The Mutual Audio Network

Twisted Tranquility #2: The Carnival's Curse(072324)

In "The Carnival's Curse: A Halloween Special," supernatural detective Azrael confronts a malevolent undead entity named Fauris, embarking on a high-stakes quest filled with eerie puzzles, traps, and monstrous adversaries. As he unravels the secrets of a sinister plot, Azrael's past and inner struggles come to the forefront, culminating in a climactic showdown within an eerie carnival dimension. The special explores themes of justice, redemption, and the blurred lines between good and evil in a thrilling and thought-provoking narrative. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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In "The Carnival's Curse: A Halloween Special," supernatural detective Azrael confronts a malevolent undead entity named Fauris, embarking on a high-stakes quest filled with eerie puzzles, traps, and monstrous adversaries. As he unravels the secrets of a sinister plot, Azrael's past and inner struggles come to the forefront, culminating in a climactic showdown within an eerie carnival dimension. The special explores themes of justice, redemption, and the blurred lines between good and evil in a thrilling and thought-provoking narrative.

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(upbeat music) This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary, not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. (upbeat music) It's time for Tales of Terror only on the Mutual Audio Network. The following audio drama is rated R, and is recommended restricted for anyone under the age of 17. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) That was some storm last night, huh? - I wouldn't know, I slept right through it. - You really need to get off them sedatives. They're terrible for you. - Oh, ransley, shouldn't you be at work or something? Why the hell are you in here bothering me? - Ah, see, moodiness, that's a side effect too. - Out, now! - Wait, captain, you know I'm not supposed to be in a room alone with you. - Oh, don't worry, I'm not here to have you gush over me. I'm here to talk business. - Doesn't matter, if you keep this up, I'm going to file a restraining order. - Then what, detective, are you going to report me? Keep in mind it'll be your word against mine. You think the higher ups are going to believe you just because you're a pretty face? You're still just a rookie. It would be easy for me to replace you. - What do you want? - That's what I thought. You see, that's why I'm the law. Now, have we found anything out about your boyfriend? - Boyfriend, I don't have a-- - Azrael, have you been digging up anything on him? - I need to monitor him more. Give me some dirt, I don't trust him. Especially after that whole morgue incident. - Aren't you the captain? I have other things to worry about, then a private investigator that just came to town. - Like hell! - Captain, there's someone out here to see you. - We'll finish this later. - Thanks for that, I owe you one. - Me had totally slipped to my mind until you told me to wait about what all happened. I totally forgot. Sorry about that. - Bensley, what the hell? - I said, I'm sorry. - Just don't let it happen again. - So, you hear about this carnival? - What? - Yeah, some of my coworkers are covering it. This carnival that's in town, people don't know where it came from. They're also saying the storm last night wasn't earthquake. - What? You can't be serious. - Check it out. Dold ya, see? I wasn't making it up. - I still don't know what this has to do with me all my day. - You know what I think? - What? - I think the earthquake brought forth that carnival from the depths of the underworld. - Oh my God, Ransley, seriously. Okay, I've had about enough of you for today. Get out. Out, you're starting to make my head hurt. Go run with your conspiracies elsewhere. - It's my day off. - I don't care. Out. - So, you want to go check it out when you get off tonight? - Out. I can't believe you've drug me here. The rides are so mediocre. Even these Halloween ones, so cheesy. - Come on, Sis, enjoy yourself. Let's go through this ride. - Can't we go to a different one or something? - Awesome, now you're a chicken, huh? I'm going to tell mom and dad you didn't want to do anything here with me. Then I'm sure they'll take your allowance away of 100 bucks to come here with me. Not like I needed you anyways. I could've left you at the house. - Fine, first thing that touches me though, I'm punching straight in the face. - I don't know if we should keep going. Something doesn't feel right about this. - Come