Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

worship Call 1129 Do You Love me?

After having breakfest together Jesus has to have a talk with the one who had denied him three times.

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13 Aug 2024
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You don't know what particular thing that you're going to be, what challenges you're going to be cast into. And sometimes that challenge, sometimes it's just going to be the hymns that you have memorized in your heart that's that I will say fully pull you through but along with the doctrine as long as there are doctrinal hymns that brings you it's kind of like a faith rest that brings you back into the the the moment and your your worship with the Lord and it's it's sending up that soothing aroma to our Lord as okay so this morning let's turn to what what book we in Hebrews chapter 10 Amanda saying of course we are all right since we're coming into a new chapter it's a long one I'm just going to read this first section here Hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 for the law since it has only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form of things can never by the same sacrifice which they offer continue year by year make perfect those who draw near otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered because they worshipers have once been cleansed would no longer have the consciousness of sins but in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year by year for it is impossible for the bull for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins therefore when he comes into the world he says sacrifices offering you have not desired but a body you have prepared for me and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you have taken no pleasure then I said behold I have come to do your will oh God after saying the above sacrifice and offerings whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you have not desired nor have taken away pleasure in them which are offered according to the law then he said behold I have come to do your will how many times as he said that right now that's the second time he's gone through that do you suppose it's important very much thank you Gunnar he takes away the first in order to establish the second by this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices which can never take away soon but he having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time set down at the right hand of God waiting from that time onward until the enemies be made a footstool for his feet for by one offering he has perfected for all time those whose are sacrificed sanctified I want for your homework read that back over again look at the repetition when you see repetition as you're studying and you should be studying on your own by the way for one you're good burians as you're learning these things to make sure that the man up here does this a man appears but that a man to make sure that these things that are being taught are right but as a student be looking for repetition and you see all kinds of repetition in chapter 10 and you I'll underline them highlight them whatever you need to do but look at them because they're telling you something they're trying to emphasize though it's like mom saying I told you time and time and time again or dad saying I'm telling you time and time and time again repetition even the Bible is repetitious isn't that right Amanda okay and the Holy Spirit also testifies to us for having saying this is a covenant that I will make with them after those days says the Lord I will pump my laws upon their heart and on their mind and I will write them he then says where do we find that there a lot of gunner what book do we find that at about the old the new covenant in the Old Testament anybody Jeremiah Jeremiah 31 speaks of new covenant let me ask you again who's when God makes a new covenant who does he make it with Israel and Judah okay let's continue on and there's starting back with 16 this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days after says the Lord who's them again who's them are you listening Judah and Israel I will put my laws upon their heart and on their mind and I will write them he then says and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more you know what I've often used the verse and I think as Isaiah I even I will blot out your transgressions and remember them no more how often have we claimed them as Christians and it's true by principle but that verse right there is part of the new covenant I will I even I will blot out your transgressions remember them no more now where there is forgiveness of these things there is no longer any offering of sin and that old the the old covenant the old covenant mosaic law had sin offerings they had all kinds of offers they had to there was a much they had to do can we get an amen about living in the church age living in a church age we don't have to go through all the rituals and all these things that that that the Old Testament now there are denominations and there are people that feel like we need to go back to the old ways uh-uh we have something better and coming through as we go through the book of Hebrews as we we should know by now that there is there is so much better that we have received through Christ than through these things so the author has instructed his readers concerning the superiority of Christ Jesus is better than the angels he is greater than all the priests he's greater than Moses he's better than sacrifices he now serves in a better tabernacle Jesus greater than the law now let me ask you question we're dealing with we're talking about the priests we're talking about the