The Mutual Audio Network

Speed Gibson Of The International Secret Police #1.23- Shot at and Forced Down(072724)

And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Shot at and Forced Down! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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27 Jul 2024
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And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Shot at and Forced Down!

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Ryan Reynolds here for I guess my hundredth mint commercial. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Honestly, when I started this, I thought I'd only have to do like four of these. I mean, it's unlimited to premium wireless for $15 a month. How are there still people paying two or three times that much? I'm sorry, I shouldn't be victim blaming here. Give it a try at, whatever you're ready. $45 up from payment equivalent to $15 per month, new customers on first three month plan only, taxes and fees extra, speeds lower above 40 gigabytes of CDTails. [MUSIC] Greetings, fellow Audionauts. This is Captain Radio, sincerely inviting you to join me and all the other children of all ages everywhere in the world for mutual audio network special Saturday Story Circle. Be sure to gather around in the circle this coming Saturday and hear some fabulous stories for children of all ages. See you then and there and remember always to Libero Imaginatio. [MUSIC] The following audio drama is rated G for general audiences. [MUSIC] Steve Gibson of the International Secret Police. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] As you remember from the previous episode, Clint Barlow and Barney Dunlap of the International Secret Police are flying up the Siang River in an effort to locate the flower boat, which manned by the Octopus gang is carrying Marsha Winfield, who has been kidnapped. The Octopus has dispatched a plane in pursuit of the boys, and as the gunner attempts to shoot Clint and Barney down, the Octopus comes in over Dr. Kingsley's short wave set where speed Gibson is awaiting word from his uncle and tells the boy that he will never see Clint again. Horrified, speed tries to get some reassuring word from Barlow's plane, but thus far has had no reply. AVMC calling OC34. KVMC calling OC34. Come in, please, Clint and Barney. Oh, there. What do we do, Steve? I don't know, Gene. They don't answer. I don't know what to do. Speed with the Octopus tuning in, as he did. Do you think he might have somehow changed the wavelength? I don't see how it could, Dr. Kingsley. I haven't touched the dial since I was talking to Clint and Barney. I still can't figure out how that Octopus tuned in, but Clint told me that he's experimenting with high frequencies and knows more about radio than most experts. I wish we knew more about it so that we could talk to Clint and Barney. Try to get him again, Steve. I'll try. KVMC calling OC34. KVMC calling OC34. KVMC. That guy's sticking closer than the brother, any Clint? Hey, Barney, I think that pursuit plane is gaining on us. Say, something's wrong, Clint. I switched on the reserve gas tank five minutes ago and I'm not getting a thing. If you ask me, some of them bullets punctured our reserves and the motor will conk out on us any minute. We'll have to do something quick then. Once our motor stalls, we'll have to concentrate on landing rather than on aerobatics to avoid his machine gun bullets. Only thing we have time for is a head-on trick. It's an old gag, but it usually fools him. Are you game? Go to it, fella. Better keep your fingers on the buckle of your safety belt just in case anything goes wrong so we can bail out. Okay, if anything happens to you, give a shout and I'll take the stick. Okay, if I'm able to shout, are you ready? You bet. Turn it over and let's head right back on the prop of that pursuit plane. If that don't make them duck, nothing ever will. Get going! They're holding to their course. They'll away. They'll crack. Wait and save. They'll crack. They don't shoot us out of the sky first. They'll ride on them, bunnies. We blocked them. Didn't I tell you we would tell them? We blocked them. Look at them dying. They're the only mystical by a lilas. Another pricing of an inch. We would have luck. The tellers. And that would have been safer than running out of gas. And that guy followed us down with a lot of machine gun bullets. Uh oh. There she goes. Well, we did our business just in the nick of time, I'd say. We. Listen to the wind howling down the chimney, grandma. Don't get so interested in listening to her. But you forget how to make a dead stick landing. It's spiral down fella. Listen and pipe down while I try to raise speed again. Okay, I'm just trying to make the time pass with you. Nothing more boring than a dead stick landing from 6,000 feet elevation. There's none to do but spiral. Go round and round and round. Then you pipe down. OC34 calling KVMC. Light station OC34 calling KVMC. Come in speed. Huh. That is a door nail, huh? Yeah. Hey, listen. The octopus signal. Let me get my direction finder on that guy. But keep quiet and listen. Couldn't find him in just one direction finder anyhow. And follow and find his other. I am the octopus. