use of that area after the ranchers were displaced. And it probably would have went away just left, no, maybe five years, so people forgot they was all connected. And then they would have like stripped mine the area for uranium once all the people are gone. But none of that could have happened until the ranchers were all gone and Hammond buddy threw a whole wrench and all that. So the Malhere thing was much larger and interconnected to geopolitics and scandals and anybody really even knows. And so yeah, what do you even do about that? There's just another dog path sideways piece of Oregon politics history that's connected to like international diplomacy. Yeah, it's so insane. It's so crazy. I mean, I just, the further I get into, you know, the political rabbit hole, the more and more the classic libertarian motto that the state is just abandoned bandits, I just can't, I can't unsee it. I mean, every action they do in some capacity is coercive or violent or abusive. And I don't see almost any examples from, you know, the government or a government in any history where they're actually, you know, benefiting people truly without some sort of weird, you know, hidden intent or that they, you know, have their constituents best interest in mind. It's just such a selfish game, you know? That's what power is. And when you give people the right to have power over people, I mean, it's kind of, it's almost inevitable. And to me, the only solution to stopping any of this shit is to just fucking either downsize it to a never before seen degree. And, you know, with today's technology and connectedness, you know, you definitely could run governments on a smaller scale because you don't need to, you know, send someone on a horse to go talk to people. You can have the government of, you know, the city of Portland, the people of Portland and the people of Salem or the people of Vancouver, Washington, you know, you can have all these different people, all these smaller, you know, organizational government structures, whatever you want to call it, you know, they can connect themselves. We don't need this overarching federal government, you know, how is, you know, Washington DC coming over here and telling Oregon ranchers what they can do? It's just nuts. I mean, imagine if someone from Canada, like the government of Canada was trying to talk to someone in Oregon, they technically have more of a right because they're closer to us. Why does DC get to dictate what we do here? They're so far away. And it's not like anyone alive right now ever gave them that right. And it's just so insane. And, you know, every time I ever talk about, you know, even trying to, you know, and I'm a libertarian, so I want something totally radically different. But like, I try and play within the rules of the game a little bit. Like I try and be an incrementalist in some form and I'll say, hey, I think the states need more power. We need to decrease the size of the federal government. States should be more individually governed. And they're like, wow, what? How are you kidding me? I'm like, I don't know a better solution. I mean, tell me, and the thing is, is right now it's hard because technically like Joe Biden is the president. So, you know, anyone who's a Democrat right now isn't really going to criticize the federal government right now, which is, you know, as soon as Trump gets back in there, I guarantee I could say the same exact thing to the same exact person and they'd probably agree with me. But it's just a mess. And, you know, I feel like unfortunately, you know, the way things are going, I don't think that the people are going to be the ones to escalate it. But I think the only way out of this is something drastic. And there's going to be, it's going to be fucked up. It's going to be bad, but-- Let's go try to do as much piece of work and diversity as we can. That's why I tried to-- I saw this years ago. And that's why I wanted to like build bridges with him and Bundy, because I saw that, OK, people are taking guns against federal government. We need to de-escalate that. There's a reason why they're doing that. There's a reason for every action, there's a reaction. For every action, there's a reason for that action. And people, like, really are sick of being ignored by the government. And Bundy wrote a whole redress of grievance letter he wanted to give to Kate Brown and speak to her about. I led you think I did send that letter director to Liz Kenne Geyer and tell her that she knew the Senate that the governor had to read it and not just that, but, like, shake him his hand, and I'll be the emissary to build that bridge. She could have done that de-escalate on how to prison reform bill in the state legislator. Hey, we somehow miraculously got like a gang truce on prison reform. We never thought we could do. But thanks to Patrick, people just rabid out of how to get the service to the table. They never were at the table. And none of us are really completely happy about this narrative. But it's actually a wild, different way to look at it. And, like, we can de-escalate and have peace rather than get people murdered and create, like, martyrdoms and, like, hatred against us because that. And also, like, in my opinion, Kate Brown literally, like, made herself look like a hypocrite to her progressive base on the militarized police reform. Yeah. She used it against her enemies. Well, that's what even-- You know, its own sides are OK with it if it's against the other side. And I said, no, no, it's a demon you do not want to conjure. It's like a box of Pandora's box you do not want to open. That's not a jinn you want to mess with. That's not good voodoo to mess with. Karma comes back around. So, like, you know, you have to, like, be a diplomat in those situations. It's so interesting that, like, I'm not really religious, but there's phrases that people say, like, Lord forgive them for them to know what they do. Like, these people are very arrogant. They're arrogance blinds them on both sides. Yeah. It's like, who are we to think that we're better than anybody? Someone on the street could have a opinion about something that could be totally revolutionary to the world. Like, Nikola Tesla, wasn't he, like, almost homeless and broke when he died? Well, he was, but it was because-- He got screwed over, yeah. He got fucked. But the lie could go on about Nikola Tesla all day. But there are a lot of people like him who are internal genius maybe fill out hard times or something happens to-- Or get, you know, taken as a crazy person. Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying. There's, like, homeless people out there who are, like, more former executives at jobs or former army rangers. It's insane. For whatever reason they're trauma, they're on the street. But I see some of these people, I had a conversation with some people, it's like, Dan, you fucked up in a lot of ways. But, Dan, you're saying some genius stuff. Like, maybe you can get some help and some help and turn them ideas into genius and actually get people to act on your ideas. Yeah, the most genius revolutionary ideas are people who are censured outside the box, sometimes on the streets. There's Nikola Tesla, like we were saying. He was almost on the streets when he died. Now, his circumstances were much wildly different. But there are Nikola Tesla's of the world all over walking around, shunned and blacklisted and belittled. Oh, yeah, there's inventors all the time coming up with New Zero Point energy, water, like, powered cars. But, you know, all of a sudden, their inventions just disappear and then, oh, wow, this guy just died. Suddenly, just randomly, it's crazy. That's why I wear this shirt. It says, "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself because I fully believed that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself." I mean, he was-- Absolutely not. And that's why I wear this shirt. I am the loud and proud Epstein and kill himself, Jack. It's not only a no-virginia, G-Fray. I spoke with it. It was very humbling and amazing. I could speak to someone via technology half a world of ways, taking down a prince. Crazy. Like, that's amazing that we can use technology that influenced the most powerful people in the world. And we are all equally powerful if we want to be that way. Or we can live small lives, mediocre lives. And that's exactly what the deep state wants. That's what my family wants of me to sit down, show it up, be a little nice boy in the corner in Portland. Just die in the corner. I'm like, are you kidding me? I'm with Warrior's blood and Diplomat's blood. I'm not going to take this any longer. I'm going to stand up and show the children of the deep state, if you will. And that's a good book title. Oh, children of the deep state? It'd be cool to show other children of the deep state. Hey, you can blow the whistle if you're not cool and your family's bullshit. Like, hey, Hunter Biden, I don't rock with you. You're probably a pedophile. Give myself your laptop. I don't know. But people on the street saying, like, your whole family's pedophile, like Ashley Biden's diary, right? Dude, it's so fucking crazy. It's so nuts. But at the same time, it wouldn't be nice to encourage those people. You all might hate you and your politics and all that. But you should end the trauma in your family by writing a tell-out book. So if I can write one about my uncle and all the shit that he's done in Portland politics as well, then who are all these, like, Paris Hilton, Kanye West, Britney Spears, all these people who have been abused by their family at the highest levels and being told to shut up, sit down, take meds, is that? Well, Britney spoke out. Kanye started to speak out, Dave Chappelle spoke out. But there's a lot of people, like, children of CIA agents, children of diplomats, children of senators. I believe, like, Ted Cruz, his daughter, like, slapped him when he was trying to get forced to hug on her. She hates. Campaign trail when she was, like, young? I didn't know that. Yeah, like, it's a very famous clip when Ted Cruz makes 2016's trying to run for president. He's, like, trying to kiss