Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

worship call 1128 The Logistical officer - 2024/08/09 (2)

Some people spend their whole lives making a living. Some retire to spend their later years relaxing, play golf. those who are in Christ should we ourselves recognize that life is not about making the living but living the life of service to our Lord. He will provide the living while we serve in the Life.

Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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now here's today's message many people spend their lives trying to make a living sad to say you know what I'm talking about sad to say they'll they'll go their whole life and the whole their whole center of their lives are centered around but food on table keeping roof over heads and and it's kind of with the philosophy that if it's to be if it's to be it must be me to do it and they fail to recognize that we do have a logistical officer in heaven to provide our every need so that we can go on and do the most important things in this life and that is carrying on and forward his ministry this is the sixth day of the week and God's created order the ninth day of the eighth month 2020 fourth year of our Lord and this is another fine day in the Lord father in heaven thank you for this opportunity once again their fellowship in your word we thank you Heavenly Father for the time that you've given us this parentheses of time between the time we're born especially the time we're born again to the time that we depart this earth to be face-to-face with thee to receive our evaluation as Christians pray Heavenly Father to open our hearts to study this morning as we continue to grow and grace in the knowledge of our Lord and say be Jesus Christ and whose name we pray amen and yeah we were just talking this morning about the fact that we do live in a time and you may say listen you may say it's a time of uncertainty and we may rub our hands and you may be sitting on the edge of the seat to see what next the next day is going to bring and and how it's going to change listen changes changes happening all the time and and in the time in which we live it's in a secular world we're looking at things getting better I'd say rethink on that the important thing that we do each day is the abide in the Lord is to center our hearts upon Scripture center our hearts on our spiritual life doubled down on our spiritual life and I it is the Word of God that we need to take in and with the Word of God that's going build our faith and it's going to give us something and it's going to give us sustenance of heart and everything else comes out of that our obedience our prayer life our our assembling together our ministry everything will come out of the Word of God who would saturate in their hearts and with the outpouring of faith so abiding is the best is the thing that we do for preparation in this time we are back in our scripture and John oh we're we're at John we'll start just born verse 5 21 verse 5 let me see I think do this there we go oh no I didn't set this this set us up this morning hold on I have to do better on doing that there we go all right here we go and action so Jesus said to them children you do not have any fish do you and they answered no and again this fish isn't exes but it is the word prosufana again let me let me bring up let me do this let me pronounce it and I have to do this hold on I had it I had it good earlier and we will I see always I do like the strong so I when it's strong she'll help you pronounce these things and so with the strong with the strong and it's Prospog and Prospog E and G in let's let's forget it here's what it means it's a it is a anything eaten with bread spoken of fish boiled or broiled so this is for a prosper again is a is a already prepared food it's it's lunch it's it's you got food in a refrigerator and you might have a fish in a refrigerator and that would be a exus and but this is our game prosper again and it's it's something that's produce it's is a fish that's prepare a food so Jesus is on the shore and he yells out he does or he calls out he says he got anything to eat and I'm sure that the resurrected body requires to know you know we talked a little bit about it yet the yesterday that it's it's interesting to know that the resurrected body does eat and I believe it's for one enjoyment that it's going to be one of the blessings that we have it's going to be the marriage supper to them we're going to have the resurrected body and we're going to be able to eat it's not to sustain the the resurrected body especially not earthly food anyway but nonetheless we we saw way back in Genesis with the the three men one of them was the Lord Jesus Christ the other one to angels well they ate Abraham had cakes of bread and meat prepared for them and they ate so even angels eat and not just for enjoyment but I also believe it's for a big think communion we do we do eat and drink for communion but throughout the Bible we also see this is where there is a a covenant that is made going all the way back to Isaac and and Jacob or Esau and Isaac and Jacob and he tells Esau to go out and prepare some food so I can bless you he's getting ready to to make a covenant with the so and during marriage marriage contracts the fathers would come together and they would they would eat together and so has so having a meal has a lot to do with communion with one another and the big thing for me to learn when that changes my perspective just a little is that the Lord is asking if they caught anything he was a in this word prosper he but he and he's asking them if they they've caught anything so how many times have we thought you know focused upon the fish and if they caught any fish you know there I know it seems to me like and at this point that he's asking if they've got anything to eat and this brings back something it is there there's bookmarks there's things that or triggers let me say triggers things that trigger our memory of things in the Bible and I think this happens all the time to us if we're if