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. Next you'll give us that song and dance about what he'll do to us if we don't lay off. Well shut up and listen. Yes, ma'am. You know I can hear every word you say. You can? How come? Can't we even make a force landing without you listening in? I am sorry that you are making a force landing. Yes. I am sorry that you have anything to say about your landing. My plan was that you were to be shot down. Nice, fella. That's all you have to say octopus. Might as well save your breath and tune out. We're doing very nicely in spite of your plans. You perhaps. But what about your nephew? Yeah, speed. What do you mean? I have brought to him a toxic king. He's over the doctor's short wave set. I don't speed that he would never see you again. Why you devil? You devil fish? You think you can always outwit me when to follow? But I always have the winning aid. Speed. If you dare do anything to speed it? The octopus has failed anything. And now, may you have a most fun happy landing. Hey, keep him tuned in. Don't let him get away. Oh, don't talk like a donkey, Barney. You've got to land and see what's happened to speed. If I can only raise something on this set. Oh, that octopus guy's only bluffing plant. Trying to throw a scare into it, so as we lay off that flower boat. Oh, maybe, but I can't rest until I talk to speed. We'll be down soon. We'll dive into the clouds now. And look at this darn rain. The cockpit will be so full of water by the time we land. We'll sink as soon as we set down. You want me to take the controls? No. I took her up and by golly, I'll bring her down. There's the river below. See any in the flower boat? No, not the thing in this rain. That dog fight of ours in the clouds carried us way ahead of the boat anyway. We'll catch you when she comes up. Meantime, keep your eyes open for short wave transmitters. There may be one around here somewhere. Sure, but I can't keep this crate up forever while we're looking for one. Not without gasoline. Well, we'll pick your landing and set down. It'll be a river, Landon. Don't like to put the wheels into that muck. Not a decent Landon field anyway. Well, you've got plenty of room on the river. This rain has driven everyone to the banks. Everyone except knows the rain got better sense in the fly in it. Got your safety belt fastened? I'm going to be a bumpy Landon. Yeah, it's all fastened. Okay, then I'll set it down. We certainly didn't waste any time getting down. Oh, I'm glad this rain has stopped. I let her drop plenty before I started spiraling. Thought the quicker we got down the better. Don't see any sign of that pursuit claim to you? No, I don't. Keep on it. Look at that house on the bank. It has a short wave transmitted. See, are we in luck? Quick, let's get to shore. What will we use for a boat? Do you feel like swimming? Might as well. Couldn't be any wetter than we are. But wait. There's a guy putting out in a robo. Good. See, he's coming out for us. It ain't very far, but I'd hate to swim in this river. See, that fella's got a little bade and a dot, too. Before his cottage, you see. If the water's deep enough, maybe he can tow the plane over out of the way of the river traffic. Good idea. A hoy there! An American. Why not? You think you were the only one in China? I heard you come down. I thought you were going to land on my rope for a minute. Can I help you out? My name's Bob Gilmore. You certainly can, Gilmore. I'm Clint Barlow, and this is Bonnie Dunlap. Can you tow us into your little bay? You're a thing. Come into the boat. You bet we will. I'm only too glad to get out of this crate. Honestly. Oh, there we are. Here's a tow rope. Here's a tow rope. How are you? Oh, there we are. Here's a tow rope. Where do you want to fasten it? On the tail, there's a ring there just for that purpose. Good enough. Whoa, whoa. Ah, that's enough. Where do I tie this now? Okay, shove off. Well, you're having another pair of oars, or I'd help you. Oh, this is a sin. She's not happy to all. See, how come you fellows came down? Run out of gas? Well, we were shot out of gas. Well, we were out of gas, all right. We'll see. Can we send a message over your shortwave station? Why? Sure, Barlow. But I noticed you had one in your plane. Something haywire there too. And how? Well, if we was to tell you how haywire it all is... Oh, yes, yes. The radios did all right. How far are we from Hong Kong? Well, as the bird flies, about 200 miles. Up the Siang, double that mileage. We really traveled since this morning. You left Hong Kong this morning? Yes, late. We didn't push the plane to that. Not on our hedge hop, and we didn't. We was looking for a boat. But when we was going straight up, I had that baby wide open. And you were going straight up. Well, yes, we were doing some aerobatics above that rain ceiling. Well, that's what I'd like to be doing. I tried to get a private pilot's license, but it didn't make the grade. Why not? Oh, lack of inherent flying ability, I guess. My instructor said I'd kill myself in a month if I went through with it. Oh, that's tough luck if you really liked flying. I love it. But when I couldn't fly through the air, I talked into it. Hence the shortwave transmitter, it's a hobby of mine. Do you work at it? No, I'm an engineer by profession. Engineer. Say, did you ever hear it? No, well, here we are at the riverbank. Come on, come on, climb up, Bonnie. I'm going to get it that set. Well, go ahead and help yourself, Barlow. I'll moor your plane, so she won't drift. My station call is KOFF. 3320 kilo cycles. She's all heated because I've just been transmitting. Oh, that's fine. Well, thanks a lot, Gilmore. Come on, Bonnie. I suffer in wang-doodles. Every step I take, I sink up to my neck and mine. I oughta ring your neck. We're in the secret police, and that doesn't mean you to go around telling everything we do. Oh, Gilmore's a swell guy. I know you. You still have to learn how to keep your mouth shut. Here we are now, come on, come on. Scrape the mud off your feet. Yes, Mama. Now can I go inside, Mama? Come in or stay out for all I care. I want to get at that short wave set. Hmm. Cozy shack Gilmore's got here. Clint Barlow calling KVNC. Calling KVNC. Speed, come in on KOFF. KVMC, come in on KOFF. Standing by for two-way. It'll take him some time to change over to this new station. Yeah. KVMC replying to KOFF. KVMC replying to KOFF. Come in, KVMC. It's Doc Kingsley. Oh, doctor, let me speak to speed. Great heavens, Clint, where are you? Speed's been desperate. He's going to get help. Oh, wait. I told him not to leave you. I know. I'm trying to stop him. He wouldn't listen. You wouldn't even tell me where he was going. All I know is, none of you has disappeared. I'm here. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]