his daughter for, like, when I'm photo ops. Yeah. And his daughter just, like, slaps him, says, no, no. So I'm, like, I'm pretty sure she's an adult now. And, like, don't think that I'm pretty sure, like, Ted Cruz's daughter hates him. I'm not saying that I want to stir a family in a mossy in any regard. But I just think that everybody who has a window of vantage point and experience, that they should be able to tell their story. Who might have judged that story? I don't know. But I'd like to hear them. Yeah. Like, Elon Musk's daughter, non-binary. I don't even know how they identify no offense to them. But Elon Musk's child recently came out and, like, roasted their dad about how-- so I don't know what to think of what to believe. And I haven't really looked into it as much. Honestly, I'm kind of ignorant of all that, who is not my real business. But it's important that we hear the stories of the children, the children of the most powerful people in the world, because they are truly the ones that know their parents the most and hear the stories the most behind closed doors. So if I can kind of encourage people to do something, it's to stand up and share your truth in the world. Because we live in a timeline where, again, we can talk to people around the world and challenge that we can be history makers and change makers if we want to be. We can live small or big, except us. So what do you think about all that? I mean, that's what I'm trying to do out here is trying to give people the platform I want to have. Someday, the voice and the power to empower people who have something really interesting to say, but don't have the platform to say it on yet or the confidence to speak out. I definitely want to help facilitate conversations. Like what I was trying to say earlier about the monopoly that the corporate press has over speech, where A, the format of news and talk shows and stuff is-- it's short and it's not super intelligent. It's not super deep. And it's all kind of gate kept by the big corporate advertisers. So I want to be able to-- and there's obviously people out here doing this, and this is why I'm inspired to do something like this. But I want to open up the Overton window by having the platform where anyone can say their own truth. And it's the type of thing where I trust that listeners of my show are going to be smart enough and critically thinking enough to judge the information themselves and to research it, fact check it. I'm presenting you with information. Some of it's going to be firsthand from me, and some of it's going to be from guests that have something interesting to say. And whether or not that's true, the best we can do is let people decide for themselves. Because part of the problem with the way that the corporate news works is that they don't only give you limited information, the information that they want to give you, but they also tell you how to interpret the information. Like the time that guy-- I forget who this arrogant fool was, but he won WikiLeaks first came out a couple years ago. Many years ago, the sky was like, oh, yeah. And technically, legally, we're the only ones allowed to even read these WikiLeaks and don't go on the website. You're not allowed to at home. Like this guy literally lied to the public and said, oh, we as a journalist at CNN or whatever are only allowed to read them. And if you do, you might get arrested. That was a false, bold-faced lie to scare people and the like you were saying, we just don't read the WikiLeaks. Just believe that this guy is a bad person and that we'll tell you that, and we've read them. But you can't. I'm like, are you kidding me? No, it's so nuts. It goes back to this whole thing about hyper-specification and compartmentalization of different aspects of life. As the American education system is getting worse, we're giving out more degrees than ever before. And we're giving them out in all these new fields, all these hyper-specializations where people can be an expert in something, but they don't have the holistic expertise on anything else. So basically, what I'm saying is that in the modern world, since people are so focused on their jobs, their lives, their own tiny little fields, their own bubbles, they rely on the journalists at CNN, the experts on TV, to tell them what the information is. I've had people, in my own house, tell me like, oh, I don't use X anymore because it's an echo chamber. I only read The New York Times. And I'm like, do you read any other newspapers or any other sources? No, I only read The New York Times only. So you're saying that me using a social media platform where people from any political ideology, anywhere in the world, can say what they think. It's not, I don't understand how that's an echo chamber and you reading one news source is not. It doesn't make sense to me. The New York Times is just telling them it's an echo chamber and therefore they should leave and that's exactly. Yeah. They're not actually having conversations like I'm having in spaces. I literally had a conversation in a space with, and you get to know actual people. You could have a space and share your ideas. You could speak and listen like a public square on Twitter. It's great that they now have Twitter spaces, X spaces. So I got to meet people like Jacob Chansley in a space. Now he was known to me as like, the news wanted me to think he was a mentally ill, schizophrenic, January 6 rioter who was like had murderous intent to Nancy Pelosi. None of that was true. All lies, they're actually one of the most intellectual, compassionate, spiritual people, holistic people that I've ever met. And I'm like, wow, this guy is really cool and super deep intellectually and kind and compassionate. He can speak so well. However, I never heard his voice on the news when they've been saying it's all about the guy with the horn, the QAnon shot him with the horns. - To never even interview that guy. - Never even interview him. - Yeah, it's so fucking insane. Even if it's like, oh, you know, this is a QAnon guy, he's dangerous. Okay, let your audience make that decision for themselves. - Let me hear what he thinks. - What is he saying that's dangerous? What, I mean, okay, hey, let's look at this, you know, this insurrection on the Capitol, all the dirty, domestic terrorist with guns that didn't bring their guns. I mean, that right away is like, how was that not one of the biggest stories about January 6? We're calling it a dark day in American democracy, an attempted coup, but, you know, all these people that you're so fucking freaked out about them having, you know, AR-15s didn't bring their guns to an insurrection. I mean, what kind of insurrection is that? But, you know, apart from that, what, you know, sure, we're talking about, you know, the election, you know, the interference, blah, blah, blah, blah. But, you know, to not even, the fact that whether or not you agree with him, and this is the problem with partisan corporate news, is that, you know, you're not gonna actually look into anything when the president is saying that the election was fraudulent, you're not gonna even look into it, you're just gonna immediately say, but then, you know, you look back at 2016, and what was the narrative in 2016? Is that there was Russian interference, that the election was fraudulent, it was interfered with. So, how was it fair for one side to say it, and not the other, and this is, like, the goldfish attention span that's been, you know, intentionally programmed into us with, like, social media and TikToks and phones, is that people don't remember things that happened a few years ago, and part of the news is that it doesn't really let you do that, the news cycle moves on so quick. I mean, think about what happened two weeks ago. Biden dropped out, and Trump almost got killed, and now we're not talking about either of those things, to be totally honest. - Or CrowdStrike, and that was a big internet shutdown. - Yes, yes! - Who was that? Like, a buddy at my work was in cyber security. He's going to college with cyber security. He said, "Hey, man, I was like driving around at work. "I came back to the warehouse. "I was not watching the news 'cause I was driving all day." But my homie was like, "Hey, do you hear the news "about how the internet got shut down all day? "I'm like, that's where my phone didn't get shut down, "driving around all day on the phone." Well, with the GPS, it didn't get shut down. It's like, "Only critical infrastructure got shut down, "but not like your email, your phone." Like, "No, your person's stuff got messed "with their Facebook, social media." But like, critical, like, banks, like airlines, like the whole world got shut down on the higher level 'cause it patched some data or what. I don't understand halfway you're saying, "My brother gets that 'cause he's high level cyber security "in DC." So I'm like, "Yeah, you'd be like my brother, "but I'm not attacking the family." So he's telling me this. He's like, "Crouch Strike" was the one who shut down and fucked up and shut down. I immediately knew in my head 'cause I have really good information recall and memory. I'm like, "Where have I heard that name before? "Crouch Strike?" I thought about it for like 20 seconds and I even told him at work, I'm gonna go home and look that up because I'm almost certain that I know that name to be like, I'm pretty sure, hmm, I smell some bullshit on that name. Is that the name? Is that the company that like bleached bit at Hillary Clinton's hard drive? Yeah, I think it was. And I'm like, ain't that the people who also were hired to cover up the DNC Podesta email leak that went to WikiLeaks in October 2016 that got pretty much caused Hillary to lose. Is there a spirit cooking stuff in those emails? Maria and Bromford, stuff in those emails? People gonna hog wild, they get into those emails. John Podesta, it's Podesta DNC leak. And so I now got went down his bunny trail in the head of, "Oh my God, why is "Crouch Strike" "still operating at all?" When they bleached bit Hillary's hard drives, Trump said they should be in jail for that, bleached bit in the hard drives, smashing