04 Explanation of Riyadhus-Saaliheen

Episode 89 - 04 Explanation of Riyadhus-Saaliheen

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11 Aug 2024
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(speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So welcome all of you to our class that we continue, (speaking in foreign language) The reading from the explanation (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That's the portion of the head east in which (speaking in foreign language) was asked about the Dawa, about the call of the, about the Dawa and the call of the messenger (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Now, so in the previous head east, we covered portion of the explanation, part of the explanation that (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) was asked by (speaking in foreign language) by Herakos and what is the call of the messenger (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) He said that the prophets of our service to call them to worship a lot alone with no partners and not associating anything with Him in worship and He used to tell them to leave off what the forefathers were saying of Shirk (speaking in foreign language) prayers was said through truthfulness (speaking in foreign language) and the still are keeping the ties of Kish. (speaking in foreign language) Last explanation, the Shirk highlighted the importance of the Salah and it is a link (speaking in foreign language) is a link between the servants and Allah (speaking in foreign language) and it is five times a day that the person, that the servants will show Allah (speaking in foreign language) their meeting Allah is more important than this dunya when we leave the dunya behind and we stand before Allah (speaking in foreign language) in this great (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It's one of the significant perils of all Islam. (speaking in foreign language) used to order them to be truthful (speaking in foreign language) He said through truthfulness is two kinds, two types. (speaking in foreign language) He never worshiping Allah (speaking in foreign language) we have to be truthful in doing what is pleasing to Allah (speaking in foreign language) and truthfulness with the servants of Allah. Truthfulness with dealing with people, talking to people when we promise when we promise to do something and they're like, so we have to be truthful with the servants of Allah (speaking in foreign language) and we have mentioned that in the previous hadith that truthfulness, it is one of the great acts of worship. One of the good acts that lead to the Zhenna as our messenger (speaking in foreign language) truthfulness lead to every failure, lead to a lot of good and good lead to the Zhenna. Likewise, and the opposite is true, the line lead to vice and disobedience of Allah and that lead to the fire of the year that we live. And our messenger (speaking in foreign language) and the messenger (speaking in foreign language) also used to call them to chastity, to an affair, to chastity. And the shayt said chastity is two types as well. Chastity regarding the private parts and chastity regarding our buildings. So the Prophet (speaking in foreign language) is saying and he commands us abstinence (speaking in foreign language) it is of two categories or two forms. Self-restraint regarding lusts and self-restraint regarding the stomach regarding the stomach. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) As for the first form of abstinence, it is that the individual avoid illicit sexual intercourse and dealing or anything leading to that because Allah (speaking in foreign language) and come not near and low for sex. Verily, it is a (speaking in foreign language) anything that transgresses the limits set by Allah (speaking in foreign language) and a great sin and an evil way that lead the one to the hill unless Allah (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And the Sheikh said and he dissolved the order that the fornicator be flat 100 lashes and exhale for a whole year if the individual had never been married. (speaking in foreign language) Exide, exhale, yes. So 100 lashes and exhale for a whole year if the individual had never been married. (speaking in foreign language) But if he had been married and had consummated the marriage before, (speaking in foreign language) his punishments for him will be, he will be stoned to death while he had to be. Be stoned to death. This is the holder, this is the punishment. (speaking in foreign language) These things discourage the people from committing this absentee which destroy character. Which destroy character (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So all of this because this (speaking in foreign language) this sin, destroy character, religion, and genealogy and brings about dangerous diseases whose consequences are well known today and acquaints and on account of the spread of the indecent illicit intercourse and the refuge is with Allah (speaking in foreign language) So look and the scholars, they mentioned this area and they said Allah (speaking in foreign language) did not prevent us from falling into Zina for an occasion. Allah said don't come near Zina, lower the gaze. So Allah (speaking in foreign language) wants us to make a distance between us and this sin, now because of its evil. (speaking in foreign language) So and also Allah (speaking in foreign language) forbade