Old Testament worship we're talking about the tabernacle remember the tabernacle the holy of holies is where the Shekinah glory the glory of God well Moses and the worship was there anything wrong with these things no they were these that these things separate these people from everybody else in the world this was of this was wonderful in the time in which these things were instituted who instituted these things was it something that man decided he was going to do and to worship God no it was the Lord who ordained every bit of worship that the Israelites went through so is the law good or bad help me out the law is good you all here with me today the law is good Paul said the law is good Paul said in Romans chapter 7 that if that it was because the law I understood I didn't even know what come and coveting me meant until the law so these things were good they were foreshadows of things come these were set apart they were sanctified listen we we mentioned last class that once the to institute these things after everything was built after the tabernacle was built Moses sprinkled blood on the word on the instruments of worship and on the people consecrating it for worship these things you had to be very careful we had just studied in our our personal study Beck and I how the how when the when they were on the move they had a a clan a clan set apart well clan I said there's a sect of people within the family I'm forgetting my homework to find remember which clan they had a specific clan that they were there to take care of the tent they were to fold it over just right now you had that most sacred article what's the what's the most sacred article of the whole tabernacle not's the place what was in the holy of police no I don't know what was the most sacred piece of furniture the arc of the covenant yes sir the arc of the covenant was most sacred and they if you mishandled this that's a death penalty you die so these things were absolutely sacred to God they weren't piece of junk they weren't just religion but they were and yet the author Hebrew saying all these things are behind us these are no Jesus is better than all these things he said it's easy to say I'm better than this I'm better than that I'm better than I'm better than that some alcoholic on the road you know my own arrogance I cannot say I'm better than this and I'll look for things that are lesser than I am and in my air can say I'm better than that but when it says that Jesus is better than all these things these things aren't just little things they're big things and Jesus is better than those things so the writer is not saying that these things are intrinsically bad or worthless they were these things were were the things of worship and let me just say this that all these things belong to the Israelites they set the Israelites apart from the rest of the world we have something better Christ is ours and through Christ we have a superior worship Hebrews 10 1 who's got that I'm gonna wake you up a little bit go ahead there just Hebrews just the first verse there son has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things can never by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year make perfect those all right let's take a look at that word and don't try to look at your nose I'll I'll get to my notes wherever I need to but I feel I'm going in a little bit of a different direction or how to present this all right let's take a look at this for the law we're talking and what kind of keep you on there why they what kind of law we talk about when it says the law what do we talk about no this is the old one the mosaic law the mosaic law since it was only a shadow of good things to come a the shadow these things were types they were images they were something that they could look forward to they were in Galatian Paul says that they are training aids they are something that that set up that foreshadow something remember we spoke about types types are images they're not the substance and substance of something to come and this when it comes to the Lord there's always something better when it comes to the Lord you were always looking for something better and it's funny with evolution in the in the religion I'll call it religion of evolution it's saying man is always getting better that things are progressing to the better no it's not evolution there is a lie remember remember a gentleman we spoke about that when you're back when you're in school early in school and we're talking about evolution evolution as a lie things are not getting better things when it comes to man it can only get worse and it's gonna get worse just a warning maybe a warning or a promise however it is but when it's Christ when we anchor with Christ things are always getting better it's always to the better so when you look at the types and you look at these things in the Old Testament it's always looking for something that's better and though just a shadow when we're looking at these things in the Old Testament great care had to be taken for these things and how much more important is it that which the very substance of the worship needs to be approached with fear and trembling and that was Philippian says Philippian says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling but you might say well that was then and that's now he might say well in the Old Testament there was there was that mean God he was the he was this God that would just kill you right there on the spot was it that God was mean or was it just these things meant so much to the Lord his righteousness means so much to the Lord it's not that he's means he's caring for something that's his and what is his his very own integrity is so important that he would take one out