the phones up. And then they hired them to like cover up the separate DNC John Podesta email leak, which it was really closing. It seemed like they were the same issue, but they weren't. There was Hillary's hard drive private server that got bleached bitted. And then there was a DNC Podesta email hack, which is seemed like all in the same, but they were very separate, different things, but they were also high level things happening. So like they hired the same company that bleached bit of Hillary's hard drive to then cover up the leak at the DNC. It was a leak. Everybody knows the top like NSA, like former technical head director Bill Benny. - Yeah. - Shout out to Bill Benny. He even said, "Yo, we know from like data download speeds of the quote unquote hack that it wasn't a hack because the speed of the download files was so rapid that there's no way there's no even internet connection in history that could remote download that rapidly. It was only a USB thumb drive. We know that forensically data wise." So many people have like even said, it was a leak not a hack from Russia for the DNC. - Yeah. - And so who also said that? Oh, himself, at WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange himself. Tiptoe'd right up to the line and said, "We never even speak on our sources. We can't confirm our sources, but we have a $20,000 bounty on any information leading to the arrest of the murderers of Seth Rich." Yeah. I'm like, "Whoa, Seth Rich. Who's that?" And I wanted to look into him. He was a DNC Bernie Bro, Bernie Stafford. He had that famous photo drinking the beer, sitting back with American flag soup. - Yeah. - So that guy was very famous. He was a disillusioned Bernie Bro that found out they were rigging the prime against Bernie Sanders. And this is all allegedly 'cause I don't want to get sued by the family of Seth Rich 'cause they tried to sue people which is crazy. - So fucked. - They're Hillary supporters and their son got murdered probably allegedly trying to leak some information as he was tried and true Bernie all the way in his family. Like try to sue people later saying, "Don't talk about our son and all this blah, blah, blah." I'm like, "Okay, my uncle put a son in prison. You can sue me. I'm connecting these dots. I can see how it all connects. I'm gonna say allegedly, but I do believe personally that like there's a high probability that Seth Rich given it really knew it was a USB thumb drive down the, they knew that they knew a lot of things. And so I'm like, they said Russia, Russia, Russia, almost got into a war and peached Trump twice saying that he colluded with Russia, that Russia had hacked a DNC and all these things. They did all these PR precursors to set the narrative that we should go to war with Russia. Kind of like 2002. - Yeah. - That whole year between 2011 and 2003. - 2002's whole year. - Yeah, it was propaganda. - Propaganda. - Propaganda was the war. So when I heard all this DNC got hacked by Russia, but I knew it was probably Seth Rich given the download speed of the USB file and I do have access to the USB file and probably Seth Rich. - Yeah. - So I'm like, and Wikileaks like Tiptoes up to a line of pretty much offering a bounty, not naming their source, but in my view of them even talking about it, it was like winking of like, this is our source, but we can't tell you because we don't name our sources, but we're really like telling you like kind of, so I'm like, okay, it seems to me they're trying to possible the naive ability to name the source without naming the source. And so it just stinks to how it happens to me immediately. And then recently when the CrowdStrike was back in the news, I'm like wait a sec. They said all these things about Russia and they said that Russia hacked the DNC and then they wanted to kill Julian Assange like in 2017 for the Vault 7 leak. - Yeah. - That's key for this is critical. What was Vault 7? Why did they escalate the threat to wanna kill Assange over Vault 7? Because Vault 7 not only showed they can spy on all of our technology smart KP's internet devices, the smart home stuff, but the key piece I think they wanted to kill him for was that he, WikiLeaks have released the CIA's tools not only to hack into stuff but they proved that they could attribute false digital fingerprints to any person or for an adversary or a nation or intel group directly. They could hack into your computer and or so they could hack into the, I don't know, the Federal Reserve or Congress which is a big bad that you can't do that. - Yeah. - You go on prison for hacking into the military servers or whatever. So say they like hack into the DNC and they wanna go to war with Russia. Well, they didn't plan for the DNC to get leaked or hacked or whatever, but they went on PR, what do they call it, clean up mode to find a narrative that made sense and all coincidentally let's blame Russia 'cause we also hate them. We'd like to go to war with them anyways. So this, although it's inconvenient that our stuff got leaked, we need to like create a narrative that benefits us out of this shit situation. So in 2017, they said let's kill Assange because he released Vault 7 which proved we have the capabilities to hack into anything and then make it look like some other nation or person did it by leaving false digital fingerprints. So connecting that back to the Seth Rich leak or the DNC leak however you wanna call that, I believe that they had intended to use the CIA's Vault 7 tools to literally leave false digital fingerprints of Russia in the DNC server so that they, if they needed to, could blame Russia and have the backing of the CIA. Again, Hillary knew people in the CIA. John Brennan, the CIA director, all these high level people were really Hillary friends. So you really don't think that they don't coordinate on the back end? I'm sure they did. They had 50 people write a letter of retired intelligence officers that Trump was colluding with Russia which was all alive. So they clearly were putting all their chips on the stable to collude and ultimately I'm like, wait a second, you wanted to kill Assange, in my opinion, because he popped the air out of your balloon of like your last Trump card. You thought you were gonna use the Vault 7 tools to put false fingerprints in the DNC server and blame Russia, but we already knew that download speeds was not a hack. You're already slipping there. We already think it may have been Seth Rich. You're really slipping to try to get us into a war at Russia and you're gonna use the CIA's tools to like falsify. And also what do they not do? They didn't let the FBI have the server to investigate the DNC server, the hired who? CrowdStrike, who had already bleached via Hillary Clinton's service, to cut, and you think they didn't find out that it was probably an actual leak and probably who exactly leaked it? I'm sure CrowdStrike knew all this and I'm trying to say that I believe that they may have possibly covered up a murder of the true leaker and they may have actually known about this the whole time. - So, so. - And so the last piece to it though is like, that's why I think they wanted to kill Assange because he had ripped the mask off of the plans that they had the ability to false mask. Oh, we got hacked by Russia and here's the CIA director, John Brennan backing this up. He's analyzed the server and he says because, well, it could have been all false digital fingerprints from CIA, from John Brennan to set this all up. And then Julian took away that ability for them to blame Russia with false digital fingerprints. And they're like, no, no, no, we need to get off him. That's in 2017, we want to kill him for that. So, tying it back to now in a current here and now, what's why does all matter, was it make sense of? Why is CrowdStrike still in business? And again, where is, what didn't Trump get impeached a second time? Because he calls Zelensky and Ukraine and said, where's the server? Oh yeah, that's right, where's the server? That's why he got impeached. A lot of people don't remember or connect any of these dots. He got impeached because he wanted the CrowdStrike server that he knew they had a backup of in the Ukraine because they bleached bit Hillary's, they covered up the DNC leak. They didn't want the, yes, the FBI to investigate. Of course. So, Trump's like, Zelensky, do you need to give us a server? Like, where's your backup service? A Ukraine, CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian company. You have the backup server from when I hear. So, give us a server. And, you know, also look into how Joe Biden had fired a prosecutor, quid pro quo as well. - For Verizon, right? - Yeah. - So, it was a joint dual issue of why you got impeached. - Yeah, so, it just happened to involve Joe Biden who just happened to be his political opponent at the time. So, they were able to use the narrative that, you know, he's withholding aid from Ukraine, forcing him to investigate his political opponent. But, in reality, it wasn't about Joe, you know, investigating Joe Biden himself, but investigating this prosecutor that Joe Biden fired. Which, why didn't Joe Biden fire that prosecutor? Why was he looking into Hunter Biden who just happened to be on the board of Burisma? Who just happened to be getting all, you know, this hundreds of thousands of dollars for this, you know, why is Hunter Biden the crackhead fucking, why is he on the board of an energy company in Ukraine? What does he know about energy? Why is he making big deals in China? You know, it doesn't make a lot of sense. Why are his paintings being sold for millions of dollars? You know, and they're all valid questions, but I, and honestly, even like, you know, if you're about to give military aid to a country, you probably want to check all your boxes and make sure that there is not a lot of corruption going on there, which Ukraine has been known to have. So, you know, to me, it's just like, it's not surprising that they impeach Trump over it, but it is, you know, it's very crazy. It says a lot about our political system and the way that people, you know, the ability of the system to, you know, manipulate the