The Mutual Audio Network

Dungeons & Damsels S2E11- "Desperate Scouts"(071024)

A scouting party from the Lahenty stronghold is sent to assess the Lizard-kin horde camped along the Lanteen River preparing to attack. Each report from forward observers becomes worse and worse. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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A scouting party from the Lahenty stronghold is sent to assess the Lizard-kin horde camped along the Lanteen River preparing to attack. Each report from forward observers becomes worse and worse.

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[Music] You're listening to Wednesday Wonders on the Mutual Audio Network. Be amazed. [Music] The following audio drama is rated G for General Audiences. [Music] Toynan, gather the scouts up here. Scout patrol, fall in. Sir. Sir. Sir. We'll use this rise on the ridge to overlook the valley. Lizards are expected to gather off the Lantine River here before advancing. They are three days hard ride from the stronghold. They'll probably five days march for an army. Command needs to have a full report of what we're up against. Report for that, to that end. To decide whether to meet them in the field or to close up the gates and defend from the stronghold, can we withstand a siege? Wouldn't be a prolonged affair, not like a human siege. Lizards climb over walls, they don't vade outside them, saves on them having to construct siege engines, that's for certain. Part two. Tarka. Sir. Sir. Go down to the east bridge and set up an observation post. Always have a set of eyes on the main camp, but alternate, returning with reports. On our way, sir. Jowoski, stay here with me and Toynan, and I will dispatch you to the stronghold when we have a complete survey of the enemy's camp. Sir. When are we expecting to first sight the Lizards? They'll travel along the river. Sometimes submerged, you don't see them coming. So they will emerge from the water, probably at that bend in the river. See there? And then they'll set up camp and gather all their forces before marching on the stronghold. Does he really march in units like a regular army? I thought they just swarmed in a big mess. Command doesn't know for certain, and wherever they appear, word stops coming out, so we've had no word from allies or neighbors. Some refugee soldiers have given some sketchy details. Our mission is to confirm their organization, if any. A mysterious enemy is a powerful enemy. Well, we're here to clear away that, Mr. Efor Command, so we can repel these monsters. Keep your eyes aware for anything, put me in the difference in breaking this attack. Sir, Lizards have emerged from the river. Strength, number. Just a few doesn't, sir. They appear to be scouts and scroungers, sir. They're scouring the valley and no hills for anything to eat and for brackin' and wood. Ah, fire fuel. Some have axes, and they're chopping down small trees. Tool users? Return to your position and have Tarka update. Yes, sir. I'd be aware that their scouts don't spot you. Yes, sir. If they are making campfires, they won't be moving on to stronghold tonight. They'll wait until they are in full force before they march on stronghold, or swarm to it. The good end is they wait and give us time to prepare. The bad end is that they will also be at their strongest when they attack stronghold. I suppose I just expected them to be unorganized and random. Don't forget, the army that emerges from this farm conquered all competing clans in the entire lizard empire. Empire? Do lizards have an empire? Well, the lizard leader is more a champion of champions than an administrative leader. Rather than a king who enjoys his position because of his blood and heritage. A lizard champion has defeated all opponents of all the other clans and have assimilated their followers with every victory. So the leader is the strongest and best fighter and has earned its follow. So than a spoiled brat throne sitter who has tantrums when his honor god doesn't stand stiffly enough, I... Still that kind of talk, mister. I am bound by oath to report any untoward grumbling directed at his majesty. We're just talking in generalities, sir. I certainly don't know of any local royalty that behaves in such a peevish manner, sir. Just keep it to yourselves. If you don't give me anything to report, then I can't report it. Returning, sir. Make report, Tarka. The entire vanguard have arrived. They've established base camp perimeter and sir. Yes, scout. What is it? The camp they are preparing. It's huge, sir. Taking up the whole of the valley and the lower hills. Maybe they need a lot of space to keep the glands for an infighting. We'll know and do time. Return your position and have part two come back with an update, sir. What is the strength we have at stronghold? 