The Mutual Audio Network

Spoken Signal Podcast: Agents, Episode 3(072224)

Episode three of eight. After proving himself trustworthy to the mysterious Mr. Jonas, Vince reunites with his estranged wife Elaine. But the two of them are soon thrust into the center of a dangerous conflict.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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22 Jul 2024
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Episode three of eight. After proving himself trustworthy to the mysterious Mr. Jonas, Vince reunites with his estranged wife Elaine. But the two of them are soon thrust into the center of a dangerous conflict. 

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(upbeat music) This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year, and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary, not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. Follow the marquee and come to the Monday, Monday day. (upbeat music) The following audio drama is rated PG-13, suggesting that all children under the age of 13 should listen accompanied with an adult. Better speak up before I decide to defend myself. Come on now, who's here? Are you a friend of Mr. Jonas? - You have got to be kidding me. - Vince? - You were one of them? I thought. - Oh. Okay. Hey. Hey. Good to see you too. - They told me you were dead. - Yeah, I was supposed to be. I'm sorry. - What happened? - I ran into a friend of yours. - A friend? - Well, an acquaintance, I guess. I wouldn't necessarily consider him a friend. - My God. They recruited you? - You didn't know. - No. I mean, I told them they should, but I had no idea. I can't believe it. I can't believe you're really here. - I'm sorry, Elaine. I'm sorry I put you through all this. And I really didn't mean for you to see me tonight, but it sounds like we have a lot of catching up to do. Is it safe to talk here? - Yes, of course. Why don't we open some wine? - "Spoken Signal Audio Drama Presents Agents" by Robert Arndt. Episode three, "The Lookouts." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (dog barks) - Stay, Charlie. Stay. Good boy. - They contacted me almost a year ago, right after that protester was shot. We worked on him for hours, but weren't able to save him. I don't know if you remember. - Of course. - They told me they were a grassroots organization fighting against the people in government who would allow something like that to happen, fighting to make things better for everyone. They said my participation would be invaluable. - What did they want from you? - They needed a doctor, a medical professional on their side, someone who could be discreet, not ask too many questions, not report things they didn't want reported. - And you said yes. - I felt like I needed to. I've patched up a lot of broken bones since then. A couple of gunshot wounds. One time an agent was poisoned. We had to pump his stomach. - So you've been working for them this whole time? - Off and on. I guess you know how it is. You won't hear anything for weeks, then suddenly they need you right away. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you Vince. I wanted to, but they said it would put us both in danger. - Right after that protester was shot. I knew something had changed. And I felt so helpless. - I know you did. I'm sorry. It was just seeing that kind of thing every day. You know, and seeing them get away with it over and over. This felt like a way for me to do something. - And is it? - I think so, yeah. So this Mr. Jonas is for real? - Oh, he's brilliant. Have you met him? - Yeah. He took me for a drive one night. So, what do we do now? - I'm not sure. But look, all this, the problems you and I were having, they only happened because we weren't being honest with one another. So that's the first thing. We have to figure out how to trust each other again. If we don't have that, we're lost. Okay? - Okay. And what about our mutual acquaintance? - I think, I think we should talk to Overstreet. We need to let them know that I know. I don't want to put either of us at risk. - Well, all right. What do you think you'll say? (sighs) Could be worse. - Really? That, that's it? - You're not upset? - I didn't save that. But the plan was to reunite you two at some point anyway. You've just accelerated the timeline a bit. - Neither of us meant for it to happen. I hope you understand. - Fine, fine. You did the right thing by telling me. - So what now? - Well, that part is a bit tricky. Officially, Mr. Harris, you are, of course, dead. So you can't simply move back into your home and resume your regular activities. - Why did you guys hold off so long on recruiting Vince anyway? Why wait until you could pretend he was dead? - Doctor, I think you know by now that the whys are not for people like you and me to ask. But I'm sure you can see the