The Mutual Audio Network

Bells in the Batfry #333(080424)

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Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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A special message to my listeners...

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(upbeat music) This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary, not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. (birds chirping) Welcome to Bells and the Battery. I'm your genial host, John Bell. The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things, of shoes and ships and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings. Well, pigs may or may not have wings, but I'm afraid the battery does. I would like to thank my small but enthusiastic core of listeners who have stuck with me, but the time has come to close the door on this labor of love that has been a huge part of my life for almost 20 years now. There are two darn many people to thank, and if I tried, I'd forget somebody and I'd feel really lousy. But if you've been listening for any amount of time, you know of whom I speak. And there are those behind the scenes, like Jack Ward, who gave the show white exposure, first on the Sonic Society and currently on the Mutual Audio Network, where, incidentally, the show will continue with the older episodes on Fridays until, well, until the Friday that this episode appears. And there's Jeff Musick, who convinced me some years ago that my show needed illustrations, and he foolishly volunteered to take the job. You can see all the thumbnails for the shows, and so much more, online at Just click on Gallery. Oh, and you should also catch Jeff's comedy adventure podcast, Star Plot, available at, as well as all the usual podcasting outlets. It's one big adventure, so be sure to start at the beginning. Finally, thanks to Darren Laudwick, who created the theme music for the show back in 2016. I mean, for free. And that's a price that I could afford. I wish I knew more about him, and I'm embarrassed that I don't. So, Darren, if you're listening, contact me, and I'll plug whatever you're doing right now. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention my long-suffering and very patient wife. She stood by me for the entire run, encouraged me, giving me lots of great ideas, and, of course, is well-known and somewhat famous for being the kitty camper girl and Beth in the Christmas episodes. And this is all the more special because this December is our 50th wedding anniversary. How she lasted this long with me, I'll never know. Now, just because the bat-free is ending doesn't mean I'm disappearing entirely. You'll catch me now and then on some audio dramas on the mutual audio network, and I'm planning to have a new show, if all goes well, called Tales from the Mutual Basement. These will be short stories produced in audio drama style. Some funny, some weird, some scary, maybe, and all original, so keep an ear out for that on the mutual audio network. So, that's it. From me, Arnie, Brad, and the rest of the gang. Goodbye, so long. Adios Riva Durchi, Pleasant, Dreams, and From My Heart. Thanks for listening. - Thank you for listening to Sunday's showcase on the mutual audio network. We invite you to continue the amazing audio tomorrow on Mutual with the Monday matinee. Our weekly series of dramatic, theatrical, classic, eclectic, and live radio dramas. You can subscribe to the full mutual audio network feed every day for the world's largest curated collection of audio drama, or find the Monday matinee feed in your favorite podcast players. See you tomorrow at the matinee, and thanks so much for listening. The mutual audio network, listening and imagining together. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (chiming)