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Hawk Chronicles #233- "Red Alert"(080824)

The Mercury has to deal with an in flight emergency and determine how to continue with their mission. Kate along with Kelly is able to correctly identify Leonard as Corsky's classmate. Hanaka and his guard seek refuge in the Jungle Bunker and wait for Lyster and Ursula. Sam meets with Bishop and Corsky to learn more about Corsky's past. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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08 Aug 2024
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The Mercury has to deal with an in flight emergency and determine how to continue with their mission. Kate along with Kelly is able to correctly identify Leonard as Corsky's classmate. Hanaka and his guard seek refuge in the Jungle Bunker and wait for Lyster and Ursula. Sam meets with Bishop and Corsky to learn more about Corsky's past.

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(upbeat music) This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary, not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. (dramatic music) It's time for Thriller Thursdays, here on the Mutual Audio Network. If you dare. The following audio drama is rated PG for parental guidance. (dramatic music) The Hup Chronicles follow the adventures of Detective Kate Hoch, who went from a Baltimore police detective to intergalactic investigator, from fighting crime on the streets, to trying in the stars. (dramatic music) And now, episode 233, Red Alert. (dramatic music) Georgia, shut down the alarm. Status report. - Faulty reading, on the right wheel well. There is a pressure loss. - Can you confirm if we have a whole breach? - Checking now. - Well, so much for relaxing in a nice quiet ride. Hey, Captain, I'm getting a red light indicator from the right side landing gear. - Captain Nate, it appears that the right landing gear servo has malfunctioned and the landing gear is stuck in the upright position. - Whole integrity? - Scanning. Whole pressure is stable. The breach alarm was most likely due to a hydraulic rupture. - Thank you. Liam, follow me to the access bay. We need to see if we can make repairs. Georgia, you have control of navigation. - I have the controls. - Let's go. (engine revving) - Well, this is an interesting development. - If Captain Nate can't make repairs, then we can't land anywhere. I think it makes it more than an interesting development. - The Mercury has the ability to land vertically. Won't you be able to do that? - It can, but it would be landing on one leg. - It could topple over, possibly damaging the starboard engine. - That doesn't sound good. - No, it doesn't. - I believe we might have a solution, a police for Titan III. - I would be very interested in hearing what that might be. - We have a shuttle craft housed in the cargo bay. It holds five to include the pilot. - So you're saying we could take five of us to the surface? Who would we leave behind? - We would do the same thing we did last time we were here. Nate and his pilot stayed in orbit and used the Mercury's high definition and infrared cameras to keep watch over us. - Let me work out just right then. - Nate to Jaffra. - Go ahead. - The good news is the whole hasn't been breached. The bad news is that the landing year servos fried and we've lost hydraulics. - Can you repair it? - I've got the fluid in houses, but not the servo unit. - There's a military supply depot at the IDF base. We can stop there and see if they have a servo unit. - We're discussing the possibility of taking five of us to the service leaving you and Liam on the ship for support. We can stop at the IDF airfield and see about getting a servo unit. - That sounds like a plan. Liam and I will start pulling the unit. You can take it to the depot and see about getting a DX for it. Maybe they can even fix it. - Sounds good. And what's a DX? - A direct exchange. Even if they can't help us on Titan 3, we can return to Titan 4 and try there. - That's a definite possibility. - Let's assume then that we take the shuttlecraft to the surface with a stop at the IDF base. What then? - I believe we'll need to play the storekeeper KL a visit. - I don't trust him at all. - Captain Tam is right. The former owner Brady was a liar and a thief. I don't trust his successor KL either. - And you would be right to not do. If he can provide us with transportation, then we'll have to deal with him. - From what I remember, that stores the only game in town. - It is. He not only controls supplies, but just about all the available transportation. - Until then, I suggest everyone get some rest that we'll discuss the details of how we'll split up when we get closer to Titan 3. - All right, now that Kelly says she recognizes landed, I suppose we can mark that down as fact. - Did you ever doubt me, Jim Barnes? - And not for a second. I was just double checking, you know, that's all. - Now that you've double checked, I'm calling Pearman. We need to get the Leonard fast. Sam and Garrett don't have much time left to joint base San Antonio. - You mean Fort Sam Houston? - You're not gonna let that go, are you? - Nope. (phone ringing) - Mr. Pearman, Kate Hoff, we need to