we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will bring things even in our lives to trigger a memory it takes us back and it's kind of like the Lord saying it was in a Lord or spirit or both saying this is what I was teaching you before I brought you to this place before and you may not have known it then but you get that ah-ha moment and you can say oh I remember that time when this happened and I can see the lessons coming from it what what doesn't what triggers your mind when when Jesus says you got anything to eat well for me it takes me back to mark 813 and remember this story here with Jesus and the disciples leaving them they leave in them a year again embarked and went away to the other side there they're on the boat the disciples are on the boat they had just fed the multitudes Jesus had just with a boy's lunch he fed he fed the multitudes with with just a very little and they were there for this so leaving them he again embarked and went away to the other side and they had forgotten to take bread and did not have more than one loaf in the boat with them and he was given orders to them saying watch out beware of 11 of the Pharisees and 11 of Herod and they began to discuss with one another the fact that they had no bread Jesus is trying to teach them something and they said they're talking to each other maybe they were reminded during the during the bottle glass whoa we forgot to bring bread and Jesus aware of this he said to them might be discussed the fact that you have no bread do you not yet see or understand do you have a hardened heart having eyes to see and having ears do you not hear and do you not remember when I broke when I broke the five loads and the five thousand how how many baskets full broken pieces you picked up and they set them 12 when when I broke the seven for the four thousand how many large baskets full of broken pieces did you pick up and they said seven and he said and he was saying to them you don't understand do you not understand and they and they and they and they came to perfect says that and they and they goes on but it brings back to that mind he's trying to teach them something he taught him one thing and taught him a lesson about the about the memory to go back these men were fishers of men not fishers of fish they were fishers of fish at one point but the Lord says I will make you fishers of men in Matthew and they had to left the business they had left their living for the higher calling they had left their careers they had left their businesses to follow Jesus and Jesus has worked for them to do the Lord will provide yes and and again this life isn't about making a living this life is about living for the life and the life of the believer is in service to him that's our higher calling the service to the Lord and he is in the Marines and the serve I guess not don't Marines but in the service there is what we call have the S4 remember that Tim I'm sure you do then did you for the S4 the logistical officer it wasn't it wasn't for the soldier the Marine this the sailor to go out and and fend for himself okay boys go out find something to eat and come on back and fight a war no there was the logistics officer the support team that supports the man in the field the man on the ship with his logistics that he can fight the war the main thing was to fight the war and complete the mission and he can't do and to do that on an empty stomach so we have a higher calling and it is our Lord Jesus Christ who is our our logistical officer he provides for our every need John 21 six and he said to them cast a net on the right side on the right hand side of the boat and you will find a catch okay so there's gonna be there's gonna be subset success and what they're doing here so they cast and it's gonna be the Lord that's going to provide for them that success so the Lord will bless the work of your hands in the secular world to provide for food on table the roof over your head what have you so he's going to bless them here so they cast and then they were not able to haul it all in because of the great number of fish and this should trigger the memory of the disciples on the day that the Jesus had swamped their boats with fish in the past and this time it was the ex-boost in Matthew 1536 and 1727 and Luke 5 6 and then we're talking about the fish itself and again I'll go back to memories are important and I find that a fascinating them people you know people with with debilitating mental diseases and what have you and in this interest about that people cannot people with built in memories may not remember your name they may not remember what they did yesterday or maybe even this morning month you know they're there and their mental state but they can remember what they can have memories of when they were little girls of boys are growing up and they can have they can have a long-term memory remember things like they were just happened but they'll forget the things short-term memory but memories my teacher used to call them the fragrance of memories you know they we can look back and they're here like the storage compartments and there's things to there's things that we can learn from those memories there are those things that we can recall that Jesus teach us then and here's the thing with Jesus probably his providential hand is working in our thing can you can I get an amen on this that for you believers that you you may not know it know it then you are maybe unbelievers maybe you were not even of the Lord in a particular period of your life but now that you are and you look back then you're able to those memories see what the word was doing in your life and even be you have the aha moment and those lessons that you learn are certainly value now amen to our memories you see you see why drug abuse and alcoholism and those things that mess up our minds are so so wrong so bad that it destroys our thinking it destroys those memories it wipes them out and destroying our minds the and so these memories become very important and there are times in the Bible that you'll find or what we're saying here is things that Jesus uses to trigger the memory to