at the very instant and why does he don't do that now that should be the question now why should he do that now is it because the power of the Lord Jesus Christ who sit in heaven that's continuing make an intercession for us remember how the Lord Lord told Moses I'm getting ready take him out I'm gonna wipe him out and it's all about the Israelites and I'm gonna make I'm gonna rise up a new people through you through Noah earth not through no through Moses we got that this morning didn't we hun you know it's how big a test that was for Moses Moses could have said I'm the man okay go ahead wipe him out Lord go that they're just next people and I'll go ahead and you can raise a good name after me not written instead of Abraham everybody be talking about me I'd be father Moses but Moses passed that test didn't he Moses says Lord what is your enemy's gonna say about you and but the Lord and and here's the Lord he wiped out thousands of Israelites on that first generation all 20 and up died just died in the wilderness I don't know if they just dropped there or what it's not like a pretty mean God now let's not look at like this let's think of it God as loving his integrity and so should we so it's Paul who says we approach that to draw near to God with how with fear and trembling see our where we lose sight of who and what God is we lose the fear and you could describe it however you want all or whatever can you love someone and yet fear them well I certainly love my stepfather at that right Michael right we love that step father but Michael were you afraid to be on the wrong side of that man it's not a good place to be that's right we love our fathers but when but yet you don't you you you had that reverential awe and respect for him you did not want to be on the wrong side you don't want to be on the wrong side of God but how often do we just we we we're no longer careful but one of the signs let me tell you this one of the signs of growing up in the Lord is our attitude in our fear of the Lord that sin is no longer and we know that we're sin is something we're not supposed to do and early on before we our attitude changes on on sin as we grow up when we're when we're young in the faith we will look at sin as something we're not supposed to do oh I did that I'll confess my sins and he's faithful and just forgive us my sins and blends me off I'm all in righteousness and I say my bad Lord and I carry on okay you're young in the faith you don't know you really don't know the you don't you're still growing you're learning that's a mechanic you learn but you know what happens when you start growing in the Lord and you start loving the Lord and you're growing your attitude the mechanics is still there but your attitude is a little different because you recognize sin offends the integrity of God it offends him and you know what I do believe this is me speaking I do believe that grace that the that that grace is it let me put it this way that the Lord is quicker to bring down discipline on you when you're a little bit more mature to whom much is given much is expected but once again it's it's the same mechanics if we could best our sense he's faithful and just forgive us our sins and cleanses from all in righteousness but as a mature believer we don't take that lightly as a mature believer we recognize that we've just offended the integrity of God when you get to know see the problem with our spiritual life listen if we have a spot problem in our spiritual life this is all of us at the point that we have a problem in our spiritual life we have a problem with knowing who God is if we're walking in darkness that's carnality and we're not we we're not turning back to him we're not confessing our sins we're just going about our way and we give little acknowledgement to God whatsoever in our individual lives in our marriages in our family in our trials in our struggles or if entertainment prosperity is is distracting us we have a problem our problem is our is with God is knowing who God is we've forgotten who he is so a part of our repentance is changing our attitude or changing our mindset and me Tim Tim and I spoke a little bit about repentance and it's not just feeling sorry for your sins okay I've I've I did this and I changed my mind about that no it's about as you're maturing the acts the actual thing you're doing is just changing your mindset and going back into the like going back in and bringing your mindset back in relationship with God first Corinthians Paul writes give me give me first Corinthians 6 19 someone we do worship the same God he thinks and he thinks nothing less of how we are to approach him than he did before that we are to approach him with fear and trembling greater you got first Corinthians 6 19 or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit to his Indian whom you have from God or that you are not your own or you have been but with a price therefore glorify God in your body all right now what happened when you desecrated something that belonged to God in the Old Testament like if you touch the ark of the covenant you die just like that but the ark of covenants not here anymore Paul saying now it's your bodies all of us who are in Christ Paul is reminding us that our bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit it's sacred and with your relationship with God recognizing that we're sacred you see arrogance and arrogance we could think too much of ourselves we could think that I'm all that in the bag of chips but arrogance can be also thinking too low of ourselves the kicking the can down the road kind of thing and say what was me I'm just the lowest thing no humility is correctly assessing yourself on who you are in the eyes of God and God