whatever may lead to this sin. So he forbade woman from going out this plane they're adornments from going out in a way that seduced men. And Allah (speaking in foreign language) and stay in your houses. And do not display yourselves like the time of ignorance. And do not display yourself like the time of ignorance. Now we, when the sisters, they were the for hijab, they look, they look at them and say this is retirements. This is going to the back to the centuries of ignorance and they're like, while Allah (speaking in foreign language) advising our noble sisters and daughters of (speaking in foreign language) saying and do not display yourself like the time of ignorance. Actually the more the sisters are covered properly, that's what's pleasing to Allah. That's the real developments. That's the real (speaking in foreign language) That's the real civilization. However, if they blindly following the enemies of Allah (speaking in foreign language) that are plotting or wanting to destroy the Islam and the Muslims and the Muslim society, that's when we fall into the ignorant time. Fall into the mistakes of the ignorant time. (speaking in foreign language) Consequently, the best place for the woman is her house. She not go out except due to necessity or dire need. And when she does, she should obey the messenger of Allah (speaking in foreign language) and sentence, without perfuming herself or displaying ornaments or displaying ornaments. (speaking in foreign language) Likewise, Allah (speaking in foreign language) to avail herself away from all men who are not permanently prohibited, it marriage to her. That's why the mean of not Mahal, anyone that's not permanently prohibited, that's why the mean of not Mahal, anyone that's not permanently prohibited, that's why the mean of not Mahal. Anyone that's not permanently prohibited in marriage to her, she should, before she go out, cover herself properly. Protect herself and cover herself properly. And the legislated veiling is for women to cover whatever may lead to indecency or indecency if exposed, the most significant of which is the face. Is the face, for in Allah (speaking in foreign language) So the she continues saying (speaking in foreign language) said, it's all a obligatory to avail the face from men then even the head and the arm and the legs. The view that the face may be exposed is not sound because it is self-country-dactery. (speaking in foreign language) The she said, how can it be allowed for the woman to expose her face and obligate with for her at the same time according to that view to cover her two legs while or which of them, both which of them both is a greater source of trial and which of them more easily led to indecency that woman exposing her face or her face. Every sane individual would say the woman's exposing her face is more predisposing to trial and loatness when they are here to be led. Additionally, (speaking in foreign language) So this is the view of the Shekh of Mertham (speaking in foreign language) many of other great scholars that the woman has to in general cover herself properly and the element they differ about the face and the palms. And we have a hadith that shows that it is permissible and we have also other hadith and statements from the mothers of the believers that they use to cover themselves like the hadith (speaking in foreign language) and look at the situation of women today and the situation of women back then in this great rebatta of Hesh. She said, "We used to make Tao'as far away from men, "used to let men be around the cabin, making Tao'as." And even though we're less crowded than our situation today, they were not going shoulder to shoulder with men like today's action of women. They said they used to go far, leave a distance between them and men and do the Tao'as and do the Tao'as. And whenever he said the group of men come near us, we used to cover our face. We used to cover our our face. Now, and so Hannah left seeing some pictures of the Muslim land not too long ago. I think 120 years ago, 130 years ago, some pictures you see woman in the pictures are all over the sub-Hannah, the Muslim world. The East or the West, you find the custom of the dress of woman is something loose and something covers everything, sub-Hannah land. Likewise, since our pictures are men, we used to wear loose things and the men's clothing beyond are above the, above the ankle, above the ankle. And men used to be in full beard, they're clothing above the ankle, something wearing something, something loose. If you look at the old pictures you will see sub-Hannah land, this is how it used to be the Muslim land. The young and the old, not only group of people, as it's the case today. Now, we ask our last sub-Hannah what to add, to guide us all and to keep us all firm upon his dean. As we said before, the dean, as the professor said, he began as something strange and is going back gradually to be something strange, for a glad tidying for the strange ones. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Additionally, additionally a lot for me, her going out, sent it. If she go out, sweet smelling, she would be displaying loudness, putting the people to trial. She would be displaying the same looseness, if she walk in the shopping mall's perfume. And we ask our last sub-Hannah what to add for it will be. The situation of woman before, as they explained at the time of the messenger, so last time, if woman walking on the streets, and if she see men coming towards her, she used to stay by the far side, to a level that she used to push herself against a wall, to make a room for men and to be away from men. She said until her clothes would be sticking to the wall, it should be used to be their situation. And our messengers of the lover, he would send them said that they allowed them to go outside only for their need, when they have need. But for no reason, it shouldn't be going out. For this reason, Allah sub-Hannah and Allah sub-Hannah, for the importance of woman, for their importance, and for the importance role of woman, Allah sub-Hannah and Allah exempt them from the praying, the greatest prayer of all Islam. For them, for women, the best reward for them if they pray in their houses. They pray in their houses. So for us attending the Jama'a, give us 27 falls, for women, if they pray in their houses, or they pray in their, whatever they are, they are staying, they will get the best reward. Even the messengers messengers of Allah, or Ali, he will send them. Even from the praying and the message of the Prophet (ﷺ) or as her house, if she pray at the hotel, as the scholars they say, where she staying, would get better reward than praying in the two great messengers (ﷺ) and the message of the messengers of Allah, (ﷺ) And when our message of the sallam was asked by one of the female companions, he said, she used to come far a little bit from the message of the Prophet (ﷺ) He said to her, your prayer in your local messaging is better than coming to attend the sallam with me. And praying in your house is better than praying in your message. And praying in your bedroom is better than praying anywhere in your house. So if she pray where she go to sleep, means the most secure area for her, that would be the best reward for one. So all this protecting the society, the whole society from all what displays Allah (ﷺ) And when we need no explanation in this regard, when now woman they come and go like men or maybe more than men without any hesib or any arachib, without anyone checking what, where they are going, when and how they going. So let's look at the fitan that are happening. Look at the trials and fitan that are happening. And look at the enemies of Allah, the enemies of the messengers of Allah, the enemies of his religion, how they know the importance, they know the importance of this. And they, from their plots of destroying Islam and the Muslim society, all their plots are about women. They have to go, they have to participate in building their community and their society, they have to go outside, they have to work and give them the lead and give them this and give them that. So Hanallah. And he didn't see that a woman had been killed in many regions, Muslim women have been tortured and killed. By the enemies of Islam, they see only the woman that she works here. Why she can't go outside and do this, why she can't have freedom, why she can't do this, why she can't drive and they're like. So all from the plots of the enemies of Allah, that our sisters and our daughters in Islam have to be vigilant. And they have to fear Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and have to reject the invitations of a shaytan for our messengers of Allah, where Ayywassalam has informed us that when woman go outside, the woman she go outside, not dressed properly, it's worse if she's sainted, parfumed. (speaking in foreign language) We'll be happy with her going out. (speaking in foreign language) Say to her, "Come, I'm looking for you." So she become like a representative of a shaytan, will help in a shaytan because she will be misleading people to be causing people to disobey Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now, (speaking in foreign language) So it is not allowed for anyone to help his house hold upon that. He should look over them, both the wife, daughter or sisters or even the mother or others. No individual should permit the members of his household to go out in the manner that disobey Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. (speaking in foreign language) This was the first category of (speaking in foreign language) So to be chased from what is in, from to be chased or cisterns regarding the stomach, regarding the belly, the shaytan said, that is to refrain from holding back or it refers to holding back, regarding the desires of the stomach, i.e. that in the hands of the people as Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala said, (speaking in foreign language) The one who knows them not, think that they are rich because of their modesty, because of their modesty. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So that is out of restraint from asking people for the fact that the individual will never ask anybody for anything. Asking people is loneliness, is humiliation, makes a person lower, makes the hand of the one asking lower and the one giving his hand will be the upper hand. Rather the believers who are ordered to be always the upper hand. And we try our best to be always the upper hand and not be seeking people anything. And this is what the prophets of Allah, where Ali was said to them, had taught the sahaba (speaking in foreign language) so the sahaba (speaking in foreign language) had displayed the higher level of this form of sustenance. They used to, even if they are on the top of their camel, and you know how it is, it's not like a riding horse or a donkey camel, it