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Spoken Signal Podcast: Agents, Episode 4(072924)

Episode four of eight. Vince, Elaine, and Radio defend KNMW from attackers, while the mystery surrounding a high-profile disappearance deepens. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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29 Jul 2024
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Episode four of eight. Vince, Elaine, and Radio defend KNMW from attackers, while the mystery surrounding a high-profile disappearance deepens.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary. Not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. Follow the marquee and come to the Monday MacDene. The following audio drama is rated PG-13, suggesting that all children under the age of 13 should listen accompanied with an adult. Oh, and can I get a coffee to cream and just a little sugar? Thanks. You really think it's not safe to talk in your car? No, I don't think that. I'm just being overly careful. Why? Because you brought up Madeline Stevenson. Who is that? Are you serious? I thought you'd been stuck in a hotel room for weeks with nothing to do. Haven't you even glanced at the news? Oh, it's too depressing. Madeline Stevenson is the Secretary of State for the New Midwest Territory. This year, she's been making a bid for territory president, running as an independent. I mean, there's no way she'd ever unseat Redick, right? And the guy has the whole party machine behind him. True, but Stevenson was making as good as showing as anyone ever has, running on a platform of federal reunification. Old. Yeah, and popular. According to the polls, it was working, at least until she vanished a few weeks ago. Finished? She and her campaign manager disappeared from a hotel suite in North Haven. No sign of her since. Presumed abducted and assassinated, but nobody knows for sure. So why in the world would that sniper mention her to me? You don't think Mr. Jonas is mixed up in it, do you? If he is, I'm sure it's for the good. But either way, until we know something more, best not to mention it to anyone. Agreed? Spoken signal audio drama presents Agents by Robert Arnold, episode four, "Overnight Shift." [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, good evening, Mr. Harris. Hello, Madge, right? Here I am, reporting for duty. Glad to hear it. Boy, you must have really made them mad. How did you know? Because they gave you the overnight shift. Which is? Exactly what it sounds like. Come with me. Here you go. You'll be monitoring the station's broadcast signals and making sure everything runs smoothly until the morning shift arrives. But I don't know how to work any of this stuff. You won't need to. Not really. Claude, radio, programs the equipment so the overnight broadcasts are all run by computer. See these meters? If any of them go into the red, or if the signal drops out completely, you call it. Doesn't sound so bad? That part isn't. It's the other part of your assignment that will be a challenge. Why? What do I have to do? Stay awake. These are the stories that go through the cave of whispers. Mm, uh, uh, K-N-M-W. Hello. I'd like to request a love song from that sexy new DJ. DJ is way overstating it. No wonder Mag considers us a punishment. It's super quiet and super boring. Are you at home? Actually, they've got me on assignment too. Your wife is conducting a stake out. What? Don't worry. It's a lot less thrilling than it sounds. I'm parked across from this apartment building watching to see if a certain guy comes out if he does. I follow him. Who is he? No idea. I just know what he looks like. Mm, sounds dangerous. Even if he shows his face, I'm not supposed to do anything but follow. And the lights in this apartment have been off for a while already, so I think he's asleep. Yeah, well, I guess every assignment can't be as exciting. Ugh, crap. Everything OK? Hang on. We're off the air. I think the power just went out. What did you do? Nothing. Darling, I gotta go. Be careful, OK? I will. Talk to you tomorrow. Come on, come on. What did you do? So did I break it? Nah, just a brown out. Happens every now and again. You know the territory's power grid. Oh, good. Everything just needed a quick reboot. We should be back up and running. Nah. Had to relief. Sorry to wake you up and drag you out here on my first night, too. No harm done. Lately, I don't sleep much anyway. Say poet, what did you do to get yourself assigned to the overnight shift? Poet, huh? You're hoping that code name doesn't stick. Come on, spill. What did you do? Honestly, I took out a sniper with my bare hands and saved Mr. Jonas's life. Oh, good for you. Apparently, that's deserving of punishment in this organization. Ah, it restricts just a tight ass. Always has to make his point. Don't let it get to you. Hey, since you're here, can I ask you something I've been wondering about? You want to know why I covered for you with him after you screwed up your training. Well, yeah. I don't know. I liked your spirit, I guess. No one's ever stood up like that before. Well, anyway, I appreciate it. Sure. You want to return the favor? Okay. You can remember something for me, ready? Stage 11. Stage 11? You got it. What am I supposed to do? Just remember it. That's enough for now. Okay, but... Hang on. Elaine? Vince, I couldn't get you on the station phone. Yeah, I'm in the server room with radio. Is everything okay? My guy did leave his apartment and he's been on the move. I'm following him. Can you stay on the line with me for a bit? Of course. He's been acting really sketchy. He snuck out of his place so fast I almost missed him. Then he drove to some little house in Hampton Park and was peeking in through the windows. A house in Hampton Park? Who is that? Now he's back in his car and headed down Smith Street. It's Elaine, a