views us as our bodies as a sacred temple that's just like the Chicana glory was in the in the arca in the in the tabernacle he sees us and so our bodies we should be I say that we should be as as Peter says and I believe in 1 Peter 1 to be holy to be sanctified to be walking the Lord to be holy to be to to be sanctified for service to him I if I looked at you and I said and I see you and I see your I see the way you live your life I see how you handle people I see how you handle challenges I should you don't have to wear to Jesus wear you don't have to wear the shirts and the printed shirts and the jewelry across the stuff if I didn't know you just by the way you conduct your life and seeing that light shine from you I should suspect very much so that you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ you're being you're taking your as you're growing in the Lord you're you're being careful with what you say with what you think your marriage is your you're you're fulfilling the role that God has placed you in that marriage as unto the Lord you're working as unto the Lord your life becomes a let's just say a pleasing aroma to the Lord and you're becoming a holy sacrifice upon that altar as you're as you're growing him that's our life that should be our life's ambition and and while I'm excited for you I pray for you every day that you're getting ready to graduate you're that's exciting and it should be exciting and when when I was there it I didn't know where I was going you I think you've got a little bit more of a better plan than I did when I was at your coming up age but nonetheless there is no greater ambition in any of our lives than to to come to the spiritual maturity in Christ if you if you are the a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ if you accept him as your Lord and Savior there's no way nothing could take that away from you you are positionally right with God till a day you die and you may go out that door and you may not think of God again for the rest of your life you are still safe now a lot of people argue with that but let me remind you you are a you are saved on the base on what Christ did not on the base of what you did or didn't do you've trusted in him for eternal life and you can't lose that once you're born again you can't become unborn but let me remind you that you can lose an inheritance an eternal inheritance and and it's not just our ambition to gain or not gain an inheritance in heaven but again a part of your maturity is the fact that you love the Lord the one who saved you and I want to stand before the Lord having lived a life that was worthy of that life that he saved I do not want to stand before the Lord as an ingrate see what I'm saying all right somebody give me James 4 8 James 4 8 go ahead son draw near for God and he will draw near to you clean your hands you sinners and verify your hearts and double-minded and so coming to our ambition in life what is our ambition and ambition like to draw near to the Lord to draw closer to him to draw closer in that relationship and what what is it here in this verse James 4 8 what is it that you must do as a prerequisite to draw near to God what's that sound like water gunner confession of a sense cleansing he's faithful and just forgive us our sins we've been walking in the darkness rather than the light recognizing where we are situation awareness and in coming back man he'll there is not a sin that he will not forgive us of and to cleanse us from when we turn back to him to bring us back into the light Philippians 2 12 what is that all right there just as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your salvation with fear even with ball ball being out of the out of the picture especially when Paul's out of the picture they're not doing what they're doing to please Paul they're doing what they're doing to to adjust properly to the grace of God to God himself to the person of God remember grace is not that which you can do and and that you can get over on God grace demands a response grace means that God doesn't crush you the next time that you commit a personal sin and when wherever that time is matter of fact right now you can be sending your socks off you may have something something against the preacher up here and you may be sending your socks off and God's not crushing you that's great but what are you going to do with what God has given you and so Paul's out of the picture and as we're growing near to Lord listen your motivation once again talking about drawing near to God your motivation is going to change as you draw near to him your motivation is going turning when there's a genuine love for the Lord so point of application just because you are not shaken in your boots and abstract fear right now does not mean that there's nothing to be afraid of there is not one of us who deserves to take the next breath and Romans 3 23 is all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and this is where it brings us the our spiritual life our growing in the Lord begins with going through that door of salvation and we cannot do that apart from the work of Christ has done initially our lives and growing in the Lord is a response to everything that Christ did for us on the cross and then what he continues to do in heaven in that heavenly tabernacle the continuous forgiving of our sins the greatest has come but should we not be and complete all our very attitudes of fear and trembling comes with the measure of maturity of knowing who God is my teacher had said on numerous occasions the most important doctrine that you should know is the essence of God if I ask you who your God is can you can you actually spend some time can we spend some time together how much