bring their memory back to what they were teaching in the past later on they're going to have the Holy Spirit and if they can do this now wait till they get the Holy Spirit remember what the Holy Spirit said I don't believe they have it now even though Jesus what we what we talked about before he breathed on there and told them to receive the Holy Spirit but I don't think they have received it yet because of their there yet to be little face as soon as Peter receives that Holy Spirit remember and acts he's going to be be teaching right then he's it's going to affect him immediately I don't think they have it right there but imagine what they're going to do when they receive the Holy Spirit and John twenty one seven therefore that that disciple whom Jesus loved it remember who who is this one who's the one that Jesus loved John remember John that therefore that's cycle whom Jesus loved is this John John never identifies himself in his in his teaching he says therefore that's cycle whom Jesus loved said to Peter it is the Lord so that when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he put on his outer garment for he was stripped for work and he threw himself into the sea but here again here again we see couple things first of all we see the impossiveness of Peter his personality his upfront and the first one this brings brings me back to the back to the when they were running for the the tomb when they received the news about the empty tomb and they went running John John ran and he said the the one that Jesus loved he out he was the first one to get there but Peter passed John and went into the tomb said that though John was the first to believe Peter passed John and went on into to the first one in the tomb and and here again we see his impossiveness John identifies Jesus and Peter jumps out into the water and again another moment to reminisce let's go to Matthew 14 25 and in the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea when the disciples saw him walking on a sea they were terrified and say it is a ghost and they cried out in fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying take courage it is I did I be afraid and Peter said to Lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water and he said come and Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to toward Jesus but seeing the wind he became frightened and beginning to sink he cried out Lord say me immediately Jesus stretched out of hand and took hold of him and said to him you of little faith why do you doubt and remember where they're at at this point it was it was Peter who I believe you know was doubting that that doubting the Lord's forgiveness at this point and again another object lesson to look back upon you know he even be able to evaluate his own failure and so Peter was the first one to go into that empty tomb as we said and then Peter seemed to be always the one who spoke up first remember on the Mount Transfiguration Jesus Peter spoke up and say hey it's good that we be here you know Elijah and Moses and Jesus yeah I'll make three tabernacles and the Lord showed him up on that and Peter was the first to respond to the revelation that this is Jesus and yes by character Peter is impulsive yes many times I'm sure there was many arguments and many times the other disciples rolled their eyes at Peter and said come on but nonetheless he was always the front man and this is and Jesus uses that personality and it's harder it's harder I've heard this as a metaphor before it's easier to push a large object already in motion you're pushing a car it's pushing a car to a certain place it's easier to go ahead and get it going or continue to push it that's already a motion didn't take a stop car and and push it and get it get it going Peter was already moving but again that's when he gets the Holy Spirit when he receives the Holy Spirit wow he's going to be such a leader we talk so much about Peter who who denied Christ three times and we it seemed like that's all we know about Peter but Peter ends up being a phenomenal phenomenal believer and so yeah if you're a front man yeah you're gonna step on yourself in your toes and quite quite often until you learn how to fly and so he is a leader in the faith even with his misgivings and and once he received the Holy Spirit man we he's going to really take off John 21 8 and 9 but the other disciples came in a look in the little boat for they were not far off from the land and they don't want to jump out they now these boats are full of full of well they were dragging their net but they they still had the fish to take care of but about a hundred yards dragging the net full of fish and so when they got out of the left got out on the land they saw charcoal fire already laid and fish placed on it and bred okay and this fish and this once again we find this right here prepared food and prepared food once again we'll come back at that and that's I don't know why I why have a heart sorry I'm as ops sorry I'm for a presumed derivative based small fish and placed on it Jesus said to them bring some of the fish which you have have caught now and so they had to fish and they fished all night in only and and fishing all night they you could bet they were hungry and they came in and okay they had to fish but you can have all the fish in the world it's not prepared you're still going to be hungry but Jesus had prepared for them while they were out on whatever time he got there he here is the resurrection I don't know it blows my mind to to just see the to see the resurrected Christ him in his body on this earth going around collecting up driftwood and whatever around there to to build just just an image of him even while they were they were out of sight they were not in there they were out of sight when he was preparing this just and point of application you know Jesus Jesus is not always at our front door well Jesus is not our front door he's at the right hand of the father in his hypo skype union but he still prepares for us he still taking care of us and John 21 10 and Jesus said to bring some of the fish which you have caught