benefit to having an agent who is fully under the radar, one who no longer appears on any government registries. - A ghost. Hey, maybe that's what you guys could call me. Ghost. - It's taken. - Ah. - So what do you want us to do? - For the time being, nothing. Mr. Harris, you will continue living in the Columbia and Dr. Margolis, you will go on with your work. I can't prevent you from seeing one another, obviously, but please take extra precautions to make sure you aren't spotted together. - And we should just wait to hear from you about new assignments? - Actually, as it happens, I need a little help with something tonight. It's a lookout job, simple work, but two pairs of eyes wouldn't be a bad thing. How would you feel about partnering up? (bell dings) - So, I guess this is what our date nights will look like for a while. - I was just thinking that you don't take me to enough rooftops, especially ones with so many decorative piles of scrap metal. - Can you guys hear me okay? - Loud and clear, Amni, I've got you on speaker. - How are your sightlines? - Perfect. From up here, we can see the street, the hotel entrance, and the room's on the 10th floor. - I'm in 714, by the way. Just in case you ever wanna, you know-- - Charge, room service to your account. - Sure, why not? Jonas is paying for it anyway. Dude must be super rich. I haven't paid for a thing since I joined up. - Can you see any movement in 1004? - Vince has the binoculars. Vince, can you see inside the room? - I can. A couple of people in there, just hanging around. - Wow, I feel like a peeping tom. - Just keep your eyes glued to that one room, pervert. Amni, when will Mr. Jonas arrive? - Any minute, Doc, his car is in right now. - Are you at the front desk? - No, I'm down in the utility room, waiting to cut the lights. - Always good to have a man on the inside, literally, in this case. - So, this operation is some kind of handoff? - That's right, Mr. Jonas is meeting with representatives of a man named Harding, crime boss, real nasty piece of work, murder, money laundering, that sort of thing. Jonas has some kind of documentation of his activities. He promised Harding he traded for information. - Information about what? - Who knows, probably something that would seem insignificant in isolation, but turns out to be part of a bigger puzzle. - I guess everything's a puzzle with this guy. - And Jonas set up the trade, but he isn't actually going to go through with it, right? - That's the plan. As soon as he sees an opening, he'll signal you. - By raising one hand in the air. And you'll signal me, and I'll cut the power to the room. Flowers is in the suite next to them, letting's unlock the door. Jonas will grab the documents, then slip out to the adjoining suite, and down the staff elevator, before they even realize he's gone. - Sounds risky. Now, why didn't you just put a wire on him or something and let him signal you directly? - Couldn't chance a pad down. So instead, it's you two. - Right, Omni, Doc, and whatever my cool nickname ends up being. - Code name, and you'll get one, you just have to earn it. - Well, you're officially deceased, aren't you? We could call you dead man. - You know what? I think I'll wait to earn it. - Omni, a long black car just pulled up at the entrance. Is that him? - Mm, that's him all right. I've been in that car. - Affirmative, he should be arriving now. - Yep, there he is. A rare sighting. Vince, look. - Huh, little guy, isn't he? Everybody looks little from way up here. But yes. Okay, Omni, Mr. Jonas has gone into the lobby. - Great, keep a close eye on 10.04. - Did you hear something? - Vince, look, there's movement in the room. - Yeah, I just-- - Are you watching? - I'm watching. Okay, okay, yeah, a little movement. One of them is going to the door. (soft music) Hang on. - Vince, what are you doing? Watch the room. - Everything all right up there? - Yeah, one sec. Hey, Omni, do we have any other agents out here? - You mean on the rooftops? No. - Are you sure? - I would know. - What is it? - I thought I saw somebody moving over there. Here, take the binoculars. I'm gonna check it out. - Vince, be careful. - Of course, keep the volume down on that phone, okay? Just in case. - What's going on, guys? - Everything's fine, Omni. I've got eyes on the room. Jonas just came in. He's talking to them. No signal yet. He's-- - Go. - Omni, Omni, the lights, kill the lights. - Did you see the signal? - No, but-- - Vince, what? - On the next rooftop, it's a sniper. He's aiming right now. Do it. - Okay. Okay, it's done. - Oh my God. - We need to get off this roof. Quick. - Vince, get down. - Oh, I guess he saw us. - Move. - Okay, here. Stay low. The wall will protect us. - Oh. We're pinned. He's got a clear shot at us if we try for the door. What do we do? - Oh, there's a fire escape on that corner of the building. He