masses where no one, most people probably don't know why Trump got impeached. You know, most people don't know about crowd strike. Most people don't know about any of the things you just said, but, you know, that's intentional. We're being kept in the dark on purpose. - I think that's exactly why we're supporting the talk about connect the dots for the people. - Exactly. - For those of us who are here, it's very clear, it's all connected. And he even took me, I'm pretty intellectual. I can connect dots pretty easily, but he was even kind of hard for me to grasp all the connections and the retrospective and the connections and what not. But it just told me the other day, I was like, well, why the hell is crowd strike even in business? And it being allowed to be operating when they should be in Guantanamo or prison or being military champion, or they can mess with an entire election. They may know how, they may actually know about a murder of a leaker, possibly. And they do know that, if to be fact, then why would they not talk about it now? Oh yeah, because they're that deep into it, they're that evil that they can't be trusted to tell the truth to so that blood into the whatever. So it's like, why are they allowed to operate or being in business? And they're still operating at all, period point blank is a problem. And then they're allowed to operate and shut down and fuck up the whole worldwide internet, causing banking failures, flight failures. They could have caused a great depression because that could have caused a run on the banks. Oh, banks aren't working, we can't get our money out. Oh, we need to get our money out. Let's march on the banks now. And that could have happened like 1928 or whatever. The people we're hearing at the banks are not gonna honor their money. So that triggered people into going to get the money that they thought they could get. So it just accelerated the rush on the banks for people to get their deposits out. And the banks have fiat currency. We know that they don't actually have all the money in the bank, it's fractional, bank reserve, bank or whatever. So like they don't actually have all the money that they promise that is yours in the bank. And if everyone comes to get it at the same time, the bank's gonna collapse in a Ponzi scheme. Oh yeah, I just put a bunch of my money into crypto and stuff when the whole stock market collapsed, I saw a Bitcoin with super low. I was like, bank runs next. So I'm trying to get most of my money out right now. But it's fucked, it's so fucked. All that shit is just insane. I can't believe that that's the world we live in where most people don't know what fractional reserve banking is, which is insane. But we trust these people to take our money. But you know, it's not even trust. We don't really have a choice. Fiat currency is the way of the world at this point, unfortunately. Which, you know, I think until we can, that's one of the things that we need to get back if we ever want true freedom is our currency. Because, you know, there's a bunch of quotes about, you know, the founding fathers talking about that. Andrew Jackson, his greatest achievement, was killing the bank, you know. - His last words, when you guys like killed him. Someone's like, what are your last words? He's like, I killed the bank. - I know, it's a huge deal. And you know, banking throughout history has, you know, been a fundamental thing. And, you know, people in the modern world just takes so much of it for granted. You know, we live in a modern world. And, you know, comparatively we do live probably the best lives out of any human. You know, at least in our strand of history, you know, the post-younger drives. We don't know what was going on before that. But, you know, this iteration of human, we do live the best lives, the most comfortable ones. But that doesn't mean that we still can't make it better. And that's, you know, a problem. I see a lot of people get stuck in is that they, there's enough good in the modern world that, you know, everything must stay exactly the same. Because otherwise, you know, how, how are we gonna have money if we have no banks? How are we gonna have money if we have no government? - You know, it's just, you have to rethink the way things work, but some people just get too comfortable. So, it's a wild world, it's super sad. The two things that I wanna still hear you talk about, you're gonna talk about Alyssa Kenny Geyer's world economic form stuff a little more, and then we got sidetracked with, don't remember what we got sidetracked with, but I wanna hear a little more about that, and then I wanna hear about your March on Ted Wheeler's house, trying to get some change done from the bottom up on the streets, kind of stuff. So, yeah, if you wanna go a little further into the world economic form stuff, 'cause that was super interesting. The Kenny Geyer. - Yeah, absolutely. Back all them, I dubbed them the Kenny Geyer crime family. Just held it up in the face, so that's who you're known as now. You've covered up a what? Murder is incestuous, necrophilic, pedophile ring run for decades by the world's largest humanitarian organization in 40 deep countries, ran by the co-founder himself, raping his own daughter, passing her around at orgies, killing kids. That's what you, CEO of Mercy Corps, Neil Kenny Geyer, husband of my state rep, covered up. Both of y'all covered up that? Yeah, no, no, no, no. You are the Kenny Geyer crime family, in my opinion. - Oh, yeah. - That's how this is held. And also to find out that, you know, Alyssa Kennedy Geyer's, again, the granddaughter, J.C. Penny. She was my state rep for House District 46 in the Oregon legislature. I was pretty much a golden protégé who got away. There's a house video, there's a video of me on the house floor as her intern, reading my resume into the house record, and Tina Kotek is on the dais, speaker of house, you know, smiling and waving, introducing Alyssa, who's introducing me, so they all knew me. - Yeah. - Tina's now the governor. The video of her introducing me to the house floor, like I'm on the second comment of Christ, that truly was the protégé who got away. I was a golden protégé. There's all pulling me like Laffy Taffy in different directions. Everybody politically wanted a piece of me, 'cause I skated in a suit. I was very like intellectual, but also badass, in a lot of ways of luck. - That's sick as fuck, yeah. - This guy is a skating in a suit, and he's a youth commissioner, going to city hall on the county commission, but he's also in the legislator as well. And, yeah, everybody just liked me. A lot of Democrats and Republicans just really wanted to rock with what I was doing. So it was just funny to see that over the years, I got all this again, and guy, I ran out of J.C. Penny billionaire, on the record through Facebook Messenger, about a lot of scandals, 'cause I knew one day there would be conversations like this. I saw the future. I saw trajectories of like, okay, I'm in her offices in turn in 2013 now, but I'm really not cool with her politics really, truly. And she doesn't know that yet, but I can't get into politics and just roast everybody and tell them how I feel. For when I'm young, that would be arrogant. I don't know, I do know a lot, but I need to learn. And the art of war, which I read at military school, first thing is know the enemy. Like it's a lot of things in art of war that I knew to deploy politically. So I was like, okay, I'll let these people groom me for a while, I'll learn from them, but ultimately I'm not down with them, and eventually things may clash. And how will that happen? I saw the future. I was reading Wikileaks at the time, 2013, they came on scene, Edward Snowden had just come on scene in 2013, and I saw there was high level whistleblowers talking about stuff I was not okay with. Yeah, I knew Alyssa was okay with that because this woman, low key state representative, again, she's the granddaughter, J.C. Penny, and her family says they have more money than God. And also her husband, her and her husband were like high level affiliated with the Clinton Global Initiative since day one. You can find Neil Kenny Geyer on video on, yeah, all over. All right, so we were just talking about how my state rep of this Kenny Geyer is granted by J.C. Penny. I was groomed by her for many years, for many years, but I knew that in 2013, when I first met her, Snowden and Wikileaks were coming on scene. I never knew that years later, my uncle in the state department would actually put Julian in prison. But it's so weird because, again, this woman is highly affiliated with the world economic forum in Davos. Yeah, I texted her one time and I said, again, texting the granddaughter of J.C. Penny, one of the most powerful people in the world. I have herself on that because I'm a pro to who got away. And so it's a lot of responsibility on my shoulders to get these things right when I'm talking to her because nobody has that access or that vantage point and it's very important for me to get her the online record. So I sent her a text and she was dumb enough to text me back. I asked her a naive question of, how does a guy go to Davos? And she's like, oh, yeah, you know, like this whole long ass paragraph from the granddad J.C. Penny who runs Davos. She's like, fuck is it? Well, you know, and I have the text to prove it, I have proceeds for everything. Yeah, you shut me. So she's like, oh yeah, nobody can really go to Davos because it's just like, you know, the top 1000 business leaders in the world can only go. And even J.P. Morgan Chase, is there only a lot of send five delegates for each top corporation in the world? And even for those top five delegates, they must pay 250 K to even get in the room. So fucked. And so she has photos inside Davos at the very center front table, like the donor tables where they have tiers of gold table, platinum table, like sponsor tables. Yeah. She has the center table in the front of the room at Davos where they're having Davos dinners and their speakers. It's the night Bill Clinton was speaking. She has a photo, taking a photo with like, it's her with built