The Mutual Audio Network

Speed Gibson Of The International Secret Police #1.24- Flower Boat Is Sighted(080324)

And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Flower Boat Is Sighted! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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03 Aug 2024
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And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Flower Boat Is Sighted!

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When the dreaded criminal, the octopus, sends some of his band to kidnap Marsha Windfield and carry her away on a flower boat up the Siang River, Clint Barlow and Barney Dunlap fly in pursuit in the bullet monoplane they captured from the octopus. Speed Gibson stays in Hong Kong with Dr. Kingsley and Little Jean keeping in touch with his uncle by shortwave radio. The octopus interrupts their communication, however, by telling Speed that he has sent another of his planes in pursuit and that he will never see Clint and Barney again. Meanwhile, the boys have come out the victors in the dogfight in the clouds with the enemy plane, but make a forced landing because they are out of gas. Bob Dilmore, an engineer with a shortwave transmitter, rescues them and Clint calls the doctor again only to learn that Speed left the house to seek help. Clint, fearing that his nephew may fall into the hands of the octopus gang, is desperate. "But Dr. Kingsley, didn't Speed give you any indication as to where he was going?" "No, no, I must have time to think, Dr. Standby, you're set. I'll talk to you." "I'll talk to you again as soon as I have some plane laid out." "Very well, Standby. A.K.O.F.F. signing off. That's a fine how do you do. Whatever possessed the kid to leave the doc's house." "I don't know, Bonnie. What's worse, the octopus knows he's left. That's why he's tuned in on the flight radio while we were making a dead stick landing. For all we know, he may have speed in his den at this minute." "Take it easy, fella. Don't get your feathers, rubber. I know, I know. Doesn't do any good, but I've got to get action. Here comes Bob Gilmour." "Oh, yes. Oh, Bonnie. I'm going to do something with him that I never do with strangers. I'm going to take him into our confidence. I've got her because right now he's the only man who can help us." "I trust that guy, Clint, any day of the week." "Hey, plane safely, Lord Barlow. How are you coming with your short wave?" "Well, that's some bad news, Gilmour." "That's all. Anything I can do?" "You've helped us plenty already, but maybe you can help us even more." "Well, I'll sure do anything I can." "Well, you see, Gilmour Barney and I are members of the International Secret Police." "Oh, I figured you weren't flying up the sea. I'm just for fun." "And you figured right, fella. Have you ever heard of the octopus?" "The octopus." "Yeah." "Well, yes." "Now we're looking for him, on the clean up his gang." "But I understand his headquarters are in Hong Kong." "Yes, but he's smuggling a girl up the sea on one of his flower boats, along with a cargo of opium." "A white girl?" "Yeah, and a darn good friend are." "Well, the whole story is too long to tell and detail, but for reasons other than purely personal, we must find that girl. Meanwhile, I'm afraid the octopus has gotten hold of my nephew in Hong Kong." "You brought a boy along?" "Yes, he's fifteen, and also a member of the secret police." "At that age, he must be some kid." "He sure is, Bob. He keeps us hot and to stay with him." "Sometimes he's over-confidence." "Of course, that's only natural because of his youth. And that's what worries me now. I don't know where he is, and there's only one man in Hong Kong outside of the octopus that might know." "Leying?" "Yes. Leying. The T-merchant. He's a short wave enthusiast, too." "Wussy, Bob. You mind if I use your set again?" "No, not at all." "Speed's taking a great lichen for this Leying, Bob. Maybe he figured he knew China better than Dr. Kingsley and could help him trace us." "A-K-O-F-F calling IS-56. Barlow at A-K-O-F-F calling IS-56. Come in over 33-20 kiloscicles, IS-56. Barlow at A-K-O-F-F. 33-20 kiloscicles." "That's what caused this mess. When the kid didn't hear from us, he figured right off that the octopus had us, I guess." "A-K-O-F-F. 33-20 kiloscicles calling IS-56. Barlow at A-K-O-F-F. 33-20 kiloscicles calling IS-56. Barlow at A-K-O-F-F. 33-20 kiloscicles calling IS-56. "A-K-O-F-F-F-F-F. 36. Standing by. Come in IS-56." "Yes, he's away from his set, Clint." "Yes, sounds that way. I'll just have to keep sending out calls until I raise him, I guess." "What on earth can he be doing?" "The year!" "Speed! What are you doing here alone?" "I thought Clint told you never to leave the doctors unless someone was with you." "I had to come. Something's happened to Clint. I couldn't tell you over the phone because Dr. Kingsley isn't supposed to know you're in the secret police." "What has happened to Clint?" "I don't know. While we were waiting for ward of the doctor's short ways set, the octopus tuned in and said that the plane he sent after him had shoot him down. After that, I kept trying to get Clint and Barney, but I couldn't." "Gee, you think that the octopus plane really got him? Has anything come over your set from Clint?" "I have not been here speed. I was out on official business, but I will go and see what I can learn right now. Come along." "Where's the short ways at, Link?" "In the T-store room." "Oh, we've been in there." "Yes, you remember? Down this passage?" "I remember all right. I didn't see any short wave equipment there. Nothing but a lot of tea." "That is all that anyone accepting the secret police should see speed. Ah, here we are." "Oh, I almost missed the door. This passage is kind of dark." "No one followed you here to your knowledge, did they?" "No. There was a fella hanging around Dr. Kingsley's house. He started shadowing me, but I lost him by ducking through alleys." "You took a terrible chance coming here alone, speed. You must realize that should you fall into the hands of the octopus. Clint would give up the search for the criminal. His devotion for you stands about his duty as a member of the secret