won't have as clear a shot. Maybe I can get to it, get down to the street. - And do what? - Go after him. - Go after him? Are you crazy? - Oh, it's hard to say anymore. Ealing, you see that pile of scrap metal? - Yeah. - On three, give it a good shove. And maybe that'll distract him. Ready? One, two. - Wait, Vince, please. I can't, I can't go through losing you again. - You won't. I can do this. Promise. Ready? Three. (grunting) (grunting) (grunting) - Vince! - Helene, what are you doing? Get down! - He's on the move. He packed it in when he saw you go over the side. He's coming down. - Oh yeah? Well, why don't we go introduce ourselves? (eerie music) (eerie music) - Do you see anyone who might have come out of that building? - No. - Well, where are the cops when you need them? - When was the last time you saw a cop in this city? Much less one doing their job. - Wait, there. Hey, I got him, Ealing, stay here. Hey, you. Hang on a second there, pal. Get off me. In a minute. Why are you shooting at us? Huh? - What are you talking about? You're crazy. - Am I? Then what's in the back? Golf clubs? It seems a little... (grunting) Now I know you didn't mean that. (grunting) - All right, all right, break it up. - Oh, you have got to be... (grunting) There goes date night. - This doesn't have to end badly, you know? - What? - This doesn't have to end badly. Give us Stevenson and we'll leave you be. - Give you... - What? - Okay, pal. You like playing rough, huh? Maybe we take you down to the station and... - It's all right, officer. - Oh, it is, is it? Who? You? - Yes, officer Tapper. You may leave us now. - Sure. Sure. Sir. (door slams) (water splashing) - One of ours, I take it. - Mr. Harris, I am given to understand that you saved my life this evening. If that is indeed the case, then I owe you a debt of gratitude. Mr. Harris, I thank you. - Sure, don't mention it. Did you get it what you were after? - Not tonight, I'm afraid. But there will be other opportunities. Perhaps you will be able to be of service to me again. - Yeah, sure. That'd be just fine. - Vince, my God. - I'm okay, I'm okay. It's just a bloody nose. Jonas is okay, too. He was saying he's gone. - Yeah, he does that. Come on, let's get you out of here. - Please excuse me, I'll just be a moment. - This better be important. You know we're hosting the Southern Ambassador. - I apologize, sir, but I knew you would want to see this. - Well? - Take a look at this monitor, sir. This is a live feed from Gibson Yards. - Gibson Yards? Did something happen to our little project? - The train car itself shows no evidence of tampering, sir. But look here, you can see a hole cut in the fence. That's how he got inside. Then if I switch over to the central camera. - Well, well, look who we have here. - Should I send in the guard, sir? - Yes, but I don't want them arresting him. Tell them just to scare him off. - Are you sure? - Of course I'm sure. You and your team get him out of there. I'll take care of the rest. And for God's sake, electrify that fence. - What were you thinking? - I was thinking I could catch the guy who was shooting at us. - You catch the guy when we tell you to catch the guy, Mr. Harris, otherwise you stay put. - Mr. Jonas seemed happy enough. - Mr. Jonas has other matters to consider. Under normal circumstances, Mr. Harris, such a direct violation of orders would be grounds for immediate termination. You would be out on the street at best, and we would sever all ties. - So why don't you? - Because we still need Dr. Margales. And I suspect you two are now a package deal. But believe me, there will be repercussions. - What kind of repercussions? - Go home, Mr. Harris. Do not do anything until we contact you again. (sighs) - Mr. Harris, anything? Understood? - Understood. - Was it bad? - Pretty bad. Will you take me to the hotel, please? - Of course. - Well, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you. I know you did the right thing. And I'm sure eventually they'll see that. I mean, if Mr. Jonas-- - You're lying? Who is Stevenson? (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Episode three of Agents was written by Robert Arnold and featured the voices of Marcus Brown as Vince. Kilby Arbrough as Elaine, Steven Garrett as Omni. Robert Arnold as Overstreet. Michael Conlerian as Bishop. Tony Isbell as Blue Eyes. And Kenan Keplinger as Mr. Jonas. Additional Voices by Jack Ward and Eric Jorgensen. Principal Dialogue recorded by Daniel Lin at Archer Recording Studio in Memphis, Tennessee. Original Score by Eric Jorgensen. Sound Effects by Robert Arnold and Karen Strong. With additional sounds from and Artwork by Shane McDermott. Special thanks to Kalman Binshot, Karen Strong and Marcus Brown. Assisted directed by Karen Strong. Produced and directed by Robert Arnold. 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