like, it's her people at the dinner table, eat like with Bill on the stage behind them. So they're like on the crescent end of the table with Bill and stage behind them. And so I'm like, who has, okay, I understand the social dynamics of this immediately. You not only like told me you run Davos in a text and you get to go to Davos for free. She's saying, she's like, I get to go for free because Neil Ken and Guy in Mercy Corps literally run the humanitarian wing of Davos. So we go for free with Mercy Corps because we run the shit. And they're like probably tight with Klaus Schwab. That's so fucking crazy. It's crazy. And I have the text message to back it up. And she's dumb enough to take photos inside the world economic form of the crimes. And so who has, Alex Jones goes to Davos. He bull horns him out front. I know. And he's like on a watch list for that. But he can't even get inside Davos. No offense, shout out to you. Alex, I love you, Doc. But like, I have photos you need to see, dude. If you're the dude who hates Davos and that main dude who's been telling me about it before I even knew about it, then hey, we need to talk, bro. Alex Jones, what's up? Because he's out front Davos. - Yeah. - But I'm being groomed by the leaders of Davos who are texting me like they run Davos. They go for free. And they're taking photos that only I have the access to because again, they vet their people who they're friends with on Facebook. It's a real tight knit group. You do not get access to Facebook unless they truly trust you. And they truly trust me as a protease for a long time. And so, of course, I was looking for all their stuff on their Facebook after Trump got elected. I was like, pretty sure like they was a founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative. It was a photo of them and Bill and Hillary armed arm to arm and they said something about we're founding members since they won the Clinton Global Initiative. Why is that photo no longer there after Trump got elected? Are they scrubbing the certain things off their Facebook? Because he said Hillary should be in jail and they're covering up much level. So I went on this investigatory journey in 2016 to find the photos from inside the World Economic Forum that I knew she had had on her Facebook. A couple of years old, 2011 was the year that Haiti was ripped off. - Yeah. - Denis de Sousa did a whole video, shout out to him, a movie that made like $12 million to the box office, like millions of dollars. It's called Clinton Cash. Great documentary. - Cash. - Part of that documentary talked about the people who were friends of Hillary going in, telling the Haitians what they need to build and what they need to do contract wise. And they didn't want it or need it, didn't work in their country. Like, a lot of embezzlement. - Yeah. - But they're ripping off of Haiti. And Denis did a great documentary of that. However, Denis does not even know who actually wrote the plan to rip off Haiti that year after the earthquake or where it was written. I happen to know that, because Alyssa Kenninger posted a photo of all these braggadocious photos to her private, again, only the richy riches of the world have access to these photos on her Facebook and the rock fellers are friends of her own Facebook. I have all this info from a Facebook or watching her comms and talks in the conversation with all these elites. And so I found a photo of her husband in 2011 writing the plan to rip off Haiti inside a break out session at Davos right after his-- - Indeed. - And he had just been on stage speaking to the whole Davos crowd about riffing the plan. But then he went into a break out session and wore a hush hush private, you know, a war damming. And he's like with a poster board, poster paper, writing on poster paper on the wall, looking back to the audience of getting suggestions of what to write on this paper. His name's on the top. It's said, "Hey, Neil Kennedy guy are at the very top." So he knows his plan, and he's leading the break out session after giving the speech for running Davos. And he's asking all these ideas and have all these different bullet points on the paper of like what to do in Haiti, like mobile banking, cash assistance, all these things. A lot of these things are great ideas, but they're also great tools for investment. And that's the back end thing of like the cash donate, like cash stuff in Haiti was like sketch. You're giving out cash in large amounts to all sorts of people. It's untraceable and trackable, pretty much at the end of the day. It's giving out money to everybody. - Yeah. - I'm like, that's how whitewashing like money laundering. So I know for a fact, the next decision did document a few years later about it. So I know about all that. So when I see those photos of Neil Kennedy guy writing the plan, including all these sketch things, I've already heard that it was ripped off. So in retrospect, when I see the plan that Neil wrote, I'm like, oh, this is a guy that actually wrote the plan to rip off Haiti that the next decision talked about. And this is the actual plan of how they were doing it from inside Davos out of breakout session. Who the hell had access to get in that room? Again, real ones like Alex Jones, they're known like 1000 miles before they get into the country that they're on the way. So everybody knows and they're not allowed in. So I'm like, who had the access to take a photo inside Davos? Usually photos are not allowed inside Davos, even the attendees are not allowed to take photos. Even if JP Morgan Chase is executive, you're probably gonna be told that not take photos inside a breakout session by security or something. - Yeah. The fuck had so much clout that even security didn't feel comfortable telling them anything. Oh, that's right. Alyssa Cannon-Guierd. - Why does she live in Portland? - Yeah, exactly. So the woman who runs Dav, like billionaire secret woman, is taking photos of her husband, writing a plan to rip off Haiti inside a breakout session, posting through her Facebook called Braggadocious. There was in a series of photos with her and like, Bankie Moon, the former like IMF head bank guy. Like, Bankie Moon is very high level like IMF, UN. Then she's with like Sanjay Gupta. All these people. And she's with, who is it, Gorkin? She took a photo with, what the hell is this first time? Somebody Gorkin. And Gorkin was like a super tall alien looking guy in the state department. And well, Alex Jones went famous one time for actually calling out Gorkin and saying, "Were you at Bohemian Grove? "Were you there? "Were you certain you?" "Well, we know that you were at Bohemian Grove." And Gorkin like threatens Alex Jones and like Lyndon Johnson's him and like leans into his face and like your dominators him like that. And Alex is like, "You don't scare me. "You don't scare me at all. "I know who you are. "You can't intimidate me, Mr. Gorkin." And so I'm like, "I already know who the hell that guy is "from Alex Jones confronting him about Bohemian Grove." I'm like, "Holy shit. "Oh, this is a kind of guy. "I also got a photo with that Gorkin guy at Davos." So she said he's one of her favorite people in the world. Is it captured? - Oh my God. She's really clicked up with the people who hate Alex and he hates them and vice versa. And she's proposing those photos, hanging out with all his sus figures at Davos. And so I'm like, "Wow, this woman literally is so cloutful "that no one at Davos even feels comfortable "to tell her not to take photos." And that was her-- - Yeah, that's fucking crazy. - And my message to that is arrogance is blinding. - Yeah, it is. - People get very arrogant and comfortable at the elite levels to the point where they are very, very not secure in their operations or what they're doing. They can't even, God forgive them for they know not what they do. They do not even know they're self snitching on themselves. Posting photos inside Davos, incriminating themselves. And they expect that no one's ever gonna find it out. This is gonna come out. Ha, arrogance blinds you. - Yeah. - So yeah, my message was ran Davos and like ripped off Haiti, wrote the plan, I got the photos and all these things. It when it comes to the local, breaking it down to like how do you deal with that and be a change maker in your own community, locally, nationally, globally. Well, I do it all, I do it all multiple times. - Yeah, yeah. - I try to make sure that I'm a radical solidarity builder and holding local account people accountable 'cause Alyssa was a local figure, right? - Yeah. - So therefore, who are the local leaders who were friends with her? Ted Wheeler, Tina Kotek, they need to disavow her. - Yeah. - And it's a political like dominocha effect, arm barring them like Jiu-Jitsu, politically. Hey, if you don't condemn Alyssa Kennedy guy, we're gonna like, we're gonna associate you and take about that. We're gonna take you down politically because if we tell you on video to your face, your known friend with some phone was covered with a murderous pedophile ring and that's real not QAnon. You could claim QAnon, then I'll sue you in court for slander and then the discovery process will be gangster 'cause then I'll submit all the messages with Alyssa Kennedy guy or this illegal private server on Facebook for 10 fucking years that I have around the record about Epstein and all these other things. Do you think that anybody in politics wants a message with their boss higher than them to get out implicating them with Epstein? No, on the day Epstein killed himself or whatever the hell happened with him, I have a message between me and Alyssa Kennedy. Epstein killed himself today and the president's tweeting that like, the Clinton body count is trending on Twitter. What do you think Alyssa? Give him your connector to the Clintons and I think you're connected with Epstein and you should probably march against him and clear your name if you're in this black book and he probably are as a granddad, J.T. Panne and leader of Davos and well didn't he say he was a founding member of the Clinton Globe initiative at Epstein himself in a court document in his first plea deal to defend his name? He did. Does that implicate you given that you used to have photos of you and Neil, Kenny Geyer? Being founding member since day one as well who also said that Epstein? Like, I'm pretty sure you're connected and if you're not my apologies, but let me break it down. I told this woman about Shia LaBuffs, he will not divide us flag and how people on the internet track down a flag with star charts, weather patterns and flight trajectories. I said, lady, if you get named at all even in Epstein's black book, if you're not a pedophile and you don't know him, I apologize. But there's a lot of people being named in his black book right now that are getting painted with a broad brush assumption that they're all pedophiles. So I'm just telling you the hard truth that no one in your circle is gonna tell you that you ought to, if you're not an Epstein friend that you ought to come ahead of that and clear your name and march against him. 