The Mutual Audio Network

Sonic Summerstock Playhouse 15.4- The Mink Coat(072824)

Lorna Rogers wants a mink coat and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants in this somewhat comedic episode of "The Unexpected." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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28 Jul 2024
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Lorna Rogers wants a mink coat and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants in this somewhat comedic episode of "The Unexpected."

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[MUSIC PLAYING] This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary. Not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. You are listening to the new Mutual Audio Network. Welcome home. The following audio drama is rated PG for parental guidance. It's season 15 of the Sonic Summer Stock Playhouse. Performing through the summer months, the Sonic Summer Stock Playhouse is presented by the Sonic Society for the Mutual Audio Network, and features producers and actor troops from the modern age of audio drama who recreate and reproduce classical time radio plays. The Playhouse endeavors to bring shows to a contemporary audience for the love of the medium, and not in any intended form of copyright infringement of these classic radio plays. And now, we go to our host of the Sonic Summer Star Playhouse, Mr. David Oates. [APPLAUSE] Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome, welcome, thank you, thank you. If you could please just take your seats. Thank you, good evening, everyone. And welcome back to the Sonic Summer Stock Playhouse. I'm your host, David Alt. And this week, we are pleased to present a recreation from Rachel Pulliam and Cast, from The Unexpected. Now, The Unexpected was a 50-minute terror melodrama that aired in 1958. It featured weird stories with very unexpected twists, hence the title. The goal was and is tonight to shock the listeners. And so as our curtain opens, we present the Mink Coach. [APPLAUSE] Greetings, loyal listeners. Prepare yourselves for more thrills and chills in my upcoming new series, Tiana's Reviews, in which I get to sit back in the comfort of my own home, here in Salubrious Falls, and-- [MUSIC PLAYING] No, not that again. I don't want to hear programming from this search with an audio network. I know my audience doesn't want to hear from-- wait, wait, wait. Follow me as I listen to offerings from the search with an audio network. A rival company who will provide me with tails to scrutinize. [LAUGHTER] And now the soul twin audio network brings you Nicky Wagner in the Mink Coach, a drama of The Unexpected. You have no right to say that, Mr. Flint. I don't care what kind of a person you think I am. You shouldn't say so. Oh, but Lorna, please. Well, how would you like it if your boss called you into his office and said, Miss Rogers, you're a thief? I ask you, how would you like it? But, my dear Lorna, you are a thief. The records are right here. Records, records. I don't care anything about your old records. All I want is my Mink Coach. Your Mink Coach? Certainly. What do you think I'm talking about? How can you go around accusing people when it's really your own fault anyway? Now, see here, Lorna. What's this all about? Why don't you just explain exactly what happened? Well, it was about a year ago. I just started to work for Flint and company, and that's you. And I must say, things in this office were not a bit what I expected. Now, in the movies, the boss would have-- oh, never mind. Well, anyway, I was walking back from lunch, and I saw it in the window, the most wonderful Mink Coach. Oh, I could imagine wearing it. Maybe you don't know what a Mink Coach does for a woman's ego, but you feel all warm and expensive. Yes. And I wanted to feel all warm and expensive. So, I went into the shop, and guess what I found out? What? $4,875 plus tax. Now, where can a girl like me get $4,875 plus tax? But I wanted that coat. I wanted it so badly, I just-- well, I just had to have it. And then I remembered, in the movies, what does the boss always give the girl who works in his office? Right, a Mink coat. So I let you take me home that evening, and well, you remember what happened. It's the next apartment, Mr. Flint. Oh, would you like to come upstairs for a nightcap? I don't drink. You don't drink? Allsters. But, Mr. Flint, the boss is always supposed to come upstairs for a nightcap. Always. Certainly. Now, my apartment is on the third floor. I'll go in first, and then you'll come up in a few minutes. But why? Because that's the way it's always done. Really, Mr. Flint, I don't think you're even trying. Oh, I'm sorry, Lorna. I'll try. Well, that's more like it. I'll see you upstairs, Mr. Flint. Why, Mr. Flint, how nice to see you again. Lorna, isn't it a little late? Oh, silly boy. It's never too late. Come in. What's that peculiar smell, Lorna? Is the place on fire? Of course not. It's the perfume candles. Oh. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll just slip into something more comfortable. But I, um, Lorna, I could only stay a moment. Well, then, we better not waste any time, hadn't we? I beg your pardon? Now, you just sit over here by me. I'll turn down the lights and get some soft music on the radio. And then-- Lorna, yes. What do you mean, then? Oh, let's not fight this, Mr. Flint. Lorna, it's too big for us. Lorna? We were meant to pass like ships in the night, and then die in the harbor. I'm afraid you're a bit ahead of me. It's fate, Alan. Just pure, simple fate. Well, say something. I really must go. Good night. Oh. Is that all you can say? Just good night? I'm afraid so. Mr. Flint, the trouble with you is you don't see enough movies. Well, the next day, you acted like nothing happened, and I was just beginning to wonder if you were going to buy the coat. Oh, my girlfriend's got mink coats when they went out with their bosses, and I couldn't see why you should be the exception. But you were. A week later, I just had to give in and admit you weren't going to buy me a mink. I wanted a mink coat. I used to dream about it at night when I was asleep, and I knew if I didn't get it, I'd be-- be frustrated. People who don't get what they want are frustrated, Mr. Flint. They have nightmares and awful things happening. Well, the company was making lots of money, and you said yourself the government wouldn't let you keep it, so I decided to take a little each week. Not very much. I went down and had them put the mink coat away for me and told them in about a year I'd be able to pay for it. They didn't believe me at first, but each week I brought in a hundred dollars. I would have told you about it, Mr. Flint, but, well, the subject never came up. Lorna, you were stealing that money. That's a terrible thing to say, Mr. Flint. If you don't stop talking like that, I'll quit. You'll quit, Lorna. How much of you-- Mr. Flint. How much, Lorna? $5,000. Well, just a bit more. $5,000? There wasn't any problem about it, Mr. Flint. Not until today. I just marked a hundred a week down to miscellaneous and wrote myself a check. But then you brought in that auditor. Why'd you do that, Mr. Flint? Don't you trust me? You know there's never been any mistake in my bookkeeping. I think bringing in an auditor indicates a certain lack of faith. Don't you? Lorna, exactly what happened with that auditor? Well, I showed him all my books and answered all his questions and everything tallied perfectly. There wasn't a single mistake. No, aren't you proud of me? Not a single mistake. And then after he was all done, Mr. Jenkins, that was obviously his name, turned to me and said, "Well, Miss Rogers, everything seems to be in A number one order." Certainly. I guess you haven't been taking any of the company funds, eh? Oh, certainly not. What kind of a person do you think I am? Now, Miss Rogers, I'm just having my little joke. Well, I don't think it's very funny. Oh, um, now there's one more item. I mean, I know it isn't serious, but this column marked M. That's for miscellaneous. Yes. Miscellaneous. And Mink. And Mink? Oh, what? Well, that's the money I used to pay for my Mink Gold. You see, I have a separate file here. My Mink file. It has all the cancelled checks and receipts. It's an order. I really, Miss Rogers, I'm afraid I don't quite understand. Oh. Well, I went out with Mr. Flint. Oh, uh, yes, you shouldn't tell me about that. I mean, if Mr. Flint, well, sometimes employers feel grateful. Now, Miss Rogers, let's not discuss this. It has nothing to do with the audit. Oh, oh, of course not. And you're a very fortunate girl. I mean, well, it is nice of Mr. Flint to buy you a fur coat. Oh, he didn't buy it. I did. Of course, I do think you should have taken the initiative. You mean Mr. Flint didn't buy the-- he doesn't know about your fur coat? No, I don't think so. He never said anything