Surrender Ministry

5 Minutes With God #374

Galatians 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe

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Broadcast on:
10 Aug 2024
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Hello everyone, welcome to Five Minutes with God, I'm prophetess Lou. Today the Holy Spirit wants to study Galatians 1 and 10. For am I now seeking the approval of men or of God? Am I trying to please men? If I were trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. When we were servants of Christ, when we were believers, our main goal of the day is to please God. And we cannot please God if we're pleasing people. Cannot please them both. The word of God tells us that we cannot serve manna in God. We can't do it. We have to pick one or the other. And if we're going to be people pleasers, I know it's hard to not be a people pleaser because some of us are just in our nature to please people. But when our people pleasing comes to interfere with God's will and God's plan for all life, that's when we have to cut it. That's when we have to stop it. That's when we have to turn around. If you remember King Saul, he was a people pleaser for a small minute. He told Samuel, he said, I'm paraphrasing. He said, yeah, he said, I let the people do what they want. I didn't want them mad at me. When God told him to do one thing, he did the other because they would make people happy. See, he was a people pleaser. We have to stop being a people pleaser because when we do this, we are not pleasing God. We are telling God, I worry about the opinions of others. I worry about getting glorified from others than having your approval. When we seek God's approval, we must also know his will. We talked about this this week. We must know his will for all life. That means us getting all our needs, praying, spending some one-on-one time, reading our word, excuse me, understanding that what we read in that word is what he expects out of us. When we're doing something contrary, it might be some young people listening. Don't let prayer pressure. That's another way of being people pleasers. Don't let prayer pressure and some of us adults have this. I'm going to say it again, don't let prayer pressure pressure you into leaving God's will for your life because sometimes we can think something's out of fun and games and we're really displeasing and grieving the Holy Spirit. When we please people, we are grieving the Holy Spirit. Across Reverend Bursus, Proverbs 29 and 25, the fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusted in the Lord is safe. It says, "We trusted the Lord." When we trusted the Lord, we don't have to worry about anything. We're safe. But when we're pleasing others, when we're pleasing man, we will not be safe. We will not be safe because we don't know what the plans of man. Let's follow the plans of man would lead us to a dark, deep role. That's why it says, "The fear of man lays a snare. It lays a snare, lays a trap." But whoever trusted in the Lord, whoever trusted in the Lord is safe. We're safe from all harm, but we have to believe in trusting God that his plan is our plan. His plan for our lives and that his plan is perfect. A lot of us always question whether what we're going to do in a future, what's going to happen in a future, or if I'm going to be rich in a future, or if I'm going to have this in the future, I'm going to have a wife and kids. I'm going to have a husband and kids. It doesn't matter. You cannot plan your future. You can only worry about what God showed you. If he don't show you at that time, don't worry about it. We have to please God. God might not have that ready for us. God might not want us to have millions. God might not want us to have a family. God might not want us to be married. But whatever he wants us to do, we must please him. So if you're dating someone, they want to get married, and God's saying not right now, we must please God. God says not right now. You might have someone that wants to do a business plan, and they want to say, "Let's do this now." If God says not to do it, you must please God. We have to figure out who we're serving. Are you serving God? Are you serving man? It's not difficult, but sometimes it is because we don't want to have anyone angry with us. But I'd rather have men angry at me every time than to have God angry with me. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you. Thank you for the word. We thank you for leading us in the right path, Father God. We ask you right now, Father God, help us to be a pleaser of you and not a man. Father God, help us to be a good servant of you. Help us to have ears to hear and eyes to see. Father God, help us to stop doing anything that's pleasing man and not you. Father God, help us to seek your will. Help us to be in time with you under you, Father God. Father God, we just thank you for everything that you're doing in our life, Father God. Father God, we thank you for every door that you've opened, Father God. Father God, we actually give us wisdom and knowledge that we read your words so we can apply it, Father God. Help us apply as devotional and that is devotional. Help us apply as five minutes with God to our lives, Father God. Help us to seek you, Father God, then glory from man, Father God. Father God, if there's anything in our life that we're doing, that's not if you were moving. Father God, if there's anything that we should be doing, please show us, Father God. Father God, open our ears to your plan. Open our ears to hear your plan, open our eyes to see your plan. Father God, we thank you for everything. We thank you for this week. We actually help us to have a better week next week, and we praise your holy name in Jesus' name. Amen. I'm Prophet Salud. This is five minutes with God. I pray you all have a blessed day. Remember Jesus loves you. I love you too. Remember to like, subscribe, and on any platform. Remember to share with any family. Remember our friend. Please share on social media. If you have a minute, go like us on YouTube. Thank you. Be blessed. be blessed. [BLANK_AUDIO]