'Cause you let pussy hat women's marches. So are you really about it? Like March on Epstein, it will do it with me. I'll help you do it, I'll walk you through it. But you need to show your other friends in a billionaire circle who are not pedophiles, who are not cool with Epstein, but kind of bear trapped in a narrative. 'Cause their name is in a book somehow. They don't even know how the name got there. If that's the true thing, where they're not actually down with it, but the name is associated and they're gonna get slandered, well, we need to get ahead of this. And you're a billionaire, you're kind of in sustains in Mercy Corps. I sent her some links. Said, Mercy Corps is kind of involved in global trafficking already. And oh, so the country, she like downplayed everything. Other countries, smaller reporting, blah, blah, blah, and she just like called me conspiracy theorists. And again, I don't ask a question. I don't know the answer to you. So I'm like, okay. Well, and this is where March on Ted Wheeler's house and local accountability comes in. I said, "Olyssa, people are marching on like..." Well, like they had already, but for 2020, like multiple times, multiple houses, Ted Wheeler got marched on by dappled, Dakota access, pipeline, protectors. - Yeah. - They pitched teepees on his mansion lawn. - Fuck yeah. - Then they had Antifa go to his house and the Patriots then saw like, oh, Antifa's going to their his house. So, well, we gotta have a, we hate him too, but we don't like Antifa. So we gotta go to his house as well. - And we gotta do it even better. - Yeah. So they had a war of like, who can protest Ted Wheeler's house better? And I'm like, wow, this is awesome. Like, this is crazy. How can I influence this? And so many years went by, 2020 happened. Well, 2019 is summer Epstein on Flex on the Granddad JCPenney. - Yeah. - She knows I know all about her dava stuff. There's a lot of things that could come out about her that could be very bad for her. And again, a lot of people are mad at Ted Wheeler and Gina coat these local things and they're marching on houses, damn it. Like, whoa, they're hella mad. Like, whatever they're mad about. Alyssa, God forbid they find out about Haiti, Benghazi, Libya. The Mercy Corps was involved in Libya. They had an action center in Benghazi. - Yeah. - So not just my uncle knew about the high level of shit with Hillary and Benghazi, but my kind of guy I meant to was in Portland through Mercy Corps were like aiding the rebels and giving them Twitter and phones and technology to communicate. And didn't Hillary said, oh, and the lie was like, oh, it was a video that circled around on the internet and that that's why they rioted and attacked the embassy. Well, we know that was a lie, obviously, but even if that lie was stood, well, who gave them the goddamn cell phones and trained them in using Twitter and blogging and all that? Oh, that's right, it's Mercy Corps 'cause there's a video of Ronan Farrow, former state, like when he was young at State Department, next to Neil Kenning-Gayer at a social good summit in 2013 talking about how the Arab Spring is wonderful. They're teaching bloggers in Tunisia. They Mercy Corps in Benghazi, giving them Wi-Fi, access to technology, phones, teaching them how to use Twitter for political. And they even said, Ronan Farrow said, yeah, we're seeing a lot of skepticism and moles in the young community and he paused. And Neil Kenning-Gayer looked at him like very careful like he's hawking him with his eyes. Like, don't fuck up the language. Don't say the wrong thing, Ronan, you're young in the State Department, you're a golden boy, but Neil Kenning-Gayer was hawking him. Like, he did not want Ronan Farrow to say too much the wrong thing. And Ronan did, in retrospect, because Ronan was like, yeah, we're hoping that we're seeing a skepticism and less. We're training them, we're giving technology to Revolt and we hope that they can push you that skepticism and less and take the revolutionary instincts that we hope that they will take or something that can do that. And I'm like, pretty much I read that it's like, oh damn, Mercy Corps literally in Benghazi, giving the rebels like technology, communicating, training and encouraging them to actually revolt on TV. - Yeah, so crazy. - So like, crazy that like all these things are connected and like, damn, when I told Elissa, yo, March on Epstein, she already knew, I knew a lot about things about Mercy Corps husband that were bad for her to come out. And she should have like probably March on Epstein and tried to clear her name. And she didn't, and a couple of months later, her husband gets kicked out of Mercy Corps. This is 2019, the documentary No Mercy Gets Dropped by the Oregonian, documenting how Neil Kenning-Gayer refused to talk to the co-founders own daughter about murderous pedophiles. - So crazy. - Neil Kenning-Gayer was like friends with that guy. - Yeah, that's fucking nuts. - Before he died, Neil was like best friends with him. So Neil didn't want to like change his view of the guy after he was dead and supported his daughter and have to admit he was friends with murderous pedophiles covered it up for fucking 30 years. He wanted to just completely go away. He wish she would just die off and go quiet. But it was inconvenient for him. He was not going to resign. He literally tried to withhold his position. And when the documentary drops, took a year to make the documentary October 2019, documentary drops. Staff mutiny all around the world, they marched to the top of his office and said you will resign or else. So ultimately like 2020 comes around, local accountability. - Yeah. - So how do we like hold our leaders accountable not only for this high level stuff, but also in the local streets? Well, this part education units have one-on-one conversations. You can't have long-form conversations like this with people on a street corner. But I have had a lot of conversations just briefly with people on the streets of all walks of life. I've educated them on the baseline. How do you feel about Mercy Corps covering up this crap? I even interviewed a homeless guy in front of Mercy Corps like a couple months ago. Ted Wheeler had just hired an executive from Mercy Corps to be the homeless star and tell homeless where to live. I thought that was wildly offensive because what's the street law and street code or prison code against pedophiles? Well, on site, it's on. And so I knew that would be wildly offensive to the homeless a couple months ago that Ted Wheeler was hiring somebody an executive from Mercy Corps. Well, maybe they did or did not know about Elzer Cover. Well, regardless, we should know what they knew and when they knew it. Yeah. If you're coming from an organization currently being sued by the co-founder's daughter for a murder is pedophile ring. And I know about that 'cause I know the people who resigned and fled the canning giers. And I know their friends with the merits head Wheeler who's making that hiring decision of this executive from Mercy Corps to be homeless are. I said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, we need to talk about that." How the homeless who sleep in front of Mercy Corps gonna feel that this global NGO, who supposedly helps the refugees around the world, doesn't even know their names. They walk past them every morning to go in the Mercy Corps office. They don't even look at the homeless who sleep right there in their doorways. So, how dare you try to take tax dollar money to go around the world and give it to their people all around the world and not fix America first? Yeah. And then also you literally ignore the black man who's sleeping in front of your door. And then I'm the first person to actually introduce myself to him on the block. And yes, I did. I got the video on my Instagram. I said, "Hey, brother, what do you think about these people, "at the city and the holy alliance between Mercy Corps "and the city to tell you where to live? "I know you can't hear. "How do you feel about this organization being sued "for a murderous incestuous pedophile ring?" And they don't wanna be held accountable to that. Instead, they wanna move on and transfer out to the city. Like they're gonna just transfer jobs and not have that stink on their name or the rest of the game. It's like, "No, no, no. "You need to be hiring freeze. "No one hired for Mercy Corps at all." Well, it's when Tera gets you to ask you what you knew when you knew it 'cause we can't have anybody from the city of Portland with that kind of legacy telling homeless where to live. And this brother said, "Man." And it's so funny the way he said this. It's like, hard-ass brother. He's like, "Man, I went to prison for 22 years "for supposedly Robin III drug dealers." 