Sunday Night

Sunday Night - August 11, 2024

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12 Aug 2024
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We're good evening to you here in the chapel. This is our Sunday night service here at the First Baptist Church of Algiers, and we're located at 9559, Florida Boulevard here in Walker, Louisiana. I invite everyone to come worship with us. You that hear us, if you close enough, you drive in and come and be with us. Let's open our service tonight in the selected hymns, number 129, only a sinner, versus one, two, and four. God have I gotten the one I receive, raise every story, since I am relieved. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace, saved by grace, saved by grace, a sinner, saved by grace. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace. I'm only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace, only a sinner, saved by grace. Amen. Our Father, we thank you for bringing us back here tonight. Thank you for thy blessings all through another day, and Lord, we just ask thy blessings on the services now, Lord, at you. Bless the service, bless Brother Howard, give him strength to stand and proclaim the gospel one more time, Lord, to call all sinners to come to Christ to seek the Lord. Help us, Lord. Guide us, keep us now, bless our sick folks, bless our pastor, bless Brother Freddie there on the highway, bless Brother Mel there, Lord, in the sick bed, raise him up, Lord, if it be thy will, have mercy upon us, and ask it all in Christ's name. Amen. Well, I do want to remind you all, I think Brother Freddie, he's got a bunch of booklets printed and I think Lord willing, he'll be collating Monday, so if have a couple of people come by, it'd probably be helpful, but right, tomorrow, tomorrow. So make sure you call Brother Freddie, make sure he's doing it tomorrow, something may come up and change, but I think he will, but we're getting the gospel out, more printed messages, people's asking for them, we're sending them out, and let's remember we have a gracious bookstore, full, chock full of good books, bottles, other things, make use of it, may the Lord bless it. And then we have, with all the messages there, I'm putting more on there. Every week, another message or two, and also our website, we have a lot of stuff on our website, so you can go there to our website, you can learn about what radio missions is, you can hear the radio missions, internet radio, click on listen now or listen live, there's a button there. So it's a great tool, Lord has given it to us, and I thank the Lord for it. And then also remember we still have the CDs and flash drives and those things that are available to us to get the gospel out, if you want to have it, let us know CDs, flash drives, those things, the booklets, that's what we do. We provide those sermons, those gospel messages, calling centers to come to Christ. So I thank the Lord for them, and I want to make sure that people know that we have these things. There's a lot of people maybe listening maybe for the first time and don't know. So praise the Lord, we have them. Let's turn in the selected hymns to number 152. I have found a hiding place, one, two, and three, and then rather how it will come and bring the message. We have found a place that's coming true. In a weary land I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her, I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her, I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her, I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her, I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her, I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her, I am in shadow red. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. In my dream and all that I did to her. I do thank the Lord for grace to be back with you one more time. We do continue to remember, Brother Mel, that the Lord would bless him and ease him and rest him and give him a quick recovery. Thank the Lord for how He has provided the health and the strength to do any and everything anybody is doing. He says all the souls are His. That means everything belongs to Him. So if you're walking around thinking you're doing something, I have to tell you this song that we're just saying. I love the words, Jesus rock of ages, let me hide in thee. That's where I go to hide. Jesus rose of Sharon, sweet thou art to me, lily of the valley, bright and morning star, fairest of 10,000 to my soul. If He's not that way to your soul, you don't know Him and you're missing out. And I have to tell you, you can come to know Him. We're going to just try to talk about it the best weekend tonight. You can come to know Him because Christ is still receiving sinners. He hadn't said go away. Those devils that He sent off into the swine, He told them go. He has all power. Do you know what He said to you? It was in the praise and prayer, Matthew 11, 28, I think He said come. He said come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I'll rest you. He told those devils go and He was being merciful to them when He told them to go because they thought He was coming to get them before the time. You still have time while you're breathing, whoever you are, wherever you are. Take this