talk. - You know, Kate, if this secret intelligence job doesn't work out for you, I think you've got a really nice title for a talk show. Now, what can I do for you? - Kelly and I both agree that Leonard is in Korski's or Vincent Sheerbo. We need to talk to him. I'm sure he could more than remember Vincent. They both ended up working for Rage. That can't be a coincidence. - You're both sure that it's him. - Without a doubt, I told Kelly to look at a certain page in the yearbook and she immediately identified Leonard. She wasn't the least bit hesitant in identifying him. - That is very fortunate. - Yes it is, and we have to take full advantage of it. I'd like to visit him. I know he's in the witness protection program, but he may have information vital to our case. - As I understand it, holiday has cleared you for duty. So I don't see a problem here. I will have to contact our people handling him to get the clearance first. - I understand. I'm not gonna need a lot of time with him. I just want to know the connection between him and Vincent. If we can't get any insight on what Vincent was involved in to scare him enough to change his name and completely revamp his identity, it might help in our investigation. - I agree, I'll get on this and I'll get back with you. - Thank you, sir. - Well, that sounded terrible. When do you leave it? - He has to clear it with Leonard's handlers first. Once that's done, I'll head out. I guess you can manage without me. - I guess, Pappy Thornton and I have a lot we can do. So, you know, I will be idle. - I'm gonna check back with Kelly. (phone ringing) - Hey, Suss, what's up? - I just spoke with Pearman and got the okay to interview Leonard. - That's great. When? - He's setting it up with Leonard's handlers. I'll let you know when he gets back to me. - I'd really like to go with you. - I can be of help. I've met and talked to Vinny's cousin, so there's a connection there. - Right now, I don't even know where they're keeping him. When Pearman gets back to me, I'll mention it to him. - Well, wherever he is, imagine there's a stipiate at somewhere close by. - I don't know. Sometimes they put these witnesses out in the boondocks. We'll have to wait and see. - All right, I can't ask for more than that. In the meantime, Scarlet and I are looking for anyone who is in his class. - Good luck with that. How are things in enterprise? - Hot. That's all I can say. - Well, hang in there, sis. It could be worse. You could be snowed in. - At this point, I'll take it. Talk to you later. - Okay, bye. - Is she itching to get into the action? - Yeah, I can't say that I blame her. She's been a paralegal most of her career, stuck in an office, shuffling papers around. I'm sure she wants some field work. - A bit like a big sister, eh? - A little bit. We'll see what Pierman has to say. She might be able to leave Scarlet there if it's all done in one day. - Then in the meantime, we'll continue with what we're doing. This is gonna happen. I'm sure it'll be tomorrow at the earliest. - So, this is the mighty city of Tyrannis. It looks more like a slum village on the tombess. - Yes, it has its own quaintness. It will grow on you. - That's exactly what I'm afraid of. I hope my vaccinations are up to date. - No need to worry. You've been in worse places before. The Merchant House is just up ahead. - How safe is it to travel there by road? - As long as there is light, we have nothing to worry about. Are you afraid? - If you're nothing, my lord, I just like being prepared. - You will be fine. There is plenty of light left. Once we arrive at the camp, we will be safe. Perhaps you should look forward to killing some beasts. I'm sure our former brothers and sisters will welcome your accuracy. - Perhaps that is something to look forward to. I shall think on that. - In the meantime, we are here. Hey, go to my home. Gentlemen, welcome. - What can I do for you? - We need transportation to the Death River camp. - General Hunterter? - Yes, and I take it your K-L. - Yes, sir, I am. I served in your division in the Galactic War. It's an honor. - Always an honor to meet a former soldier. - What are you doing on Titan III? - Now, why do you have a need to know? The general can come and go as he pleases. - That's okay. We are here on a rage business. - Then I must warn you, you may not be welcomed here. Most of the people living here have renounced their affiliation with rage. I seek a singular man. I have personal business with him. I don't wish to cause any kind of disturbance. Now, do you have a vehicle we can use to get there? - Preferably in one piece. - Yes, I have such a vehicle. It will provide you with adequate protection and it is capable of traversing rough terrain. - Adequate protection? Just what do you consider adequate? - You'll be protected and will have the capability to outrun anything in the jungle. - And if we can't outrun them? - All I can say is don't put yourself in that position. - We'll take it. Is the bunker still available? - Yes, and it's fully stopped. - The only good news I've heard so far. - Follow me. I'll take you out to the truck. (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) - Ah, this looks quite adequate. - I believe you'll find that this vehicle