5,000 foot, 300 mounted, 1,000 bows, two companies of skirmishers. And they can all fit inside one building and grounds. Yes, if we can hold out long enough, we might get reinforced from allies to the north. Or instead, our allies will withdraw back to their defenses and hope the horde passes them by. That's why I said they might reinforce us. If they join our fossils, they'll have a better chance of it than by themselves. I hope they realize that. But that's for command to worry about. Our worries are right here. Right now. Scout, scout the report, sir. Give us your report, part two. The main body of their army has established camp. They're organized by clan, and gathered around the fires. They have no tensor shelter. They just sleep out in the open, giant, four-legged lizards also emerged, and they're used for cartage. The lizards otherwise travel light. What do they carry? Puddies, sir. Human and lizard, both, stacked up inside the wood in the framework. They're beating drums and preparing for a feast. Any sign of Zalida? Lida arrived, carried on a litter, sort of like a throne, sat on two large poles. It was carried by six giant-sized lizards. Giant-sized? How big? Twice the size of a human. Was a little a giant? No, a normal size for lizard kin. We must also rule by cunning and charisma as well as fighting prowess. Return to your post. I wonder if we could end this entire war with a single strike against their leader. You think they're structured like the Tired Empire, where their entire campaign melted away when its figurehead died? It's worth a try. At the very least, it may delay things while another leader fights for dominates. It's not like they named their son the successor, who will carry on once the sitting king dies. They need to establish a new ruler, and that might lead to fractionalizing them. Scout report, sir! Update us, Tarka. With Dart coming on, the lizards have set campfires in the clan units. Do lizards have night vision? Do they need the files to see? Plenty of them crawling around the valley without torches or lanterns. Or the fires are more for ceremonial reasons. Or for cooking zedenna. Didn't see any cooking activity, sir. They just eat anything wrong. What else, Tarka? There was some evidence of clan fighting, sir. Skirmish is breaking out between camps, apparently some rivals mixing it up. At last, dissension among the ranks. Was it widespread? Were there many casualties? The clan heads were called before the grand leader. They were made to fight between each other. The victor's clan remained. The losing clan moved off to the outer edges and had no fire. That's a elegant solution. There were minimal casualties among the combating clans. Thank you, Tarka. Continue your watch. Yes, sir. Well, sounds like this grand leader knows how to deal with faction infighting. What do you think, sir? Take your report, part 2. More. More lizards have arrived. They are making camp on the other side of the river. So you have a side. Why would they divide like that? Remember, the river is not a barrier for them. In fact, it is a desired environment for them. More. More and more keep pouring out from the river. They're filling up the other side of the river bend as well. Reserve army? They're just as far as the eye can see, sir. Everywhere you look, it's just a sea of lizard, again, like a swarm of locusts. Don't give me metaphors, soldier. I can't get back to command with a colorful description. Give me numbers. Seventy thousand, sir. Maybe a hundred thousand, including support. Sir. What are you doing here, Tarka? Who's got eyes on the lizards? The first encampment is breaking up. They're on the move, sir. Just like that? The second group across the river is filling in where the first army is vacating. And this second army is just as large as the first. We must go now! And do what, scout? We must warn command, the enemy approaches. So they can do what? Prepare for their own slaughter. They have to be warned, sir. Five thousand foot, three hundred mounted, a thousand bows, skirmishers, minimal support, with no chance to hold out for allies who probably won't come. The first. Seventy thousand. Maybe a hundred thousand, sir. What should we do then? Let's go north to allies and valor. Maybe we'll survive there. Maybe they'll bypass valor. It's not likely. It's the best chance we have. Does anyone have a chance, sir? There's always hope, but if I were a betting man, I wouldn't make it. Can he bet on it right now? You've been listening to Desperate Scouts, a side quest short story of the Dungeons and Dambles series by Unchain Productions, written and directed by David Ian, The Voice Talents by Sean Campbell, Casey Cooplin, David Ian, Chelsea Adjans and Williams, and Aaron Somensby. Sound engineering by Dino T. Elfwell, sound designed by David Ian, themed by Ron Perovitch, music by Mark Rose, Desperate Scouts is a side quest short story of the Dungeons and Dambles series by Unchain Productions. Thank you for listening to Wednesday Wonders right here on the Mutual Audio Network. 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