time to seek the Lord while He may be found. We don't know how many more minutes or days or seconds we have left down here. But don't be surprised and wake up in a devil's hell unnecessarily and without excuse because sinners Jesus will receive, sound this word of grace to all who the heavenly pathway leave, all who linger, all who fall, sing it over and over again. I thank the Lord for one of these kinds of songs that I will tell you by God's grace until He allows me to put that old man in the grave. When the Lord saves a sinner, you have an old man and a new man. He gives you that new heart and you got that new man. That new man is in there warring and fighting with that old man. Back in times going by the stories told when they would shackle two prisoners together and maybe one of them would die, you know, when the Apostle Paul talked about old wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death, Jesus' rock of ages. I'm glad to tell you I have a strong deliverer and I come to tell you if you don't know him tonight, you can know him and there is no excuse for you not to know him. But when that old man is there with you as God's child, when the Lord saves you, don't think it's just going to be all right and, you know, blue sky and you're going to be able to have wonderful times all the time. That's not going to happen. You're in the enemy's camp and you're going to be fighting. There's a war going on. But the battle is the Lord's and he knows how to win all his battles. So in the old days when they may have had those two shackled in the one died, as the Apostle Paul said, "O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death, thanks be unto God, I have a strong deliverer." The old man and the new man are here and the old man that is maybe dead, like in the old days when that other prisoner was shackled to you and that other prisoner died and maybe the rulers and the those who took care of the jails of that day, they didn't unshackle that old dead body from you. So you're dragging that old dead body around. I know that old Howard. I'm dragging him around. Don't like dragging him around. But because Christ has saved and given me life in him, the new man is going home. Boy, we dragging this old man. He's still shackled. One day I'm going to drop him off in the grave. I shall awaken a rise in his likeness and get my new body. Come and he will give you rest, trust him for his word is plain. He will take the sinfulness. He did that with me. Christ received it, sinful men. Now my heart condemns me not pure before the law I stand. He who cleans me from all spot, satisfied its last demand. Christ received it, sinful, and it says men. He receives sinful men and women who will come to him. Christ received it, sinful men, even me, with all my sin purged from every spot and stayed, heaven with him, I enter in. I'm trying to talk maybe just a little louder because sometimes no back there tells me I start off talking a little too low. And who knows? I may walk away from the mic and walk back to it. So I try to talk a little louder just to make sure it's getting recorded. I thank the Lord for his word. What we have for you is from the King James version of the Bible. That's all I have for you in service of the Lord Jesus Christ in preaching the gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it, whoever you are, wherever you are, to the dew first and also to the Greek. This Bible is the eternal, unbroken, verbally inspired Word of God. This Bible is absolute. It depends on nothing else. God the Holy Spirit made it so. So you can come to him and you can take him at his Word. Now, if you don't take him at his Word, you don't believe him. You won't trust him. You won't rely upon him and he knows the truth about you. I'd like to start in Luke the 14th chapter, Luke 14, and maybe in that 13th verse just to start in there, Christ is still receiving sinners. He's calling sinners. He's prepared all things that are now ready for sinners to come and be saved. And if you do not come as these verses we'll talk about, you're going to make excuse after excuse after excuse as to why you won't come. It's a poor excuse that has no defense and will not justify you. There is no excuse for not coming to Christ, whoever you are, wherever you are. The master is so wonderful and good and kind and tender and how he does what he does in that 13th verse he says, but when thou make us the feast, the Lord has made a feast for me, salvation, he provides in his sovereignty, mercy and grace and forgiveness and cleansing all in his blood, everything you need, faith to believe him. But when thou make us the feets, call the poor. Now don't go to the Lord telling him you got some riches, you're going to be like that rich man in hell. Call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. He called me because I could fit into that. My son or friend, I'm not saying that about you but it's real, you're polluted in your own blood and you are poor, maim, lame, blind and ungodly. So you can only come to Christ for salvation, there's no other name given among men heaven or earth whereby you must be saved other than the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And thou shall be blessed, that 14th verse is, and thou shall be