will meet your requirements. Here is the key. It is fully fueled. - And how do we find this camp? - Follow this road to where it forts. Take the right fork and continue to the end. - And this bunker you spoke of? - Halfway there you'll come upon some cliffs. There is a call box at the road leading to it. On the key ring you'll see a four digit code. Enter that code and the doors will open. - Excellent. Let us go now while there is still plenty of light. (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) - You have to do this for me as no one can you find? - Yes, Lord Vista. There were two rage soldiers here that you might be interested in. They were looking for someone at the camp. - Who was it? - There was General Hanukkah in his guard. - Interesting. And who was it that they were looking for? - He didn't say, I rented an armored truck to them. They just left. - Then we will pass each other. I really don't want him to know I'm here yet. We will take refuge in the shelter. If he should stop there we should be able to stay out of sight. - I would like to know what his plans are. - Go to the radio room on the second level. You can lock the door from the inside. From there you can activate cameras and listening devices that cover the whole complex. - That's excellent. We will do that. (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) (tires squealing) - Sam. Glad you could join us for lunch. - Colonel Bishop, Colonel Korski, this was an unexpected surprise, eating out with you guys twice in one day. - Well, I appreciate someone who can match me fork to fork. Besides, I get a little homesick for hunger once in a while. - I can understand that. No offense there, Colonel Korski, but this place is a culinary desert compared to hunger. - No offense taken. I've seen how you two eat. Hey there, Colonel, back so soon. - We had a pretty hard workout this morning. - I suppose any excuse will do. You know, I should just set up a table right in the kitchen. It would save a lot of time. - You can do that. - I think she's joking. You are joking, aren't you, Grace? - Of course I am. If I moved you in there, I'd lose my tip. Now, what's on your menu for today? - How about the usual, all the way around? - Yeah, I'm not sure my waistline can handle that today. How about a turkey club sandwich for me, lemon water? - And I assume milk for you two, as usual. - You got it. - All right, I'll be right back with you drinks. - Again, don't worry about using table salt. I got the good stuff. - Most excellent. - I still don't see how you guys can do that. - I noticed yesterday you had a piece of dark chocolate caramel with sea salt. - Yeah, so? - Ingredients for the chocolate includes a lot of milk, to which salt is added. - Yeah, but that's different. - I don't waste your time, Sam. He just doesn't get it. - Too bad. His loss. - Here you go, gentlemen. Your lunch will be out shortly. - Thank you, Grace. - I enjoy having lunch with you guys, but what's up? - What do you mean? - I didn't get to where I am today, just how my good looks. You wanna talk to me about something. Now, what is it? - You see? That's why this guy is the best. You're right, Sam. We might have a potential problem. I got word from higher up that someone has been digging into Korski's past. - My contact into Pentagon says that someone from my past has been asking about me. - That could be anything. - It's not so much the what, but the who. - Many years back, I was involved in an accident. It was snowing and the roads were icy. A couple died in the accident. We had been grooming the colonel here for service since 1997. We weren't about to lose all that over one accident. - There was an article 32 investigation, but all charges were dropped. - Thanks to some of our embedded rage operators in the JAG system. - They were able to, let's say, fix things. - The prosecutor for that case was a man by the name of Thornton. - Let me guess. He's the guy who's been snooping around the Pentagon. It makes me wonder if the daughter of the two who died isn't behind us. She was in the service at the time. - She's somewhat of a bulldog. That's why we had Korski here, transferred to San Antonio. - I cursed the day I heard the name, Scarlet Jernigan. - Wait, you say her name was Scarlet Jernigan? - Oh, don't tell me, you know her. - Well, as you know, I was helping Hank before his local turned on him and started working for the IDF. That local was Scarlet Jernigan. She had enough on him for the IDF to arrest him and put him away for good. His partner, Louis local, did the same to him. - What are the odds of that? - I know, right? I wonder what rage did to get her to work with Hank. - I have a sick feeling that they promised her justice for her parents. - Meaning you're toast. - You're right, Sam. If they're digging into my past, it might compromise our mission. Would you say Louis' local's name was? Leonard, well, at least that's the name he was using. Why do you ask? - When I joined the program, a friend of mine did too. He mentioned that he might use the name Leonard. - Let me check out local's database. I'm sure I can find him. - Here comes our food. - Here you go, gentlemen. Now, can I get you anything else? - Yeah, can you get us eating