time can you spend meditating on who and what God is but I say Grady who is your God Grady or a while he who's your God Terry who's your God can you spend some time and sit down with me and let me tell you who my God is and let me tell you who his son is this comes with our growth this comes with our personal growth and listen again two most important things in your life is the word of God and walking by means of the Spirit under the ministry of that spirit and growing in him every day Peter's Peter second Peter 3 18 says but growing grace in the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be the glory both now and the day of eternity amen so this is where we come to Hebrews 10 1 where it says make perfect coming back to 10 1 again Hebrews 10 1 by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year make perfect or make complete the the word on here is to let oh to let oh remember that that's part of your questions on there and until that oh means to execute fully to discharge to reach the end of the run through finish this is being brought to completion so these the blood of bulls and goats were was a religious practice it was a ritual and as I've often said rituals are a physical manifestation of a spiritual reality these were to bring you into the rest things that we cannot see but they're very much important to us make it perfect does not mean sinless perfection I'll say that again because somebody may have it may have a question on that what does it mean by being made perfect it does not mean ever for us and while living in the body that we are sinless be careful that you think you be careful that you think you stand lest you fall that old man the old sin nature is always hanging around every corner ready to ready to jump out ready to sometimes we don't even need Satan to jump to pester us our sin nature does a good job out of trying to keep us out of the light where's about Paul talks about it in Galatians chapter 5 there's the conflict between the spirit and the body there's a constant conflict between the two and the moment that you let you guard down the moment that you start I'll call you a spiritual slacker the moment that you think that well I don't need a Bible study today I don't need to read my Bible the minute that you stop praying the minute listen these things fortify your position in the Lord and when you start putting these things down and you set these things aside because you've got work because school because you've got a new relationship a new girlfriend a new boyfriend your husband's a knucklehead whatever is the moment that you whatever it is listen I say this again that whatever causes you to become a slacker to start to push whatever causes you to slack off expect more of it whatever distracts you from the spiritual life expect more of it the idea is that that we live in a body corruption and there's a conflict between the spirit and the body and every day we have to make choices and and relation to what the spirit what the Holy Spirit and not the flesh it's it's who are you going to bow you need to you go about a need to your own way well I wish I remember the Latin phrase Tim you might know the Latin remember the Latin phrase the he is a winner who conquers himself and Tim's body on his phone writing it to me right now but can't use my phone wants use as camera Tim's but thank you anyway but the concept is there he is a winner who conquers himself your battle is with more so with the flesh now once once once you start surrendering to the Holy Spirit and you begin to growing and you begin to put some meat on your flesh and your faith that's when Satan actually takes notice of you or at least his this is minions that's when that's when you kneel that's when Satan feels like you need a little bit but when we're spiritual weenies that's great by the way when we're we're spiritual weenies say no you have to bother us we do enough to keep ourselves distracted so me made perfect isn't sinless perfection it's spiritual maturity and the bulls are blood and goats and listen your religion doesn't perfect you whatever your and when I say religion normally remember what we said about religion religion is and and I said I said this caveat before it's not that the fact that I say well churches bad don't go to church I'm not saying that I'm saying this religion and itself as it is that man seeks seeking the approbation of God or by his own plans by his own way these are really this is religion let me remind you that our our faith isn't based on religion it's based on relationship relationship with Christ and it wasn't for the Israelites it wasn't bulls and goats that brought them into that relationship to make them make them perfect so the completed work of the Lord taking us from being justified to a point of faith in Christ then goes on to be sanctified or shall we say consecrate for service unto the Lord in worship this is what it means by being made perfect you have being made complete tell a tell chaos this means that you've got self-control in a sense that you are under the governing ministry of God the Holy Spirit you're going where he has you to go you're being why he has to be do what he has to do and you might be asking well how do I know when the Holy Spirit is directing me this way or that way not people say well I just feel the spirit is doing this and spirits doing that now are you doing the little things that God has set before you are you in this word are you fellow shipping together or you doing the things that are pleasing to God are you growing in the Lord those are the first things first first things first do the simple things first God doesn't give you big things to do first not normally I won't put God in a box say he never