on, Sis. - Great, just great, Sammy. I can't see you. Where'd you go? (screaming) Sammy? What? Where am I? Sammy, can you hear me? Sammy, if this is a trick, it's not funny. Knock it off. I can't hear you. He's on the wheel of feed. Where you'll be soon enough. - The wheel of what? Sammy! - I said soon enough. You'll be joining him too. Is everything in order for tonight's main event? - Yes, Buster. - I do love it when a plan comes together. Good! Throw her in the wheel. Unfamished. Let's eat. - No! Sammy! If I were to show all the evidence against the captain to the higher-ups, I might just be able to get him fired. I should never have said anything to Ransley, but he's known me since we were teenagers, so he knew something was off. Just glad Magnus got too busy to try and pull any more of his bullshit again the rest of the day. I think some nice, relaxing music and a hot shower will do me well. Maybe I should talk to Austria about all of this. He's a good listener and if something about him, something undeniably attractive. The way his arm bulged through his suit and the way he caused me to detective Leah all the time in that deep, masculine voice. - Detective Leah? - One would be stupid not to find him attractive. He's tall, handsome and mysterious. Seriously Ransley? I love you, dude, but can't a girl catch a break? You've been driving me crazy today. I'll answer after my shower. - Detective, what took you so long? - I'm here. I've always been here. Damn it! Never mind. - Ransley, what's so urgent that you had to blow up my phone? This better be good. I was just trying to make sure you were awake. I know you take those sleeping pills and clock out early. So I was just trying to get your attention. Are you okay? You sound flustered. Did you want to go to the carnival tonight? - Flustered isn't even the half of it. Maybe I need a cold shower after all of this. Yeah, I'm fine. You won't leave me alone unless I go with you, will you? - You know me too well, come on. Sometime out might do you some good. Plus, I've heard about this new attraction they're unveiling tonight. Something about a portal or a glimpse into the future. I'm not sure of the details. But what I do know is we should check it out. Rumors say ghosts are going to emerge from the portal. - Ransley, ghosts. Why are you always going on about demons and ghosts? - I'll even pick you up if you don't want to drive. - Hm, maybe. I don't have work tomorrow and I'm not on call. Perhaps I can have a drink or two before we head out. It might live my mood. - Sounds good, I'll be there soon. - You had me worried for a bit there. - Oh yeah? - I said you like six messages. - Ransley, I've grown up. You don't need to worry about me all the time. - I just, I worry, all right? You're like a sister to me. And I know you've been upset about the whole Captain Mangus situation. That's why I wanted you out tonight. - I appreciate that, but trust me, I'm okay. Besides, I've been trained to handle tough situations. You, on the other hand, have been trained in the art of smooth talking. - Hey. - It's true. - You see that? - What? - That smile. - Damn, you got me. It's just a bit sad that nowadays it takes a few drinks for me to loosen up and what's going on here? - Probably just directing traffic. The place is packed. - Six patrol cars. - Lee here, don't. - Hold, stop right there. - Officer, detective dockety here. Is everything all right? - Oh, detective. We weren't informed of any handoffs tonight. - There isn't one. I'm off duty and just happened to be nearby. Thought I could assist. - No offense, detective, but you're not in the right state to help. I could smell the alcohol as you approached. - I assure you, officer, I'm not drunk. Just had a couple of drinks. - If you'd rather not have some senior guidance, suit yourself. - Wait, all right. Fine. Come back. There are missing kids. - I thought we were off tonight. - Move along, sir. We have others waiting. - He's with me. Missing kids. - Uh, yes. A significant number. - I'm guessing you're keeping this quiet to avoid alarming the locals. - Exactly. - If you spot any of these kids, let me know. - Six kids. This carnival hasn't been around that long. I'll be on the lookout. Thanks. - Of course, detective. - All right. Let's go. Move along. - I thought we were taking a break tonight. Your mood just shifted and you look shaken. Are you okay? - She's not all right. Great. Just what I needed. I was addressing her, not you. But besides... - She's off duty. Mind your tone, Captain. - First of all, Rensley. Your job is to report the news. So it's no better to me than me wiping my ass with