The Mutual Audio Network

Speed Gibson Of The International Secret Police #1.25- Prisoners on the Flower Boat(081024)

And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Prisoners on the Flower Boat! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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10 Aug 2024
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And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Prisoners on the Flower Boat!

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(upbeat music) This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary, not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. (upbeat music) Welcome to Saturday's Story Circle, always on the Mutual Audio Network. (upbeat music) The following audio drama is rated G for general audiences. (upbeat music) The Gibson of the International Secret Police. (upbeat music) Zero, ceiling, zero, ceiling, zero, ceiling, zero. (upbeat music) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) While Speed Gibson is keeping an eye on developments in Hong Kong regarding the activities of the criminal, the octopus, Clint and Barney are 200 miles up the Siang River in the company of Bob Gilmore, who came to their rescue when they made a forced landing on the river. After they have established shortwave communication with speed, the flower boat, which they believe is smuggling Marsha windfield up the river appears, and as the boys prepared to stop the boat by means of Red Lanterns, Gilmore reveals that Marsha's missing brother, Larry, was his best friend. Learning that Marsha is the girl aboard the boat, he joins forces and the three of them well armed, row out to meet the flower boat. - Well, this is about the middle of the river, Bob. You better stop here. - Right, oh, glad to see you. (upbeat music) - Our boat has spotted these lanterns. Stand up and swing yours, Barney. Bob and I balance the boat. - Okay, but see that you balance it. I don't want to take a swim right now. Oh, hi, flower boat, hold up. We want a forger, save your ahead. - All right, what game's that? - We'll have to come aboard to explain, pull two. - Ah, that's the way, pull two. (dramatic music) - Let's roll over it. They're letting down a ladder for it. - And keep your guns handy. There's a hundred or more Chinese aboard that boat, and only three of us. - Yes, but most of the passengers don't know what sort of boat they're really traveling on, Barney. Don't forget that. They imagine her to be one of the regular flower boats, built for nothing but pleasure. Look at that crowd up on deck. - Anything for a little bit. - I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what's up on deck. - Anything for a little excitement. - Wait, take it easy on the talk. We're near enough of them to hear us, so be careful. - Okay, do all three of us go aboard? - I think we better. We can tie the boat to the ladder. - Yes, in fact, I'm doing that right now. I'll have her more defense in a second. You can start up the ladder if you want. - All right, I'll go first. Watch it, Barney. Tricky trying to get onto a ladder from a swaying boat, you know? - Okay, I'm right after you. (grunting) - All right, Bob coming? - Yeah. - Ah, here we are. Over the rail. Here, I'll help you over, Barney. - I can make it. - There you are. - All right, we'll wait for Bob before starting anything. - Okay, I'm over. - Oh, what next? - You'll find out. Here comes something that might be the captain. - That is wrong. - Where have you stopped, Bob? - Well, where is Dan here? - I think the police are going to search your boat. - Oh, no, no, no, my boat's very good boat. - Yeah, then why did you smuggle a cargo of slaves down to the Siang dock and beat it up your transfer? - This boat did not carry slaves. Only flies and dancing girls. You gentlemen, we still enjoy dancing girls with me over here? - No, ain't we already told you we're here to search the boat? - No, no, he was arguing with him, Barney. He was stall as long as possible. You, what's your name? - Ne, hot toy. - All right, then, hot toy. Whether you like it or not, we're going to search your boat. And I expect full cooperation from your passengers and crew. We'll try to start anything, because there are only three of us. We're backed by the International Secret Police. - International Secret Police, oh, very nice. I hope you'll search both. Very nice, very 50. What's pretty about it? Something's wrong here, Clint. This guy's too nice, all of a sudden. - Yeah, we're going with the search anyhow. A bar, but you stay up here on deck? - You bet I will, Clint. There's any trouble, I'll shoot twice. - Good. Barney, now, go below to see what we can find. Come along, Barney. - And you too, hot toy. - Very happy, very nice. - But don't say it's very pretty. - Oh, no. - No, you'll lead on a hot toy and no monkey business. I got your cover. Here, we go down these steps, Clint. - All right, go ahead and get out your flashlight, Barney. Looks dark down there. - Boy, it is dark. A gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other. What'll I do if I have to scratch my head? - You don't. - Hey, look, there are the boxes ahead. - Hot toy, open one. - That temple, well, they contain only nails. - Never mind what they contain, open it. - All right. Give three gentlemen, just nails. I'll level police, man. - Oh, Marcia, Marcia wouldn't be able to. It's Clint and Barney. - No use, Clint. She's probably still drug and wouldn't hear you in no matter how loud you yelled. - Mm-hmm. I'm going to have to look anybody box down here, Barney. I am not going to risk a slip up this time. - But I'll level police, man. - Get out that honorable stuff. Pop toy and get busy on them