takes time for you to be high. So you have to sit on it, settle yourself, then, and I don't know how what they say, or they kick it or something, and you will stand it. So if after he, the camel stands, he dropped the salt, what he used, lash, the lash, he dropped the lash, they used to make the camel again go down. And people are passing by, he could just ask, please brother, give me that hand with that, but they don't wanna ask no one. Since something he can't do, he has to take some effort, some time, but they wanna do it themselves. This is because this is the teaching of the messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. He wants their heart to be attached to Allah subhanahu wa ta'a. And ask all what you need from Allah subhanahu wa ta'a. And you'll find us in the story of Abu Wa'er (speaking in foreign language) Abu Wa'er was a poor man. He choose to be poor. He choose to be poor to free himself, to learn from the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if he knows that, if he would go and seek in the dunya, he would miss la'ara moments with the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam and that would be missing la'ara language. That's why one of those who narrates many (speaking in foreign language) So Abu Wa'er (speaking in foreign language) He used one time, he said, he used to be very hungry. And he used to, he used to wait for the companions. One time he saw Abu Bakr. And he asked him about an area, about a verse. What is the meaning of this area? Abu Bakr (speaking in foreign language) And he explained to him the area and he wins. And Abu Bakr (speaking in foreign language) I was not ignorant about the area. I knew the meaning of the area. But I was hoping that Abu Bakr (speaking in foreign language) Okay, let's have a lunch and explain it to you after that. Or let's go out, eat something that I don't, didn't understand what Abu Bakr was looking for. He saw Umar also, he asked him about that area. And he said, well, I know the meaning, but just I want some food. So Abu Bakr likewise, he answered Abu Omar, answered him and he went away. And so the Prophet (speaking in foreign language) saw him and the Prophet (speaking in foreign language) and they stood with their true revelation, with the way of Abu Ghairah and because the Prophet (speaking in foreign language) used to be with Abu Ghairah a lot, so he knows him. So Abu Ghairah, when he saw the Prophet (speaking in foreign language) called him and said, let's go, let's go home and check. So you see if I have something. So now, so this is the Sahab (speaking in foreign language) Could say to them, Abu Bakr, is there anything I want you to invite me or let's go home to eat or something. But this is the Sahab (speaking in foreign language) and this is their Islam and their members. Now. (speaking in foreign language) So it is not allowed for you to ask anyone, except when something that you have in dire need, that you have dire need. But without dire need, asking is forbidden. Asking is forbidden. (speaking in foreign language) But if it is dire need, then there is no problem in asking the people. (speaking in foreign language) But if it is dire need, then there is no problem in asking the people. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) to emphasize this point. (speaking in foreign language) It is not permissible for us to ask people. And we have a hadith, that prohibited that. We have a hadith, that warn us against asking people and provide that. (speaking in foreign language) And so the messenger (speaking in foreign language) For the bigger, the one who keep begging people, he's not in need, but he make it his living. He don't wanna go to seek the sources of income and working, but just wanna keep begging people. And since the panel, many times they have said that her story's back home, that this become like a disease. When a person gets used to gain easy money from begging, he will, some people, they have two, three houses, renting them, they keep begging. And some they die, they live in the poverty of Hanallah, but after his death, they check his house, they found boxes of money, bags, big bags of money where he had to be. And the prophets of Allah, where Ali was saying that, their recompense is that (speaking in foreign language) they would be resurrected with no flesh on their face where they had to be. When you were in Kriyam, they would have no flesh in their face where they were saying something. - Yeah, somebody was like, "Right." - When he sent his kids to the school and they graduated in a doctor's room, you knew they used to do it. And one of them, he goes around, literally he knows that he does not, and he goes in, "Yeah, man, let's give me like, you know, 50 cents." - It's a panel, it's a brick, it's a hand, it's a thing. - It's a habit, somehow. I've seen also some people now, because of the camera era, some people, they saw that they come with a nice car, they park it for, they change their clothing, and they put on some rough clothing, and they go on big, especially around the message, and all that. And somebody said, "Also, a funny thing." He said, "You find those who just finished the salah coming out, somebody's sitting outside. Not praying, wanna make your act for them. Give me to make your act for you." Some people just come in and talk to the salah, people sitting outside by the resident, making duh-ah, and they're like, "What's the problem?" - That's the problem. - They