toilet paper. Now move. I hold authority here. - You might outrank me in the town's hierarchy, but I possess something you clearly lack. - Oh. And what might that be? - Integrity and morals. She's here off duty and you don't have the right to intrude. - Oh, yeah? Well, tell your friend to quit using her power to get access to a crime scene. I'm here tonight, working this case. So either one of you get in my way? I'll be sure to arrest your asses with force. - I should have stayed home. This is too much drama for me for one night. - What's happened? - Take a look. - Are these kids missing from the carnival? - Exactly. - You're kidding. - I wish. - I got to... - Rensley, don't. Let's not get involved. - Magnus here and the implications of taking this to the press would have federal agents swarming in no time. Let's just be observant tonight and try to enjoy ourselves, okay? - All right. Let's check out this attraction then. - Thank you. - So, Leah, welcome to the Virginia Carnival of Wonders. Let's set the drama aside and embrace the night. - Agreed. After the day I've had, I could use some fun. Would you like to know what the future holds, young travellers? - Why not? Let's see what the future has in store for us tonight. - Mysteries will unravel and secrets will be revealed under the moonlight. - Beware the shadows, but they can't see all the tools. - She's gone. - Hey, check it out. This must be the event you mentioned. - Let's find out. - Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats. Tonight on All Hallows Eve, we present an attraction unlike any you have ever seen. Glimps are utopia of things to come. Remember, kids get in free. If you're a child or have children with you, ensure you sit in the front row. It's a sight you won't want to miss. If you're a child, kids automatically get the front row. - I'm especially considering what you told me earlier. - I'm getting a weird vibe from this carnival. Maybe we should leave. - Hey, look over there. - Now I really have a bad feeling about this tent. - Ten more minutes to amazement. Secure your seats in the next ten minutes. - Okay then, let's see what this is about. - I must admit, I didn't expect such a turnout. - But, as promised, drum roll please. - This is impressive. Are they using holograms? It feels like we're traveling through another dimension. - Why? I just... - I don't feel so good. - Hey, it's okay. I think it's about over. - Now that's an experience. - What the hell? Where are we? - But wait. There's four. - The games are over. Capture them! - What? The hell is happening? - Hold back, boys. Don't kill too many of them. Their flesh tastes best when they're alive. - Leah. Rensley. This way. - None of this would have happened if you hadn't gone off script. - This was supposed to be a night out of fun with my friend. - None of this would have happened if you hadn't gone off script. - One. - Get off of him. - Are those monsters? - Rensley, focus. You're bleeding out and... - Leah. What the hell is happening? - Quiet. We might hear you. - Now let's talk about ghosts and conspiracies, but this. This is insane. - Rensley. Stay with me. Calm down. - My leg. It hurts. - We need to find out if Magnus is still alive. - What you did back then? - I wouldn't have, but right now we need to figure out what's happening and you will. - It wasn't for him. I thought it was attacking me. He can rap for all I care. And I don't know if I can move. - Step right up to the true carnival experience. For those still standing. - I'm not going to do this. - I'm not going to do this. - I'm not going to do this. - I'm not going to do this. - I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. 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I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - I'm going to do this. - Shader! You aren't supposed to use your powers. - Your games are over. - Your reign of terror ends now. - And justice begins. - Justice. What the hell do you know about justice? - You're right. My form of justice might not be like the detectives or these mortals. What you've done here isn't justice. It's cruelty, chaos, and madness. I may not have all the answers, and my form of justice might not always be the right one, but sometimes it's the only thing left to stop the darkness from repeating itself over and over. - Give him. - Justice isn't about power. It's about restoring balance, especially against the likes of you. Your time is up. My justice will prevail! - My will! You bastard! - True justice brings hope and stands against cruelty. Unlike the detectives world, your games are over. It's time to face the