'Cause, "Well, that's just what gangsters do." But then he looks at Mercy Corps with this like, I mean, my blog, he slowly looks up and says, "Well, these are motherfucking pedophiles." Mm. Yeah, I won't say, I won't say. And he was just like, "I brought three drug dealers "and God forbid, if I knew about these murder risk pedophiles, "tell me where the energy was getting." I said, "What is the street response to this, sir?" And that's kind of funny because they have this group that goes around giving out 10, 12-cost street response. And so I literally was like, "What is the street response to this?" He's like, "The street response is bad enough." So I've done a lot of outreach to the homeless who's sleeping in front of Mercy Corps and spotlighted them. "How do you feel about street law street code? "These people will come to patrol over in the highest level, "being hired by the mayor to get policy "done to tell you where to sleep." And at that while, he's like, "Yeah." So I've done a lot of conversation with local homeless people about how they feel in these issues. But I've also done community building with Patriots and Antifut. Not that I agree with either side, I'm a nuanced bridge builder, Peacemaker. But if people are fighting in my street, and Ted Wheeler doesn't know how to calm the shit after a couple of years, they're both marching on his house, at what point do I not go into the streets and be a statesman of the streets, instead of hiding in ivory towers and networking with Alyssa and Ted Wheeler, all these people? Screw 'em, they don't respect me anymore. So I'm gonna go into the streets and actually get the finger on the pulse of what's really happening. Spotlighting the voice of the people who really are out there angry and passionate. 'Cause they're politically passionate. All these champagne Democrats, country plug Republicans, everybody in between, maybe people with families and jobs, they don't have time to read the, okay, 75% of the voting base, if not as passionate as me, that's fine, I don't disrespect them. They got priorities, families, and jobs to do, and you get that. However, if I'm this much politically active and I need to find my group to hold people accountable, I may not agree with people in the streets, but one thing I do know about them on the left and right is they are very passionate about politics. - Yeah. - And I'd much rather talk to people who are passionate about politics in the streets, who I may disagree with on some things, than somebody who is milk-toast in a house who will not take a hard stance at anything. - Fuck yeah. - Even regarding like-- - Exactly. - You know, yeah. We got to find, you know, rather than focusing on the differences, you got to find the common ground, you got to figure out what both of us want, you know, how do we make what both of us want a reality instead of how do we force what we disagree on onto each other? - And that's what they want. They want to buy their property. - Yeah. - They don't want us to work together halfway. - Exactly. Well, that's the whole thing, you know? It's like, rather than, you know, the real enemy is not white versus black, man versus woman, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever you want to say, it's the people and the people that are lying to us and the people that are trying to control us. And if, you know, the 99% figure that out, then, you know, the only threat to the 1% is the 99%. - Well, that's my question to you. Why do you think Elizabeth's gonna go out and move to that state of Oregon? - She moved out of Oregon? - To Nevada, right up the road from Jeffrey Epstein's rant. If you're a millionaire, why would you say why she live important in your question earlier? - Yeah. - Very question. Hiding in plain sight, driving a Prius, pretending to be a middle class hippie. Yeah, you really naive and opposite-wise, not secure. And she, I think she eventually knew that. 'Cause again, I was sending her messages telling her that people will be marching on the mayor's house over some pedophile stuff. - Yeah. - Unrelated to the mercy court stuff. There's some other criminal stuff that I spoke about. So there's a guy who's like printing all the Democrats like campaign materials and sending them out in the mailers and doing the campaign lawn signs. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - His name is Scott Ballo. I said, "Olyssa, some women actually find story. "The woman suing Mercy Corps who won the settlement. "Her name is Kim Sordell, firey redhead lawyer." "A couple of years before the Mercy Corps scandal broke, "Kim Sordell was posting on Twitter and sending messages "to me that she had discovered a guy named Scott Ballo "who runs like Morrell Inc. "Is it a printing company called Morrell Inc? "North East 42nd. "Morrell Inc. runs all of the printing "for the Oregon House Democrats. "And this woman made it aware to me "that he was the former communications director "for then-governor Ted Koolingoski "in the mid-2000s, early-10s." Well, he had to get resigned or fired because they found child porn on his steak laptop or steak computer in Salem. - Wow. - And I'm like, I don't know if he was set up or blackmailed or if that was a political hit on him, but I believe he probably is a chomo, a pedophile child. I said, "Whatever, he got charged and convicted for it "and forced to resign." So then they just, probably where he knew some shit on other people probably was willing to snitch on them. So I don't know why he's still in politics other than he has stuff on other people. And so he was rewarded with his silence by being allowed to come back into politics in a private sector. And he was allowed to become owner CEO of this company, Morrell Inc. So he literally prints and he donates tons of money to Democrats and you could find it on a Secretary of State's website. - Yeah. - Morrell Inc. is Scott Ballo donating to candidates, but then he gets that money right back by them spending money through his printing services that he handles all the printing and leaflets. So this guy's a chomo, but convicted and he runs all of the Democrats' flyers. That's a bad thing to come out in the news. So I told Alyssa, this woman, this lawyer is telling me about Scott Ballo and it's a big problem. Here's a photo of Ted Wheeler and this Scott Ballo critter. That's bad if it comes out. - Yeah. - Alyssa, what are you gonna do about this? She like defends this guy Scott Ballo and it's a whole long form message. So anyway, it's like, so interesting that like, I had told Alyssa at that timeframe before Mercy Corps, before 2020, people are going to march on Ted Wheeler's house over Scott Ballo 'cause there's a fucking photo of him with this chomo who's convicted, who was forced to resign from the governor's office for being found to have CP on the government computers in the governor's office. Why is he allowed to be in politics at all ever again? And why is he running all the Democrats campaign materials and going back, that's wild. She literally defended him and I said, look, people are talking about marching on a mayor's house over this. So she had known before 2020 before Ted Wheeler's house got marched on by Black Lives Matter even. That people were willing to march on Ted's house over pedophile shit. - Yeah. - So when Mercy Corps hit and everything else hit, she had saw that Ted Wheeler's house got marched on. They had a concert, a FTW fuck Ted Wheeler concert for a three day straight in front of his house. It was supposed to be peaceful. I talked to some of the leaders. They didn't want crazy white anti-foota cum, swoop their event and make it about them and crazy communism and burn down buildings and kill people. They didn't want that. The leaders of Black Lives Matter go, I know, we're like, I wanna do a concert, but I have kids now. I move different. I don't wanna get set up like feds by anti-foot by nothing. I want it to be good and safe. Their worst nightmare came true when some infiltrator, anti-foot fed, who really knows, threw a lollipop at Ted Wheeler's building. - Jesus. - And the whole story was Ted Wheeler crying victim the next morning, rather than the story of the left, the right, all came together. And even his neighbors came down from the condo to join the protest against him to get the neighbor Ted Wheeler out the condo. It's a whole Black party. Everybody had a stick to swing at the pinata, if you will. - Mm hmm. - So it was really upsetting that like the terror plot will almost got set up so that anybody there could have got like recode. - Yeah, God damn. - And so they're a sketch. And so that's when it's kind of backed off like marching on like, you know, residences in London. They do it all the time. They go to like MP's houses and wait till they step out and yell at them to cost them in the morning. It's a thing in Europe. - Yeah. - But here in America, it's like, oh, that's sketch. You can't do that. Like, well, I'm not the one to do it. I just saw that anti-footing the Patriots for three years, marks on multiple houses. Got him divorced, kicked out the mansion, moved into a ivory tower on the Pearl. He thought I could hide behind a bunch of families and not get protested. He still got protested. He moved again. And ultimately I'm like, well, who set this in motion? You got to look at like Ted Wheeler himself caused a rift in the community in his arrogance. Just like Alyssa, arrogance by his people. He like, will not accept his responsibility for pissing off all sides and having it come together. I'm sorry, if all sides come together against you, there's something wrong with you probably. And no rapper has ever marched on a mayor's house and reversed gentrified them. Yes, the man who gentrified black Portland was marched on by black Portland's, the remnants of black Portland's. They came together against him and they made him move out of a ivory tower in a condo in a Pearl district. Like, you've never heard of that kind of direct action before building people accountable. Rappers marching and rapping on a mayor's house. 