doc. She's tailing someone who was scoping out a house. Where's the guy now? Where is he now? Smith, going west, we just crossed Maple. Wow, you're close. Be sure to wave at us when he passed the station. Sure, here's the thing though. I don't think we're going past. What do you mean? He just pulled into the alleyway behind K&MW. What did you say? He's coming here, isn't he? Since, you don't think he's trying to get where you are, do you? Put her on speaker. Oh, Elaine, I'm putting you on speaker. Doc, it's radio. Someone's at the station? Yeah, I'm watching him. He parked in the alley and got out. Now he's looking through a side window. Hang on, he's... Do you have a gun? What? Of course I don't have a gun. You should. I'll check it out. You stay here. Lock the door and stay on the line with the doc. Doc, if anything happens, call Omni before you call the police, okay? Please be careful. All in a day's work. Still there? Dense, he's inside. I'm worried. What could this possibly be about? It's okay, just a break in. I'm sure radio can handle it. Can you see anything now? Yeah, he's moving around inside the lobby. Wait, he's coming up to the front entrance. He's... What? It looks like he's unlocking the front doors. Preparing for a quick getaway? Maybe, Erls. Hang on, radio just showed up. They're shooting. Vince, stay where you are. You're coming back down the hall towards you. What? What? What's going on? Can you tell? No, no, I... I got him. Okay, radio says he got him. Wow, I guess my coworker just shot a guy. Vince, there's another one. What? A second man just walked up to the station. He's going in the front door. Oh, and Vince, he's... What? He's got a gun too. A big one. I need to warn radio. No, don't stay put. Elaine, if they get him, they're just going to come after me next. I've got to. Radio, get down. Why? What? There's another one, get down. Whoa, this one brought some real hardware. [gunshots] Poet, quick. Get back to the server room. I'll cover you. What about you? I'm right behind you. Go. Now! Close it, stay low. Now lock it and move away. That's a reinforced fire door. It won't last long against that kind of ammo, but it's better than nothing. Guys, talk to me. What's going on? He's got us pinned in the server room. For the moment, he can't get in. Yeah, and we can't get out. The second we open that door, we're Swiss cheese. Can't we call for backup? Sure. We have about 30 seconds until that door gives way. Backup's already here. Sit tight, fellas, I'm coming in. You're what? He doesn't know I'm outside. I'll distract him. It may buy you two, three seconds to open that door and take him out. Elaine? No way. No, you can't. Things? I can. Trust me. You sure about this, Doc? I'm open to other ideas, but you better have them quick. Okay, here we go. I can see him through the doors. Radio, I don't have much cover on this side, so as soon as he starts shooting my way, you open that door and put him down, okay? You got it. Get ready with that door, poet. Elaine, I... I know. Me too. Here it goes. Hey, ugly! Go, go! Elaine, Elaine, say something. Are you okay? I'm okay. I dove under a desk. He's down. Let me get the gun away from him. Oh my God. Good shooting, radio. It looked like you were right in the line. Radio? Oh no. Oh, he's hit. Elaine, quick. Remember. You got to remember. It's okay. Now hang in there, buddy. It's okay. We got a doctor right here. Everything's going to be fine. Elaine? What can we... Elaine? Vince, I'm sorry. Thank you, officer. If you don't mind, I need to make a few calls. I'll be in my office. You can come out now. I kept you out of it. Well, you two sure have been at the center of a lot of messes lately. Who were those men? Do you know? As far as the police are concerned, two crazed assassins acting under their own volition. But we're pretty sure they were heartings men, seeking revenge for the botched handoff at the Columbia Hotel. How would they know to come to the station? Someone must have talked. I'm so sorry about radio. As are we all. I know you did what you could. Mr. Harris, you were here with him before the shooters broke in? Vince? Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Did he say anything to you? Anything unusual? No. What was he trying to tell you at the end? Asking you to remember something? Oh yeah, I, uh, I couldn't make it out. Sorry. All right, Mr. Harris. As soon as the police clear out, you go back to your hotel and get some rest. I'm taking you off active duty until further notice. Anything I can do? In fact, there is. Our first shooter is dead. The second is wounded, but hanging on. He's going to need some excellent medical care. A downtown reunification rally that attracted several thousand demonstrators. The crowd assembled to demand a lasting peace between territories with many in attendance advocating a return to an overarching federal government. In response, President William Redick this evening took to the airwaves to deliver a message of hope. My fellow citizens, we understand your pain. We recognize that you were suffering under the restrictions of a political system that sees adjacent territories streak one another like hostile foreign powers. And so in response to your petitions and in the spirit of our latest steamed colleague, Secretary of State Madeleine Stevenson, I am proud to announce that this administration will renew its efforts to establish peaceful relations with all neighboring territories. The road ahead will not be easy. Mr. Harris, you're back. Hey, Madge. God, this place is a wreck. It will be for a while, but at least we're still on the air. What are you doing here? After everything that happened last night. I know. I'm not here to work. Madge, I need your help. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. I'm not here to work for you. 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