blessed, for they cannot recompense thee, for thou shall be recompensed at the resurrection of the just. The Lord don't take care of everything that needs to be taken care of. He's already got it all balanced. This is the God of eternity present, eternity future, eternity past, and you won't believe him. He's given you his word which is absolutely eternal, unbroken, and you won't believe him. Lord have mercy on you. And when one of them that sat at meet with him heard these things, he said unto him, "Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God," then said he unto him. The Lord said unto him, "He's given him a parable. A certain man made a great supper in bed, many. And sent his servant," I'm a servant of the King. He's granted grace for this one to provide yet his word through this weak flesh. It's amazing what he can do. I have to read it till your brother Spurgeon wrote it, "The weakness of the preacher only shows the power of God when he uses such poor means to accomplish so great an end." That was the Prince of Preachers. Spurgeon giving to you the fact that it's not us, but it's him. Why won't you spend time in his word? Why don't you believe his word? And said he unto him, "A certain man made a great supper in bed, many. And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bitten," all that next word. It's just the word Matthew 11, 28, expands on it, "Come, I send a friend, he told those devils, 'Go,' but he told you to come, 'Whoever you are, wherever you come,' for all things are now ready.'" And they all with one consent began to make excuse. Again, some poor explanation to try to defend whatever truth the good Lord is showing you. He's merciful and tender and long-suffering with you to make you know the truth about yourself, what you have to do is admit that he's right, you're wrong, plead guilty in the court of heaven and plead the blood of Christ. Truly, it is real. When I see the blood, I'll pass over you and the blood is available to you. And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, "I have bought a piece of ground, and I must need to go and see it. I pray thee, have me excused." All the souls are his. All the land is his. All the stars of heaven are his. All of eternity is his. He gave this little piece of ground to you, and you won't come to him and you give something from the excuse about you gotta go do something with it. Have me excused. If you will not come to Christ, you're giving him some poor explanation that you can't even defend and calling it an excuse. That excuse will wind you up in a devil's hell. And another said, "I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them. I pray thee, have me excused." Senna, all the oxen is his. All the souls are his. All the land is his. Everything you got, he gave it to you. So why won't you come to him? Because he said, "Come," he said, and sent his servant at supper time to say to them that we're bitten. What grace and mercy that he called you at all. He said, "Come, for all things are now ready," now in that 20th verse. And another said, "I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come." If you got a wife, he gave it to you, and that's your help mate. So then he gave you extra help and you still can't come, that's an excuse. Senna, wherever you are, whoever you are, what excuse are you giving the Lord Jesus Christ? Because he is the truth. He knows the truth, and he knows you. Ask him to make you willing to be made willing to know and believe what he's making you to know about yourself. I personally remember when I did not want to be lost, how stupid that is. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. You can't be found unless you're lost. And when the Lord made me to know that and wouldn't let me get away from it, he granted me grace to believe him and cry unto him, Lord I'm lost, save me, or I perish. The truth, come to him, come to him not telling him some other kind of excuse because he knows all things, and he is still receiving sinners. He said to those devils, go, Lord have mercy, he has not said to the sinner, go. He said, come and he would not cast you out. You have no excuse not to come to Christ. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? So that servant came and showed his Lord these things, then the master of the house being angry. That's that 21st verse, 21st verse of that 14th chapter, so that servant came and showed his Lord these things, then the master of the house being angry. During the terror of the Lord we persuade men, we try to be what the pastor is talking about in the past, he used to ask us for compilers. We're trying to compel you to come to Christ because we know his anger is frightening. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor. Don't tell him you got something that you rich in some way, that you know something, you are somebody, don't tell him that, he knows you. Be the poor, hell-deserving, polluted sinner that you are, lost. And bring in hither the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind, see I came in with them, I came in with them and received mercy. The publican, like the publican, I went home justified, just as if I had never said, but you can't come in acting like you know something, that you have some decision you made, that you have some kind of power of your own, you don't have in it, down, sinner, down at the feet of Christ. I know you will find mercy there. We send you there, whoever you are, wherever you are, because you will find mercy there. And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded. And then if you are looking along with me, and if not, if you listen, listen at these next few words now, and the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded. We are going out to the hedges and highways and we got the poor and the maimed, the halt, the blind, the ungodly, we didn't have brought them all in. And yet there is room. Now what is your excuse? You have no excuse, there is room at the cross for you. And yet there is room, all my sinner friend do not wind up in a devil's hell of eternal torment when there is room at the cross for you. You won't be able to get there and say, well, they ran out of room, there was no more chairs. There was no more food. No! Don't put yourself in the position of those devils that he said, go! And yet there is room and the Lord said unto the servant, go out into the hedges and highways and compel. That says, just put all of the duty and commission, even pressure that you can put out. To have them come to the Lord knowing how important it is, knowing that we only have just a second or two left down here, and you're going to have to walk out of this life. And the Lord said unto the servant, go out into the hedges and highways and compel them to come in that my house may be filled. I have news for you, the Lord going to fill his house. He is going to fill his house. If you are not there, it will be your fault. He is going to fill his house. If you don't come to him, it's not his fault. He's going to fill his house. He has made all things ready. He's provided you with his God the Father is giving you his only begotten son. You won't believe him. Listen to how he talks about not only some of who you are, but what he has done again. He made a supper, he said, "Come." And the word in that section that we've just read in Luke, he was angry. He has all power. Here's another reason why you'll be without excuse over in Ezekiel, the 16th chapter. And let's start at that 4th verse Ezekiel 16, "And as for thy nativity, in the day thou was born thy neighbor was not cut, neither was thou washed in water to supple thee, thou was not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. None I pitied thee to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee." He's done all of that for you though. If thou was cast out into the open field, you know he could have left you there. To the loathing of that person in the day that thou was born, you're born and conceived and sinned and shaping in amniquity, and he has mercy. I have to say why won't you come? Isn't it what he says in this next verse, this 6th verse of Ezekiel 16, 6? He says, "And this is the Lord Jesus Christ speaking." He says, "And I," that's who that I is, that's the eye who was before time, that's the eye who's after time, "and when I pass by thee and saw thee polluted in thy own blood." I said unto thee, "When thou was in thy blood," listen to what he said. He said, "Yeah, he didn't tell you to go to hell like he said those devils. Why won't you come, this God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who's showing mercy and kindness and love to you because nobody else has compassion on you, nobody else has pitted you, nobody else has salted you, nobody else has washed you and when I pass by thee and saw thee polluted." Now sinner, don't try to tell him you're not polluted. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you're lost, I was lost, polluted, held deserving. You know you're going to bust hell wide open if you will not come to Christ. Ask him to make you willing to be made willing. Brother Tom likes to repeat that one sometimes. He can make you willing to be made willing and when I pass by thee, I saw thee polluted in thy own blood. I said unto thee, "When thou was in thy blood," listen to the next line. I said unto thee, "When thou was in thy blood," live. My goodness, sinner, wherever you are, whoever you are, God Almighty of eternity only has to say something once. He said this twice and you won't hear him, you won't come to him, you won't trust him, you won't believe him, you don't believe this is his word. Brother Schofield's got a line in one of his footnotes. Brother Schofield got some real deep footnotes sometimes. Brother Schofield said, "All of this English in this Bible, it's been properly done, correctly done, in coming out of whatever you want to call it Hebrew, Greek or whatever. It's done right, every John, every Timothy." But you see my father knows that you don't trust him, how tender and kind and loving the God the Holy Spirit had this Bible put together and I'm going to tell you he did it for me, but he didn't do it just for me. He knew I was a slow learner. He knew I was weak and poor and pitiful and lame and lame and blind. He put it together for me. If I had to read it in braille it'd be for me. But if you don't believe him, you won't trust him, you won't come to him. I have to tell you, you're going to meet him one day just like those devils. And if you