in the kitchen like you said? - No, but I might be able to get you a job as a dishwasher. - No, thanks. There's nothing worse than looking at empty plates. You didn't empty. - I hear you. Well, if you always need anything else, just let me know. - Thanks, Grace. We'll certainly do that. Okay, Sam. Did you find anything? You know it's impolite to talk when food is present. - Yeah, I got a photo here. This is the only Leonard on file. Do you recognize him? - Unfortunately, yes, I do. We went to high school together. - Well, we have some decisions to make. - After much. - How's it going with the infrared scanning? - You don't want to know. - What do you mean she doesn't want to know? What are you saying? - Bodies, big lumbering meat eating bodies in the jungle. They're all still right now. I guess they're sleeping it off. - Sleeping off the buffet from last night, no doubt. - Hold on. I've got something else. It's a vehicle moving each from a kid. - That would be Lister and Ursula heading back to Tyrannis. - There's plenty of daylight left, so they should easily make it back to town. We can set up and ambush them and take them there. - We need to be patient. That truck major done lent them is fully loaded with weapons. We need to catch them outside their vehicle. - Hello, something's not right. - What's going on? - Well, I've just pulled off the main road and they're heading towards what looks like a mountain. - Maybe they're having a mechanical issue. - Yeah, or nature's calling. - Are you serious? I wouldn't leave that armored truck for all the tea in China. - You might if you drank it all. - They've stopped. Now they're back on the move. - You think between him and Ursula, they'd have enough sense not to get lost. - This is weird. - What's weird? What just happened? - Only, they disappeared. They were moving and just disappeared. - Ah ha ha, I think I know what happened. - They went through a portal? - They went to the side of the cliff. That's where the bunker is. - Now why would they do that? - No, because I just picked up another vehicle. This one's headed west. - That's headed right for them. - What do you want to bet? That's Hanukkah and his charming guard. - But how would Lister know how to hide? And why would he hide? - He's hiding because he probably knows what Hanukkah's up to. He might want to ambush him. If they take each other out, it'd save us a lot of trouble. - What do you think we should do? - We'll stay up here and monitor the situation for now. It could make for a really big shoe. (dramatic music) (tense music) (tense music) (tense music) (tense music) - Leave this vehicle parked with the others. If someone should stop here, they won't notice anything peculiar. - Where should we go, my lord? - We will first go to the communications room and check out the moderating system. (tense music) Here's the elevator. (tense music) - This is a very elaborate facility. - During the wall, this was a bunker for high command. It could withstand anything the IDF could throw at us. So it can easily protect us from the river monsters. (tense music) - The old command center is this way. (tense music) - I have the passcode. (phone ringing) - Here's the main power switch. (tense music) - Yes, just as we left it. - I've used equipment just like this. Here, let me power up the cameras. It looks like there are surveillance cameras everywhere. - Yes, several seem to have been added. I assume they are for monitoring the river beast. - We still have enough daylight to make it back to town. I take it, we're going to wait for Hanukkah. - Yes, I need to know more about his plan. I'm guessing that since it might be getting close to dark before they can reach the camp. They might stop here. - There is a vehicle approaching. It might be them. - We used to keep a small cache of arms in that room. Check it for me. (tense music) - These will do nicely, and there is plenty of ammo. - Make sure your weapon is loaded. I don't want to take any chances. - Do you really think that General Hanukkah would lead a coup against you? - I let one against Zocal, so yes, I'd fully expect him to try. - They're coming in. (tense music) - What are all these vehicles doing here? K.L. said that he pocks on here in case one is damaged fighting the river monsters. Do we not have enough light to make it a coup? Indeed, but there is no need to rush things. We can rest here during the dark period. Once we find your surgeon, we can then return to Tirunas without having to stay at the camp. I like that idea. I thought perhaps you would. - So, they must be planning to remove Zocal circuit board and place it into Hanukkah's feeble brain. - Let me dispatch them now. - Not yet. I need to learn more. - When this is all done and you possess what was once Zocal is, what are your plans for Lord Lister? For all of your loyal service, I will leave that up to you. You may do as you like with him. (orchestral music) - Will this be the end of Lister or the end of Hanukkah? We'll say I'm learning more about Korski and Leonard. We'll apparently be able to track down Leonard so Kate can interview him, find out. The answer is to these questions and more. In the next episode of The Hawk Chronicles, Death River Showdown. (whooshing)