Surrender Ministry

NoonDay Prayer #571

Heavenly Father, I thank you for this month; I ask that your power in healing and deliverance be over our lives. Lord, sprinkle and purify me from evil consciences. I command all my accusers to depart through the blood of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I tread upon serpents, scorpions, and overall enemy power, and nothing shall hurt me by any means. Evil spirits must go as I speak the lord's word over my life. Guide me continually into your turn and with your eyes. Let all spirits rooted in any part of my body and organs come out in the name of Jesus. Let peace be within my walls and prosperity within my home. I break and rebuke all curses on both sides of the family back sixty generations. Lord, allow my home to have plenty and burst with new wine. I claim all these things in Jesus' Name Amen

• Pray for self control 

• Pray for boldness 

• Pray for strength 

• Pray for wisdom and knowledge

• Pray for discernment of spirit 

• Pray for eyes and ears to be open

• Pray for those are going through amputation

• Pray for Sunday school teachers 

• Pray for people who have tooth aches 

•Pray for those that have cancer 

• Pray for people who are dealing with job loss 

• Pray for people who are missionaries 

Pray for those having surgery 

• Pray for people who are bond 

• Pray for people that need salvation 

Pray for those who have pneumonia

• Pray for those that have stomach issues

• Pray for confused people 

• Pray for those who are mentally broken

• Pray for nurseries 

• Pray for people who are in jail or prison 

•Pray for those that have broken limbs 

• Pray for people who have to make difficult decisions

• Pray for Usher of the church

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Broadcast on:
20 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