boxes. Are you a hot pyre and any toy ever did before? [MUSIC PLAYING] - Leying. - Yes, Speed? - Is there any way we could get hold of a plane real quick? - Do you mean a private plane? - Yes. I have one at my disposal for official business, but it is a way just now. - Why? - I want to go look for Clint and Barney. - But Speed, you talked to Clint only an hour ago. You know he is safe. - He was then. But he hadn't stopped the flower boat yet. I've got a hunt. They're going to need help, Ying. After all, there's only the two of them against that gang on the flower boat. - They are running a risk, yes, but it will not be the first time. - Don't you think it'd be a good idea to go after him? They'll need help with the prisoners, if not for themselves. - We could take a police launch. - Launch? - You mean a speedboat? - Yes, we could make the 200 miles of the Seung in four hours in the boat I have in mind. And we could take enough of our men with us to be of real help to Clint and Barney in case of danger. - We could. And let's start right away. Plaging. You'll go, won't you? - I could leave all right. There's nothing pressing now. I have a very able assistant. Yes, I will go with you, Speed. Clint and Barney are brave men, too brave. I think that this is one time they have grown careless of their own safety in their anxiety for Marshall Winfield. - That's what I think. I'm going to pull in the doctor again and I'm going to stay here a while longer, Lee Ying. I won't tell him what I'm going to do because he just worry. - Good. Meanwhile, I will gather six of my men together and make arrangements to have the speedboat waiting for us at the dock in half hour, huh? - Right. And something tells me that Clint and Barney are going to need our help whether they think they do or not. - You make your telephone call while I tend to the other details. I will be right back. - Okay, thanks. Hello? Operator, I want to talk to Dr. Kingsley. I forgot his phone number, but he lives at 14 Lang Sioux Road. Yes, yes, that's right. I'll wait. Gee, this is going to be great. Going up the Seung River and a police launch. When if I had a cable chief rally, what's happened? No, I better leave at the Clint. Hello? Dr. Kingsley? This is Speed Gibson. Yeah, I know you thought I'd be there long ago, but something came up when I've got to stay here for a while longer. What's that? Oh, no, everything's all right. Sure, Lee leans with me and will stay with me until you see me again. So don't worry. Yeah, and tell Jean not to worry, and we'll find Marsh all right. Yeah? Okay, goodbye. Gee, this crime laboratory of Ying's is a-honey. You sure got everything in it? I have tell you through everything, Speed. We can go just as soon as my men arrive. The bell will let us know when they are here. I was looking around your laboratory, Ying. Is Clint seen it? Well, yes, it is very similar to the crime laboratory the secret police maintainer New York and other key city speed. Because Hong Kong is in a sense the gateway to the Orient. It is only logical that we maintain such a laboratory here. This is the focal point for all our far east activities. You must be an east operator like Clint Lee, Ying. They have charge of all this? Oh, no, there is only one Clint Barlow speed. No man ever has or ever will equal him in secret police work. His past record of achievement has been almost unbelievable. That is why I am so sure that he will eventually bring the octopus to judgment, providing that he does not allow his heart to rule his head too much. He never has in the past, but you being with him on this assignment may force him to change his rule. I hope not, Ying. I'm going to do everything to help him instead of causing trouble for him. Uh-huh. Men are here now. Come Speed. We can start for this young duck. Well, this is sure different from the last time he went. Then it was dark and foggy. Clint Barney and me were in Chinese makeup. Remember? Uh-huh. I remember only too well. That time the flower boat with Miss Winfield aboard got away from us. But it won't this time. Not if we can help it. [Music] Uh-huh. Well, that's the last box, Clint. Nothing but nails and every one of them. Yes, I can understand, Abani. I'm just as sure as I'm standing here that this is the boat Marsha was taking aboard. Well, she sure ain't aboard now. We've searched this tug so thoroughly that we even found out where the rats hang out. And there ain't a trace either of Marsha or the opium cargo. I'll have a police friend through that thing. Uh, I guess I'll hop to her. But you understand this. If you're pulling anything on us, the secret police will find you if they have to search every part in China. I understand. Hello? What's happening up on deck? The passengers sound excited. Yeah, let's go see. The signal. Bob's in trouble. Come on, let's get up there. One moment honorable police, man. You will stay where you are. One move to go up our deck and we will shoot you down like dogs. Weird. What do you mean? If you will throw your flashlight around you will see that some of my men have surrounded you. While you were so busy and engaged in watching me open these boxes of nails. You can't get away with this hot toy? No. You are trapped, Green Paulo and Barnard Dunlap. Bonnie, this is the octopus boat. Yes, Paulo, but no one will ever know. Because you and your comrade will take the place of nails in two of these boxes. With enough nails left in the boxes to carry them down to the bottom of the river. Clint, the guy's crazy. Keep cool, Bonnie. Cool? You will soon be colder at the bottom of the river. A good resting place for the international secret police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police. Police.