are not covered by the blood, you will hear go. You don't have to hear it, drop to that eighth verse in that 16th chapter of Ezekiel. When I passed by thee and looked upon thee behold, thy time was the time of love. He says where two or three are gathered together in his name, he promised, he gave break a promise to be in the mist, seeking while he's near, while he can be found, because your time of love I'm going to tell you is now. The reason I say now he said come now and let us reason together. So your sins be as scarlet as shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson as shall be as wool. My son or friend, whoever you are, wherever you are, we ain't got but one or two seconds left down here. I remember being 15 and 20 and 25 and 30 and 35 and 40 and 45 and 50 and 55 and 60 and 65 and 70 and being over 70 I can tell you it happened in a second. You don't have time to play around with your never dying soul. Lord have mercy on you and when I passed by thee and looked upon thee behold, thy time was the time of love and I spread my skirt over thee and covered thy nakedness. Yay, I swear unto thee and entered into a covenant with thee, save the Lord God and thou became his mind. You know you can go down at the cross because there's still room there for you and he will make you his and it's simply because he cannot lie and he said come. I tell you what, leave this world without the blood applied and it will be gold for eternity, gold. You know it's already ten after seven. I wanted to maybe look at, let's see what we got over in Matthew the eighth chapter, I think Matthew eight and let's look at that first verse, Matthew eight one. When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshiped him. You won't worship him, lost, held deserving, guilty sinner. You worship him when you admit the truth, know the truth and the truth will make you free. He'll make you know what it is about you, the held deserving sinner, you are his personal. I didn't want to be lost, what is it you don't want to be? You don't want to be poor and needy, you don't want to be naked and weak, you don't want to be maim and lame, you want to be able to make a decision of your own, ask him to make you willing to be made willing to know how weak and frail and dumb and stupid and poor you all and beg him to save you. And behold there came a leper because you leper is whether you cared, accepted or not. And behold there came a leper and worshiped him saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou can't make me clean. You know that's just like saying, Lord, if you will, you can save me. I will be thou clean. Come to him, yes. And Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying, I will be thou clean. And immediately his leperacy was cleansed. What's the difference between you and that leper? Nothing makes us to differ but the grace of God. And immediately his leperacy was cleansed. Look at that fifth verse and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion beseeching him and saying, Lord, my servant lyeth at home sick of the palsy grievously torment. And Jesus said unto him, I will come and heal him. You know, the Lord is so kind and tender. It came to where this man was if that was necessary. You don't need to get out of your seat for the Lord to save you. You just have to get on this with him. The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed. A few verses up, we just heard the Lord speak the word, I will be thou clean. He said, come now and let us reason together. We read it over in Ezekiel, he said it not once. He said it twice. He passed by lovingly, tenderly, kindly, and he said, live. Your dad entrust passes and sins and the only one who has the power to make you live has already said to you in his word, live. You have to trust him and believe him. For this centurion says, for I am a man under authority, having soldiers unto me. And I say to this man, go and he goeth and to another man, come and he comeeth and to my servant do this and he does it. When Jesus heard it, he marveled and said to them that followed, verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. It's amazing what the Lord can do, but you have to believe him. You have to ask him to make you willing to be made willing to believe him because the faith is provided to you in all the riches that are in Christ. The sovereign God came from eternity with all things ready to save you. You have to come to him. Maybe just one or two more, it's about 715. Look at that 13th verse of this same eight chapter of Matthew. And Jesus said unto the centurion, go thy way, as thou hast believed. So be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the self-same hour. And when Jesus was coming to Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her hand and the fever left her. And she arose and ministered unto them. When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils. He cast out the spirits with his, look at the next word. His word and healed all that was sick. He could empty a graveyard if he chose to. But you don't believe him, the Son of God, the only Son of God Almighty. Look, drop down to the 23rd verse of that same eight chapter. And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him and behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, this life gon' get tough sometimes. In so much that the ship was covered with the waves, but he was a sleep. The Lord ain't worried about this. God is on the throne, he has all power and he will save you if you come to him. Feeding his precious blood, admitting the truth of your poor, helpless, weak, ungodly condition. That's who he came to say. He said I came not to call, he didn't even come to call the righteous. But send us to repentance. He's right and you're wrong. If you can't admit that, you'll bust hell wide open unnecessarily. He was asleep and his disciples came to him and awoke him saying, "Lord, save us, we perish." I have to admit the truth, I've been in some of those tight corners of life somewhere between those days of 20 and 70 and it's like, "Lord, Lord help, I'm scared." He ain't worried, but you won't trust the only one who can save you. And I thank him for grace to call on him, "Lord, help." And I got to tell you, it's been nothing for him. See, he's the one for which eternity forward, eternity back, wherever you are in the cycle of time or eternity. He has all power. And he said unto them, "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?" Yes, I have had my many moments of little faith, but I've got to tell you, I have a great Christ. This is the one I'm telling you about, "Center, wherever you are, however you are, you can come to him, and he will save you." He said, "He wouldn't cast you out." Think about the devils that he said, "Go," he sent them away, and he was being merciful to him when he sent them away because he could have sent him into hell right then, as opposed to sending them into the squad. He's merciful and long-suffering and tender and kind, "Please, center, come to Christ." And he said unto them, "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?" Then he arose and rebuked the winds in the sea, and there was a great calm. I've seen some of that great calm, too. That's just wonderful. And you see, I can't thank him enough. I ask him to forgive me for not thanking him as much as I should when the great calm comes by. And it's like, "Lord, you did it again. Thank you, Lord. Thank you." But the men marvels saying, "What manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey him?" That's what you will not do, Lord, Senna. You want to obey him, admit the truth to him. He knows you. It's 719, maybe just one more thought. The Lord works in mysterious ways. His wonders to perform. I'm so glad he said in John 1, "He came unto his own and his own received him not, but to as many as received him." Why won't you receive him? To them, Gady, power. He's the one that gives out that power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believe on his name. He could have done away with man having all power to create a new creature. God has never been surprised by anything or anyone down here. Come to him, Senna. I thank the Lord that he's still on the throne. The Lord provides, when you come to him, a peace that passes all understanding. And he does it for wretched, poor, mane, lame, ungodly, hell-deserving sinners. It's after 720. The Lord has allowed me to spend a little time reading some of John Warburton. He was born in 1776. He died 1857. And this brother was saying some of these same things over 200 years ago. This brother John was just trying to give you Christ, crucified, buried, and risen. In the sovereignty of God is his loving kindness and tender mercies. In the sovereign saving power of God is evident that he alone has the power to do all that's necessary for you and all things already, he's done this. Don't think you are different from somebody even like a Moses. In Numbers 11, 23, the Lord is asking Moses whether God's hand has whacked short. You still think the Lord can't save you. And that's disgusting because of who we're talking about. But even Moses had some of that difficulty. Does even Moses wonder if God can do all things, even grant you grace to believe unto salvation, and his sovereignty, his faithfulness to grant you grace to believe is there. Please remember this is the sovereign God who divided the waters of the Red Sea and made a way for his ransom people to pass over. He's made a way for you to come. Brother John Warburton knew something about that. He seemed to be a more tender man than maybe some thought he was. I enjoy reading some of those old brothers like that. Even Moses had occasion to be looking somewhere other than to God. The Lord took care of him. God will take care of you if you come to him. Father, we do thank you for this time. We thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies. We thank you for grace greater than all our sin. We thank you for the pastor you've given us. In the Bible teacher you've given us. We thank you for Brother Glenn, continue to bless him. We thank you for Brother Mel, please raise him up. Bless, lead and guide in all that's done in this ministry. We thank you that you're coming for those who are looking for you. Lord, I have to say, even so come. Bless, lead and guide in all of our family members. Members, call them with your precious and holy calling. We come praying in your name. And for your name's sake, amen. And amen, Lord, bless and keep me.