And also we have our devotional, it comes from verse, John 6 and 37, all that the Father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me, I will never cast out. This is our last AR memory verse, which is Isaiah 1 19. If you're willing or be it, you shall eat the good of the land. Remember you can find that on any platform. You can find the glory room, which is devotional on YouTube, but you can find out on any platform that you listen to podcasting on. Also if you have a podcast that allows you to rate it, please rate this podcast, it will send an algorithm out for other people to actually throw this podcast. Thank you and please share with family and friends. Also remember you can subscribe to the devotional to be sent to you on the website. If you click the link in my bio, it will take you to multiple links to host devotional and host the podcast on. If you click the one at the top, it's You click it, you can go and there's tons of devotional to agree. It's uploaded every day at 12 o'clock a.m. Also if you want to subscribe, if you look at the bottom of the left-hand side, you can put your name and email address and it will sign you up for immediately. If you also want to talk to me, it's a chat box at the right-hand corner, click it. It will take you to a chat box. You can talk to me. It's just you and me. It's not a group chat. It's just you and me. You can say, "Hey, Lou. I have a problem." "Hey, Lou. Can you send anointing cloth, devotionals? Can you sign me up for the devotionals?" I would do that. Like I tell everyone, all this stuff is free, anointing cloth, the Bible Challenge, the monthly prayer, all of it's free. You only have to use it. Ask for it. Send it out. Also, I'll always post the monthly, the Bible Challenge, I'll always post that every day on Instagram and Facebook and I'll also always post the monthly prayer in this podcast. It's always going to be a new day podcast. Remember at the Bombs podcast, we have a list of things that we have when over, a list of people we are prayed over. Also, a lot of people wanted me to start reading off the Bible verse of the day. It's first king, 866. I still have not gotten to it. If everybody will give me a minute, I can read it off to you, but my app is kind of slow. I'm sorry to have this pulled up, 866, all the way down the bottom here. It says, "After the festival's over, Solomon said that people home, they blessed the king and went to the homes, joyful and glad because the Lord has been good to his servant David and to his people in Israel." That's our first king, 866. I don't know how often I'm going to do that because I was cutting into prayer times because I was right at three minutes. So let's get ready for prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you. Thank you for the word. Thank you for the life of the strength of Father God. Thank you for loving us and taking care of us. Most of all, thank you for saving our soul. Father God, we ask you today to be with us. We ask you to help us be loving. Help us be kind, Father God. Help us not to do anything that's not like you, Father God. Help us have a Christ like mine, Father God. Father God, continue to create us a clean heart, Father God. Every day show us how we can improve. Show us how we can be better people, Father God. And Father God, we ask you to help us to seek you. Help us to seek you with our whole heart, Father God. Help us to won't to change, Father God. Help us if we're going through a healing process. Help us to go through that, Father God, and in a way that we can grow and learn, Father God. Father God, we just thank you for everything, Father God. We ask you for peace in our life. Father God, we ask you to help us to open up doors that no man can shut, Father God. We ask you right now, Father God, to pour out favor into our lives, Father God. Father God, we ask you to watch over the firefighters, the police officers, the doctors, the nurses, the lawyers, Father God, the government, the congressmen. The laser shader, Father God, we ask you to protect these people, even our president, Father God, we ask you to protect these people, Father God, Father God, we ask you to watch over the people that are dealing with different spiritual warfare, Father God, we ask you to watch over the broken, the suicidal, Father God, the lonely, the depressed, the poor, the person that has full anxiety, mental illness, Father God, touch them right now. Anyone dealing with PTSD, pain in their mouth, pain in their foot, Father God, kidney failure, Father God, we ask you to touch them right now, Father God, touch, touch, touch, Father God, heal their body, Father God, Father God, we ask you to watch over the women that are giving birth right now, Father God, people that are in the hospital, with symptoms that knowing, never heard of, Father God, watch over people with COVID, the flu, asthma, pneumonia, ACL, maybe messed up, Father God, blood issues, Father God, Father God, I ask you to watch over the people that are grieving, Father God over people, Father God, and Father God, we ask you today to watch over the saw, he said, I have swelling in the head, spine, chest area, and with a possible bone infection, God, we ask you right now to watch over him, we ask you to cover him and your blood, Father God, we ask you to take the swelling out of his head, Father God, we ask you to remove the pain that's in his spine and chest, Father God, Father God, if he has a bone infection, Father God, we ask you to remove it, Father God, we know you can remove these things all for him, Father God, we know you can, Father God, because you're a healer, Father God, you're a way maker, Father God, and we thank you, Father God right now, Father God, send your angels to touch him right now, in Jesus name, Father God, watch her pick up, P-E-K-K-A, she says she has a marriage of issues, Father God, wherever those marital issues are, Father God, I ask you to step in, I ask you to cover her and your blood, Father God, for the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, Father God, Father God, I ask you right now to be with her, Father God, help her and our spouse to communicate, help them not to leave each other, help them to want to stay with each other, Father God, watch over Joseph, he's to have severe depression, and Father God, I ask you right now to watch over him, I ask you to cover him and your blood, Father God, rebuke the spirit of depression, oh, Father God, whatever, make him depressed, let him know that he is a friend in you, and that you're his God, and that you can comfort him, that you're a strong tower, Father God, Father God, we ask you to cover him and your blood, Father God, I ask you to watch over this other guy, he says I'm anonymous, he wants to stay anonymous, he says he has a court date coming up, Father God, I ask you right now to give him favor, his court date, I ask you to watch over him, Father God, I ask you, wherever your wills for his life during that court date, Father God, I ask you just to be with him, Father God, Father God, I actually watch over Charisha, S-U-R-E-S-H, she says I have a personality disorder, Father God, I ask you right now to touch her, Father God, I actually remove the personality disorder all for her, I help her cope with it, however you want her to do with it, Father God, if you want her to get delivered from some other case or root of it, Father God, I ask you to do that, but Father God, most of all, Father God I choose to set her on her right path, I ask you to give her peace in her mind, Father God, in Jesus' name, Father God, watch over him, he said I have trouble at my job, Father God, touch Dylan at his job, I ask you to help him to find a better job if you want him to leave that job, but Father God, if you want him to stay on that job, show him what he needs to do to fix that problem, if it's him, Father God, show him how to fix that problem, Father God, watch over Maggie, he says I got arrested the other day, Father God, watch over Maggie, help her to stay calm, help her to stay relaxed, Father God, help her not to let things block her from her blessing, Father God, give her the right mindset, Father God, touch her, Father God, if she wasn't an issue, Father God, help whoever is that's causing her to have this issue, cover them, cover them, Father God, remove them out her life, if that's what she likes, Father God, Father God, watch over Lacey, she's our unhappy, Father God, I actually feel her joy, she needs to be filled with joy, not happiness, Father God, Father God, I ask you right now, Father God, whatever is in her life that's making her unhappy, Father God, feel her joy and show her it, Father God, show her what she needs to remove, Father God, watch over Bonnie, he said, I have colon issues, Father God, touch Bonnie, I think that's a he or a she, but we're gonna say he, Father God, we actually touch Bonnie right now, we actually to cover him and your blood from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, Father God, touch his colon right now, Father God, heal him of this, Father God, touch him right now in Jesus name, Father God, watch over me, she's I need deliverance, Father God, I actually did deliver me from the problems that she's having, Father God, I actually cover her in your blood, I ask you to help her to want to seek out more, more time with you, Father God, I hope her to read her word, more Father God, I hope we get consecrated in you, Father God, help her to let go of anything that's holding her to the spot, Father God, Father God, thank you in Jesus name, Father God, watch her in my kana, M-A-R-K-I-N-A, she said, I need a miracle in every area in my life, Father God, touch her right now, touch her mental state, her physical state, her emotional state, Father God, Father God, you're a way maker, Father God, Father God, I ask you to touch her, Father God, remove any demonic oppression in her life right now, Father God, give her peace in her life, give her peace in her home, give her peace in her job, Father God, in Jesus name, in Jesus name, Father God, anyway right now, that's dealing with marital issues, severity of depression, court dates, personality disorder, or the trouble of the job, just got arrested, unhappy, colon issues, any of this sort, Father God, I ask you to touch them, I ask you to touch the listeners that's listening, I ask you to touch the readers that's reading, Father God, in Jesus' mighty name, amen. Our prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for this month, I ask that your power and healing and deliverance be over our lives, Lord, sprinkle and purify me from evil consequences, consciousness, I command all users to the part through the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus I tread upon serpent, scorpions, overall enemy power, and nothing shall hurt me by any means evil spirits must go as I speak, the Lord's word over my life, got me continuously into your arms and into your way, with your eyes, let all spirits root in any part of my body and organs come out in the name of Jesus, let peace be within my walls and prosperity within my home, I break and rebuke all curses on both sides of the family, back to sixty generations, Lord, I allow my home at plenty and burst with new wine, I claim all these in Jesus' mighty name, amen. Remember that everything that we pray for is going to be at the bottom of this, remember to read Proverbs 20, and remember, I'm going to read over this, but the rest of them are not going to go over, remember pray for self-control, boldness, strength, wisdom and knowledge, discern my spirit, eyes and ears to be open, and remember that Jesus loves you and I love you to remember to like, subscribe, and follow on any platform, remember to share with family member or friend, if you can, please share on social media, thank you, be blessed.