police, you know." "I know, Lee Yang, but I had to take a chance for his sake." "Where's your short wave equipment?" "Yeah. I take this package of Jasmine T from the chef and press what appears to be a nail in the wall behind it." "Gosh, a secret panel." "Yes, those T-packagers on the panel are false. The whole thing slides behind the wall. Step through, speed." "Gee, what a room. There's a regular laboratory, Lee Yang." "Yes, I have everything in here that has any bearing on crime detection. There is the short wave set there." "I'll switch on the system." "I have it set to receive nail speed, so you will not have to bother with that." "It's okay. Gee, if we can only hear something from Clint." "Calling IS-56-R with A-K-O-F-F. 33-20 kiloscicles calling IS-56." "Dang, it's Clint. He's safe." "Sanding by. I mean IS-56." "What was that radio band? 33-20 kiloscicles." "Oh, yeah. There I have it now. I'll answer him. First, I'll have to switch over." "There it is. IS-56, replying to A-K-O-F-F. Lee Gibson at IS-56 replying to Clint Barlow at A-K-O-F-F. Standby for two-way conversation." "Here, I will set it for you, Steve." "Thanks, Jing." "Ready?" "Yes, go ahead." "Clint." "Clint, can you hear me?" "Yeah." "Are you and Barney all right?" "Why is it because you leave Dr. King if we have to? I gave you express all this not to." "I had to Clint. We was waiting for a word from you and the plane. The octopus tuned in and said, 'I'd never see you again.'" "You did?" "Sure. That's why I beat it here. I know you." "I knew Lee Ying could help me find out what had happened to you, if anybody could." "Where have you had me plenty worried? The octopus came in over all, flight set two and sent me your safety." "When we finally landed, we got to a short wave set, the doctor told me you'd left and I was saying where you were going. I thought you'd walk right into the octopus trap." "I'm sorry I scared you, Clint. Looks like the octopus was trying to frighten both of us." "Where are you now?" "What's that mean? You're painting on me." "I said, 'Where are you now?'" "Oh, about 200 miles up to see a river. I'm using the short wave equipment in the young fella named Bob Gilmore. He has a horse right on the river bank. He's focused on the ground." "See that swell. What happened in the air?" "Well, you got into a dark fight above the clouds. Had to reserve gas tanks punctured by machine gun bullets, so Barney pulled the old head on sick on the other plane and scared it away. Right after that we ran out of gas and had to make a dead stick landing on the river." "See, you are plenty lucky. Have you seen the flower boat yet?" "We spotted one but lost it during the dark fight. And ahead of it in the excitement, now we're waiting for it to catch up on us." "Well, I sure hope it's the one that's carrying Miss Marsha." "I hope so. This ability is practically zero on the river. And that port of an adding warning to the octopus has had plenty of chances to get rid of its cargo. The opium and the Marsha." "See, Clint. What do you think you'll do then?" "It depends on what we find on the boat. If we have no left, we'll find back the whole way. Looking for Marsha blindly appears like looking for a needle in the haystack. But in Hong Kong we need your room as to where she's being taken." "But can you fly the plane now?" "Well, again, as soon as we reserve gas tanks are patched up, your boys wouldn't do that as well as repair the short blamper equipment. This guy's a genius, Steve." "I'd like to meet him. Bring him down to Hong Kong." "Yeah, we'll see. Let me talk to you." "Okay. Stand by." "Thank you, Steve." "Hello. Follow?" "Oh, yes, yes, and can we learn anything new during our absence?" "Not yet. I was out for quite a while seeking information, but all action seems to be concentrating on you and Bonnie." "Oh, I see. Are we all going to where we are then? Again. Will you see the speed gets back and off the kim as we safely?" "Oh, yes, Clint. I will send a bodyguard with him. Do not worry." "I tell him to fold the doctor to be safe, and he can also tell him that we are safe." "Let me talk to him, Lee Ying. Hello, Clint. Don't you worry. I'll take care of my end of it down here." "I don't see what you do. I don't try to run you. Link is business, innit? I mean, they get to obey his office. You understand?" "Yes, sir." "I'll keep in touch with you and the doctors. And remember this radio band. It's A-K-O-F-M. 33-20. Give me a sign." "I've got it. So long." "I saw him on the speed." "A-J-O-F-M. Signing off." "Okay, Clint. This is I-S-56. Signing off." "I-S-56. Signing off." "Say, Clint, that kid sure gets around, Donnie." "Say, you know, Donnie, even though he was running a risk, it's lucky he went till he ends. Otherwise, I might not have reached him for hours. Ying had no idea I'd be trying to call him." "Hey, Clint, that flower boat's in sight. At least I guess it's the one you're looking for." "Lower boat, let's see." "You can just make it out through this window." "That's her, all right. We got a stopper." "I've got some red lanterns. That'll stop it, all right. They'll think they're danger ahead." "Oh, good. Let's get them." "First, I think I should tell you this, Bob. Perhaps you'd better stay here. There's liable to be trouble." "I like that kind of trouble, Clint. Particularly if there's a girl in danger." "Well, Marsha Windfield is certainly in danger." "Windfield? Did you say Marsha Windfield?" "Well, yes, why?" "Well, I know her. At least I know all about her. Her brother, Larry Windfield, was my best friend." "Larry, your best friend? Then do you know he's disappeared? That the octopus is at the bottom of it? And that Marsha came over to China to see if she could find Larry?" "Marsha, in China?" "Now the octopus has Marsha on to his power." "Hey, what's stopping us then? If Marsha Windfield's on that flower boat, we'll find her. Come on." "The octopus is at the bottom of the flower boat. The octopus is at the bottom of the flower. The octopus is at the bottom of the flower boat." "The octopus is at the bottom of the flower boat. The octopus is at the bottom of the flower boat. The octopus is at the bottom of the flower boat. It's at the bottom of the flower boat."