if he does. No, but this is really quite serious, Miss Rogers. Yeah, I know. A Mink is a very serious matter in a young girl's life. Yes, of course. Well, I think I better talk to Mr. Flint-- excuse me, Miss Rogers. Oh, are you going to tell him about the coat? I'm afraid I must. Well, I wish you wouldn't. I was going to wear it to work tomorrow as a surprise and show him how much I appreciate it. I think he'd better be prepared for the shock. Well, whatever you say. But don't make him feel too guilty for not having bought one for me. I'm willing to pretend he did. So that's all that happened, Mr. Flint. I don't see why you're so excited. But, Lorna, you must understand that you had no right-- No, what difference does that make now? The coat's all paid for. I won't need any more money for it. Lorna, I-- Let's just forget the whole thing. We've both been wrong, Mr. Flint. Now, I'll forgive you if you'll forgive me. Forgive? Oh, Lorna, I should have put you in jail. What for? For borrowing company funds. It's not against the law to borrow money, is it? But you didn't borrow it. You-- Ah! I told you what would happen if you call me names, and I meant it. Very well, Lorna. You may keep the coat. Oh, well, of course, it's all paid for. But you'll have to give back every sin of that money. Every penny. I'll take it out of your salary. If you have to work here 10 years to make it up. I think it's very petty of you. That will do, Lorna. You may leave now. Oh, and one more thing. You'll be given a different job. One that doesn't require so much responsibility. If you don't trust me, Mr. Flint, just say so. You must realize, Lorna. I'm being very lenient. What, I suppose? Oh, Mr. Flint, could I leave early this afternoon? I want to pick up the coat. Oh, just imagine my own mink coat. I'll be able to wear it tonight. See, I guess I'm really a very lucky girl. Yes, I would think so. And I always say, if you want a thing, you've got to go after it yourself. You can't wait for favors. Don't you agree, Mr. Flint? Oh, yes, Lorna. I agree. I thought you would. You think the story is over, don't you? But wait. Fate takes a hand. Wait for the unexpected. Hello? Hello? Is that you, Mr. Flint? Oh, this is Lorna. I knew you'd be worried about me when I didn't come to work today, but I can't. I'm in the hospital. I don't know what's wrong with me. They're trying to find out. But don't worry about the accounts. I'll get caught up as soon as I'm feeling better. Oh, the doctor's coming in now. I got to hang up. Goodbye, Mr. Flint. Good morning, Rogers. Feeling better? I guess so. Well, we found the cause of your trouble. What is it, doctor? You're allergic to mink. You'll have to get rid of that coat. I'm afraid you'll never be able to wear it again. Did you hear what I said? You're allergic to mink. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Mink Coat, a drama of the Unexpected, was written by Robert Lipit and Frank Burt and starred Nicky Wagner as Lorna Rogers. Frank Guliamelli as Alan Flint, Paul Arbezi, as Mr. Jenkins, the auditor, and John Bell as Vincent Tierney. This recreation of the Unexpected was produced and directed by Rachel Pulliam for the soul twin audio network, especially for Jack Ward's Sonic Society's Summerstock Playhouse. All themes and incidental music were composed by Ross Bernhard with sound effects from This is Dean T. Moody inviting you to listen again soon for another dramatic tale of The Unexpected. [MUSIC PLAYING] And now with the conclusion of this week's Sonic Summerstock Playhouse, Mr. David Alt. Thank you once again, Rachel Pulliam. We are always thrilled to have you and your troop leading the Summerstock stage. And thank you for sharing this rare performance tonight. Please return next week when we welcome Larry Grovey and his project audience players for a great mystery creation. Until then, I'm David Alt. Good day from Halifax, Nova Scotia. [MUSIC PLAYING] And that concludes our feature this week for Sonic Summerstock Playhouse. All productions, features, characters, and scripts presented in the Playhouse belong strictly to their copyright holders, and no infringement is assumed or intended. The Sonic Summerstock Playhouse is part of the Sonic Society and is a proud member of the Mutual Audio Network, where we listen and imagine together. Please join David Alt and myself next week at this time for our next brand performance feature. 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