does that but for the most part he gives us little things and what's those little things are in his word obey his word walk in the spirit when I say walk in the spirit that means authority walking in the authority of God and anything that knocks you out of that place your your sins at a tongue maligning judging gospel those are sins at a tongue that can knock you out of fellowship with the Lord and no longer underfilling ministry of God the Holy Spirit it may be my mental attitude my fear my my abstract worry and hatred bitterness anger those things lust those things will take me out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit could be overt sense great he could come up knock me out because he because he don't like what I'm saying you know and that's overt sense something you did so if I'm going to move forward I've got to know that I am saved I've got to know that I do have a secure relationship with the Lord Hebrew chapter 10 verse 2 great he give me that one otherwise would they not have seized to be offered because the worshipers having won't spend clean with no longer have had consciousness all right you see they these these children the children of Israel never moved forward every year they had to go in they every year they had to give another sacrifice for their sins they and the maybe only for a few moments for a lot of them some of us remember I'll tell you exactly how what probably felt on the day of atonement some of us have been when remember back when we were first saved some of us grew up in Christian families and we really don't know we really hadn't had that experience maybe in baptism you may have had this experience where and baptism is a public proclamation of a what happened spiritually I won't go into that but there's not a point that you felt refreshed it felt I remember I was at an answer Michael you remember the Nazarene church down in Boston yeah yeah and it was if you remember Sidney Crother actually invited me Mark Ben Mark Ben Clyde and Jack to that service we didn't know it was a God we didn't know it was a revival and people that me people them me my brother knew very well growing up Michael's probably smiling right now because there's some memories behind those things and those people but anyway I remember that that's when I received Christ I was 17 years old and receiving Christ it felt like I was I was perfectly out all everything everything that weighed upon my shoulders and in my soul of sin and everything else when was clear it was cleared out I was I'll walk walk down the island I didn't really get there were some people down there crying and everything else I just okay you know they said come on down there I went down there and I really don't remember what they said but there was I do remember that was like a relief it was a and now what that relief was that a God that I knew existed that you see I've always said that or that often that it's not a problem knowing who God is it's a pro knowing God is a problem because I've sinned against this God and there's a conscience that I was separated from this God I had a problem and when I learned of the Lord Jesus Christ and what he did and that's through Jesus that my sins were were taken care of we took care of them on the cross it was kind of like see once a year and those devout Jews that are still Jews once a year they get to feel that feeling and for however long it takes they fall right back into sin they're still conscious of sin because those bulls and goats they have told me don't take away nothing and they may feel fresh they may feel clean they just they just took a shower and they got all that gook off of them and they took a bath and scrubbed the head to toe and they feel great up until they get dirty again which won't take too long after that day and they have to wait till another year do you not realize we have a Christ a Lord Jesus Christ that cleanses us and what does this do Jesus said knowing the truth and it shall set you free it releases us to serve it doesn't see our salvation means so much more and knowing it means so much more than oh I'm getting out of hell oh I'm I'm out of hell I'm good to go here's my card I'm I'm good to go it means so much more than that because when I recognize that there's no longer a how which call an entity between me and God a hostility between me and God through Jesus Christ now I can serve him you cannot serve God as his enemy and I was the enemy of God and it wasn't religion that got me there it wasn't a bull it wasn't a blood of bulls and goats that got me there it was knowing this is why Paul says work out your salvation with fear and trembling it's knowing it's having for sure you know I meet people from time to time that are still everything good on your buzzing okay I there were people people that I meet from time to time that they think you can lose your salvation and one guy I said I bought eyeball and I still hold to this this was some time ago and I said you know what everybody that I meet who think that they can lose their salvation they do not have a spiritual life and they have a problem with serving God because if I'm still rock with guilt and shame within my heart thinking that God still has something against me or I can lose my salvation that I'm busy trying to hold on to something that I can't lose if I'm truly saved see once I recognize that I'm truly saved I can get down to living for Christ I can get down to living for Him so I don't have to keep going back I don't have to keep getting baptized I don't have to keep wondering if I'm saved I don't have to keep going back to to asking God for forgiveness and to save me I'm saved and if I go to 1 John 1 9 that you know and it's not a license to send but it's