Surrender Ministry

5 Minutes With God #346

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends

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Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Hello everyone welcome to 5 minutes with God I'm prophetess Lou. Today the Holy Spirit wants to study John 15 and 13. Greater love has no one in his than this that's only laid down his life for his friends. I can say that no one's never gonna love you like God. You can get married you can have a bunch of friends. I know a lot of people that has five and six friends that they grew up with. I have known people they've been married 34 years 50 years whatever but the love that God can show you is unbelievable. When I first gave my life to Christ I was broken I was hurt I was vulnerable and a lot of times when you're vulnerable you're defensive you're bitter you're you're you're angry and most people didn't understand most people don't get it and if you've been bitter you've been angry you've been hurt you've been vulnerable you know I mean you're on this level of survival you know you like you're surviving you're you're just trying to survive the day but when you meet God and you truly give your feelings to him and not this fairy tale everything happens and magically go away no people don't tell you that either that doesn't happen all the time he takes some things away for you when you give your life to him but some things he lived leave to you as a thorn in the side but that's besides the point but this love that he gives you is unbelievable I never felt so much love when I pray to him and I tell God I said God I hurt you know Holy Spirit I'm hurting a Holy Spirit I just feel so bitter I feel so anger and angry and I truly mean how I feel like I go to him raw and vulnerable I sit and I wait in his presence and I tell him exactly what's going on I don't sugarcoat it because I know he knows the truth I don't sit there and be like oh you know I was this great person today no I was a horrible person today I go to him just as horrible as that to know that I'm in front of the Lord and it's no reason for me to sugarcoat who I am but the love that he has for you when you come to him like that and you just tell him how you feel he loves that he comforts you and he loves us so much that he said his son to lay his life down for us and some of us don't even have family members or friends that will even do that not even remotely close to doing anything like that not even giving us clothes or shoes or even a slice of cake excuse me but it's this amazing God that's in the sky that is willing or have gained his son for us to see eternity that is the greatest friend because you're not gonna catch people to do that but the love he has for us is so amazing he just wants to come for us he just wants us to sit and take time and dwell in him not just rush and say hey I had a bad day I need some help I need some money bye no he wants you to sit there say I had a bad day and I need your love I need you to comfort me right now because right now I don't feel like the best person in the love he will immediately give you in the peace that he will give you no not to say that when you leave you won't pick it up which you shouldn't but somehow we do I'm saying that when you're in that moment with him the love that he gives you it beats anything it doesn't compare to nothing in this world and when you truly love him and you truly be vulnerable with him have a contrite heart he will always give you nothing but love and guide you through the way we just have to be willing to be guided let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you for this work we thank you for sending your son to be the love that we need we thank you for letting him lay his life down for us for for being our friend for being our shepherd for everything we thank you for loving us and keep it safe and say we thank you for everything you've given us we thank you for the clothes on our back to food on our table Father God we thank you Father God somehow we don't say it somehow we don't mean it somehow we just rush and and say how we feel we want to leave and we don't dwell but Father God help us to dwell in you help us to love you help us to give you every part and not let it be but can before the God help us to be truly contrite Father God we thank you in Jesus name amen I'm prophetess Lou this is five minutes with God I pray you all have a blessed day remember Jesus loves you I love you too remember to like subscribe and follow on any platform remember share with family member or friend if you can't please share on social media thank you be blessed