50 Cent, P Diddy, all these rappers who have billions, like 50 Cent's getting political active now, which is gangster, but in the past, it was like alien idea for rappers to even speak politics. They didn't think it would, they were allowed to. It was not our lane, you know what not. But now it's like, no, no. Y'all rappers need to get better about your political activism because in Portland, we had rappers marching on a mayor's house and make them move for better or for worse. So my whole dove tailing into what is all this makes sense of. Alyssa Kenninger, I think, moved out the state of Oregon because I had told her, you know, they were going to march on Ted Wheeler's house with Scott Bala before George Floyd, and then she saw George Floyd of what happened in Portland. And she knew immediately, I believe, murderous pedophile ring that I covered up, this national, there's Haitian gangs taking over Haiti and like killing the president. My husband wrote the plan to rip off their country. There's a lot of things that, if they were to come out, would put her in danger. And I literally knew that, and God forbid, I would tell people that at the time, I'm actually trying to be the lynchpin to let you know what you need to know so you clear your hands, do the right thing, and come clean about all your evil. I know you won't do that, but if you don't do that, you write your own history set of stone by your choice. I even told her, you need to divorce Neil Kenninger, like your friend, Melinda Gates, divorce bill over Epstein. Your husband covered up worse, you must divorce him. And she said, like, I don't want to ever hear for you again. But I kind of, like, said like what WGF and kind of cussed in the tech. I have my last hurrah. I knew I'm never going to talk to this woman again, but she needs to damn well know how I feel. I say, this isn't what I'm telling you. You need to divorce him, like your friend Melinda. You think you're a rich bitch, granddad, J.C. Penny, aristocrat, that you a noble woman. Well, you're not as rich as Melinda Gates, and she is more ethical than you, 'cause she divorced her husband. Your husband covered up worse. So you're going to be like Melinda and ditch him or no. She decided not to. And then she moved to New Mexico with that dude. And I'm like, why would you move right up the street from Epstein's ranch near a billionaire? Your sister lives in Portugal. You could live anywhere. Why if you're fleeing a chomo ring from Portland politically, why would you move to somewhere up the street from Epstein's ranch in Santa Fe? Maybe they didn't even think of that or understand it or even realize that that dump connected. But I'm like, that looks bad for you. And so ultimately my message to people is like, you know, you can put yourselves in positions and be talking to a billionaire on the street and not even know it. Yes, hidden billionaires everywhere. And every conversation you have matters, you can affect change. You can be a change maker on the local, the national or the geopolitical. Like I said, I got Virginia Jufrae that Epstein's was uploaded. Don't call on Sam Adams. Look, that's gangster. That's huge. And a lot of people don't want to see and respect that. Like my uncle who's in the state department. Oh, I'm the state department in the family. Well, I'm also a diplomat. I literally did international diplomacy and got Virginia Jufrae that don't call on Sam Adams and support Julian Assange against your will, my uncle Mike. So I know that we can like create powerful solidarity and narratives to move the needle for change worldwide. Huge. And you can do it from your cell phone while homeless if you really have the mind to do it. It's like anybody can do what we're talking about. It's a bit much and hard to understand at first. But whatever your project or mission is in life, get really good at it, hone into that. Find people who support your message. Go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated. Sure is not where you're hated. Find people who celebrate you and work with them. But it's a bit much of trying to downshift from like all of that. Would you have any questions or concerns about how we talk about Alyssa and Davos and all that breakdown of the local and holding people accountable? I mean, I think you-- that was a lot of information right there. But I feel like you did a good job of-- especially for people who don't live in Portland and don't care that much about Portland, going from the geopolitics down to more national stuff with the Mercy Corps kind of thing, and then now Portland marching on the houses and stuff. I feel like-- so you didn't actually organize any of the marches on Tableau's house? I can neither confirm nor deny that. Yeah. I do know people who organize this, of course. And I don't feel like it would violent people for sure. Oh, hell yeah, no way. Only peace building. Yeah, I mean, I just appreciate how-- because you were also talking about the culture jamming thing when I first met you about trying to make rap songs about politicians, making it merch about Ted Wheeler, trying to find a way to get people active, even if they're not-- like you were saying, as politically passionate as us or disagree with you on, certain things, trying to help them find the common ground and also help expose people to political issues in a different medium. We're both your millennial. I'm Gen Z, so we're kind of-- we're the generation that we have to utilize this technology that we've inherited in a way that our parents haven't, and we have to figure out how we're going to kind of help facilitate the truth into our generation. And that was one of the things when I first met you that was so cool. To me is that a lot of the people at that conference, they're in politics, they're doing a lot of things, but they're not willing to do the everyday-- they're out there knocking on doors, but they're not doing what you're doing, trying to build the bridges between the different people who are politically passionate. Obviously, they're out there in the streets making a riot, making-- doing something. And that's something in the libertarian movement that I feel like is lacking, is-- as much as we want to talk about revolution, as much as we want to talk about shutting down the state, standing back up to them, we're not the groups out there in the street, for the most part, by and large, like making our presence known. So for you to go out there and find these people, find these groups, identify the common ground with yourself, but not only between the groups. And to try and guide them towards the change that you want to see is just super awesome and inspirational for me. Thank you, man. I appreciate that you see that value in worth. A lot of people, you get lost in translation. It's like hurting cats, if you will, trying to hurt cats. If you try to hurt barn kittens, it's impossible. And politically, I would attribute it to-- it's akin to hurting barn cats to try to get everybody who is left and right fighting in the streets. This issue, that issue, like the short attention spans, like you were saying, the issues one minute. This guy's at this protest, but two weeks later, it's a new protest for a different issue, but it's the same person. Yeah. So they don't even know how to keep track of all the different narratives going on, what's today's protest about, but they're here for it. So it's like, it's really hard to get people to focus on high-level things and how it is all connected to the local and the macro, and how to flex that, and also get accountability, like dominoes, like forced people to resign, because they're friends of Alyssa. And all it takes is just, relentlessly, going to counsel and filming the reactions when talking about it. Eventually, they're going to get comfortable with resign. It's very simple and mathematical to me. But for a lot of people, it's just a bit much. And yeah, it really-- it's hard to break it down. So that's part of what I'm working on. It's like just getting leaflets, flyers, what's one of the things you talk to me about is pamphlets with information, QR codes, so that I can go out on the street and just build a quick bridge and pass off a paper. They can look at it on their own time, their own accord. So I don't have to domineer and ramble it somebody real quick on the corner, because they're cool with it. They're cool with it. They can check it out later. And that's what I'm excited to upshift into next, is like a street campaign to really educate people. Yes. Build the base to force Ted Wheeler to talk about certain things. Definitely. Yeah, well, I mean, we just did two hours and 10 minutes. So I think this is a good place to end it, man. Thanks so much for coming on here. This was an amazing conversation. And I think that hopefully anyone who listens to this made it to the end, because there is so much information here that is just-- A lot of stuff I didn't know, but I know more than most people. So I'm imagining for the most people who aren't spending most their day learning about politics. This is going to be one that they're going to have to listen to a few times. So I appreciate everything. Thanks so much, man. I appreciate you. Thanks to the listeners who listened in. Be the change you want to see in the world. And don't be afraid. If somebody tells you no, it's another door closing your face. There's many others that will open. Start a podcast. Start a video. Sell your own merch. Do what you've got to do to move the needle and make change. But I really appreciate the podcast, the host, and all the listeners out there worldwide. Yeah. And if you want to tell anyone any social medias anywhere they want to find you? For sure, yeah. It's unforgettable. I'm the suit and tie skater guy. I can't forget it. A and D, not the and sign, suit and D tie skater guy on Instagram. Let's go. Pretty active on Instagram. My life's like a movie. Some of the things I've said sound kind of wild. So it's hilarious when you get to see the videos and the receipts that they have this story on my Instagram. So that's suit and tie skater guy on Instagram. Patrick Stoopful, STUPFEL on X. Just had to start a new profile. Kind of low following counts. So don't be worried about that. It's not a SUS account. It's just me starting a new account. It's starting new. But also, I'm on YouTube, Facebook. But primarily, I'm on X and Instagram for the most part. Hell yeah. Well, I'm sure we're going to do some spaces together too. So anyone who follows me on X will definitely be able to see you. I'll tag you in the post. Awesome. I'll see you guys later. Good night. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (dramatic music)