license of service recognizing that that I'm out of bounds and confessing those sins that He's faithful and just forgive us their sins cleanses from all unrighteousness He is because remember what John the Baptist said what did gentlemen one greaty John the Baptist saw Jesus and he said behold anybody Michael behold and the son of God the Lamb of God the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world this is exciting because Christ didn't just die for his people he died for all of us he was a lamb not just the Israelites had they pass over lamb the Passover is theirs we're Gentile nations what we got they're getting saved what we got I mean but John the Baptist says behold the Lamb of God that takes the way the sin of the Israelites know the whole world he's yours he's mine he's for everyone that professes him as in faith wow can we can we just get an amen on that so the unbeliever though will act to the contrary the unbeliever is weighed down with the sins as I was weighed down with my sins and maybe I'm personal but there are unbelievers out there that's that that their heathens eat drink and sleep today because tomorrow we may die the fun and one of the funniest things would it would be funny if it wasn't tragic is that homosexuals like to refer to themselves as gay and though they may turn around and they may act at you know Mac a lot of times that they are the happiest in the world that they are not weighed down with with this or that the other thing my question is why are they committing suicide I know at least two one has been successful and maybe you all know some one been successful at suicide one one attempted suicide at least once maybe more and messed themselves up pretty bad if they're so gay why why is because they're still anchored in their sins they're still no matter how listen listen gentlemen listen to me you may be looking at sinners and sinners love to advertise how much sin is good how much you get away with this and get away with that Solomon talks about this in Proverbs and you know people I know you know people I know you know at least one or two that their way of life has destroyed them and it's destroyed every possibility of happiness Christ bridges that gap between you and God he cleansed that consciousness he takes away the penalty that guilt that shame so that you can get busy to living for him you're still going to struggle with sin when you're when you're a baby believer you still going to you're still going to have a struggle with sin but as you grow you won't become sin less but you will send less you will understand that but it begins with a affirmation first of all the God that Jesus died for your sins God didn't die for you since Jesus died for sins he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son to whoever trusts in him shall not perish but have eternal life and then at that point knowing that you've been set free not to go back and use that liberty as Paul says in Galatians not to use your liberty just to go on sinning but to use that liberty and that freedom to grow and the Lord to live a life that's pleasing to him we'll close out this morning with our hymn and you have your hymn notes let's turn to 473 victory in Jesus and as you're doing that let me just remind you a few things remember next week Tuesday the 26th is the Great Upstate Bible Challenge that is chapters 11 through 15 be studying them that's where our questions are going to be coming from and the we will get together Wednesday night not Tuesday night for prayer meeting I just don't have my schedules isn't working that we can meet together on Tuesday so it's just an invitation if you're here we got fun yeah yeah I just went to the night I'm gonna be praying here so if you want to come and join join us for prayer that evening I'll zoom Mike if you want to join us and Mike and Terry I'll just bring it up on zoom if you want join us but Tuesday night at seven o'clock or Wednesday night at seven o'clock we will be doing it and then Tuesday night we're coming back for our finishing up on on this lesson so anyway sir all right four seventy three victory in Jesus that's praying Father in heaven to all those within the sound of my voice first of all that first great decision that any of us can make is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for our eternal life knowing that there's nothing that we can do on our behalf but Christ did it all and as he who bridges the gap between us and God and that it is this Jesus who remains in heaven at this point at this time make an intercession for us knowing that but believing in him we are no longer enemies of God but we are friends of God through Christ our sins have been forgiven and we are free to press on not just to live our lives as we've always lived but to press on to maturity let us press forward to the thank vacation to living a life that is worthy for a life that's been saved that one day that each of us will it may stand before the judgment seat of Christ before our Lord Jesus Christ to give it to receive that well done good and faithful servant the day is closing where no one can do any work in this life is our window of opportunity to serve him because once that window is closed that opportunity there's no do overs we can't go back and redo a life so let us take treat each day as prens as precious as we continue to grow in grace in the Lord and save it Jesus Christ in whose name we pray amen all right thank you for being with us this morning Michael Amanda and Jolene have yourself a nice safe trip back look forward to getting back Manda you're not off the hook I still need my stick so all right so I'm out anyway we'll see you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you You You