consequences of your actions and for my form of justice to prevail. - It's some music to see you resolve. Do you remember me now? - Indeed. In this time, no mistakes were made. Look at you, acting like you're all noble. You're no better than me, taking life all in the meaning of justice these mortals. Would they accept you or see the monster I see? - The detective and Magnus. I could easily just leave the captain in this realm to rot. I could care less about him, but not like this. No, I can't. I have to be the one to do it. Not just for anyone, but for her. The detective. It appears coming to this realm. I wasn't aware of how much mortals could get attached to one another. I can't leave either one of them here to die. Especially the detectives. Answer me, dammit. Do you think they'd accept you? For being a gold-blooded killer? You're a monster, too. Just like me. I am not you, Faris. I don't relish in innocent suffering. My victims deserve their favor. Oh, yeah? Have you tasted innocent lately? It's exquisite. The ones that I kill deserve it. I would never kill innocent children the way you do. You really? You tasted sometimes. The succulents of flesh, the pure. Those innocents with hands, whole lives ahead of them. I don't think so. Why? I have it. My own flesh. It's so empty. The Captain is detective. I can't leave them here. Both of you are pretty bruised, but you'll be okay. I'd prefer to abandon you, Captain. The watching you perish like this would be the sour taste. Faris won't decide your fate. I will. Detective Leah. If you truly saw my essence, do you despise my own? Could you ever accept the Dark Angel as an ally? Enfused with aid for the world's magic, this concoction will erase recent memories, ensuring Faris' malevolent actions fade from the minds, including the detectives. Witness real justice, Faris. This world shall forget you. The detective will remember a simple evening. Spent discussing Ransley. Stay back. Calm yourself, Detective Leah. Mind your tea. What? Where am I? And who are you? At my residence, Detective. We conversed last night regarding Ransley's mishap. You were so troubled, you dozed off here. Do you recall our discussion about the accident? Ransley. Oh, God. The accident is all right. He's safe. I sense it. Ransley's going to be all right. He's in the hospital recovering. It was a terrible accident, but he's going to pull through. You must have been really shaken up last night. It took some sleeping pills. You passed out right here in the couch. Thank God. I was so worried. I understand, Detective. It's all right. Both you and Ransley will be fine. The elixir will hear you wounds, like nothing ever happened. As the Aether will continue to heal the damage done by Ferris. You might be right, but it all felt agonizingly real. Like a dreadful dream I couldn't awaken from. Fears have a way of deceiving us, particularly on Halloween night. If you choose to stay another evening, I'd suggest the guest bedroom. Far more comfortable than the couch. I think I'd prefer to visit Ransley at the hospital. Would you drive me? Of course, Detective. Allow me a moment to gather some things. Wait. What is it? What did you do to your face? The electrical surge from Ferris. I had momentarily forgotten. I must have cut myself shaving. No, Azriel. Those are burns, and there's more than one. We need to get going, Detective. Ransley is waiting. I'm just going to grab my things. Are you sure you're alright? I'm fine. More than just fine. I feel invigorated. Realizing the city, this realm, and Liar save fills me with an unusual warmth. I may be skeptical about miracles, yet I'm left pondering what angers me to this realm. Could it be harder? Is Liar the tethering binding me? If the spirits of Halloween existed, they intrigued me. Perhaps they, in their unique essence, vigilantly oversee us, guiding us through our gloomiest hours, steering me to safeguard this city. My allies, and perhaps, even what feels like a small little family that have created in this realm. I can't help a ponder of these guardians. Be it spirits or some other mystical entities that oversee the domain of the deceased or the undead. Are influencing what seems to mortal emotions and flooding within me. Always drawn to the shadows beneath the soft glow of the moon that I truly find in connection. Previously alluded to me, the enigmatic spirits of Halloween seem to have imbued me with a purpose, transcending mere existence, to shield and cherish those I love, a guardian of this realm, standing vigilant against those of my kind with malevolent intentions. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]