have no expectations with that, so people come in, and they ask for money, and then they say, "Okay, you know, give me a name, everything." And then you have a brother that says, "You know, we'll say a lot of fun." I think you know what that means. - I think you know what that's going to happen, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, you know, lots of people understand. - Yeah, I just think, you know, especially those people of the gypsies, they're not Muslims, they just come on Friday, and you see them at the Walmart, they see them at the church, they think they stand outside, and one time I have got somebody, and I mean, if he's staying here, can he come in here? I'm gonna look up to him, 'cause I know I'm sitting somewhere else, and then you have somebody else, and how do you know what's in this heart? Yeah, he's heavy. - They don't know that Omar would be in love, right? Omar used to chase people from the message, those who he wanted just to sit in the message, and they used to tell him, "Oh, Omar, "we depend on Allah." He said, "You are abusing dependence of Allah." This is not how you do the chawakur. Chawakur is that you go and seek the means, seek the provision. Then if you cannot find the necessities, then ask me and say, "Whatever Allah will give me mercy." But without going outside and saying, "We depend on Allah," and saying in the messaging to be a burden on people, this is something not permissible. It's something not permissible. No, and this is also shouldn't be helped, and the Prophet said to one of the companions, he said, "To get a rope, "and to go to the outskirts of the Medina, "and to pick up some wood, "and to bring it to the market and sell it, "as fire wood is better for you than begin people." The Prophet is what the Prophet said was teaching the companions, right? We have the example of Umar Radiala, for example. Umar Radiala, and he used to have a farm. He has to take care of his family. So he used to, and he used to have a neighbor. So they take turn to come to the messengers of Allah, and he used to live. So one used to go one day to take care of the farm, and the other comes to the messengers of Allah, and he used to live. And when they meet at the end of the day, they exchange what they knew from the knowledge, they exchange what they had from the messengers of Allah. So he cannot attend every day with the messengers of Allah, so let me just take a chair, one day learning, one day seeking the provision. No. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So that they will never ask anyone, and you should mention what we mentioned before about the camel. If they drop their latch, they will make their camel to go down, and they themselves get down, and take it. Take it. (speaking in foreign language) The whip, what they use, okay? It is that they themselves, they go down, and they take it, and they will never ask someone. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So the chair said that a lot of panel of Allah has bestowed upon us this karma, Allah give us a chastity, Allah give us our honor, so we shouldn't humiliate ourselves before others. And he said, no one knows the bitterness of humility, except the one who went through certain needs, and he had to ask people, he said, how you extend your hand to a human being like you, and ask him, while you are not asking Allah (speaking in foreign language) and the last messenger, SalaAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, he taught Ebiruma Suru, (speaking in foreign language) and he was a young boy. He said to him, if you ask, ask Allah, if you seek help, seek help from Allah, (speaking in foreign language) Now, (speaking in foreign language) And the final point, (speaking in foreign language) The prophet, SalaAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, he was ordering them with AsaAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, keeping ties of kinship. (speaking in foreign language) As for the 15, he's saying AsaAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, maintaining ties. AsaAllahu Alaihi Wasallam is for you to keep what Allah has ordered to be maintained among the nearest relatives. The nearer, the more compulsory. The most important are the parents. The most important are the parents because keeping ties with both parents can sit huge kindness towards parents and Sala, keeping your ties. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Relatives have the right of maintenance and kindness with respect to the extent of their nearest, one nearer to you in the lineage. So the obligation to maintain ties with your brother is more binding than the parental ankle or paternal than the paternal ankle. And your paternal ankle has more rights than your father's paternal ankle. And so on. (speaking in foreign language) The paternal, yeah. The paternal take precedence to the (speaking in foreign language) 'Cause the Rahim is the (speaking in foreign language) was asked, he said, "What is the kinship?" He said, "The relatives of the father." He said, "The Rahim, I had these shows "that we have to be kind to the maternal relatives as well, "but what's the precedence?" And the Rahim is the father's side. So the closer, the greater right. The closer, the greater the greater right. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So he gave us one of the principles here. He said, "Connecting ties occurs in the Quran "and the Sun without specification." He said, "This is something, let's keep the ties, "how he was not specified, was not detailed." He said, "And whatever occurs in the Quran "and the Sun without specification "will be taken according to custom." He put in consideration here the custom of people, the custom of people. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So whatever the custom considers to me, connecting ties means so. And that is with respect to individuals, conditions, and times and places. So place is different from place. Some people, what you can still sell is just visiting for five minutes and leave, that's ties. Others, they see it as disrespect. You have to go and spend the night with them and or have at least lunch with them. So this is, this is various. It depend the era, depend the time, it depend the people. (speaking in foreign language) For instance, if you're relative, that's not need your assistance and is sound in health. And you hear about him not being in need of anything. That is connecting of ties with him, even if that happens for a month. Visit him also once a month, for example. Or a month and a half. And the like, since according to our custom, that already constitutes connecting ties. Somebody healthy sound, he not in need of financially. It's good. So he said she said, visit him after a month, once a month, month and a half, two months. He said for us, this is, you are doing good. You are doing good according to his, to their customs. (speaking in foreign language) And that is for the reason that the people and all praise belong to a lot are now independent, one another. No one depends on the other, or something in there. Not like someone sick, media assistance, or something like that, and they like. And not like before, we're no believe in big cities. Before people used to live in small villages, and villages can stick, villages are made of family. Find a person and his children. And you become houses, growing in the third village, growing whenever someone gets married and have a children that will become, and you will remember that village. So you used to be village for all of your hankos and cousins and their like. So therefore that, we used to get together, mainly, especially in their eats, and in the big events, and something, also. And that would be much easier every two, three days to go and visit this uncle, and that three days of this mother uncle. But now we live in big cities. You cannot visit an uncle or brother every two, three days. Likewise, we have a lot of obligations, and life's parallel become difficult in this regard. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) He said, as we said, if this man, your uncle, for example, is not in need of you. It's good, sound, healthy, financially, it's good, and you visit him often every month and a half or so. For us, according to our custom, this is, you are doing good. I said, however, if he is someone very close to you, like a mother and father, or brother, or uncle, then you have to go more frequent. You have to visit him more. Okay, then he can look kind of up here. Likewise, if that relative is close to you, and he is poor, he is need, he need your help. So therefore, you have to do the Silla, financial or Silla. So for keeping the tithe, it's not just the visits. Likewise, the money, the help that you can help them, if you have extra help them with that. Likewise, if someone who is sick, if someone's sick as well, he need your Silla, you visit him, and they're like, as we have mentioned before, that this also goes with the situation. Some people, they love to see people around them, they love to see you as much as you can. Some people will be disturbed. They'll all like people seeing them when they're in their bed, and sometimes they need to change him, some people they get, annoying. Annoying when people stay around them long. So you look at the situation, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So what we conclude from that, and she'll repeat what he mentioned, since keeping the tithe of kinship was not specified in the Quran and the Sunnah. So here we follow the custom. Here we follow the custom. (speaking in foreign language) And this varies according to depend on what we have mentioned, al-Qorb, how close this person to you, in lineage. How are you? You are near them, far from them. Have to travel to the overseas, to see them. Ozzema, also it varies, it's changed with time. It plays different from another place. (speaking in foreign language) Whatever people are used to, as the tithe, as keeping the tithe, it is keeping the tithe. (speaking in foreign language) Whatever people they see it as this connection in your ties, it is considered this connection in the ties. (speaking in foreign language) And we have many texts regarding the virtues of maintaining ties of kinship and warning about severing them. And from the hadith, the (speaking in foreign language) keeping the tithe of kinship, it's baraka, baraka for your risk. (speaking in foreign language) Keep the tithe of kinship. And baraka for your homo. And it's baraka, new, or new in life span. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Ask a lot to put baraka in our risk and our homo, and ask him to partner with baraka to increase us in beneficial knowledge, righteous actions. May the reward you for listening attentively. This is the end of the explanation of this hadith. (speaking in foreign language) and learn to sell Firoco at your booth.