now now caught and Simon Peter went up and drew the net to the land full of fish 153 and although there were so many the net was not torn and as opposed that there are many sermons written about this the one thing that enters from my mind as you all may think you can think of you know y'all you know you don't need to be preachers to think about this but I could tell you this all that all the fish were counted the nets were not breaking broke none were loose are you thinking about this one right here this is John 639 this is the will of him who sent me that of all that he has given me I will lose nothing but raise it it up on the last day for this is the will of my father that everyone who beholds a son and believes in him will have eternal life and I myself will raise him up on the last day for John 1028 and I give them eternal life to them and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hands my father has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand the sir the Lord certainly has his catch number you and I are numbered in that catch and on the practical basis though they haven't a lot why is the number there well it was part of business on a practical side they would number the fish because you know they would divide it out among all the fishing in there so they so everyone would have an equal share in the fish at the market John 21 12 Jesus said to them come and have breakfast and none of the disciples ventured to question who you will who are you knowing that it was the Lord their eyes were now opened Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them and the fish likewise it's almost like communion in it he's the one doing the service Jesus is not only the one who has prepared but he's doing the service he's doing even this it's just to me it's just beautiful just the way it's written this is now the third time that Jesus was manifested to disciples and after he after he was raised from the dead Jesus is the provider and this is a picture that we see and he has risen and we can we can believe and we can trust that Jesus Christ is risen and that he is in the body but do we trust him to be our provider do we we are in the service to him can we trust him we're coming into some dreadful time folks I'm convinced of it we're coming into a time when we might know not know where our next meal is coming from and many of us are not used to that and we need to know whom we trust the Lord here is providing us a picture of who provides for us Psalm 21 23 1 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures Psalm 34 9 Oh fear the Lord you his saints for to those who fear him there is no one the young lines do lack and suffer hunger but they who seek the Lord shall not be in one of anything to promise folks Psalm 34 10 okay we already covered that and I'll live in 419 and my God will supply all your needs according to the riches in glory and Christ Jesus now to the God the Father be the glory forever and ever amen so his glory goes to him as as his those who belong to him he cares for the glory goes to him so and remember Jesus does not listen okay well that was then this is now no it's not it's the same thing remember Jesus did not have to go to heal and that centurion understood that no you just say the word and it's going to happen when when that centurion was there and wanting Jesus to to heal his servant and he says no no no I go this way in that way and all you have to do is save the word and and he will be healed Jesus didn't have to go face to face to supply the needs of somebody who was living a distance away sometimes he went sometimes you could do it right where you is and now Jesus is galaxies and galaxies away at the right hand of father sitting at at the throne of the father but nonetheless it's our needs are not any any less provided for he is the logistic officer he provides for our every need we've got a service you and I are believers in the Lord you strike we have a ministry and listen the church has not the church has not monopolized our ministry it that they they church you have the pastor you have the son of school need teacher you have those things but ministry doesn't stop at the doors of this church ministries go out into the world wherever you're working you're working on a roof and and and you need to be looking for those divine opportunities that the Lord is going to put you at the right place at the right time you may be sitting at home but a Bible so you have a knock on the door somebody's going to call you on the phone you're gonna be ministering over the phone maybe you can't get out of house we are here for a purpose God is not a arbitrary God any if God was an arbitrary God he'd simply save us and bring us home but he's not an arbitrary God he leaves us here for a purpose and it's our purpose here it isn't just to live and sit at the bus station waiting to go get car to home to heaven we have a ministry the Lord will provide for us and and sometimes and mom you know this sometimes it's not until the last minute and sometimes we may not sometimes our refrigerators may not be full of of the variety of food but we always have enough thanks be to God he is our logistic officer father in heavens thank you for this opportunity it's more in fellowshiping in your thank you for their your grace your support thank you for your faithfulness and we pray heavily follow that that thank you for it because it's a freedom that we have knowing that we are going to be provided for that our highest calling isn't just to make a living our highest calling is to serve thee and as you provide me thank you for this this truth in Christ's name we pray amen all right another fine Daniel Lord keep your armor on we are continuing with our Hebrews 12 and on Sunday hope you're with us and we started 11 o'clock and so until then stay motivated Lord keep your armor on keep fighting good fight of faith Lord willing spirit God rapture penny we'll see you in the am or Sunday thank you for joining us you can hear this message again as well as previous lessons and get notes by visiting us online at you you you you you [BLANK_AUDIO]